defiant-wallflower · 4 months
I see shes making the rounds again almost a year later 😂 still my favorite tickle spot tbh
back tickles back tickles back tickles back tickles
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defiant-wallflower · 4 months
Rb if you want all the hcs people have about you in your inbox
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defiant-wallflower · 5 months
this is so me
lees that instinctively become verbally aggressive when teased and then get tickled as punishment for their bad words🫠🫠
like a ler will be all sweet like: “you’re so cute!” and a blushing flustered lee will just go: “shut up you stupid piece of shit!!!”
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defiant-wallflower · 5 months
*poorly written angst*
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defiant-wallflower · 5 months
Sneak Peak just in case I never actually finish this fic lol
You wouldn't look at him, you wouldn’t look at anything. Not directly, at least. Your eyes were flitting everywhere, but not focusing on a single thing in the wreckage that was the town you grew up in for those few short years. It wasn’t a wreckage when they took you. For some reason it never occurred to you that it soon thereafter would be. Or maybe you didn’t think you’d care, or maybe you knew you’d care too much and that’s why you never let yourself think about it. Yeah, it was that one. Avoidance, your comfort blanket. At least, it was, until Loki traipsed his way into your stupid life like he owned the damn thing.
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defiant-wallflower · 5 months
currently need some flower petals
will I do it? will I not? it's been over a year since I've written anything but I'm sick for the first time in ages and I just read a romance novel
(Part 2 is titled 'To Cure A Heartache btw)
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defiant-wallflower · 11 months
Hey y’all, I’m taking a break from tumblr. I know I’m not active post wise but I’m gonna be deleting the app for awhile. I’m kindof addicted and it’s just not good for my mental hahaha, love y’all to death🤍
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defiant-wallflower · 11 months
I hope this anon is having a good day
I cant stop thinking about us being nerdy and you tickling me half to death
me being nerdy is a bold assumption
…that has a lot of evidence to back it up
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defiant-wallflower · 11 months
Being a switch is so fun because someone can be teasing you to Oblivion right, and then out of fucking NOWHERE Ler mood just goes "Hello" and you manage the smoothest fucking response and now THEY'RE the ones blushing and it's just amazing
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defiant-wallflower · 11 months
I am so very normal about the idea of getting wrecked by 2 lers, I definitely don't have many many scenarios with this exact situation in my head at any given moment
you believe that right? that was convincing?
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defiant-wallflower · 11 months
Reblog this if you wanna be tickled until you see stars
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defiant-wallflower · 11 months
Anons are very fun :)
Reblog if you’re in the tickle community & want anons ⚡️
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defiant-wallflower · 11 months
WELCOME BACK!!!! We missed you!! I’m so glad you took the time and rest you needed :) I hope whatever happens you’re having fun and not burning yourself out 😂 whatever you set your mind to you’ll do amazing :))
making my return
hi friends! it's been a long time. i missed all of you so much! below the cut is my reasoning for returning to tumblr, but it's kinda long so
tldr; i'm coming back but focusing more on other tropes rather than just tickling. send me prompts if you'd like.
first, i'd like to say thank you all for the support you've given me during my break. I still get notifs every day saying people are liking and reblogging my fics. I even still gain followers which is insane to me. So, thank you so much for continuing to read my fics.
second, my break was well needed, and it gave me a lot of time to think about what I really want. I originally left because of school and stepping away from fanfiction because I wanted to focus on my original novel, but the truth is that I've barely written anything since I left. I have outlines and characters, but the writing of it all comes as a struggle and I think it stems back to me wanting to write what I know I'm good at. I miss writing fics and I want to get back into it while still trying to write a novel.
with that being said, I also want to phase out of writing strictly tickle fics and focus more on romance, angst, hurt/comfort, etc. That's not me saying I'll never write another tickle fic again. I actually have a great idea for one and may begin writing it soon. I just want to explore other tropes and relationships because the tickle trope is just keeping my ideas in one little box. I need to expand to become a better writer.
so, if you have any ideas for fics, send me a prompt and I'll see if I can put something together because I need to keep writing. if you read this far, thank you for sticking with me for this long. you have no idea how much it means.
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defiant-wallflower · 1 year
Gemini Sun, Rising, and Venus, Capricorn moon. that’s all I have memorized LOL
The Gemini is strong with this one
ok i want to see something. if you’re part of the tickle community reblog this with your zodiac sign
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defiant-wallflower · 1 year
super long t-word trope/prompt list~! >/////<
some of the following tropes/prompts are from other lists, such as these: x, x, x, x, x
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“how much does this tickle from 1 to 10?”
“wait! wait! i didn’t have enough time to prepare!”
“aww, you’re blushing!”
“that’s not fair! you’re cheating!”
“you asked for it…”
“are you…? oh my god. you are.”
“say it!”
“can you stop laughing? i’m trying to talk to you. how rude!”
“you have such a cute laugh!”
“you’re doing that on purpose!”
“…doing what on purpose?”
“come on, let me see that smile!”
“you’re usually so tough…”
“it’s too embarassing!”
“what did you just say to me?”
“i’m gonna get you!”
“i’m gonna count down from 10.”
“i’ll never talk to you ever again.”
“can you… do the thing?”
“i know other ways to make you talk…”
“your hands are freezing!”
“i thought that you said you weren’t ticklish.”
“it’s nothing! just… forget that that happened.”
“you’re being really bold for someone within tickling distance.”
“what’s so funny?”
“wow. you are super ticklish.”
“does this even count as tickling? i’m barely touching you.”
“someone told me your little secret…”
“it’s been forever since i’ve heard that laugh!”
“was that a snort?”
“what’s with the bad mood? i think that may need to be remedied…”
“i am not even touching you yet!”
“i’m not falling for that!”
“how did you know that?!”
“i didn’t tell you to stop…”
“i didn’t hear a ‘stop’…”
“shut up!”
“oh, you’re not ticklish? i remember differently…”
“come on, quit being stubborn and admit it!”
“i’m gonna tickle the sadness out of you!”
“if you laugh, you lose.”
“i didn’t know you snorted when you laughed!”
“…have i ever heard you laugh before?”
“you don’t seem like the ticklish type, is all.”
“this is all super new to me.”
“i think that i like this. can you do it some more?”
“can you show me how to do that?”
“be quiet! other people might be able to hear you, you know!”
“i have no weaknesses.”
“i’m not going to be taken down by something as childish as tickling.”
“not there!”
“you wouldn’t.”
“oh, i would.”
“whoa! i didn’t expect that much of a reaction.”
“this is gonna be fun.”
“hey! this is a serious matter!”
“this is amazing.”
“you’ll never live this down.”
“i’m gonna get you back!”
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defiant-wallflower · 1 year
You’re still in my life, even if you don’t think you are. You’re in every show you told me about. You’re in every book you love. You’re in every song you sang. I won’t pretend I don’t miss you. I see you in everything that we once shared.
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defiant-wallflower · 1 year
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