deepseatedregret · 2 years
"filler" is so misused bc anime filler is a really specific phenomenon where the animators can't fill their allotted episode count with material from the manga so they invent side stories or pad existing plots out. if something isn't an anime that was adapted from a manga it literally can't have that kind of filler. then people start to apply the concept to simply "episodes of a show that don't move the plot forward" and I don't even know why that's a problem bc if done well theres nothing wrong with those. having episodes with low stakes makes the ones with high stakes more impactful, and breathing room between major developments makes them more exciting when they do happen. some people seem to have this idea that filler = boring, plot = good, and I wish they would lose that mindset
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deepseatedregret · 2 years
the only thing more embarrassing than cringy poetry is being so afraid of feeling embarrassed that you don't even try to make anything at all
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
My favorite thing about reading adult fantasy is just accepting that the first hundred pages or so isn’t going to make any fucking sense. You won’t be able to keep the characters or the places straight and you’ll have very few hints regarding the plot but by the time you hit page 200 you’re all in.
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
controversial opinion but bringing characters back from the dead is fine and doesn’t cheapen the existence of death and mortality if there are sufficient emotional and narrative consequences. i’m talking guilt, i’m talking lingering resentment and grief, i’m talking rejection from those who’ve already begun to move on, i’m talking complicated feelings about being returned to a life you departed from without grace or preparation without your consent and now have to deal with the fallout of, i’m talking repressed feelings that cannot be acknowledged without hurting everyone involved, because you can bring back what was lost but what happened cannot be undone. and that’s why i could fight marvel studios and win.
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
is there anything sexier than hector being doomed and knowing that he is fated to die and yet still daring to love despite it all
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
Jane Austen was really out there 200 years ago writing lines like “If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more” that to this day are still so swoon-worthy.
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
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Mary Oliver, from Worm Moon in “Twelve Moons”
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
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— Sylvia Plath
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
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if not, winter by sappho // ampio orizzonte by ettore tito // lesbos by sylvia plath
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
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Jane Austen - "Sense and Sensibility"
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
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Sylvia Plath, from The Unabridged Journals
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
Okay, genuine question:
What does “flirting” exactly entail? Because I feel like my definition, carrying your beloved up a mountain and singing to them as they sip from the springs, may not exactly be universal
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
Ur in her DMs. She’s hoping I’m cursed forever to sleep on a twin sized mattress in somebody’s attic or basement my whole life. We are not the same
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deepseatedregret · 3 years
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Sylvia Plath
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