decidentis-blog · 9 years
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“I am afraid of falling in love. I mean, I’m afraid of just about everything in the world. Violence, imminent death, heights...but especially falling in love. It’s too dangerous. You give your heart to someone and they’re just expected not to throw it away? No. That’s too much power for one person. I’d rather fall into someone’s arms. I’d rather melt in the palms of someone’s hands just for a night, then be alright the next day. My stupid heart doesn’t seem to listen to that, though, and here I am, falling deeply for every pair of eyes that lock with mine. But I am nothing more than a sunflower, and I’m running out of petals to count on.”
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
“Then I’m a character in a low budget horror movie. It’s a very versatile costume,” Cam shot back quickly. They looked around, too many attractions and vendors. Too many spoopy things Cam would want to get wrapped up in, but they settled on guiding Jasper toward the face painting station. “Sure; before we get that far, I’ll definitely give you my name. For now, pretty boy sounds really good.”
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Jasper laughed as he gave the other man a quick onceover. “I don’t know, man, you look more like just a murder victim. Maybe if you used more makeup to make yourself paler or, hell, even green or gray you’d look more zombie like.” He rolled his eyes a little at his complement. “You could at least give me your name before we get that far, pretty boy.”
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
“That’s surprising. What exactly are you supposed to be?”
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“I happen to prefer Cam. Sorry, Rip…”
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
Cam wanted nothing more than to scream at her at the top of their lungs, until their voice cracked and their throat got too sore to speak anymore. They wanted to scold Adrianne like a child who got sent home for fighting in school. If they had known her any better, they certainly would have. Instead, nails dug into the palms of hands as Cam steeled in their emotions. These things happened in the real world, whether the baker had a hand in it or not. They understood that. This particular incident was different, however. They had encouraged her, even if she tried to say she had her own business with the man. How were they even supposed to know that?
“Uh...yeah, come in,” they said, shakily reaching for the keyhole before completely throwing said ligament around erratically to get the nerves to cease the spasms on their own. Cam moved in evenly, as if each step were contemplated. They were. “Did you think of any obscure treats you want me to bake for you, since you won the wager and all?” Cam asked, turning to look at Adrianne with their usually bright facial expression on. They focused on the humor of it all, the irony; it was enough to keep the mood at least somewhat genuine.
Need A Hero || Cam & Adrianne
The hand on her wrist only elicited a raise of her brow that was accompanied by a low chuckle while they let out a shaky laugh. “I was thinking “Hey, that’s the asshole I’m looking for” followed by the decision that getting him from behind was probably a good idea.” She knew it’d been a rhetorical question, but that hadn’t stopped her from responding nonetheless. “Oh come on, he’s still alive too; no one died in the process, everyone’s mostly fine. And you got money out of it, so where’s the downside in this situation?” Adrianne smirked. “I know you were kidding, but it worked out for me since it turned out I had some business with him too.” She shrugged. Personal business, nothing that she’d been assigned to by someone else, but she chose not to elaborate.
This time it was Adrianne who let out a bark of laughter at the comment. “Not even close, but we can pretend I am.” Being thought of as a vigilante certainly was better than being thought of as what she truly was, but for the time being he didn’t need to know that and she wasn’t going to divulge that truth anytime soon. “But hey, think of it this way: he’ll probably tell some friend who’ll tell someone else and eventually it’ll get around not to mess with you so I think it’s a situation that everyone benefits from. Except him, I mean, but he brought it on himself.” There was no sympathy, no hint of remorse, for what she’d done. It wouldn’t have done her any good anyhow and such emotions she’d had to kill as they’d only have hindered her. “So, you going to open the place? I could go for something to snack on until lunch or whenever I end up thinking to eat again.”
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
They never parted, even when Cam unlocked the door, which took a little shimmying. As they turned the key, they planted their lips at the edge of Lexi’s jaw, sucking in softly and pushing forward through the door. It closed as the two moved forward, and Cam’s mouth explored it’s way back up to hers.
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Her fingers gently ran through the hair on the back of his head before moving back down to rest on his shoulders. Alexis arced her back under his touch to pressed fully against his chest and pulled back her lips slightly to look up at him, moving her hands to his cheeks. “Perhaps we should move indoors rather than the streets.” She whispered softly against his lips, leaving a soft peck on them.
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
With her hands on their neck, Cam felt like in this present instance, nothing else mattered. All they could think about was the warmth of her tongue, the softness of her lips, the hunger of the kiss. Cam pushed further, digging their hands deep in the small of her back.
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Lexi smiled in to the kiss. Usually the soft kisses weren’t her type of thing but she almost enjoyed this. As they begged for more, she parted her lips slightly to play with his a little more and moved her hands up to the back of his neck, drawing her body against his. 
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
Oh god, he was so cute. His face, lit with happiness or deadpanned, was something Cam’s eyes couldn’t get enough of. They nodded to his sentiment about the weather, and played with one of the lapels. “I’m supposed to be a zombie,” Cam said with lighthearted tension as they turned away to look at where the two of them were heading. “Maybe I planned on feasting on you tonight. Pick at that beautiful chef brain of yours.”
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Jasper grinned when the baker boy loped over to him and waved. “Yeah, sure, sounds good. I’m glad you noticed, most people don’t until I take the jacket off but it might be cold tonight so I figured I should wear it… One question, though,” he asked as they walked back into the fair grounds together. “What’re you supposed to be?” he asked as he playfully bumped his hip into the other man’s.
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
They drew her lips into their own like they were trying to not to consume her. The kiss was chaste, sweet at first, but Cam opened their mouth and licked at the seam of Lexi’s lips, begging silently to deepen.
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Alexis gently bit her bottom lip as he got closer but never took her eyes of theirs. “Yes.” She whispered softly, breathing in slowly - letting them take the first move.
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
“You came three minutes before closing; did you expect a whole line to be here, Xavier?” Cam remarked. “Also, you saw me like four days ago. Stop being so needy. I know I’m amazing, but geez.” They laughed, small and private.
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Xavier grinned when Cam leaned in, and mirrored their actions. “I’ve only got it cause you don’t have any of your costumers here. I don’t even get a call from you anymore. What’s with that, hm? I can’t just show up to see you?” Xavier, feigning hurt and placing a hand over his heart. “Cam, I am disappointed in you.”
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
Cam volunteered to help the radio man earlier that day, and wound up sitting in the little room listening to spooky music for the majority of the day. They needed something to do while waiting for the man with the killer smile to arrive, who apparently came earlier than expected. Jasper wasn’t in costume, but the way his jacket looked on him was enough to compensate for the lack of seeing how goofy he could get for the holiday. Cam left the radio room, walking up to the man with a bounce in their step and fake blood plastered all over their body. “Hey there, Steve Rogers,” they called out, smiling brightly. “Are you ready to have a little fun?”
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Jasper was pleasantly surprised to get a call from the cute boy from the bakery and even more pleased when he asked to hang out at the Spooktacular with him for a bit. He just hadn’t dressed up for Halloween in a while and had no idea what to be. He ended up just digging an old Captain America shirt out of his closet and threw on some jeans and his leather jacket before heading out. He waited by the entrance, scanning the costumed crowd for the blonde boy and hoping he hadn’t flaked out or anything.
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
It wouldn’t have been the first time Cam was beaten to the bakery by a hungry patron. In fact, this particular occasion wouldn’t even be within the first hundred times this had occurred. Even still, this time stood out against the rest. The woman, Adrianne, could’ve looked worse, but certainly didn’t look as well for wear as she had the last time they’d seen her. They’re eyebrows lowered on their face as they tried to piece together a way to greet her, only she skipped the formalities and spoke first. The word alive caught in they’re mind, and it took a few more moments before everything finally registered. From the way she held the cash in her hand to the way her decent arrogance meant that she had been completely serious on the offer to help them last time they’d spoken.
They couldn’t even register what they were doing until they had a smaller wrist firmly in their hand. “Wh-what were you thinking? I was kidding,” Cam said quickly, furiously. Their face was growing red and blotchy, eyes wild as they darted across hers. “Haven’t you ever heard of playful banter? You...you can’t just go around fighting people over cupcakes.” They then let go of her hand, breathing in a large amount of air, and blew it out in a soft, nervous laugh. “You really are a fucking vigilante, aren’t you?”
Need A Hero || Cam & Adrianne
Adrianne was no hero, not by a long shot. If she were of the religious sort, she’d know she’d already be damned to Hell and no amount of good deeds no matter how sincere her motives were, would be able to atone for her sins. However the fact remained she wasn’t religious, but she could still feel the wickedness, the inner monster she carried with her wherever she went, poison her very existence. Perhaps she was born that way, perhaps it was learned, but it didn’t matter as it wouldn’t change who she was now. Still, that hadn’t stopped her from extending the offer to a baker she’d never met prior from the same night she offered to hunt down the man who had ordered $72 worth of cupcakes and take only fifteen of the bunch. There was no ulterior motive behind her offer or perhaps there was. Whether it was the inkling of a desire to do something good for a change or if she’d had an itch to take out her rage on someone and the unknown customer happened to make for a perfectly timed target she wasn’t sure, but either way it would be a win-win situation. For herself that was, less so for the man. It was by no means a difficult fight, it was over as soon as it had begun and at the end of it Adrianne walked away with a small wad of cash. A few injuries to boot, but it was all minor and didn’t faze her in the least.
Come morning, Adrianne was already awake and dressed as she counted the bills to make sure they were all still there before making her way to the bakery. She leaned against the wall, cooled from the night air, until she saw the familiar figure of Cam and gave him a nod of acknowledgement as he approached. “Still alive,” Adrianne greeted him with a smirk, the five $20 bills folded up between her index and middle fingers as she extended her hand to him. Aside from a split lip and a small knick on the bridge of her nose she didn’t appear to sustain any serious injuries, though her unperturbed demeanor was enough of a giveaway that she must’ve been fine enough. “He didn’t even wait to get change,” she scoffed, not that she’d had the correct amount for it nor had the man waited around after shoving the money at her before fleeing. “I figured it’d cover tip too and the fact you just permanently lost a customer.”
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
Cam drew even closer until the two were practically breathing the same air, then lowered their chin ever slightly. Their top lip caught against the tip of her nose. “Then it’s a yes?” they asked. It took a lot of restraint to keep them from going in for the kiss. Explicit consent was everything.
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Shaking his hand, she looked up to his eyes and licked her lips. She leaned up close to him but not close enough to touch. “I’m not saying no.” Her voice whispered in a silky tone - alluring and soft.
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
Eerie, Haunted House, Gravestone!
One thing that always creeps you out?
“Any fairy tale character. The tooth fairy is the worst of them all.”
If you could be roommates with anyone of your choice, who would you pick?
“I’m not close enough with anyone I know to be roommates. If I had to pick someone I didn’t actually know, I’d choose Morgan Freeman.”
Ideal way you’d like to die?
“It doesn’t matter so long as I’m happy.”
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
potion, zombie, monster
What is your favorite thing to drink? Alcoholic and non alcoholic?
“Strawberry lemonade for non-alcoholic. Cheap wine for alcoholic.”
What is one food you always overeat?
“Literally everything. I am a glutton.”
What is your favorite scary movie to watch in the dark?
“Oh, I don’t like any scary movies. My heart is too weak for me to deal with gore and horror.”
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
What is your favorite thing to cook?
“If I’m being completely honest, I love the versatility of instant noodles. All through culinary school, I found at least a hundred ways to make them taste like a different meal. That, and they’re cheap.”
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
broomstick, black cat, ghost
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
“Hmm…I’ve always wanted to go to France. It sounds stereotypical, I know.”
Are you superstitious? If so, what are you superstitious about?
“Somewhat, but I’ve grown too old to be concerned about the consequences of a black cat crossing my path or a broken mirror. If my life gets worse because of something like that, then it can only get better further down the line.”
If you could be reincarnated, would you come back as another human or an animal? If an animal, what kind?
“Of the two, I’d much rather become an animal, specifically a dove. Beautiful and quiet, with the ability to fly away whenever I feel it necessary.”
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decidentis-blog · 9 years
Halloween Asks
Bat: If you could transform into any kind of animal, what animal would you be?
Black Cat: Are you superstitious? If so, what are you superstitious about?
Broomstick: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
Candy Corn: What food disgusts you the most?
Cauldron: What is your favorite thing to cook?
Cobwebs: One place you would never want to get lost in in the dark?
Coffin: Are you claustrophobic?
Demon: What is your worst flaw?
Eerie: One thing that always creeps you out?
Fright: What is your biggest fear?
Ghost: If you could be reincarnated, would you come back as another human or an animal? If an animal, what kind?
Gravestone: Ideal way you'd like to die?
Haunted House: If you could be roommates with anyone of your choice, who would you pick?
Hocus Pocus: What is the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard?
Howel: Your favorite kind of dog?
Jack-o'-lantern: Do you have any scars? If so, how many?
Monster: What is your favorite scary movie to watch in the dark?
Mummy: Would you rather be buried or cremated when you die?
Potion: What is your favorite thing to drink? Alcoholic and non alcoholic?
Pumpkin: What is your favorite food around the holidays?
Scream: Easiest way to scare you?
Skeleton: Tell me one of your biggest secrets?
Spooky: What was your last nightmare about?
Trick or Treat: Tell me about the greatest prank you've ever pulled?
Vampire: Which one are you? Early bird or night owl?
Witch: If could have the power to cast any kind of spell, what kind of spell would you cast?
Zombie: What is one food you always overeat?
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