I've seen many posts with TMP OCs, so I thought, why not? I am not a good artist, but I love knitting and writing, so here it is.
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Name: BFFs
Colours: black and white. The ghost shines with celadon color.
Sound after an answer: cackle.
Activation: press the button "Hell for the two" in game settings.
Answers: right - 1000$, one right - 500$ + punishment, wrong - 0$ + punishment.
[REDACTED]'s words after greetings but before audience description: "I guess it was a bad idea to use this doll, but you know what? Who cares, it's your burden now. Two players control one body, which means if one of you messes up, both will be punished. But you will get 500$ for each correct answer.
You know what else is double? Your punishment. Only in several rooms, though. Stay twice as cautious. Get it? I have a plenty of these puns. You know? TWICE the amount you can bear!". The host laughs hysterically laughs after that but almost immediately stops and shifts attention to the audience.
Two right answers in a row -> killing room after the third question, even if others didn't answer.
Random phrases, when [REDACTED] speaks in the elevator: "I used the scarf that my auntie gifted me. I felt sick, whenever I wore it, so I made the doll. Wasn't a change for the better".
"Thought by this time you'd be screaming at each other. Another disappointing day".
Killing rooms:
Chalices, Mirror (should be the same correct answer), Pegs, Phones, Tattoos (the sum of the votes): pair task, both should do.
Donations, Greed, Math, Rules: pair task + arithmetical mean from the score.
Dictation, Dumb Waiters, Gifts, High Rollers, Lock & Key, Loser Wheel, Mind Meld, Password, Quisplash, Scratch Off, Skewers, Skull Dice, Escape Room: random player.
If there are three correct answers in a row:
"I get a double headache because of you. It's time to reconsider your behaviour, since you're such great buddies".
"You think two heads are better than one? Don't even dream about it!".
"Three questions with three correct answers? Sounds like cheating to me. Which requires a punishment".
If both players survived: "You remind me of Aloysius and myself. We walked side by side and made a history together. But don't think that I'll spare you because of that". After that the finale begins.
Final round: only same answers are taken in account (1,2 and 1,3 -> 1, for example).
If both players made zero mistakes or gave a wrong answer only once, the plushie changes for a single-headed rooster. [REDACTED] says: "Unexpected. A-anyways lets return to business". Then the same line from the normal survival.
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If the changed plush wins, we witness the cutscene. We see the backroom of the scene, where the same doll is sitting on the box for sawing, a double-sided saw, covered in blood, is sticking out of its slot. We hear two people angrily whispering to each other. It's Aloysius and [REDACTED]. Instead of the second name we hear audible interference. Aloysius blames the younger host for being immature since he whimpers about the deaths and the police and says it was a mistake to take a college student with him. Then the cousin orders [REDACTED] to hurry up and assures him that the host will improve his abilities in killing in no time. Then there are police siren's sound and a stomp of two pairs of legs.
After that we return to reality. The winner is in the hospital. We don't see the host but hear him:
"It's hard to escape the past, isn't it? Congratulations, you won, but to survive you have to answer one last question: "Who am I?".
When the last players are choosing the answer, the host continues:
"You don't know my name, but you learned a lot about my past. My family, my hobbies, my sense of humour, my job. So, am I even a human in your opinion?" (It's hard to win with this character, so the players must have played many games before).
●disgusting creature, that doesn't deserve to live.
●a horrible sibling, who ashamed his own family.
●a lost person, who made many mistakes, but who can still confess.
●a weeping loser, who achieved nothing in life.
Any answer would lead to him saying the players are wrong. After all of them, except for the third one, the players die.
Third answer makes [REDACTED] become silent for some moments. Then he chuckles and discards players' assumption: "You are either crazy or too naive for your own good. There is no point in killing someone who didn't learn their life lessons. Get out of here. Your presence have already ruined my mood for a week".
We see a newspaper, where "the killer is still in run", no matter what the choice we made. If players survive, their plushie apears in the newspaper. If not, we see remnants of the hotel in the photo.
Interesting fact: first victims, who tried this plushie survived with 5 wrong answers. They had Grandpa's glasses, but pulled through as a ghost in the final round.
It's a purely fan-made concept. The game, characters and the original lore belongs to Jackbox Games. Only this character and the written above description belongs to me.
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