deenoverdunya7 · 9 months
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my, my, apple of my eye
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deenoverdunya7 · 9 months
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deenoverdunya7 · 9 months
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
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They are going to tell you it was all propaganda in the end. They are already saying that so many of these things we are seeing online aren't true but our generation has the access to so many things like Snapchat Maps. And it sounds ridiculous, I know but we have the privilege to have access to so many first-hand sources. So while you'd see the Israeli people going to parties and having a blast, you'd see these kind of things posted from Gaza the past few days. In real time, with their exact location. So when they begin to tell us about the lies, about how we were blinded by propaganda, remember pictures like these
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
If you don’t speak Arabic or you find English easier, please follow Translating Gaza (@translating_gaza) on Instagram. They provide English captions for video updates directly from Gaza.
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
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October 28/29, 2023 - A small selection of the world-wide protests in solidarity with Palestine. In Europe and North America hundreds of thousands took to the streets to condemn their governments' complicity in Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian people, and demanding an end to Israel's genocide and apartheid. [videos] Solidarity demonstrations pictured here: London, UK Berlin, Germany / New York City, USA Athens, Greece Toronto, Canada / Paris, France / Rome, Italy Detroit, USA / San Francisco, USA Bilbao, Basque Country / Lille, France / Montpellier, France Los Angeles, USA Glasgow, Scotland / Marseille, France Thessaloniki, Greece / Madrid, Spain / Valencia, Spain Den Haag, the Netherlands
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
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LMAO via @gazangirl on IG
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
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-Has the network returned, Dad?!
-Yes, it's back, my dear..
-Alright, let's take a picture to reassure them about us..
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-The dawn of the twenty-fourth day of the war..
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
please read & share on all platforms. Palestinian resistance groups have asked us to pay close attention to the plight of imprisoned Palestinians, as the occupation believes that since all eyes are on Gaza they can abuse and assassinate prisoners out of sight
Statement issued by the Office of Martyrs, Prisoners, and the Wounded of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, via RNN Prisoners:
“Horrific testimonies about the crimes committed by the occupation and prison administration against prisoners and detainees in its jails.
The information and data we receive from inside zionist prisons about the systematic crimes committed by the occupation's prison administration against prisoners, since October 7th, are terrifying. There is a systematic decision to assassinate the prisoners through punitive measures carried out by the prison service, and evidence of this is the martyrdom of several prisoners.
The magnitude of crimes, both collective and individual assaults on prisoners—which occur during the raids on sections and cells and which are continuously escalating—is alarming, in addition to the adoption of a starvation policy against them, as the prisoners only have tuna, corn, and sometimes inedible eggs as food.
The aggression against the prisoners began on October 7th. The prisoners face ongoing aggression, with continuous punitive operations and retaliatory measures affecting them and their families.
The Office of Martyrs, Prisoners, and the Wounded for the PFLP is closely following the issues of prisoners and detainees, which is challenging. We consider the silence of human rights, humanitarian, and international institutions unjustifiable. They must fulfill their humanitarian duty and what their conscience dictates, obliging the occupation to respect international laws and conventions established for this purpose. We hold them fully responsible for their lives.
The Office highlights the measures that the prison administration continues to impose on prisoners. The prison administration cuts off electricity to the prisoners' cells and rooms, deliberately cuts off their water supply, enforces a starvation policy, has withdrawn food supplies from prisoner sections, reduced meals to two times a day, closed the canteen, and deprived prisoners of other basic necessities.
Furthermore, heavily armed suppression forces raid all prisoners' sections and rooms, maltreat them, physically assault them, and use police dogs. They have escalated policies of depriving prisoners of medical treatment, forbidding visits from families and lawyers, and denying them treatment in hospitals, especially for sick prisoners. The prison administration also reduced the space available to a prisoner inside a cell, where the number of prisoners in one cell reached more than ten, and many prisoners were transferred to solitary cells. Solitary confinement was imposed on prisoners and some sections were isolated from others.
We note that the prison administration has removed available television sets and electrical appliances, destroyed all of the prisoners' belongings, confiscated their clothes, leaving only one change of clothing for each prisoner. They have also confiscated radios, blankets, and shoes from them, prevented them from bathing and going to the courtyard, closed the sinks used for washing, and carried out collective transfer operations, including moving prisoners from one section to another and from one prison to another.
We, in the Office of Martyrs, Prisoners, and the Wounded of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, want to reassure our people that the General Secretary of the Popular Front, the comrade, leader, and prisoner Ahmed Saadat, and his comrades are well. They are at the heart of the battle with the prison administration, and they will achieve a great victory over the jailer and will soon gain their freedom. We are closely following all the developments inside the prisons, as well as the ongoing communications and negotiations for a prisoner exchange process being carried out by the Palestinian resistance to empty the prisons and release all the prisoners.
Freedom to our heroic prisoners.
Glory and eternity to the martyrs.
Speedy recovery to the wounded.
Victory is the ally of our people, and the occupation will inevitably come to an end.”
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
why are people two weeks into this cause already talking about palestinians in the past tense and sharing sentiments about how sad it is that no one could save them. how dare you. we are over 75 years into this and have not relented. liberation will come by the will of God. we are here and we’re not going anywhere.
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
The fact Israel is even allowed to vote in the UN whether or not there's a ceasefire.
And Palestine can't.
Israel can vote to keep killing Palestinians and Palestine can't vote to not be killed.
Shows just who the oppressors are in the situation.
Who has the voice.
And who's being silenced.
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
I just want to say that out of the +7,028 Palestinians killed, only 13 members of hamas are estimated to have died. The point is, if after all this time you still believe israel is "defending" itself or is targeting hamas then you're not even ignorant you're cruel and you support genocide.
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
reminder that palestinians do not need to meet certain criteria for you to care about them, i see so many posts where people are picking out the "good palestinians" we should be caring about because you believe that having something in common with them is needed to earn your sympathy. there is nothing on earth a civilian could possibly be doing to justify the actions taking place against the palestinian people, they do not have to align perfectly with your values to care. some of you are unwilling to let go of your islamophobia to care about human life
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
a little girl in a refugee camp in one of Gaza's schools talks about her dress.
- what a beautiful dress, come here let's talk. what's your name? - layan.
- where's your dress from? - from the market.
- who bought it for you? - my mom.
- do you like it? - yes.
- why? do you know what it means? - yes.
- what is it? it's the dress of palestine.
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
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This is what genocide looks like. These are the 2913 Palestinian children killed by the Israeli military this month, as of Thursday, October 26. As the Israeli airstrikes on Gaza intensify, we recognize with horror and grief that this death toll is already inaccurate.
Via jewishvoiceforpeace
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deenoverdunya7 · 11 months
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