deductiionism · 9 years
Note from the mun!
Hey all!
So, bit of a change starting tomorrow. Tomorrow is my first official day of university. Big big change from the usual, and not as much free time on my hands. I’ll still be on during free time that I have, but as this is a big step up for me, I really need to try and give my all and then some into doing well at university. I’m not going away forever, I never could. Just letting everyone know that my replies may not be as quick as they have been (or at least I try to make it seem that way).
Wish me luck!
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deductiionism · 9 years
two drafts to do on sherlock, yet - no muse.
i swear i'll get to them soon. i need to finish them >.<
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deductiionism · 9 years
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"Do you just continue this absolutely laborious streak of predictable 'insults' or are you ever going to cook up something a little different?"
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          ‘Even more so when you’re involved.’
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deductiionism · 9 years
i find it absolutely hilarious reading news articles about ben's wedding and how all of his fans are absolutely miserable and heartbroken that he's off the market. ah hello, are you really that blind? the larger majority (there'll always be those few people -.-) are more then happy that he's getting all the things he wants in life and is just completely and utterly happy as he marries the love of his life. is it like, not possible to be actually happy for a celebrity you love and admire doing the things they wanted in life or do you just always have to come off as a crying weeping miserable fangirl. god the media is hilarious.
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deductiionism · 9 years
avery adler daughter of the domantrix and the consulting detective. "i can protect myself, i've done...
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deductiionism · 9 years
avery adler daughter of the domantrix and the consulting detective. "i can protect myself, i've done...
so this is a side blog to my main blog where i am most active, originallymikaelson, if it actually gets somewhere i might consider making her into a main blog. give her a follow? shall post welcome starters x
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deductiionism · 9 years
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So in the spirit of Valentine’s Day (like many others) I have decided to put together a little something! I’d love to thank all of you for your amazing support since I rebooted Molly in December and you’re all really rather lovely for putting up with my lack of presence this week<3 You’re absolute darlings!
cuties with a booty (aka: mains)
porticosdaughter moranument ohthosepoorunfortunatesouls burningvermilion (+all your other blogs uvu) caringwasmyfall dismalscience belgravianbitch songuerrier fidvs themostintricateofwebs kingxfmischief fxmily johnwatsonmdofsass hippogrxff dxdger avicuula slytherrus defiantcharms ursxus hippogrxff
cuties i admire from afar
artxsta fordhxlmes champiiion intellectualequal jonathancrxne perfectiisms oculxus motherofasgard xlibertas captainamericarogers cdler bakerstreetxkeeper ahkmenrxh apracticalperfection ahbutimavillain diivus duheroisme xthimble
cuties i can’t wait to interact with more
learnedskill @acquiredassets knxwingisowning artxsta humanperks xfourpsychiatrists deductiionism hcmish jonaslies crackshct timeditperfectly onemansinsanity-onecatsreality biochxm mr-adler  constantquibbling jollyrogered distruust skuldxggxry ivedonethemath justmarymorstan onlyslightlylost wolfixis diistractiing
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deductiionism · 9 years
i am actually inhumanly excited about the hunterbatch wedding. i couldn't be more happy for ben, him and sophie are just so beautiful together and make a wonderful couple! cant even explain how happy i am for him! x
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deductiionism · 9 years
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some moriarty valentines for all you scotties and sherlockians out there.
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deductiionism · 9 years
"Does anyone around here not know how to dance or am I the only one?." A slight huff aloud, he pushed out from the desk getting himself up as he closed down his laptop, a few sheets from files flying up in the quick movement. "So it seems to be the apparent case. Is it just you and John then in the Watson family who don't know how to dance or is it a genetic thing?" He would never admit to it, but thinking about the wedding lead him more stressed then he'd care to let on. He was Sherlock Holmes - how could a wedding take up so much of his thought time, even if it was the wedding of his best friend?
"I guess I shall... John wouldn't ever let it up if I dared say no and to be frank I don't quite care for hearing that from him, anyway!" A swift quick movement towards Grace, he gave her a quick look over. "Shall we?"
CLOSED RP | deductiionism
Seeing Sherlock work on a case made Grace feel some guilt about asking him for help but the fact she needed to learn seemed to outweigh that. “I can see you’re busy and I’m really sorry for interrupting and all that jazz.” Grace started with a small smile on her lips, “But I kind of need you to help me learn to dance.” 
She’d always wanted to learn how to dance but her mother had been strongly against it, meaning she had never learned how to do any sort of dance. “John sent me a text to let me know I was going to have to dance at the reception but I don’t know how to and I remembered that you could, so I thought that you could help me learn something?” She trailed off with a nervous smile, not wanting him to feel obligated but at the same time, really wanted him to help her.
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deductiionism · 9 years
Reaching for a piece of scrap paper, Molly scribbled down what it was she needed to ask at hospitals throughout the city for. It was general, quite general, but she had to hope that someone would be able to pull through and find the body for her. There couldn’t be too may thirty year old men who had died in the past few days.
"Can you give an approximate date? A day ago? Two? A week?”
Any extra details she could give would be optimum. It would reduce the search time and bring back the results that were needed sooner.
"You need the body, but what for exactly? Will you tell me why I’m having to find them and why they’re dead in the first place?”
Molly would do this for Sherlock even if he did not answer her, but she did still wish to know. Importance was obvious, the reason still being not quite upon her.
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"When will I need it by? The date - sort of unpredictable but given the way how things are falling as of currently, I'd say within the next few days. It's quite urgent."
The fact of the matter was that whether Sherlock would really live or die was solely dependant on the matter that the plan he was orchestrating alongside with his brother to outsmart Moriarty would work efficiently, with everyone playing their part correctly. They could piece it together as well as they most possibly could, but if one thing went wrong - that was that.
But now, he had to let Molly in on the plan. It was only fair. He knew that he'd be able to trust her in keeping his secret of what was to come with his impending final showdown with Moriarty and how he would be to survive. With what she was doing for him, she deserved the truth.
"If I do tell you - you must promise you will not let anyone know the real reasons. Everything must be kept a secret. I can trust you with that, can I not?"  
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deductiionism · 9 years
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Parentlock AU: Irene and Sherlock are having a baby. Irene has had a smooth pregnancy but she’s sleeping all the time.
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deductiionism · 9 years
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deductiionism · 9 years
Working through the facts of another case that had been thrown at him, it was Sherlock's way of a relaxant to deter him from the incoming wedding that had him thinking all too much about then he'd care to let on. Both John and Mary had told him to get working on a case as it was anyway, there was only so much more folded napkin making that the two of them could take him doing. 
Head in his files, typing furiously into his laptop, his head turned slightly as he continued to type, mumbling to himself as he worked. "What is it, Grace? If it's not clear I am quite busy at the moment."
CLOSED RP | deductiionism
It was a few days before John and Mary’s wedding and Grace was starting to make sure everything was in place, she was one of the bridesmaids and didn’t want to disappoint her cousin and his future wife, a thought that had been plaguing her since she had agreed to help with things and do the whole bridesmaid thing. Checking to make sure that the dress was hanging up and that the heels of her shoes weren’t too tall to hurt her feet or make her fall, she gave a small smile before hearing her phone beep. Pulling it out, she saw it was a text from John, something that never really happened between them, meaning it was something that wasn’t going to make her too happy.
Forget to tell you but you’ll have to do a dance at some point. - JW                                                                                                                                   Feeling a slight wave of panic go through her, the youngest Watson ran into the living room to find Sherlock, knowing he’d be able to teach her a few of the basics. “Sherlock, I need your help.” Grace called out, hoping he’d be able to hear her before she saw him.
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deductiionism · 9 years
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"--- Anything to you would be hilarious..."
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                 ’That you don’t appear                   capable of taking him                   down.                                 It’s rather fun to                                 watch, actually.’
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deductiionism · 9 years
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"You --- you of all people assume that you yourself are my intellectual equal? Quite a hilarious assumption among the many you seem to just be constantly dishing out, one after another. No one, not matter who they are will ever be on par to be my intellectual equal."
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"  Actually, I don’t care.           The Good Doctor can think    whatever he wants,        and you can know and analyse    every sentence he said,  every feeling, every inflection    of his voice, I’m certain that you’d rather play with your    intellectual equal today, than with him.                                                             And I am here, right?  ”
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deductiionism · 9 years
[drafts will be done in the next few days, i promise. i just haven't been my best these few days passed, i've been really unhappy as a whole so i haven't been very willed to write. i promise i'll try get to them soon.]
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