“Casserium!” To not just fire first, but to shoot at a turned back, was the kind of action he’d been standing against, would think he would always stand against, excepting this situation. The bone snapping curse was fired at Lawrence Frisk’s right calf. It should have been his neck. It would have been justice that way, but Olivier was shooting to slow Lawrence down or trip him up until he could close in to a more personal distance. 
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“You think so?” Lawrence asked, resting an elbow on Olivier’s shoulder. “Frankly, I didn’t want to be here. Logan thought we should though, so.”
He frowned longingly at the champagne flutes passing by them. Drinking still wasn’t allowed for him - another month of so of the healers’ potions, they said. Then he can properly party again.
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“Yes, I think so,” Olivier replied a bit caustically. He’d had such high hopes for the evening, believed so strongly in the anonymous promise of peace--a promise he had to admit was being fulfilled so far, despite the company, though he couldn’t shake the feeling something was about to go terribly wrong. “‘Ave you seen oo is ‘ere? It’s like I am zah only one with eyes tonight. Kai was very convincing about staying until midnight, but...well, what do you recommend?”
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You owe me no apologies, Olivier, nor was your reluctance to meet with me cowardice. I am conscious of the decisions my companions have made, of the steps they took before I arrived in Hogsmede. Regardless of my own thoughts on such events, meeting with me would have been a mammoth expression of trust, and for a woman you only half know. It was presumptuous of me to ask such a thing of you, and I am sorry that I put you in such a position. I am only glad we have the opportunity to speak now, instead.
I do not know how much my word means to you, but I swear myself and my companions will not be responsible for any conflict that breaks out tonight. If any does, I will do everything in my power to prevent anyone being hurt.
It grieves me that I did not arrive in Hogsmede until after much of the violence had already taken place. It is not my wish, nor truly those of my friends and companions at their core, to hurt anyone, least of all engage in violence merely for violence’s sake. I will do all I can to prove that to you, Olivier, and anyone else who is at this time not too far gone to listen.
*She hesitates, worried what this question will be, preparing herself to have to think fast and talk around the answer; and then sighs.*
I could never bring myself to lie to you. Please, ask your question; I will answer it to the best of my ability.
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“I believe you.” It’s a blanket statement, a few words that seem inadequate match to the speech she’s just given him when they are not said with quite enough conviction to be impactful rather than seeming like the expected response. He does trust her sincerity on many of the points; hesitance in his voice more out of the conflict of not knowing why he does when, like she said, he only half knows her, and for trying to reconcile her with her violent companions, the ones who make asking the question he is working up to necessary.
 It takes him awhile to assemble the nerve after being given permission, to put duty over dread. He owes Scarlet the closure, and, he wants to have the certainty, or until the moment of truth he thought he desperately did. It will be healthier not to put more presents in the pile for her or slip updated notes under her door, not to wonder anymore, but it’s difficult to give up the last little bit of hope and denial of the answer he can see coming, and he can’t be absolutely sure knowing beyond doubt and denial will not cause some of the cracks within him to become impossibly wider. No, maybe it’s not more healthy at all to know...but he does owe it to Scarlet to ask now he has the opportunity.
“What happened to Scarlet Burke? Is she alive?”
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New Years Eve
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*He turns alarmed as Olivier starts to panic, shifts his hold on him, coaxing him into a corner and then taking his face in his hands to stroke his thumbs over his cheeks carefully, holding his eyes and frowning down at him.*
*This is, perhaps, something everyone should have been prepared for. With the wizarding social scene involving so many dead or injured teenagers, PTSD was inevitable for many of those that were left.*
Breathe for me, baby, come on. Deep breaths. We’re okay. Both of us are fine, hmm? Focus on that, on you and me, perfectly fine, right here, and breathe for me. I’ve got you.
*Olivier’s obvious distress makes his chest ache, and he moves a hand back to settle in his hair, cupping the back of his head gentle, before replying quietly.*
You’re not stupid. Being optimistic isn’t stupid. You had faith, and if that’s anything it’s brave, okay?
We can go if you want to, *he assures him again, still caressing the sharp arch of Olivier’s cheekbone,* can leave now, or at midnight before the Vow properly breaks, if you think things are going to go wrong after it does. I’ll get you out. We’ll be safe, I promise. Whatever you want.
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I can’t leave. *He’s not gasping out words now, calmer, following his directions to breathe, focusing on the sweep of Kai’s thumb on his cheekbone and the fingers in his hair* Too many people are staying...If... *The pauses are still pregnant with fears unvoiced though* I can’t know I left and zey stayed and wonder if I could ‘ave made a difference. *So the plan is to be omnipresent. Is Kai sure in telling him he isn’t stupid?*
*He turns his head to the side and kisses the wrist of the hand that was stroking his cheekbone, small gesture, then he looks Kai in the eye and nods agreement to a pact made out of the reassurance * We’ll be safe. *He leans up and kisses Kai on the mouth, tangles his fingers in Kai’s hair, leans their foreheads together after* You are wonderful and I mean all I ‘ave ever said to charm you. I want zat known. *In case*
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To say Mia was taken aback might’ve been an understatement, but she pressed her lips together and swallowed down her surprise. She didn’t know Olivier well, but it was so unusual to meet a stranger or acquaintance who had any sympathy for her. “My practical belief is that the vow, though not an Unbreakable one, is more binding than we realize. Or else it would never have been suggested for the night.” She calculated the moment and the conversation quickly - would it due to be bold and defensive and say she was more than capable of handling herself? She hated putting on illusions of vulnerability, but Olivier already seemed to think she was in a vulnerable position considering the company she was surrounded with. “The people here have harmed me in more than just reputation, but I’m a talented witch and I can handle whatever catastrophe anyone tries to create. I’d like to hope that just this once we can all actually enjoy the night and wake up unscathed. Or at worst, hungover and regretting how much we ate the night before.”
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“I would imagine so, yes.” Olivier’s more reasonable side knew that, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that, now knowing the source, the enchantment of the night was just another in a line of protections that proved false security. “Otherwise our ‘ost would be first to fall, but underestimation is dangerous.” Mia’s calm was not as grating as some of the others he’d talked to; he didn’t know her well but she came across as not blind belief but a firm stand to trust not good intentions but the self-preservation that was more reliable. Marks had more to lose. Lawrence Frisk had more to lose. Francis Lawson had more to lose. “I’d like to hope too,” he confessed, careful with the h. “I did, before I walked in. I make an effort to ‘ope. Not because I am as much of an optimist as I seem, but I do hate losing, and hope is something you  can only lose by your choice. I should not ‘ave so easily decided to give up ground tonight.” 
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Ed scanned the room again, though he did it so swiftly that all the faces and bodies blurred together in a beautiful kaleidoscope of color that only made him smile. “People who do wrong things can turn their lives around,” he reasoned, still oblivious to just what kind of criminals were lurking among the only vaguely familiar ministry worker faces. He’d seen some on the elevators or in cafeterias, but as an Unspeakable he didn’t interaction much more beyond that. He’d already seen the way some of them had given him uncertain looks, perhaps even more uncertain than they gave the criminals in their midst. He was aware he was the only Unspeakable there. “But if you’re really uncomfortable, I don’t mind leaving. We just need to take some of this food to go, it’s way too good.”
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Ed’s naivety almost drove Olivier to cruelty to try and counterattack it. The quickest path to breaking through seeming to be to press and ask if Ed was applying that logic to the man who drowned his girlfriend, but Olivier was caught thinking that Ed likely did and that Ed only sounded like he did most of the time, wanting to believe the best despite odds and natural inclination. Why be on the side that squelched that? He suddenly had nothing to say at all and found himself nodding almost like a puppet on a string. “No, let’s just get the food. Point me to what’s best. I ‘aven’t tried any of it yet.”
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“He’s quite intelligent.” Diana shook her head when Olivier said that Scorpius hadn’t been thinking. She knew him. If he had any doubts about tonight he would have told her to go home immediately. Still, she trusted Olivier and she saw no logical reason for him to be lying to her right now. “Fine. If you insist.” 
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“I do insist. Now wait. I’ll be back wit’ Scorpius.” 
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“Fate works in funny ways,” he agreed, smiling, before his expression slackened in surprise at Olivier’s clarification of what he was looking for; and he blinked, humming in understanding.
“I can do that. Or, well, I can talk you through the different methods of going about it. It depends on how the runes are constructed, how complicated they are; if you can see them, and read them first, that will always help. But I can run you through a crash course on recognising the really dangerous ones, and how to disable anything nasty. So long as you promise not to use my precious knowledge for nefarious means,” Tris tacked on as an after thought, grinning at his friend.
He hesitated a moment at the question, smile fading a little, turning sad and introspective, and lowered his eyes to stare at his hands while he tangled his fingers together nervously.
“I…I think it’s Jon. Jonathan Marks. It sounded like him, the way it was written, and I just…I don’t know. Have a feeling.” He shrugged helplessly, feeling a little silly now he’d said it aloud.
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“Oh, you know me, I am always up to mischief. I cannot make promises,” Olivier said airily, clearly joking, before nodding to agree to Tristan’s caveat to not use his knowledge for harm. 
“Jonathan Marks?” His face flickered between surprise and confusion. His stomach twisted sickly and he heard breaking glass and screams cutting over a magically amplified voice at the Harry Potter Memorial Gala. “You think Jonathan Marks may be giving an invitation of peace wit’ good intentions?” He was not as incredulous as he could have been, actually seeking an answer to the question, not seeking to shame Tristan for the thought.
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*Flourish and Blotts*
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“Why isn’t it a good idea?” Ed asked with his mouth full. He went pink when he realized how rude he must’ve looked, but his curiosity was so quickly piqued he couldn’t hold it back. He chewed hastily and swallowed, very nearly choking. “Are you not feeling well?”
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He was ready to pound Ed on the back, eyeing him warily as soon as he stuffed his mouth,  like he had been through this before. He became less guarded when he saw Ed was not going to choke, instead showing the same impatience he had with the girls. “There are criminals ‘ere. Am I the only one oo ‘as eyes that see tonight?”
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“Why on earth would I leave? Why wouldn’t it be a good idea to be here?”
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There are people ‘ere who ‘ave harmed you, luckily so far only in reputation, and others that  would harm you for assuming you are wit’ zah first group or for believing you will ‘arm them. I am aware of zah vow we all took, but you must be aware that if a loop’ole exists it will be found. You are practical. Whatever I believe or do not believe about you, I believe that. You ‘ave calculated odds of something ugly ‘appening, just as I ‘ave, you must ‘ave--and so, please, I must ask you to take a practical solution. 
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“If he thought it was dangerous he would not have invited me to be his date tonight, he would have told me to stay at the Manor.” She probably gave Scorpius more credit than he deserved, but Diana always chose to focus on his best qualities. “Why would anyone want to break the vow of peace? Things are good now. It is a party,I am sure it will be fine. ” There was the childish naivety again. 
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“Maybe ‘e is not thinking eizzer,” his tongue was heavy and accent becoming erratic in all the conversations he was having tonight as distraction and emotion effected him. “Diana, I love you dearly. You are very sweet and very trusting, that is why you must go. What reason was there ever before to break peace? Yet is keeps breaking fro peace to pieces. Now say your goodbyes and collect your boyfriend. We are going.” The last part was an order, given as strongly and condescendingly as if he were her father, voice precise on the sounds as he tried to be authorative.
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*The smile slides off his face and he reaches for Oli, fingers closing around his wrist in a gentle, hopefully calming grip. The mood change from ‘jovial and careless’ to ‘serious’ is swift, and he studies Oli with concern for a moment before replying.*
Has something happened? Because you know me, it takes very little to encourage me to leave a party early, especially with you; but you were excited for this, looking forward to it. So has something happened, or do you just want to take a breather and see if it’s not just gotten a bit much all at once, and you want to stick around a little longer?
*It’s a hotel, there are plenty of rooms for Olivier to hide in for a bit; but whatever he decides, Kai will go with him.*
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*Kai’s gentle, reassuring touch does ground him for a second, make it easier to breath and to almost relax, but then his chest constricts even tighter as he looks in Kai’s eyes and suddenly, though he looks nothing like either, he sees Pierre falling to the ground and then a curse hitting Felix’s chest*
*in a rush, embarrassingly close to an oncoming panic attack* Nothing ‘as happened yet, but it is going to and I can’t...I can’t watch it ‘appen again. 
*breathes slowly, in and out, taking his time before talking so he doesn’t sound hysterical anymore*  I don’t know. Zare are zah spells but I can’t ‘elp but feel...I was stupid to be optimistic. Why did you not tell me what a stupid man I am?
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“As much as I love running away with handsome and mysterious strangers, I’m pretty content to see how this unfolds,” Ellie gave a sly smile to the man beside her that surely couldn’t have mistaken her for somebody else, not with the glimmer of her hair charmed to look like liquid chrome for the night. Though content really meant desperately trying to assess if it was even possibly safe to say. Even from across the ocean, she knew some of these faces.
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“I will ‘ave to ask you to run away some other, more convenient time zen,” the answer and the small smile was automatic, and sounded so, distracted as his eyes looked beyond the woman he was talking to. Not that she wasn’t lovely and he wouldn’t want to whisk her away, or at least engage more banter about it, should there not be kindappers and murderers in the room and should he not have a date already, but because he had still not decided whether he could afford to let his guard down for a moment. “I understand,” he sounded immediately impatient now, “You are very daring and caught up in your own bravery wanting to see if the basilisks strike and sure you will survive because bad zing do not just ‘appen to you, but just because you ‘ave charmed your ‘air to look like a mirror does not mean any ill fortune will reflect off you. Take it from zumone oo ‘as seen too many good nights go bad and seen a friend who only wanted to dance and ‘ave a good time killed in front of ‘is eyes, there is no protection from ‘arm in zis world. Zare are dangerous men ‘ere, and zis party is likely a trap. I will see as many as I can escape before it springs.”
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I am glad too. I’ll admit it makes me nervous. I can’t see the peace being kept, and it feels like a trick, but I am tryin' to lose that feeling and replace it wit’ ‘ope. I ‘ad so much ‘ope for zis night before it began. It’s good to see you and looking so well. I’m sorry we were never able to make arrangements before. I’m sorry I was too much a coward to come to zah castle when invited. It would not be zat way if I were given a second chance. 
...But Aerwynna I do ‘ave one question for you--only one taken from zah many I ‘ad before and the only one zat seems important now-- and it must be answered, please, for my sanity if you can swear an ‘onest answer.
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New Years Eve
I cannot speak in detail as to the feelings of my companions, but I am glad this evening has been attended by so many. I only regret that it took this long for us all to agree to speak, and do away with violence, even if just for an evening.
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*A smile spreads across his face entirely of its own volition as Olivier talks, and he shrugs a shoulder once he’s finished his little spiel*
The persistent optimism is devastatingly sexy, actually, but if you still want to play offended I promise to do my best grovelling and come up with all kinds of reasons you should let me be your date.
*The smile widens into a grin.*
With an invitation like that? It would be impossible for me to turn you down. If we’re still pretending to be offended I can kick up a fuss about being not-really second choice, though, and you can take your own turn at enticing me to be your date. At the very least we could come up with some fun ideas for things to do if there’s a lull in the festivities.
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No games are necessary for me. 
I’m sorry. Should I ‘ave been more convincing? Romantic? Sent you a letter by owl that when opened shot sparks into the air and invited you to make fireworks wit’ me at midnight? I thought casual and honest was where we are. I should ‘ave done so. Now I need to be convincing with words in person, which is not my strong suit. I am more just awkwardly charming, ‘eavy on awkward and then fall back on being devastatingly sexy. 
Please come with me to zis party. Could we both find other dates? Naturalement. But would I spend the entire night turning to mine, expecting to see your smile when I try to make them laugh or wondering what ‘orribly sarcastic comment you would temper my persistent optimism wit’ and challenge my perspective? Yes, and that’s not fair to zem. I do not presume that you would be thinking of me, but I can assure you that I will make sure that next time you will be.
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“Thank you, I adore this shade of pink.” Diana smiled at the compliment, clearly focusing on the wrong thing right now. She didn’t understand why he was so stressed. Nothing would happen. Attacking in a public setting like that would guarantee them a stay in Azskaban. Right? “I’m sorry, but I can’t go without Scorpius. He knows i wouldn’t leave without him and he would go looking for me.” 
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He’s not tactless enough to suggest Scorpius probably left already without telling her. Scorpius Malfoy had always struck Olivier as a coward, and an inconsiderate one at that. “Tell him ‘e should be leaving too. ‘E can’t want to stay. We all took a vow of peace, and I am as curious as the next man.” His determination wavered for a second “ ...In fact, this may be my only opportunity to get answers about Scarlet, but you ‘ave to agree this night can’t end well.”
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“I know what I’m doing. I have my wand with me and I’m capable of using it if I need to.”
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“Yes, I’m capable of defending myself with or wit’out a wand too. But who would want to put themselves in that situation? Come on, zare are other parties to go to tonight.”
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