deepershadesol · 4 years
Good questions
polyamory ask meme
with questions for everyone & for folks currently in a polyamorous relationship! (remember to specify which category when you send an ask)
how did you first learn about polyamory?
what was your journey of realizing you’re polyamorous like?
what has been most surprising to you about polyamory?
would you marry one person? why or why not?
if it was legal, would you want to marry multiple people? why or why not?
what’s your favorite part of being polyamorous?
what would your ideal polyamorous representation in media look like?
what’s your favorite polyamory meme or slogan?
do you have any polyamory pride items? if so, what are they?
are there polyamorous relationship configurations you wouldn’t try? if so, why?
have you come out as polyamorous to anyone? if so, what was that experience like?
have you been to any polyamory meet-ups in person or online? if not, would you want to?
what’s something you wish more people knew about polyamory?
what’s a piece of advice you would give to someone entering their first polyamorous relationship?
folks in a polyamorous relationship
what words do you use to describe your relationship configuration?
separate beds, California King, or something else?
do you have any activities, traditions, or inside jokes as a group?
big spoon, little spoon, middle spoon, or sleeping by yourself?
how do you refer to each person in your relationship configuration to people you aren’t out to?
did you start out as a polyamorous relationship or open/expand a monogamous one?
do y’all share a netflix account or something similar?
how did you meet your partner(s)?
have you ever played wingperson for a partner & metamour who got together?
how do y’all spend the holidays - all together, some people together, or all separately?
what’s a challenge of being in a polyamorous relationship that people don’t expect/acknowledge?
what’s your favorite thing about being in a polyamorous relationship?
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deepershadesol · 4 years
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When they call us Negros they scientifically wrote us out of history
There is no language called negro no place or people-Malcolm X
They call you everything but the right one,African
Identity is huge! Khepri Neteru
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deepershadesol · 4 years
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deepershadesol · 4 years
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We cannot get enough of @merakilabbe’s work. We’re sure you have seen it but here is another beautiful piece.
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deepershadesol · 4 years
Caribbean Deities
Part 5// Voodoo or Haitian deities
Agoue - God of Protection of Boats, Fisherman and the Sea (Haiti)
Aida-Wedo - Goddess of Fertility (Benin and Haiti)
Atabey - Goddess of Fertility (Taino)
Azacca - God of Farming and Agriculture (Haiti)
Baibrama - God of Cazabi (Taino)
Baron-Lakwa - God of Crossroads (Haiti)
Baron-Samedi - God of Death (Haiti)
Bondye - Supreme God of All (Caribbean)
Coatrischie - Goddess of Rain (Taino)
Damballa-Wedo - God of Creation (Haiti)
Erzulie - Goddess of Love, Beauty and Feminism (Benin)
Erzulie-Ge-Rouge - Goddess of Retribution (Benin)
Erzulie-Mapiangueh - Goddess of Justice (Benin)
Erzulie-Dantor - Goddess of Protection of Women (Benin)
Ghede - God of Death and Crossroads (Haiti)
Gran-Met - Goddess of Creation (Haiti)
La-Sirene - Goddess of the Sea (Haiti)
Legba - God of Light (Haiti)
Loco - God of Herbs and Vegetation (Haiti)
Mait-Carrefour - God of the Crossroads (Haiti)
Maman-Brigitte - Goddess of Death (Haiti)
Maya - Goddess of Rains (Caribbean)
Nibo - God of Death (Caribbean)
Ogoun - God of Fire, War and Blacksmithing (Benin)
Ogoun-Badagris - God of Fertility (Benin)
Ogoun-Shango - God of Lightning (Benin)
Yaya - Supreme God of Creation and Cosmos
Zaka-Mede - God of Agriculture and the Harvest (Caribbean)
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This one was a lot tougher than the previous ones, please correct me if I have made any errors <3
Sources // wikipedia.com and godfinder.com
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deepershadesol · 4 years
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deepershadesol · 4 years
Domestic Violence Resources During COVID-19
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The COVID-19 pandemic means lots of people are physically isolating or sheltering in place to help stay healthy and prevent the spread of the virus  in our communities. But it also means many people are trapped at home with abusive partners or family members, and face increased violence. Since the beginning of the global pandemic, reports of domestic violence are on the rise in the U.S. and across the world. 
There’s never an excuse for abuse of any kind. Being stuck at home, job losses, and financial stress are difficult to deal with. But tough times aren’t a reason to abuse another person. 
Signs of domestic violence include: 
Rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse
Physical or emotional control or manipulation
Being monitored or having your partner keep track of what you do and where you go 
Extreme jealousy and cheating 
Being hit, kicked, pushed, or hurt in any physical way
Name-calling or being insulted or put down
Being kept  from speaking to your friends and family
Forced sex or reproductive coercion, meaning your partner pressures you to have sex or messes with your birth control to cause a pregnancy
Sexual violence can be a big part of domestic violence. It can happen with someone you’ve known for a long time or with someone you’re in a relationship with. Women (especially women of color), LGBTQ+ identified people, and people with disabilities are more likely to experience sexual assault. Whether you’re married, in a relationship, or living with someone — there must be consent before sex every single time. Consent means actively agreeing to have sex or be sexual in any way. Any kind of sexual activity without consent is sexual assault, and it’s not ok. 
Anyone can be a victim of abuse — no matter your gender, sexual orientation, marital status, or age. Emotional, verbal, or physical abuse is not your fault. You deserve to feel safe in your home and in your relationship. If you or someone you know has experienced this type of violence, you’re not alone. If you or someone you know is living with someone who hurts you, there are resources available to help you stay safe. The confidential and private resources below can provide help right away. 
National Domestic Violence Hotline 
The National Domestic Violence Hotline is confidential and available 24/7 to give you resources and information, and answer questions about domestic violence or other unhealthy experiences in your relationship. They can provide tools and immediate support to help you find safety.
Call: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
En español: https://espanol.thehotline.org/ 
Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing may use TTY 1-800-787-3224 or email [email protected]
loveisrespect is a safe and inclusive space for young people to access information and get help. They also provide information and help for friends, family members, teachers, and counselors who want to support someone who is abused.
Call: 1-866-331-9474
Text: LOVEIS to 22522*
En español: https://espanol.loveisrespect.org/
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) helps prevent sexual violence, support survivors, and bring offendors to justice. The National Sexual Assault Hotline connects you with a trained staff member from your local sexual assault service provider.
Call 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
En español: https://rainn.org/es
Other resources for help and information: 
National Network to End Domestic Violence
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV)
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
Break the Cycle
FUTURES Without Violence
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deepershadesol · 4 years
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I’m very concerned that our society is much more interested in information than wonder, in noise rather than silence.
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deepershadesol · 4 years
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Herbs for Postpartum 🌿
Mamas, try to remember in the post-partum period to tend to your own body, heart, and mind. You have experienced a tremendous shift in life and in order to achieve a natural equilibrium again you should enjoy relaxing, rehabilitative activities for at least a few moments each day.
A lovely & easy way to help heal your body and mind after labor is by placing bath bags that contain a variety of herbs in your bathtub with warm water. The herbs shown here have an array of important healing properties, especially for the recovering, postpartum mama.
🔺Lavender is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and helps promote relaxation 🔺Chamomile is an antbiotic, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal 🔺Yarrow helps control + stop bleeding 🔺Calendula helps with inflammation 🔺Sea salt contains important minerals 🔺Comfrey works well for minor injuries of the skin, where it will work to increase cell production & 🔺Rosemary is an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic
You can purchase ready made post-partum bath herb mixes online or you can order your own organic herbs and make your own blend! I suggest @mountainroseherbs if you’re looking to purchase in bulk. I also recommend including red raspberry leaves in your bath, which acts as a uterine relaxant and can help with post-partum contractions 💛
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deepershadesol · 4 years
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deepershadesol · 4 years
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deepershadesol · 4 years
Last year at about this time I was really sick and getting worse. I wound up in the hospital, scared out of my mind and mad as hell! I was mad because no one listened when I said something was wrong. No one listened when I told them what hurt and how they could help. Truth be told, I had been to the doctor no less than 6 times and given a drug or suggestion on what I could do to alleviate a symptom or two. After coming home from being held captive in the hospital; with a cane, what seemed like 2 million medications, and a new diagnosis I decided to fight.
I sent my son with my sister and my partner had a preplanned trip with family. I begged him to go. I wanted to be alone with the new me and learn how to be without people watching and telling me I was wrong.
I think that is what Mother Earth is doing now. She is repairing herself and getting to know the new her without all of her children moving around. She is fighting. Alchemy in its purest form is happening now. This Wombman Earth is calling back all of the things she lost while catering to humans. She is setting things right and if we are still enough, we will see her Majick.
#BeStill #StayHome #Quarantine #2020
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deepershadesol · 6 years
Iwure Ifá for Wealth from Èji Ogbé
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Ọlòmò-ṣíjú rere rẹ wòo níí ńlówó
Níá-ńlá lewèe ṣápó ńyọ
Bí mo ṣòwò bí n’òṣòwò
Ọ̀rúnmìlà ó tó gẹ́gẹ́ kí o fi ẹgbẹẹgbẹ̀rún
Owó kìsì fún mi lónìí
Níjọ́ tí kútákùtá bá wọ̀lú
Ọjọ́ náà níí gba odíìdo ẹni
Ifá jẹ́ kí nrí Olùsìn lónìí o
Ojúmọ́ kìí mọ́
Kí ọwọ́ mi kún fún owó, ire gbogbo
One who robes a child to befit the child
One who robes a child with utmost care
One who wakes up early in the morning and holds the ropes to prosperity
He looks after the earth is the name of Ifá
Whoever you look upon with your eye of compassion is blessed with prosperity
Ifá, please look at me with compassion and let be me blessed with wealth
The Ṣápó tree usually sprouts big leaves
The banana tree usually sprouts big leaves
Whether I engage in merchandise
Or I do not engage in merchandise
It is high time you blessed me with wealth in several thousands upon thousands
The day a horse enters a town
That day it will someone as its attendant
Ifá let me have someone to attend to me
There is no day
That the hen’s food sac is not filled with food
The day that daws for me today
Let my hands be filled with money and all the good things in life
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deepershadesol · 6 years
IWURE - the Structure of Traditional Yorùbá Prayer, part 2: ORÍKÍ
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ORÍKÍ literally means “chanting praise to the head” The “head” in this sense is the inner spirit of a person, lineage, Òrìṣà, Ancestor or anyone.
The ancient Yorùbá taught us that the head is the container for the spirit. Particularly that part of the spirit that works to express the traits that allows one to fulfill their destiny in the world.
Using IWURE as an appeal to a spirit, after calling or invoking them, we chant praise and homage to all the spirits, ancestors, people and forces that assist us in IJUBÀ/IBÀ.
Now we chant to celebrate the special qualities, characteristics and powers of the spirit we are appealing to in Oríkí.
Ijubà / Ibà - homage and praise
Oríkí - eulogizing the special nature, abilities and character of a spirit.
ORÍKÍ are sources of the disposition of the Òrìṣà and the other spiritual forces the indigenous Yorùbá work with. Maybe even before Ifá verses they are important to learn and collect.
Here is an example:
Oríkí Àjẹ́
Ìyá mi òṣòròngà
My mother òṣòròngà
Afín ‘júẹyẹ
The immaculate bird
A pa má wà á igún
She who slaughters without looking for Vulture to consume the carcass (because she eats everything, flesh bones, intestines, etc.)
Oníwọ̀wọ́ àdó
Owner of plenty of medicinal gourds
Ò ru’mọ l’óògùn dànù
She who renders charms and spells impotent
Ológbò dúdú òru
Black cat of the night
Olókìkí òru
The famous dweller of the night
A jẹ̀’dọ̀ tútù má bì
She who does not suffer nausea from eating raw liver
Obìnrin dúdú rẹ́gí rẹ́gí, èyí tí í lọ nígbà ọjà bá tú
The beautiful Black Woman who is always the last person to leave the market
Dà’ṣẹ d’èpè nù tí í gbé’ni mì bí kàlòkàlò
She who renders aṣẹ and curses impotent while she swallows people like a casino machine
Òjìji fìrí
Twinkling shadow
A fẹ́ gẹ́gẹ́ ní’ yẹ̀ẹ́
The light feathered bird
A ró igba aṣọ má ba‘lẹ̀
200 pieces of wrap-around cloth are never enough for her
Ẹlẹ́yin‘jú ẹgẹ́, ẹyẹ ní Mọrẹ́
The beautiful bird in Mọrẹ̀ (Mọrẹ̀ is in Ilé Ifẹ̀)
A-jẹ-apá-jẹ-orí, a j’ẹ̀dọ̀-j’ohùn, a ti inú òroòro jẹ̀’fun
She who eats the head via the arm; the liver via the voice box; the intestines via the gall bladder
Ò wẹ̀ nínú omi ṣàló ṣàló
She bathes [in blood] like a fish
Ọdẹ t’apó y’oró, àrọ̀nìmòjà t’àpò y’oògùn
Like a hunter, she draws poison from the charm bag; powerful medicine person who draws charms from her pocket
Ẹ̀yin ẹ̀bìtì ká’wọ́ s’ẹ́yìn ṣ’oro
Cold havoc wreckers
A bà ‘órí igi ìrókò má yẹ̀
She who perches comfortably on the ìrókó tree
Òró gogoro l’óko olóko
The fearsome mystic positions herself conspicuously on someone’s farm
Oníbàntẹ́ pèlèjà tí í bá ni jà láì f’ọwọ́ kan ni
The fighter who fights one invisibly
Ológbò dúdú etí ọjà
Black cat on the edge of the marketplace
Èse, a b’ìrù gìlọ̀ gìlọ̀
The cat with a long tail
Ají ká ìgboro, a rìn ká ìgboro
The town prowler
Òjí ní kùtù f’omi ìgboro bọ́’ jú
She who starts prowling the streets from early morning
Tí a bá pe’rí akọi, àá fi idà na lẹ̀
It is with great awe that the brave is summoned
Ìbà tó tó tó
My humble respect.
From Fundamentals of the Yoruba Religion (Orisa Worship) 2002
by Chief FAMA
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deepershadesol · 6 years
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Heard some important information on Twitter today, and thought I’d post it here for anyone who may not have heard it. This is actually a thing, devised by a human rights organisation called Karma Nirvana.
Reblog to save a life?
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deepershadesol · 6 years
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Happy Pride Month! 🌈
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deepershadesol · 6 years
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