declanhqs · 5 years
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declanhqs · 5 years
“Oh, it’s gotta be impossible not to. One kid alone would need a tote bag just for a trip to the park -- cuts, scrapes, sneezes, all’a that. I know I put my poor mom through hell as a kid because I never knew how to sit still.” He was more than comfortable with riffing and rambling; if all else failed, he always had an anecdote to fall back on. He hummed with his mouth closed for a second, gently jostling his head back and forth as if weighing his situation. “More pin on the map, I think. I was in Seattle for a while and didn’t wanna give up the water. You?” The answer felt only half true; it was a ‘pin on the map’ scenario, but he wasn’t the one who made the decision. “You gotta have a little hustle and bustle to even out the peace and quiet. At least I do. For a long time I either had too much chaos or too much quiet through work, so this is a nice change of pace.”
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declanhqs · 5 years
Declan felt close to uncomfortable watching her try to position her umbrella, only because it went against his nature to idly watch someone struggle. He didn’t want to impose or take her sense of accomplishment away, and she soon had her set-up nested to her liking. He listened to her, getting ready to quip that they lived on the same block before the umbrella was swept away; instinctively, he sank a hand into the sand for leverage as he bolted from a sitting position to running form in little to no time, chasing the umbrella down the beachline until he caught a grip of the stem, jogging back to the other leisurely and beginning to prop it back in the sand.
"You, uh," he said, eyes fixed on the sand for a moment as he worked before looking at her, shifting his focus, "just getting moved in, huh? Must mean I'm not the new kid on the block anymore." He grinned broadly as he finished, fully satisfied with both his work and his dated joke as he took a step back, wiping his hands together. "501 Dolphin Cove." 
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declanhqs · 5 years
“More power to ya,” Declan said, laughing softly to himself as he stuck his hands in his pockets. “They haven’t broken you yet. That’s more than I’d be able to say for myself.”
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“bed times for kids apparently are not a thing in this house. all three kids are up and about. running up and down the stairs and yelling in excitement. please send help,”he chuckled as he leaned against his car and took a drink.
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declanhqs · 5 years
Though Lighthouse Cove was the last place Declan anticipated his team would relocate him to upon his release from rehab, they didn’t do a half-bad job. It was quaint but lively. Hidden away to keep from appearing on gossip blogs but aesthetically pleasing enough to maintain the enviable Instagram presence of a so-called celebrity. The adjustment period didn’t have much of a learning curve either, and the people were pleasant enough. His agents placed him there to give him a relaxing “in-between” period before finding his next gig, but he wouldn’t be upset if his stay was longer than expected.
If there was anything similar about his tenure in Seattle and his current stint in Lighthouse Cove, it was the reliability of finding him seated on the beach with his toes in the sand during his free time. (His free time was limited before; now his schedule was wide open.) His arms were crossed on top of his knees, propping his head up as he looked out at the water. Hearing someone make themselves comfortable nearby, he raised his head and momentarily tilted his attention to the side. “You a regular around these parts, too?”
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declanhqs · 5 years
When the other man’s voice cut out, Dec’s was quick to chime in. “--you took her to the sock hop? Bought her a root beer float for her troubles? Don’t tell me the coppers caught you neckin’ on Lover’s Lane, her pops is probably a sheriff.” He laughed, grinning massively as he shook Nick’s hand with vigor. “Nick Wade, nice to meet ya. Dec Palmer. You new in town or are you the one who throws these things together?”
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declanhqs · 5 years
in your opinion who are the most eligible bachelors?
ooh !! there’s soo many to choose from !! in my own personal opinion, i’d say declan palmer is most definitely one to keep an eye on if you’re into the sporty types … or even bruno vitali for a player type (( though its undetermined if hes one to settle down )) aaron silvers and haven gaumont seem absolutely adorable, and oooh thiago herrera is absolutely a sweetheart (( do you like kids ?? )) 
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declanhqs · 5 years
“Worked with some guys who used satchels one time. Most efficient guys around so you might be onto somethin’ there. Always wondered what they kept in those things; just figured it was stuff for their kids, y'know?” When they reached their destination, Declan used a scoop to place some trail mix on the palm of his hand while saying, "Nice to meet you, too." He began sifting through the mixture, staring at his palm while he spoke." I'm thinking I like it so far. It was a last-minute decision but I've never lived so close to a beach before, so what's a guy to do when the option's available? And you?" He popped a mini pretzel into his mouth, chewing as he turned his attention back to Daisy.
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declanhqs · 5 years
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declanhqs · 5 years
Declan’s laughter was much more audible this time, a pure glint of amusement in his eyes. He hadn’t expected much from the evening, but encountering someone as vibrant as Daisy surely meant that his evening had hit an early peak. “You’re telling me. Smells like there’s shrimp around here somewhere and I’ve gotta see how many I can fit in my chest pocket.” As he followed behind her, he furrowed his eyebrows at the sound of her name, wondering why he’d almost known it without her needing to say so. “I was so impressed with your champagne mastery that I must’ve forgotten; I’m Declan. Pleasure to be your fellow snack connoisseur for the evening.”
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declanhqs · 5 years
A half-smile grew across Dec’s face, laughing a little to himself. “When you put it that way, you getting to keep your arms for another day and whatnot, I can’t really say no to muffins, can I? Making you force my hand after a long day at the office would be rude.”
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declanhqs · 5 years
“Yeah, they had extra bells and whistles to fine tune. At least, that’s what they told me. May’ve been trying to butter me up, who knows?” Declan nodded his head slowly, trying to piece together where the familiar street name was located in the neighborhood. He'd have to pay closer attention on his morning runs. "Nah, this is a solo venture. Moved here from Seattle and my family's in Idaho so I'm taking in the East Coast by myself for a little while. You from the area?" 
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declanhqs · 5 years
“Dressing like you’re from the 1920′s? Better start coughin’ up stories, I’m only getting older.” The tone of Dec’s voice was clearly facetious, but he understood the sentiment all too well. “I'm right there with ya, bud. These shoes are giving me blisters and I haven't worn suspenders since my friggin' junior prom."
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Having found the bar and placed his order, a simple Chivas with ice, Nick scanned the room with an approving nod. The club looked great and, contrary to his cynical thoughts that no one would be on theme, all of the guests seemed to have taken it seriously. At this rate, he wouldn’t be surprised if Jay Gatsby himself stepped through the door. Taking a sip from his drink, he fidgeted with his bowtie a bit. “You’d think I’d be used to these things by now,” he admitted to the person on his left. “I feel like a fucking penguin.” @covestarters​
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declanhqs · 5 years
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declanhqs · 5 years
Walking into a barbershop was mildly unsettling for Declan; it’d been a long while since he allowed himself to have more than barely-there hair. When he was on the active roster, his hair always had a habit of being pulled from his head if it was longer than a cadet cut due to the friction of his helmet. Now that he was a free man, he could do whatever he wanted, but he really wasn’t sure what that was. He grinned as he saw someone (presumably the owner) stand and speak, moving up to the check in station. “Heard you were the talk of the town, man. Figured I needed to scope it out for myself., and a little booze sure never hurt nothin’.” He held his hand out to dap the other up. “Declan. Nice to meet ya.”
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𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓷 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕣      /        @covestarters​
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it was finally time for bruno to open up his barber shop. renovated from the shambles he had purchased it in, bruno was eager to start making some money and excited to get back to practicing his skills as a barber. as a part of his promotion for opening week, he had plastered signs on the windows saying he would be giving away free beer and wine to anyone who came in for a cut. just as his first day of being open for business was coming to a close, the door opened. bruno looked up from behind the bar stool and table that doubled as a waiting area and check in station and called out, “hey, welcome to beach boys barber” a smile on his face. standing up to greet the other he questioned, “you here for the free booze or for my masterful skills?” the barber teased, a smirk on his face.
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declanhqs · 5 years
“It was nothing, really,” Declan insisted. The truth of the matter was that he had stumbled upon her while he was in the middle of his afternoon run; being of assistance never hurt, but seeing the hefty amount of goods in her possession gave him an additional opportunity to do some momentary “heavy” lifting that day. “I’m happy I could help. You must’ve been swamped all day, it’s the least I could do.”
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“thank you.. for helping me unload the truck,” liv said with much gratefulness, a happy grin always curving the corners of her lips. it had been a long day at the farmer’s market in beaumont, and although she had sold mostly everything she had packed up that morning, she wasn’t sure if she had the energy to do it by herself at this time of the day. she had been so lucky to find a passerby willing to give her a hand. “i owe you one– can i make you a coffee? i’ve got fresh muffins too.” // @covestarters​
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declanhqs · 5 years
“Then it’s even wiser to split it. And here I thought you were the one doing me a favor.” He raised his glass a little in acknowledgement and appreciation, growing a sense of humor much faster than he thought he would at this shindig. “To be completely honest with you, I’m always gonna be a snack man when given the choice. My outfit isn’t all that pool-ready but that’s never really stopped me before,” he said, gentle, facetious laughter undercutting his tone.
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