deceivre-blog · 10 years
    Of course, Lelouch doesn’t hesitate waiting for Slaine’s reply or reaction before sprinting off again after the menace of a feline! Which basically means, he didn’t realize Slaine did absolutely NOTHING to help Lelouch. Poor him, now he’s going to have to suffer this cat chase solo for now. It’s fine though, he’d do ANYTHING to get Nunnally back. Yes, even if it’s something like a picture. Nunnally is absolute! Nunnally is his life, even if she isn’t in Iunctum at the moment, she’s always in Lelouch’s thoughts.
    Even if Nunnally can’t even be with Lelouch right now… At least he would have precious pictures of her face. With a clenched fist, he feels sudden determination flow through him. He must, absolutely must get that picture back. There’s no way he can lose Nunnally, the most precious girl in the world, to this feline. So, there Lelouch goes, continuing his chase… Alone, for Nunnally’s sake.
    He sees the white tail disappear under the couch in the living when he makes a complete circle, returning to the same room. He crouches down in an attempt to try to catch the cat with his hand, but the cat bolts away as soon as he kneels down on his knees, even. Aha! He sees the cat head towards the bedroom, a perfect opportunity to corner the feline. Then, the dear picture of Nunnally shall be in his grasp again.
    Off on quick feet again, he makes his way to the bedroom, where he sees the white fluff of fur on the bed, still triumphantly carrying the picture in its mouth. Lelouch felt rather ridiculed, he can just sense the mockery the cat is giving him, with a mischievous gleam in its eye. No. This cat is trying to make a fool out of him, that won’t do at all! He lunges at the cat, but in that instant, it jumps off the bed; easily dodging Lelouch’s attempt to catch it, and there it goes again— running away in victory of yet another escape. Thankfully, Lelouch didn’t lunge into a wall or anything, but there’s no hesitation, he exits the room and follows the cat down the same hallway…
    Which brings up a thought in the back of his mind. This apartment isn’t that huge, why is this cat so difficult to catch anyway!?
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    After about four seconds, he finds himself slowing down, and entering the same kitchen. That sprint slowly turns into an uneven walk, and his breaths became heavy. With hands on his thighs, he bends over to take a few breaths.
    “That… Damn cat…” He begins to curse in between every heaved breath, “Why is it… So hard to catch…”
    This is so exhausting.
    Why is this happening to him! Why!
    “I must… Rescue Nunnally…” Why does he suck at sprinting, the real questions… Then he hears Slaine speak. Lelouch finally stands up straight, looking at Slaine in disbelief, “I’m not going to lose to it, if that’s what you think! Besides it took something important… It’s so fast… Cornering it sometimes doesn’t work, especially if you’re too slow… Perhaps trapping it may work? But what kind of trap should I use… Maybe if I can get it into the bedroom again…” He begins muttering under his breath possible solutions that can work.
I need first aid [@slaine]
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deceivre-blog · 10 years
The last thing he thought he’d see at his doorstep is none other than…
“Suzaku…?!” This obviously can’t be a trick… Or a treat, really! This is more like a big surprise, really! He stands there at the door, staring at the brunet with a present in his hands, and wearing one of the most ridiculous costumes ever. Well, this is normal for Suzaku, guess Lelouch shouldn’t really be too shocked by this, right?
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It takes a moment for him to recompose himself, but then he finally speaks towards the brunet, “Aren’t you a little too old for…” He gestures at the costume, “…this?” Though, mix feelings are present, it’s rather relieving. It almost felt like old times; no tension in the air can be felt, or ill-will. Well, right now there’s really no point in asking too many deep questions. Besides, it’s Halloween, as much as Lelouch isn’t one to really celebrate it.
He stares at the gift that’s in his hands [paws?] now, as he takes a moment to decipher all the possibilities.
“A present? Do you have this all reversed, Suzaku? I thought the people knocking on the door are supposed to receive the treats.” He mentions, “However… This obviously isn’t candy, which is the norm of what people give out on Halloween… Don’t tell me you want me to join you—I’m not a fan of this kind of holiday, you know.”
"Dress" Up || Lelouch
♘ It was that time of the year again! A time to dress up as whatever and for kids to go around to people’s front doors and ask for candy. But more importantly, it was time to play pranks on people and get a certain someone to dress up with him~
“Trick or treat, Lelouch!!”
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The doors opened to a young brunette wearing a kitty costume and a beautifully wrapped box in his hands. There was a huge grin on his face. Suzaku was having fun, probably a bit too much fun for his age actually. But, it didn’t matter to him. Today was meant for some fun, and with work and a family to take care of, he deserved it and he was going to spread some that fun to his best friend. Even if it meant he was going to have to force him. After all, he had the perfect costume for Lelouch and he’d be damned if he let this chance go to waste!
“Guess what I got you~!”
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deceivre-blog · 10 years
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R2.03 囚われの学園 (Imprisoned In Campus)
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deceivre-blog · 10 years
I need first aid [@slaine]
    As of right now, all Lelouch has to do while he gets his bearings on this whole ‘marriage’ thing, is just play the part for now. He’s slowly getting use to the setting, and its easy making simple conversation with the other members of the household. Though, sadly enough he doesn’t really feel that ‘family’ bond within this household. It didn’t really bother him, actually, he expected it. However… He isn’t too fond of this kind of life, and just playing along does get rather tiring.
    He sits on the couch solemnly with a pen in his hand, and a book in his lap. He uses it to jot down notes, mostly planning out a budget that this family could hopefully use to their advantage since there’s five in this household [a fact which he still cannot believe to some extent]. Really, he can’t really have anyone blow off too much money with some silly mistake, that’d just be awful. Especially if all this planning goes to waste. He turns a page, and realizes the picture he was using as a temporary bookmark seems to be missing… Oh… Oh, oh no… Where did it go? There’s no way he could misplace such an important image..!
    A small mewl emits from under the table as Lelouch notices a white cat making its way across the room. He pinpoints something is being held in its mouth—
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    He drops the pen, and with a gasp he stands up in the most absolute surprise [and horror probably]. What the cat holds in its tiny mouth, is something very important. It’s none other than a picture of Nunnally, which Lelouch held very dear to him. So dear that it’s probably his only reason to live, honestly!
    “G…Give that back this instant!” Is the first thing the black-haired teen manages to utter after his moment of shock, and begins to scramble towards the cat; who suddenly begins to run off. Okay, thanks. Taking off after the white feline with quick footsteps, he follows it out of the room, down a hallway, and when he takes a turn around a corner he feels his own feet fly out under him as he loses his footing against the kitchen floor, then falling straight onto the ground in a very disgraceful [and embarrassing, most likely] manner.  
    Cat catching just… It isn’t for him… Why are cats such a menace?
    With a groan, he sits up, and he notices the blond boy that happens to also be in the same room.
    “Hey, Slaine!” He speaks up, and points towards the direction which the cat fled to, “Help me catch this thing! It ran off with something." Desperate times, call for desperate measures...
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deceivre-blog · 10 years
worked to the bone... ain't got puns that are humerus enough, dam [@jin]
    He didn’t really make an effort to participate in holidays such as Halloween, especially when it came down to the whole idea of dressing up in costumes. Sure, it looks fun, but not his cup of tea. The last time he dressed up as something… Well, the last few times, it was something ridiculous, and he was usually coerced into doing so. With any luck, that same kind of thing won’t happen again, for a while… So he wishes, at least.
    He sees the purple-haired teen making his way through the room in long strides, noticing the colourful decorations lay in his arms; fake spiders, web, crows, door decorations, and masks by the looks of it too… Hopefully, this is for decorating and not pranking—
    “Ah, Jin!” finally speaking up, “Getting into the Halloween spirit, are we?”
    Honestly, he’s rather reluctant about the whole family thing happening so suddenly in Iunctum, but even so, he was given a house, and everything. He had to admit, this isn’t as boring as the everyday, normal school life he had been extremely tired of for what it seems like forever. From what he knows of the family currently, they don’t seem like an average bunch. Might as well get to know them especially if he’s going to be living with them… Perhaps even caring for them.
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    “Are you planning on dressing up as well? I think I’ve seen that costume store that opened up, but I didn’t go in.” Lelouch himself would probably have to be literally dragged there, he’s too old for that kind of stuff anyway. In Jin’s case though, he’s about thirteen if he remembers correctly, so someone like him would probably still love doing a lot of Halloween fun, right? 
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deceivre-blog · 10 years
[low voice] three. [@hideyoshi]
    It’s safe to assume all of this is ridiculous, right? There’s no doubt about it, really. There were rearrangements, Lelouch didn’t mind it at all… Until he realized that he’s going to be living in a new house, new husband— he came to the conclusion that no matter what you’re married off to someone, so there’s no way to become free of this commitment— not to mention, more kids. Three to be exact. Three!
    Honestly, yes, he’s very baffled at this scenario. Never once in his life he would even think about maybe even taking care of one kid, until coming to Iunctum, but three? Three…
    He’s having a hard time.
    Moving to the new house isn’t a problem, it’s fairly easy. Now, the last thing that remains; meeting the new partner, then the other sons. He has a long road ahead of him, doesn’t he? Taking care of Nunnally has definitely prepared him for such things, taking care of a household, but these are people he doesn’t really know for the most part, so that same care he had for Nunnally isn’t there.
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    Well, it’s just time to see how this will turn out. He can make those decisions about whether or not he’ll give a helping hand later. As of right now, he puts on his best, friendliest smile, and raises a hand to wave at the other boy in a welcoming manner. Like with every other person he meets, it’s always good to do his homework, and learn a little bit about who he is about to meet. Hideyoshi, about his age- what a surprise. A college student, and was currently living with Jin, and Slaine as his own sons before Lelouch moved in.
    “Hideyoshi… Right?” He asks, “I’m sorry for barging in, but I was told that I’m going to be living here now. I was already presuming you were aware of my arrival.”
    He pauses for a bit, then speaks again, “I know this is sudden but… … You do have a plan for all of this, right?” By this, he means the kids.
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deceivre-blog · 10 years
    By now, solving such a puzzle is now but a simple past time. When there’s nothing notable to do, it doesn’t take too long to occupy the mind with one of the most classic puzzles. It can be rather entertaining for the most part too, especially when you reach the finish line later.
    A light-hearted chuckle emits from his lips at the compliment, “Why, thank you.” With a simple thanks, his fingers reach a halt, then takes a moment to admire the work. There’s a moment of silence to think over her request, there’s obviously no harm doing so.
    “By now, actually, this has all turned into muscle memory.” He mentions, at first it’s always by executing algorithms in his head, then putting all that information into the turns of his wrist with the cube to make the solving time quick.
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    It’s pretty difficult to get into the nitty-gritty, there’s actually a lot to say, though he presumes she’s only looking for the simple- perhaps? “Like everyone says, practice makes perfect, right?” he says rather, in a cheerful tone, “It makes it a bit easier if you look ahead, and plan everything. Then you usually don’t run into mistakes that may be hard to backtrack with. In a sense, maybe it’s like chess. Except you can’t really take back any mistakes- of course.”
    He shrugs, “I take it you enjoy puzzles?” Well, it’s common for most people to be fascinated by the simplest things. 
↳ LOADING:【 identity confirmed 】➤【 deceivre 】
❝Oh goodness, I can barely get all the colors on one side to match…❞ A soft admittance, confidence in herself weak enough to label her current puzzle solving skills as a lost cause.
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An unabashed wonderment came forth, because it was only natural to look up to those more gifted than her, fingers laced in admiration as she watched the young man skillfully, almost mechanically, maneuver the correct twists and turns to match the stickers, ❝But wow! You’re so amazing at this! Do you think there’s any chance I could get a few tips from you?❞
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deceivre-blog · 10 years
    A part of him can’t believe he’s at this route again. Well, as in the job route, he means. Surely, this city is nice enough to give all their citizens a good home; all of them seem like carbon copies too, so other people weren’t getting more, or less. However, one problem still remains. Even if he has a home, they still require for Lelouch to at least pick out a job. It makes sense, they want their citizens to at least be active, and earn a living, so it honestly isn’t all bad. Maybe, here… Well, he wouldn’t run into the same problems he had the last time he tried to get a part-time job. So he hopes.
    By a stroke of chance, he figures he found an opening when violet eyes spot an advertisement on a window. Stopping in his tracks, he decides to peruse it- mostly to see if it’s something to his liking. Register is definitely something not too demanding, and also allows him to stay in one place as opposed to move around so often, so it’s something likely he’d take up.
    A stranger’s arm, making its way around Lelouch’s arm. The black-haired teen takes a step away to break it, but it appears the arms are locked, and he furrows his eyebrows at this stranger, mostly taken aback by the, what it seems to be, ‘friendly’ gesture. Who are they— to him? Such a gesture is awfully suspicious towards him, especially considering he has never seen this person at all in his life.
   Before Lelouch could interject, that stranger begins to speak.
   “Well, you’re pretty good at these guessing games. Maybe I should be impressed.” He replies, lifting his shoulders to give him an uncaring shrug. Actually doing the work isn’t much his thing, but sometimes a king needs to get their hands a bit dirty to strive in the world, right?
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   The way he describe his dress to be ‘fancy’ isn’t as ideal as Lelouch believes. Maybe to an untrained eye, perhaps, they wouldn’t see it as a school uniform; so in a crowd of people that wears the same form of dress he’d just be a carbon copy, “Isn’t that unfortunate. I guess I just got unlucky.” He sounds surprised for the most part, giving off that cheery sense though that any happy-go-lucky student would probably use, “I don’t think you just came here to tell me I’m out of a job though. By the way…”
   He shrugs the arm that’s currently linked with Hakutaku’s, “If you mind? I can only think you’re here to ask something of me.” Please let go of the arm.
do you wanna date? nah.. do you want a job? i thought so
His actions are done with simple ease, the way he walks is in an elegant fashion, as if he holds himself rather high above anyone else. He doesn’t really care about much, his thoughts on much more important things. The females that walk past him and he will rate them from one to ten to who catches his eyes more. The thing about him is, he loves women (’s breast) of all sizes, and when he believes himself to find a suitable one, he slips his arm around their’s and before he can speak, the God notices that he’s missed.
Of course, the other’s frame is slender and anyone could have went amiss at this but his eyes close and a shrug follows. His eyes look onto the sheet of paper that is hanging on a window, something the male was reading before disrupted by curious hands. The paper reads something about a job, in which, Hakutaku laughs lightly to himself. ❝A restaurant, running register wouldn’t be your thing since,❞ he places a finger against the window indicating someone is jumping up and down as if they won a grand prize. ❝…you’re too late.❞
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❝Sad, isn’t it?❞ He questions, this is how life goes, never is it fair, though Hakutaku shakes his head before dropping his arm by his side. The arm that was hooked onto the male’s own is still there since he’s yet to remove it and what for? ❝You didn’t care about this place at all, did you? Besides, there are far mor ebetter jobs that could be up to your standards, besides, you dress ‘fancy’ enough to the point that working at Freddy FazBear’s Pizzeria.❞
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deceivre-blog · 10 years
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deceivre-blog · 10 years
    Starting out in Iunctum, well, his goal isn’t so focused on the whole ‘family’ thing unlike some others. For one thing, if there’s one thing he can’t accept is probably this entire situation of having an entire family thrust upon him, and his responsibilities. He’s lucky enough to have a house all to himself first arriving, so he didn’t have to go through troubles meeting those new family members, but it wouldn’t stay like this forever.
    A small throb of pain in his chest, that’s been occurring ever since he woke up in this place reminds him… Then brings up another train of thought. Is this place punishment, or reward? Or perhaps it’s just a hell specifically made for him? Though maybe to someone else that’d be such a conceited thought of him. Still, it’s rather odd. The way this world is constructed isn’t ideal, however it’s quiet, also peaceful. Other citizens he has seen are clearly content with its setting.
    Confronted by the other male when entering the room, he acknowledges him. A hand slides over the back of a laptop that's placed simply on a coffee table before the couch, slowly pressing it close, and with eyes looking at the other; he makes a conclusion, “Ah, and you’re… Neil Masefield?” a kind smile appears on his features when he greets him. Of course, there’s no way he’ll live with these people without his research, though his resources are low so he can only find so much information, ah well. If Iunctum wants him to play family, then playing that part is something that can be achieved easily.
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    His smile soon fades, and he raises an eyebrow as he takes notice of a few things. From a quick glance he notices his abnormal height [natural? Disorder?], also the eye patch he wears [a scar? Missing eye? For show?], then the pair of pointed ears [well… Now that’s probably more abnormal than the height].  
    “Make yourself at home. Since this is going to be our home after all, right?” a lighthearted chuckle leaves his lip, “This is all very new, so if you need any extra time to prepare yourself it’s fine.” Well, it could be worse.
like cookies and milk, pb&j, ham and cheese.
The situation wasn’t something he would have ever imagined himself in. — It was odd, in so many ways, but not entirely unwelcome.
Neil was actually excited at the thought of being together with others, as a family. The only one he had ever known was having his Mother by his side and he could argue that being with Brett and Iris and all the dragon children in the police force was likewise, a second family for him. While he wasn’t sure where they were now, he knew in good faith that they were alright.
Neil cuts any other thoughts short, faced with the decisive numbers of his new home. He’s not nervous, rather…he’s more curious about who “Lelouch” and “Judai” must be and what they’re like, if they’ve ever heard of dragons before. He hopes they have, it’d be easier to explain if they have though he’s not necessarily unwilling to explain about what he is — he has to admit it’d only be difficult to demonstrate his born ability.
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A quiet laugh sounded from under his breath, Neil entering and finding a figure crossing the living room just as he did so. "Oh, young man — would you happen to be…Lelouch?"
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deceivre-blog · 10 years
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R2.03 囚われの学園 (Imprisoned In Campus)
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deceivre-blog · 10 years
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C o d e  G e a s s  :  H a n g y a k u  n o  R u r ū s h u  EP19 神の島 (Island of the Gods)
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