deesparrow · 2 months
Hey, hello, is anybody still there?
Can't blame you if not, this wasn't a very popular blog to begin with and it hasn't been active in quite some time.
Just wanted to let you know, those of you who are still here, that I'll be cleaning it out soon to make room for a kind of reboot to the concept.
See, when I started I didn't want my sides to be too much like the original thing so I wouldn't be copying sanders sides so much as I'd be inspired by it.
As a result, I ended up going ultra specific with defining my sides characters to the point where I had an over abundance of characters, many of which were redundant and unnecessary.
This would also have been the point where I'd have one of the characters interrupt me to be offended by that comment, but I'm also rethinking that format while I'm doing this reboot thing.
I'll know what I want to do with the blog once I get the aspects of my personality in order.
Anyway, that's all for now, thanks for reading!
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deesparrow · 6 years
Meet the players, again!
Logic - Sage, she/he:
thrived on the praise we got in elementary for being so smart but feels like a useless idiot nowadays.
still gets me out of a lot of messes and is very important.
has become a bit jaded but can get excited if you spark her curiosity.
Currently the one pushing me to get off my ass and be productive and helpful and advance my goals, because my creativity is too busy dreaming about where we wanna be rather than actually doing something about it.
We're botn really hoping I'll get a callback from at least one of the auditions I did so he can get back to his old self, back when I had a clear goal in mind and a job to do.
Morality - Seph, any pronouns:
Peace and love and live and let live.
Wants me to always think the best of myself and others, no matter how unrealistic.
Is the part of me that is a pacifict and drove me to take that two year course in peaceful conflict resolution as a neutral third party called bridging.
Is also the reason I'm so easily disappointed by life but means well.
Rage - Satan, any pronouns:
war and hate is everywhere and there's no fixing it so we might as well become as bitchy as all these other assholes.
Shelly is also every grudge I ever held onto and even though I've moved on I can't exactly just forget it.
is my anger issues and general lack of emotional regulation, is arguably the other parts of my autism and maybe also adhd, the uglier parts as it were.
Makes be skeptical and sarcastic and bitter about the world and everyone in it, even when it creates less than ideal situations, but is trying to protect me in their own way.
Anxiety - Sunday, they/them:
every worst case scenario, legitimate concern, irrational fear, unnecessary phobia, and disproportionate panicked reaction.
the problem with them is that they are not one type of fear, they are all of my fears of all kinds, shapes, and sizes, and they have a really hard time reacting properly to each kind of fear.
it's really hard to categories your fears when you're too busy freaking out about them.
luckily, the rest of the sides have slowly begun to accept them as part of the group and are helping them do just that so they can do their job better.
Idolatry - Cecily, she/they:
is all my fandoms and special interests, but also what I call my inner fangirl.
she is all of my excitement and love and passion.
as such she is also horny on main 24/7 but we love her just the way she is.
especially Sabrina, even if she can't keep up at times.
They're also my autism to an extent, or at least the part of it that will never let me be normal about the shit I like. It took way too long for me to get diagnosed so we're both pretty bitter about that.
Creativity - Sabrina, she/her:
she is all aspects of my creativity but also some aspects of my ADHD, and she won't let me catch a break.
a human bouncy ball who won't let me stay still and focused at once, I gotta choose one over the other for a certain amount of time.
she likes it when she and Sage can peacefully collaborate because Sage has some great ideas for certain words and dialogues. She's really helpful when it comes to story structure and just the logistics of writing.
Sabrina is quite fanciful because she finds reality has disapointed her far too many times, so she'd rather I lock myself in a room away from the world, just reading and writing fanfics and watchingy favorite shows, and maybe occasionally going outside to eat.
she has a lot of support on that idea, unfortunately.
Tendency - Symphony, he/him:
A fun collection of my intrusive thoughts, suicidal ideation, and random bad habits like nail biting and wall paint chipping.
On their own, none of these things would be their own side, but overtime they pile up and come together to form a pattern that becomes a problem for me.
And a problem needs to be addressed, and because I've established this format to address myself then hey! Why not use it?
Well, that's all for now, will keep updating soon!
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deesparrow · 6 years
wow your sides are really cool, but Prospero can FIGHT ME! ~Dee
Dramatis Personae
As presented by Kat! (Mostly because it’s like midnight and no one else really wants to do anything at this hour. Patrick says it’s ungodly. I say time is a social construct.)
More info will be updated as some choose to reveal more about themselves!
• Morality. Also known as Al. Sweater enthusiast, tea lover, obsessed with Weird Al Yankovic (since he’s his “name sake”). Holosexual. Proud dad of Elmo, a chicken plushie. Hates pickles (don’t judge). Tends to be overly naive at times. Overly hyperactive, except at night. That’s when he has his lunch break.
• Creativity. Also known as Kat, as in Katherine. Also known as Wicked Witch to certain sides. Very absent minded and excitable (according to Patrick), witch by profession, bunny breeder and enthusiast. (And I love murder but we don’t talk about it.) Could easily be mistaken for a Winnie Sanderson cosplayer. I love everything I can twist into a world or character! (Examples may include, but are not limited to, tarot cards, zodiac signs, Jungian archetypes…). Chews way too much gum. And I’m admittedly overly hyperactive at night…
• Logic. Name yet unknown. Overly defensive and self-conscious, has a strange love for numbers that carries to all aspects of life, loves remembering the most random facts at the least appropriate times. Watches way too much Vi Hart and vsauce videos for his own good. Prefers Freud over Jung.
• Curiosity. Not to be confused with Logic. Also known as Marie (as in Marie Curie (Marie’s commentary: PUNS ARE FUN NOW LET ME DRINK MY FANTA)). Would describe herself as a “Futaba Sakura” type, though would quickly correct it to “Futaba Ishiiki”. The driving force behind all the weird facts that Logic knows and loves bringing up. Would never be found without her headphones and a can of Fanta. Prefers Jung over Freud.
• Anxiety. Also known as Paranoia. Also known as Patrick. The most dominant side, unfortunately to all parties (and also to himself, according to him). Loves tea (Pat: peppermint), overly dramatic classical music (Kat commenting: though he would settle for heavy rock or metal), baking (because why not turn everything stressful if given enough reason), the theorists channels (game/film theory/gtlive), and Alice Fearn’s voice. Would probably marry Alice Fearn if given the opportunity, really. Also fluent in French and Romanian. For the record, Kylo can barely speak either.
And Dark Sides:
• Obsession. Also known as Prospero. Also known as Pro-Pro. You can say he’s a dark side, or that he’s an extension of Patrick, and both are correct. He’s the main reason Kylo barely leaves his room and cries something like three times on average every day. You’d much better not knowing why or how that makes sense. But it does.
• Jealousy/Envy. Also known as Jay. They’re very much like Harvey Dent and we can’t really control that, so much that we just can’t differentiate between the two. Again, a constant figure in Kylo’s life that makes him cry quite a bit every day. Love the color green and want to dye Kylo’s hair purple and gray again. Not out of jealousy/envy, just because it was really cool for the three months when it was like that (and when the purple fades he can say his hair is a Slytherin too).
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deesparrow · 6 years
then you’ll be glad to know they now have a sideblog! @deesparrow
So the last time i tried to write this post
Everything got deleted. You know,the same thibg that usually happens when theres something really important to me that i wanna post. FUN! Which is why this time im just gonna post this picture of some of my sides,drawn beautifuly by the wonderful,talented, @pixiezoro ,and not say a single thing about the sides themselves. If anyone is interested later i’ll make a post for each side. For now all you gotta know is that they are called:
The Sparrow Sides
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deesparrow · 6 years
hey everypersons!
asks and submissions are now open!!!
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deesparrow · 6 years
So the last time i tried to write this post
Everything got deleted. You know,the same thibg that usually happens when theres something really important to me that i wanna post. FUN! Which is why this time im just gonna post this picture of some of my sides,drawn beautifuly by the wonderful,talented, @pixiezoro ,and not say a single thing about the sides themselves. If anyone is interested later i’ll make a post for each side. For now all you gotta know is that they are called:
The Sparrow Sides
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