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오늘의 영어 숙어 공부 5
to come out  출시되다.
to be broke  파산하다.
to spot (someone)  누군가에게 돈이나 금전적인 물건을 빌려주다.
to bark up the wrong tree  잘못 짚다, 엉뚱한 사람을 찾아 왔다.
to roll up someone’s sleeves  일을 착수하기 위해 소매를 걷어붙이다.
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.  떡 줄 사람은 생각도 않는데 김치국부터 마시지 마라.
to keep someone’s word  약속을 지키다.
to bring home the bacon  밥벌이를 하다, 가족의 생활을  부양하다.
to take something with a grain of salt. 남이  한 말을 곧이곧대로 듣지 않고 잘 가려서 듣다.
Sour grapes.  지기 싫어하는 마음에서 비롯된 오기나  억지.
mooch.  다른 사람에게 빌붙어 사는 빈대 같은 사람.
A super fan is really excited  waiting for his favorite singer’s next song to
come out.
After the man spent all his money on expensive electronics, he was broke until
his next payday.
I forgot my wallet when I went out to dinner with my friend, but he was nice enough to spot me.
A man was very nervous about asking a pretty lady to go on a date, but unfortunately he was barking up the wrong tree because she was already married.
It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.
Life can be unpredictable, and things in the future can change unexpectedly, 
so you shouldn’t count your chickens before they hatch.
It’s important to keep your promise and keep your word.
If you earn money for  yourself and a family, you are bring home the bacon.
If there is a good reason to doubt that a person is telling  the whole truth, you should take the things they say with a grain of salt.
If a person is jealous of other people’s achievements, then you can describe the
envious person’s feelings as sour grapes.
 A person who wants other people to pay for things he uses is a mooch.
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Wow wonderful !
Frittatas by fairchildart
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영어 단어 공부 3
civil war 남북전쟁.  slavery  노예제도.  began. 시작되다.  
industry. 산업. general. 장군  at first. 처음에. seemed to be winning.  이기는 것처럼 보이다.  lost  지다. Union.북부 연방.  cut through ~을  돌파하다.
will 의지.  led  이끌다. surrendered 항복하다.  assassinated.  암살하다.
be interested in  관심이 있다.  Making a lot of money. 많은 돈을 벌다.
can afford to  do ~할  금전적 여유가 있다.  technologies  과학 기술.
moving to the suburb. 교외로  이사가다.  enjoy oneself  즐기다.
stock   주식  crashed 붕괴되다.   billions  of.  수십 억의.
go bankrupt. 파산하다.  go out of  business.  폐업하다.  unemployment. 실업.
elected  선출되다.  Great Depression  대공황.  increase 증가시키다.
Influence. 영향. recover.  회복되다.
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오늘의  영어 숙어 공부 4
I’d like a word with you.  당신과 긴히 할 이야기가  있어요.
to be open a crack. 살짝 열려있다.
all the way.  갈 수 있는데까지, 내내, 완전히, 모조리, 가능한 상황에서 최대한.
to double check. 재확인하다.
to slip someone’s mind.  무언가 깜빡 잊혀지다.
to put something (or someone) to the test. 무언가를 시험해보다.
A: It was so windy and rain all day yesterday!
B: Yeah,the weather really put my raincoat to the test yesterday, but I am really
happy with it. I stayed totally dry!
to  go in one ear and out the other.  한 귀로 듣고 한 귀로 흘리다.
A boy who forgets to do the job his mother asks him to  do.
A: Billy! I asked you to take out the garbage an hour ago, and you said you’d
do it!
B: Huh? Oh sorry mom. I did say that, but I forgot. I’ll do it right now.
A:Sometimes it seems my words go in one ear and out the other with you!
the scoop. 어떠한 것을 푸거나 혹은 퍼 올리는 행동, 무언가를 푸는 도구 자체.
Three literal examples, using the word ‘scoop’ as a verb and a noun.
 1. A: I scooped water up to my mouth using my hand.
 2. B: A  bulldozer is a machine that can push,and move large amounts of dirt,
 but some also have mechanical scoops, so they can dig holes.
3.I got a double scoop ice cream cone yesterday, with two different flavors on
one cone.
비유적으로 정보나 흥미로운 소식을 의미함.
Someone that has exciting information to share.
A: I just heard some very exciting news!
B: What’s happened? what’s the scoop?
A: My sister is getting married! Her fiance proposed, and she was overjoyed!
B: Well, that’s wonderful! Congratulations to the happy couple!
to have your heart in the right place. 잘 해보려고 하다, 진심으로 좋은 의도를 갖고 하다.
Someone trying to do something nice.
A: It was very nice of Dave to buy me an Ice cream cake, but he didn’t know
that I can’t eat dairy foods! I am allergic to the lactose chemical in milk!!
B: Oh no! Well, that’s still nice...His heart was in the right place. Do you
still have any of that cake? I’m not allergic to dairy products!
to jog someone’s memory. 기억을 불러일으키다.
Driving through and old familiar neighborhood that you have not visited in
long time.
A: I haven’t been in this neighborhood in years! It seems like it’s changed a lot!
B: Do you still know how to get where we’re going? I don’t want to get lost.
A: I’m not going to get lost. It looks a bit different, but these streets are really
familiar to me, I know them like the back of my hand.
B: I bet you have a lot of memories here.
A: Of course I do, this is my old childhood  neighborhood. I have not thought
about this place in years, but being here again is jogging my memory. I learned
to ride a bike in that park over there, and my best friend Gary used to live down
this street!
the straw that broke the camel’s back.  한계, 더 이상 견딜 수 없는 상태,상황.
That’s the last straw.
When many problems happen at the same time (or near the same time)
A: This month has been nothing but bad luck at my house!  Last week something went wrong with the washing machine, then the electric heater broke, and now the roof is leaking. Rain water is dripping into the kitchen.
B: Really? All that happened this month? That house is falling apart!
A: The roof is really the last straw! I must call a repairman to come over and
fix the heater and the washing machine, and I’ll probably have to call a specialist to fix the roof. 
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영어 단어  2
left 떠나다.  very expensive. 아주 돈이 많이  들다.  raise taxes. 세금을 올리다.
passed  통과시키다.  Act 법률. Eventually  결국.  revolted  반란을 일으키다.
Intolerable  참을 수 없는.    Constitution 헌법.  the supreme law. 최고  법규.
strength  힘.  National government.  중앙 정부.  amendments. 법 개정.
specific. 특정한, 구체적인.   Be ratified  비���되다.  assemble  모이다.
illegal searches. 불법 수색.  arrests. 체포.  Be tried 재판 받다.
trial  재판.   bail  보석금.  
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영어 단어
tribe 부족 pottery 도자기  disease 질병  archaeologists 고고학자 
Run out  바닥나다.  artifacts 인공 유물  ruins 잔해.
explore 탐험하다.  get rich 부자가 되다. Made war 전쟁을 걸다.
led by ~가  이끄는.  conquered  정복하다.
cruel 잔인한  enslaved 노예로 만들다.
Water route 수로.  voyages 항해.  colonies 식민지.
claimed  주장하다, 요구하다.  settled in 정착하다.
set  sail 출항하다.  hunger 배고픔.  religious 종교적인.
religious beliefs  신앙.  hire 고용하다, 빌리다.
landed 상륙하다. properly 적절히, 제대로.
Be supposed to  하기로 되어있다. settler 이주자들.
be ruled  다스려지다.   lasted 지속되다.  commanded  지휘하다.
Declaration  선언서   Independence 독립.
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오늘의 영어 숙어 공부 3
a labor of love. 대가를 바라지 않고 사랑해서 기꺼이 감수하는 힘든 수고나 일.
Someone who has a hobby, but works very hard at it.
A: Why do you spend so much time repairing that old car?
I don’t understand how you can so many hours with dirty,  greasy fingers in
a sweaty hot garage.
B: It’s  a labor of love!  This baby is going to be so nice when I’m finished with
it, it’ll be the coolest car on the road!
half baked.  섣부른, 완성되지 않은, 설익은, 아직은 좀 부족한.
A  person who thinks of ridiculous business idea.
A: You guys, I have the best business idea! What if I open a shoe store.
but instead of walking into the store, you can just go to a drive through window
like a fast food restaurant? The building will be shaped like a giant shoe,
and I’ll call it the Drive Through Shoe.
A: You’re right that idea was a little half baked, but let me tell you about my
other ideas...
To be scatter brained.  정신이 산만한, 덜렁대는, 잘 잊어버리는.
A  busy mom with lots of things to do.
A: I can’t  believe I forgot to pick your sister up from soccer practice!
 She gets a ride home with Janey’s mom on Tuesday, but I’m supposed to give both the girls a ride home on Thursday!
B:Uh oh...you should call Janey’s mother to let her know! Why did you forget?
You’re usually really organized!
A: This week has been so busy, with a different holiday schedule for you kids at
school, and today I had to go to the bank, and the post office, and buy gas...I can’t believe I was so scatter brained that I forgot the girls have practice today!
To throw something together.  서둘러서 대강 만들어 내다.
Students that are supposed to give a presentation in a class.
A: Hey! Do you want to come over  to my house and play video games tonight?
B: That sounds good, but I really should work on my presentation for English class. We’ve had a week to prepare, but I haven’t even read the book I’m supposed to talk about yet.
A:Come on...you can read the book quickly, and just throw something together
before you have to talk in front of the class.
B: Is that plan the reason you failed that class last semester? 
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오늘의 영어숙어 공부 2
to keep someone posted. 계속해서 변화되는 상황에 대해 알리다.
A  wildfire can move very quickly, and can be very dangerous.
A:The mountain is on fire! Quick turn on the TV!
B: What happened? Have any homes burned down?
A: I think the fire is mostly on  the mountain right now, but if the wind
changes direction, it might come down the mountain and burn houses in
the city.
i’m going to drive to the end of the road to look at the smoke, but need to
evacuate the area.
특정한 장소에서 보초나 경비를 세워둔다는 의미.
Some friends waiting for the birthday girl at a surprise party
A: Jessica will be here any minute, and she’s going to be so surprised!  
B: Is anybody in front of the house to tell us when she’s coming? We should
keep somebody posted in front to tell us when she gets here.
To let someone down.  누군가를 실망시키다.
A: I can’t believe you missed that easy shot!  The goal was wide open, and the
goalie was out of position!
B: I can’t believe I missed it either. Sorry I let the team down.
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it’s so pretty.
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민화, 현대를 만나다 18 Aug 2018 @현대갤러리 현대화랑 두가헌
전시 종료 직전 급하게 방문- 연두색과 보라색이 세상 아름다워 빨려 들어가듯 보았다. 두가헌에 전시되어 있던 자수들도 너어- 무 아름다웠는데, 아마 이건 베개에서 꿈이 생겨난다고 생각하여 더 아름다운 자수를 놓으려 했던 조선 여인들의 마음 때문이겠지.
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오늘의 영어 숙어 공부
wet blanket is someone  who is always disappointed, sulky,or pessimistic.
Nobody likes to use a wet blanket, or to spend time a person who is a blanket.
흥이나  분위기를 망치는 사람.
to fill someone in this means to give someone information, or update them on a
changing situation. 
정보를 주다 , 자세히  알려주다.
to whip something up  figuratively, to whip something up means to create something quickly. this can have the negative connotation of doing something
hastily,  or the positive connotation of someone being skilled and doing something  with great ease.
뚝딱 만들어내다. 
on the spur of the moment
The spur of the moment describes a short moment in time, and this idiom is
usually used to describe making a decision very quickly, and suddenly.
즉흥적으로, 계획도 없이.
next time around This idiom is often used to describe how something can be
different the next time it happens.
This phrase usually refers to something that happens in a cycle, or a pattern.
다음 번에도  같은 상황이 일어난다면.
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넋두리하는 법도 모르면서
대체 왜 그런 짓을 했는지 모르겠다.
이렇게 잔혹할 대로 끔찍한 삶을 사느니 차라리 죽는 법이 나을 테야.
안 그런가요.
당신 주변을 맴도는 내가 역겹다고 분노하는 OO씨?
죽고 싶다.
라고 말하면  먹잇감을 찾아내 흥분한 득달처럼 갈가리 물어뜯거나 자살로
이끌 거라는 본성을 모르는 척하지 말길.
댁들이라면 충분히 그러고도 당연하게 사회악을 척결했다며 자랑하겠죠.
굳이 정신승리하면서 목숨부지하는 내가 하찮아 보이지 않나요?
죽을 수 있다면 나야  대환영이죠.
정답이 달리 없다면 말입니다.
물론 그대들은 환호에 찬 추잡한 마음으로 같잖은 위로말이나 건네줄까 내 부모님께 재미나단 표정과 함께 시건방이나 떨겠지, 그걸 못 보는 일이 내 천추의 한이 될까 무섭습니다.
그래봐야 당신들은 어른씩이나 돼서 남 깎아내리는 재주밖에 없구나.
강 건너 불구경 하듯 혼백이 되어서 지켜보고 싶습���다.
어서  날  죽여봐요.
당신들이 언제나  혐오로 뒤범벅 되어서 어떤 방식에 따라서
자신을 잃게 되더라도.
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