deersstorystorage · 2 years
Some Dumbo's being Dumbo's
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deersstorystorage · 5 years
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Flight Rising: Familiar Batch #2
A collection of familiars I created for Flight Rising between 2016-2018!
Ultraram + Dreadram
Magma Runner + Basalt Vent Hop
Chipskink + Bluelight Chipskink
Alstroemeria Fox + Myosotis Fox
Lakelight Weaver + Rosy Lake Cormorant
Vermillion Epiptite + Longwing Epiptite
Kyorinrin + Scroll Stealer
Pebblehide Stoat + Bramblecrown Stoat
Teardrop Owlynx + Snowy Owlynx
Woolly Walrus + Auburn Woolly Walrus
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
Mahigun- Sapphira
  Quietly, Mahigun the werewolf prowled through the dense forestry in search of prey- poachers to be specific. She protected the animals in the area from hunters- and thanks to the current seasons, she knew people were bound to be around. Thus far, she had yet to encounter any- which was a good sign for the most part. If she was lucky, maybe she wouldn’t be as busy this year as she was last. Or so she’d hoped. No sooner had that thought crossed her mind, had she heard the telltale pop of a gun being fired. A split second later, she caught the scent of gunpowder, and started after it. She moved quickly and without stopping- yet she didn’t make a sound as she rushed through the wood. Soon enough, she came across what she had been looking for. A poacher- gun raised and ready to shoot into what appeared to be a foxes den. Before the man was given the chance to fire his gun again, she was upon him. She dug her claws into his back to hold him in place, and she latched onto his neck with her powerful jaws. With a simple flick to the side, she snapped his neck and dropped his lifeless body on the ground to rot. From there, she tore him apart- if he was going to take from nature, then nature was going to take from him. His corpse would feed everything in the ecosystem. His body would feet the grass, which fed the deer, which fed the wolf- an endless cycle that naturally kept itself in balance. His corpse would feed the insects, which fed the birds, which fed the snakes. He would not be wasted, as he had planned on doing to the poor fox.   Oh, poor fox indeed. As soon as she dropped his corpse, Mahigun noticed a dead fox lying only a couple feet away from the den. She- and yes, the fox was indeed a vixen- had a beautiful silver coat. A coat which was stained by the blood of the gunshot wound that had slain her. Quietly, the werewolf lent down to gently lift up the dead fox. If the poor creature was to rot, then she was to rot in her home- in the place that should have been her haven. However, before she could put the vixen in her den to rest in peace, she spotted something that broke her heart. Just inside the den, were three baby foxes. All of them bore their mothers silver coat. Carefully, she set the mother someplace out of sight to keep from frightening the pups further, and she extended a paw as if to reach in and take them out of the den. One by one, she removed them from the den- then, she put their mother inside and proceeded to carry them off. She brought them back to her home- a cave in the woods- and she carefully set them atop a pile of grass and hay she tended to sleep in. Not a moment later, a little ball of orange fur bounced out of the darkness and yapped happily at her. She smiled at the little creature as it approached her. Twas a little orange Pomeranian she’d come to know as Beauty. Beauty was a little dog she’d rescued as a blind and helpless pup- someone had tried to drown the poor thing in the river that bordered the forests.   Mahigun had seen said person try to drown Beauty- so she saved the helpless pup and took care of her until she was full grown. Then she helped the little creature enact her vengeance. Since then, she and the little Pomeranian had lived together. The little dog spent most days keeping an eye on the river in case someone was to try and drown a helpless animal- whenever she spotted something, she’d rush into the water to rescue whatever had been put in danger. Then she’d get the said creature to Mahigun, who’d fix them up, and the vengeance would soon follow. That had been their way of living for a few years, and now it seemed that Mahigun had returned with three more victims of the cruel ways of humans. Carefully, the little dog approached the frightened pups and looked them over. Sure enough, she warmed up to them almost instantly. Beauty curled up and lied with the fox pups protectively almost as soon as she caught their scents. Her actions only provoke another smile from Mahigun, who knew her little friend would keep an eye on them until she found out what to do with them. Unfortunately, it was to dangerous a time of year for her to tend to three babies- so she’d need to find them a safe home where they’d be able to grow into healthy, strong, adult foxes. Then, she’d bring them back to the forest- because they’d be able to take care of himself.   Of two weeks after that, the werewolf kept to her duties of protecting the forest. She also left the forest from time to time in order to search for a new, temporary home for the fox pups. While she was away, Beauty tended to them. The little dog had never known the blessings of motherhood, but she still made a wonderful nanny to the fox pups. Come the start of the third week, Mahigun stumbled across something promising while outside the forest. She spotted a young woman- probably no older than twenty- who was trying to free a trapped rabbit from a snare. She spent well over an hour carefully working the poor creature free, and when she found that it could not rush to the woods because it had been injured, she picked it up and took it home with her. The werewolf followed the girl to her home, and watched closely as she treated the poor creatures injured leg. A smile crossed her features as she watched how careful the woman was with the rabbit, who was properly treated and would be ready to return to the wild within a few days. That was all Mahigun needed to see to make her decision- the pups would stay with the woman until full grown, then they’d return to the woods. That night when the werewolf returned to her den, she got preparations underway. She found a piece of wood and carved a message into it, and she informed Beauty of what was going to be done with the pups.    While the little dog was unsure at first, once Mahigun explained why she had chosen the human woman, the Pomeranian agreed in a flash. Come the next morning, they put their plan into action. Mahigun carried the pups and her message all the way to the humans doorstep. Then, she carefully set the pups and her note on the porch, and she knocked on the door as best she could with her paw. Afterwards, she immediately rushed to cover and waited for the woman to step out and take the pups. She watched intently as the woman stepped out, gasped in surprise, and looked around. She saw the woman pick up the note and read what it said aloud. “Mother dead. Need good home.”, that was what the note said. Then, she watched as the woman carefully took the pups inside. From there, it became Beauty’s job to make sure the woman treated the pups correctly- and she did. For two years, the woman raised the pups under the watchful eye of Beauty, who never saw the slightest sign of her wishing any harm on the foxes. At the start of the third year, Mahigun decided it was time for the foxes to return to the forest. Just as she had done before, she carved a note into a piece of wood and left it on the woman’s porch. The note she left read “Return foxes to forest”- and she left without waiting to see the woman’s response. If she wouldn’t comply, then the werewolf would just take them from her.   That night, Mahigun and Beauty waited at the edge of the forest for the woman to come with the foxes. To their joy, she did come late in the night with them in a box. They watched from the shadows as the set the box on the floor and let the foxes jump out- then, they saw a sight they’d never expected to see. The woman tried to usher the foxes into the woods, and they refused to go. Instead, they jumped into her arms and licked all over her face- that was their way of begging her not to make them go. Confused, Mahigun and Beauty stepped out of the shadows and approached the woman and the foxes. The foxes looked up at the werewolf calmly, as they held memories of her and knew she was no threat. The woman on the other hand, held the foxes protectively and cowered on her knees- she thought Mahigun was there to kill her. So naturally, she was shocked when the werewolf extended a paw to pick her up- she had the frightened woman stand then proceeded to confront the foxes about why the refused to return to the forest. What they told her, came as a shock. She was told that the woman had treated them as if they were her own young, and that she’d only ever done the best for them. Under her watch they never knew a real fear- but when something frightened them like the lightning had, the woman always stayed by their side to make them feel better.   The foxes told Mahigun that they didn’t want to go back to the forest, where they knew danger was at every turn- where they knew the woman would not be around to comfort them whenever they were afraid. To them, the forest was not a place they wanted to be- and that surprised Mahigun more than anything ever had before. As soon as the foxes finished explaining to Mahigun why they wouldn’t return to the woods, the werewolf turned to the frightened human and glared at her a bit. Then, she parted her lips a bit and proceeded to speak- as best she could at least.   “Yuu… Name…” Mahigun said sternly as she lifted a paw to point a clawed “Finger” at the woman, who didn’t seem to understand what she was saying. With a slight growl, the werewolf repeated herself, and she was pleased to find that this time the human realized what she was saying.   “I-I’M Sapphira…” The woman- Sapphira- said hesitantly as she stared up at the werewolf nervously. In response, Mahigun pointed at her again and spoke.   “I, Ma-hi-gun… Yu… Take fuxes hume… Take car of dem…” Mahigun said quietly, before she took beauty and returned to the forest to leave Sapphira and the foxes in peace. From there, Mahigun checked on the woman and the foxes from time to time to ensure they were still happy together. The foxes lived a long twelve years with Sapphira, who took part in caring for many more wounded and orphaned animals- most of which also refused to return to the woods. Mahigun was able to protect her forest knowing anything she found injured was going to be taken care of, and Beauty eventually moved in with Sapphira. From then on, the little dog knew what it felt like to be part of a loving, happy family. So, in the end, everyone was happy.
Birthday gift to my internet sister  Happy birthday sis~! I hope you like this (And that I portrayed Mahigun well enough ^^“ I’ve never actually written about her like this before) Anyways~ Mahigun and Beauty are copyright of , seeing as she created them.  "Sappira” is none other than our birthday girl, and I guess the silver fox triplets are mine XD Maybe I’ll use the foxes in other stories~
Anyways~ Happy birthday sis ^3^
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
The Origin of Ferra
Location: Germany.
Specific City: Classified.
Date: 1941.
Project Title: Lycan
  Description: Under direct orders from Adolf Hitler, a group of scientists banded together to create artificial life. Their task: create an adaptive super-soldier capable of surviving any environment. After months of collecting data and gathering the needed supplies, they began their task. They hoped to create werewolves- creatures whose physical abilities surpassed that of the common man in every way. Through the use of stem cell research and DNA splicing, they miraculously managed to create four of these part human, part wolf creatures. However, there were unexpected, but not unwanted, side effects. Somehow, the creatures bodies continued to adapt at an unparalleled speed- it was later determined that the mixture of chemicals used during the experiment resulted in the ability for the creatures bodies to act as stem cells, in one sense of the phrase. As a result, a number of experiments were performed on the group, and names were given to them based off of their personalities. The tallest of them was named “Stal”, short for “Stalker”, as she tended to play games with her handlers. A pair of equal height and similar appearances were named “Jinx” and “Mock”, as they tended to play tricks and cause issues. The smallest, and most well behaved of the group, was named “Ferra”- she was obedient and caused no issues when being brought in for experiments. Due to her seemingly tame behavior, Ferra became the favorite among the scientists- hence, she was experimented on three times as often as her sisters.
  The experiments themselves consisted mostly of injecting the group with the DNA of other animals to see how they react. The DNA was always injected into the eye, resulting in permanent darkening on the eye itself, giving it a demonic look. As a result, Ferra and her sisters all had one normal, human eye, and one solid black one. The results of the DNA experiments had a variety of results- most of which to difficult to explain. A short explanation being that their bodies absorbed the DNA without issue, and stored any needed “Information” gathered from the genetic material to be used come the need. As a result, the group members acquired abilities of flight, and to breathe underwater. Other experiments revolved around behavior patterns of the individual members. They were separated and put in underground “Forests” to test their survival in the wilderness. As a result, it was confirmed that they had indeed created the perfect killing machines. As time went on, the survival experiments grew more frequent. The group was taught to hunt and kill humans- and that was the mistake that the scientists made. All the time that the “Lycans” were being experimented on, they were learning. In time, they became mentally aware enough to believe that they had no reason to remain submissive to the humans that had created them. As a result, the eventually broke out of their individual holding environments, sought out their creators, and killed them. They devoured the organs protected by the ribcage, ate their eyes, tongue, and sexual organs, then left the bloodstained husks to rot. By then, the war had ended.
  Eventually the group found their way out of the base, and they remained as a pack as they set out on their rampage. However, that was when their nature as animals paired with their unparalleled smarts, created an issue with how they interacted. Stal, Jinx, and Mock eventually came to believe that Ferra was a hindrance. She was the smallest, hence in their eyes that made her the weakest. She was deemed unfit to carry on and breed- and so the trio decided to do away with her. Sadly, they failed to realize that the number of experiments Ferra had taken part in resulted in her having a variety of skills and biological weapons that they lacked. Whether they realized it or not, the runt was in reality, faster, stronger, smarter- all together superior to all of them combined. When Ferra sensed the malice directed at her by her sibling, she immediately set out to destroy them before they could destroy her. So, she put a plan into action before they had a chance to attack. First, she fled- which caused the group to disband to search for her. Then, she began to pick them off one by one. She started with Stal. The pair ran into each-other in the middle of a forest, and they immediately began to fight. In the end, Ferra won by using her speed to wear Stal out, then she ripped out her heart and devoured every one of her organs. Eyes, tongue, heart- even her brain. She stripped the body down to bone then set out to do the same with her other sisters. However, after eating Stal, Ferra realized that she had a special power she’d never imagined.
  By devouring the eyes of her kill, she ate their mind and soul as well. Stal’s mind lived on in Ferra’s, and fought for control over her body. In the end, Ferra’s mind absorbed Stal’s, and the runt gained all of her sisters abilities. So, it became apparent that she could further her adaptation by devouring the minds and spirits of whatever she killed- naturally, it became a habit. The next sibling she fought was Mock, and it was an underwater battle. The pair took their aquatic forms and duked it out beneath the waves. Just as with Stal, it was Ferra’s speed that resulted in her victory. After the fight ended, she dragged Mock’s corpse to land and ate it down to the bone. Again, the minds fought, and Ferra’s mind won- she gained more skills then set out to devour her last sister. The brawl with Jinx was an airborne battle, and for once Ferra’s speed had little effect on how the fight played out. She won that fight with her strength- the pair flew into each-other at top speed, and the impact crushed Jinx’s skull. After landing and locating the mutilated corpse, Ferra ate Jinx and absorbed her mind and skills. With that, she became the last living Lycan, and she set out to live her life as she deemed fit. Since Germany was still suffering from the effects of the war at that point, she fled the land in search of more fertile hunting ground. She crossed the ocean via flight, and headed straight for the United States. Along the way, she landed on boats and ships to state her hunger. Every victim was without with their vital organs, sexual organs, eyes, and tongue missing- because those were what she ate. Upon reaching the states, she began her killing spree in the forests of Yellowstone. That was where she uncovered another talent she was unaware of- because that was when she became able to reproduce.
  After killing and eating a man on the night of a full moon, a strange sensation overtook her. Instead of smothering and absorbing the mans mind and spirit, she decided to expel it. Her decision to expel it, resulted in impregnation. The mind and spirit fled her uterus, and took refuge in one of her egg cells. Once there, the pregnancy only lasted three days- and come the end of her pregnancy she gave virgin birth to a creature that was neither man nor beast. That first beast later left its mothers side, and came to be known as the Rake. From there, she became more than a simple murderer. She continued to hone her powers as time passed. She found those who desired a new life, she devoured them, then gave birth to them as new beings. In time, she even developed a means of controlling what they were born as. As more time passed, it became apparent to her that she lost the ability to age- even come the year 2000, over fifty years after her “Birth”, she had not aged beyond twenty. Yet she seemed to be no more than sixteen. Her bodies ability to adapt saw to it that she healed constantly- all broken down cells were immediately replaced, which resulted in the inability to age or scar. Eventually she left Yellowstone in search of other hunting grounds, and she somehow made her way to a forest in Oregon where she first encountered beings known to humans as the “Creepypasta”. She was captured by one of the beings, and taken as a captive sex slave. Despite her strength, she could not break the chains used to keep her in place, nor could she escape the room they sealed her in.
  They had to constantly render her sterile to prevent her from becoming pregnant, and thanks to her ability to adapt she easily survived the harsh circumstances they’d forced her into. While she was indeed a powerful creature, she lacked the ability to deal with the supernatural- Slenderman, the one responsible for her bindings, was easily able to overpower her. As things followed, it eventually became apparent that she had a number of skills that could be put to use. The slender being eventually created a means to keep her under his control, then he freed her of her bindings and gave her the chance to incorporate herself into the Creepypasta group. From there, she became a powerful ally- eventually she forgot the power Slenderman held over her. So when he released his hold on her, she never turned on him of the other Creepypasta- because she’d already come to deem them as members of her pack. In the end, she became the one responsible for keeping an eye on any new members- she became the guard dog of sorts. Since then, she’s lived happily.
This is my backstory to Ferra- an OC of mine. I’ve made her mother of another OC “Grave”, along with mother of other creepypasta characters “B.O.B” and “Rake” who’s backstories I am unable to find, among a few other things. 
I’ve read the horror stories of them- but I am unable to locate anything that implies origin of these legit creepypasta Rake and BOB. Not claiming credit for anyone aside from Grave and Ferra- I just don’t know any origin stories to Rake and BOB, and I’ve never met anyone that does. The few I’ve spoken too about Ferra being set as their mother seemed to like the concept, so I went with it.
However- if YOU know origin stories to Rake and B.O.B, please send me the links or information, as I’d like to see it.
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
Deep, black eyes scan the horizon calmly in search of movement. A figure, somewhat human in structure but built more for the pursuit of fleet-footed animals, crouches behind a patch of tall grass. The figure, who appears to be a woman with canine features, stares hungrily at a man- a poacher. Slowly, she begins to creep upon him, her frame so low to the ground that she cannot be spotted. Her limbs are sprawled out to keep her naked front barely an inch above the ground, and yet she moves as quickly and as agilely as a wild cat. Behind her, a long, slender tail swishes silently. The bone sharp protruding from its end stands out vividly against the grass, but the brown and green skin of her slim body blends in well with the surrounding area. Without so much as a sound, she crawls to hide directly behind the poacher, and she rises off of the ground a bit to look at him. Her black eyes narrow as her tongue darts out to lick the lips of her slightly raised face, revealing her canine teeth for a few brief seconds before sealing them away again. Slowly, her slender- almost rat-like tail- curls around her body so that the six inch bone spike is pointed at the man. She raises further off of the ground so that she can stand up, and her back is hunched due to the odd shape of her body- it is unaccustomed to being held up on nothing but her legs. Her body is slim, but not body. Her face mostly human with a muzzle similar to that of a shih tzu, and small dog-like ears.
  Even though her body is hunched over, she is nearly six feet tall from head to toe- should she force herself to stand full height she would be nearly seven feet high. Her limbs are thin, but show well built muscles. She lifts her hands and twitches her fingers in anticipation, revealing her oddly shaped hands. Her hands are larger than one would expect for a female, and all of her fingers end in the same, bony, spikes as her tail. She has no nail- the tips of her fingers, for about an inch, are nothing but sharpened bone. The middle finger of her right hand is not a finger at all. It is an inch thick, round, sharp, bony spike that grows directly from her wrist. That middle spike is also a good two inches longer than the fingers surrounding it. Her left hand holds no such spike, most likely for the sake of allowing her to grasp objects- because the bony growth on her right hand cannot move, which renders it useless for anything but hunting. Slowly, she takes a step forward to enter the short grass, revealing her oddly shaped legs. She has dog legs from the knee down- paw, pads, and everything. There are long, black, claws growing from each toe. Despite her canine features, she is virtually hairless. She has eyebrows and eyelashes, and short, frail hair on her head. Aside from that, her body is without hair. Her skin is dust brown, and there are a few green patches that vary in shade. So in the end, she can only be mistaken for a human woman from a distance- because up close, she obviously wasn’t.
  Slowly, she takes another step towards the poacher, followed by another- her footsteps are deathly silent, revealing just how apt a hunter she is. She turns slightly so that her left hip faces the man, and her tail begins to sway dangerously in preparation for her strike. Suddenly, the poacher lurches as he sneezes, and she falls dead still for a moment as if expecting him to turn around and spot her. She makes no movement until he’s returned to his initial position, and her eyes lock on the center of his back. Without any further hesitation, she strikes. Her movement is to fast to see, but come the stop of her attack it become apparent what she’s done. Her tail is embedded in his back, the six inch spike on her tail as pierced his flesh and gone directly through his spine. When she removes her tail it comes as no surprise that the man falls to the ground unable to move his legs- she’d just broken his spine and severed his spinal cord, he’d never be able to walk again. Not that it mattered, he wasn’t going to live long enough to wholeheartedly suffer from his crippling- she was going to see to that. Once he was down, she casually walks around to stand at his side, and she uses one of her legs to roll the poacher onto his back so that she could look him in the face. She wasn’t surprised to see him staring up at her completely dumbstruck, nor was she surprised to find that there was blood dripping out of his mouth. The wound she’d given him was precise- the bone in her tail had punctured one of his major organs, the most likely candidates being his stomach and his liver.
  Not that it mattered which organ she damaged. Food was food, it was all a matter of deciding what part of him she was in the mood for. With that in mind, she crouches down in next to him and gives him a look over. He is a strong, healthy male- had to be considering his line of business. Short beard on his face and long, dark, hair. Growling quietly, she flexes the fingers of her left hand for a moment before reaching out and tearing his shirt off of him. Her claws, if that’s what one would call them, scratch his skin and leave him bleeding. As soon as his upper body was bare she began her decision on how to go about killing him. Swift deaths proved to be less effort and quieter, but starting her meal while she was alive would keep him warm longer- and the longer he was warm, the more she’d be able to eat. Needless to say, the man was going to suffer for a while before he died. She began as she tended too with her prey, by taking the spike on her right hand and using it to cut him right down the middle. She digs the giant claw into his chest, and drags it down to his abdomen to cut him open. Then she reaches for his severed flesh with both hands and tears it outward to reveal his innards- naturally she struggles a bit with her right hand, considering that she cannot physically grab his skin. Every movement she makes is precise- none of his organs are damaged when she slices him open. Next she goes for his ribcage- she’s been unable to rip it open along with his flesh because it was made of bone. She had to physically climb on top of him to work her fingers under his ribs, and once she’s found her grip she uses her inhuman strength to pull his chest apart like a pair of doors.
  Bones snap and tissue tears, but still, her exact movements see to it that no organs would be damaged- save for the ones she’d punctured with her tail. Once she has him completely torn open, she climbs off of him to decide what parts of him look the best. She will naturally eat his heart and liver, but those are a pair of organs she will not eat until she’s neared the end of her meal. She flexes her fingers again before reaching for the blood pooling inside his damaged abdominal area, and she lifts a palm-full of it out so that she can drink it. She moves her hand to her face and parts her lips to sip the red liquid that slowly drips out of her hand. Once her hand is empty she decides that she’ll state her thirst, so she leans over enough to press her lips into the blood pooling inside the mans body, and she drinks her fill of it before pulling back and looking up at his face. He’s already passed out, but she doesn’t seem to care. A sleeping victim is a quiet one- and she preferred to eat in silence. With her thirst satisfied she reaches inside of him and pulls out whatever organ she deems best for consumption. Which organ it is doesn’t matter- in the end it was just a fresh hunk of food that she fully intended on eating while warm. She quickly downs what she’s selected then picks another organ, followed by another, and another. Her meal reaches its end when she rips his still beating heart out of his open chest, and she downs the moving ball of muscle before it has a chance to stop dripping blood. With that, her hunger is satisfied, and the man is dead. She quickly stands back up and abandons the half eaten carcass, and she makes her way back to the surrounding forest to seek out her mate.
This was the first story I did with Grave after I randomly decided to create her. This one was basically just her getting some food.
Anyways, Grave is the daughter of another OC Ferra, who’s backstory I’ll be posting shortly.
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
L.J x Jeff ~Role Reversal~
Alright~! Yet another story up and done as a gift for my dear sis MoKaLo (higurashi-massacre). This one is based off of 2 things actually~ The picture she did of Jeff topping L.J (See it here: http://higurashi-massacre.tumblr.com/image/83327662838 ) and its loosely based off of her most recent work Dark Awake. Specifically, its based off of a conversation I had with MoKaLo about the scene with Laughing Jack and Ticci Toby where it looks like they kissed but it turns out their just really good friends~ The conversation was me saying I could picture L.J inviting Toby over to watch something with him and Jeff- then he ignores Jeff like an idiot and the killer gets jealous/feels neglected~ So, I took that conversation and used it as the theme for our Jeff tops L.J lemon~!
Alright, on to the warnings~!
Jeff is 19 in this story! Do not read if you dislike: -The pairing of Laughing Jack and Jeff the Killer -Yaoi -Lemons -Anything sexy -Mentions of fingering~ (You’ll see why later XD ) -the works of youngguardian (Me) or MoKaLo (higurashi-massacre)
Enjoy the smut!
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“J-Jeff, c'mon babe! Tell me why your so mad!” L.J half-shouted in a confused voice as he narrowly dodged another of his lovers assaults- as in he ducked just in time to avoid getting hit in the face with an old shoe. Meanwhile, the killer in question, quickly sought out another item to chuck at his boyfriend- said item happened to be one of the pillows on his bed. He quickly grabbed it, but before he could turn it into a weapon, the clown grabbed him by both his wrists and held him still. Or, as still as he could, considering Jeff was trying to hit him. “Jeff, calm down! Just talk to me and tell me what I did wrong!” The clown continued to try and plead with his hysterical lover as he struggled to hold his arms in place. In all seriousness, Jeff was a lot stronger than he looked- especially when he was mad. In response, the killer suddenly burst into tears and thrashed harder in his lovers hold. He somehow managed to break free, and so he proceeded to hit L.J in the chest repeatedly with his balled fists.
“B-bastard!… You fucking bastard!” Jeff screamed as he punched L.J in the chest. Tears rolled down his face as he vented his frustrations on his boyfriends body. The monochrome clown didn’t try to fight back or to block any of the blows- it was so rare seeing the killer behave so savagely, so the shock of it rendered him unable to think clearly. This continued until the killer finally wore himself out. When he did, he slammed both his fists against the clowns chest one final time, before he fell to his knees and continued to sniffle quietly. As soon as L.J noticed Jeff had stopped hitting him, he too fell to his knees and he took the killer by his shoulders in hopes of comforting him some- it honestly hurt him seeing his lover so upset.
“Please Jeff… Tell me what I did… Tell me so I wont EVER do it again!” L.J said gently as he pulled Jeff against his chest to pet his hair lovingly. He was relieved when the killer didn’t struggle or try to fight back- but he was also concerned because he wasn’t saying anything. “Jeff… Please…” The clown said pleadingly as he tilted the killers face up to look him in the eye, and he watched sadly as a few more tears rolled down his lovers anger-pinked cheeks. After a few more minutes of sniffling, the killer pushed away from his lover and looked down.
“Y-you ignored me all day… You were more interested in that damn Ticci Toby than you were me- your own fucking boyfriend!… Get out…” Jeff said bitterly as he stood up and backed away from L.J, who looked up at him with wide, pleading eyes.
“But Jeff-” L.J attempted to speak only to be silenced when the killer slammed his foot down and pointed towards the bedroom door.
“I said get out!” Jeff practically screamed, which caused the clown to jump up and obey for fear of further upsetting him. As soon as L.J was gone, Jeff turned and ran towards his bed. He climbed on top of it and buried his face in one of the pillows, and he proceeded to cry out his frustrations over being neglected for a full day…
*Timeskip: The following night*
After the incident with Jeff, L.J had fled to the living-room to think over everything that had happened. As he thought, he came to realize that the killers reaction was understandable. Not long prior, the poor guy had turned into some kind of mutant lizard, and the clown had threatened to burn him alive- the only reason he hadn’t done it was because he’d realized last second that the hideous mutant was none other than his beloved Jeff. Then, he found out the killer had misunderstood his relationship with Ticci Toby- and after he kissed his way out of a troubling situation, they made love for the first time. Thinking over everything, their relationship was at a very unstable stage- one where Jeff would easily feel as if he was being abandoned if the clown didn’t pay enough attention to him. Which was exactly what he’d done yesterday. He’d invited Ticci Toby over to watch a few horror movies with him and Jeff- and like an idiot he’d spent more time being social with his friend than he had his lover. No wonder Jeff had gotten upset- he must have felt so lost, sitting on the couch next to him while he laughed and joked with Toby. To make the situation worse, now L.J was sitting at the table by himself, feeling like a complete and utter scumbag.
“Oh Jeff… How am I going to make this up to you?…” L.J asked himself quietly as he pressed his face into his hands, a heartbroken expression appearing on his face as he did so. He was at a loss. He had no idea how to make things up to Jeff- how to make him understand that he still valued him with every aspect of his being. They were lovers for ZALGO’s sake! Wasn’t there a way to show the killer that he wanted him for more than his body?! “Wait a minute…” The clown muttered as he sat up correctly to rethink his last thought. He tapped his claws on the table as he did so. “Body… His body… Jeff thinks I only wanted his virginity! So that means I have to… Oh, this makes perfect sense!” L.J chimed as his thoughts clicked and gave him the answer to his dilemma. Not to long ago, he took Jeff’s virginity. Then, like an idiot, he invited over Ticci Toby and paid more attention to him than his lover. That made Jeff feel neglected and used- so now, he had to make it up to the killer by letting him take his virginity. His anal virginity that is- he’d never let anyone else top him before, so Jeff would be the first. Without another thought on the matter, the clown set out to get himself ready. He retrieved a bottle of lube from a special hiding place under the sink, and went to the bathroom to take a nice, long shower so that he could relax while he got himself “Prepared”.
*One short “Preparation” later (Since the author is being a tease by not letting everyone read about L.J fingering himself~)*
Once L.J was convinced that he was set and ready for what he had planned, he made his way to Jeff’s bedroom wearing nothing but his pants and socks- he wanted getting undressed to be quick on his part, so his pants weren’t even zipped up. As soon as he made it to the bedroom he knocked quietly, before slowly letting himself in when he wasn’t given a response. He wasn’t surprised to find Jeff sitting in the middle of the bed with his knees pulled to his chest, nor was he surprised that the killer looked as if he’d been crying.
“W-what do you want?…” Jeff growled with a slight sniffle as he attempted to glare at the monochrome clown, who gave him an apologetic look and slowly walked over to the bed. L.J hesitated for a moment, before he climbed on top of the bed and moved so that he was kneeling in front of the killer- who continued to glare at him poorly.
“Jeff… I know why your upset and I’m sorry- I should have paid more attention to you yesterday. So, I’m here to make it up to you, if you’ll let me.” L.J said gently as he took the killer by the shoulders and pulled him into a tight hug- his heart swelled happily when Jeff returned his embrace.
“L.J, you jerk!… Why didn’t you figure it out sooner?…” Jeff sniffled as he hugged the clown tightly, only to be gently pulled out of the hug so that L.J could look him in the eye.
“I know Jeff, I’m sorry… I was a complete ass yesterday- an asses ass!” L.J said quietly before he pressed a soft kiss to the killers forehead, earning a slight whimper from him. Then he moved lower to kiss his temple- the action was rewarded with a slight sniffle.
“I-is this how your making it up to me?…” Jeff asked hesitantly as the clown continued to kiss down his face. He kissed beneath his eye, the middle of his cheek, the corner of his mouth- until at last their lips met and they engaged in a passionate kiss. The killer moaned slightly into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around L.J’s bare shoulders, and the clown responded by pulling their bodies closer together. After a moment, they pulled apart and the clown moved to whisper in Jeff’s ear.
“That was part of my apology- but not all of it~… Take off your hoodie Jeff, I want to feel you~” L.J said seductively in Jeff’s ear, before he pulled back enough to watch as the killer quickly removed his white hoodie and tossed it to the side without care. Not a moment later, the clown pulled him in for another sloppy kiss- they pressed their bare upper bodies together while they engaged in the tongue play. While they kissed, L.J began to put his plan into motion- he started to lean back so he could pull Jeff on top of him. As soon as his back hit the bed and the killer fell completely on top of him, he broke the kiss for a moment to breathe- giving Jeff the opportunity to speak.
“L-L.J, w-what are you~?” Jeff asked hesitantly, though his voice was laced heavily with lust as he stared down at his usually dominant partner. In response, the clown gave him a quick peck on the lips, then he proceeded to slip his pants and boxers down to his knees.
“I’m apologizing Jeff~ Since I took your virginity a little while ago, then went and made you feel abandoned like the stupid ass I am, I’m making it up to you by letting you take MY virginity…” L.J said gently as he helped the killer out of his remaining clothing, before he pulled him back in for another teeth shattering kiss. The kiss ended when Jeff groaned and pushed away from the clown in embarrassment.
“W-what are you s-saying?!… Y-you mean you want me too…” Jeff attempted to beak only to silence himself halfway through and blush redder than a tomato with a sunburn. In response, L.J pulled the killer in for another kiss- this one was gentle and meant to calm him down some.
“Yes Jeff. I want you to take my like I took you, but only if you’ll have me.” L.J said gently upon breaking the kiss, before he lied back and stared up at his lover affectionately. Said lover somehow managed to blush more, before he hesitantly moved to sit between the clowns already spread legs.
“A-alright L.J… If you say so…” Jeff said slowly as he reached for the clowns pants and hesitantly pulled them off- he wasn’t surprised to find that L.J hadn’t bothered putting on a pair of boxers. Then again, he’d never actually seen the clown wear underwear in the first place- so seeing him with bothers on would have been a major shock. As soon as he had the clown naked- save for his striped socks, which he decided to leave on- he froze. He had no idea where to go from there. “U-um… L.J, w-what do I do n-now?…” The killer asked nervously as he adverted his gaze to lock eyes with the clown, who smiled at him gently and sat up.
“Well first, we need to get you hard~” L.J said with a light chuckle as he reached for Jeff’s semi-erect cock. After grasping it lightly, he began to slowly stroke it to get the killers “Knife” set and ready to pierce him. Jeff moaned quietly as the clown jacked him off, and he rocked his hips slightly in response to the pleasure. L.J released the killers shaft as soon as he was set and ready for a long night of fucking, then he lied back on his elbows and blushed slightly. “A-alright Jeff… Now that your ready, you just put your dick inside me and do what come naturally~” The clown said seductively, though his voice broke at the beginning of his statement from a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. In response, Jeff hesitantly lifted L.J’s legs and put them over his shoulders. He pressed the tip of his cock against the clowns waiting ass, then he stopped abruptly and gasped.
“L-L.J, what about preparation?!” Jeff gasped- it dawned on him that if he didn’t prepare the clown in some way beforehand that it would seriously hurt him once they started. Hell, he knew it would probably hurt long after they finished. L.J chuckled sheepishly in response to his boyfriends concern, and his blush darkened slightly. Yeah, he was glad that Jeff was actually a caring boyfriend- but he’d really hoped to avoid this conversation to preserve some of his dignity.
“W-well Jeff… I uh, I thought ahead on that one… To uh, sum things up for you, I’m already nice and prepped.” L.J said in an embarrassed tone as he struggled to hold eye contact with his lover, whose blush darkened further despite the sudden swelling of his “Knife”. The clown blushed further and jumped slightly when he felt the killers cock twitch against his hole. “D-don’t go getting harder on me! Just h-hurry up and put it in!” The clown gasped, only to have his wish granted sooner than expected when Jeff suddenly gripped him by his legs and slammed into him. In response, L.J gripped the sheets tightly and threw his head back in ecstasy- he’d never expected it to feel so good! “O-oh fuck Jeff~!” L.J moaned as the killer began to slam into him repeatedly- he quickly pulled out until only the head of his dick remained, then he shoved himself back in with enough force to make it sound like he was slapping the clowns ass with the palm of his hand. L.J couldn’t help but moan loudly as pleasure coursed through his body like an electric current- and he couldn’t help but give the killer a mental word of praise. Who’d of thought Jeff was such an animal when he topped? Certainly not the clown- but he had to admit, he loved every second of it.
“Fuu- L-L.J, your so warm inside~!” Jeff moaned as he slammed his hips against the clowns backside roughly, provoking a series of pleasured noises from him as he did so. With a grunt, L.J reached up to wrap his arms around the killers shoulders, and he pulled him in for a rough kiss. The clown sucked and nibbled on his lovers tongue erotically- whenever they separated to breathe drool connected their panting mouths. L.J rocked his hips violently in time with every rough buck of Jeff’s hips, and somewhere along the lines the killer reached down to stroke his neglected cock as he moved. He couldn’t leave the clown hanging could he? No. Especially not since pre-cum was dribbling out of L.J’s painfully erect dick. When the killer had gotten so bold, the monochrome clown had no idea- but he was glad that his cock was being given some much needed attention.
“Ooh~! F-fuck J-Jeff~!! Keep that up and I’m gonna c-cum~!!” L.J panted after breaking the kiss as his insides clenched around the killers dick, threatening to send him over the edge. In response, Jeff moaned and tightened his hold on the clowns legs and began to buck his hips- not to mention move his hand- faster.
“M-me too~!… Of f-fuck L.J, I think I’m gonna- Aaaahn~!!!” Jeff attempted to speak only to cut himself off and moan loudly as his body tensed, his orgasm hitting him. His came long and hard- he filled the clowns backside to the brim with his seed before he collapsed on top of his lover and panted loudly to regain his breath. In response, L.J wrapped his arms tightly around the killers back to hold him flush against his frame, and he pulled him into a surprisingly gentle kiss. Jeff moaned and panted quietly as he and L.J kissed, until he calmed down enough to sit back up and slowly pull his dick out of the clowns ass. That was when he realized L.J hadn’t come yet- the monochrome clowns cock was still painfully erect and leaking pre-cum. He looked ready to burst- and according to his facial expression he was in a bit of pain. Jeff gasped and winced slightly at the sight. L.J noticed where his lover was looking and he forced a bit of a smile.
“D-don’t worry about it Jeff, I’ll take care of it later… I don’t think you have it in you to go another round~…” L.J said in what he hoped was a reassuring and somewhat joking tone as he half-smiled up at the killer, who shook his head violently in response and offered a meaningful look.
“No!… I-I mean… You made me cum when you took my virginity… It wont be fair unless I can make you come too…” Jeff whispered shyly as his blush returned full force, which only served to make him look so adorable the clown was surprised he didn’t shoot his load right then and there. Luckily for him, he had more self control than that- so he took his lovers eagerness as an opportunity to try something new with the killer. With a sly chuckle, L.J forced himself to sit up so that he could cup Jeff’s chin with one hand- he locked eyes with him and smirked.
“You really want to make me cum~?” L.J asked seductively as he stared into Jeff’s wide, unblinking eyes. The killer in question slowly nodded and blushed further as he awaited his instructions- the clowns smirk widened. “Then why don’t you use your mouth~?” He said with a chuckle, and he watched as the killer gasped slightly in shock and blushed furiously in response to his request. To his surprise, Jeff didn’t try to talk his way out of it or stammer about how he didn’t know what to do. He just moved to lie on his stomach, put his hands on either side of the clowns erect dick, and dove right in. Jeff started out slow- he hesitantly licked the underside of L.J’s dick, provoking a gasp from him, before he moved to swirl his tongue around the tip curiously to see his lovers reaction. He listened closely to every pleasured moan and gasp that left L.J’s parted lips as he slowly took the head in his mouth to suck on it lightly- he tasted the clowns pre-cum on the back of his tongue as he hesitantly bobbed his head. “F-fuck Jeff, your good at this~! Your mouth is so warm I feel like I’m gonna-!!!” L.J moaned loudly as the killer sucked him off, only to break his sentence before he could end it as he finally hit his orgasm and came in Jeff’s waiting mouth. In response, the killer gasped slightly and tensed up as he felt L.J’s cum drench the inside of his mouth and leak out through the cuts in his cheeks. He shuddered and moaned lightly at the feel of his lovers hot seed dripping down his face onto his hands. Shortly after the monochrome clown stopped cumming, Jeff pulled his mouth back sat up as he attempted to swallow everything that had been sprayed inside his mouth- but a majority of what he was given escaped through his cheeks to dribble onto his legs and fully erect cock. Once the killer sat up, L.J did likewise and reached for Jeff’s face with one hand to wipe the cum off his cheeks, and he smiled at him affectionately. “Mm~ That was amazing Jeff, thank you~” L.J cooed as wiped his lovers face clean. Said lover gazed up at him lustfully in response and moaned quietly.
“Uhm… Y-your welcome L.J, but…” Jeff said hesitantly as he peered up at the clown with an embarrassed expression. In response, L.J tilted his head slightly and smiled down at Jeff as if to say “Yes~?”. “C-can we go again?…” The killer asked quietly as he looked down to stare at his erect Cock in shame. The clown gasped quietly in response, then smirked seductively as he gently pushed Jeff down by his shoulders.
“Sure thing babe~ But this time, I get to be on top~!” L.J said with a seductive chuckle as he pulled Jeff’s legs up to his chest. Not long after, the house was filled with the loud moans of the couple as they made love for the remainder of the night~
—— —— —— ——
Woohoo~! Finally got it done! I’ve been wanting to do it for SO long and I finally completed it~!!!! 
Anyways, I hope you like this sis~ I think it came out alright ^^ (If enough people ask, I’ll do a little something about L.J fingering himself later~ XD )
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
Jeff the Killer x Reader ~Fearless Sorrow~
  I wrapped my bruised arms tighter around my body as I slowly made my way through the forest, and I silently cursed nature for the rain that had drenched me earlier. Normally I wouldn’t have minded being out in the rain, but, normally I had a home to go back to after I tired of being cold. Around two months ago, when it turned eighteen, my parents threw me out on the streets. They kept my birth certificate, my passport- everything that I could possibly use to try and find a place to stay or get a job. In that sense, I was left with absolutely no means of supporting myself. So for these past two months, I’ve been living off of whatever I could find. I ate out of trashcans, went to the bathroom in alleys, slept in whatever place seemed most comfortable given the situation I was in. I was filthy. Sure, the rain had washed most of the grime off of my skin, but my clothing would never be clean again. I didn’t even want to think about how nasty my undergarments were- after wearing them daily for two months and through two menstrual cycles, even burning them wouldn’t get them clean. I was honestly surprised the underwear weren’t rotting on my body- half the time they certainly smelt like it. I shivered and tightened my hold on my arms as an unexpected gust of wind went by, and I silently scolded myself for thinking that the forest was a better place to take shelter than a cardboard box. Turns out, a tree only provided shelter for a good fifteen minutes, after that, well you just get drenched. Now, I was hopelessly lost with no means of finding a way to warm myself. As things were, I was bound to die out here because of the cold.
  Or at least, that was what I thought before I spotted someone. I didn’t know they were because they had their back to me, but I could tell that they were dry- which meant that they hadn’t been outside until after the rain stopped twenty minutes ago. Whoever they were, they wore a faded white hoody and a pair of black pants. Another slight gust of wind made my teeth chatter for a moment, then a started towards the person hoping that I could get them to give me a place to stay for the night- just until I could get back to town.
  “E-ex-cuse m-me s-sir…” I stuttered as loudly as I possibly could given my current lack of voice- I hadn’t spoken in weeks, and being cold made my voice strained. I flinched a little at my words, because I sounded terrible, like I might actually be dying. Well, two months of living out of trashcans probably wasn’t giving me what I needed to maintain a proper weight. I know that I’ve lost enough to make my rips show. I was relieved then the person turned their head slightly to the side to look at me, because it meant that they had heard me. So I continued to call out to them.
  “D-do y-y-you m-mind g-giving m-me a-a p-p-place t-to s-sleep f-for t-the n-night?…” I stammered as I approached whoever was in front of me- but I fell still as soon as they turned to face me properly. He- I believe that was the persons gender- had ghost white skin and abnormally wide eyes. Not only that, he had a huge, Cheshire smile that looked as if it had been carved into his face with a knife. Thanks to that, I couldn’t tell if he was really smiling at me, or if it was just the scars that lined his cheeks. I took another step closer to him and squinted as I fought back another tremble- I wasn’t afraid of this man, I was just so cold that I couldn’t stop shaking.
  “A-are y-you a-a-alright?…” I asked hesitantly, before a sudden surge of cold made me clench my eyes shut and tremble uncontrollably. When I opened my eyes again, I was surprised to find that the man had moved to stand directly in front of me. I jumped back slightly, and I stared up at him as I continued to tremble- he was at least five inches taller than I was.
  “You… Want to sleep?…” He asked me calmly, his voice laced a sinister tone that would make normal people want to turn and run. But I wasn’t a normal person, so I just stood there and stared at him like the idiot I was. Since I didn’t trust my voice, I nodded and hoped that he’d lead me for a place to stay for the night. To my surprise, he laughed and moved a little closer to me.
  “Sure… I’ll make you sleep~” He cooed, and I looked at him confused. That is, until he held a butcher knife in front of my face. My eyes widened for a split second in shock, and I turned as quickly as I could to try and get away out of instinct- but I hadn’t even taken two steps by the time he grabbed me. The next thing I knew, I was being held firmly against his chest- he had an arm around my neck to keep me from getting away. In a flash I went lax. I lent my head back on his shoulder and continued to shiver because of the cold, but I made no move to try and struggle. Why? Because I wasn’t afraid, and I didn’t know how to struggle anymore. I’d forgotten how to struggle thanks to eighteen years of being beaten and abused- I couldn’t even remember if I’d ever actually fought back when my parents came after me. I snapped out of my thoughts when the man brought the knife back up to my face and grazed it against my cheek, and I flinched when I felt the blade cut me. Not because I was afraid, but because it hurt- and I was tired of pain. I heard him laugh again as he lowered the knife to lightly drag the tip of it across my neck. As he did so, he began to hum an oddly comforting tune in my ear. I sighed slowly and lent further against him as I relaxed further, the sound of whatever melody he was humming coaxing me into falling asleep as he contemplated how to kill me. He decided not to go for my throat, and then he trailed his blade down the front of my shirt- all the way down to my abdomen.
  Then, he moved the knife and his hand under my shirt, and he raised his arm to lift my shirt up. I saw the tip of the blade rise from behind my collar, and in a flash he threw his arm down to cut my shirt down the middle. With my front exposed, he was free to peer over my shoulder to watch his knife as he drew patterns on my flesh with the tip of the blade, and he continued to hum that relaxing tune that was pushing me so close to sleep. He just did that for a while, he drew shapes on my skin with his knife, cutting deep enough to make me bleed but not enough for the injuries to by life threatening. Then, when my abdomen had been stained completely red with my blood, he trailed his knife up to chest and moved to hold the knife directly over my heart. He began to apply pressure there to pierce my flesh, but before he could get the blade far enough into my skin for him to really hurt me I called out.
  “Wait…” I said quietly, and I felt him jump a little in surprise- he hadn’t expected me to speak up so suddenly, so I startled him. He pulled the knife back a bit in acknowledgment as I turned my head to the side to look at him, and I held his gaze for a moment before I decided to speak up again.
  “W-will you, do s-something for me, b-before you kill me?…” I asked hesitantly, and I saw him tilt his head to the side as a confused look appeared in his eyes. He’d probably been expecting me to beg him not to kill me- but I had no intention of doing that. I wouldn’t lie, I wasn’t afraid of dying- it just made me sad knowing that I wasn’t going to live to see tomorrow. Since he was listening, I decided to just cut my losses and go for it.
  “Will… You k-kiss me?…” I asked slowly, and I watched as a look of utter shock appeared on his face. At that moment, it started to rain again- and I was glad that it did. The rain hid my tears- I was sad. Who wouldn’t be though? I was about to be killed, so it was natural for me to be upset. The only reason I was asking him do to such a silly request is because I knew it was my last chance to do it- to kiss I mean. Since I doubted that he knew the reason behind my strange request, I decided to explain it to him- seeing as he didn’t seem willing to bother with it.
  “I-I’ve never kissed a-anyone before… P-please… I-I want do d-die, knowing w-what it f-feels like…” I said pathetically, my voice trembling as I threatened to break out into sobs. I was really crying now, and I think he knew it- because he gave me a strange look before suddenly adverting his gaze. I clenched my eyes shut for a moment because I believed that he wasn’t going to do it, and I honestly expected to just feel an abrupt surge of pain shoot through me as he stabbed me. But that isn’t what happened.
  “F-fine!…” I heard him growl, and I snapped my eyes open to stare at him. We locked eyes for a moment, and he cautiously moved his face closer to place his lips against mine. I closed my eyes to focus on the way it felt, and after I did I felt him lick my lips as a silent command for me to part them. I opened my mouth slightly and felt him slip his tongue between my lips, and I was surprised that he didn’t immediately pull back at the way I tasted- I hadn’t brushed my teeth in two months after all, so I must have tasted terrible. Instead, I felt him move his hand to grasp at my hair, and he used his hold on me to better angle my head. I did what I could to try and kiss him back, but since I didn’t really know what I was doing most of what happened was his doing. When he felt that he’d given me a long enough kiss, he used his hold on my hair to pull my mouth away from this, then he put his arm back around my neck as if he expected me to try run away. I bit back a laugh, but I smiled at him to express my gratitude.
  “T-thank you, for that…” I said in as calm a voice as I could muster, and I was actually surprised at how little I stuttered considering how badly I was shaking. I was so cold, it almost relieved me knowing that I wouldn’t have to deal with feeling so awful for to much longer. With my first kiss taken care of, I was ready to accept my fate. I turned my head to lean more comfortably against his shoulder, and I focused my eyes on the crying sky above me. I smiled up at the clouds and felt a few more tears leave me, then I felt him return the knife to my chest. He started humming again as he shifted the blade around to decide the best place, and the best angle to stab me. I sighed contently and closed my eyes to wait for the pain- because I knew it was bound to hurt for a moment. I didn’t mind that, it would only hurt for a moment after all- then I’d never have to worry about pain again. But, I never felt the pain. Thanks to the comforting sound of his hum, and the fact that I was exhausted, sleep overtook me before I could feel his knife sink into me…
Just realized I’ve got 3 parts to this and I never put them on Tumblr.
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
Rememba- this is a LEMON ^^
“You’d better be telling the truth…” You said irritably as you rummaged through the various items hidden in the hat, noting the distinct way everything felt against your fingers. Some things felt like metal, others felt more like cloth. Some items were big, others were so small your fingers could barely grasp them. Then, after finding something felt nice against the skin of your fingers, you withdrew you hand and pulled out-…
A feather. A long, black and white feather that looked way to perfect to have come from a real bird. A smile tugged at your lips as you ran it across the palm of your hand- it felt smooth, and silky. You decided right off the bat that you’d ask whoever owned it if you could have it. Why? Because if felt nice, and you liked it. Besides, whoever put it in the hat couldn’t have cared much about it- they’d put it in there at the risk of getting it ruined after all.
“What did you pick?” Splendorman asked happily, holding his hand out to you so that you could hand him whatever you’d picked. You smiled up at him and held out your hand to hand him the feather, and he took it from you carefully to look it over. He grasped it with only his index finger and his thumb, then without warning he tickled you under you chin to provoke a quiet giggle from you. In response, he giggled happily as well. He loved it when you laughed, it was probably because he was the only one you’d laugh in front of- you hadn’t done so much as chuckle in front of anyone else, not even Slenderman. After he’d finished ticking you with the feather, he held it up in the air and fluttered it around by flicking his wrist.
“Alright~ Who’s is this~!” Splendor said happily while he continued to wave the feather in hopes of gaining the attention of whoever owned it. You honed your ears and listened intently as everyone began to mutter amongst themselves, but there were so many voices that you couldn’t separate one voice from another. After a couple of minutes the voices toned down as someone broke out of the crowd and walked up to Splendorman to retrieve his possession, and you were somewhat surprised at who that someone happened to be. Short, unkempt black hair. Ash white skin. Demonic silver-white eyes. Black and white striped cone nose. Large, sharp toothed smile. Tall frame sporting unusually long arms ended with clawed hands. Black and white, monochrome attire. Striped arms and patches of feathers on the shoulders. Dark gray, shabby looking pants held up by suspenders. No doubt about it- you were looking at none other that the candy obsessed, prank loving, Laughing Jack. Said clown happily retrieved his feather, then turned his attention to you and held his hand out for you to take. You sat their motionless and took moment to examine the expression on his face. He was smiling at you stupidly with a lollipop stick sticking out from between his teeth, and there was a devious look in his eye. When you didn’t immediately take the clowns hand, Splendor knelt down and strained his neck so that he could put his face next to your ear.
“Listen (Y/N), I know he seems… Off, but do you think you can give him a chance? You haven’t even spoken to him once this past year, so why not take this opportunity and get to know him some?” Splendorman asked sweetly before he stood back up and ruffled your (H/L)(H/C) hair playfully. You gave him an amused look before hesitantly taking Laughing Jack’s extended hand, and you allowed him to lead you to the closet. Once there, he opened the door and stepped to the side to let you walk in first, and once you stepped in he followed after you. After that, Splendor closed and locked the door, leaving you in the confined space with a clown that sent your creep detection system into overdrive. Though, that may have been because you never really liked clowns- you shuddered at the memory of your seventh birthday party. The next thing you knew, a lollipop was being held uncomfortably close to your face, which caused you to jump slightly in surprise. You adverted your gaze to give Laughing Jack a cross look- but thanks to the poor lighting, you had a feeling that he couldn’t see your expression.
“Candy~?” Laughing Jack said sweetly as he shook the lollipop in front of you slightly, as if he were trying to tease you with it. Your immediate reaction was to try and shove the sweet away from your face, but before you could you remembered what Splendorman had asked you to do. Sighing, you raised a hand and hesitantly took the lollipop out of the clowns hand, then you worked the wrapper off of it- but you didn’t put it in your mouth right away. You wanted to try and chat with the clown for a while first, just to make sure you could trust that the sweet wouldn’t poison you.
“Thanks… Um, if you don’t mind my asking, why did you put a feather in the hat?” You asked slowly, more as an attempt to make simple conversation than an attempt to satisfy your curiosity. In response, the clown chuckled and you heard him scrape his lollipop with his teeth as he pulled the candy out of his mouth.
“Hm, because it was something I didn’t mind getting rid of. Better I put part of my outfit in the hat than a piece of my candy~” Laughing Jack said happily before he popped his sucker back in his mouth- he scraped it across his teeth again, and you felt a smirk tugging at your lips. Since he couldn’t actually see you, you didn’t bother fighting the smile. Seriously, you’d been worried about this guy? He was just a big teddy-bear! Honestly, you were surprised he was a killer- then again, you didn’t really know much about how he killed. So as far as you were concerned, he just loved people to death- literally. That idea was almost enough to make you laugh- almost. Instead, you just decided to keep the conversation going.
“So, since you’re probably just gonna throw that feather out, can I have it?” You asked calmly, and the next thing you knew he was ticking the tip of your nose with a feather. You bit back a giggle and shied back a bit, just enough to stop him from tickling your face. You didn’t trust him enough to actually laugh in front of him- not yet anyway. If he kept amusing you the way he was though, you probably wouldn’t mind showing him your laugh. He continued to wave the feather in front of your face even after you pulled your face away from it.
“Do you mean this feather my dear~?… Hm, I don’t know~ I was actually planning on putting it back in my outfit… But, I would consider giving it to you, if you answered a few questions for me~” Laughing Jack said playfully before he withdrew the feather, and if you’d been able to see him you knew that there would be a huge smile plastered on his face. Ah well, at least you couldn’t sense anything dangerous behind his words- if you so much as sense the slightest bit of malice, you were going to break the door down and hide behind Splendorman. Yes, that sounded childish- but he’d made you promise not to pick any fights with the other members of the household, and you intended on keeping that promise. So you decided to simply play along- no harm in answering a few questions if you had something to gain from it. Even if what you gained was something as trivial as a feather.
“Alright L.J, I’ll play your little game. Ask away~” You said sweetly, nearly putting the lollipop in your mouth to emphasize yourself. Why? Because you wanted to have a go at being cute. Splendor constantly told you that you were adorable, so part of you wanted to see if you could get guys to do what you wanted by playing the cute card. You were just lucky that you stopped yourself before eating the candy- mainly because you wanted to save it for a while, now that you’d need the clown harmless. Said clown giggled and tapped your nose with one of his clawed fingers.
“Okie dokie~ First question. Do you know how to play seven minutes in heaven? Because I don’t think you do~” Laughing Jack questioned playfully, before he popped his sucker back in his mouth to scrape it across his teeth again. Part of you wanted to ask him why he kept doing that, but you just decided it was better to assume that he liked the way it sounded.
“No, I don’t really know how the games played. All I know is that you get locked in a closet with someone of the opposite gender for seven minutes.” You said honestly, before you decided to try being cute again. So you reached up and pulled the lollipop out of the clowns mouth- just enough for him to talk properly. You didn’t have the gall to actually try licking it.
“Next question~” You cooed, before letting go of the lollipop so that he could put it back in his mouth if he wanted to. To your surprise, he didn’t.
“Alright pixie-stick~ Here’s your question- would you like to play the game properly with me? Before you answer, I’ll tell you how. This is a kiss game~ So, I’m asking if you’d like to kiss me, pixie-stick~” Laughing Jack said playfully before he popped his sucker back in his mouth and scraped it across his teeth, and your eyes widened at what he’d said. Alright, now you understood why Slenderman had freaked out so much when the topic of “Seven minutes in heaven” popped up- and had you understood it sooner you would have locked yourself in your room and pretended to be sick. Oh, how you envied Jane and the others right now. Fighting back a blush, you gave the cute thing another go.
“D-depends. Will you give me the feather if I do~?” You asked sweetly, though you silently cursed yourself for stuttering at the start. Oh well, nothing you could do now. In response, the clown chuckled and lent over until your noses touched- it took all of your willpower to keep from backing into the wall. Not out of fear, but because you were just uncomfortable with his proximity.
“Sure thing pixie-stick~ Gimme a kiss, and I’ll give ya the feather~” Laughing Jack cooed- you could just hear the amusement in his voice. With that, you shrugged. What the hell, it was just a kiss.
“Alright then~” You chimed, before popping your sucker in your mouth to try being cute- then you scowled. Well, the candy wasn’t poisoned- but it was a flavor that you despised! You quickly pulled the candy out of your mouth, but before you could lean in and give the clown a kiss, the door opened revealing a very amused looking Splendorman.
“Times up you two~” Splendorman sang, before stepping to the side to let the two of you out. In response, you did something drastic to get the feather without having to kiss the clown in front of everyone. You took your lollipop and stuck it in Laughing Jack’s mouth, then you grabbed the feather out of his hand and took off. Hey, it wasn’t technically a kiss- but at the same time it wasn’t. If he decided to question you on it later that was the exact claim you’d use to get out of it. Anyways, you bolted out of that closet right to the kitchen to get a glass of water so that you could wash the taste of the lollipop out of your mouth. In doing so, you weren’t given the chance to see the expression on the clowns face. When you put the sucker in his mouth and fled, you missed his shocked expression- and when you went into the kitchen, you missed the devious smile that spread across his face. Oh, you had no idea what was in store for you…
*A few hours later*
You woke to find yourself tied securely to a bed, and not only that, you were naked. Your first instinct was to try and remember how the hell you’d wound up in your current situation. You remembered getting a drink, then grabbing a quick snack. Then, you and the Slender-brothers went outside to play a game- much to Slenderman’s dismay. Slender wasn’t exactly well known for enjoying games, not unless it was his game- and you kinda played that twice a week to test your skills, so it was more of a training exercise for you. Anyways, in the end you and the Slender’s played a game of cat and mouse. Well, a game like cat and mouse. The game mostly consisted of you using your honed proxy abilities to stalk the Slender’s like you were a hungry predator. You spent most of the game jumping from tree to tree and using the darkness to your advantage. You won once you managed to tackle both of them, which took a lot of effort on your part. After the game, you and Splendorman spent a little quality time together under the stars, then he carried you home once it became evident that you were tired. The last thing you remembered was Splendor tucking you into bed and giving you a kiss on your forehead- because that’s when you fell asleep. Then you suddenly woke up to find yourself tied naked to a bed- and whoever tied you up did a really good job at it too! You couldn’t move at all- aside from wiggling your body- it was your limbs that were immobile.
Groaning, you tried to think of a way to get out of your current predicament- and you tried to figure out who would’ve tied you naked to a bed. Splendorman and Slenderman were two names chucked way out the window because you knew they’d never do anything like this to you. Masky and Hoodie were also tossed aside- the wonder twins were harsh with you for training, but they wouldn’t dare pull something like this with you for the sake no training- because if Slender found out he’d kill them. Not literally of course, but he’d still mess em up pretty bad. Next out the window went Jeff- this kinda thing wasn’t his style. He was more the “Hide in your closet and climb on top of you while you sleep” kinda creep. None of the other girls were likely enemies because they were sick. BEN was moved aside after some consideration- he had a reputation for being a pervert, but he’d never been anything but respectful towards you because of how well you put up with the wonder twins. You just kept thinking through your list of names trying to figure out who’d tied you up. ZALGO, Shadow Lurker, Offenderman- who was tossed out after a LOT of thought- Rake, BOB- none of them were the type to tie women up in a bed. Well, technically Offenderman was- but you’d done well to avoid touching any roses you found EVER unless they were on a bush. Even then, you tended to second guess whether or not you wanted to touch them.
Either way, he had absolutely no reason to tie you up unless you’d taken one of his roses- and you most definitely hadn’t. As for Rake and BOB, they weren’t even physically capable of tying you up! So they couldn’t possibly have anything to do with your current situation. So, in the end that left only one person-
“Laughing Jack…” You growled as you rolled your hands into fists until your freshly retracted claws dug into your palms to draw blood. You felt your blood soak into the ropes that held you in place, and you immediately thought that you might be able to work your way out of them with the fresh lubricant. However, before you could put your thoughts into play, you heard a laugh- and you recognized it right off the bat.
“Oh~ So you are awake my little pixie-stick~ I was starting to think that I’d have to wake you up~!” Laughing Jack cackled as he walked into your view, and you snapped your head in his direction to glare at him- only to blush. He, wasn’t wearing a shirt! Alright, now things were really going in a bad direction- it didn’t take a genius for someone to figure out what he was up to. Biting back a shudder, you went into hunt mode- your eyes took on a golden hue and you growled at him.
“Laughing Jack, let me go!” You snarled, purposely baring your teeth at him to get your point across. Instead of being intimidated by your viscous look, the clown seemed amused.
“No can do (Y/N), I’m having to much fun~” Laughing Jack said calmly as he strode over to you and climbed on top of bed to loom over you, then he licked his lips hungrily- that was when you noticed that he had a pointed, black and white striped tongue. You couldn’t repress a whimper when he lent down and dragged that disturbing tongue of his across your neck, and you clenched your eyes shut. You weren’t going to cry- you wouldn’t let yourself. You’d gotten over your PTSD a couple months ago- you’d even tested it out by letting some of your victims touch you before you killed them. But it was starting to look like being completely restrained made your disorder spring back to life, because you were trembling under his unwanted touch. To your dismay, he noticed, and before you knew what was happening he was sitting on your abdomen holding a bottle of pink liquid. The bottle had a very narrow top that made it look like a mustard container.
“Oh~ Don’t be scared (Y/N), I’m not gonna hurt you~ Well, not more than I have to of course, because it always hurts the first time around. But I promise, aside from that, you’ll love every second of it~” The clown cooed, before he popped the lid off of the bottle and held it under his nose to give it a sniff. Then, he moved it down to your face and held it under your nose, and like the idiot you were you gave it a whiff. To your surprise, it actually smelt pretty good- like watermelon jolly ranchers. Alright, so it was just a bottle of liquid candy- but what the hell did he plan on doing with it. You watched him intently as he brought the bottle of candy to his mouth and tilted his head back to suck some of the syrup out. Once he was done he licked his lips again and pressed the nozzle of the bottle to your lips. You clenched your jaw shut and refused to let the clown put it in your mouth- he responded to your stubbornness by grasping one of your breasts with his other hand. You gasped, and he took the opportunity to squirt some candy in your mouth, and you swallowed it because you didn’t want to get all sticky. At least it was a flavor that you didn’t mind, if it had been (C/F), then you would have gagged! Once he’d given you a taste, he pulled the candy back and licked the nozzle, then he moaned seductively and moved to sit between your legs.
“Now, how about we get this party started~” Laughing Jack said deviously, before he began to drip the candy all over your body. Since the nozzle acted like an art tool, he was able to draw all over your skin- it was as if he was decorating a cake. You gasped at the cold feel of the syrup as it was dripped all over you. He trailed a line of it down the center of your neck, and drew spiral patterns on both your breasts. He painted flowers around your nipples, before trailing down to draw squiggly lines down your abdomen. You tried to squirm when he realized that he planned on painting even lower than that on your body. He got messy when he reached your crotch. He smeared it all over your clitoris and your nether lips- and you gasped loudly when he started to press the nozzle inside you.
“W-wait a minute Lau-AH!” You tried to convince him to stop, only to break out into a moan when he pushed the bottle partway inside of you and squirted its contents inside your unsuspecting body. You pulled madly at your restraints when you felt the sticky fluid fill you, and you clenched your abdominal muscles to try and pushed the foreign object out, but to your dismay it seemed to be stuck.
“T-take it out!” You said pathetically, but your pleas fell on deaf ears. Instead, Laughing Jack climbed back on top of you and began to lick the candy syrup off of your body. He started at your neck- his tongue darted out and lapped at your skin until you were sure your throat was drenched in drool, then he followed the trail of syrup down to your chest. He went straight for your right breast. His long tongue swirled around the soft mound of flesh to lick it clean, then he opened his mouth and sucked on as much of your breast as he could. He teased your sensitive nipple with the tip of his tongue and licked the area around it clean, then he pulled back enough to suck only on your teat. He nibbled on your nipple for a while and tugged on it from time to time, then he pulled his mouth back and licked his lips before repeating his ministrations on your left breast. Once he was done with your chest he cleaned your abdomen, even going so far as to nip at the skin above your navel before he trailed his mouth lower. He slid his legs out from underneath his frame so that he could lie on his stomach between your spread legs. Had ropes not been holding them in position you would have clamped your legs together to keep his mouth away from your crotch. Or, at least that’s what you told yourself- there was no denying that what he was doing felt good. You bit your lip to repress a moan when that pointed tongue of his darted out to lap at the area around your clitoris, and it seemed that he purposely avoided the most sensitive part of your sex.
He came dangerously close to licking it only to shift his tongue away from your clitoris, and eventually you released a strained moan. Then he pulled his tongue back into his mouth and flicked it in and out as he licked his lips, and he peered up at you to hold your gaze. He took in the expression on your face. Your eyes were watering, threatening to spill over with tears that you refused to cry. Be it from the pain in your bleeding hands, fear, or sexual frustration, he had no idea- but your eyes were watering none the less. Your face was flushed, and the way you were biting down on your lip to repress your mewls of pleasure only made your aroused expression more erotic. He laughed playfully and let his tongue dart out to barely poke your clitoris with the tip, which made you snap and cry out in pleasure, then he sucked the appendage back in. Then his gaze fell to your restrained arms- the blood from your hands was soaking into the rope, so it was only a matter of time until you managed to work your free of them. Naturally, he decided to make himself seem like less of a bad guy. He reached up with his abnormally long arms and grasped the ropes gently, provoking a quiet gasp of pain from you- but that was your fault for struggling so much, you’d given yourself rope burn.
“If I untie you, do you promise to behave~?” Laughing Jack said sweetly, and you nodded timidly in response. At this point your legs wouldn’t cooperate if you tried to walk, so if he freed you, you wouldn’t dare try to run away. With a chuckle, he tore the ropes apart and freed your arms, and you sat up and rubbed your tender wrists to try and work the pain out of them. Then, much to your surprise, the clown sat up and grasped your arms and pulled your wrists to his face to examine them. A sympathetic look appeared on his face.
“Oh, my poor little pixie-stick! I’m sorry sweetie, I didn’t expect you to struggle so much! Here, let me make it feel better~” He cooed, before he stuck his tongue out and ran it soothingly across the surface of your injuries. You gasped and flinched away from the contact at first, only to relax a little when you noticed that the pain was starting to fade away. After a few minutes, he let go of your arms and he pushed you so that you would lie on your back, and despite your nervousness you relaxed atop the bed.
“Alright now (Y/N), just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride~” He said seductively, before he moved his face back between your legs to wrap his lips around your clitoris. In a flash your had your hands tangled in his hair and you were throwing your head back in ecstasy as you moaned loudly. He chuckled as he sucked gently on the sensitive nub he had between his lips, before he opened his mouth to tease your sex with his tongue. While he did that, he worked a hand between your legs and he pulled the bottle of candy syrup out of your sex, and you gasped loudly as you felt the sticky substance leak out of your stimulated body. Then, he pulled his mouth back just long enough for him to move the quarter full bottle of syrup to your mouth. He pushed the nozzle between your parted lips and your grasped it with your teeth, and despite the fact that it was just inside your private, you sucked on it weakly. Just as the taste of candy began to fill your mouth, the clown dropped his head again to slip his long tongue inside your sex, and you sucked in a harsh breath. When you did that you wound up sucking an entire mouthful of syrup out of the bottle. You inevitably sucked the bottle dry as Laughing Jack cleaned your sex clean of the candy syrup with his tongue. Then, you felt a strange pressure start to build between in your abdomen, and you tightened your hold on his hair in response to it. He chuckled as he continued to lick you, and he moved one of his hands to massage your clitoris with his thumb as he tongued you. You clenched your eyes shut and clamped down on the nozzle of the bottle as you moaned loudly, and without meaning to you began to try and kick your way out of the ropes that bound your legs.
All you really managed to do was bend your legs and push your crotch closer to the clowns mouth, and he responded by roughly scraping your internal walls with the tip of his tongue as he suddenly pinched your clitoris. That was all it took for the pressure in your abdomen to burst out from between your legs, and you threw your head back as you moaned loudly. Your vision went white, and your body tensed. You bit down on the bottle so hard that you were surprised you hadn’t broken it. When your vision finally returned, you let go of the clowns hair and peered down at Laughing Jack to find that he was licking his wet face clean- and by wet, you meant his face was dripping. The clown immediately noticed that you were staring at him and he smirked up at you, then he licked his way up your body and took the opportunity to line his length up with your sex- but he made sure not to let you catch on to what he was doing. Once he was in front of your face, he reached up and took the bottle out of your mouth- and you watched as the nozzle fell off. Okay, so you’d bitten it so hard that the only thing holding the bottle together was your teeth.
The next thing you knew Laughing Jack had you pulled in for a heated kiss, and thanks to what he’d been licking out of your private earlier, he tasted like candy. Granted, considering how many sweets he eats on a regular basis, he probably would’ve tasted like candy even if he hadn’t just licked it out of your sex. You moaned gently into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck, and in response he began to rub the tip of his length between your folds to provoke a startled gasp from you. You forced yourself out of the kiss and peered between your bodies to find that he was perfectly angled to bury himself inside you. Your eyes widened upon realizing that he’d managed to completely remove and discard his pants without your noticing. A worried look appeared on your face when he sat up properly and pushed you onto your back, and he held you down by putting a hand in the middle of your chest. Then, to your utter shock, he started to sing.
“All around the mulberry bush~” Laughing Jack sang happily as he used his other hand to better position himself outside your hole, and he gently wiggled his hips to lubricate himself with your fluids. You opened your mouth to tell him to stop, only to have the hand on your chest fly to your mouth to silence you.
“The monkey chased the weasel~” He continued to sing as he gave himself a few quick thrusts to give his length a thin coating of your natural lubricant, and you called out loudly only to have your voice muffled by his hand.
“The monkey thought twas all in good fun~” He sang, his voice lowing to a more seductive tone as he pressed just the tip of his shaft inside your slick hole. That was when you began to struggle. You grabbed onto his arm to try and pry his hand off of your mouth so that you could tell him to stop- because you didn’t think you were ready for what was coming. A wicked smile appeared on his face as he licked his lips in anticipation.
“Pop!-” He half shouted as he suddenly jerked his hips forward and buried himself completely inside of you, and you screamed against his hand as tears began to stream down your face.
“Goes the weasel~” He sang gently as he removed his hand from your mouth to wipe your tears out of your face with his thumb, and as an act of sympathy his hips fell still to give you a chance to adjust to his size. He continued to gently hum his little song as he moved his other hand to gently massage your clitoris so that you would calm down, and once you stopped crying, he managed to provoke a few quiet moans from you. He continued to simply focus on rubbing you for a few minutes, before he slowly shifted his hips to see how you’d react to him. You took a sharp intake of breath when he moved, and you grasped the sheets beside you, but if was hard to tell whether or not your reaction was one of pain or surprise. So he gave another thrust of his hips to get another reaction from you, and you moaned quietly in response. That was his signal that it would be okay for him to move- so he did, but he made sure to be gentle with you. He stopped humming as he began to slowly rock his hips, and once he’d provoked a few steady moans from you, he undid the ropes that tied your legs to the bed and wrapped them around his waist. Then he moved his hands to your breasts to massage them as he continued to thrust into you, and you pressed the side of your face into the mattress as you clenched your eyes shut to repress a loud moan. You did that only to scream when he gave an sudden, rough, jerk of his hips.
“Don’t silence yourself sugar, I want to hear your moans~” Laughing Jack said seductively as he continued to thrust into you at a somewhat rough pace, provoking a series of strangled gasps and moans from you. He continued at that pace until he began to shift his hips at different angles as if he was looking for something, and suddenly he hit a spot within you what made you vision blur.
“Jack!!!” You moaned loudly as soon as he hit your sweet spot, and you heard him chuckle in response before he began to ram into that spot without mercy. He pried your legs off of his waist and pressed your knees against your shoulders, and he used the new angle to reach deeper inside your body with every jerk of his hips. With every movement of his hips, your moans grew louder, and they eventually grew more frequent. Before long you felt the pressure from before building in your abdomen again, and he chuckled through his grunts as if he could tell from your expression that you were nearing an orgasm. Suddenly, he pulled out of you and let go of your legs, and you groaned loudly in response as the dull throbbing in your thighs slowly began to drive you mad. Once you’d managed to regain some of your breath, you slowly moved into a sitting position and you stared at him though half lidded eyes. He cupped your chin gently and smiled at you deviously.
“W-why did you stop?…” You asked weakly, only to hear the clown laugh seductively and watch as he licked his lips. Then he moved a hand between your legs to finger you sex, you moaned loudly. He continued to finger you until his fingers were nice and slick, then he pulled his hand back- you whined.
“Get in your hands and knees if you really wanna find out~” Laughing Jack said seductively as he licked his lips again, and your already deep blush darkened further as you contemplated your options. You had a feeling that if you didn’t do what he said, then he was going to leave you hanging- and the throbbing between your legs was driving you mad. So, despite your embarrassment, you rolled over and stood on your hands and knees with your rear facing the clown. You clenched your eyes shut and faced away from him to hide your ashamed face, and you gasped quietly when you felt him put a hand on your ass. Then, you felt him press the head of his shaft inside you, before he jerked his hips to bury himself inside of you again. You moaned loudly and clenched your insides without meaning to, and your elbows buckled so that your upper body collapsed on top of the bed. You grasped the sheets until your knuckles turned white as he continued to pump in and out of you, and you realized why he’d stopped so suddenly and told you to get on your hands and knees. Actually, there were two reasons. The first reason was because apparently letting you calm down for a few minutes before resuming his ministrations made you twice as sensitive on the inside as it did before. You didn’t know if that was something all women experienced or not, but you knew that your increased sensitivity saw to it that every movement made on his part had you writhing in pleasure beneath him. The other reason that he stopped earlier was to get you on your hands and knees so that he could finger your ass. You could already feel at least two of his fingers pumping in and out of your hole.
You could also tell that he was using the fingers that he’d fingered your sex with a few minute prior to getting you on your hands and knees. He moved his fingers in perfect sync with his hips, and despite the fact that his nails, or claws, or whatever you wanted to call them were hurting you a little, you had to admit that you actually liked having him play with your ass. However, you didn’t have to say that out loud for the clown to realize that you were enjoying it- and he felt the need to take advantage of that. Without warning, he pulled out of your sex and withdrew his fingers from your ass, only to replace it with his length- you threw your head back and screamed. You didn’t scream because it hurt though- and it did a little- you screamed because it sent a surge of pleasure shooting up your spine. You were seriously starting to second guess yourself, because until that happened you’d believed that you’d never let a man do such a thing to you. Yet there you were, on your hands and knees, with Laughing Jack thrusting into your backside at an ungodly pace. The pressure you’d felt earlier had returned again, and as if the clown was able to sense everything going on with your body he reached underneath you with one of his hands to massage your clitoris as he continued to abuse your ass. Your moans grew louder as your drew nearer and nearer to your orgasm- the pressure was growing more and more intense, to the point where it was almost painful. You pressed the side of your face into the mattress as you moaned and panted uncontrollably.
You were so close to release, just a little more. Just a few more thrusts and- the clown abruptly pulled out of you just before you came, and you groaned. That was the second time he’d done that, and if he kept it up then odd were you were going to wind up in a lot of pain. You knew that because now your abdomen was starting to throb painfully. You made a move to turn and face him, intent on telling him not to drive you so close to an orgasm only to pull out at the last second, because he was starting to hurt you. Before you could do so much as open your mouth, he flipped you onto your back and shoved himself inside of you without warning, and he began to pound into you faster and harder than ever. You screamed silently the pleasure that struck you was so intense, and you wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him closer, and to prevent him from pulling out of you again. Granted, you had no idea that he had no intention of pulling out of you a third time- not without giving you an orgasm at least. You also had no idea that the reason he’d pulled out of you those first two time was because he wanted your orgasm to be mind blowing. Hey, when it came down to it, the clown knew a thing or two about pleasing a woman. The pressure returned yet again as he jerked his length in and out of you, and this time it returned much quicker than before.
Not only that- this time around, the pressure was so intense that it was painful. It brought tears to your eyes and made you cling to Laughing Jack as if he were your life-force. You wrapped your arms around the clowns back and buried your face in the crook of his neck to muffle your loud, throaty, calls of pleasure. He took that as his opportunity to tease your ear with his tongue and teeth. He lapped at the shell before taking the lobe between his teeth and nibbling on it gently as he continued to pound into you. You dug your nails into his back and tightened your legs around him as you felt the pressure inside your body near its breaking point. You heard him grunt loudly in response to your claws digging into his skin, and to reprimand you for hurting him he sank his teeth into the skin of your ear- and for some twisted reason that was all it took to push you over the edge. You clamped your jaws down on his shoulder to stifle your scream as your body went rigid and your vision went white. Your legs tightened further around his waist to pull him as close to you as possible, and your insides clenched painfully as the pressure in your abdomen burst from between your legs. To your surprise, Laughing Jack’s body went stiff not even a second after yours did, and me moaned loudly in your ear as he emptied himself inside of you. You vaguely caught the sensation of something warm filling your insides as you hit your orgasm, but you were to lost in the moment for it to really dawn on you that he’d just came inside of you. Had you actually been able to comprehend what had just happened to you, you would have flipped out upon realizing that you might actually get pregnant.
Ah well, you’d realize what had happened sooner or later- though by that time it would probably be to late for you to really do anything about it. Eventually, you open your jaws to release his shoulder and you remove your nails from his back, and you hear him sigh in relief. Panting quietly, you go lax and fall back on top of the bed, and after a few seconds the clown pulls out of you and lies down beside you. You continue to quietly gasp for breath even as he reaches and arm around your waist to pull you back against his chest, and you allow your head to rest in the crook of his neck, only to have him push your head away. Your to tired to bother trying to get after him about it, so you turn your head enough to glare at him, only to wince upon spotting his reason for pushing your head off the crook of his neck. He didn’t want you putting your head on the little “Love-bite” you’d given him- and if it wasn’t that then he didn’t want you getting blood in your hair, because he was bleeding a lot. In response to seeing his injury, you turned your head back around and lied it on the pillow while you worked a “Sorry” out of your exhausted frame. Upon hearing your apology, the clown tightened his hold around your waist and pulled you closer to him, and he kissed the top of your head affectionately.
“Its alright pixie-stick, its just a little love bite~” Laughing Jack said sweetly, and you closed your eyes for a moment to take a deep breath. When you opened your eyes, you nearly jumped upon finding that there was a blanket draped over the two of you, and you seriously began to contemplate whether or not you wanted to ask where it came from. Hell, you contemplated asking the clown about all the funny business you’d noticed since you woke up tied to the bed. You wanted to ask where he’d gotten the bottle of candy syrup, how he’d managed to get his pants off without your noticing. You wanted to ask where the blanket draped over you came from, and how he managed to get it would moving away from you. Oh, and of course you wanted to know how on earth he managed to get inside your room, kidnap you, strip you, and tie you to a bed without waking you up. For starters, you were a light sleeper- most of the time- but no one was able to touch you while you slept without waking you up. Well, no one but Slenderman and Splendorman- but there was no way in hell that they’d helped the clown out. Right? Yeah, they looked after and protected you- no way in hell they’d of helped someone rape you. You suddenly felt Laughing Jack shift slightly beneath you, and you noticed that he was reaching under the pillow. You watched closely as he pulled out something that looked like a walkie talkie, and noticed that he pressed a red button.
“You two can come down now, we’re decent~” The clown chimed, before pulling his thumb off of the button and putting the walkie talkie back under the pillow. You raised an eyebrow and forced yourself to roll over so that you could look at him, and you weren’t surprised to find that he was smirking at you. You opened your mouth to ask him what the hell he was up to, but before you could utter a sound you heard a door creak open- not a moment later you heard someone gasp.
“Oh my goodness! L-Laughing Jack! You said the two of you were decent!” An all to familiar voice said nervously behind you, and you rolled back over to find none other than Splendorman standing in the room. Not only that, Slenderman was standing behind him with a hand covering his face. Your face about lit on fire it heated up so quickly. You stared wide eyed at the pair and opened your mouth as if to scream, only to have Laughing Jack cover your mouth before you could make a sound- and you heard the damn clown chuckling. Great, you were naked in bed with someone you’d only recently met, the two people closest to you were standing in the room staring at you dumbfounded, and the person who’d basically just raped you was laughing at your embarrassment. How could your day- er- night, get any worse? Without warning clown lifted the blanket up to show Slender your naked body, and you did your best to cover yourself with your limbs while the embarrassed Slender-being adverted his gaze. Yep, that proved it. Do ever ask if a situation can get any worse- because the bitch called fate will just see to it that it gets worse. Much, much worse.
“F-for goodness sake Jack! C-cover her back up! You’re m-making the situation more awkward than it has to be!” Splendor said nervously as he focused on the side wall, and you let out an internal sigh when the clown did as was asked and dropped the blanket to cover you back up. After that, you did your best to shove your leg back so that you could kick him, but all you really managed to do was amuse the creep more! He wrapped both his arms around your front and pulled you closer to him so that he could bury his face in the crook of your neck. You felt him nip at your neck playfully before lifting his head back up to address the Slender-beings.
“Alright, we’re covered up~ Now you’d better explain to (Y/N) why all of this happened~” Laughing Jack chimed, causing you to tense up. If what you were thinking was correct, then you may have to rethink your views on the Slender-brothers. You heard Splendor cough awkwardly.
“Y-yes, your right… (Y/N), I’m sure your confused- and probably really mad- but I need you to try and keep calm so that we can explain…” Splendorman said nervously as he took a step closer to the bed and peered down at you- it was obvious that his instinct was to sit down and carefully explain everything to you, but having Laughing Jack in the bed made him hesitant about doing it. He sat down eventually though, and you stared up at him with a look of utter shock on your face.
“W-well… I-I wont lie (Y/N), Slenderman and eye helped Laughing Jack get you down here- and I didn’t look at you I promise! But, we need you to, u-understand that there was a reason behind our doing it…” He paused for a moment to give you a chance to take everything in, then he continued when you didn’t say anything.
“Y-you see (Y/N), your a, mature young woman, in a very dangerous line of work… And, considering how you tend to hunt your victims, its only natural that Slenderman and I would be concerned about your welfare… We- I- didn’t want anything bad to happen to you while you were out on a hunt, and Laughing Jack… Erm… The t-three of us got together, and, discussed a few things regarding you… One thing led to another, and we eventually thought it best that we, get the two of you t-together…” He said slowly and with a number of pauses- it was painfully obvious that he was very hesitant about telling you what he had. When he next fell silent he just sat there and stared down at you nervously, and after your mind pieced everything together, you managed to find your voice.
“And… You thought the best way to do what was to have him rape me?…” You said weakly, a few tears pricking the corners of your eyes. As soon as he saw the tears Splendor scrambled to try and dab your face with a handkerchief, but you flinched away from him as sorrow flooded your system. It wasn’t the fact that you’d been raped that bothered you, nor was it the fact that they’d discussed all of this prior to everything. It was the fact that they’d completely overlooked your feelings, and shown you such a lack of trust- if they’d simply said something they’d of easily been able to convince you to give Laughing Jack a chance. Now, you were unsure whether or not you’d be able to completely trust any of them, ever again. Splendorman expression sorrowed when you shied away from his touch, and he pulled his hand back slowly, because he didn’t know how to respond to your actions. That was when Slenderman stepped in to intervene.
“Do not blame Splendorman, (Y/N), I am the one who insisted on this idea- believe me, he put every ounce of his effort into getting me to change my mind. But in the end, you are my proxy- so I was the one who decided what to be done with you. Yes, what I had done to you tonight was cruel. Yes, you may very well hate all of us for it- but it was something that had to be done to ensure your safety. I’d rather something happen because of me than have you disappear for weeks only to turn up near death because you were captured, raped, and left for dead…” Slenderman said in a calm, strict tone- one which gave you a harsh dosage of reality. Truth was, there had been a couple of incidents where you were nearly overpowered- incidents that nearly cost you your virginity, and your life. Of course you’d told Slenderman about every one of those mishaps, and he’d usually responded by making you stay home for a couple of weeks to see to it that you were kept safe. In the end you couldn’t deny that this was a better way to loose your virginity than the way it would have happened if one of your possible victims managed to get you, but still, it wasn’t the way you’d wanted it to go. As if he sensed what you were thinking, Slender spoke up.
“As for why we had Laughing Jack do this with you… He has a unique, talent, that few people know about. I wont go into detail on it, but now, if your ever in trouble, he will know and we can be alerted and help you before its to late.” He said calmly, before said clown buried his face in the crook of your neck and kissed your skin affectionately.
“I hope you realize my little pixie-stick, that this means your mine from now on~ I wont let anyone else lay a hand on you~” Laughing Jack cooed sweetly, though you could still hear the possessiveness implied by his words. Try as you might, you couldn’t keep yourself from blushing at the way he’d said that- partly because he was trailing his nails across your side in a way that made you throb in a very inappropriate way. As if the Slender-beings could sense what he was doing, the moved away from the bed and slowly made their ways for the door- and that was when you realized where exactly you were. The room Slenderman had put you in right after saving you from your step-father- same bed, same walls. The only difference was that now, you weren’t in the bed alone. You watched silently as the Slender-brothers left you and the clown alone in the bedroom, and as soon as the door closed said clown sat up enough to lean over you.
“Don’t hate them (Y/N), in the end I’d of gone after you even if they hadn’t asked me to… You never noticed, but I was always looking at you… And now that I’ve got the chance, I’d like to tell you, how much a love your laugh~” He said gently, before leaning over and placing a soft kiss atop your cheek, then he pulled back and looked you in the eye as he ran his hand up your body to cup your face.
“So, will you trust me enough to let me see your laughing face? Do you think that, you could at least try?” He asked quietly as he gave you what you believed was the most loving expression you had ever seen. In response, you moved one of your arms up to wrap it around his neck, and you pulled him on top of you.
“Alright L.J, I think I can do that…”
“After that night, you added another name to the short list of people you let see you smile and hear you laugh. And you started a new list, dedicated only to the man you’d let embrace you~”
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
Clock and Hatchet pt.2
 (I do not own ANY creepypasta or whatever mentioned thus far)
“Don’t you ever, call me that again…” Toby snarled as he tightened his grip around Natalie’s throat, and he bent his head enough to peer into her eyes. Or rather, to glare at her single eye, and the clock she’d replaced the other one with- he couldn’t prevent himself from twitching every time he heard the damned contraption tick. Then, much to his surprise, the woman laughed. Then, without so much as a sign of warning, Natalie jerked her knee upwards to hit Toby in the side, and she successfully knocked the wind out of him. For a split second his grip around her throat loosened, only for it to tighten tenfold once he managed to catch his breath. He watched intently as a look of shock appeared in her single eye, and he laughed darkly- she obviously didn’t know to much about him.
  “H-hate t-to b-break i-it t-to y-you, b-but I c-can’t f-feel p-pain!” He said darkly, his twitch induced stutter somehow making him sound more dangerous than one would have expected. He watched as her eyes widened in surprise, before they suddenly narrowed as she glared at him. A split second later, he saw something flash in the corner of his eye. He swiftly jumped back to dodge, narrowly avoiding the tip of a knife as it whizzed past his face. Had he not moved back as much, his nose would have been cut off. Growling, he dropped his shoes and goggles and prepared for a fight. Slenderman might not like him getting into a brawl with his new partner, but he’d have to deal with it- because Toby wasn’t about to back down. The only real issue was that he didn’t have his weapons, while Natalie was armed with an impressive looking knife. Not a butcher knife, but it was definitely a mean cutting blade, and he didn’t want to know whether or not it could cut through bone. Then again, he was better off not knowing. Before he had the chance to think of his first move, Clockwork lunged at him with her blade, He deftly stepped to the side and raised his arm to dodge the knife, and he watched as the woman sank the blade into the wall. He groaned inwardly- great, he’d more than likely be the one forced to fix that. In a flash the woman had her knife removed from the wall, and she went for him again.
  With another sidestep he barely avoided a blow to the shoulder, and without so much as a thought he clenched his fist and prepared to throw a punch. As soon as she withdrew her knife, he swung his arm in her direction and punched her directly in the jaw. When his fist collided with her jaw he was rewarded with the sound of a sickening crack, and he immediately know that he’d managed to break bone. He fell still and watched with a satisfied smile as Natalie stepped back and clutched her broken jaw, and for the first time since he’d met her the irritating sound of her clockeye ticking didn’t worsen his twitching. Why? Because he was in fighting. Fighting was the cure to his ticks, though it was only temporary. Before either of them could prepare to throw another blow, a certain pair of proxies stepped between the pair and pushed them against opposite walls to keep them separated. It didn’t take more than a second to realize who the mediators were. Masky and Hoodie- his superiors and Slenderman’s first proxies. Well, technically not his first proxies, but they were around before Toby arrived. Masky had Toby pinned against one wall by his shoulders, and Hoodie had pinned Natalie against the opposite wall by her wrists. Neither of them were wearing their masks, so it was easy to tell how irritated the pair were with the racket they’d heard.
  Not only that, from the suspicious looks that the proxies were casting in Clockwork’s direction, it was obvious that they had no idea who she was. The fact that she was struggling in Hoodie’s grip made it all the more obvious that she didn’t know him- to bad she couldn’t get away from him, it would have been funny watching him chase her down the hall.
  “Toby, who the hell is this?!” Hoodie spat angrily as he tried to keep the struggling woman still, with great effort one might add. He kept having to lift his knees to block her kicks, and he was lucky that he was able to step from side to side, because she was trying to headbutt him. The male in questioned decided to remain silent until his “Partner” tired out and fell still, and then he watched her pant for a few seconds to make sure she wouldn’t start up again.
  “She’s Natalie, my n-new p-partner…” Toby said irritably, his twitching picking up again towards the end of his statement when his ears picked up the sound of the womans clockeye again- now that she wasn’t struggling, he could hear the infernal contraption. He easily noticed the way that the other proxies tensed- so they really hadn’t been told about the house’s newest edition. He also noticed the strange look that Hoodie managed to cast in his direction- did Clockwork actually manage to cut him. He turned his head about to glance himself over, his twitching as violent as ever. None of his clothes were cut, he didn’t see blood anywhere. So unless he’d sprouted a second head, the other proxy had no reason to give him such an odd look.
  “New partner?…” Hoodie said hesitantly as he looked between the twitching boy and the clockeyed woman, and he raised an eyebrow. Then, he locked eyes with Natalie for a moment, and cautiously removed his hands from her wrists. To everyones surprise, she didn’t immediately try to get a fight going. Instead, she just leaned against the wall and stared blankly at the three men. Her amused expression was gone, and she now wore a look of boredom. After that, the hooded proxy continued to cast short glances from Toby to Natalie for a while. In the meantime, Masky decided that it would be alright to let the twitching boy go, and he did so with caution. Suddenly, Hoodie stepped over to whisper something into his partners ear, and then they both began to look from the twitching male to the clockeyed female. The pair whispered something else to one another, before suddenly stepping apart.
  “I’m going to go and have a word with master Slenderman. You two, uh, try not to get into another fight… You’re better off not waking everybody up.” Hoodie said slowly, before swiftly taking off down the hall and down the stairs, leaving his comrades to do whatever they deemed fit. Then, all eyes fell on Masky, who looked between the pair nervously.
  “Well, um… I’ll be going back to bed now… You two, play nice. Okay?” Masky said hesitantly as he backed away from the pair, before he abruptly turned and bolted back into his and Hoodie’s bedroom. Natalie stared after him dumbstruck while Toby just shrugged and turned back down the hall towards his room. That hadn’t been the first time he’d seen the masked proxy act so nervously, in fact, it was actually pretty normal to see him take on a skittish personality whenever Hoodie wasn’t by his side. Clockwork began to follow shortly after she noticed that he’d started walking, and he was glad that she’d opted to remain quiet for the remainder of the short trip. He’d actually forgotten that he’d broken her jaw, meaning she wouldn’t be able to talk properly had she tried to- not to mention that doing so would cause massive amounts of pain. Once they were at their bedroom door, he stopped and pointed to it.
  “T-this is o-our room. W-we have t-the hatchet. E-everyones door is d-designed differently.” Toby said calmly, doing whatever he could to keep his twitching under control. He did a pretty good job at it, but all of his effort was actually giving him a major headache. Yes, even though he had a condition that made it impossible for him to feel physical pain, he could still get headaches. Most people with the condition could actually. Then he opened the door, and trying to be a gentleman, he motioned for Clockwork to step into the room first. He followed as soon as she stepped inside, and he quietly shut the door behind him before he began to point out the various things in the room. First, he walked over to a bed with white sheets.
  “T-this is y-your bed. I-if you d-don’t like t-the sheets, t-then you a-are responsible f-for getting y-your own…” He said before he stepped away from the bed and strode over to the closet- he slid the door to the side and revealed that it was half empty.
  “T-this is o-our closet, w-we have t-to share. O-only shirts, s-sweaters, and s-shoes go i-in here. N-no tee s-shirts. You g-get the r-right side, I g-get the l-left…” He said before he closed the close and made his way over to a pair of dressers- one looked old, the other looked brand new. He put one hand on each dresser and sighed, his twitching growing more frequent for a moment before suddenly slowing down to a more manageable level.
  “T-these are o-our dressers. T-the newer l-looking one i-is yours. O-only pants, t-tee shirts, u-underwear, and s-socks go i-in the d-dressers…” He said before he removed his hands from the dressers and walked back to the beds. His bed had red sheets and a black blanket with Slenderman’s symbol on it- the symbol took up most of the blanket, and it was done in white so that it stood out. Then, he folded back the covers to get ready for bed, but at the last second he seemed to remember something. He suddenly bolted away from the bed and strode out of the room, only to reappear a minute or so later with his shoes and goggles in hand. He’d remembered dropping them to get into a fight with Natalie, and he didn’t want them left out in the hall where someone else could get hold of them. He quickly put his shoes on his side of the closet, then he put his goggles on top of his dresser before walked back over to his bed so that he could get some sleep. That was when he noticed that the clockeyed woman hadn’t said a word nor made a move since walking into the room, and he cast her a suspicious glance. She was standing in the middle of the room glaring at him with her arms crossed in front of her chest. He fixed his eyes on her face and tried to put the ticking of her clockeye out of his mind, and a violent twitch caused him to pop his neck multiple times at once. He reached for a switch above his bed to flip on the light- there were tree switches in the room. One by the door, one by his bed, and another between the dressers.
  As soon as the lights were on he was able to see why the woman hadn’t said anything for so long, and he mentally punched himself for so easily forgetting about it. There was a nasty black bruise on the left side of her jaw, and some slight swelling. He’d broken her jaw, which made it near impossible to speak properly. Sighing irritably, he slowly made his way over to her and brought his hands up to her face, only to have her swat as his hands. Growling as he popped his neck again, he snatched one of her hands with his and squeezed it roughly.
  “U-unless y-you w-w-want me t-to l-leave y-you as y-you a-are, y-you’ll h-h-hold s-still!” Toby stuttered, his voice clearly angry before he released Natalie’s hand so that he could at least try to examine her jaw. Though he lacked the experience and skill of a real doctor, he knew enough in the medical field to treat minor wounds and broken bones. It was more or less a requirement for any proxy to know enough to keep themselves alive should they get injured while out killing, so technically everyone in the house knew the basics of the medical field- some knew more than others of course. When he reached for her face the second time she didn’t try to fend him off, though the glare she was giving him clearly stated that if he did anything she didn’t deem necessary then she was going to start another fight. He put one hand on her right cheek to keep her head in place, and he used his other hand to feel the area around the bruise on her cheek. First he pressed his thumb against her cheek to check for loose or missing teeth, when he didn’t feel anything out of place he moved his attention to her actual jaw. Using his fingers, he pressed down on the swelling and applied pressure to see if anything moved- if he was to feel movement, then that meant that the bone was broken. He did feel movement, but not in the spot that he was pressing- her entire jaw shifted to the right, meaning that her jaw was simply dislocated. She flinched a little at the unwanted pain, but aside from that remained dead still as he continued his examination. Once he determined the extent of her injury, he turned her head to the side so that he could get a closer look at her dislocated jaw. Then, he stepped back and grabbed her by the arm before leading her to the beds.
  “L-lie o-on y-your b-back. I n-n-need t-to f-fix y-your j-jaw b-before t-the s-swelling g-gets w-worse.” He said in as calm a voice as he could considering his state of mind. He was tired from a long day of butchering innocent people. Having to deal with a rambunctious new partner- as in getting into a fight and having to tend the wounds he’d inflicted- wasn’t exactly giving him his energy back. All he really wanted to do was lie down and sleep until noon, and considering that it was nearly three in the morning that would give him a good nine hours of rest unless he had to get up earlier- and he probably would. However, to his irritation the woman simply crossed her arms and continued to glare at him. Another violent twitch caused him to pop his neck and a few of his fingers at the same time, then he abruptly raised his hands to her shoulders and pushed her on top of her bed. Before she had the chance to react he climbed atop the bed and sat on her abdomen to keep her in place, and to his luck he realized that he’d been able to pin her arms down with his knees. She still struggled though.
  “C-calm d-down s-stupid, I-I’m t-trying to f-fix y-y-your j-jaw, a-and I c-can o-only do i-it w-with y-you l-lying d-down.” He said irritably, before he fell still and waited for the woman to stop trying to kick him off. When she didn’t seem to calm down he shifted his weight so that his knees would press into her arms because he knew it would hurt, and he bit back a smug look when she groaned in pain and fell still. Once she was holding still, he moved his hands to her face so that he could fix her jaw. He turned her head to the side so that her bruise was facing him, then he positioned his hands around her chin and near her ear. He moved her jaw around to feel for where it was supposed to be. When he found the proper spot, he stiffened his arms and basically shoved her head into the mattress. He stopped pressing once he heard the faint “Pop” of her jaw snapping back into place, then he wasted no time climbing off of her so that he could go to his own bed. However, as soon as he turned around, she yanked him back by his shirt and put him in a choker hold. His natural response was to thrash about to try and get out of her grasp, but try as he might he couldn’t pry her arm off of his neck.
  “Give me one good reason not to snap your neck!” Natalie spat as he tightened her hold around Toby’s throat, successfully cutting off his air supply- which was not something people with mental disorders needed. When he lost his ability to breathe, he fell still and put all of his effort into drawing in slow, even, breaths. Yes, the womans hold on his throat made breathing more that difficult, but as long as he was able to remain calm and still, then he’d be able to get enough air to keep from passing out…
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
L.J x Jeff x R.J: Double Trouble
Yet another story for my “Big sis” MoKaLo/ higurashi-massacre (No, we aren’t actually related. But we call each-other sisters ^^) This is based off of her thanks for 1000+ watchers picture featureing Jeff, Laughing Jack, and Rainbow Laughing Jack (Whom I call R.J) Quick warning- Don’t read if you hate yaoi, the pairing of Jeff with L.J or R.J, me, MoKaLo/ higurashi-massacre, or incest. (You’ll understand the last one in a bit ^^)
  Quiet moans rang throughout the dimly lit room, followed by an amused chuckled every now and again as the noises steadily grew louder. In the middle of the room, sitting on his knees, L.J chuckled as he held a naked Jeff the killer in place between his somewhat spread legs. Kneeling between the killers legs, kissing him passionately, was none other than Rainbow Laughing Jack- the monochrome clown’s colorful counterpart.
  “L-L.J~!” Jeff moaned into the kiss as he tried to scooch away from the rainbow clown that was making out with him- there was a slight ping of fear in his usually prideful voice. No, not fear- nervousness. He was unfamiliar with the rainbow clown he was swapping saliva with- unaccustomed to the overly gentle manner of the kiss. He’d gotten so used to L.J’s rough behavior that being kissed and touched so lightly frightened him a bit. In response to hearing the killers voice, the monochrome clown tightened his hold around his erect cock and pumped it a little faster in order to make him relax, which provoked a louder moan from him. Jeff gasped slightly into the kiss when he felt R.J place a hand gently on his chest, and a shudder ran through his body when the rainbow clown slowly rubbed his sensitive skin. Their tongues slowly and hesitantly mingled as they kissed, and they both trembled at the feel of it- but for two separate reasons. Jeff’s reason form shaking was from nervousness. R.J’s trembling was caused by anticipation and excitement, as well as embarrassment, and some nervousness. The the two finally pulled apart to breathe, they both sported heavy blushes, and a string of saliva connected their open, panting mouths.
  “Heh, not bad~” L.J chuckled as he smirked evilly at his multi-colored twin, whose vibrant blue eyes were glazed over heavily with lust. He slowed his movements on the killers throbbing cock to prevent him from cuming as he dropped his head a bit to bite down on his ear roughly, which earned a slight wail from Jeff. He gently licked up the small beads of blood that formed on the killers ear after he bit it to soothe the wound, then he pulled his mouth away to address his counterpart.
  “Looks like you’ve got kissing taken care of, so on to the next lesson… You saw what I just did, correct~?” He asked with a chuckle as he moved his unoccupied hand to force Jeff’s face to the side, so that his ear faced the multi-colored clown perfectly. In response, the rainbow clown lent in and hesitantly bit down on the killers ear, provoking a quiet gasp from him. Encourage, he repeated his actions a few times. He sucked and licked the teens ear until it was pink and slimy from his drool, then he took a bold move and sucked lightly on the killers earlobe. Jeff moaned loudly in response and bucked his hips to gain more friction from L.J’s hand, earning a dark chuckle from him.
  “See? Told ya you’d learn fast~ Alright, time to start the harder stuff~!” L.J cooed as he slipped out from behind Jeff to lie him on the ground, then he climbed on top of him and waited for his rainbow counterpart to find a better place to sit- he needed to observe if he wished to learn. Once R.J found a spot that offered a good view, L.J continued on with their lesson. He lent his head down and took one of the killers nipples in his mouth- he licked, bit, and sucked on the sensitive bump roughly, provoking a series of loud moans from him. He held the teens nipple between his teeth and tugged on it a few times, and as he did so he brought a hand to the killers other teat to pinch it painfully. When he finally decided that he’d set a good enough example, he pulled his mouth back and stared down to examine his handiwork. Jeff lied on the floor, panting loudly with his tongue sticking out. There was a dark blush spread across his face, and his eyes were glazed over with lust. His nipples were red and hard from their abuse, and the one the monochrome clown had had in his mouth was wet and slimy. Then, he backed off of the panting killer and motioned for the multi-colored clown to follow his example- the pair switched places so that L.J could see how well R.J was able to mimic his actions. All and all, he was given a pretty good show. He watched as R.J latched on to the killers dry nipple and gently nipped at it- Jeff moaned quietly in response to the soft treatment.
  The rainbow clown mimicked the actions of his dark twin to the best of his ability, but thanks to his kinder nature he never managed to be as rough with the teen as L.J had been. When he’d finally decided that he’d done a well enough job practicing the foreplay, R.J pulled back to stare lustfully at his handiwork. Jeff was panting quietly, and trembling beneath him. His tongue was poking out a bit, and his eyes were glazed over with lust. He chanced a glance lower and blushed darkly when he noticed the milky substance leaking out of the killers erect cock- it was as if the foreplay alone was going to be enough to make him cum. With that, L.J decided that it was time to reach the main event. He swiftly moved over to his twin and his lover, and he flipped Jeff onto his hands and knees. He reached around with both hands and hooked a few clawed fingers inside his ass to get him stretched out some- and to give his colorful twin a clear view of his tight, waiting hole.
  “Alright R.J, you know what to do with this, right~?” L.J asked playfully as he wiggled his fingers around inside Jeff’s hole, provoking a loud moan from him in the process. Hesitantly, the rainbow clown slipped off his suspenders and he pulled down his pants, revealing his erect cock. Then, he slowly moved behind the killer and grasped his hip gently with one hand, he used his other to press the head of his dick against Jeff’s spread asshole. He waited a moment for L.J to withdraw his hands, then he slowly pushed his cock inside the killers waiting ass. Both of them moaned loudly as pleasure wracked their sensitive bodies, and the rainbow clown unintentionally tightened his hold on the teens hip in response to the foreign sensation of being buried inside a warm body. Slowly, he moved his other hand to grasp the killers other hip, and he offered a shy rock of the hips to test the waters. Both of them moaned loudly as pleasure shot through them, and before long the pair began to rock against each-other. They met each-others movements and moved at an unusually slow pace- because of R.J’s naturally soft nature, he couldn’t fuck Jeff the way he was used to. The only rough thing about the clowns actions were his unusually tight hold on the killers hips- he was clutching them so tightly that his nails pierced the teens skin. A few small drops of blood managed to escape the minuscule injuries, but the fact that the wounds even existed proved that the happy-go-lucky shy clown was much stronger and much more dangerous than his personality would have implied.
  “F-fu—ck~ G-god, R.J, h-harder~ PLEASE~!!!” Jeff moaned as he increased the force behind his backward movements to meet the rainbow clowns thrusts. Said clown tried his best to act as the rough lover that the killer was used to, but his natural nature kept him from jerking his hips in the way he wanted to- he was incapable of violent sex. L.J on the other hand, was- and he knew a real easy way to get things to pick up speed without trying to bring out the rainbow clowns violent side. Silently, he crawled behind his rainbow counterpart, and he dragging a clawed finger down his back suggestively. R.J arched his back at the sensation- it tickled him slightly, but somehow it managed to turn him on even more at the same time. Another moan escaped the rainbow clowns frame as that teasing finger was slowly pushed inside his untouched ass, and he turned his head to the side to stare at his counterpart, a heavy blush plastered on his face.
  “L-L.J?…” R.J questioned nervously, before he released a quiet gasp in response to having another clawed finger shoved inside his ass. He unintentionally stopped thrusting into Jeff as his focus fell upon the way it felt to have his twins fingers stretching him out- he tried not to tense when the fingers spread in a scissoring motion inside of him, but he couldn’t help it.
  “Heh… Relax R.J, I’m just keeping my promise~ You came here to loose your virginity, remember? And I know your still a virgin back here~!” L.J cooed as he pumped his spread fingers in and out of his twins ass, getting him nice and ready for the upcoming intrusion. “So in the meantime, why don’t you give Jeff a little handjob? You being so still in him has him drooling like a toddler waiting for his candy~” He chimed, pointing out the Jeff had more or less collapsed because of his sexual frustration. The killers upper body was lying on the ground, and his backside was held in the air by R.J’s grasp on his hips- his body was shaking and he was drooling on the floor. Taking his twins advise, the rainbow clown hesitantly looped an arm under the teens waist and grasped his erect shaft weakly, provoking a loud moan from the killer. He moved his hand slowly to jack him off, and he moaned lightly when Jeff tried to buck his hips to gain more friction- which caused him to pull out of his ass a bit. The clown moaned again when he felt a third finger push inside of him. The fingers spread as far apart as they could to stretch him out, before they were suddenly withdrawn and replaced with something much, much bigger. Without so much as a word of warning, L.J jerked his hips and buried himself inside his twins hot, tight little ass, provoking loud moans from everyone involved in the little orgy.
  “G-god~! Y-your fucking tight~!” L.J moaned as he reached his hands around to grasp not his twins hips, but Jeff’s hips. He used his hold on the killer as leverage while he slowly pulled out of R.J, before abruptly slamming back into him. The action caused the rainbow clown to pull out of the teen, only to be shoved back into him. With that, the party really started. L.J jerked his hips to yank his cock in and out of his twins ass, which forced the rainbow clown in and out of Jeff’s tight, willing hole. Meanwhile, R.J tightened his grip on the killers dick and pumped him steadily in time with his twins thrusts. He teased the tip with the claw on his thumb, and somewhere along the lines he reached around to fondle his sack with his other hand. Said killer had his face pressed against the floor- he was moaning loudly and drooling as he practically screamed from the pleasure that shot up his spine every time the cock in his ass was shoved roughly back into him. As time progressed, R.J wound up pressing his chest against the killers back at his twin pushed him down to pound into him at a better angle. L.J pressed his chest against his twins back and bit his shoulder possessively, drawing a small amount of blood.
  “L-L.J~ Not so rou—aaah~!” R.J moaned desperately as his twin continued to abuse his backside with his thick, hard cock. He felt the muscles in his abdomen tighten in response to the pleasure that washed over him every time L.J shoved his dick back inside his ass. However, the monochrome clown paid his twin no mind- he just continued to slam his hips into R.J’s backside at a violent pace. At the same time, Jeff’s insides tightened in response to a rapidly approaching orgasm. He moaned loudly and gripped at the floor as the power of L.J’s thrusts drove R.J in and out of him, and he couldn’t help but arch his back to press his forehead into the ground. He panted loudly and clawed at the floor- the hands toying with his cock and balls were driving him insane. Well, he was already insane- but this was a different type of insanity. Suddenly, he let out a shrill cry and his body tensed- a thick, white fluid spilled out of his cock and into R.J’s waiting hand. Not a moment later, the rainbow clown went rigid in response to the killers internal muscles clamping down on his shaft, and as a sudden act of violence he sank his teeth into the skin on Jeff’s shoulder as he came. His iridescent cum filled the teen to the point of overflowing- it leaded out of his plugged hole and ran down his pale thighs. The killer moaned as the rainbow clown filled him- he paid no mind to the bite left on his shoulder when R.J finally withdrew his teeth. He didn’t even notice the fact that his shoulder was bleeding- and the rainbow clown was unaware of the bloody taste in his mouth.
  Not to anyone’s surprise, L.J managed to get a few more powerful thrusts in before the tightness of his twins body drove him over the edge. He tensed and gripped Jeff’s hips painfully tight, to the point of bruising, as he moaned and came deep inside the rainbow clowns ass. Panting loudly, the trio collapsed on top of each-other- though L.J made sure to roll everyone onto their sides to keep from crushing poor Jeff, who was at the bottom of the pile. When they were rolled over, R.J slipped out of Jeff, which allowed the iridescent cum trapped in his ass to leak out of him and pool onto the floor. L.J did the same when he rolled over, and his seed spilled out of R.J’s ass to add to the small puddle of cum. Panting quietly, the monochrome clown forced himself into a sitting position and he eyed his exhausted companions. Jeff had passed out, and was breathing normally- he was curled in a ball with iridescent semen pooled around his abused backside. His unblinking eyes were wide, as usual- but there dull look was proof enough that he was asleep. The clown chuckled a bit to himself- he’d have to put a sleeping mask on the killer to keep him from waking up, or damaging his lovely eyes in his sleep. Then, he turned his attention to his multi-colored twin. R.J was lying on his side panting slightly- he actually seemed to have calmed down for the most part. With a quiet chuckle, the monochrome clown wiped some sweat off of his brow, then he reached down with his hand to smack his twin square on the ass. Said twin immediately squeaked and bolted into a sitting position, and he stared at L.J with a worried look on his face.
  “W-why’d you hit me?…” R.J asked hesitantly, his voice quiet and somewhat hurt. The monochrome clown struggled to repress a laugh at the face his twin made upon being smacked on the ass- he actually looked like an abused puppy.
  “Because I wanted your attention silly~” L.J giggled as he failed to repress his amusement- but he couldn’t help it. R.J was just so, overly innocent- he couldn’t hurt anything on purpose. Sometimes it was hard to believe that the pair were once the same entity.
  “Anyways~ How was your first time~? Jeff certainly seemed to enjoy himself~” He said with a chuckle as he pointed to the unconscious teen lying on the floor with his lower half in a puddle of cum. The clown in question blushed and twiddled his thumbs in embarrassment, and he looked between his twin and the sleeping killer. Then, he laughed nervously and stared at the monochrome clown.
  “Uh, y-yeah, I had… Fun…” R.J said nervously, only to be rewarded by a soft pat on the head via L.J., who smiled at him happily.
  “Good~ Now, help me get him into bed. You wan stay the night if ya like, and we can discuss other matters tomorrow- after breakfast.” L.J said calmly as he forced himself to stand up, then he extended an arm to help his twin stand. The rainbow clown took his twins hand willingly, and allowed him to pull him up- and when he did he screamed a bit. “What’s wr- oh! Sorry R.J… Probably should have warned you that your back would be sore for a while… C'mere, I’ll help ya into bed.” He said gently as he looped an arm around his twins side to help him over to the bed. He quietly helped R.J climb on top of the mattress, then he retrieved a sleeping mask from the nearby nightstand and made his way over to the sleeping killer. He quickly put the mask over Jeff’s unblinkable eyes, then he scooped the killer off of the ground and carried him over to the bed. He put the teen on the mattress next to R.J, then he climbed into bed next to him and snuggled up to him. In response, the rainbow clown wrapped his arms around his twin to pull him closer, which resulted in the killer being sandwiched between the pair of clowns.
  “G'night R.J~” L.J chimed before he yawned and laid his head comfortably on the pillow, and he closed his eyes while he nuzzled the killers wild hair. A content smile graced his features as he did this- and he sighed happily when Jeff hugged him in his sleep.
  “Goodnight L.J… Thanks for, tonight…” R.J said slowly as sleep began to overtake him. He snuggled up to the killer as he began to doze off, but he was still awake enough to hear the quiet response his twin offered upon hearing his gratitude.
  “Your welcome, brother…”
Yep. I made L.J and R.J brothers. For me, they exist as separate beings because the angel that created the original Laughing Jack (Him before going insane) took pity on him after seeing him go insane because of his neglect and isolation. So she separated the two personalities (L.J and R.J) into two beings that became brothers. Hence the reason they call themselves “Twins”
Don’t know if anyone else will portray these two the way I’ve chosen to, but I don’t really care. Its fun being unique. I own no one in the story.
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
Jeff the Killer x Stripper (Lemon)
I don’t even know where THIS came from. I was listening to music on the bus, completely relaxed for once, and then I start getting scenes from this lemon in my head. My OCD acted up and I couldn’t help but write it… Warning- this is pretty fucking detailed. Don’t like, don’t read.
Jeff is about 23 in this story- and you are 21. (Y/N)= Your Name. (L/N)= Last Name.
  The musky scent of smoke and sweat. The calming effect created by the dim, blue lights that flashed throughout the darkness of the room. A dozen or so men sat patiently in their chairs, staring up at a variety of women doing erotic dances- most of which danced around a pole. There was however, one man who didn’t seem interested in sitting down. Instead, he stood behind a chair and watched as whatever woman happened to be in front of him danced seductively on her pole. When he tired of watching one woman he calmly made his way over to the next- as if he was searching for one woman in particular. However, the reality of it was that he was looking for someone- anyone- that stood out. All of the strippers he encountered were plain- the typical stripper just looking to get twenty dollars shoved in their g-string. They all looked average to him- no scars, tons of makeup, expressions that look blank but are simply used to mask their embarrassment. To him, all of these women are the same- nothing unique about them at all. That is, until he made it to the last one. The last woman he stumbled across and watched, was a (H/C) in her early twenties. She had (E/C) eyes, and pale skin- her skin really caught his attention. Why? Because her back is littered with scars. She looked as if she’d been beaten with a whip- but not recently. Calmly, he tightened his hood around his face and he took a seat in front of the lone dancer. There were no other men sitting in front of her watching her erotic dance- probably because of her scarred back- so he had her to himself. He sat virtually motionless as he watched her performance, taking in every detail of how she moved and how she behaved.
  Her thin, nimble body clang to her pole as if it was part of her body- she performed so well on it that he was surprised it wasn’t attached to her skin. She used the pole as if it were an extension of herself- and the way her legs hooked around it when she spun occasionally gave the impression that it may have been a part of her very being. Her long, (H/C) hair whipped around gracefully whenever she changed the direction of her movement. Occasionally, her vibrant, (E/C) eyes locked with his, and she flashed him a sly smile in response to seeing him watch her so intently. As she danced, sweat began to form on her pale skin- but the slight layer of moisture neither bothered her nor hindered her performance. Rather, that thin layer of sweat made it easier for her to spin around on her pole- and it reflected the dim lighting of the room, creating the illusion that she was glowing. A slight smile tugged at the hooded mans cloth covered lips, and he slipped his hands into the conjoined pockets of his hoody as he lent back to get more comfortable. This was the woman he’d been looking for. The one who was unlike all others- the unique one. She bore her damaged body with pride, and held no embarrassment regarding her line of work. She enjoyed her job well enough to make it her passion, and she wasn’t afraid to let her customers know that she liked her line of work. Fearless. Bold. Devious. She was the ideal target- she was someone who would fight for her right, no matter how vain her attempts were.
  As soon as her dance was over, she approached the ledge of her pedestal and fell to her hands and knees to flash him a seductive smile, and he rose to move closer to her. He came to stand directly in front of her- the pedestal was high enough that she was eye level with him while on her hands and knees upon it. Slowly, he withdrew one of his pale, bleach-white hands and held a fifty dollar bill in front of her face. He watched intently as something dangerous flashed behind her (E/C) eyes, and he quickly noted that the look he had spotted was one of warning. From that alone, he learned something rather interesting about his target. While she enjoyed the dancing required for her job, she seemed to hold a strong distaste for receiving tips from her customers. This knowledge only manages to amuse him, and once he tires of teasing her with her reward for entertaining him, he reached out to bury the bill in the space between her cleavage. He pushed the money between her breasts and sank his somewhat chilled fingers between the soft mounds of skin, and he took his sweet time retracting his hand. Not because he wanted to touch her sexually, but because he could feel her heart pounding in her chest. From the speed and the strength of the beat, it was obvious that she was excited about something. Not sexually excited- there wasn’t a hint of arousal in her expression or her body language. No, the excitement came as a result of her earlier actions on the pole, and her current actions with him.
  She was like a cornered animal waiting for her chance to strike- and he could sense that if he crossed her here, in her territory, she would lash out at him. So, he made sure to be careful and purposely slow with every movement he made. He let his hand linger between her breasts just long enough for them to warm him, then he slowly withdrew it to keep from startling her. This was her environment after all- her turf. He wouldn’t challenge her here- not while so many people were near enough to witness whatever scene would ensue should he push her to attack. He knew better than to cause a scene- he was a predator after all, and she was his intended prey. When he withdrew his hand, he allowed his fingers to brush across the skin of her partially exposed breasts to test their softness, and she made no move to stop him when he did. Then, he calmly walked to the farthest part of the building to try and hide in the shadows. However, thanks to his bleach white hoody and unblinking eyes- which he was surprised she didn’t notice- he could still be seen even as he tried to hide from her view…
*A few hours later*
  He had remained in the strip club and kept an eye on his target until it became apparent that it was closing time- then he left the building and hid in an alley across the street to watch for her. His intention was to follow her home, mess with her a bit- maybe fight, seeing as she seemed to hold a fierce nature. Then he’d killer- and whether or not he would take his time would depend on how well she’d entertained him during their pre-killing interaction. He wasn’t forced to wait to long for her to calmly walk out of the strip club and start towards her home, and he made sure to follow her at a distance just to ensure that she didn’t spot him prematurely. The stalking period didn’t last long- fifteen minutes at the most. She led him to a tall apartment complex- then she hesitated as if she didn’t quiet want to return home. He took that as his opportunity to ensure that he didn’t loose sight of her- he swiftly made his way to her and pressed his knife against the small of her back as he wrapped an arm around her waist. He was a little surprised that she didn’t try to struggle, and even more surprised when she calmly reached an arm up to wrap it around his shoulder. The pose made it look as if he was carrying her home drunk, and for a split second he was confused by her actions.
  “I feel the knife… Take me inside, I’ll give you whatever you want…” She said calmly, as she tightened her hold on him to pretend that he was holding her up. He caught the message easy enough, and carried her inside in a way that made it appear that he was helping her home in a drunken state. As soon as they made it inside, one of the people who ran the complex noticed the “Situation”, and they immediately set out to see if he and the (H/C) woman needed assistance.
  “M-miss (L/N)… Do you need help getting to your room?…” The person, and older looking man, asked hesitantly as he slowly made his way over to the pair. In response, the woman waves her free hand in the air to refuse the offer.
  “Nah… I-I’m fi—ne~… This, f-fine young gentleman he—re is takin me to m-my ro—om~” The woman, whose last name seemed to be (L/N), said in a surprisingly spot on imitation of a drunken tone- apparently this wasn’t the first time she’d pretended to be wasted. Her little act fooled the elder man easily, and he more or less ushered them in the proper direction to make sure they made it to her room. The pair kept up their little charade until they came across the room that she lived in- then she took her arm off of his shoulders to fish a key out of her pocket. He watched intently as she unlocked her door- he wanted to see if she fumbled with the key or lock in any way, but she didn’t. She unlocked and opened the door as calmly and as easily as she normally would, then she put her key back in her pocket and more or less dragged him inside. Technically she just walked into her room and he refused to let go of her, but either way, the two of them were in the room and none seemed to sense the danger she was in. Once inside the room, he let her go then he closed and locked the door, and he studied her once more. As soon as he let her go, she went about her business as if he wasn’t even there. She pulled off her thin red sweatshirt and tossed it on her couch, then she kicked off her semi-heels and put them in the corner. She pulled a rubber band out of her long, (H/C) hair, and let it flow freely over her shoulders. She basically did everything he believed she usually did when coming home- and he didn’t know whether to find her lack of attention towards him interesting or irritating. Once she was done getting comfortable, she walked over to her couch and took a seat, then she stared up at him calmly.
  “So, Jeff the Killer eh? I must say, your the best cosplayer I’ve met so far…” She said calmly as she reached for a small table beside the couch to retrieve a packet of cigarettes and a pack of matches. She pulled a smoke out and put it between her lips, then she held the pack out as if to offer him a cigarette- he shook his head in refusal and opted to take a seat next to her. Her being so calm caught his interest, so he had no reason to be violent just yet- he’d let her entertain him for a while before slitting her throat. He watched intently as she flicked the lighter on and held the flame under her smoke- she didn’t take a puff until after she’d put the flame out and returned the lighter to its proper place. When she puffed, it was just a short breath to get the taste of smoke in her mouth- he could tell just from watching that she didn’t actually inhale the toxic smoke. She repeated the process a few times before putting her smoke in a nearby ashtray and turning to look at him.
  “So, whatcha here for? Trying to mimic your favorite Creepypasta? Here to cut a smile in my face and slit my throat? Or, maybe you just mistook me for a hooker and decided to try something kinky.” She said blandly, before she lent back on her couch and ran her fingers through her long, somewhat tangled (H/C) hair as if she were tired. Oh good, she was sleepy- he had all the more reason to put her to sleep. In response, the took his knife and held it up to her throat, and he lightly pressed the tip of it against her skin. She neither wince nor offered sound of pain when the edge to the blade broke her skin, and she seemed completely unfazed by the small amount of blood that seeped out of her wound. Her response- or lack or response- only served to entice more of his interest. He’d picked a real unique victim this time around, and now he was having second thoughts about killing her. Why? Because it was nice being in the presence of someone who wasn’t scared shitless of him- and the fact that she seemed so at ease with him, so relaxed when he was so near, only made him relax around her in turn. Out of the blue he heard her laugh, and he cocked his head to the side curiously in response.
  “So you’re here to kill me~ How sweet, I suppose I should feel flattered~…” She said sarcastically, before she reached towards his face with both her hands- which caught him off guard and made him flinch. He moved his blade from her throat when he cringed.
  “Alright, cut the crap and let me see your piss poor makeup. If your gonna pose as Jeff the Killer, the last thing your supposed to do is cover up his mutilated face.” She grumbled as she reached for the bandanna he used to hide his face. He made no move to stop her nor did he give word of protest when she yanked the cloth down to reveal the scars on his bleach-white cheeks- and he bit back a smirk when he spotted her surprised expression. Instead, he kept his face blank and stared at her, and he watched as she stared at him. She never tore her gaze away from his face- once in a while she tilted her head to the side as if curious. She didn’t pull her hands back either. Instead, she move them higher to touch his cheeks- or his entire face to be more precise. She gently ran her fingers over his scars, touched his lips with her thumbs, felt the burnt remnants of his eyelids carefully. He was somewhat taken aback by how calm she managed to remain when she studied him- even hardcore criminals were appalled by his face, and yet she touched him with the ease of a bee collecting honey from a flower. She was very slow, and her touch was just firm enough for her to properly feel him.
  “This… Isn’t makeup…” She said calmly as she continued to examine his face- her fingers were under his eyes, feeling what remained of his charred eyelids. Calmly, he lifted his free hand and pulled on of her arms away- she withdrew her other on her own accord.
  “No, it isn’t.” He said in an equally calm tone as he put her hand on her leg. When he let her arm go and withdrew his hand, he was pleased to see that she kept it in place- seems she realized he didn’t want to be touched at the moment.
  “You’re not cosplaying are you?” She asked quietly, her eyes locked with his. Her expression was surprisingly blank considering she was more than aware of the fact that she had a serial killer sitting right next to her, and that he intended on making her his next victim. The more he allowed himself to socialize with her, the less he wanted to see her blood all over the wall- and the more he wanted to do something a little more, animalistic.
  “No I’m not.” He said calmly, before he lifted his knife again to press the side of it against her cheek- to his surprise, she lent into the cold contact of the blade. She was a strange one indeed.
  “So then, you’re Jeff the Killer?” She asked calmly as she closed her eyes to lean more against the surface of the knife. Her actions confused him a bit. Was she hot? Did she actually want to die? He didn’t know- but he knew that normal people weren’t so as ease with blades pressed to their faces.
“ Yes.” Was his- was Jeff’s- simple reply. In response, she lifted her hand to grasp his hand that held the knife, and he allowed her to move his arm out of curiosity for what she intended on doing. He watched as she moved the blade towards her mouth, and he saw her kiss it. Then, she opened her eyes and looked at him.
  “I’m (Y/N)…” She- (Y/N)- said calmly.
  “Are you going to kill me Jeff?” She asked quietly as she let go of his hand so that he could do what he pleased with his knife. He decided to lightly drag it down her skin- from her cheek, all the way down to her chest. Her collar bone to be precise. She didn’t even flinch when he pressed the tip of the blade into her skin to draw a few small drops of blood.
  “Hmm… I’ve been thinking about it… But you- the way you behave, how calm you are around me… Maybe I wont kill you…” Jeff said smoothly as he trailed the knife a little lower and cut into the collar of her shirt- she jumped slightly at the sound of tearing cloth, but otherwise remained still as he cut her shirt open. As soon as her shirt was open, (Y/N) shrugged it off her shoulders and let it rest behind her on the couch, then she lent casually against it and sighed.
  “You playing with me, or hoping for an easy lay?” (Y/N) asked calmly, only to hear the sound of her brassiere being cut in response. She made no move to cover her chest nor did she seem to mind him staring at her. Instead, she raised an eyebrow at him and sighed.
  “I believe your mistaking me for a whore. I don’t sleep with my customers Jeff.” She said blandly, only to watch as he moved his knife down to slice the button out of her pants so that he could pull them off with ease later on. That was it- he’d decided. He wouldn’t kill her- he wouldn’t cut her throat out and watch her blood pool around her lifeless corpse. Instead, he’d use her to cure the animalistic urge that had crept into him the moment his eyes landed on her. Pure, raw, lust. That was the emotion- the sensation- that seemed to be clouding his judgment and making him want to let her live. He thought that, maybe if he used her as a means of expelling that urge- of drowning it out through actions he rarely indulged in, then maybe he could clear his head. If he still didn’t want to kill her once his mind was clear of fog, then he would let her go and seek out some other victim. If not, then she’d be the next name added to his lengthy list of victims. Without a word, he put down his knife trusting that she wouldn’t make a go for it- and she didn’t, she just sat on the couch and stared at him. She watched him intently as he pulled off his faded white hoody, which was followed by the tight black tee-shirt he wore underneath it. He unbuttoned his black jeans but left them alone past that- he was going to stay on equal grounds with her for this. He would give this woman some respect for how well she’d entertained him thus far in their socializing. Then, he locked eyes with her, picked up his knife, and got off the couch.
  “Lie on your stomach.” Jeff demanded bluntly, and he watched as she immediately but calmly responded to his order. She slid down the length of the couch and rolled onto her abdomen, and she crossed her arms under face to rest her head on them. Her face was facing sideways, so that she was staring directly at him. Calmly, he climbed on top of her and lied his body completely on her frame. His crotch pressed against her backside and he buried his face in her (H/C) hair. He breathed in her scent to see what she smelt like, and he found a variety of smells on her. Smoke from her cigarettes. The musky stench of sweat- she hadn’t taken a shower after performing at the strip club, so that wasn’t an unexpected smell. He caught a faint whiff of her shampoo- it was a fruity, flowery scent most women seemed to enjoy, but he didn’t quite know what the soap smelt like exactly. Not that it really mattered- every smell on her was her scent, and he liked it. Boldly, he rolled his hips to grind his crotch against her rear, and to his delight his actions provoked a barely audible gasp from her. He kept at that for a few minutes- to get his body ready for the upcoming task and to get her acquainted with what he would soon be driving in and out of her. He was pleasantly surprised to feel her shudder beneath him as he moved, and for one reason or another he relished in the feel of her naked, scarred back on the bleach-white skin of his bare chest. There was no falsehood in their actions- no modesty, no fear, and no holding back. Every reaction was honest, and they were more than willing to tangle themselves in each-others bodies- raw passion has that effect on people of similar mindsets.
  That was what seemed to be drawing them together after all- they both had something wrong with them mentally, her lack of worry about the possibility of being killed proved that. Eventually he stilled his hips so that he could advert his focus elsewhere- he slid partway down her body to plant a few rough bites on the back of her neck. She moaned lightly as he sank his teeth into the tender skin in the crook of her neck, and he licked away what little blood seeped out of the fresh wound so that he could taste her. The he moved further down her frame to ravish her back, which he quickly learned was extremely sensitive due to the dozens of scars that lay scattered across it. She responded loudly whenever he suck on or grazed his teeth along a scar- her loud moans and gasps rang in his ears like the aftermath of an explosion. He took his sweet time toying with her back- he was in no rush to bury himself inside her. Not while he could take his time rendering the once calm, composed, and prideful woman to nothing more than a sweating, moaning, pile of lust. He was the one sending her off her hinges- the one touching her in a way that she probably wouldn’t allow other men to. Yes, he was certain that she didn’t take part in such intimate actions often. Her behavior in the club- the pride that seeped out of her while she danced. The menacing aura that enveloped her when he gave her her tip- the silent threat directed at him when he slipped his hands between her breasts to place the money in her poor excuse for a brassiere. The look she had given him was one an animal gives its handler as word of warning. She had told him with her eyes that if he crossed a line she didn’t want crossed, she would retaliate and lash out to put him back where he belonged.
  So the fact that he was there, touching her in such an intimate way, and that she wasn’t trying to reprimand him, obviously meant that she’d accepted him as her equal. By the time he pulled his mouth away from her back, she was panting, and trembling slightly from the onslaught of pleasure that had wracked her body. Had he been able to see her face in their current position, he imagined that her cheeks would have been flushed and her eyes would have been watering. The moment that thought crossed his mind, the unbearable urge to face her overtook him, and without the slightest thought on the matter he flipped her over and smashed their lips together. She immediately responded by opening her mouth and wrapping her arms around his back to cling to him. He shoved his tongue into her open mouth tasted every square inch of her oral cavity, and she sucked on his tongue as she moaned into his mouth. The kiss was long, rough, and extremely passionate. As they kissed, their hands roamed each-others bare upper half’s. He dropped his knife and savagely fondled her breasts, and she dug her nails into his shoulders as she clawed at his back, leaving bloodied lines in their wake. Her rough, desperate responses to his treatment only fueled the fire that had ignited inside of him, and he ground against her roughly to provoke more heated moans from her. They smeared each-others mouths with saliva as they tongued one another, and when they finally parted to catch their much needed breath a heavy string of saliva connected their mouths. While they panted, he stared down as her trembling frame to take in her facial expression. Her vibrant, (E/C) eyes were glazed heavily with lust. Her once pale cheeks were tinted vibrant pink from the heavy blush that had graced her features.
  Her lips, which had not been coated with makeup, were red and swelling because of the ferocity of their kiss. Eventually the strand of saliva that connected their mouths broke, and as soon as he’d regained enough breath he got to work on enticing more pleasured cries from her. He went straight for her neck, and he littered the pale skin there with dark love marks- he sucked and bit her throat savagely to mark her as his property. After this night, if he didn’t kill her, no one would be allowed to touch her again. If anyone did, he’d cut their junk off and make them eat it. When he finally pulled back to examine his work on her neck, he wasn’t surprised to find that her entire throat had basically been turned into one, giant bruise. Sure, there were a few small spots of untouched skin, but he decided to leave them alone- they contrasted well with her bruises. His self inflicted smile widened further as he examined his handiwork, and a slight groan escaped him when his loosened pants finally hit that point of being unbearably tight around his bulging crotch- but he didn’t cave in and claim her right there. No, he still wanted to torment her with his assault of rough, passionate foreplay. Besides, he was having fun. Repressing a dark laugh, he tightened his grasp on her breasts and squeezed them roughly. The cry that escaped her lips was one of pain and pleasure- a pair of conflicting emotions that were slowly but surely driving her mad with their battle over her senses. He was absolutely merciless. His aggressive touches provoked a number of loud, pleasured screams from her. He fondled her soft, warm mounds roughly and shifted his fingers to squeeze her nipples from time to time, and every now and again he tugged on them.
  When he finally decided to leave her breasts alone he wasn’t surprised to see hand shaped bruises forming on them, and as a fleeting act of kindness he lent down to kiss irritated skin he had been squeezing so roughly. As he did this, he found himself growling like a rabid dog when she bucked her hips to grind against his painfully tight crotch- and that was when he decided that the time for foreplay was over. He slid further down her body to sit between her legs, and he retrieved his discarded knife for a moment to literally cut her pants and underwear off of her body- what he didn’t manage to slice was swiftly ripped off of her and tossed in a random direction. With that she was left lying beneath him, completely bare and more than willing to just take him in right then and there. The sight alone was to make him decide that a little more foreplay couldn’t hurt. After all, the sight of her aroused sex glistening between her spread legs was a sight he wouldn’t mind etching into his memory. Casually, he dropped his knife on the floor and he moved both of his hands between her legs to touch her aroused lower half. He used his thumbs and index fingers to spread her lower lips, and he chuckled quietly to himself when she moaned and jerked her hips to try and force more contact from him. He gave into her physically shown request- somewhat at least. He shifted one of this thumbs, and he slipped it inside of her ever so slowly- he pushed it in as far as it could go. His actions provoked another abrupt buck from her hips, and to still her he moved his other hands to press down on her lower abdomen so that he could hold her down.
  She arched somewhat in frustration when he held her in place, and a breathy gasp escaped her when he wriggled his thumb around inside her sensitive sex, earning another laugh from him. For someone who’d portrayed such a dangerous energy during their first meeting, she sure was sensitive to his touch. Be it her normal reaction to sexual stimulation or not, he still felt proud of himself for provoking such strong responses from her. After a minute or so of slowly driving her mad with his thumb, he withdrew it and moved his hand to his face- a string of her essence stuck to his thumb as he pulled it away, but it snapped about halfway. He locked eyes with hers as he stuck out his tongue and licked his wet, sticky thumb clean or her feminine fluid- he wasn’t surprised to hear her groan and feel her try to jerk her hips again. When his thumb was clean, he moved his hand down to his pants, and he reached into his boxers to free his stiff length from its fabric prison. A light sigh of relief escape him when his erect piece was freed from the fabric that had confined it, then he moved his other hand off of her abdomen so that he could pull his pants down- the heat beginning to form between them was making him very uncomfortable in his clothes. He pushed his pants down to his knees, and she helped him finish removing them by pushing them off with her feet. With a little squirming on his part when they reached his ankles, his pants were left dangling behind him on the couch, and he knelt between her spread legs in all his male glory. The excited moan that left her parted lips only added more to his pride when he heard it- she liked what she saw, and that was enough to make any mans pride swell.
  Oh, and “Swell” he did. The throbbing between his loins was driving him insane- well, more insane than usual- but he wasn’t quite ready to just claim her as his, not just yet. Yes, he wanted nothing more than bury his swelled length inside her tight heat, but he still had some foreplay in mind. He wanted a better taste of her lower mouth- what he’d stolen from her with his thumb hadn’t been enough to satisfy his hunger. So he moved to his stomach between her legs and gave a quick lick to the sensitive area just outside her dripping folds- he tasted her raw skin first, rather than the essence of her arousal. His teasing action provoked a frustrated moan and a slight bucking of her hips, which he held down so that he could continue toying with her. He took his sweet time licking the skin around the point of interest, earning a series of loud moans and desperate gasps for more contact. He felt her tense beneath his hands as she tried to jerk her hips, and to tease her more he blew warm air on the raised bud that was her clitoris.
  “J-Jeff!… Sto—ah—p, t-teasing!” (Y/N) moaned frustratingly as he continued to blow on her sensitive sex, earning a playful flick of his tongue to her clitoris. She arched her back and gasp at the sudden ripple of pleasure that spread through her core, but through that she was still able to hear him chuckle at her dramatic response to his actions.
  “No…” Jeff laughed seductively as he trailed his tongue dangerously close to her sensitive sex, earning a visible tremble from the overly aroused woman. As he continue to lap at her, he began to massage her hips with his thumbs- he relished in the sounds she made when he touched her.
  “Not unless you beg~” He cooed, before he indulged himself a bit by giving her dripping folds a quick lick- which eared a loud moan and a sharp intake of breath from her. Then he went right back to teasing the skin around her sopping sex with his warm tongue. Though considering the fact that her body felt hot against his tongue, he was more than certain that his tongue felt cold against her skin. Since he felt goosebumps forming underneath his fingers, he was pretty much positive that his tongue and breath were cold against her skin. He continued to tease her as he patiently waited for her lust driven pleas of desire to ring in his ears- he didn’t have to wait long.
  “J-Jeff, p-please!… S-stop t-teasing, and lick m-me!… J-just!… E-eat me o-out, a-already!…” (F/N) managed to gasp out between moans, her once strong voice now strained and trembling because of her strong sexual desires, and the strain or arousal. Those desperate noises were all he needed to give in to her request and devour her sexual essence. He plunged his tongue past her slick nether lips, and greedily lapped at her internal walls. In response, she threw her hands to the back of his head to push his mouth closer to her sex, pushing his tongue a little further inside of her as she tangled her fingers in his mangled hair. He groaned quietly against her as she tugged at his locked, sending sweet vibrations through her lower body, which gradually drover closer to the peak of her sexual pleasure. She came loud and hard against his tongue, and he greedily lapped at the fluids that washed over his tongue as she slowly fell from her high. Him tonguing her while she tried to recover from her orgasm did nothing to help her calm down, and so she could only lie there panting and moaning loudly as he ate her out. When he finally decided that he’d made enough of a meal out of her- which happened to be right before he sent her into another orgasm- he pulled back and shifted so that he was kneeling between her legs once again. Chuckling darkly, he stared down as her as he began to roll his hips so that he could grind his stiff member against her slick sex. They both threw their heads back to let out raspy moans at the blissful contact. She arched her back and bucked against him as she mewled, physically begging him to stop toying with her body and just sink himself inside her.
  For a moment it crossed his mind that he could make her beg a bit before he gave in and drove her head into the armrests with the force of his movements- but that thought threw right out the window when his head slipped inside her warmth. That surge of pleasure was enough to make him think “Oh fuck it” and just shove himself inside- and he did so savagely. That first thrust was so powerful that it made her body slide up the couch to bump her head on the armrest- and despite the pain it must have caused her she cried out in pleasure as she wrapped her legs around him. When he first sank himself inside of her, he found himself falling momentarily paralyzed by pleasure that abruptly washed over him, and he moaned loudly. When he found it in him to move again, he tightened his hold on her hips to the point of bruising her, and he slowly pulled out until only the tip of him remained connected to her shuddering frame. Then, he slammed himself back into her to send another shock-wave of bliss jolting through their conjoined bodies. She arched her back as she moaned loudly, and she threw his arms to his shoulders in some pointless attempt at steadying herself. Her nails dug into his skin as he rocked his hips against hers- she clang to him as if he was her life, as if his every movement threatened to send her spirit skyrocketing to heaven. His thrusts were strong, and rough. Every time he withdrew from her tight heat, her body clang to his and she slid away from the armrest. Every time he slammed back into her, her body sucked him in gladly and she slid up the couch to bump her head on the arm of the furniture.
  This was a enthusiastically repeated set of actions, and come the end of their little love-making session he wouldn’t be surprised if he’d given her a concussion. Or, multiple concussions to be more exact. Still, he could tell by her pleasured moans, and the way that she was clinging to him for life that she loved every violent movement he made. Hell, he had to admit that he loved the way her fingers dug into his shoulders while he drove himself in and out of her. He enjoyed it so much that he moved to support himself on his elbows as he rode her, that way she could claw freely at his back without having to sit up- and boy, did she claw at him. By the time the night was over he’d probably have to bandage his back and shoulders, because he could feel blood running down his arms and sides. Yeah, he really knew how to pick his victims- his one wasn’t even trying to fight back and she was managing to do more damage to him than all of his other victims combined. While she reduced his back to a crimson mess, he pulled her into a teeth shattering kiss- a very aggressive teeth shattering his. He roughly bit her lips to pry them apart so that he could shove his tongue into her mouth, and when she pushed her tongue into his mouth he bit it. The rich taste of blood filled their mouths as they kissed each-other savagely- it smeared on their lips and the corners of their mouths. They did not break the kiss until they felt their orgasms approaching, and so Jeff moved his head to bury his face in the crook of (Y/N)’s neck so that he could focus only on reaching his sweet release.
  His thrusts never lessened in force, but they grew less timed and more spastic- his movements had gone from controlled to desperate because of how close he’d come to his climax. She on the other hand had hit the point where she could only arch into him and tighten her legs around his waist to cling to the pleasure that he was sending through her frame. Sweat and blood beaded and rolled down their bare skin, soaking into the fabric of the couch, more than likely staining and ruining it. (Y/C) was the first to fall over the edge and find her sweet release. She screamed and tensed against him, her insides clamping down around him making his every movement more difficult, but all the more pleasurable as her head tightened. Her female essence rushed out from between her legs and washed over his swollen piece as she came, making it slightly easier for him to slip in and out of her tightening sex. Once she came, he was only able to give a few good thrusts before he tensed an released his seed inside of her- and he did so with a beastly moan. Even as he climaxed and his body went stiff, he somehow found a way to gently rock his hips against hers as her body milked him. She moaned quietly as he filled her body with her essence, and her limbs went lax as she came back down from her high. As soon as his he began to fall from his high, his body slackened and he collapsed on top of her. Her breasts were crushed under his chest, and his forehead rested at the edge of the armrest. Both of them panted loudly in an attempt at regaining their breath. Sweat continued to bead and roll down their skin to soak into the couch as their bodies cooled, and eventually they began to shiver slightly as a result of the cold air hitting their heated skin.
  They lied like that for a while, simply letting the aftermath of their actions set in while they attempted to regain their strength. As they recovered, the bruises on (Y/N)’s lips, neck, breasts, hips, and even her thighs began to darken. The swelling in her lips began to die down- as did the swelling of the male organ still buried inside her abused sex. The claw marks on Jeff’s shoulders and back quickly stopped bleeding, and the blood that had come out of the wounds slowly dried as the sweat on his body evaporated. When they’d finally regained enough energy to move, he weakly pushed himself off of her and moved so that he was kneeling between her legs. Then, he slowly pulled his limp piece out of her out of her abused sex, and he watched as his seed, mixed with her natural essence, seeped out from between her legs to pool on the seat of the couch. His gaze trailed from her dripping sex, to her bruised hips, her bruised breasts, marked neck, until his lane of vision settled on her face. She was staring up at him through half lidded, tired eyes. Her cheeks were still tinted pink from her blush, and her (H/C) hair clang to her skin- parts of it framed her head like a wild wave of some oddly colored ocean. Her kiss bruised lips were slightly parted, and the blood smeared around her mouth easily caught his attention. For reasons he did not know and could not understand, he lent over and gently licked the blood away from her damaged lips. Then, he pulled her into a soft, but passionate kiss. Their lips moved slowly and gently with each-other, as if they were dancing an intricate waltz, and occasionally one of them sent their tongue out to cut in. When the kiss ended, he slowly pulled back before turning to sit properly on the couch, and he retrieved his pants to put them on.
  Once his lower half was covered, he picked up his knife and stared at it for a moment- even after venting his sexual urges on her body, he had yet to decide if he wanted to kill her or not. Even though he’d told himself he’d let her live if she satisfied him, he was still conflicted. With a sigh, he stood up and slipped his knife into his back pocket, then he turned his attention to the exhausted woman lying naked on her couch. For some reason, he felt that he couldn’t just leave her there- not like that at least. So he gently took her in his arms and proceeded to hunt down her bedroom. Considering the size of her apartment, all he had to do was round a corner and then he was there. He quickly laid her down on top of the sheets and pulled them over to wrap her in them, then he reached into his back pocket to retrieve his knife once more. He stared down at her and was somewhat surprised to find that she was still awake, and that she was watching him.
  “You gonna kill me now?” (Y/N) asked calmly, her voice tired much like she seemed to be. He responded by sitting next to her on the bed and setting the side of the blade against her cheek, and he wasn’t surprised to see her close her eyes and try to press closer to the cold metal. He eyed her curiously for a moment.
  “I… Haven’t decided yet.” Jeff said calmly, before he trailed the knife down her cheek, to press the cold metal against her bruised neck. She sighed contently at the feel of the blade against her sore throat- it must have felt as good as an ice-cube against a fresh burn to her.
  “Tell me, why are you so unafraid of me?” He asked quietly, his curiosity getting the better of him and driving him to ask his question before he had the chance to realize that it was on his mind. Ah well, he couldn’t simply un-ask it, so he decided to let her answer if she would.
  “Mm… Well, lets just say my mothers “Lovers” taught me not to fight back when they came after me… Eventually, I just lost the urge to put up a fight. They tried to kill me a few times, had their way with me… I wont lie though, I snapped and killed one of them while they slept. Then I ran away from home, found someone willing to give me work- which is at the strip joint… Been working there ever since…” (Y/N) said calmly and tiredly, pausing every now and again as sleep threatened to overtake her. With that explanation, every misconception and conflicting thought plaguing his mind fled him like a mouse fleeing from a cat. He dropped his knife and let if fall off of her bed only to clatter loudly on the floor. That was it- the reason he’d felt such an unusual attachment to her. She knew pains and had done things similar to him in so many ways. She was, in that sense, the female version of himself- and despite his twisted nature he still carried the undying urge to stay alive. Which was why he hadn’t wanted to kill her- because killing her would be like killing himself. Without a word, he moved the blankets off of her and climbed over her frame to lie behind her, then he pulled the covers over their bodies and wrapped an arm around her waist.
  “Jeff?…” She said tiredly, though her confusion was evident in her voice. He responded by pulling her closer to him and deciding to let her in- to let her know him in ways no one else did.
  “I’ve decided not to kill you. You interest me, so I’d like to keep you around for a while…” Jeff said calmly as he moved his head to rest it in the crook of her neck, and he took a deep breath through his nose to take in her scent once more. The smell of sweat and sex clang heavily to her, and he could no longer catch the flowery scent that he’d smelt the last time he inhaled her. Instead, he caught the smell of his natural musk. His permanent smile fell genuine when he found his scent in her hair- it was the reminder of their earlier actions, and the proof of him claiming her as his. Then, he heard her let out something that sounded like a depressed chuckle- or a sound along those lines.
  “Ah, well… Don’t get to attached…” (Y/N) said dryly as sleep drew every nearer to overtaking her. However, he refused to let her go to sleep after giving him such an odd response. He shook her lightly to prevent her from fainting on him.
  “What do you mean by that?” Jeff asked calmly upon ceasing his shaking, and he heard her make that same strange noise again. Then, she turned her head enough to look him in the eye.
  “Because I’m dying…” (Y/N) said calmly, as if she had accepted her unfortunate fate eons ago…
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
Another gift to MoKaLo: From MoonlightDewz
(I did not write this. MoonlightDewz wrote this as a gift to MoKaLo/ higurashi-massacre, so I’m posting it here for her to read~)
Title: All Around the Mulberry Bush
Mokalo sighed despairingly and crossed her arms. She was sitting in her computer chair, her feet up on the desk, feeling both sad and bored. Things hadn’t been going so well and she needed something to get her mind off her troubles. Warm spring air was blowing gently into the room through the open window and birds chirped contently outside so Makalo leisurely stood and stretched.  “I suppose a walk can’t hurt,” she mumbled to herself. She put on her shoes and grabbed a jacket just in case before heading outside for a quick walk. She walked towards the center of town, kicking the occasional rock, and trying to make herself feel better. Cars passed her unhurriedly and people milled around and past her, riding bikes, pushing baby carts, jogging, and she began to relax a bit. She looked at the shops as she walked, window shopping, and at the crosswalk she waited at the light before crossing. The second she reached the other side of the street a few clouds covered the sun and she shivered, pulling her jacket on. There were fewer people over here and a trickle of unease was curling in her stomach. She was about to turn back when she caught sight of someone wearing a white sweatshirt and black pants from the corner of her eye. It was a man, the hood of his sweatshirt pulled up over his head, his long black hair contrasting sharply with the light color of his hoodie. He was coming up from behind her, his steps purposeful and smooth, and then Mokalo caught sight of his face and her heart stilled in her chest. She hadn’t panicked at first because plenty of people wore white hoodies, it wasn’t a crime, but when she saw the smile cut across the man’s face and his lidless eyes, she knew she was looking at Jeff the Killer. He was holding a knife and the way it glinted in the dull light showed that it wasn’t a harmless imitation. This was no cosplayer, no punk playing a game; this was real, and he was coming for her.  Terrified for her very life, Mokalo immediately turned away from Jeff and ran, her feet pounding against the sidewalk as she tried to get away. She could hear him behind her, the sound of his running feet almost silent compared to her noisy tread and her throbbing heart.  She turned down an alley, hoping that she could circle back and get back to the side of town that had more people, but she heard Jeff coming from her right and dashed to the left, traveling farther away from the safe side of town. It didn’t take her long to realize that Jeff was herding her, chasing her through a maze of alleyways towards an unknown destination. It was the only reason he hadn’t caught her yet, the only reason he hadn’t made her go to sleep. Eventually she reached a clearing on the other side of town, her heart aching and her breath coming in shuddering gasps from fear and exertion. She was standing in a mowed field, short blades of gray green grass bending easily under her feet. Ahead of her in the near distance was a achromatic circus tent, the black and white flags topping the structure waving in the breeze. The sky had turned dark with storm clouds and Mokalo took a moment to stand in the field and catch her breath. She knew she couldn’t return to the city, Jeff was there, and if Jeff was real then other Creepypastas could be as well. It was going to rain and she wasn’t in the mood to get drenched but…circus tent equaled clowns and clowns meant that…. Still, he only hunted children (mostly) and she was not a child so, technically, she was safer in the tent then she was with Jeff…barely.  Rubbing her arms to ward of the sudden chill, Mokalo headed towards the tent, praying that she was making a choice that wouldn’t get her killed or tortured. There was a poster near the entrance of the tent, proclaiming in big black and white letters that a show was starting soon. Cautiously, Mokalo slipped inside the tent. It was fairly dark on the inside, weak gray light casting everything in watery shadows. There were stands all the way around the outside ring of the tent and a large circle in the middle for the performers. Shadowy figures sat in the stands and Mokalo decided not to speak to any of them. She had a feeling they weren’t…safe. She sat in the stands, three seats up and far away from any shadowy people, and waited for the show to start. She needn’t wait long. A spot light suddenly flashed on, revealing a colorful rainbow clown in the middle of the main ring. He looked right at Mokalo, smiling in a friendly manner, and lifted his arms. The song “Pop Goes the Weasel” gently began to play in the background. “Come one, come all! Whether big or small! To see the best clown of them all!” The colorful clown announced with flourish, “The one, the only, LAUGHING JACK!”  He then dropped his arms and head, letting them hang, his smile turning sinister and Mokalo felt her heart jump horribly. She went to stand up, deciding that she had made the wrong choice, but she couldn’t move. She could only sit there trembling. “Who wants to play?” Laughing Jack growled darkly and he suddenly threw down a small round package that sparked violently, let out a boom and threw a burst of smoke into the air. When the smoke cleared Laughing Jack stood there, his talons and teeth long and sharp, his rainbow colors completely faded to black and white. Around Mokalo, the shadowy figures clapped and cheered and she sat there, paralyzed, hardly daring to breath. “For my first act, I will need a volunteer,” Laughing Jack said and when he pointed right at Mokalo, she just wanted to curl up and disappear. Of course he would pick her, she was the only living thing in this cursed tent. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing for something to save her. “Now, my dear, don’t be afraid,” Jack crooned from the circle, holding out his hand for her like a gentleman, “It’s just a little trick, no need to fear. Now, come here.” Mokalo felt herself stand, her body jerking forward like a puppet on strings. She tried to dig in her heels, tried to grab the stands to keep herself from going forward, but her body wasn’t listening to her. So instead of continuing to struggle, she raised her head bravely and took charge. She pushed at her body, walking down from the stands and into Jack’s ring on her own power. She was tired of being scared, tried of being chased and controlled. She would not let Jack or Jeff play with her like she was some kind of doll, she had her pride. She came to a stop in front of him and looked up into his face, realizing how tall he really was. “What do you want?” she asked strongly, hoping her voice wasn’t shaking to badly, “Why did Jeff chase me here?” Laughing Jack smiled, showing sharp teeth, and Mokalo tried not to shiver. “Because, my darling,” he said with pseudo kindness, “He and I are dreadfully bored and we wanted to play with you.” Mokalo stiffened. “I suppose when you say ‘play’ you mean you’ll cut me open to play with my insides and Jeff will finish me off, hm?” she asked, trying her best to glare at him. Honestly, these people… Jack blinked in astonishment and then laughed, a long, nasty sound. “Oh, no, oh, no,” he chuckled, “We won’t do that at all. Don’t you see? The playing with the insides and the killing is why we’re bored. We want something new, something…exciting!” Now it was Mokalo’s turn to be confused. “You mean, you don’t want to…hurt people anymore?” she asked, bewildered. Could they do that? Just…change their minds? “Well not completely,” Laughing Jack said causally, “I’ll still have a good torture and Jeff will always kill but we’ll have something to break up the monotony, and you, my dear, are our lucky volunteer! Now, music!” With that the unseen band struck up a lively waltz and Jack grabbed Mokalo’s hands, pulling her into his arms. He held her right hand carefully within his long clawed fingers and put her other hand on his shoulder. Placing his hand on her waist he began to lead her in a flowing dance, her eyes wide in shock and confusion as her feet followed his. This couldn’t be happening. First Jeff “spared” her and now Jack was dancing with her. It must have been a dream. “Smile for me, Mokalo,” Jack said softly, looking at her upturned face, “We can’t have fun if you don’t smile.” Partly afraid that Laughing Jack would change his mind and start gutting her if she didn’t make him happy, Mokalo forced a smile but he clucked his tongue. “No, no, that won’t do at all,” he said disapprovingly, “Don’t you like to dance, my darling?” “Well, yeah, a bit,” Mokalo said, tightening her grip on his hand, “Sorry, you’re just…not as I pictured you. It’s strange.” “Oh?” he asked curiously, “I’m strange? Hm, I never knew that. Well, I suppose you learn something new everyday.” He lowered her in a dip, looking into her eyes. “I was made to be Issac’s lifelong friend, Mokalo,” he said, holding her froze in the dip, “So what he found fun, I found fun. We were a prefect match. If you don’t find what I’m doing fun, well, then we can’t be friends. You want to be my friend, don’t you?” Mokalo looked back at Jack, looked into his questioning, almost sad eyes, and she nodded. She shifted and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as he returned them to their standing positions. “I do want to be your friend, Laughing Jack,” she whispered,“As long as you are my friend, I’ll be yours.” “Same here,” he said softly, wrapping his long arms around her and hugging her in return, “Tell me what game you’d like to play and we will.” Mokalo bit her lower lip, thinking it over. On one hand, Jack was still dangerous, there was no changing that, but she had the chance to give him something new. Something that didn’t torture and kill innocent children. She could feel how warm he was, his long, lithe, fine body pressed against hers, and when she looked up his handsome face looked down at her. He was like a willow, tall and sensual. She had always liked him, ever since she had learned about him. She liked Jeff to, when he wasn’t being real and chasing her. She swallowed nervously and felt Jack gently drumming his fingers against her hip. She could feel the heat all the way to her core and she blushed, smiling softly. Laughing Jack saw that smile and grabbed it like a dying man. He let his hands wander over Mokala’s body, sliding teasingly over and slightly under her clothes, hoping to earn another smile and Mokala gasped, squirming in his grip. “Kiss me,” she told him and so he cupped her face in one hand and kissed her softly many times. He laughed excitedly when he saw her smile again. He kissed her some more, letting the churning inside him to push him on, kissing her deeper and deeper until she moaned in pleasure and she could taste the bloody sweetness in him. That was when a knife came flying through the air and Jack dodged, pulling Mokalo with him. Shocked by the disturbance, Mokalo quickly lifted her head and looked behind her. Jeff was standing there, looking angry despite the smile craved into his face. “You said you’d wait for me,” he hissed at Jack, “And instead I find you making out with Mokalo all by yourself, traitor.” “I was not making out with her,” Laughing Jack said smugly, smirking, “We were snogging.” “It’s the same thing you idiot,” Jeff growled, advantaging towards them. Mokalo tensed, curling up against Jack, and Jeff stopped near her back, looking dolefully down at her. “…Please don’t be afraid,” Jeff whispered, slowly reaching out to touch her, “I’m sorry I had to chase you, please don’t…fear me.” Mokalo peeked out of Jack’s chest to look at Jeff, and the killer looked so sad and lonely her heart went out to him. Carefully, she reached up with her own hand and placed it on his chest over his heart. His own hand gently covered hers, holding it to him. “It’s…it’s alright,” she said softly, “I forgive you, Jeff. You only wanted to…play with me, right?” “In my own way,” He said and brought her hand to his lips. He pressed a kiss into her palm and she smiled. “Take off your shirt,” she whispered and Jeff smiled, letting go of her hand to pull his hoodie and his shirt over his head. Smoothly and effortlessly he removed the cloth and let the clothes drop to the ground, his strong, lithe chest visible. Mokalo blushed, smiling shyly. He was corded steel wrapped in soft white leather, beautiful and lethal. Jeff took her hand again and pressed it against his heart, the warmth and powerful beat of his life making her heart speed. He was smiling widely at her and her blushed deepened. She looked down and away, trying to hide her embarrassment and then she heard Jeff chuckle. His other hand slid under her chin and drew her back to him, kissing her deeply. She let him in, kissing him back as their tongues caressed each other hotly. He tasted like spice, smelt like sharp copper and the fresh rain on the city streets. She moaned gently into the kiss and behind her, Laughing Jack wrapped his hands around her waist, dipping under her shirt to caress her belly. She squirmed, stepping back into the shelter of his tall body while pulling Jeff with her. Both Jeff and Jack growled sexually, wantonly, and then they were touching her under her clothes, finding all those sensitive, naughtily little places that made her gasp and pant and moan. “You want some more?” Jack purred and when she nodded his long, dangerous fingers went into her panties and settled between her thighs. Then he began to stroke her while Jeff relieved her of her shirt and bra, cupping her breasts to ravish her and she cried out in pleasure, clinging to her two favorite Creepypasta in the world as they kissed and stroked and pleasured her. Eventually, Jack made up a bed and they lay in it, her on her side so both men could continue to play and tease her. Jeff was the first to claim her, spreading her thighs with his knee and diving inside her, causing her to gasp and arch into him. They made love to each other, clinging and kissing, and after driving each other to the fiery, tilting brink, Jeff gave a low groan and filled her up, his cry matching her higher pitched scream. They lay panting for a moment before Jeff withdrew, rolling onto his back while Laughing Jack took his place, his long body wrapping around Mokalo, his skin cool silk compared to Jeff’s soft warm leather. He pushed into Mokalo from behind before she had come down from the aurora of her previous love making. She yipped, moaning as he pushed deeper and deeper into her body, kissing at her core. He was panting by her ear, learning the best way to pleasure her from watching Jeff work. Mokalo keened, her hips bucking and then Jack filed her up as well, the mixture swirling in her womb. Exhausted but incredibly sated and happy, Mokalo cuddled with her two lovers. She felt Jeff kiss her temple and whisper softly “Go to Sleep,” in her ear so she drifted off on the soft bed with a smile on her face. . . . When she woke the dying light of the sunset was streaming through her bedroom window and she sat up groggily. Jack and Jeff weren’t there and Mokalo felt tears fill her eyes. It had only been a dream, nothing but a stupid dream. Feeling cold inside, she sniffled and wiped her eyes with her white sleeve. Wait? White? She looked at her arm and saw that she was wearing a white hoodie, a hoodie that was to big for her and it…it smelt like Jeff… On her desk was a black and white box with a crank handle that she had never seen before so she quickly scrambled up and grabbed the box. She sat on her bed and with a smile, began to turn the crank, singing softly as the music played. “All around the mulberry bush,  the monkey chased the weasel,  the monkey thought it was all but fun,  Pop Goes the Weasel!”
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
Clock and Hatchet ch.1
 (This is more or less my idea of how Ticci Toby and Clockwork met and fell in love. There are more parts, they’ll just take time to post.)
  The moon shone brightly through the thick canopy of the trees, granting light to those who desired it. The area was quiet, eerily quiet- not even the wind dared to break the silence. Nature dares not make a sound. Man on the other hand, does. An agonized scream of pain and fear breaks the silence, the voice is accompanied by the sound of a thump- or more precisely, a chop. Two, maybe three more chopping sounds are heard before the screaming voice quiets down and vanishes completely- but the sound of the chops continues on for quite some time. Then, as abruptly as the unwanted noise started, it ends. The land resumes its state of eerie quiet. Not far in the distance, the image of a person appears. 
  A young man, more than likely in his late teens, walks silently from where the scream had been heard. In his right hand, he securely holds a slightly rusted hatchet- it is heavily coated in blood and drips the crimson liquid with every silent step he takes. He, much like his brutal weapon, is covered in blood. The dark red fluid stains his clothing. Drips from the goggles, hood, and mask worn on his face- and clings to what little skin he has left visible. Looking at him would have made it obvious that he was a killer, and according to the amount of blood dripping from his frame, he had committed a number of murders that night. A single human couldn’t possibly produce that much blood.
  Should prying eyes dare to backtrack the crimson footprints he left behind with every step he took, they would have found a number of corpses- nine in total. He’d found them at a nearby campsite and, well, there wouldn’t being any use in explaining what happened next. All that mattered was that he’d killed them- he cornered them and hacked them to pieces with his hatchet. Once he’d done off with them he’d abandoned them without another thought. He didn’t care about their bodies being discovered, and he knew that there’d be no means of tracking him down. Even if the police followed the trail of bloody footprints he was leaving behind, they’d never be able to locate him- because he knew exactly how to throw them off. 
  The task was incredibly simple really, he’d walk towards a town until he stopped leaving footprints, or he’d head for a body of water and jump in long enough to get the blood to stop dripping off of him. Then, once he stopped leaving a trail, he returned to the mansion hidden in the wilderness that he regrettably called home. Tonight, he decided to head towards a nearby town and hopefully break off the trail in a part that was known for its high crime rates. Why? Because it was cold outside, and he’d rather not walk home in clothes drenched in cold water. Sure, he was covered in blood, but it had been warm when he got it all over him- and it would stay warm for a while longer.
  In fact, the crimson liquid stayed warm long enough for him to walk all the way to his desired location in town, then turn and make it halfway back home. As for the rest of the trip, his body gradually got colder until he took that first step into the warmth of his home. He sighed irritably once he was inside, and dropped his hatchet near the front door before he headed upstairs to clean himself, and warm his shivering frame. Sometimes he despised his body. He’d been born with a condition that made it impossible for him to feel physical pain, and yet he hadn’t suffered from any of the other symptoms. Namely, the inability to feel hot or cold- or in other words, the inability to feel temperature. 
  He first went upstairs to his sleeping quarters to retrieve a clean set of clothing- a simple pair of sweat pants and a baggy tee-shirt. Not his usual attire. He usually wore either dark gray or black jean pants. He always wore a dirt brown hooded sweatshirt when outside his home- the sleeves of the hoody were ringed with different shades of tan. The hood itself was dark blue. He didn’t really have a preference when it came to what he wore under the hoody- he just never wore anything white underneath, considering how often he came home drenched in blood.
  Then there were his accessories. He always wore a pair of orange goggles, and a mask which covered the lower portion of his face. The mask was made of the same material used in ski masks, and it had a look to it that tended to remind people of the muzzle worn by Hannibal Lecter. He also wore a pair of black gloves while outside the house- hell, he tended to wear them at home out of habit. Once he had his desired sleeping attire, he strode out of his bedroom and into the nearest available bathroom- which was just up the hall, fortunately for him. Sometimes he came home to find that every restroom in the house was occupied, and when that happened he inevitably wound up standing in his bloody clothes for anywhere between thirty minutes and two hours. As soon as he was in the bathroom he proceeded to strip down so that he could take a shower- a long, relaxing shower. 
  First went the goggles and mask, then the gloves. Next went the bloodstained hoody and shirt he wore underneath it- the undershirt was black this time around. With his upper body exposed, his face became visible- he was actually an attractive young man. He had coppery brown hair, and pale skin. His torso was littered with a few small scars- the remains of a car crash that had ruined his life and cost him his humanity. His eyes were brown. Next went the shoes- a pair of typical white and black sneakers, and white socks. Before he stripped off what little clothing he had left, he went for the shower and proceeded to get the water running. He only turned on the hot water, so the temperature would be scalding- but as said, he wouldn’t feel any pain should it burn him. Once his shower was ready, he removed his pants and boxers in one motion, and climbed under the downpour of hot water. He immediately let out a long sigh of relief- it felt nice having the hot water cascade onto his weary body, it warmed his chilled frame.
  He stood virtually motionless for a while, occasionally twitching as he watched the blood clinging to his body get washed down the drain- he didn’t actually bother to start cleaning himself until the water lost its red hue. He deftly washed his hair and scrubbed his pale skin, making sure to get every spot of blood off of him. Yes, he was a killer. Yes, he considered himself insane- but he sure as hell wasn’t going to get blood in his bed. As soon as he was clean, he turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, then he proceeded to dry himself off. Once dry, he put on his sweats and tee-shirt, collected his soiled belongings, and stepped out of the bathroom. He didn’t bother cleaning up the blood he’d left on the bathroom floor- that was someone else’s job.
  At least he was considerate enough to clean his own belongings. He threw his soiled clothing in the wash, then took his shoes and goggles into the kitchen to clean them in the sink. Before he could finish drying off his goggles, a familiar presence stepped into his lane of vision, and he turned to look at it. Slenderman- A.K.A, the reason he went insane and turned to a life of killing. Twitching violently, he turned enough to face the faceless creature, who motioned for some unseen person to walk into view. A woman, probably around his age, stepped into the doorway and stared blankly at him. An awkward state of silence fell over the room as the now violently twitching male gave the woman a look over- he was, concerned with what he saw. The woman had shoulder length brown hair, slightly darker than his own- her skin was also a little darker than his, but still pale. 
  She was wearing a plain white spaghetti sleeve shirt that only went low enough to cover her, ample bosom, and her ribcage. Over that she wore a dark blue hooded sweatshirt, but she wore it in a funny way- it wasn’t completely on. She had her arms far enough inside the sleeves to keep the sweatshirt on, but she didn’t pull it up to settle on her shoulders, so the hood dangled in the middle of her back. She had a pair of black, fingerless gloves on. She also wore a pair of black leather pants and a pair of matching leather boots, but, the pants looked a tad bit to short for her. The pants didn’t even reach high enough to cover her hips- he could clearly see the “V” line of her pelvic area. In other words, the pants only went up high enough to cover the entire area of her crotch and butt- her whole abdominal area was left exposed.
  However, her choice in clothing was the last thing he was interested in- he’d honestly seen people walking around wearing worse. Hell, he’d seen people run around naked in this place- so he’d learned not to judge people based off of their choice of clothing. What spiked his attention was her face- all of the things she had purposely done to it as signs of her insanity. The most noticeable facial damage being the stitches that lines her cheeks, creating a permanent smile. What was odd was that the stitches had been put in without requirement, she bore no scars on her face hinting at her mouth being cut or torn open from cheek to cheek. The other spot of damage happened to be her left eye- it had been taken out and replaced with a clock. 
  She’d more than likely done it herself, because the work was crudely done- what bothered him the most was that he could hear it ticking. Her remaining eye was a deep shade of green that seemed capable of lulling even the wildest of spirits into a trance. Once Slenderman decided that he had been given enough time to examine the woman, he spoke up.
  “Toby…” The faceless creature “Said” calmly, catching the twitching males attention.
  “Y-yes?” Toby said calmly, though he stuttered somewhat because of his uncontrollable twitching- his spastic movements were really starting to get out of hand. That clock eye of hers, every time he heard it tick, he twitched- that was going to be a major problem.
  “Do you remember what I told you two weeks ago?” Slenderman asked calmly as he took a few cautious steps further into the kitchen, the clock eyed woman standing next to him following suit without hesitation. Tobi cocked his head to the side, only to have a particularly violent twitch make him abruptly crack his neck loudly. He groaned a little- that actually hurt. His ears that is.
  “Yes. Y-you told me t-to prepare another b-bed, and get a n-new dresser.” Toby said, his twitching starting to get on his nerves. If this kept up, then he may very well storm over to that woman with the clock eye and rip the confounded devise out of her skull. Slenderman nodded, and moved a long, thin arm to the side to put it on the womans back. He gave her a gentle push forward so that she stood directly in front of Toby. Great, now he could hear that infernal clocks ticking more clearly- to make matters worse, he started twitching more frequently.
  “Good. I won’t have to waste time telling you what to do then…” Slenderman said calmly.   “Toby, this is Natalie, she-” “Call me Clockwork…” Natalie- or Clockwork as she preferred to be called, interrupted Slenderman before he could finish his statement. The faceless creature sighed irritably then continued.   “As I was saying. Toby, this is Natalie- if you interrupt me again I’ll see to it that your mouth is sewn shut!” Slenderman said, breaking his train of thought when he sensed that the clock eyed woman was about to correct him again- he wasn’t going to waste his time introducing her by a nickname she’d given herself. He coughed, taking a moment to compose himself, then he continued.   ”Toby, Natalie, is going to be your new roommate, and your new partner. I expect you to show her the ropes and answer whatever questions she may have-” “B-but-!” Toby tried to interrupt. “No buts! Now goodnight…” Slenderman said before he vanished, putting his teleportation ability to use so that he could end the conversation without fear of argument. This left Toby and Natalie to discuss whatever they deemed necessary. The twitching man sighed irritably, before turning around to grab his goggles and his shoes, then he turned back to the clock eyed woman- he popped his neck again.
  “I-I’ll show you t-to your r-room…” Toby said slowly, trying to prevent his constant twitching from making him stutter to much- he succeeded, in a sense of the word. Then, he cautiously walked out of the kitchen and started towards the stairs that would bring him- bring them- to their room. Natalie followed him, going so far as to walk directly beside him- then it became apparent that she was in the mood for a conversation.
  “Whats with all the twitching? You got Tourettes or somethin?” Natalie asked while giggling as she walked alongside Toby, who’s twitching only seemed to get worse now that she was talking to him. Little known fact about Tourettes- stress, or negative emotions in general, tended to make symptoms worsen.
  “Y-yes actually, a-and I’d ap-apreciate it if you d-didn’t bring this t-topic up a-again.” Toby stuttered, irritation becoming evident in his tone of voice. His condition had caused a few, problems when he was younger, so it tended to be a touchy subject. The clock eyed woman only laughed and ignored his request.
  “Awe~ No need to get mad, I’m just curious!” Natalie laughed, her green eye darting to the side to cast a glance at the twitching male- he was scowling, and trying to get his spasms under control.   “So tell me, what was is like? Growing up surrounded by people who didn’t understand you?” She said with a cold smile. Toby opened his mouth as if to speak, but she beat him to it.   “I’ll bet they teased you~ Oh, now I wonder what kind of names they called you!” She laughed again, her voice growing cruel. She continued to watch him out of the corner of her eye- his scowl had turned into an all out grimace. He was grinding his teeth and digging his nails into his palm. Her smile took on a more sinister look- good, he was suffering. She liked it when they suffered.   “I’ll bet they called you Twitch- did they call you Twitch? Or Spazz did they call you that? Oh wait, I remember now! There was a whole story about you on the news a while ago-” She paused for a moment to turn her head enough to face him properly, her constantly ticking clock eye becoming visible.   “They called you Ticci Toby-!” If she’d planned on adding more to her statement then she was never given the chance, because the moment those last two word passed her lips, Toby turned and attacked her. He wrapped his free hand around her throat and shoved her against the wall, more than likely waking up whoever slept behind it.
  “Don’t you ever, call me that again…” Toby snarled as he tightened his grip around Natalie’s throat, and he bent his head enough to peer into eyes. Or rather, to glare at her single eye and the clock she’d replaced the other one with- he couldn’t prevent himself from twitching every time he heard the damned contraption tick. Then, much to his surprise, the woman laughed…
Pic I used as reference for Clockwork/Natalie http://delucat.deviantart.com/art/Creepypasta-ClockWork-407588880
Did not use a picture reference for Toby. I own none of the characters here. NOTE- Yes, I am aware that Toby is supposed to have amnesia and that he shouldn’t remember his past before becoming Slenderman’s proxy- Kastoway (His creator) stated this information AFTER I’d written the story. I refuse to change my portrayal of him- mainly for personal reasons in regards to how having his memory will add to the plot.
I am also aware that Clockwork’s/Natalie’s description is off- again, information about her appearance was not posted until AFTER I’d written the story. I found the ref- picture I liked best and used that. I give the creator of the picture full credit.
Things aside, I hope everyone likes this~
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
Ticci Toby x ZALGO: 666 Party With The Devil Bitch
Yet another lemon based off of one of MoKaLo/ higurashi-massacre’s pictures. Note: Do not read if- You dislike the pairing of Ticci Toby and ZALGO You dislike Yaoi You dislike lemons You dislike rape- I more or less consider this a rape fic. Rated for content. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~–~~~~
  Swallowing the lump in his throat, Ticci Toby took a hesitant step back as his gaze fixated on the sight he’d stumbled upon. Not even twenty feet in front of him, Masky sat tied unconscious between two trees. He was naked and bleeding. His body was littered with claw marks. His wrists were bound together by a shackle and held above his head by a rope. His ankles were held in shackles and tied to the trees so that his legs were spread. Blood had pooled around his naked body and soaked into the snow he sat upon- and most of the blood seemed to be coming from his ass. From where he was standing, Toby couldn’t tell if Masky was still bleeding or not- hell, he couldn’t even tell if the masked proxy was still alive. Blinking repeatedly to fight back the tears, he took a slow step forwards in order to approach his unconscious teammate. Every step he took was accompanied by a long pause- once in a while he froze to press his hand against his chest as if to calm his rapidly beating heart. His heart was pounding- it was beating so hard that he could feel it in the back of his throat. Despite the cold that surrounded him, he had started sweating- but this was perspiration of sheer terror, not of heat. Once he made it to Masky, he fell dead still and stared at his teammate- he remained motionless and held his breath until he was sure that the other proxy was breathing. Then he released a sigh or relief and reached for the ropes that held his arms in place, and he yanked on the shackles in an attempt to free his friend- but they didn’t budge.
  “Its no use. Those ropes don’t break unless I say so~” A deep, demonic voice chimed out of nowhere from directly behind the twitching proxy, who spun around to come face to face with the one creature he’d hoped to never encounter again in his life.
  “Z-ZALGO…” Toby whimpered in disbelief as he took a shaky step backwards, only to trip over one of the ropes that bound Masky’s legs and fall onto his behind. Chuckling, the demon stepped forward and reached a clawed hand down to gently touch the twitching proxy’s face, and his devious smile widened upon spotting the tears welling in his eyes. Without so much as a word, ZALGO reaches for the twitching boys arm and pulled him to his feet, and he lifted his other hand to cup his chin. He took a deep intake of breath to catch the terrified humans scent, and he licked his lips hungrily. Fear was a delicious smell indeed- but he knew one that was even more satisfying, and he wanted it.
  “Hello Toby, long time no see~” ZALGO purred as he dipped his head a bit to place a short kiss on the twitching proxy’s trembling lips, earning a quiet whimper from the terrified male.
  “P-please…” Toby whimpered pathetically as he weakly tried to pry himself out of the demons grasp, only to have the hand holding his arm move to press against the small of his back. He couldn’t get away, and he knew it.
  “Hmm, what was that~?” ZALGO cooed as he dipped his head lower to brush his lips across the sensitive skin of the proxy’s neck, earning a shudder from the human. An excited smile had appeared on his face at the sight of the proxy, trembling in his grasp and on the brink of crying.
  “P-please… Don’t h-hurt me… L-let M-Masky g-go…” Toby whimpered, only to find himself being picked up and carried a little farther away from his unconscious and probably dying teammate. Calmly, ZALGO put the proxy down and more or less forced him onto his knees, and he put a clawed hand on the top of his head to hold him still. Without so much as a warning, the demon pressed the head of his erect cock against the proxy’s cheek, earning another pathetic whimper from him.
  “Hmm, now that’s one option… But I don’t want to let him go~ I don’t want to let you go either~” ZALGO chimed as he more or less forced the trembling proxy to take the head of his cock in his mouth, and he slowly shifted his hips back and forth to give Toby a slow face-fuck. He watched intently as a few small tears freed themselves from the proxy’s eyes, only to pool inside his orange goggles- it was quite a sight. One he quiet enjoyed as a matter of fact. However, he wasn’t in the mood for simply raping the frightened male- he’d already done that to the proxy tied to the trees behind them. No, he was more in the mood for a willing sex partner- so he had to think of a way to make him comply with his demands.
  “But, I might just be willing to let the two of you go… If you were to satisfy me~ Heck, I might even mend poor old Masky’s wounds and help you take him home if you please me well enough~” He cooed as he slowly slipped his erect, monstrous cock out of the proxy’s mouth to give him a chance to breath. Then, he watched contently as a look of utter horror appeared on Toby’s features, only to be replaced by one of shame as he stood up, kicked off his shoes, and pulled down his pants. A heavy blush appeared on the twitching proxy’s face as he dropped his pants and stepped out of them, leaving him standing with his lower half bare in front of the sex hungry demon. A quiet chuckle escaped ZALGO’s frame as he stared down at the embarrassed human, who was already half aroused because of his earlier treatment. Gently, he moved a clawed hand to touch the proxy’s cheek, and he forced him to face him as he dipped his head to kiss him briefly.
  “Tell me, Toby, do you remember what we did the last time we saw each-other~?” He asked seductively, watching as the proxy weakly nodded his head in response. Oh, that wouldn’t do- he wanted more than just a nod.
  “I said tell me~ I want to hear you say it~” He cooed as he moved his free hand to lightly trail the tips of his claws across the sensitive skin of the proxy’s growing erection, earning a gasp from him.
  “I-I r-remember!… Y-you m-made m-me h-have s-sex w-with y-you and m-master S-Slenderman!…” Toby whimpered, his twitching growing more frequent causing him to stutter uncontrollably. The claws teasing his dick were starting to drive him crazy, and being forced to remember what he’d done the last time he’d encountered the demon was making it very difficult for him to remain calm. In response, ZALGO moved his hand to press his claws against the slit in the head of the proxy’s erect cock, enticing a half-scream half-moan from him. It didn’t hurt, he couldn’t feel pain- he’d just been startled is all.
  “That’s right~ I had Slender fuck you with those tendrils of his~… So, I’m sure you know what I want you to do~” ZALGO cooed, before he turned Toby around and forced him onto his hands and knees, provoking another gasp from him. Then, he fell onto his own knees and pressed the tip of his monstrous cock against the proxy’s unsuspecting asshole, and he forced the head of his dick inside- but he fell still right after that.
  “Alright, I’ve got you started~ Now, I want you to push yourself backwards and bury me inside this tight little ass of yours~” The demon chuckled as he caressed the proxy’s trembling backside, going so far as to dig his claws into the frail skin of his ass-cheeks. In response, the twitching male moaned quietly and hesitantly pushed his body backwards to force more of the demons huge, studded, demonic cock inside his unprepared asshole. The further back he went, the father ZALGO’s pulsing dick went inside his frail human body. His insides ripped and bled, but he could only feel the pleasure of the demons cock brushing his most sensitive parts, and the pleasant warmth that came with it. The proxy didn’t stop moving until he felt his backside come into contact with the heated skin of ZALGO’s pelvis, then he fell still. Every inch of the demons monstrous cock was buried inside of him, and there was no denying that he loved the way it felt.
  “Oh~ What a good boy~! Look, I’m all the way in~” ZALGO chimed as he grasped the twitching proxy’s shuddering thighs tightly, digging his nails into their tender skin as he dragged his fingers upwards so that he could take hold of Toby’s hips. Then, he pulled out slowly and gave a good buck of his hips to test the proxy’s reaction- he was rewarded with a lusty moan of pleasure and the slight tightening of internal muscles around his dick. Oh good, the proxy was enjoying it- that meant he didn’t have a reason to hold back. Without so much as a word of warning, he yanked himself out until only the tip of his dick remained inside the humans torn asshole, then he shoved himself back in mercilessly. His actions provoked a loud, throaty moan from Toby, who lost the ability to support his upper half. His cloth protected chest fell to the snowy ground, and he grasped at the ice as the demon slammed into him repeatedly. Blood clang to ZALGO’s swollen cock as he moved in and out of the trembling body beneath him, and the sweet smelling red fluid dripped onto the snow as he moved. That same, red substance poured out of Toby’s ass and dripped out of the gashes on his ass and legs, slowly painting his pale body crimson. Both of them moaned and grunted loudly as the demon continued to move, and a knot gradually began to form in the twitching proxy’s gut. Believe it or not, the feeling of his orgasm slowly approaching him actually put him in pain- and that was the first time the proxy had ever been given a sample of the agony that most people strived to avoid. Since he’d never known pain before, his mind was unable to tell him whether or not he enjoyed the foreign sensation.
  So he clang to it and tried to escape it at the same time- and the knot growing in his abdomen continued to grow as ZALGO drove him closer and closer to his long awaiting orgasm. His twitching slowed slightly in response to the pleasure wracking his body, and his eyes fell half lidded as he began to drool in an attempt at quieting himself. Even as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him, he was able to remember that Masky was out cold behind the demon and himself. He feared that if he was too loud, the other proxy would wake and see what they were doing. Tighter and tighter the knot in his gut grew, until he lost the ability to bite back his moans of pleasure- until he was unable to keep quiet. Suddenly, that painfully tight sensation forming in his abdomen snapped- and the force of it made his entire body fall rigid as he came. Semen poured out of his erect, neglected cock and pooled in the snow underneath him, melting it with its heat. ZALGO groaned at the feeling of the proxy’s insides clenching painfully tight as he moved within him, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the realization that Toby had just met his orgasm.
  “Enjoying yourself, you little slut~” ZALGO laughed as he picked up the force behind his thrusts, and he wrapped an arm under the twitching proxy’s body to stroke his sensitive dick in time with his movements. In response, Toby arched his back, threw his head back, and screamed. He’d just came- his cock was so sensitive to contact. It was an unbearably amazing pleasure, having the demon abuse his body in such a way.
  “Y-yes ZALGO! I- ahn- l-love it~!” Toby moaned as he attempted to buck his hips so that he could thrust into the demons warm hand, only to have them held in place by the appendages twin. His response was quickly rewarded by faster strokes on his cock, and rougher movements within his bleeding ass.
  “Good boy~! Now, I’m about to shoot my load deep inside your tight, hot little ass! Do you want it, yes or no~?” ZALGO cooed as he felt the knot that had formed in his stomach threaten to snap- but thanks to his self control, he was able to keep his body in check. He paired his question with a rough thrust into the frail humans backside, and he spanked him on the ass once or twice to provoke loud moans from him.
  “I-I w-want it Z-ZALGO, p-please! D-do it i-inside m-me!” Toby moaned as he pressed the side of his face into the snow, momentarily cooling the heated blush that had formed on his cheeks. The feel of the hand wrapped tightly around his cock. The force behind every one of the demons thrusts. The sound created by the monstrous hand slapping him on his cut, bleeding ass. Everything was driving him mad with want- and the sensation of an oncoming orgasm was upon him again. He wanted so desperately to cum- but ZALGO’s thumb was pressing against the head of his cock. He wouldn’t be able to cum until the demon let go of his dick.
  “Good answer~!” ZALGO chimed before he suddenly tensed and shot his load deep within the twitching proxy’s ass- filling him to the point of overflowing. The thick white substance drips down his legs and paints the somewhat red stained snow white again, melting it with its intense heat. At that same time, the demon loosens his hold on the proxy’s cock, allowing Toby to cum- and he does, violently. His body goes rigid and he moans so loudly that his voice cannot leave his frame. His fresh spurt of cum drips onto the growing puddle of white and red, causing it to grow underneath him. Then, the demon let go of him completely, and watched as his limp, trembling, exhausted body slid off of him to lie panting in the puddle of melted snow and cooling semen. With a quiet chuckle, he extended his clawed hands to scoop the immobile proxy off of the cold, unforgiving ground, and he cradled him against his frame. No matter how someone chose to look at it, this act was one of affection. The proxy he held trembling in his arms was probably the only creature aside from Slenderman whom he wouldn’t try to kill- for the time being the only thing keeping Masky alive was the fact that he made a good sex toy. Well, that and because Toby seemed to care about him- he wouldn’t destroy the masked proxy right in front of him. For the sake of manipulating the hearts of those he chose to keep beside him, ZALGO would feign kindness in the presence of those chosen few. In Toby’s case, that false kindness meant that the demon wouldn’t kill any of the others in front of him. In Slenderman’s case, there were a few other things he’d refrain from doing- but none of them were really worth thinking over. With a wide smile, the demon retrieved the twitching proxy’s clothing and put them back in their proper place on his tired body.
  Then, he took off his cape and untied Masky, and he wrapped the warm cloth around both their shaking bodies so that he could carry them at the same time. He watched somewhat contently as the pair snuggled up to each-other in his arms as they slept, and for a moment he thought that maybe keeping both of them might work well in the long run. He’d probably figure out what he wanted to do later- after he’d had a few days or possibly even weeks to think over exactly what he wanted. If he wanted both, he’d have to take time with them separately to ensure that both were addicted to his body- every aspect of his body. Then he’d have to make sure both of them got along- he wanted long term pets, so he didn’t need them fighting. Finally, he cut his losses for the time being and decided it was high time he returned them to their “Proper” place. He carried them back to their little cabin in the snowy wastelands, and he calmly set them down in front of the door so that they were leaning on it. With a flick of his wrist he commanded the fabric of his cape to chance color- it went from red to black. The change would keep the pair warm until someone brought them inside, and it would prevent anyone from realizing that he had been the one to bring them home. He also put his skills to use to mask his scent- that way the werewolf wouldn’t be able to point out that it was him. If anyone had seen this, they might have asked why he went through all the trouble to hide his presence. His answer would have been simple. He would take credit for their bleeding, battered bodies- for their poor states in general. However, he would NOT take credit for any kindness directed at them.
  He was a demon after all. He was supposed to be a vile, wicked, heartless creature- not the lonely monstrosity that he actually was. He’d rather have them despise him for his cruelty that pity him for his loneliness- but that was a matter of his pride as a demon, not of anything else. With the pair safe and cozy, and sure to be tended to before nightfall, ZALGO turned and quickly returned to the nearby forest. He had a lot of thinking to do- he had to decide what to do about Toby and Masky…
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
Story gift to MoKaLo from KyotoLovesLambosX3 on DeviantART.
(This story is not mine. KyotoLovesLambosX3 wrote it for MoKaLo/ higurashi-massacre)
Unknown neighborhood…
The night was silent and still, possibly an indication of the creatures that hid amongst the Moon’s shadows and made their way stealthily towards a small house. As the two figures made it to the innocuous looking house, the shorter of the two turned towards his companion and whispered lowly to him. “You sure this is the place?” The voice was slightly raspy and low; the voice of a young man. “Yep! At least, this is the address Benny-boy got us, and the other addresses were right, so, I guess this is it!!” The other voice, slightly raspier and a lot more chipper than his counterpart’s voice. “Shhh!! Shut up, you idiot!! Do you wanna give us away?!”  “Aww, Jeffy, don’t get mad, babe! I’m sorry!” “Shut up, LJ! We need to get this bitch before she wakes up!” Jeff hissed lowly at his boyfriend and smacked him on the shoulder. “And don’t call me that!” “Aw, but-“ The monochrome clown froze up as he heard movement from inside the house. “Hey mom, I’m going out for a walk! I’ll be back later…” Well, well… wasn’t this convenient? The two killers shared a vicious, sinister smirk with each other as they quietly stalked their most recent target to the nearby park. Perfect. ~~~~~~~ The girl sighed softly as she walked leisurely through the dimly lit, park path as she went over the events of the last few days. She really didn’t want to believe it, she felt paranoid and crazy enough as it was, but she couldn’t ignore it either. For the past week, the news, international and local, had been filled with stories about a mysterious slew of murders that left the victims horrifically mutilated and with no trace of the culprits.  Had it been just any people that were being killed, the girl might have just brushed it off as random, unconnected killings. They happened, that was just how the world worked. But they were connected. All of the killings, all of them, were friends of hers on the art site DeviantArt. Every. Single. One. It couldn’t be a coincidence… it couldn’t be… She gasped as she heard a twig snap somewhere to her left. “H-hello? I-is someone… there?” She whispered fearfully, feverishly praying that no one would answer. And no one did. She sighed in relief; her paranoia was getting worse… She turned back towards the path once more, when she felt it… There was a blade… against her throat. How… when…?! “W-who-?!” Her question was cut off when a hand clamped itself firmly over her mouth, but she didn’t truly panic until she heard the deep, menacing and outright deranged sounding voice whisper in her ear. “Shhh, you look tired…” Her eyes widened in terror and disbelief; no… it wasn’t possible…!! “Go to sleep!!” Those horrible, familiar words were the last thing she heard before everything went black. ~~~~~~~~ Slowly, the girl regained consciousness as she tried to reach for her aching head, only to find that she couldn’t move. It was enough to bring back her memories and have her start struggling, she tried to scream for help, but it came out a muffled whimper instead. Her mouth had been taped shut! She quietly began to sob as she tried desperately to free herself from the chains that bound her, but stopped immediately when she heard the sound of footsteps and low, menacing chuckles. “Well, well, looks like our ‘guest’ is finally awake, Jeffy-poo~ Hahahahahaha!! My, she looks about ready to piss herself! It’s fucking hilarious!! Hahahahahaha!!” “Heheh, yeah and we haven’t even gotten started yet~” The scar mouthed man chuckled sinisterly, before harshly elbowing the clown in the stomach. “And I told you to stop calling me that!! Especially in front of victims!!” “Ooomph!! Jeffy!! That’s not nice!!” The clown whined miserably, but he turned a sharp toothed smile at the wide eyed, shivering girl. “Don’t mind his horrible manners, dear, he’s just shy.” “LJ, shut up already!!” The man growled lowly before turning his attention back to the girl. “Now… I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re here… *insert DA screen name*” The girl felt her eyes nearly pop out of her head. They knew her DA name?! How?! Why?! “Oh, we know all about you, *DA screen name*, and your little… friends. I’m sure you’ve already heard about our… visits… with them.” The man chuckled evilly again as his black, lid-less eyes bored deeply into her own. “Tell me, do you have any idea why you and your friends became so interesting to us?”  The girl shook violently in her chains as she whimpered pitifully. “Does the name Mokalo ring any bells for you?” That… had the girl sitting up straight as a board. Mokalo?? That sick pedo artist from DA? What did she have to do with…? “Ah, so you do know our dear Moka!”  This time it was Laughing Jack who spoke, his voice poisonously sweet as he made his way closer to her; the girl tried to get as far away from him as possible, which wasn’t too far considering her current situation. “You see, we’re not exactly happy that our dear friend was kicked out of her favorite art site because a bunch shallow, hateful bitches like you and your friends couldn’t keep their nasty little opinions to themselves…” The girl started to shake even more. Oh God… this couldn’t be happening… this wasn’t happening!! “You call yourself a fan of ours… then you should know I despise bullies.” The pale faced serial killer growled viciously as he stalked forward, stopping right next to the maniacally smiling clown.  “Answer me something… do I look like a fucking 13 year old?!” The girl jumped in shock as the man roared furiously at her and she quickly shook her head. “Yeah, didn’t think so. Does it look like I’m defenseless or being tortured or whatever the hell you were whining and bitching about to those admin asses?! DO I?!” Again, the girl shook her head, but she was no longer trying to hide her tears. Oh God, please… no… “Because of you and your whore friends, a good friend of ours won’t stop crying and is about to give up on her art. I’ll admit, I get a little annoyed when she draws me so cute and baby faced… but I am not about to let her drown in misery ‘cause of hypocritical liars and bullies like you.” The man finished his sentence by pulling out an old, bloodied and rusted looking knife. Then, he reached for her and painfully ripped off the tape covering her mouth. “Please!! Don’t kill me, please!! I swear, I’ll never bother her again, I’ll leave Deviant art!! Anything!! Just please, don’t- Ah!!” The girl’s pathetic begging and whimpering was cut off when Jeff pressed his knife dangerously against her throat, even managing to draw blood. The sight of the red liquid was enough to make the man’s carved in Chelsey smile widen even more. “I think you’ve done enough with that loose, lying tongue of yours… I think it could do better on the floor… wouldn’t you agree, LJ?” “Oh yes, love, I could always use something to clean out the toilets with~ Hahahahahahaha!!!” The clown laughed maniacally as he watched his lover trace the tip of his knife against the despairing girl’s lips, his smile turning dark and demented. “You know what they say, Jeffy… if you can’t say something nice…” “Cut their tongue off and put them to sleep.” Only once did the girl manage to scream; it was a loud agonized wail of terror and despair… before her voice was silenced and replaced by the sadistically pleased laughter of two homicidal psychopaths. ~~~~~ “Mmm, that was fun, Jeffy!! We should go out on dates like these more often~” Laughing Jack stretched his long arm over his head as he happily smiled at his lover and admired the raven haired, blood covered young man, before reaching for him and pulling him into a near bone crushing hug. “Yeah, yeah.” The man mumbled in embarrassment, still not used to the clown’s easy endearments and shows of affection and pushed himself away from the giddy clown.  “Was that bitch the last on the list, or what?” “Nope, there’s still a few left, and from what BEN told me, two of ‘em are the ring leaders.” “Ya don’t say… meh, I’m exhausted, and that girl was louder than the rest, so my head is pounding like a motherfucker. We can go after the others… the fuck are you laughing at?!” The clown was too busy trying not to fall over from laughing so hard to answer, at first; he couldn’t help it, but his lover’s choice of words had been… amusing, to say the least. “Heeheehee, sorry!! Sorry, it’s just… it’s usually your other end that ends up getting ‘pounded’~ Pffft, hahahahahahaha!!!” “You candy sucking, perverted asshat!!” The mortified killer shouted angrily as he thanked Zalgo once again that he couldn’t blush anymore.  The clown only laughed harder and louder than before; alright, so he wanted to play it that way? “Have fun sleeping on the couch tonight, jackass!!” Jeff declared as he stomped his way furiously towards his and LJ’s shared bedroom. That made the clown’s uncontrollable laughter die in his throat. “Wait, what?! Jeffy, wait!! You don’t mean that, do you? Babe? Jeff?! Noooo, please!! Don’t leave me alone with that creeper, Shadowlurker!!!” ~~~~~~~ By the end of the week, all of Mokalo’s harassers had been dealt with; Jeff and LJ decided it was time to visit their dear friend and share the good news with her. She was so happy, she drew them a fun, new little position that Laughing Jack had them trying out that very night. It was good to have their old Mokalo back. The end~ XD
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
Laughing Jack Crackfic 1
Another random thing I decided to do to try and cheer myself up. Also a gift toSapphiresenthiss because I feel like giving her a present~
Nothing to warn about here, maybe a few perverted jokes, oh, and cussing~
How L.J lost his color~
  This is how Laughing Jack would have lost his color if Isaac had never trapped him in a Jack in the box and left him to rot. Don’t ask why he lives with the bloodthirsty Creepypasta’s- its because he just loves children to death XD-
  Some random day of the week, a rainbow colored Laughing Jack wandered into Jeff the killer’s room to gather dirty laundry. When he walked past the bed to gather the various dirty garments scattered around the carpeted floor, he spotted something on the nightstand and decided to investigate. He dropped the clothes and picked the item up, and he looked it over- a little square pack, like a rubbing alcohol patch. However, it wasn’t an alcohol swab- he could tell just by looking at it. Growing curious, he tore the package open and pulled out what was hidden inside. Whatever it was, it seemed to be made of rubber- and it was light blue. Curiously, he held the item between his thumb and index finger and he held it in front of his face, and he shook it around a bit. It was long- he grabbed the other end of it with his other hand and pulled on it. It was stretchy. Suddenly a smile spread across his cheerful face, and a childish glint sparked to life in his baby blue eyes.
  “Oh, my! Who’d of thought that Jeffy-poo would keep balloons in his room~” L.J chimed as he continued to stretch the “Balloon” for a few minutes to get it nice and flexible. Then, being the fun loving clown that he was, he placed the open end of the “Balloon” between his lips and blew it up. After tying the end into a knot, he proceeded to shape the “Balloon” into an animal. Just as he finished turning his little toy into a blown up giraffe, none other than Jeff stepped into the bedroom. When he saw what the clown had done, the killers jaw just about hit the floor.
  “What the fuck are you doing!?!” Jeff screamed as he stormed over to the clown and slapped the “Balloon animal” out of his hands and proceeded to pop it with his foot. Confused and afraid, L.J dawned a frightened puppy dog expression and stared down as his forever smiling friend.
  “W-whats wrong Jeffy? I-I was just making balloon animals!” Laughing Jack said pathetically, his eyes wide and super shimmering like in anime, which made the killer groan and grab the clown by the front of his shirt.
  “With a fucking condom!?!” Jeff roared, earning an even more confused look from the clown. The only words that passed through the killers mind were “Oh god no”, because he had the feeling that L.J might not have known what a condom was. God, he hoped that wasn’t the case.
  “L-L.J, do you… Know what a condom is?” The killer asked hesitantly, earning a slow shake of the head from the clown, who stared at him sheepishly. After that, Jeff let go of L.J and strode over to his door to shut and lock it- then he turned his attention back to the clown. He had a lot of explaining to do…
*About ten minutes later* (Because the author has decided not to put in the awkward conversation- she’d laugh to death if she did~)
  Eyeless Jack and BEN were walking past Jeff’s room when the suddenly heard a loud, horrified scream erupt from the other side of the door. The pair immediately froze in their tracks- they were surprised, startled, and curious all at the same time. They stood completely still outside the killers door, only to watch as it suddenly flung open to reveal a terrifying sight. Laughing Jack stood trembling in the doorway, looking as if he had just walked in on ZALGO having sex with Slenderman- but that isn’t what bothered him. What scared them so much was that the clown had lost all of his once vibrant color- he stood before them completely monochrome. Without saying a word, the now black and white clown walked out of Jeff’s bedroom and slowly made his way towards the bathroom, leaving the confused pair wondering that the fuck had happened in the bedroom. Not long after, a very tired and somewhat frightened looking Jeff walked out of the bedroom to stare in the direction that L.J had gone, then he hesitantly turned to look at BEN and E.J.
  “Jeff… What the fuck did you do to L.J?!” BEN gasped, his voice one of disbelief. The killer in question shook his head as if to shake a bad memory away. Then he coughed awkwardly and took a deep breath.
  “I… He, mistook one of my condoms for a balloon and blew it up… So I told him what a condom was, and what it was used for… Then I had to tell him what sex was… I uh, found something to demonstrate with… Once I was done he suddenly screamed… FUCK MAN! His color just flew right off him! It was like, one of those crappy cartoon moments where the color just drains from their bodies!… Fuckin terrified me…” Jeff said loudly, before suddenly ending the conversation and storming down the hall.
  “W-wait! Where are you going?!” Eyeless Jack shouted after the killer who continued down the hall.
  “To drown the memories out with booze!” Jeff shouted as he disappeared, leaving the pair standing in the hall with only one question on their minds. “What EXACTLY had Jeff done that managed to scare Laughing Jack like that?!”
  The clown was never the same again. The end~
(There will be a continuation of this where we find out what Jeff did that scared all the color out of L.J~)
What did you guys think?
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deersstorystorage · 6 years
Rememba- this is a LEMON ^^
“You’d better be telling the truth…” You said irritably as you rummaged through the various items hidden in the hat, noting the distinct way everything felt against your fingers. Some things felt like metal, others felt more like cloth. Some items were big, others were so small your fingers could barely grasp them. Then, after finding something felt nice against the skin of your fingers, you withdrew you hand and pulled out-…
  A note- or, more specifically, a crumbled up note. After pulling it out of the hat, you worked the paper back into its proper shape, and held it in front of your face to read it over. A small smile graced your features as you read what was written on the note.“Always watching. No eyes.”. The words were sloppily written, and the letter O was crossed out.
  “What did you pick?” Splendorman asked happily, holding his hand out to you so that you could hand him whatever you’d picked. Your smile widened as you handed the note to the easily excitable Splendor, who held the note in front of his face to read it. Then, his smile widened. He knew who you’d picked as soon as he read the note- and so did you.
  “Yoo hoo~ Slenderman~ I believe this belongs to you~ That means you get to go in the closet with (Y/N)~” He chimed as he turned to face his younger brother, and he waved the note teasingly. You laughed playfully as Slender sighed and made his way over to you, and you took his hand eagerly when he held it out to you. Then, he led you to the closet. You took a moment to examine him as he led you to the tight space the two of you were about to be locked in. Tall, thin legs, partnered with long, thin arms. He wore his usual attire- a gray suit with a white undershirt, and a red tie. What little skin was visible was ghostly white, and seemed frail because of his bony structure. When your eyes fell to his face, you closely examined his lack of facial features. No eyes, and no mouth. He did have ears, and something akin to a nose- but his supposed nose was hard to see from far away.
  Honestly, his lack of a face constantly made you wonder how he ate or saw anything. So, this game would probably be your best opportunity to ask him in private- it was always so difficult to catch him alone. As soon as the two of you reached the closet, you met a dilemma- there was no way for the two of you to fit properly. You paused and stared up at your master, who seemed to be looking down at you. He cast a few glances between you and the closet, then, he suddenly scooped you into his arms and cradled you like an infant. Then, he squeezed himself into the closet and used his hold on you to keep you from getting crushed. How he kept you from getting squished, you honestly didn’t know- but somehow, he managed to keep you comfortable.
  “Have fun you two~” Splendorman said playfully as he closed and locked the door, leaving you alone with Slenderman in next to total darkness. Once you were sure no one was outside the door listening, you turned your head to peer up and Slender, who was staring down at you. Or, at least it looked like he was staring at you.
  “Slenderman?…” You asked hesitantly, and you watched as the faceless creature cocked his head to the side cutely to let you know that he was paying attention.
  “Can… Can you even see?” You asked slowly. The creature in question made a body gesture that represented his confusion.
  “(Y/N), why would you ask something like that? You should know how well my vision is.” Slenderman said calmly, sounding somewhat hurt. In response, you slowly lifted a hand towards his face to touch it. He flinched when your fingers brushed his cheek, but otherwise he gave no physical response to the contact. That is, he didn’t until one of his tendrils wrapped around your wrist to pull your hand back. You jumped slightly at the unexpected gesture, then turned your attention to the tentacle like appendage that held your arm. Alright, it was time to just cut your losses and be open with your faceless master.
  “Slenderman… I… You, confuse me. You have no eyes, and no mouth- yet you can see, and talk without issue… And, I’ve never seen you eat, or drink anything for that matter! And… Your tendrils-” You trailed off for a moment to grasp the tendril that held your wrist with your free hand.
  “Can you feel whatever you touch with them?…” You asked hesitantly, and you felt him twist and coil the tendril you held around your hand and squeeze it gently. Then, you looked at him again- he sighed and shook his head.
  “Very well (Y/N), I suppose theres no harm in humoring you- I was expecting these questions sooner or later. I just wish they’d been held off for a while longer…” Slenderman said calmly as he tightened his tendril around your wrist- it didn’t hurt, but you felt as if he was trying to frighten you. In a way, he was- but you weren’t about to let him know that.
  “(Y/N), pay close attention… I’m going to show you my true face…” He said calmly as he released another tendril from his back and used it to grasp you (H/L) hair, so that he could prevent you from looking away from him. Your eyes widened in shock as you watched the lower portion of his face tear, and the sound of cloth ripping rang loudly in the confined space you shared with him. You watched as his face tore, and a wide mouth was revealed. You saw that his mouth was lined with a row of sharp teeth, and noticed a long, forked tongue moving within his oral cavity. Dark patches formed where his eyes would be- the skin there sank in slightly to add definition to his face, but aside from that, no real eyes were revealed. You gasped quietly as his grip on your arm and hair suddenly tightened to the point of it becoming painful, and for a moment you were frozen from the fear that Slenderman was working into you. Something was wrong- he wasn’t acting like himself. The way he brought his mouth to your ear to hiss at you menacingly. The way he purposely inflicted pain on you, knowing that you trusted him more than anyone else.
  He wasn’t being the Slenderman you knew! Suddenly, as a desperate attempt to protect yourself and to bring back the being you’d come to think so fondly of, you forced your restrained arm to your face and sank your teeth into his tendril. In an instant, he recoiled the tentacle like appendage, and he hissed in pain as he coiled it into a tight knot. You gasped quietly at the sudden realization that you’d attacked your master, and you stared up at him fearfully as tears welled in your eyes- you could taste his blood. What had you done? You’d just drawn the blood of the being that saved your life- that’s what you’d just done. You’d attacked the one who treated your wounds, and took you in when you had nowhere else to go. The one who’d given you everything you’d ever needed to move on with your life. How could you ever forgive yourself?
  “S-sorry… I-I’m sorry…” You said weakly, a few stray tears escaping your eyes and sliding down your cheeks. You stared up at him unblinking as he met your gaze, and you watched as he cocked his head from side to side as if studying your behavior. This was the first time you’d actually cried in front of him- usually you turned around or left the building whenever you had to cry. You remained still as he shifted his hand to cup your cheek, and offered no resistance when he pressed the side of your face against his chest. Neither of you said or did anything after that, not until Splendorman opened the door to let the two of you out. As soon as the door opened, Slender turned and squeezed out of the closet, then he handed you off to his brother and fled to his room. Then, Splendor looked down at you cautiously, before carefully carrying you upstairs to your bedroom. He worked your door open with one of his multi-color polka dotted tendrils, then he stepped inside your room and laid you gently on your side on the bed. He took a hesitant step back afterwards and stared down at you for a while, then he slowly extended his arm to run his fingers through your hair gently.
  “(Y/N)… Are you afraid of Slenderman now?…” Splendorman asked hesitantly, his voice laced with sadness. You shook your head furiously in response, and bunched the covers up to pull them to your chest. Since you didn’t have anything akin to a stuffed animal, the sheets were the next best hug-able thing. With a quiet sigh, the older slender-brother sat down beside you on the bed and touched your shoulder gently.
  “Then why did you bite him?…” He asked slowly, moving one of his hands so that he could wipe some blood away from the corner of your mouth- Slenderman must have bled a lot when you bit him. You grabbed Splendor’s hand and refused to let it go.
  “I-I��� He was being strange!… I… I asked him about his face, so he showed it to me… Then… Then he started acting weird!… He held me so tight that it hurt, and… And he hissed at me!… I-I didn’t know what to do! I panicked! Then I just… I just…” You did your best to explain what had happened in the closet, but you trailed off towards the end of your story. You couldn’t say it- you’d hate yourself so much more if you said it aloud.
  “Then you bit him…” Splendorman said calmly, before leaning over a bit to have a better look at you. You were shaking a little, and your eyes still held signs of tears- for a moment he believed that you’d gone into shock. But he quickly convinced himself otherwise- you were just surprised is all. You just needed a day or so to calm back down. He sighed quietly.
  “(Y/N), I think it would be best for you to stay away from Slenderman for a little while… Because, the way he acted today…” He paused a moment to shake his head sadly.
  “He never shows people his face, not unless he plans on hurting them, or killing them… And he showed you his face today, (Y/N), I think it best that you avoid him… I don’t want anything to happen to you…” He said gently, before turning his head to kiss your forehead softly.
  “Your like a sister to me (Y/N)- and Slenderman is my brother, whether anyone likes it or not… Get some sleep now… I’ll, take you to the zoo or something in the morning…” He said, before rising from your bed and leaving your room. He left the door open a crack to let some extra light in, as if he’d expected you to develop a sudden fear of the dark…
*A few hours later*
  You’d been trying to fall asleep since Splendorman left your room, but you were so fixated on what he’d said that sleep wouldn’t take you. He said that Slenderman only showed his real face to people he planned on hurting, or killing. So did that mean that Slender still considered you one of his victims? You tossed and turned in your bed restlessly as you pondered every possible reason the “Faceless” being would think of you in such a way- but you couldn’t come up with anything. As things were, you and Slender had a good relationship. Or, at least you thought you did. Groaning, you rolled onto your stomach and pressed your face against your pillow, and a dark thought crossed your mind. Had he only wanted your trust so that he could kill you? Or worse, was this a test of your loyalty to him? You practically flew out of your bed when those ideas crossed your mind. No! You weren’t going to lie there and wait for your answers, not when the being who had all of them was downstairs in his room! Without so much as another thought on the matter, you pulled your door open and started down the hall. Your crept past the bedrooms and carefully made your way down the stairs. Once near the main room, you examined the area for signs of any other people, and once the coast was clear you tip-toed towards Slenderman’s room. As soon as you reached the door, you hesitated. Should you knock? Maybe it would be better for you to just step inside- the only thing you had to loose was you life, right? Besides, if Slender was out for your blood, then in the end there was nothing you could to about it.
  So, you took a deep breath and pushed the insanely tall door of his bedroom open, then you squeezed inside and shut the door behind you. Before you had the chance to do so much as start your search for Slenderman, your limbs were bound securely by tendrils and you were yanked away from the door to be slammed against the wall next to the bed. You stared in shock as Slender took a few menacing steps towards you, only to slide you up the wall so that your eyes would be level. The sound of ripping paper started for a moment as he revealed his face to you, and he lent in closer to you so that your faces were only an inch or so apart.
  “Bold move (Y/N), coming into my room… But I can’t say it was a smart one…” Slenderman hissed, his ice cold breath ghosting over your face as he spoke. You shuddered involuntarily as the cold air hit you, and there was no denying that the tone of his voice frightened you. But you didn’t struggle, there was no point- he had you securely bound by his tendrils, and despite your fear, you still trusted him completely.
  “Why did you come here?…” He snarled, before his forked tongue darted out to lick your cheek- you flinched. His tongue was rough, like sandpaper- it felt strange against your skin. If he had licked you a little harder, no doubt he would have removed a good portion of your skin. You took a deep breath and locked “Eyes” with him.
  “Splendorman said that… He said that you only showed your true face to those you planned on hurting or killing… So, which is it?… Did I risk my body by coming here, or my life?” You asked hesitantly, and you watched intently as he withdrew his tongue and cocked his head to the side to examine you. Then, he laughed darkly and tightened his hold on your limbs- you gasped quietly in pain.
  “Your body for sure- I have no intention of killing you…” Slenderman said darkly, before his tongue darted out to lick your other cheek. You shuddered somewhat at the gesture- it was as if he was tasting you. Well, technically he was- but that wasn’t exactly what you meant by taste. Your emotion- that’s what he seemed to be licking. He chuckled coldly.
  “Now, the question remains… Do you know what I mean when I say you’ve risked your body by coming here?…” He asked in a menacing voice, before he dragged his tongue downwards to lap at the skin of your neck. You shuddered again upon feeling the tip of his tongue tease the skin on your collar bone, and a somewhat disturbing thought crossed your mind. The way he was licking you, the way he was speaking- the strange way he’d been acting. The similarities were small, but he was almost acting like an animal fighting for the attention of a mate- like a deer or a lion around mating season. So if he was the beast fighting for a mate- that made you the love interest he had in mind. You took a deep breath to try and steady yourself.
  “W-well… When I came here, I thought I was risking my ability to walk, or move… I thought you were going to cripple me…” You said slowly. You were having difficulty concentrating because of his tongue- he’d actually wrapped it around your neck to taste as much of your skin as possible.
  “B-but now… The way your acting… Your t-tongue… Tendrils wrapping… You… You s-seem like… An animal, d-during rutting season… S-so, does that mean… You w-want my, actual body?…” You said shakily, feeling his tongue tightening and loosening around your throat. He was acting on whims, teasing your sensitive skin in whatever way he chose, whenever he chose. Your heard him chuckle as he removed his tongue from your throat, and you shuddered more as his tendrils started working their way up your limbs towards your body.
  “I suppose, that’s one way to put it… I do want your body, yes- but I want so much more…” Slenderman cooed, his voice suddenly becoming gentle as he lent in to nip at the skin of your neck seductively, provoking a quiet gasp from you. You tried to pull your arms away from the wall to touch him, but he refused to let you move.
  “W-what else do you want… From me?…” You asked breathlessly, feeling his sharp teeth pierce your skin- a moment later, you felt something warm running down your neck. You were bleeding- and not long after you realized that, you felt his tongue lapping at the red fluid that flowed down your throat.
  “Mmm… Everything… Your blood… Your flesh… The air you breathe…” Slenderman said as he continued to litter your neck with bites, and he licked the blood out of every wound until they stopped bleeding.
  “But above all else…” He murmured as he trailed his lips up your neck to graze his teeth along the skin of your jaw. Then, he pulled his head back and licked his lips- he was probably trying to clean your blood off of his mouth.
  “I want your heart…” He said quietly, before he suddenly dropped you. You slid down the wall and landed on your feet, but you fell to your knees and stared up at him as he took a few steps backwards to give you space. Behind him, you clearly saw his bedroom door, and to your side was his bed.
  “If you want to run, I suggest you do it now… Otherwise, you won’t be leaving this room until I’ve laid you on the bed and made you mine…” He said darkly, his voice laced with desire. You remained on your knees, and you looked constantly from Slenderman to the door. His warning was his way of giving you a choice- and it was one you didn’t exactly know how to make. He’d said so much to you, made himself so clear- you knew that if you walked away, your relationship with him would change forever. The same applied to if you accepted his advances. The matter was deciding which change you were more at ease with- and in the end, you didn’t need to think long to figure out which option you were better off choosing. Slowly, you pushed yourself off of the floor and you walked over to Slenderman, then, you took a deep breath in preparation for what you were about to do.
  “Y-you want me… Then, take me…” You said shakily, your voice trembling. You put everything you had into standing in place as Slender knelt down and strained his neck to put his face in front of yours. He studied you intuitively for a moment, then moved a hand to touch your cheek gently- you flinched at the contact.
  “You say that despite how terrified you are… You’re willing to give yourself to me despite your nervousness… Why?…” Slenderman asked calmly, his other hand moving to your side to caress your hip lovingly. You turned your face away from his, only to have him move his hand to your other cheek to turn you back to him. You took a shaky breath, and closed your eyes for a moment.
  “B-because I’m afraid of what will happen if I don’t… Your, important to me Slenderman… I-I don’t want to loose you…” You said hesitantly, and you watched nervously as Slender turned his head from side to side to examine you as you spoke. Then, he moved the hand on your hip up your body to cup your other cheek so that he could hold your face in place. He strained his neck further to bring his face closer to yours- so close that your lips actually came into slight contact.
  “You… Value me that much?… So much that you would be willing to become my lover?…” Slenderman asked hesitantly, his lips coming into more contact with yours as he spoke. Shakily, you brought your hands up to touch his face. In response, he lifted a hand away from your face and placed it over top the one you’d put on his, and he squeezed it gently. You were trembling, but it was from more than fear. What was the other feeling that made you shake? Your heart was pounding- you’d be surprised if Slenderman wasn’t able to hear your heartbeat. After a moment, you offered a hesitant nod.
  “Yes… I value you… Above all else…” You said slowly. A moment later, you felt Slenderman press his lips against yours gently. You jumped at the sudden contact, but soon your eyes slid closed and you kissed him back timidly. This was your first kiss after all, so you didn’t exactly know what to do. The kiss was slow, and deliberately gentle- you could tell that Slender was holding himself back for your sake. You were young, inexperienced- he didn’t want to break you. Hesitantly, you moved your arms to his neck and wrapped them around him. In response, he wrapped his tendrils around your frame to bring you closer. He looped his arms under your knees to lift you up, and without breaking the kiss, he slowly carried you over to the bed, where he laid you down and climbed over top of you. He pulled his mouth off of yours to give you a chance to breathe, then he sat up and stared down at you intently. Just from a kiss, you were blushing, and your body was trembling. He took a deep breath through his nose to take in your scent- to see what emotions were driving your body to shake so innocently beneath him. Fear, anxiety- but he also caught a faint whiff of excitement. Ah, so you were getting aroused- he just needed to give you more contact to make your body more willing to accept his. In a flash, he summoned more of his tendrils and wrapped them around your frame carefully. Your arms, legs, torso- he held them all securely so that he could lift you off of the bed. Then, he climbed atop the bed and moved to lie down on his back, and he set you on his abdomen gingerly.
  “Are you comfortable?…” Slenderman asked calmly, before he moved his tendrils to start working you out of your clothing. You whimpered and squirmed nervously as his tentacles wormed underneath your clothes and came into contact with your skin. You were surprised how easily he’d worked your shirt off, and you gasped quietly when removed your bra with ease- he’d probably had some practice doing that. You looked away shyly- had he not held your arms in place, you would have tried to cover your exposed breasts.
  “P-physically, I-I’m f-fine… P-please… S-stop staring…” You stuttered, silently wishing that he’d release your arms so that you could cover your chest. He did no such thing, and he didn’t stop staring at you. Instead, he put his tendrils to work on unclothing his upper half, which was kinda difficult considering that you were sitting on him. Nevertheless, he worked his clothing out from underneath you and managed to slip out of his suit and shirt.
  “No… Besides, you’re to beautiful to look away from… Raise off of me a bit…” Slenderman said calmly, before pulling your arms up so that you would stand partway off of him. Then, to your surprise, he worked his tendrils into your pants and underwear- within moments, you were sitting on his bare chest completely naked. As if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, to prevent you from trying to cover yourself, he used his tendrils to hold your legs open so that he could have a clear view of your privates. To your dismay, he locked his non-existent eyes on your crotch and licked his lips hungrily.
  “Lovely…” He cooed, before moving both hands to your private area to touch your most sensitive parts. At the same time, he moved a few of his tendrils to play with your breasts- one of them even went to your mouth to spend some time with your tongue. What actually caught you off guard though, was that it was the same tendril that you had bitten earlier- you could taste the scab that had developed where your teeth had broke the skin. You sucked gently on the wound at first, only to moan loudly when Slenderman began to massage your clitoris with his thumb. He used the fingers on his other hand to touch your insides- he teased your innermost parts with his fingertips while he slowly drove you mad with his thumb. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as the remnants of your PTSD tried to drive you into a corner, but all it seemed to do was increase your sensitivity to the tendrils toying with your body. They massaged your breasts tenderly, and flicked your nipples every now and again to provoke a gasp from you. One of them moved to your backside to rub between your ass cheeks- it eventually slipped inside your hole and snaked inside you. You moaned loudly against the tendril that was in your mouth, and Slender picked up the speed of every appendage he had working on your body. The tendrils teasing your breasts rubbed them faster. The fingers at your womanhood slipped in and out easily, brushing against sensitive spots every time they moved.
  The thumb on your clitoris drove you made, and without meaning to you were shaking your hips to press closer to Slenderman’s hand. You could feel the tendril in your ass moving, and the sensation made you tense your abdominal muscles to squeeze it. A strange pressure built inside of you, you threw your head back and moaned senselessly in response to the near unbearable pleasure that all the contact was giving you. Being touched everywhere at once made it impossible for you to think clearly, if you could even think at all. Slenderman withdrew his tendril from your mouth so that he could hear your moans clearly, and he licked his lips hungrily as he examined your needy expression. The blush on your face, your watering eyes. Your body squirming on top of him as he teased you mercilessly. You were close and he knew it. He sat up abruptly and locked his lips with yours, and you moaned loudly as the pressure in your body suddenly erupted from between your legs. At that very moment, a sudden burst of pain hit you, and tears began to stream down your face in response to it. You couldn’t tell what hurt and what didn’t, but when Slender finally pulled his mouth off of yours he peered down between your legs as if to examine your private. Your did likewise, because you were concerned- there was a dull pain coming from inside of you. When you looked down, you gasped abruptly and fright to fought back more tears.
  Three of Slenderman’s fingers were all the way inside of you, and there was blood pooling in the palm of his hand. You clenched your eyes shut and let out a quiet whimper as you tried to keep yourself from screaming. What had he done to you? You weren’t supposed to bleed just from his fingers! In response, Slender wrapped his unbloodied hand around you to pull you closer to him, and he shushed you gently.
  “Its alright (Y/N), your alright… Listen, you have nothing to worry about… I wanted to get you past the painful part beforehand, so that you wouldn’t have to suffer later… (Y/N), look at me…” Slenderman said, before slowly pulling you back and moving his hand to your cheek so that he could coax you into opening your eyes. When you did, he slowly forced you to tilt your head downwards so that you were looking at your bleeding privates. Then, he slipped his fingers out of you.
  “My fingers, are much longer than yours. I used them to break your hymen, and I have done nothing more to wound you. Look, the bleeding has stopped. You are not hurt (Y/N). You are not hurt.” He said calmly, before releasing his hold on your head so that you could look him in the face. You held his gaze and watched as he brought his bloodstained hand up to his mouth. You stared at him as his tongue darted out to lap your blood off of his hand, and you couldn’t repress the slight shudder that left you when he moaned at the taste of your blood. Then, you felt his tendril slip out of your backside, and he lifted you off of him to lie you down on the bed. He climbed over top of you and lent down to pull you into a short, but heated, kiss. He wrapped his tongue around yours and sucked on it gently, then he pulled back and trailed his rough tongue down your throat. He paused a moment to nip at your skin and leave another mark, and after he lapped up the blood that leaked out of the small wound he trailed lower. He withdrew his tendrils from your breasts to cup them with his hands, and he squeezed them gently to feel how soft they were. Then, he let his forked tongue dart out again, and he licked your nipple suggestively. You stifled a moan when he wrapped his lips around your nipple and gave it a strong suck. Had your arms not been restrained by his tendrils, you would have wrapped your arms around him. He pulled his mouth back, and released your breast with a quiet “Pop”, before he dipped back in to capture your other teat.
  A loud gasp escaped you when his teeth came into contact with your nipple, and you realized that he was nibbling on your breast. You didn’t know whether or not you wanted his teeth to sink in, but you knew that you loved the feel of him biting you. When he finished with your other breast, he pulled back to release it with another quiet “Pop”, then he dragged his tongue further down your body. He paused a moment to lick a small scar located above your navel, and he kissed the mark affectionately.
  “This mark… Its from when he stabbed you, correct?” Slenderman asked gently, before he latched his mouth onto the tender skin of your abdomen so that he could suck on your scar. You moaned softly and wiggled a little underneath him- that was a fragile spot.
  “Yeah… He did it… The first time I fought back…” You gasped between your moans. His teeth scraped gently against the skin surrounding the scar, and his tongue teased the mark directly without mercy. For a moment you believed that he was trying to reopen the long healed wound, and when you peered down at him you weren’t surprised to find blood leaking from between his mouth and your skin. Honestly, you were surprised that he was able to do something like that without triggering pain- for some reason, you really enjoyed the somewhat aggressive contact. Suddenly, he pulled his mouth away.
  “You mean the only time you fought back… I was always there (Y/N), watching the way he treated you… You resisted the first time he advanced on you, and he stabbed you with a steak knife…” Slenderman said calmly as he continued to lick the bleeding wound he had inflicted on your stomach. Suddenly, he brought a hand up to your abdomen and began to claw at it with one of his fingers.
  “I remember… That night, you stumbled out of your home clutching your wound… You were bleeding everywhere… Somehow, you made your way into the woods… You lied down in a patch of flowers, and pressed flower petals into your wound… I never understood, why you did that… Was there a reason?” He asked slowly as he dug his nail into your skin, and he moved his finger around to etch something into your flesh. He repeated the action a number of times, and paused every once in a while to lean down and lick the blood away so that he could see what he was doing. You shrugged a little.
  “I don’t think I had a reason… I just, liked the flowers I guess… They felt nice, so I thought they might make me feel better…” You said calmly, though the expression on your face was probably more erotic that you might have expected. You watched intently as he continued to carve your skin with his nail, and you noticed that he scratched the scar on your abdomen every chance he got. He muttered something under his breath then dipped his head to lick your wound again, then he pulled back and used the tendrils holding your body to force you to look down as his work. You immediately recognized the new mark as his trademark symbol- a circle with an X through it. He’d used the scar on your abdomen to decide how to draw the X in. You tilted your head to look up at him curiously.
  “With this, I mark you as mine…” Slenderman said calmly as he tapped the mark he’d put on your stomach, and you couldn’t help but blush at his words. He was being so possessive. Then, he took your face in his hands and pulled you into a short kiss- or rather, to give you a taste of your own blood.
  “Now, lie back and let me claim you…” He said seductively, before gently moving you onto your back so that he could return his face to your stomach. He gave the mark he’d put on you a few suggestive licks before deciding that he’d given it enough attention, then he trailed kisses down the rest of your torso until his face was hovering between your legs. His tongue darted out again to circle your clitoris, and you gasped. The rough texture of his tongue had an amazing effect on your sensitive area- if he kept that up, then odds were you’d never want to leave his bed.
  “Hmm… There’s still some blood down here… Let me clean it up~” He cooed, before abruptly shoving his tongue into your unsuspecting body- you threw your head back and called out loudly in bliss.
  “Oh god~!” You moaned loudly, and for the first time since you’d been bound you began to struggle in the slender being’s grasp. You wanted to touch him. You wanted to cling to him- to feel him with your hands. However, instead of letting you go, Slenderman decided to bind your arms above your head and spread your legs further so that he could have better access to your nether regions. You moaned loudly in frustration as his tongue lapped at your innermost parts, only to put your own tongue to work when he shoved one of his tendrils into your mouth- your fault for having it open like that. The pressure you’d felt earlier had returned, and your struggles increased as you tried desperately to touch Slenderman. Before you had the chance to do so much as free one of your arms, the pressure in your abdomen burst from between your legs. You cried out in ecstasy and threw your head back as your vision went white, and when you managed to regain your sight you lifted your head to peer down at Slender. Your blush darkened further when you saw his face. There was something dripping off of his chin, and he was licking that same substance off of his lips happily. He pulled his tendril out of your mouth.
  “Well…” Slenderman chuckled playfully, before he brought a hand up to his face to wipe his chin with the palm of his hand- then he licked his hand. You couldn’t repress the excited groan that escaped you when you saw that.
  “Here I thought I’d known everything about you, but I certainly didn’t see that coming… Seems you’ve been holding out on me (Y/N)…” He said seductively, before freeing you from your restraints- as in, before he removed his tendrils from your limbs. However, you remained in place, and in the end you just watched as he unbuckled his belt. You watched as he removed the leather object, then slipped down his pants and boxers- he let out a sigh of relief once his, well, you couldn’t say little friend. He chuckled upon noticing that you were eying his erection intently.
  “Like what you see~?” He teased, before using his tendrils to wrap your legs around his waist so that he could grind your privates together. You gasped loudly, and tried to pull away from him out of instinct, but he wrapped his arms around you and pressed your chest snugly against his.
  “Don’t be shy now, its a tad late for that~” He cooed as he continued to rub your privates together, and suddenly you felt the tip of his erect member slip inside you.
  “Wait!” You gasped abruptly, and Slenderman immediately stilled against you.
  “What is it (Y/N)? Are you afraid?” Slenderman asked gently, and he brought a hand up to run his fingers through your hair. You flinched a little at the contact and wrapped your arms around his back to press your face against his neck.
  “I… Yes…” You said weakly, and you felt him trail his hand down the back of your neck to rub your back gently. Then, you heard him sigh.
  “Do not be afraid (Y/N), it will not hurt I promise…” Slenderman said gently, before he wrapped a number of his tendrils around your back to hold you in place so that he could rest his elbows on the mattress. He shifted his legs a bit to get more comfortable, and he accidentally pushed further inside of you- both of you gasped at the sudden surge of pleasure that shot through your bodies.
  “B-but!… Theres no way that it’ll fit!…” You gasped in embarrassment, and not a moment later you heard him laugh happily. Well, if you were embarrassed earlier, then you didn’t want to know what the word for this new emotion was- all you knew was that your cheeks were burning.
  “(Y/N), how silly of you~ Of course it will fit! Just hold still for a moment, and I’ll show you-” Slenderman said playfully before abruptly jerking his hips forward. In a flash, he was buried all the way inside of you- for him to get any deeper, he’d have to cut off your legs, because your bodies couldn’t possibly get any closer to each other. You gasped loudly at the sudden onslaught of pleasure.
  “Just how easy I can slip inside~” He moaned upon feeling your heat engulf him, and since he didn’t have to worry about you being in any pain, he didn’t fall still. Instead, he began thrusting into you quickly- but he made sure not to be too rough right away. Key phrase being right away. The moment he felt your legs tighten around his waist- when you moaned his name into his neck in a way that sent jolts of excitement up his spine- he stopped showing mercy. As soon as his name left your panting lips that first time, his hips shot forwards at an inhuman speed and he pounded into you so hard you were surprised your eyes didn’t pop out of your skull. Hell, you were surprised he didn’t shatter your pelvis and spine every time he brought his hips against yours. You clawed at his back desperately and cried out his name repeatedly as he thrust into your body without restraint. Hot. The friction your bodies made. The pressure that crept inside your body with renewed vigor. The sounds of his body slipping in and out of yours- the wet, slick sound of you sucking him inside. The sound of his skin smacking painfully into yours- the slight twinge of pain that came with every slap of his thighs against your rear. Everything was making you hot- so hot that your breath was coming out in puffs of white. The two of you had actually created enough heat to make steam rise off of your bodies. Enough heat to make the air you breathed visible upon expulsion.
  At some point, for a reason you weren’t able to mentally comprehend, he slipped one of his tendrils inside your arse to work it in and out of you in time with his thrusts. You had no idea why he did it, all you knew was that it was driving you to an ecstasy so intense that it brought you to tears. When the tendril slipped inside your rear, the pressure it created inside of you became to much to bare. With a sudden shout, the pressure burst from between your legs and you felt something hot and wet spill all over your thighs. Your vision went white and you were unable to properly regain your sight, because your orgasm refused to end. Slenderman continued to pound into your body without mercy even as you came, and it seemed that your orgasm wouldn’t end until he slowed or stopped his movements. And from the feel of the way he was riding you, you doubted that your prolonged orgasm was going to end any time soon. So, it is needless to say that you eventually burst into tears from the endless assaults of pleasure wracking your body, because after a while it became unbearable. You couldn’t tell if you were in pain or if you were trapped in bliss- all you knew was that you wanted it to stop. Desperate for rest you unwrapped your arms from Slender’s back, and to your surprise your upper body fell against the bed. You stared up at him through half lidded, teary eyes as he peered down at you. He was grunting loudly, and you swore that he had a pained expression on his face despite him not having one. Both of you were desperate for the ecstasy to end, but it couldn’t, not until Slenderman had had his sweet release.
  “S-Slender-mahhh—n!…” You gasped senselessly as you reached your hands out shakily to grasp his arms, and you felt pressure returning to your insides with an intent to kill. This time, the pressure was agony- you felt as if your insides were being torn apart. Considering how hard he was driving into you, you actually wouldn’t be surprised if that was actually the case. You tightened your hold on his arms, your claws unintentionally retracting to sink into his skin, and you pressed the back of your head into the mattress as your back suddenly arched.
  “I love you!” You screamed before you even realized the words were on your lips, and in a flash Slenderman’s body smashed into yours one last time before he suddenly went rigid. The agonizing pressure that had plagued you erupted from between your legs just as you felt something hot seeping into your body. You felt something leaking out of you as both your bodies fell still, save for the rapid heaves of your chests as you took air in by the gallon. You gasped so hard that the air stung your lungs painfully whenever you took a breath. Your mouth went dry and your throat got sticky- but still, you continued to suck in air until you were finally able to breathe normally again. Well, semi-normally. You still panted, but you’d calmed down enough to breathe through your nose rather than a gaping mouth. As soon as you hit that point, Slenderman slipped out of you slowly, provoking a pained gasp. No doubt about it, he’d been to rough. Somehow you managed to life your head to peer down your body, and you easily saw blood smeared all over his thighs and, well, his friend. Alright, that settled it- no sex for a long time. Slender seemed to notice where you were looking, and his gaze settled in the same area, then he abruptly sat up to examine your lower half.
  “Oh my…” Slenderman said nervously, before moving one of his hands to gently brush the skin on your thigh with his thumb. You snapped your head backwards and quietly called out in pain- oh god, what had he done to you.
  “Sorry (Y/N), I went a little overboard with you… Wait here, I’ll go and get you some pain killer…” He said before he abruptly moved off of the bed. He quickly pulled on his pants and boxers, then he made his way towards the door and opened it quietly before disappearing. Then, things were quiet for a while, before you heard the sounds of someone yelling down the hall. Scratch that, you heard the sound of about four different voices- and only one of them actually belonged to Slenderman. Your eyes widened and you immediately got to work on trying to cover your exposed body with one of the blankets, but you couldn’t even move. Whenever you tried, pain coursed through your body and you had to snap your eyes shut to bite back a scream. Man, Slender really laid into you- and whats worse, he wasn’t actually trying to hurt you! Alright, rule number one- never have sex with Slenderman if he’s angry, because you do not want to find out what will happen. Rule number two- he’s never being on top again! Rule three- rule two wont stand a chance, get a gag so no one else will hear your screams. Had you been able to move you would have jumped when the door abruptly slammed open, and to your dismay four people came rushing into the room. First came Splendorman, then Slenderman, and last in came Masky and Hoodie.
  “Oh my goodness!” Splendorman shouted as soon as he reached you, and to your dismay his hands immediately went for your sore legs. You were unable to bite back a scream when he spread your legs to look at you, and Splendor gasped as he abruptly pulled his hands away. Then he snapped his head around to glare at Slenderman, who for the first time since you’d met him, seemed nervous.
  “How could you?!” He screamed at his younger brother, before throwing a tendril at Slender to snatch something out of his hands. You quickly recognized the item as a tube of pain killer. From there, things got very awkward for you. Masky and Hoodie climbed on top of the bed and sat next to you, and they watched as Splendorman applied the pain killer to every spot on your body that bore a mark. Your neck, your breasts, abdomen, your thighs. He even applied the cream to your, erm, interior soreness. Long story short with that explanation, now two slender-brothers knew what your insides felt like. When that was finally done you watched as Splendor turned and proceeded to lecture the living daylights out of his little brother- but you didn’t actually get to hear the conversation. Why? Because Masky and Hoodie decided to cover your ears- and to make matters worse they talked to each-other knowing that you couldn’t hear anything. As if things weren’t awkward enough, the proxies kissed in front of you. Hoodie pulled up his and Masky’s masks, and they locked lips for a full minute as if you weren’t even there. Well, now you understood why they fought so well alongside one another- you just wished you’d figured that out by another means. Then they suddenly pulled their hands off of your ears and they were dragged out of the room by a very unhappy Splendorman. Honestly, until that point you never believed that the happy-go-lucky being was capable of rage. Well, he’d proved you wrong, good for him.
  The next thing you knew, Slenderman was climbing into bed and pulling you on top of him. He laid you down on top of his chest, and he put his hand to the back of your head to press your face into the crook of his neck. Then, he pulled the covers over both of you and sighed tiredly.
  “I’m, er, sorry about that…” Slenderman said nervously as he wrapped his arms around your back- and you couldn’t help but giggle. Awe, now he was the one being shy- and you damn well intended on taking advantage of that!
  “About what? Fucking me so hard I won’t be walking for a week? Letting Splendorman apply pain killer to my private parts? Letting Masky and Hoodie see me naked, and letting them watch Splendor put his hand somewhere it didn’t belong?” You said in a mocking tone, and you felt Slender tense underneath you. He coughed awkwardly for a moment or two to try and compose himself.
  “For everything you just said- and for everything I’ll be doing to you tomorrow morning.” Slenderman said quietly, causing you to tense up. As if you hadn’t caught the last few words he said.
  “What do you mean, by everything you’ll be doing to me tomorrow?…” You asked hesitantly, and you heard him chuckle lightly.
  “Well, I’d suggest that you get comfortable, because you won’t be leaving this room until I’ve finished courting you~” Slenderman said playfully, before you felt something brush against your backside. Your eyes must of grown to the size of saucers, but you were to surprised to speak.
  “Probably should have warned you about this earlier, but my kind have a grueling courtship process. Males hold their mates captive for the first three months and have their way with them daily. So, by the time you leave this room-” He said as he slipped a tendril inside your feminine area to demonstrate what he was implying. You moaned quietly and started panting- what he did, it hurt, but there was also pleasure.
  “I’ll know every nook and cranny of your body, and neither of us will have to worry about you being sore after sex, because you’ll have gotten used to how rough sex with me is~” With that, your life as Slenderman’s lover began.
“The courtship process was grueling indeed- but you enjoyed every moment of it~”
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