decaymagic · 5 years
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A lightning bolt. Dionysus appears in emerald beauty. Be clever, Ariadne! … You have little ears; you have my ears: Put a clever word in them! — Must one not first hate oneself, in order to love oneself? … I am your labyrinth … Nietzsche, “Ariadne’s Lament” from Dionysos-Dithyramben
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decaymagic · 5 years
NAME. cordelia vega. TITLES / OTHER. captain death. captain c/sea. that cruel bitch. death’s knife. the ocean’s wrath.
DATE OF BIRTH. unknown. she’s practically a myth at this point. PLACE OF BIRTH. the ocean.
SPECIES.  half human, half qunari, however no one knows that besides her. she claims human, and looks human. however, her qunari blood does make her a more powerful mage than most humans. GENDER. gender neutral (she/they), they exclusively when referring to vengeance. SEXUALITY. aroflux bisexual.
LANGUAGE(S). common. antivian. rivaini. orlesian. very few words in qunlat, tevene and evlen.
HEIGHT. 6'1". HAIR. black, silky, EYES. golden yellow. if vengeance is in control, glowing white.
NOTABLE MARK(S). when sailing, she has a skull painted over her face. TATTOO(S). enchanted compass tattoo on the back of her left hand that helps her always know which direction is north, and where her ship is. an octopus on her chest. twin sea serpents climbing up her biceps. a line of ships, all different, with thirteen in total, circling around her thigh. some look like warships, trade ships, pirate ships, even a row boat.
CURRENT RESIDENCE. the open sea. LIVING CONDITIONS. her ship, the sea’s wrath. OCCUPATION. pirate.
OTHER. walks like a queen and with the grace of a snake.
FAMILY. captain marcus garcez, father, deceased. marianna garcez, mother, deceased. luke garcez, brother, deceased. sickra garcez, sister, deceased. jesus vega, husband, deceased.
NAME. dee dee song. TITLES/OTHER. storyteller. bright eyes. dee.
LANGUAGE(S). common. antivian. riviani. orlesian. random words in other languages. jokingly boasts that she knows “water” in elven.
CIRCUMSTANCES OF JOINING THE INQUISITION. as inquisitor: she goes into the conclave posing as a prisoner of a band of mercenaries, complete with a cloak that covers most of her body, bloody, bound wrists and bruises from a beating she had her crew give her to make it convincing. she’s a good liar, and everyone believes her, especially after seeing her swollen, scabbed lip and black eye. as companion: meeting the inquisitor in the storm coast in the space between bull’s meeting and the blades of hessarian, hiding in one of the destroyed huts, shivering, cold and frightened. as before, she looks like she’s been a prisoner, and has taken a beating and is extremely cold when found. she joins as a storyteller rogue.
NAME. vengeance.   TITLES/OTHER. none.
LANGUAGES: common, antivian, riviani, orlesian, elven, tevene, qunlat, ancient languages that no one speaks anymore.
CIRCUMSTANCES OF JOINING WITH CORDELIA: after she is left chained to a rock to drown as high tide comes in, vengeance comes to her out of the depths of the fade to offer her salvation and revenge, as well as justice. joining together, they share control over her body, but cordelia has more power over vengeance than most possessed beings do. whenever vengeance assumes some power, it’s an even split down her body, vengeance’s power making half her body light up in runes and makes her eye glow with bright white light. vengeance amplifies her power over water, making it possible for her to summon large waves, control storms and cast much stronger spells in general, but especially lightning spells.
born into one of the more vicious families of pirates on the sea, cordelia was practically sentenced to death from the day she was born. the product of an affair that her father suspected and her mother despised, since the man was a tal-vasoth qunari that she slept with when extremely intoxicated, nothing was easy from her first breath.
perhaps luckily, she never cried. from infancy into her days of learning to walk on a ship, a single tear was never shed. it was likely the only thing that kept either of her parents from bashing in her head.
she was an excellent student, learned faster than her two siblings, and with her worth established, her parents decided to keep her alive and use her. when she learned to speak effectively, her parents discovered she always knew which way they were going. always remembered which way they’d just come from, and where they had to go. she had magic, and they knew it. and she instantly became their best tool. briefly, they treated her better. fed her more. hit her less. hated her less. but of course, people take what they have for advantage. by the time she was eighteen, she was treated the worst of her siblings, but the most was expected of her. the crew was often sympathetic, as she was immensely charming and beautiful, despite her poor diet. she treated them well, when her parents and siblings were cruel. she made them laugh at meals when they weren’t looking, offered them quiet support when things were hard, and most of the crew loved her, but their pity and sympathy only went so far, as they never dared to act out. knowing her family, she didn’t expect them to. she only wanted their support.
she was nineteen when they were attacked by an enemy formidable enough to take them down. instead of sinking their ship, the captain and crew boarded, tied them all up and informed them they would be sold as slaves and their supplies were to be seized. her cordelia’s father, captain marcus, immediately began bargaining for their lives. nothing interested him, until cordelia was brought up, fighting, and her father’s eyes lit up. ’ her! ’ he shouted, indicating her with his head as much as he could with his eyes and ankles bound.
grinning wickedly, jesus looks suddenly interested. ’ i like her hair, ’ he declares, picking up a few silky locks between his fingers, letting is slide through when she fights against him and the two men trying to contain her.
’ she can nagivate! anywhere! and she has magic! lightning! storms! ‘
raising an eyebrow, his interest increases, leaning forward to try and look at her eyes. ’ is that so? ‘
both crews gasp when she rears back and slams her forehead into his face, his tooth cutting her forehead and knocking out one of his bottom teeth. jesus laughs, spitting his bloody tooth into his palm and pocketing it, as if planning to save it (he does). ’ feisty! and strong. magic, you said? prove it. ‘
’ girl, which way is north? ’ her father shouts.
immediately, answering without thinking out of nineteen years of habit, she looks north, eyes intently fixed on the horizon. ’ that way. ‘
’ ha! ’ jesus laughed, grabbing her face in his hands to try and keep her still. blowing air through her nose like a stubborn stallion trying to be tamed, he grins, spinning back to her father. ’ deal! ’
her mother nearly cries out in relief, and cordelia’s shoulders drop, breathing hard. ’ no. ’
her father’s eyes narrow, hissing. ’ yes. you’re just a fucking compass. we’ll be happy without you. ’
the crew looks torn, their loyalties suddenly pushed. a few, mostly younger members of the crew say they’ll join cordelia. her father practically screeches in outrage, but the four volunteers are immediately picked up and carried to jesus’ ship. intrigued further, jesus waves his men off to take them onto his ship. yelling and fighting like a mountain lion, it takes three more men to fully contain and carry her off. he watches her with an air of absolute curiosity and delight.
turning back to her father, jesus practically skips forward before kicking him in the face, stealing every jewel on him and stomping on his groin just for fun. his crew returns to his ship, leaving all of them tied up and shoots several holes into the hull.
brought to his ship, jesus has them set sail before he does anything else. pulling a knife, cordelia has to be held by multiple people as he tries to reassure her he’s not going to stab her, and gets her still long enough to cut her ropes. everyone immediately backs away as quickly as they can, and it’s only the sight of her crew mates being freed that makes her stop.
’ i’d love to make you all part of my crew, ’ jesus says, taking a seat on a barrel. and he does. brutal, unforgiving, and with enough charm to rival cordelia’s, he puts her into an odd space, using her as his navigator with full trust, and flirting continuously. he’s by no means good to her, or her crew mates, but better than her family was.
four months later, jesus “proposes” to cordelia. there’s no rejecting his proposal without getting thrown overboard or beaten, and she knows that if she doesn’t make her way higher into the ranks somehow, she’ll never have any power of her own. she agrees. the wedding is nothing special, done on the ship, and the paperwork that ties their livelihoods together is done the next time they dock. the paperwork is done to effectively bind cordelia to him forever. however, married to him, she instantly becomes second in command, their only reliable navigator, and mage. she helps keep storms less damaging than they would without her, and the crew and jesus begin to trust her with their lives.
he doesn’t anticipate that she’ll use their wedding binds to claim all of his property upon his death. the plan gains momentum over the next few months at sea with the crew, as her four allies get closer to her and she’s able to get to know and get several more crew members more on her side than jesus’.
backstory to be continued.
GIVEN NAME. veronica sawyer.
AGE. 18 at times of musical events.
PLACE OF BIRTH. sherwood, ohio.
SPECIES. human.
GENDER. cis female ( she/her ).
LANGUAGES. english. some where necromancy shit that she doesn’t know how she learned.
OCCUPATION. college student.
CURRENT RESIDENCE. traveling/college that fits the thread’s location.
LIVING CONDITIONS. suv that she lives within/dorm room.
FAMILY: living mother and father.
HEIGHT. 5'1"
BODY TYPE. pair shaped. thick thighs and wide hips.
HAIR. wavy brown.
EYES. brown.
NOTABLE MARKS. faint burn scars on her legs and arms from where she shielded her face when the bomb went off.
MENTAL HEALTH: severe ptsd. maybe something else, since she sees her dead best friend and the two guys she accidentally killed with her boyfriend.
GIVEN NAME. vanya hargreeves.
TITLES / OTHER. number seven. the white violin.
AGE. twenty - eight
PLACE OF BIRTH. october 1st, 1989.
SPECIES. human.
GENDER. cis female ( she/her ).
SEXUALITY. lesbian.
LANGUAGES. english. french. music.
OCCUPATION. violin tutor.
LIVING CONDITIONS. decent apartment.
FAMILY: sir reginald hargreeves, adoptive father, deceased. luther hargreeves, adoptive brother, alive. diego hargreeves, adoptive brother, alive. allison hargreeves, adoptive sister, alive. klaus hargreeves, adoptive brother, alive. number five, adoptive brother, alive. ben hargreeves, adoptive brother, deceased. claire, adoptive niece, alive.
HEIGHT. 5'2".
HAIR. chest length, brown, wavy.
EYES. brown. white.
OTHER. occasionally taps fingers along to whatever song is stuck in her head. leg bounces when nervous or restless.
MENTAL HEALTH: damaged. undiagnosed depression. medicated to keep her powers hidden.
GIVEN NAME. dominic lleene.
NICKNAMES. dom, nick, nicky, mini (only by john, usually), bear cub (nickname from his mother).
AGE. 40.
PLACE OF BIRTH. denver, colorado.
SPECIES. human.
GENDER. demiboy (he/them).
SEXUALITY. pansexual/romantic.
LANGUAGES. english. american sign language.
OCCUPATION. volunteers at a relatively nearby animal shelter until movement from hope county is cut off. sometimes plays gigs for fun more than money.
CURRENT RESIDENCE. hope county, montana.
LIVING CONDITIONS. three-room house on the edge of hope county.
FAMILY: deceased parents, no siblings.
HEIGHT. 6'5.
BODY TYPE. mostly muscle, healthy and very in shape.
HAIR. dark brown into a lighter blonde shade. an inch or two past his shoulders.
EYES. blue.
NOTABLE MARKS. covered in tattoos. small, fading scars scattered on his face from the bomb that damaged his eyes.
OTHER. fully blind. scarred, callused hands. pierced ears. always with at least one of his four dogs. plays piano and sings.
note: all of his dogs are trained to stay with him. they only run off or around when given permission, and run back to him directly upon seeing another person.
mabel/miss mabel, (7 years old, black lab, she/her) his seeing eye dog. definite alpha of the pack. leads erin to wherever dominic tells her to take them. the other dogs look to her for instruction and how to behave. calmest, and in charge of keeping the dogs in line.
jack, (5 years old, doberman shepard mix, he/him) a trained therapy dog for his ptsd and stress, as well as a help for those he knows. also very calm, but can the younger two can occasionally get him to play with them. the definite protector of the pack and dominic.
freya, (2 years old, welsh corgi, she/her) a stray dog that was abandoned when her owner moved out of the city. is shockingly fast for her size. hates being picked up by anyone that isn’t dominic. sometimes rides in a little pouch when they all go for a horse ride.
lady, (2 years old, baseji greyhound mix, she/her) got her when a neighbor’s dog had puppies and couldn’t take care of them all. raised her practically from birth with mabel’s help, who adopted her when dominic brought her home. still acts like a puppy. very excitable and very protective of dominic.
coco, (8 months old, german shepard mix, she/her) ran from her abusive home and ate the food on dominic’s porch until she became comfortable with him and stayed to live with him. extremely playful with the other dogs, like a puppy is, but very, very timid around strangers. mostly hides between/behind dom’s legs until she warms up to the person and feels comfortable.
blessing, (10 years, black, she/her) has had her the longest or any of his animals. shortly after his first seeing eye dog died, she showed up at his house, asleep on top of the dog food bin. dom adopted her the third time she came around and meowed outside his window until he let her in. she loves being near him, and almost always is, either in his sweatshirt pocket, on his shoulder, around his neck, in a bag he carries specifically for her, or otherwise glued to him. doesn’t care much for other people, but loves kids and elderly.
erin (5 years old, dappled grey, he/him) since he can’t drive and there’s mostly dirt roads in hope county, dominic uses him primarily for when he has to go anywhere. he’s lead, always, by mabel, who knows where dominic wants to go based on which location he tells her.
MENTAL HEALTH: ptsd, but fairly sound of mind.
from a young age, dominic showed massive potential. from a young age, his parents surrounded him with music. his mother was a famous pianist, and his father had played guitar in a semi-famous band. both quit touring when dominic went into kindergarten, and only performed if he could come with them. he took to piano like a dog to a bone, having fallen in love with the instrument before he could talk. guitar was like a second language, learning it at the same time as english.
as he got older, dominic became more interested in sports. he played football from a young age, and by high school, he was already a star player. he had excellent grades. he was smart as hell. his college career was set up.
but when dominic was seventeen, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time when a car bomb was set off in the middle of a street, debris blinding him. forced to drop out of high school to recover and relearn how to navigate the world. from a rich family, he was able to get excellent blind therapy, cane and seeing eye dog.
determined, dominic took several years to relearn the world and braille. at twenty three and still learning braille, he got his high school degree with the help of his past teachers. a year of hard work later, he applied and got accepted into college, where he became roommates with john seed. not into his vices, dominic did enjoy his company greatly, and was often seen walking john back to their dorm, or carrying him over his shoulder if passed out.
college was enjoyable. he took several classes he didn’t need simply because his family could afford them and wanted him to study what he wanted. about two years into college and finished with the basic core classes, he found music again. he’d thought he’d have to give up music the same way he had to give up sports, but muscle memory, feeling and his hearing surprised him. he began taking more classes on music instead of sensible subjects, and his parents were not only supportive, but delighted. joy came back into dominic’s life in a big way, and he found he didn’t have to relearn guitar and piano the way he had to learn english. he began to learn how to read music through braille, and his good memory truly came in handy when he started having to remember pieces if he wanted to play them without having to stop and read them each time. dominic devoted all of his attention to one song until he could play it backwards and forwards from memory alone. then he’d move on to another song. on piano, he usually tried to learn songs that were more difficult, but guitar was a comfort, something that he could sing with and feel a little calmer and happier with. less pressure. he performed at parties at college, sometimes getting bigger gigs through his parents or from being spotted on his own. he didn’t need the money, but he loved performing, and the money he got helped him not rely on his parents, as well. there weren’t many people interested in hiring a blind giant of a man with a music degree in progress.
finishing college was a relief and a grief. he moved back home briefly until his first seeing eye dog, gold, died. everything he owned and house smelled like gold, and couldn’t stand having lost his best friend. months into the planning of moving to montana, blessing found him, and he found a comfort that wasn’t music once again.
his mother died a few weeks before he turned twenty eight, and his father a few days later. dominic believes that without his mother, his father died of a broken heart. inheriting all of their estate and money, dominic sold their home in colorado and finally fled to hope county.
he arrived two years before eden’s gate.
dominic’s house is an agreed untouchable zone for violence. both sides respect his space about half a mile away from the edge of john’s territory and a few miles from the beginning of faith’s territory.
lone before the collapse finally begins, it’s agreed that he’s to be left alone. the switzerland of hope county. neither the cult or the resistance tries to claim him, and both sides still come to his home to visit without harming each other if they come across each other on his property. no one really knows when this agreement came to be, but no one dares break it.
when things started to turn for the worst, people began to seek him out for protection. people harmed by the cult or the resistance with nowhere to turn, they would turn up on his doorstep, oftentimes injured and homeless. over time, he learned as much first aid as a blind man can provide and harbors people until they continue to flee from hope county. often, people take the air horn he kept to scare off various animals and uses it to alert him that someone’s being dropped at the edge of his property.
for the most part, dominic’s content to be the randomly met by lost souls and live off what he has left until the end.
GIVEN NAME. ( REDACTED ) “q” whitmore.
TITLES / OTHER. q, snake, demon of hope county.
AGE. 34.
PLACE OF BIRTH. bozeman, montana.
SPECIES. human.
GENDER. nonbinary.  ( she/they. )
SEXUALITY. bisexual / aromantic.
LANGUAGES. english. american sign language.
OCCUPATION. junior deputy for the hope county sheriff’s department.
CURRENT RESIDENCE. hope county, montana.
LIVING CONDITIONS. shitty apartment somewhere in montana, or equally shitty hotel rooms.
FAMILY: deceased father, unknown living conditions of mother, twin sister joanna whitmore, living. ( inaday )
HEIGHT. 5'9".
BODY TYPE. mostly muscle, but underweight from poor diet/not enough food.
HAIR. black. mid-back.
EYES. dark, dark brown. the longer she takes bliss, the more her eyes cloud and start to turn bliss green.
NOTABLE MARKS. “DO NOT RESUSCITATE” over her heart “WRATH” on the opposite side of her chest. a large splotch of skin discoloration on her torso and left hip.
OTHER. partially deaf. has a fake gold tooth. sharpened canines to frighten cult members. long fingers, short nails. borderline alcoholic.
MENTAL HEALTH: extremely unsteady. severe anger issues that aren’t being healthily dealt with.
good luck learning anything that’s not alarming.
BACKSTORY in process of being written.
basic info.
rachel didn’t trust the father blindly.
yes, she had faith in him. yes, she believed him when he said he would transform her. yes, she trusted in god, and him, by extension.  
but she didn’t trust him to keep her around.
when rachel disappeared, assumed taken or killed, she shocked everyone upon her emergence as faith. clothed in white, hair freshly cut and decorated with flowers, barefoot and — most importantly — clean, with no trace of drugs in her system, she was almost unrecognizable. and for the first time in years, she looked happy. she knew neither of her new brothers trusted her or shared any love for her, she knew intimately of the faiths that failed, and she knew that she was going to lose every trace of her former life. but she had exactly what she wanted: a new start. the chance to become someone that had control, who wouldn’t be hurt and put down as easily as rachel had, someone strong.
and thus faith seed was born. and she was determined to be the last faith. she knew that if her usefulness, or her popularity, or whatever it was that made the father raise his hand to the others, ran out, she would be tossed into the abyss with them. so she began.
what no one suspected is that she’d actually become death.
rachel wasn’t afraid of becoming the next faith. rather, the dead girls that can before her inspired her. shortly after being reborn, faith stood at the edge of what would become the angel’s grave, bare feet stinging from the climb and looking down. it smelled horrible, but she’d begun to already get used to the smell of dead bodies with how many she encountered. how, not too long ago, she might have become one of the bodies in the pit from taking too much of whatever she put in her body that day.
while she couldn’t pinpoint which body was the former faith, she felt determined as she breathed death. she had finally found the desire to live after so many years of misery, and she wasn’t going to become another nameless body in a pit. she wouldn’t be a failure. she watched the latest dead citizens or family members be thrown into the pit, and she stepped away with a smile.
she was going to make herself irreplaceable.
should she have gone to college, faith likely would have made a phenomenal chemist. even with self - medicating as she was, faith wasn’t able to numb herself enough to keep her mind from needing to do something. now, faith claims it was god pushing her towards what she needed to learn to develop the bliss. the truth may have been that she began attempting to make the drugs she had begun to depend upon so she would have a steady supply, if her parents ever did intervene or her supplier ever tried to cut her off. with desperation, interest and people who would tell her anything if she gave them enough money, rachel began to learn what would eventually lead to the bliss.
with the resources of eden’s gate, she was able to hire people that would help her develop it and perfect it. the bliss we all know and love took three years of complete devotion.
when it was completed, faith had the man be made into the first angels. now the only person who knew and could communicate the formula of the bliss, rachel had sealed her role as the longest - lasting and eternal faith. while she did explain everything to joseph, he didn’t have the eye for the drug that faith did, and left her to be in charge of it, and let her make as many angels as she needed. she’d gained his trust by that point, and knew that she was absolutely devoted to the project.
rumors began that perhaps faith had died long ago, and the woman people saw upon entering the bliss was simply just another part of the hallucination, or that she was catatonic somewhere, locked up with her angels and just as lost in the bliss as they are.
she shocked many upon being present for the breaking of the first seal. working behind the scenes for the seven years, very few have actually seen faith outside of the bliss. she’d been working with her brothers and the father, but hadn’t felt the need to be seen, rather enjoying becoming a mystery and myth. having become death itself, however, gave her several advantages.
upon the chaos of the seals being broken, faith took the time to root out the sin she found unacceptable. donning black, faith took a motorcycle as her steed, and began her ride as death over the county, cleansing the land in her free time. she never claims any of her kills, and is never seen as the rider. she is faith seed, she is pure and she is chosen.
GIVEN NAME. rachel jessop.
TITLES / OTHER. faith seed, the siren, death.
AGE. 24 as of far cry 5.
PLACE OF BIRTH. hope county, montana.
SPECIES. death, posing as a human.
GENDER. cis female.
SEXUALITY. lesbian.
LANGUAGES. english. latin. math.
OCCUPATION. head of bliss production.
CURRENT RESIDENCE. hope county, montana.
LIVING CONDITIONS. henbane river, montana.
FAMILY: deceased parents, joseph seed, john seed, jacob seed: brothers.
HEIGHT. 5'1".
HAIR. chest length light brown hair.
EYES. blue green.
NOTABLE MARKS. none. she is one of the few in hope county who are unmarked and pure.
NAME: ??????
TITLES/OTHER: the rider.
GENDER: ??????
SPECIES: assumed human.
APPEARANCE: head to toe black motorcycle riding leathers. completely black motorcycle helmet. black steel-toed boots intended to last and protect.
all in hope county assume, wrongly, that the rider is the deputy. none know that faith seed herself is under that dark helmet.
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