Open Starter
Nine sits on one of the rails in the promenade. He likes the view from here, though he has only his contact lenses to thank for its clarity.
He sips at an odd, pureed fruit concoction he obtained at the replimat, rather unimaginatively dubbed a “smoothie.” He perceived it differently than others did, perhaps–not tasting the fruit strongly, but rather enjoying the pulpiness and the coolness of the thick drink.
He was waiting on someone to show, someone to attend festivities downstairs with. There was a celebration at the temple today that spilled out into the lower levels of the promenade and all sorts of people streamed out of the woodwork to put things out for sale; spices, trinkets, flowers, various types of street food from a walk of alpha quadrant cultures. The enticing smell of deep-fried q'lava fritters hit his nose from one of his Vorta companions whiling away at a fryer below. There were performers working their craft for the enjoyment of the crowds and all sorts of colorful cultural dress that made the sea of activity beneath his feet feel like a reeling whirlwind.
Exhilarating, perhaps…but there was an edge of chaos there that he didn’t know if he could handle. With Rotan'talag training this morning, he felt a sense of trepidation of stepping foot in that wild mayhem alone. The last thing he wanted was to make a spectacle of himself.
He sucks on the straw of his drink and quietly watches.
Bajoran celebrations were a fairly common spectacle on the station, Yelgrun had heard of many being held in the time since he’d first arrived here. After the war ended, they only grew in terms of attendance. Yelgrun never really attended, though, often preferring the solitude of his quarters and his little recreation of his former village.
This time was different. Ever since the Dominion refugees had come to the station, the defect found himself coming out of his shell more and more. He had the company of fellow Vorta to look forward to, some he recognized as the ‘original’ Vorta of their destroyed homeworld, and some that had been created after the fact. The most familiar face was, of course, Weyoun.
He’d been overjoyed to have a Weyoun in his life again. The only Vorta on the station that had actually been from his village, though he did not remember. That was fine, Yelgrun was happy enough to share his company. Today was no different, as he calmly waded through the crowd to make his way to the upper railings of the promenade.
It was odd to see Weyoun without his Jem’Hadar companion at his side, but Yelgrun didn’t mind. It was rare he was able to have this kind of time with the younger Vorta. He approached slowly, before he knelt down beside Weyoun, offering a smile.
“Enjoying the bird’s eye view of things, little wallflower?”
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plant personality !
tagged by: @handydandyobrien
tagging: whoever wants to!
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You’re quiet, sometimes shy, with a tendency to be reserved. You have a humble, kind nature and often find yourself taking care of others. You can be known to hold things in, and you don’t always speak up for yourself. This tendency to hold things in can lead to disturbances.
Deeply concerned about others and the world around you, you have a developed sense of what’s right and just. You’re a bit of an idealist and strive to see your vision of perfection realized in the world. On occasion you get out of balance, and you may feel a deep sense of unease and be prone to worry—especially at night, tossing and turning over all that is wrong or that needs fixing.
Unflappable. You are cool in the crisis, calm in the storm, collected amongst the chaos. You’re a breath of fresh air, a waft of inspiration to the down-and-out, a refreshing, inspiring, uplifting person to be around. Of course, even a cool cucumber like yourself can run into trouble. You may try to take on too much, which can leave you feeling weighed down and not quite yourself.
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Keevan is such a soft boy.... with looks that could kill.
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“Of course our children would be special. They are… nothing short of a miracle to even exist. The first of their kind…” Weyoun smiled softly, then pondered… “Do you think the Vorta telekinetic ability may have enhanced the empathetic Auroran abilities? Caused it to emerge earlier?”
“Maybe! When do Vorta telekinetic abilities usually surface?” Zap frowned. “Or…Well…I don’t suppose you’d know…That may be a question for their grandfather…”
“Indeed...” Weyoun nodded and nuzzled Zap. “Yelgrun would know more about this that I would... Even though he and Shimara never had one of their own, they knew my parents, and the other Vorta in the village who had children..”
Weyoun smiles as he adds some scraps of fabric to the nest, from one of his little collections. How did he get these fabrics? From pilfering Garak's scrap pile a while ago. He's also torn up his old Dominion clothes to add as well. "I hope this is good..."
“These are perfect! Oh, they smell like you!” Zap holds the scraps up and takes a deep breath through his nose. “Our babies will be very comfy with this! Thank you!”
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I am so sorry for the lack of activity on this blog! My Vorta muses kinda escaped me for a while, but I think Weyoun may be coming back! <3 Hopefully I can get to some replies soon!
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Sorry I haven’t done replies lately, just haven’t had much muse for these guys! My Weyoun muse is semi-active, but good luck getting the others to do anything--
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Weyoun smiled so softly, so kindly, and reached out, caressing Herbert’s cheek. He had missed him so dearly, that seeing him again, alive and well, had filled him with such happiness. He leaned in closer and gently nuzzled his human counterpart, sighing contently as he felt Herbert’s intentions. “I missed you, Herbert. I’m so... so happy to see you again.”
❝ sweetheart, come here. it’s been far too long without seeing your face. ❞ [Weyoun to immortal!Herbert]
Herbert came close with a soft smile. He missed his kind doppelganger and with the years he had waited just to see him again, it was a relief that Weyoun even wanted anything to do with him. It was so nice to see him and to see him well.
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The baby changeling emulates Dad!Odo
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“What are you doing?”
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There was a moment of initial panic, where Weyoun 6 was not only startled but frightened by the Borg’s sudden appearance. He fumbled and dropped the spanner he was using, and quickly picked it back up. “Ah-- I... I am... performing a basic repair.”
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my question is how do tribbles stick to the walls? do they secretly have little sticky caterpillar feets under the fur??
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this is a super brand new and totally not impulse driven rp blog. could you reblog this post if you’d be interested writing with a hugh (third of five) muse from star trek: TNG?? i’ll check out your blog.
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me: i have quite a few drafts, maybe i should actually reply to my threads today
also me:
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Loki didn’t understand how the news of his condition could make Gelnon cry so many tears. His master didn’t love him, would never love him, so why did he cry? He stared at Loki with an almost blank expression even as more tears fell. Gelnon was distressed somehow, and had the situation been different he’d think that was because Loki might not have the proper time to find a decent replacement, but it wasn’t. Gelnon held his hands tighter and shook his head before he spoke. Loki.. was wanted. Gelnon wanted him to stay, to spend what time he had left with him, as if Loki mattered at all, and he ordered it. Loki could not refuse that, not a direct order. “I cannot deny a direct order.” Was Loki’s only response.
Loki’s expression was dull, pained, and Loki’s eyes dropped away from Gelnon the moment the vorta mer them. There was shock in Loki’s expression that Gelnon would go to such a length to keep him here instead of letting him do his duty and find a replacement. Of course though Loki always wanted to hear that Gelnon wanted him. The Changeling daydreamed often of Gelnon wanting him and loving him the way that Loki wanted him and loved him, but that’s all they were. Daydreams. There was no way in reality that Gelnon could love him, now matter how it would actually kill him to know that. “Why do you even care? I am only a Changeling, and a defective one at that.” His love for Gelnon proved that much. A Changeling was a tool capable of loyalty but love was something they were never supposed to experience.
Gelnon’s hands were trembling even as they studied Loki’s shaking hands. “There is no point to me anymore. I do not deserve any rewards.. You’ve already done more for me then I’d ever imagine you’d do for such a worthless changeling.” The very fact that Gelnon allowed Loki to feel the warmth in his hands, that he had let Loki hold him tight and just feel him, had all been enough. Loki could die happy with what he’d already received. “Just having what you’ve allowed me to feel now makes me happy, it made it worth the agony.” Loki smiled genuinely despite the twisting burning roots moving in his body. Loki’s smile weakened when Gelnon bowed his head. The changeling’s hands moved, slowly, and gently cupping Gelnon’s face.
Loki savored the feeling of Gelnon’s cheeks before he raised his master’s head. “I deserve nothing more then what I have had. You’ve given my experience a purpose. You don’t need to worry, or feel guilty. I don’t even know why you do. There’s no benefit to trying to save me. You can’t love me, or I’d never be in this pain. Please don’t force yourself to try, I assure you Master I can find a suitable replacement.” That had to be it. Gelnon didn’t trust in Loki’s ability to find a replacement. Oh how that made the roots dig and twist harsher within him. They caused such a burning agony inside him and Loki couldn’t resist it forever. He was already so weak.
Loki was going to stay with him. Gelnon knew he couldn’t defy a direct order. He hated having to resort to that, but he was desperate. He wouldn’t have Loki straining himself for no reason in his final days. Gelnon trembled with emotion. It hurt, that Loki didn’t meet his eyes, that he continued to question why Gelnon even bothered. He took a shaky breath and shook his head, a weak laugh escaping him. “If you’re defective for contracting Hanahaki, then so am I. Why can’t you understand... I don’t want you to suffer like I did. I want... I want to save you. Please, let me save you.”
“You’re not worthless!” He cried out, distress filling him. He couldn’t understand why Loki didn’t realize this. “You’re my most loyal... You deserve all I can give you and more! Serving a Vorta like me so loyally. You’re not worthless... I’m the one who’s...” His breath hitched in his throat, as he choked back a sob. Tears fell down his cheeks despite his best efforts. Then he felt soft hands on his cheeks, lifting his head so he was looking at Loki again. Those hands felt so perfect, so comforting, he didn’t want them to pull away. He quickly set his own hands over them, trying to keep them in place.
He didn’t understand what Loki saw in him. He wasn’t attractive, not even the other Vorta wanted him. He was stubborn and selfish, oh, so selfish. He could be so cruel, and yet Loki loved him all the same. Gelnon couldn’t understand. He bit his lip and shook his head again, nuzzling against Loki’s hand. “I don’t want a replacement, Loki. I want you.” He murmured. “If it’s not you, I don’t want them. I would rather be a Vorta without a changeling, than ever consider replacing you. Please, Loki... let’s retreat to my quarters. You can rest there. I will stay with you, until you’re cured or until...” He didn’t want to say it. He couldn’t let it happen. He wouldn’t lose Loki.
✿ [Gelnon and Changeling!Loki]
Loki did his best to hide the disease. Nothing could be done for him, not really, so he did his best to hide it so Gelnon wouldn’t find out. He was dying but he still didn’t wish to inconvenience his solid master, especially not over something so slight as his death. Especially not when his death would be due to such a humiliating death. All because he was in love with a solid and one that would never want him in return. It made the roots tighten within him, drawing more of him within them, draining him away like water.
He couldn’t continue hiding it when he opened his mouth to answer an order, only for a flower to start pushing up through his throat into his mouth, making him choke on his words as he tried to push it down. His form temporarily becoming unstable as all the roots and flowers growing within pushed and then pulled at him. It hurt beyond any means of description and left him on his knees spamming slightly.
Nevertheless he forced a smile for his master. “I.. I’m afraid.. My worth has ran out.. Master..” Loki struggled to say as the roots burned him from within.
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Meg released a soft sound as his hands curled in her hair. It felt nice, not rough or too tight, just an obvious and lovely feeling of his hand in her hair before he released another sweet moan. Meg smiled softly as he kissed her and ever so gently caressed her side. He returned her love and she couldn’t help the love she felt in her heart for him. Her handsome Weyoun. Meg pushed herself up so she could move to straddle his hips. Meg smiled softly and her face held an expression of love and adoration as she looked down at him. Her hands cupped his ridges and gently began to rub little mindless patterns into them as she leaned down to give him little kisses. “You’re such a handsome man.” Meg cooed. “Your eyes are beautiful you know, and your hair is so fluffy.” Meg wanted to tell Weyoun how honest to god perfect and beautiful he was.
Weyoun blushed and looked up at her with faint surprise as she got on top of him. He hadn’t quite been expecting that, but he also had no objections. A soft, warm smile spread across his cheeks as he gazed up at her. The Vorta was completely lovestruck. That was before she’d even set her hands on his ears again, rubbing them in just the right way. His eyelashes fluttered and he let out soft noises as he began to relax. Whatever she was doing, it was filling him with such bliss that he didn’t want it to stop. She kisses him over and over, and it makes Weyoun’s heart flutter. Murmuring praises to him, words that meant everything to the sweet Vorta. He didn’t know how he would have been gauged in terms of aesthetic appeal, but hearing Meg speak so fondly of him, going so far as to all him handsome... That meant the world. “Oh, Meg... You’re far too kind to me. Too loving, too sweet... I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to be yours.”
"If it's too much, just tell me." (Meg to Weyoun cause she's thirsty for him and it's still sinday XD)
Weyoun looked at Meg with absolute trust in his eyes, and smiled. He gently brushed his fingers through her hair and kissed her, nodding. “I will… But I trust you. I trust you not to break my limits…” He smiled warmly, laying back on the bed with her. Weyoun had explained to his lovers that he was hypersensitive to touch, and that sexual contact can quickly become overwhelming if they go too quickly. Of course, he trusted them not to push him past those limits, and was willing to make love with them. Right now, Herbert and Dan were at work, leaving it with just Meg and Weyoun.
Not that Weyoun was complaining. He savored the chance to have individual time with his three lovers.
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I don’t usually make posts like this, but this is a good friend of mine/my family’s! I would really appreciate it if you could help, even a little bit. Viggo is a good doggo, I met him as a pupper and I’ve recently seen him at his current size and he’s a very sweet boy!
Please help my friend save him, he means a lot to her.
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Poll Time! New muse?
Which of the pistachio bois should I pick up? You decide! Poll closes tonight at midnight!
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Send me  “ ❥ “  for my muse’s reaction to yours gently stroking their hair.
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