declankaihayes · 8 years
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Jack💙💙 on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/246757459
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declankaihayes · 8 years
For your information, not that it’s any of your business I do not wet the bed!
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Okay, not seventy, thank you very much. More like, a nine year old, I mean I do have some control
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declankaihayes · 8 years
Okay, not seventy, thank you very much. More like, a nine year old, I mean I do have some control
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Because my little body can’t handle a venti, I mean, do you know how many times I’d have to piss?
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declankaihayes · 8 years
Because my little body can’t handle a venti, I mean, do you know how many times I’d have to piss?
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You say Grande, I automatically think of the size of a Starbucks cup, not Ariana! 
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declankaihayes · 8 years
You say Grande, I automatically think of the size of a Starbucks cup, not Ariana! 
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Oh shut up. 
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declankaihayes · 8 years
Oh shut up. 
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….I knew that. 
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declankaihayes · 8 years
....I knew that. 
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Who is lil Grande?
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declankaihayes · 8 years
Who is lil Grande?
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Sigh, I’ve come to realize I’m becoming a fan of lil Grande. I’m not sure what to do with myself now.
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declankaihayes · 8 years
@b_manson: @DKai people just don't get it, and never will. I feel we should put 'whale' in our foreign language courses in school.
@b_manson: @DKai everyone needs to know how t speak it, it's important
@Dkai: @b_manson We could do that. But then what if it gets over populated?
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declankaihayes · 8 years
@b_manson: @DKai some people just can't appreciate good whale noises when they hear them. It's pitiful smh
@Dkai: @b_manson They really don't, and then they tried speaking back to me normally, but you kno, couldn't understand them.
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declankaihayes · 8 years
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declankaihayes · 8 years
@b_manson: According to Disney, yesterday was 'Speak like a whale' day. Finally, a day just for me!
@DKai: @b_manson I was doing that at work last night. Let's just say I make good target practice for olives
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declankaihayes · 8 years
Looking back at the older woman, Declan laughed into his cup as he took another sip of the wine. “I don’t blame him, I’d want a form of entertainment so why not that.” He said shrugging his shoulders, grinning to himself. He heard the sound of Adage’s paws, watching as she came and then left before looking up at Ben. “Remaining sanity? I mean, does she do that often?” Declan asked, curiously. Humming at Ben’s words, he gave a light laugh. “Cookies, nachos, pizza. Basically any junk food is a staple to have when drinking. As long as you have some kind of food in you, at least for me.” Declan said, shifting his lean against the table as he continued to people watch. Raising his brow, he replied to Ben. “Really? I mean, I haven’t been there, at least not yet but I don’t think I’d mind the party scene. I guess it’s different if you’ve been there for a long while then. When Ben put on his thick southern accent, Declan couldnt’ help but laugh. “Whiskey and Moonshine, I’ll remember to bring that next party that you hold.”
Homecoming Party II Open Starter
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declankaihayes · 8 years
Declan snorted a bit as he took the glass from the dancer, taking a sip of it. “Well at least they have a mutual understanding.” He shrugged as he looked at the cookies that Ben was munching on. Grabbing one, he started to nibble at it. “Hmm, wine and cookies are actually a pretty good mix. Who would have thought.” Declan mumbled. Listening to Ben, he laughed lightly. “Oh yeah, I mean the insomnia is the best thing that comes out of it, studying to the wee hours until the sun starts coming up.” He chuckled as he leaned on the table. “Don’t worry about it, if anything, I barely know what everyone else in the school is taking anyway so.” Declan countered and raised his brow at Ben. “Really? What’s your drink of choice usually?”
Homecoming Party II Open Starter
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declankaihayes · 8 years
Send my muse(s) some "Would You Rather" questions!
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declankaihayes · 8 years
@DKai: I will pay anyone if they have a pool, to let me use it bc i'm melting
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declankaihayes · 8 years
Before Declan could even respond, he watched as Ben tried to ward off the cougar who was coming on to an older gentleman, doing his best to hide a snicker. He had definitely dealt with a few of those on his nights at work, so it wasn’t a sight he was surprised to see. When Ben came back Declan laughed. “That’s something I don’t know if I want to delve into, if she has a husband and all.” He shrugged and watched as the other opened the wine. “Classes are over for the summer, thank god for that so I have more free time to sleep.” Declan said with a grin before shaking his head at his next question. “No, I’m an English Major. Though if Instagram pictures count as being a photographer then.” 
Homecoming Party II Open Starter
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