deepikxdlvpdx · 5 years
Red Velvet 레드벨벳 'Psycho' MV
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deepikxdlvpdx · 6 years
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Lord, I wanna take a minute, not to ask for anything, but I just want to say thank you for blessing me to see another day!!! #Birthday 🙏🏾 #deepikbday #deepikmoment
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
#BulanVitaminA #deepikmoment
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
Run. That’s what we do all our lives. Run after things that we desire. Then we run away from them because it gets boring. We run from situations that we don’t want to deal with. We run towards a future that we idealize. But that’s the thing, nothing is ideal in this gigantic, messed up world of ours. Infact, everything is far from it. But a minute fraction of our species, the gifted ones, sees this twisted world, as the safest and the most ideal haven we will ever have. They don’t run after anything. They don’t need to, because their “ideal world” already exists, right where they are. That makes them happy. Happines or for some, Peace, is what we all are running after. But that is itself ironical. Running only leads to exhaustion of mind, body and soul. Whereas, Peace can only be felt if you stand at one place, close your eyes and your lips invite a smile on its own. That’s how you know true happiness. So maybe, if we all stop running for a while, stand at one place and look around, we might find our not so “ideal world” as our safest haven too. But will we stop running?
(via bibliophilic-loner)
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.
C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves (via books-n-quotes)
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
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Happy new year, lovelies. There might be another problems, struggles, tears and pain we can't avoid. But everything will always pass eventually, as you've grown stronger... You'll be doing great! . . #happynewyear2018 #deepikmoment
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
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Headphones can help us cope with busy, noisy places. . . But can be seen as antisocial or rude. . . #headphones #MentalHealth #deepikmoment
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
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Test.. Test.. Coba kamera iphone X . . Tapi bohong 😁😁 #deepikmoment
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
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Finished watching #GoBackCouple last night and i enjoyed it a lot 😊 It gave warmth to my empty heart & gave me meaningful lessons abt valuing life. Such a wonderful drama. And somehow, it also made me sad. I cried so much bcs of their precious mother-daughter relationship 🌈 . . #deepikdrama #deepikmoment
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
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Goodbye and thank you greatest drama #BecauseThisIsMyFirstLife so happy because we got happy end for all couple. Gonna really2 miss 😭and remind it in my heart 🙏🏻😍❤️ #LeeMinKi #JungSoMin . . #deepikdrama #deepikmoment
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
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Decided I need to change it up a little! 😂 #newhair #deepikmoment
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
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❤ #deepikmoment
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
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Kalo abang👦 sukanya pedas🔥 kayak cabe♨, adek yg manis👧 ini bisa apa😉 #happygirl #captionalay 😁 #deepikmoment
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
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Sadarilah hal ini ladies, cinta itu datangnya dari dirimu sendiri, bukan menunggu untuk diberikan orang lain (pria), baru kamu bisa mencintai dirimu sendiri. Mencintai diri sendiri sama saja yakin dan percaya dengan kelebihan yang kamu miliki dan menerima kekurangan yang ada pada dirimu dengan terus berusaha memperbaiki diri. 😉 . . #deepikmoment
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
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Be happy. Be who you want to be. If others don’t like it, then let them be. Happiness is a choice. Life isn’t about pleasing everybody. . . #positivevibes #deepikmoment
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
Sebab usia bukanlah sebuah patokan untuk memulai berumah tangga
Kamu yang memilih untuk sendiri di usia sematang ini pasti memiliki pikiran yang jelas terbuka. Kamu sadar bahwa pernikahan bukanlah ajang lomba lari yang harus buru-buru disegerakan saat usia terus saja bertambah tiap tahunnya. Selain itu kamu juga tak ambil pusing dengan omongan orang akan masa depan. Sebab masa depanmu hanya kamu yang bisa menentukan, bukan omongan mereka. Kamu percaya saja bahwa setiap orang punya jodoh, maut dan rezeki. Sekarang justru menjadi momenmu untuk memantaskan diri.
Tidak ada salahnya kok di usia 26-an ini kamu masih mau sendiri. Kalau keistimewaan ini telah kamu punyai, sekarang angkat kepalamu ya? Jangan biarkan omongan orang meruntuhkan kepercayaan dirimu dalam menjalani hari-hari
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deepikxdlvpdx · 7 years
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