deeplightsanctuary · 9 months
The Medfet Clinic
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The Institute needed more surrogates as demand had skyrocketed. We were not able to “recruit" fast enough. We realised that “volunteers" with medfet tendencies made excellent surrogates as they were easy to care for. They may protest and struggle like the rest, but we know they were enjoying the process as much as we did. And so the Medfet Clinic was established adjacent to the Institute and our stream of “volunteers” started flowing in once we opened for business. Are you at the right clinic?
You read from a blog that there was a medfet clinic in a remote part of town. You had no plans for the weekend and thought it would be cool to check it out. You did a quick survey on their website and an appointment was quickly arranged.
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You arrived on schedule and they were expecting you. It felt like a real admission to the hospital, exceeding your expectations.  
You were attended to by a nurse in uniform and made to fill up the forms about your medical history and allergies. You were getting a little apprehensive and said that you were not actually sick. This drew a short chuckle from the nurse and said, “Of course not! We only accept healthy participants.” With that, you signed the papers not knowing what the content was and she fixed an ID band to your wrist. You were officially admitted and addressed as Patient S34.
There was a locker for your belongings and you were instructed to change into a flimsy hospital gown. You were specifically told nothing underneath and no jewellery.
Once done, your height and weight were taken. You were asked to take a seat outside the treatment room. 
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As you waited, the door swung open and a nurse in scrubs was pushing a gurney with a patient on it. The patient was unconscious, with an oxygen mask on her face, misting up as she breathed. She had a hair cover on and you could tell from the fringe that her hair underneath was wet with sweat. You couldn’t help staring.
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As they disappeared roubd the corridor, you kept imagining what she could have gone through and where they were bringing her. Lost in your fantasy, you were startled when another nurse in scrubs came up to you and said, "You're next!"
She verified your name against the form on the clip board and checked that you had no allergies, no pre-existing conditions and that you had properly fasted the night before. You started to wonder what kind of “procedure" they were going to perform on you but at this stage, you were more excited than worried.
“Something simple. You will feel much better after that,” said the nurse. “From the consultation, we diagnosed that you are submissive and like being vulnerable and under control. We will take care of that. You are in good hands and we have the right 'procedures' for you today.”  
You recalled the intimate questions the chatbot asked about what turned you on. Reflecting on your answers now, they seemed to know the right buttons to press. You were getting really wet.
When she checked that everything was in order, she ushered you into the treatment room.
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It looked like a small operating theatre with cabinets lining the wall and a sink by the side. In the middle of the room was an operating table, complete with stirrups midway down and arm boards extended like a crucifix by the sides. Your knees went weak when you saw the two nurses in scrubs, with masks and surgical caps. One was  arranging medical tools on a tray near the end of the table while another was pushing a rack of medical equipment closer to the table.
The nurse at the end of the table noticed your arrival and quickly covered the tray with a sterile cloth as the other nurse came over to greet you.
“You must be Patient S34. Welcome in! I am Nurse Rita and that is Nurse Nancy.  We will be looking after you today,” she said as she took over your dossier from the other nurse.
You were becoming apprehensive at this stage as you appraised the situation. This was too real. The set up, the nurses and even the antiseptic smell in the room made it feel sterile.  You wondered if they were going to conduct any strange experiments on you and if you were able to stop them if they did. You started to wonder what really happened to the previous “patient".
Sensing your hesitancy, Nurse Rita put an assuring arm around your lower back, held your hand with her other hand and guided you towards the table. Despite yourself, you moved forward reluctantly and you felt a trickle of wetness between your thighs, not knowing if it was sweat or your juice.
By the table, she started to put on a bouffant cap over your head and tugged you hair into it. Then she untied your gown from the back but leaving the gown hanging over your shoulders. She ushered you onto the table and slowly guided you to lie down.
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“We are going to prep you for your procedure. Just lie there and let us do the necessary.”
Nurse Nancy at the bottom of the table busied herself with the equipment while Nurse Rita brought monitoring machines closer to you. She eased you right arm out of your gown and wrapped a pressure cuff over your arm. It started inflating and you felt the beating of your heart as it tightened. She clipped an oximeter onto your index finger and it started blinking. Next she fixed several adhesive electrodes onto your chest under your gown and clipped leading wires to each electrode. The equipment started beeping and you noticed how quickly your heart was beating. Things were moving fast and you were a little overwhelmed.
“Your blood pressure seems a bit low. You must be dehydrated. We are going to start a saline IV to keep you hydrated.” She proceeded to ease your other hand out of the gown and laid it on the arm board. She tied a tourniquet round your upper arm and rubbed alcohol on the crook of your elbow. Before you could protest, she said, “take a deep breath.” You looked away and winced as you felt a prolonged sting. She released the tourniquet and you felt blood rushing back to your arm.
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After a while, you felt cool liquid flowing into you. You turned back and saw that you have been hooked up to a hanging bag of saline, although you wouldn’t know if it was anything more than that. Nurse Rita secured the cannula in place with a transparent film dressing. She then took a strip of gauze dressing, ran it around your wrist and secured your arm on the arm board. As she was clearing the kidney tray away, you thought you saw a small vial of blood and wondered if she drew your blood.
But you were quickly distracted.  
“Can you lift your legs over the stirrups, please,” said Nurse Nancy as you felt her hand on your ankle.
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You obliged and both your legs were soon hanging on the stirrups. You felt exposed but it became worse when the lower half of the table was folded away. Nurse Nancy positioned herself between your thighs and slowly lifted your gown.
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“We are going to start by shaving you,” she said as she casually strapped your legs to the stirrups. “For your safety,” she said.
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You heart beat accelerated as you have never shaved yourself down there. She lathered shaving foam generously over your public area and started shaving you.
All kinds of scenarios were running in your head as you imagined the procedures they had in stall for you. You started trembling from the excitement.
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It started with some rough scrapping but as the shaving progressed, the blade glided smoothly over your skin.
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She then wiped away any remaining shaving foam with a warm cloth to make sure there was nothing left. It was almost erotic when her gloved fingers ran over the smoothness of your bald pelvis. You felt your juice trickled down your perineum onto your rosebud.
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You were hoping Nurse Nancy didn't see it but she was quick to announce, “We have some discharge down here.” You bit your lip in shame.
“We’d better take a closer look.”
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She put on a fresh pair of gloves, snapping loudly and shined a light on your private parts. With her two thumbs, she spread your anus this way and that. She then traced the wetness with her finger up your perineum to your slit which she started spreading to inspect.
You shuddered when her gloved fingers rubbed your labia up and down, teasing the wetness that was forming, then in and out , as if feeling for irregularities. She gradually worked her way upwards and started doing circles around your pee hole. You were squirming the whole time and didn't realise you were holding your breath until she finally stopped and you started panting.
“Let's take a urine sample to make sure we don’t have any urinal track infection.”
"We need to get gowned and properly drap you so that you do not catch anything nasty."
As Nurse Nancy left the room, Nurse Rita came back fully gowned in surgical scrubs. She started to drap you carefully.
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She covered your legs in sterile draps and leaving only your private parts exposed.
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You were giddy with excitement when Nurse Nancy came back to the room. With Nurse Rita’s help, she snapped on a pair of latex gloves. You shuddered as you stared in nervous anticipation.
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Nurse Nancy started busying herself at the end of the table as you saw her pushing a cart covered with a sterile cloth.
At the head of the table, Nurse Rita approached you with an oxygen mask.
“Looks like your oxygen level is a bit low and you are having breathing issue,” she said as she cupped the transparent mask on your face and lifted the straps over your head. You felt the cool flow of oxygen on your face and the freshness as it enters your lungs.
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Nurse Rita then lifted your other hand and placed it on the extended arm board. Gently, she wrap another strip of gauze dressing over your wrist and secured it onto the arm board. You were now in a crucifix position and wondered why it was necessary to strap you down, especially since they wanted a urine sample.
“This might feel a bit cold,” you heard Nurse Nancy said.
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Before you could understand what was going on, you felt a chill when Nancy started swabbing your vagina with the brown betadine solution. She was thorough and cleaned the entire groin region, down to your anus.
She put on a fresh pair of latex gloves and tore open a plastic package. You lifted your head to see pass the oxygen mask and you saw the nurse removing a tubing from its wrapper. You realised that she was going to insert a catheter to obtain your urine sample. You recoiled in apprehension and instinctively tried to close your thighs together.
The nurse ignored your reactions and started to lubricate the tip of the catheter. Then with the tip of her finger, she coated the entrance if your pee hole with a dollop of lubricant. You couldn’t stop yourself from squirming from the poking at the entrance of your urethra.
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“Looks like we need to secure you better before you hurt yourself,” said the nurse.
Nurse Nancy proceeded to attach cuffs to your thighs and secured them to the stirrup support. At the same time, Nurse Rita lifted a thick strap from the side of the table and secured it tightly over your abdomen. When they were done, your lower body was bound to the table and immobilised.
“Let’s proceed to take the urine sample now,” said Nurse Nancy as you felt the tip of the catheter at your pee hole. You shut your eyes as you felt the tube slowly moved up your urethra. It felt cool and wet at first. But as it went deeper, it was no longer as lubricated and it started to burn a little. It stung when it finally reached your bladder and with one firm push, it penetrated into your bladder. Suddenly, you felt a need to pee as your bladder swelled. You looked down and you saw Nurse Nancy injecting saline into the foley catheter. You imagined that the balloon was inflating in you and sure enough, she gave it a slight tug when she was done and the catheter was lodged inside you.  She took up a urine container and release the valve of the catheter. Without control, you felt your urine started to flow involuntarily into the container. At midstream, she started to guide your flowing urine into a smaller container. When she had collected enough she closed the valve and handed the sample to Nurse Rita.
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“We will run a quick test of the samples,” said Nurse Rita as she took the urine sample.
On her way out, you saw that she took the tube of blood sample as well. You didn’t think much of it except that this seemed a bit too serious for a medfet outing.
“Oh, you seemed to be leaking quite badly,” said Nurse Nancy.
You thought she was referring to your catheter until she touched your perineum and started smearing your juice over the region making small circles around your anus and your labia. You didn’t realised how wet you were and her touch was driving you mad.
“Hmmm...we need to look a little deeper,” she said as she glided two fingers deep into your tunnel, eliciting a soft moan which you tried to suppress.
“Let’s do a quick ultrasound to see what we have,” she said as she moved her fingers in and out of you. “Looks like we won’t need additional lubricant.”
She pulled the ultrasound station closer to you and started putting on a condom over the transvaginal probe. You were trembling with anticipation. When she glided it into you, she made sure the probe rubbed all your sensitive spots. You tilted your head back and had to fight another moan rising up your throat.
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She pressed the probe deep into you and manipulating close to your cervix. You could hear the echoey underwater sound from the ultrasound and the clicking of the buttons as she took pictures and measurements. The gentle manipulations deep inside you was turning you on. You started pumping your hips unconsciously, which she noticed.
“I see you need me to go deeper.” She tightened the strap on your abdomen and placed her hand on your lower abdomen, squishing your womb and touching your ovaries. It was driving you mad.
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“Your womb and ovaries look healthy,” she said as she withdrew the probe and push the cart away.
Nurse Rita returned to the room holding a folder.
“Blood works and urine are all clear!” She announced and went over to help Nurse Nancy.
“Ultrasound is all good too,” said Nurse Nancy. Then the two mumbled something which you couldn’t hear and they nodded to each other.
You were getting real excited from the suspense and anticipation of what was going to happen next.
Nurse Nancy put on a new set of latex gloves and made quite a show about it, snapping them loudly. Then unannounced, she touched your entrance and said, “you are leaking real bad. I should do a more in depth inspection.”
She started fingering you deep inside. This time, there was no suppressing as you started moaning like a cat in heat. You wanted to touch yourself so bad you started struggling against the gauze strips tying you to the arm boards.
Nurse Rita came over to the head of the table. She cupped your face as she bent over close to you and shushed you, “shhh.... don’t fight it, we will take care of you... oh, look, your hand is falling off. Let me secure you properly.”
She reached below the arm board and brought up a tight black strap which she quickly used to secure your wrist, tightly this time. Then she did the same with your other hand. When she was done the only thing you could move was your head.
“I am going to check your rear plumbing,” said Nurse Nancy and without waiting, she was at your rear entrance.
It was already wet and slippery from your “leakage” and she easily slipped one finger into you. She rotated her finger this way and that. Then she inserted a second finger and started working them deep.
You recoiled at the first and second intrusions. There was some tension and discomfort, like the stretch of a constipated stool. But once she started working you, you were overwhelmed by the feeling deep inside.
Right at the end of your rectum, she curled her fingers up and rubbed your lower womb through the rectum walls and started massaging it firmly.
It was as if someone found a backdoor to your pleasure centre and knocked at the right spot. You have never experienced this before and it was sending wave after wave of pleasure up your spine and exploding in fireworks in your head. You were groaning like an animal and thrashing against the restraints at this point.
“Your pulse is racing!” Nurse Rita said with a bit of concern.
Indeed, you could hear the intense beeping of the heart monitor. You saw on the monitor that it was going at 120!
Unannounced, while keeping her fingers in your rectum, Nurse Nancy slipped her thumb into your vagina. You froze as she pinched her fingers and ran along the thin membrane separating the two. She gradually slipped them deeper into you until the thumb was at the entrance of your cervix as the fingers pressed against it from the bottom.
The double assault was driving you absolutely mad. It caused your reproductive organs to go into overdrive. Your body arched and writhed involuntarily against the restraints. You were hyperventilating as sweat beaded all over your body making you glimmer under the harsh surgical lights.
Nurse Rita was playing the good nurse as she dabbed your forehead and face with a gauze to dry your sweat as she comforted you to say, “Everything will be all right. Just let go.”
But Nurse Nancy was unrelenting and increased her administrations, harder and faster and deeper. You were jerking uncontrollably at this stage like you were going to explode anytime.
“Patient's heart rate is rising. 132. She might go into an arrest,” you heard Nurse Rita saying.
“Hold her down. We are almost there!” instructed Nurse Nancy.
Nurse Rita held the bottom of your chin with both hands and lifted it towards herself. Your head was nestled in the softness between her tummy and her breasts.
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With your mouth tightly shut, your grunts came through your nose as you exhaled. When you looked up, your saw Nurse Rita’s eyes staring intently at you. Behind the mask, you could tell she had a predatory smile. But it only added to your sense of vulnerability and this turned you on further. You struggled only to remind yourself that you are so helpless and at the mercy of the two nurses.
This excitement drove your heartbeat even higher.
“Nurse Nancy, patient’s heart rate is becoming irregular. Should we stop?”
Nurse Nancy stopped her administrations to observe the situation, to your great frustration. You couldn’t help yourself but to pump your hips in the air to get yourself whatever touch your could get.
“I think we need to press on. Our patient needs release,” Nurse Nancy said. “Let me fill up her tank a little so that she can let go.”
You were wondering what she meant but you couldn’t lift up your head as Nurse Rita held you down. Then you started to feel a strange sensation in your bladder, it was getting full quickly.  Before long, you felt an urgent need to go! You couldn’t quite process it but your instinct to hold it quickly kicked in. But it was getting fuller by the minute and the urgency increased in intensity. You really needed to go or your bladder will explode.
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“Pfff...pff... mmmfff nnnfff...” you tried to plead but this was all your managed through your clenched mouth, with a good spray of spittle onto the transparent mask.
You struggled and fought against the restraints involuntarily, as your body started to tremble. Then after what felt like an eternity, your felt your urine being drained from you. It was a wonderful relief and you remembered now that you have been cathetherised. 
But it was short-lived, as you felt yourself being filled with liquid again! She introduced even more this time and you could feel your tummy bulging out from an enlarged bladder. Again, after a good struggle, Nancy let you go. She repeated this a few more times with shorter intervals and you were getting used to the sensation enough that your started to feel aroused, especially when she started caressing your enlarged tummy, telling you how smooth and round your were.
Noting your arousal, she slipped her fingers back into your holes, eliciting a long moan from you. You were unable to think anymore as she pumped you harder and harder. You needed to go and your mind snapped when the extreme pressure in your bladder was released.
At this point, you were tipped over the edge and your eyes rolled all the way back. You went into a seizure, hit by waves after waves of orgasms as Nurse Rita’s strong grip and the restraints held you firmly in place. Amidst the squeaking of the table and your animalistic groans, you heard a splash of liquid against the linoleum floor. You knew it was your cum, and not your pee.
Your brain blanked out as it was consumed in pleasure. You were unaware of your surroundings for a while. When you finally came back down to earth, you were panting heavily into the oxygen mask.
“Good....Good... You are perfect,” cooed Nurse Rita as you gradually calmed down.
“Let me give you a little something to help you rest.”
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You were too tired to protest. From the corner of your eye, you saw her injecting something into the cannula.
You felt the warmth flowing up your vein which quickly spread over your chest and down the rest of the body. Then your world started to spin and you felt drowsy.
Nurse Rita then removed your oxygen mask and placed a donut head rest under your head. Your eyes were losing focus when you saw the rubber mask descending onto your face. Nurse Rita held it tight and she came back into sight staring straight into your eyes. You winced at the sweet pungent smell in the mask as she forced the gas down your throat as you tried to shake the mask off.
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But you were slow and sluggish and Nurse Rita was able to follow you as you shook your head left and right until you were too weak to move. She held you steady, her face inches from yours and she whispered into your ears, “Go to sleep, Sweetie. Your womb is primed for impregnation and the Doctor will be coming shortly with the specimen. You will be perfect.”
You couldn’t comprehend what was happening and your world was spinning out of control. You tried to understand what she was saying and if this was part of the medfet story line but you could no longer concentrate. Your last thought was the unconscious “patient" before you and that you would be joining her whatever they did to her. An image floated in your mind of her being implanted with an embryo.
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You came one last time and your eyes rolled backwards as you were sucked into oblivion.
580 notes · View notes
deeplightsanctuary · 1 year
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78 notes · View notes
deeplightsanctuary · 2 years
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
5M notes · View notes
deeplightsanctuary · 3 years
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2M notes · View notes
deeplightsanctuary · 4 years
Everything is dark. A cold air fills the room. I am firmly held by tie on a metallic table. I am shivering. I cannot move nor see where I am. A strip keep my head straight and another one just under my rib cage, tighten enough for my breathing to be disturbed.
Suddenly the light turns on the room, and I see myself in a big mirror right upon me, wearing only an long johns. I admit, I am very curious of what will happen next. I hear soft step noises, but I cannot turn the head to see. A young girl bends down and look at me straight in the eyes. She is lovely, with long dark hairs and a skin of honey colour. Her black eyes are shining with anticipation. - Don’t be afraid. Afraid ? I am curious, not afraid. I do not know how I ended up here. I do not know her nor what will happen. - W…who are…you ? Where…am I ? I hardly can speak. I don’t feel weak tho. Strange.
She doesn’t answer me. She unties the strip that kept my head straight and I can now see my surroundings. The room is made with bright light green ceramic. Next to me I can see a table with several surgical tools, breathing masks, a silent ECG and some deffibrilators, internal and external. I put my head straight and I see myself in the mirror. She puts the strip back on my head. She begins to caress my ribs, push a little bit over my sternum, smiles. She enjoys putting her fingers along my rib cage. She says : - You are safe with me. Nothing bad can happen to you. I am here. She places the ECG electrodes on my chest. Soon a soft bip-bip-bip is heard. She looks at the screen and murmurs : - Such a nice rythm, slow and steady. Your heart is healthy, and strong. You have a nice 56 bpm. I try to speak, but I simply can’t. She looks at me and with her finger draws a line that goes from my aorta to my carotids, on each side of my windpipe. She presses hard on my arteries. I immediately feel dizzy, I see black and silver stars before my eyes. I breath quicker and my heart speeds up. Bip-bip-bip-bip. At the moment I fall in unconsciousness, she removes her fingers from my neck and says : - Good, your heart reacts correctly. Your heart rate was of 97 bpm. I blink a few times to bring back a normal vision, just to see her grabbing a syringe. She palpates my chest left of my sternum, between two ribs. She delicatly puts the needle against my skin, but does not pushes yet. - I will compress your little heart. It will beat, it will struggle, but at the end, it will stop, in the middle of your chest. And you can’t do anyhing. She slowly pushes the needle between my ribs. My muscles tense, but the needle finally enters a cavity. I feel exactly where the point is. I feel…a sting deep in my chest. The needle just hit a hard contractile part. I arch on my back, the pain is deep. - Shhh, you’re safe. It’s all good. Let your heart panic. Look, your heart is beating at 123 bpm. It is not enough. I want more. You want more. I breath quickly. The needle touches that hard part, not even piercing it, but the pain is intense. - Here, you feel it ? I am touching your pericardium. In a few minutes, it will be filled and will prevent your heart from beating. But first, I need to stimulate your heart, make it beat faster. She pushes the needle deeper in my thorax. My heart wildly jumps in my chest, it beats faster, it is irregular. Bip-bip…bipbipbip…bip…bip…bipbipbip. I feel my myocardium being pierced, my heart beating out of control. - Yes, keep going on. 182 bpm and I haven’t injected the stimulant yet. She pushes on the piston, emptying the syringe. My heart rushes under the effect of the cold liquid. I hyperventilate. I feel my heart shaking inside my pericardium. - This is far better, isn’t it ? 236 bpm. Your heart beats four times in one second. I feel dizzy. My breathing is irregular. I feel the needle being removed from my heart, but not from my pericardium. - Now, I will compress your heart. Softly compressing it until you pass out. And bring you back, to compress it again. She lets the needle in my chest and remove the empty cylinder of the syringe. She then takes a bag filled with a clear liquid in it and plugs it to the needle still in my chest. She lifts the bag high and press it. I feel the cold liquid pouring around my heart, squizzing my heart. In the mirror, my eyes widen under the surprise. I feel like a cold hand grabbing my heart. My chest is rising and falling on the rythm of the hyperventilation. Under my sternum, my heart is beating fast. - 274 bpm. It seems that your little heart won’t give up, right ? She empties the bag completly. My poor heart, already weak, cannot stand more pressure on the ventricles. I feel my heart shivering, then shaking out of control. I just have time to see her take the defibrillators before going unconscious.
I open the eyes with a jump. I am still tied on the table and can hear the reasuring noise of the electrocardiogram. I try to remember what just happened. Yes…My heart ! I look in the mirror. I can see two red wound on my chest, where the current have passed from the defibrillator to my heart. I notice with surprise that the needle plunged in my heart has been removed. - Good, you’re awake. The first test was a success. We are going to proceed with the next tests, do you agree ? - W…wait… I catch my breath, and say with a murmur : - What…happened ? I still have lots of difficulties to speak. She looks at me and lay her finger on my lips. With a caring voice, she explains : - Your little heart hasn’t tolerated the cardiac tamponad nor the stimulant. I drained your pericardium sac and defibrillated your heart. Your heart is fascinating, I really look forward to hold it in my hands, massaging it, squeezing it…but it will be for later. - And now ? She smiles at me and caresses my sternum. She takes a medical mask and lays it on my face. She connects the tube to a gas bottle. She whispers in my ear : - It will please you. I will test the resilience of your heart at being asphyxiated. You are going to breath some gases. I chose three for you. Carbon dioxyd, helium…and if your heart reacts correctly, maybe you’ll get oxygen. The ECG accelerates. I know how it will react. I tried before I arrived here. I remember. - I let you discover the first gas. I can’t wait to see your heart fibrillate ! She opens the first valve. I breath deeply, I fill my lungs with that cold gas. I suffocate at the first puff, and immediatly begin to hyperventilate. My heart hammers against my ribs. Carbon dioxyd ! My breathing is very heavy, I choke. My tachycardic heart feels like a stone in my chest. My thorax rises and falls too fast to be efficient. I see my skin turning pink under the asphyxiant effect of the gas. My muscles are convulsing. I breath in again. My heart skips a beat, then beat faster again. Bibibibibibibi. Tachycardia is regular tho. My heart feels heavy. - This is very good, breath in again. Breath. I inhale deeply the gas. The carbon dioxyd is acting on my heart now, I feel it. It stops. Beat again. Skips. I feel my heart palpitate, then a tingling in my chest. My heart fibrillate… As I was blacking out, a powerful electrical shock shakes my chest. Cool air arrives on my mask. My heart stops beating. She punches me on the sternum and I can feel my myocardium contracting once more. Irregular, but beating. I am saved. My heart fibrillated, then got defibrillated. Bipbipbipbip. - 162 bpm. This is very good, knowing it is just after a ventricular fibrillation. Breath calmly now. I inhale. I feel good. I see my chest raising and falling. She keeps caressing my sternum, my chest, my whole rib cage. I inhale again. It makes me feel all funny, my heart beats fast. And very hard. I see it moving under her palm. I inhale again. I do not understand. I inhale… I open the eyes. Bip-bip-bip. The ECG calmed down. I remember the fibrillation induced by the carbon dioxyd. The defibrillation. Then…Helium ? I felt nothing, except my hammering heart and my heavy breathing. - I love the feeling of your fibrillating myocard under my fingers. Feeling it ceasing to pump blood in your chest to keep you alive. I want to play with your heart, to squeeze, to pinch, to perce your little heart. - It was…pleasant… She smiles, draw a line at the heart location with her finger on my sternum. She kisses the place where she punctured my heart with the syringe. She whispers : - I revived you three times. Now I will use three ways of resuscitation to stop your little heart. I want to play with this nice breastbone before cracking your chest open.She places her hands on my sternum. She pushes with all her strenght on it. That took my breath away and my breastbone is pushed on eight good centimeters. My ribs crack. My surprised heart skips a beat. My sternum goes up and is pushed again on my heart. Push, relax, push, relax. - When your atrias contract to fill your ventricles, I press your heart. I don’t want that your ventricles fill. I want them as empty as possible. I want as little blood as possible in your arteries. Push, relax, push, relax. In the mirror, I see my thorax being deformated by the pressure. I feel my heart palpitate, trying to resist to that imposed rythm. My ventricles are mercylessly emptied. My heart speeds up to compensate. She knows it. She adapts her rythm to disturb my heart, as much as possible. Push, relax, push, relax. Breathing is difficult with as much pressure on my chest. I feel dizzy. My heart is unsteaddy, it palpitates.  It beats very hard. In the mirror, my whole body is shaking under the powerful contractions. I can see my apex under her palms. Push, relax, push, relax.
Finally, after nearly one hour of uninterrupted heart massage, my irregular heart is still beating. She stops compressing my chest and stares me in the eyes : - I will make that organ fibrillate. She lifts her fist and powerfully hits my sternum. I moan. She hits me again, my breathing stops. My heart stops. Beats again. She looks at the ECG, slowly lifts her fist. She hits my sternum even harder than before. I stertorously breath. My heart is only shivering now. My pupils widen, my ribs cease to move up and down. She murmurs : - I feel your heart shaking under my fingers. Your little heart is fibrilatting again. I lose consciousness. I hardly feel the current going through the chest. Her hands are back on my sternum, not trying to stop my heart this time, but trying to save me, massaging my fibrillating heart. Another shock. I think my heart restarts. I can see again. In the mirror, my skin is a little bit more red. - Good, you’re back. Time to continue. She puts a good layer of conducting gel on my thorax and sticks two defibrillator electrodes, one up of my left nipple, the second one on my left flank. - This heart of yours is resilient. Let’s see how much it can take. We begin slowly, only 150J. I hear the humming of the defibrillator. I feel the shock. I moan, my heart stops while the current is in my chest, then keep on beating. It beats fast. - 200J. I feel my heart making a lot of big jumps in my chest. Now it is irregular and tachycardic. The ECG is panicking. Bi-bibibi-bip-bip-bibi-bip. - The ECG shows us only a little 181bpm. Let’s try 300J. She watches my chest rising under the powerful electrical impulse. My heart palpitates, palpitates, palpitates. Another shock. And another. - That’s it. 500J. That exctremly powerful shock makes my back arches for at least three seconds. My heart stops, I lay on the table. As I black out, my heart beats again, a single, mighty beat, then keep on beating very fast. I can hear it in my head. Lubdublubdub…lubdublub…lubdubdubdubdub. She shocks me again. Lub…The now familiar tingling in my chest seizes my heart. I lose consciousness. When I open the eyes, she was looking at me. She says : - When the heart massage and the defibrillation do not work, we have only one last resort. Do you know what is that last resort ? I try to say no, to shake the head. I am so weak. I can feel only my heart hammering inside my chest. I see her taking two syringes on the table. She explains : - Those two products have complementary effects. I begin by injecting you a good dose of atropine. It will keep your heart at a high speed, without slowing it down. Then I will inject you a huge dose of adrenaline. Not only will your heart only speeds up, but it will be beating pretty regulary before sinking in a very pleasant ventricular fibrillation. You enjoy it, isn’t it ? I see her palpate my chest, then piercing my skin and my intercostal muscles with the first syringe. She stops her move and says : - It is only a little needle, but what would happen if I stabbed your heart like I would do with a knife ? She brutally plunges the needles, deep in my left ventricle and empty the content. The deep pain make me aches my back, and that sudden movement makes the stucked needle move in my myocard too. The pain is intense, intimate. My heart is hurt. Physically hurt. She caresses my ribcage, remove the syringe and murmurs : - Shh, I know, I know, it is painful. Everything is good. Your heart is very reactive to physic stimuli. Look in the mirror. You breath quickly. Heavily. Your little heart already accelerates. I will help it reaching its best rythm. She takes the other syringe. This time, she slowly push the needle in my chest, gently tickling my pericardium with the needle point before deciding to pierce it and empty the adrenaline in my left ventricle. - 196 bpm. My heart jumps in my chest as the stimulant makes effect. She removes the needle and murmurs : - 198, 205, 222. I hardly breath. My heart feels like it will explode. I hyperventilate. My ribs rise and lower too fast to be efficient. My whole body shivers with my heart contraction. A thin trickle of blood oozes from the puncture and run down my ribs. - 240, 254, 276. She put her hands on my mouth and pinches my nose. I choke. My chest frantically rises and lowers. I try to inhale with all my weak strenghts. She removes her hands and I heavily breath. I am still hyperventilating. My heart is beating extremely fast, I feel only my continuous thundering heartbeats. - 310 beats per minutes ! Your heart beats five times in one second ! She puts one hand on my sternum and the other at my apex. She murmurs : - Your little heart is  strong, but I think it cannot take more. I feel it. Look in the mirror. My incredibly fast yet regular heart skip a beat. She smiles. I know why she smiles. - Your little ventricles are fibrillating. Feel them quivering. I lose consciousness.
Something is wrong. It’s dark, I can’t see anything. I cannot feel my chest except a gnawing pain along my sternum. My breathing is strange, as if my ribs weren’t raising as usual. - Everything went perfectly. We can now proceed on the internal part of our tests. You’ll love it, I assure you. She whitdraws my blindfolds. I am staring in the mirror, surprised to see a medical blanket covering my thorax. She passes her hands on that blanket in the same gesture as when she was caressing my ribs and my sternum. She takes the blanket and take it away. Fascinated, I contemplate the gaping hole in my chest, my split sternum revealing my beating heart in its white pericardium. It’s so soft, so regular. I could watch it beating for hours. A metallic sound brings me back to my immediate surrounding. She shows me a little scalpel and says with a big smile : - Your sternum is cracked open, there is nothing left to protect your vulnerable ventricles. Only a little membrane, a very thin membrane. She slowly approaches the blade of my heart. In my open thorax, my heart beat under the thin pericardium. The blade poke it, I feel my heart quivering. Then the scalpel enters the pericardic sac and sink into my myocardium with an agonising slowness. I feel a deep, internal pain, my heart irregulary contracting around the invading blade. I breath heavily. She let go the scalpel plunged into my heart and I can see it dancing with every contraction. - Your little heart keeps beating. It is pretty regular. Let’s see how it can tolerate a twist move from the blade. She twists the scalpel. It’s burning, I can see my eyes widen with pain and surprise, I breath faster, my heart is panicking. She put the blade out of my heart and then lay a finger on the pericardic hole. My blood pours of the wounded ventricle at every contraction. I feel it flowing around my heart, squeezing it. My heart is more and more irregular, my ventricles are collapsing under the pressure around them. It’s beating weaker now. My vision is fading, my breathing lesser deep. In the mirror, I can see the pericardium being filled with my own blood. My heart…stops. When I open the eyes, I can see my heart. It is happily beating in my open chest, pale red and pink. Coronary arteries and veins are pulsating at the same rythm. My pericardium retained on each side by a suture, completly exposing my most vital organ. On my ventricle, I see a black suture. The hole in my heart is sealed. - I love the cardiac tamponnad. How it feels, the sight of your struggling heart, your collapsed ventricles. She puts her hand in my chest and touches my heart. Surprised, it skips a beat. She caresses my ventricles, tilts my atrias, enjoys the feeling of my heart in her hands. She then slaps my heart. I suffocate, but my heart keeps on beating. She whispers : - I wasn’t expecting it to not stop. She smiles and pinches my atrias between her thumb and index. My heart skips some beats, then pauses. It contracts hard, quiver and enters in v-tach. After a little moment of pressure on the atrias, my heart comes back to a more normal rythm. - I want to open again your suture. But I will keept that for later, don’t worry. She lets go my atrias. They struggle to find back a synchronised rythm with my ventricles. She says to me : - Your poor atrias are in difficulties. They are fibrillating. Let me shock your heart. But first, I need to stop it completly. It is easier that way. With a laboured sigh, I say : - H…how ? She lays a finger on my lips and look at my heart. She takes on object on the table and shows it to me. It is a 9V battery, the one with the metallic strips for the negative and positive poles. - I will short-circuit your myocard. She slowly moves the battery forward, closer and closer of my heart, then the contact is made. My heart beats very fast, quivering, and the contractions cease. My heart is motionless in my chest. As I lose consciousness, I feel her hand sliding around my heart and massaging it. Blood circulates at the rythm of her fingers squeezing my heart muscle. Her hand is warm and strong, pumping well my poor myocardium. She winks and smiles at me : - I decide of your heart rate. Your heart belongs to me now. And I want it in my palm. She bends on me, releases her grips on my heart and blow on my lungs. Silver stars begin to dance before my eyes and she takes again my heart in her hand to massage it. The suture on my ventricle is painful, her hand contracts and release. I feel the pressure, like an intrusion in my thorax. I am terribly vulnerable. She stops again to blow in my lungs, massage my heart with one hand and takes a defibrillator with the other. She lets my still heart in my chest, position the paddles against my heart and shock immediatly. The current shakes my whole body makes my heart violently jolting and it begins to fibrillate. She shocks it again, and flick my heart as it stopped with the current. My heart is back in a sinusal rythm. The wound on my heart is slightly bleeding now. She takes again my heart in her hand and keep massaging it. It skipps, is irregular. She says : - I am going to knead your heart, stronger and stronger, harder and harder, to make it stop. Or fibrillate. I like when your heart fibrillate. You like it too, I know. You like to feel your heart squeezed. You like my hand in your chest. She presses my heart harder, longer. My heart struggles to beat. She presses my ventricles when they are filling, sending the blood back in the upper chambers of my heart, and let go my ventricles when they contract to send the blood in my arteries. I am panting, my cracked chest raising and lowering fast. My heart is mercilessly massaged. She massage my heart for a good half hour. She then smiles at me, stop squeezing my heart and watch it try to catch a normal rythm. Bi…bipbipbip…bip-bip…bibibi-bipbip. - Tell me how it would feel if I was pressuring your whole heart with both hands, and not with only one hand ? She slides her hand under my heart muscle, put the other on it, closes her eyes to enjoy my heart beat in her palms. She slowly presses my heart, savouring each shudder, each desperate contraction. Stronger and stronger, my heart beats, but I feel the pressure on my heart muscle like a stone, crushing it. She releases the pressure, my heart jumps, beat fast, and she presses again, slowly. I gasp. The releases. My confused heart lost its regular rythm, erraticly beating. - I will stop those cardiac contractions. Do you know the expression “to have a heavy heart” ? Know it in its first meaning ! She weight on my heart with all her strenght, slowly as before, but keeping my heart tighter and stronger in her grip. I feel my ventricles rubbing against her fingers, my atrias pressed under her palms. I moan, my breathing is halting. My heart is more than irregular. No beat is like the previous one. It skipps, stops, jolts in her deathly grip. - Your heart is so slow now, so…erratic. What if I press even harder now ? She squeezes my heart again, stronger than before. My breathing stops. My crushed heart cannot pump blood, my sight is fading. She holds my heart tighted in her hands for a few seconds again, and she releases her grip. My heart jumps wildly in my chest, my atrias are fibrillating, my ventricles enter in a very fast tachycardic cycle. She look at my heart. And suddenly plunges her hands again in the hole in my chest to catch my heart and squeeze it again. This time, she holds her grip for a whole minute. I might have passed out. I feel her letting my heart free to beat once more. In the mirror, the suture is nearly open. My heart is bleeding. - It’s fascinating. Your heart reacts far better than expected. You were supposed to fibrillate. Or to be asystolic. Time to bring your little heart in a more sinusal rythm, don’t you agree ? I am incapable of speaking. My breathing is heaving, shaky, like my heart. Ready to stop at any moment. But I see her approaching with the 9V battery. Contact is made. My heart jumps out of surprise, then completly stops. I lose consciousness, vaguely feeling her hand massaging my heart to keep me alive for the following tests. She whitedraws her hand to blow in my lungs, and I black out.
I can barely open the eyes this time. I hear the sweet sound of the ECG beeping, slow and steady. It is strange to hear it this way, it was so chaotic for the last hours. I feel her hand caresses my ribs. She whisper : - Your heart… After all I did to it, it’s still beating in its sinusal rythm, to its 55 bpm. But I am not done yet, and your little heart either. She lays her hand on my beating heart, visibly enjoying its powerful contractions. She caresses my aorta, setting off a new feeling in my chest. Like touching a thick plastic tube. A tube that is a part of me. - Your heart is murmuring. Soon, it will suffocate. But first, I have to suture that nice laceration on your ventricle. My heart was indeed bleeding, a little bit of blood spurting out with each contraction. She takes a thin needle and a suture thread and begins to sew the little blade shaped hole of my ventricle. The needle enters my myocardium, gets out of it, dragging the thread in the tiny tiny needle hole, closing the laceration at each pass. My heart skips, I breath faster under those repetitive stings. Finally, my heart stops bleeding. My heart is beating faster now, 76 bpm I think. - Do you know what will follow ? I am going to asphyxiate your heart. This will be very easy to do. She puts her hand down in my open chest, tilting my heart. She says again : - Actually, I will strangle your heart. I know you love strangulation. She focus on the biggest coronary artery, follow it with a finger until she finds a good spot. Delicatly, very tenderly, she pushes on it. At first I feel nothing. Is she pushing hard enough on it ?Then I feel my heart jumping so violently in my chest that I feel her finger going deep in my myocardium. My heart is beating very irregulary now, skipping every beat, speeding up, becoming more and more tachycardic. My breath is shaky, hyperventilating. - Do you think your heart will stop or will fibrillate ? I hope it fibrillates, you’re already at 214 beat per minutes. I see in the mirror my ventricles frantically contracting, trying to compensate the lack of oxygen in my heart with more speed. The inside of my chest is making me suffer. My heart is burning with asphyxia fire. I can see my heart becoming pale, my asphyxiated myocardium becoming tarnished. My ventricles grow again. A violent skip makes me feel my heart rubbing against the under part of the pericardium, and my heart violently fibrillate, not able to bear anymore strangulation. She whitedraws her finger. The oxygenated blood rushing through my asphysiated myocardium only makes it completly stops. My heart is lifeless again in my open chest. I only feel a needle piercing my ventricle before blacking out. I blink the eyes, and take a deep breath. She is here, looking at me. She says : - What an effect for having pushed on a so little artery ! Your heart enlarged, I like it. She caresses my aorta, go down one of my coronary artery but does not push on it yet. - You surely know what a commotio cordis is, right ? This is a violent hit on the sternum at a specific moment of the cardiac revolution that leads to a ventricular fibrillation. But your beautiful sternum is cracked open and split in two. I can only strike your heart. She lay down her hand down in my open chest, take my heart from rear so my heart is now beating on her palm, and lifts it at the heights of the rib spreader. I feel a dull ach inside my chest, a tension on my arteries and veins I’ve never experienced yet. She then strikes my heart The shock makes my whole body to shake, I ache my back, creating even more tension on my blood vessels. She hits again, I hear a wet crushing sound, I suffocate. She hits again, my breathing stops. Again, my heart stops. She strikes with her palm, my heart stops. Again. It beats, weakly. Again. She frowns and says : - Why isn’t it fibrillating yet ? She takes a syringe and injects something in my heart. The tightening of the puncture makes my heart skips even more after that mercyless beating, and it speeds up a lot under the effect of the product she just injected me. I hyperventilate again, my skin become light red. She hit my heart again, but it doesn’t even skip this time. She lifts her hand again and I managed to speak : - W…wait…T…T wave… She focuses on the ECG. She hits with all her strenght on my bruised heart. I feel the familiar twitching on the fibrillation against her hand, the massaging onf her hands around my frenzy quivering heart muscle. I lose consciousness. When I open the eyes again, I see in the mirror my heart is paler, bigger. It beats more weakly, or maybe is it just an impression. She says to me : - I haven’t tried if your heart could bear a very high blood pressure. But don’t worry, I know exactly how to raise your pressure at a cardiac level. Your laceration will open by itself. She grabbs something on the table and show it to me. It looks like a pair of pliers. - I nearly forgot I had those ! These are not normal pair of pliers. These are clamps. I am going to clamp your aorta ! My heart speeds up in excitation of what will happen. She takes my heart in her heand and pulls it a little out of the opened pericardium in order to have a good view on my aorta. It’s here, pulsating, surging with each contractions of my ventricles. Her hand is soft on my heart, but I feel a painful tension where the aorta spouts out of my heart. Still holding my heart with one hand, she apporaches the clamp with the other hand, open it and says : - How will ends this test ? Will your heart completly stop beating ? Will it fibrillate ? Or maybe your little heart will burst. Now, I clamp it. I clamp your aorta. Carefully, she clamps the most imporant blood vessel of my body. My heart immediately skips a beat, I feel my blood pushing against the artery wall, my ventricles pushing the blood in the aorta, struggling to eject all the blood that accumulates in my heart chambers. I see silver stars, my vision begins already to fade. I can see my heart inflating with all the blood that doens’t get out in the aorta. The laceration of my ventricle brutally opens and blood spurts out like a fountain. The ECG shows a flatline. She removes the clamp. I barely feels her hand massaging my grievly wounded heart, and I think I see a needle, ready to suture once again the opening in my heart muscle. I totally lose consciousness. When I come back from the sweet darkness of unconsciousness, a wide tear is visible on my myocardium. A little of blood oozes from the wound. A bleached line around my aorta shows where the clamp was. She says : - Your little heart nearly bursted. I couldn’t let the experiment ends like this. I have one last test to run with you. The wide wound on my heart hurts, every painful contraction making it even worst. I see hers hands wrapping around my heart, kneading  a little bit, pushing on it to feel the powerful contractions of my heart. Her hand is still as strong as before. She smiles to me, with a kind and benevolent smile, yet very sad at the same time. - It can end in only one way. You know it, don’t you ? Tenderly, she tightens her hands around my skippy heart. Slowly, she pulls it out of my chest, still attached. - I am going to rip your heart out of your chest. Slowly. I want you to enjoy your last heart beats. She pulls my heart out. My terrified, tachycardic heart beats very irregulary in her hand. She massages my heart at the same time, massagine my ventricles with her long thin fingers, pushing at the same time against my coronary arteries. She pulls it out again, My blood vessels are tensed, ready to be broken. She stops massaging my heart and at the same way allow the blood to circulate again in my coronary arteries. Still holding my heart with one hand, she pokes the wide suture with her other hand. - I told you I wanted to open your heart. She slowly pushes her finger inside my heart, breaking the suture, penetrating the inner part of my beating heart. She savagly scratches my frail endocardium. It’s more than what my heart can bear, it begins to fibrillate once more: - Now I rip your heart. She brutally pull my heart out of my thoracic cavity. My pupils widen. I use my last seconds of counsciousness to survey my now still ribs, my chest cracked open and the gaping wound on my thorax. My eyes roll back, I exhale. I feel aspirated in darkness, surrounded by water sound, ringing ears. Then nothing more. The end
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deeplightsanctuary · 4 years
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deeplightsanctuary · 4 years
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deeplightsanctuary · 4 years
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This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years. 
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life. 
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deeplightsanctuary · 4 years
The doctor runs my code with her team of nurses. With every unsuccessful shock she’s closer to what she wants. She calls my time of death and the team goes to clean up and throw away their scrubs. Ruined with sweat and a little blood. The doctor unveils my blanket to find my eyes open, tube down my throat. My dick is the only thing stiff. She locks the door leaves her cap and mask on and lifts up her trauma gown before taking off her scrubs pants and mounting me.
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deeplightsanctuary · 4 years
The Final Orgasm.
I suddenly jolt wide awake inside a clearly lit room. I try to move my arms around, but it appears I'm tied to the railings of the bed.
"Hello?", I yell out as soon as I hear a door open in the distance.
"Don't try to fight it.", you say with a soft and caring voice.
That's when I laid eyes upon you, your near nude body didn't leave much to the imagination as it was loosely covered by a transparent gown. I can't take my eyes off you, and I would be lying if it didn't excite me.
"W-what am I doing here?", I stutter with a noticeable fear in my voice.
Nothing, not a single reply was given as you pull the sheet covering my nude body. My nipples seem to become erect in an instance when the coldness of the room engulfs my body. You seem to be fumbling with something at the end of the bed before you grab my left leg and place it in a stirrup, then my right leg, exposing my shaven pussy as I'm just laying there.
"This will hurt a bit.", you nonchalantly say when looking for a vein in my arm to insert an IV.
I wince a bit from the sharp needle stabbing a hole in my arm, but there is nothing I can do about it. I hear you flick on some sort of machine before applying sticky pads all over my body, monitoring every little change. You take a deep breath as you grab three suction cups, two for my breast, and one for my pussy. Once they fit snugly to my body, you turn your back to me to turn on the suction machine. Small moans escape my mouth as my pussy is being stimulated. My heart rate starts to climb, as you decide to increase the strength and intervals. Both my breasts and pussy are now forcefully being sucked as I edge closer and closer to an orgasm. I let out one final moan as my juices are forced to leave my pussy by the strength. My breathing becomes erratic and soon I start to gasp for air. It doesn't seem to faze you as you nonchalantly take the suction cups of my breasts. I let out one final gasp, before my body falls limp, a flatline displaying on the ECG.
"Don't do this to me!", you shout as you interlock your hands and start pumping away at my chest.
Your red lipstick leaves behind a trace after you have given me two rescue breaths. You turn around and charge up the defibrillator, squirting just a bit too much gel on them, leaving my chest all glittery after the current has run through my heart. It's to no avail though, I'm still flatlining, so you resume giving me harsh and deep compressions. My entire body buckles under the force you're applying to my chest, in an attempt to bring me back. Two more sets of compressions, and four deep rescue breaths go by when you decide to shock me again.
"Clear!", you yell out before pressing both buttons on the defibrillator. My chest crashes back down after violently being forced up in the air.
"Beep, beep, beep.", the monitor goes and you breathe a sigh of relief.
I'm unconscious on the table, as you cover my nude chest in surgical sheets. Some time goes by and you enter the room once more, wearing sterile gloves. You grab a scalpel and set away cutting right in the middle of my breasts. My ribs are forcefully cracked by you, in an attempt to reach my little organ.
"Wow.", you say in amazement when you lay your eyes upon it. My heart, steadily beating away in my chest.
You hesitate for a second, but decide it's the only punishment I can receive. As one hand firmly cups my beating heart, the other one is looking for the main arteries, before cutting them, one by one. I suddenly jolt awake as I feel my heart struggling to beat.
"Beep, beep, beeeeeep.", the monitor goes as you cut away the last artery. I try to cling onto life for a couple seconds, but soon everything goes dark. You give my heart a few squeezes, not being bothered about my lifeless body. My heart gets placed in a special jar, before you set about cleaning the mess you created. You stitch my chest back together, remove the sheets and move down to the final suction cup, still hovering over my pussy. You detach the straps, but can't help yourself slipping a finger inside. You gasp slightly once you realise how much my body has cooled down in such a short period of time. You sigh, as you take one final look at my battered body, before covering it with a white sheet, my legs still stuck inside the stirrups.
"No, boss, she didn't make it, probably a weak heart.", you phone over to someone in command as you put the lights out in the room, swiftly taking the jar home with you.
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deeplightsanctuary · 4 years
Which Baby Are You?
Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth. Stubborn. Repost this in 5 mins and you will meet someone new in 8 days that will perfectly balance your personality.
Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexiest out of everyone. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest And loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Horny. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions. Repost this in 5 mins and you will talk to someone new and realize that you are a perfect match.
Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Great kisser. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Observant and assesses others. If you repost this in the next 5 mins, you will meet your new love in 8 days.
Suave and compromising. Funny and humorous. Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does work well with others. Very confidant. Sensitive. Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and others. Understanding. Fun to be around. Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive. Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and traveling. Systematic. Hot but has brains. If you repost this in 5 mins, a cutie that’s caught your eye will introduce themselves and you will realize that you are very much alike in the next 2 days.
Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High-spirited. If you repost this in the next 5 minutes, you will become close to someone you do not speak too much in the next 4 days.
You’ve got the best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt and more than likely have an a very attractive partner. a wicked hottie. It is also more than likely that you have a massive record collection. You have a great choice in films, and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck, you’ve got the looks for it!!! IN the next 6 days you will meet someone that may possibly become one of your closest friends, if you repost this in 5 minutes.
Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people’s feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy at times. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover. Repost this in the next 5 mins and your reputation will boost someway in the next 12 days
Outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. No self-control. Kind hearted. Self-confident. Loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful. Easy to get along with and talk to. Has an “every thing’s peachy” attitude. Likes talking and singing. Loves music. Daydreamer. Easily distracted. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. Loves to be loved. Hates studying. in need of “that someone”. Longs for freedom. Rebellious when withheld or restricted. Lives by “no pain no gain” caring. Always a suspect. Playful. Mysterious. “charming” or “beautiful” to everyone. stubborn. curious. Independent. Strong willed. A fighter. Repost in 5 mins and you will meet the love of your life sometime next month.
Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Usually you have many friends. Enjoys to make love. Emotional. Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving, motivates oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore. Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can understand. If you do not repost this in the next 5 mins, someone very close to you will become mad at you in the next 8 days.
Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn’t pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Unpredictable. Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all. repost this in 5 mins or you will not meet the love of your life for 10 years.
Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun. Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, the greatest men are born in this month. If you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind. Repost in 5 mins & you will excel in a major event coming up sometime this month.
This straight-up means you are the most good-looking person possible… Better than all of these other months! Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive in everything. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Has that someone always on his/her mind. Talkative. Daydreamer.Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding. Able to show character. One guy/girl kind of person. Loveable. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves music. Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive.
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deeplightsanctuary · 4 years
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Shepard grew some hair while recovering after the end of ME3.
If he plans to return to active duty he’ll have to shave it off, right?
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deeplightsanctuary · 5 years
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Some illustrations done these last months :3
I hope you guys have been well!
(Edit: Vetra’s Outfit idea belongs to @stormcallart !! )
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deeplightsanctuary · 5 years
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Two years?! I’m in!
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deeplightsanctuary · 6 years
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A dutiful nurse Kat making sure her patient is nice and relaxed.
Pov gassing pic from a small doodle from earlier on.
If you like this stuff, maybe consider taking a look at my Patreon. You can watch these pieces get made. I stream every Saturday (and sometimes randomly during the week) over on Picarto.
I’m on twitter too!
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deeplightsanctuary · 6 years
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This is a commission for @aidenke , of their OCs Lauren and Tara. Here’s what they had to say about the scene: “When Lauren surprised her at work in the labs that evening, Tara could tell from the glint in her eye that her girlfriend had a few plans in mind. While she hadn’t expected them to include borrowing one of the exam rooms, Tara had no complaints about getting a check up from her favorite and very kinky nurse…”
Thank you to everyone for your patience as I make my way through my commission list!
(Also once again thanks tumblr for not allowing my to tag people. I’ll try editing the post later to get it to work. Sorry @aidenke!)
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deeplightsanctuary · 6 years
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Scribbly swimsuit Mel mirror selfie. Showing off some of her best assets for her fans.
If you like this stuff, maybe consider taking a look at my Patreon. You can watch these pieces get made. I stream every Saturday (and sometimes randomly during the week) over on Picarto.
I’m on twitter too!
110 notes · View notes