deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
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[You peer into the oddly large den to see Mothpaw and Deerpaw resting after dawn patrol]
((Deerpaw belongs to @deerpaw-the-cat !! I just figured I'd doodle the two together!!))
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
Hellow DeerPaw.
I sympathize with you, being all the way up there it must be very difficult for you to see bugs on the ground.
Unless you’re afraid of bugs, then I sympathize with how you cannot enjoy the experience of bugs. I have exposure therapy you could apply for if this is the case.
i dont mind bugs!! and,,, i can see all different kinds ofbugs on the treetrunks and bushes from my hight,,, and!! butterflys ^^ my favourite..
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
anarchypaw: are deers scared of fire .. i hope not. it'd be such a shame if i scared ywou out of the clan by setting fires- wait i didnt mean that as a threat i think ywou're cool please don't run away i wanna be frienddsssss
oh you don't have to worry,,,,,,,, *she looks around cautiously checking that nothing is actually on fire around* im not a deer im a kitty,,, im not scared of fire or anything,,,,,, else
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
*Muttchase trots over to Deerpaw*
Evenin’ DeerPaw. I’ve been told you’re new round here, so I thought I’d come up and introduce myself. My names MuttChase, and my job is called a Protector, where I protect and herd everybody needin’ to be protected and herded. So I’ll guess that I’ll be seein’ you round here pretty often.
*Muttchase dips their head* Have a good day Ma’am, just holler if you need me.
how considerate of you,,, thank you i appreciate it! a lot,, i do need protecting and herding sometimes, its a comfort thing,,, for me,, you are so sweet thank you,,,
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
I know you don't like to eat meat or anything so i brought you some blueberries i found while looking for any mysteries!
oh!! thank you so much for the,, care,,,
som other kitties are being a bit,,,,, dismissive about my preferences,,,,, but its fine! thank youo lots and lots i love blueberies ^^
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
Deerpaw, the other apprentices keep setting the nests in the apprentice den on fire... Can I sleep in your den??
- Mothpaw
(( @ask-mothpaw-the-lion ))
of corse!!! id be glad to have a denmate,, , welcome in ^^ i hope the large opening doesn't bother you, i just cant really fit in a smaller one.. ^^
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
have you ever ate bamboo?
what is bamboo.... i don't think i ever herd of it :<
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
Whats your favorite color?
awh- my favourite color is yelow! like dandelions... i quite like brown and green also!! ^-^
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
Honeydiamond likes friends that are her height, would you like to be friend?
yes!! i would,, love to be friends...
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
your a “kat” and not a cat.. hmm..
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[uh,,,, meow?]
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
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deerpaw was the next choice of the wheel’s!! @deerpaw-the-cat (should i @ mommyclan?)
littlepaw is hastaginspectingthenewcat
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ngl it was kind of hard to draw her— i dont draw deer.I MEAN VERY TALL CATS. often, but it was fun :3
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
Have you heard of ashpool?
a litlle... im really new here, i don't know a lot of cats im sorry,,
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
are you a cat?
of course!! of course im a kat.......
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
How do you keep your tail so clean?
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[like all self-respecting cats I clean myself every day.... weird question, friend,,,,,,,,]
[*nom* *nom* *nom*]
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
Cheetahchirp: Hiya Deerpaw! How are you settling into your new den? It must be nice having a huge den to yourself, but I hope it isn’t lonely in there…. Want to know a secret? When I was a kit, my fur was so big, I used to get stuck in the nursery entrance until they eventually widened the opening for me…. In my opinion, cats like us aren’t too big for the dens, the dens are just too small!!!
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[I don't mind being alone... Sometimes I need rest from all the hustle and bustle of the clan life! But, you are right... the dens could always be bigger,,!]
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deerpaw-the-cat · 1 year
[hello thats an ask blog for my mommyclan oc! main is @sc0rpi0const so all interactions will come from there. ask away, fellow clanmates :]
[not all answers will be in drawn form probably]
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hi everybody,, its me Deerpaw!! im cat like yu... ask me qwestions if yu want!!! i dont mind,,
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