declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
“Why is it more likely that you’d do something with potions, if what you really want to do is be a magizoologist?” Lucy inquired. “Herbology is a good study subject, even regardless of what career field you go into. It’s very helpful.”
“Magizoological research doesn’t bring in much money, does it?” Declan said. “Not unless you’re the next Newt Scamander, and we can’t all be the next Newt Scamander.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Seems kind of awful to think that way, but... Yeah. It really is interesting, though, and I’m not just saying that. Especially the practical bits.”
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
Why don't you and your boyfriend do something interesting?
I think we’ve both had enough of the kind of “interesting” you’re talking about. Seriously, can’t you just leave us alone?
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
If you don't know what they do, then what's the point?
If your friend went to all that trouble to make something so you could feel better, wouldn’t you take the damn things? If not, I can see why you haven’t got any friends.
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
Nice to know you're not as dumb as the decisions you seem to make..
Yeah, yeah, I fuck up. We’ve been over that. Go to hell, and pick up some new material while you’re there.
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
Who says I didn't? I did and I'm still standing. I think you're just a scared little child. Grow a pair, please.
Who the hell are you? You’re the one who took him to that room, aren’t you? Damn it, hiding behind this anonymous bullshit makes you a coward, you know!
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
How are Peter's potions working out for you? Or did you stop taking them?
They’re working fine... I think. I don’t even know what the bloody hell they’re supposed to do. They haven’t poisoned me, so I guess I can say it’s going well.
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
Such a shame you can't stand up to your daddy that way~
You think you’re so brave? Fuck you. You try mouthing off to him, see how it goes.
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
Do the words "I KNOW" mean anything to you?
I thought I told you to SHUT UP!
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
Looks like someone has to find a new classroom to have unprotected, drunken sex in... What a shame. Perhaps the locker room?
Do me a favor and shut the fuck up, will you? And if you ask me about him or anything even remotely related to him, I’ll kick your ass.
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
Have at it, go to, whatever.
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
It’d been two days really since he’d been back, but his third night. He hadn’t actually been in class yet, not properly. There were things they needed to figure out fully before he was technically allowed back in, but he hadn’t been just doing nothing. Beyond inspecting the new students and facing Professor Slytherin Charlie had actually been in Owen’s room or even the library. He was catching up on the homework he missed in the last couple days and the last bit of exams he may have missed due to being ill.
He didn’t exactly make an appearance in the Great Hall. He couldn’t muster enough courage for that.
They’d offered him his room back but he was reluctant. He stayed with Owen. Partly because Owen was a distraction, but the boy himself was busy sleeping away in his room. Charlie couldn’t sleep. He hadn’t really since he’d been back.
It was drawing three in the morning when he admitted defeat with his work and began to head towards Owen’s room. Except he didn’t get far because he bumped into someone.
Charlie paused his jaw going slack, as he watched the darker boy look up at him. Declan. A fine shock of panic seemed to burst into Declan’s gaze, and Charlie tried to reach out to him but dropped his things. Charlie glanced from his fallen books to Declan, and furrowed his brows as the boy pressed himself into the wall. It wasn’t as if he’d forgotten the boy, but the last two days were exhausting. Busy. He hadn’t managed to catch Declan yet. Then again the boy should be with Aiden… Why was he up? 
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“I-in your head? What? Declan - I’m… I… Uh.”he couldn’t really find the words to say anything, but he did find himself feeling a welling of sadness and lose just looking at him. 
“Declan it’s me. Charlie.”
Declan shouldn’t have been so alarmed at seeing Charlie like this; Charlie had spent way too much time featuring in his dreams and nightmares since his death. But this dream somehow felt more real than all the others. He was breathing, and he could feel his heart pounding; those were things he usually didn’t notice when he was dreaming. Even Charlie himself looked clearer than usual; it was with no small amount of shame that Declan realized he was having a hard time remembering exactly what Charlie looked like.
“I know who you are, Charlie,” he said, sighing and staring at the books piled all over the floor as he resigned himself to the fact that this dream Charlie wasn’t going away. He figured they were a good enough distraction, so he picked up the books and stacked them on a side table. Why couldn’t this have been a fun dream where books picked themselves up? “Look, can I be honest? I mean, of course I can, this isn’t going to make a difference either way. That’s what’s nice about dreaming. You can do whatever you want...” He shook his head. “Look, I know the drill with you by now. You’re either gonna fuck me or kill me, right?” He opened his arms and shrugged. “I’m tired, so whichever it’s gonna be, do it so I can wake up. Good Auror, bad Auror, it really doesn’t make a difference at this point.”
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Things That Go Bump in the Night // Charlie & Declan
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
“That would be better.” She concluded in agreement. “Is it?” Lucy asked, brightening slightly. “That’s wonderful! Are you taking it for a specific career area, or do you genuinely have interest in the subject?”
Declan shrugged. “I mean, plants are okay, but... Well, I want to be a magizoologist, but more likely I’ll end up doing something with Potions, and either way, you need Herbology for that.”
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
Things That Go Bump in the Night // Charlie & Declan
The dream stick Peter had given him seemed to be working, but Declan suspected it was more of a placebo effect than anything else, especially since its effect seemed to diminish during and immediately after parents’ weekend. If Declan had to dream about his father and Aiden and green lights one more time, he was going to lose it. He needed a walk, he figured. Maybe that’d clear his head. So he pulled on a pair of boxers and a robe and padded out into the Eighth Year common room. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d snuck out into the halls barefoot and barely clothed, and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last.
He bumped someone’s shoulder on the way out, and he mumbled a quick sorry before looking up and stopping short as the breath drained out of his lungs. Charlie. No, no, it couldn’t be. He had to be dreaming, still. That had happened to him before, dreams inside of dreams. But he’d been wrong before. Seeing his father one more time wouldn’t make him lose it. Seeing Charlie would.
“W-What the bloody hell are you doing here?” he said, pressing himself up against the wall, trying to get as far away from Charlie as possible. “Get out of my head, Young, I’ve got enough in here as it is.”
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
Lucy couldn’t think of much of a defense for that, so she sighed. “Either way, you could injure someone. As a fan of Quidditch, I do try to familiarize myself with who is Captain of which team.” She said. “I’m the new Herbology Assistant, Ms. Devereux.”
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He sighed and put away his wand. “Fine. I’ll go chase a Snitch around or something. Need to get my practice for today in, anyway.” He nodded. “Herbology, huh? I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other, then. It’s one of my NEWT classes and... yeah.”
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
“You’re so stupid. So fucking stupid, Declan,” Marcus spat out though gritted teeth. “You think true love exists? It doesn’t! Not for you and not for me. We have more in common than you think. But you’re fooling yourself if you think that you can keep Aiden happy for the long run.” He snarled as he watched Declan stumbled back. At the sight of blood staining his shirt, Marcus smiled and tilted his head to the side. “Do you think he deserves a life of fear wondering when your father is going to finally catch up to you two? Do you think that you’ll be able to live happily ever after? You live in a fantasy.”
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His back hit the ground and he whimpered out in pain. That was going to leave a mark. And then Declan landed on top of him and his elbow pressed into Marcus’ side making him howl out. “Get your fat arse off of me!” He screeched, moving his hands in between himself and Declan. He stabled his palms against Declan’s chest and pushed as hard as he could. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing tackling me like that? You’re going to wrinkle my robes.”
“He’s not going to have to live in fear.” Declan’s voice was low, and his eyes were narrowed; if he wasn’t using all his emotional capacity to be angry at Marcus, he might’ve been afraid of what he was saying. “I promise you that. Because I refuse to let him. I refuse to let anyone push me around, and I refuse to lie down and take another fucking beating. Not from my father, not from you, not from anyone. So fucking get that straight before you touch me again.”
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He let out a shout of victory at Marcus’s noises of pain, but he yelped as he was thrown backwards. He tumbled to the ground, and he curled himself around the cut on his chest, which stung from having Marcus’s hands on it. “Wrinkle your robes?” he spat. “Oh, I’ll fucking wrinkle your robes; I’ll wring your fucking neck.” He leapt at Marcus, throwing a leg over Marcus’s stomach and struggling for leverage.
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
Exactly.  Take no risks without meditating on them.  [Anya pets Yuri’s hair and smiles at him]  Say hello, darling.
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[Yuri looks over and grins, then sticks his hand out for a handshake]  Oh, hi!  Really nice to meet you, Miss.  I promise I’m not getting him into trouble anymore, but… no promises about sneaking out.  This is the first year I can go, and I don’t know if he’ll let me go alone.  [He smiles sheepishly and looks up at Anya]  Mum, can we go?  I’m, uh, not really prepared to give my well-adjusted-child-meets-friend’s-parent monologue yet.
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[She smiles and shakes Yuri’s hand.] I figured as much. I did my fair share of sneaking out when I was your age, too. Just don’t get caught. But I draw the line at the Shrieking Shack. Don’t take him there, all right? [She pats him on the shoulder.] You don’t have to act any special way with me, and I don’t need any monologues, but I appreciate the thought. But I should go find Gabriel, anyway. [She looks at Anya and nods before walking past her and down the corridor.] You’ve got a lovely pair of sons, you know that?
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declanbouchard-blog · 9 years
His head fell to the side when Declan struck him. Any noise that was on the tip of his tongue died out. He wouldn’t let Declan know that it hurt like hell. Marcus refused to show him any type of weakness. “Oh please, Declan, I’m only telling you what you already know. You’re holding on so tightly to this relationship because you know it’s going to be over in the blink of an eye and you know it. You fucking know it. Getting pissed at me for being honest about that isn’t going to fix the fact that you will never be happy.” 
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He rubbed at his jaw, torn between hitting Declan back or just walking away. Marcus had always been better at hurting people with his words than physical violence. “And for the record,” He said menacingly, his eyes glaring at the boy in front of him. He was going to take real pleasure in this. Marcus slipped his wand out from his pocket and held it against Declan’s chest. “I’m not dying anymore. Diffindo!” 
“No,” Declan said, gritting his teeth and glaring directly into Marcus’s eyes. “You haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about. Because you know what? I’m going to be with him for the rest of my life. I would do anything for him, understand? And maybe the reason I didn’t do that for you is because deep down, I always knew you weren’t worth it.”
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Declan gasped from a mixture of surprise as his shirt split open, then pain as his skin followed suit. His hand flew to his chest, and it wasn’t until he felt the warm stickiness of blood on his fingers that he understood what had happened. Marcus could do magic again. Marcus had cut him. He didn’t understand why; all he could understand just then was that this had suddenly become serious, and for once, he could actually fight back. He used the wall behind him for leverage as he put all his weight into toppling Marcus over. He didn’t even care if he went with him.
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