definetlynormal · 3 months
My koschei brain just SCREAMED that clearly her parents are the master and 13 🙃
the best thing about doctor who is you can just say Anything and its entirely plausible. the doctor is ruby's birth mother until further notice. just because.
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definetlynormal · 3 months
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definetlynormal · 5 months
☆ Deca Masterpost ☆
Its come to my attention that Deca doesnt have a solid list of appearances, and much less in chronological order. So I’ve created one myself to outline what stories each member is in, and to the best of my knowledge, what order they go in
There are bound to be inaccuracies or missed stories. If you notice anything, I’d love to know what i’ve missed so I can update this. I’m also interested in making a list of stories where a character is mentioned briefly, for those characters that dont have alot of info/stories.
Keep reading
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definetlynormal · 5 months
If Donna stayed the Doctor's companion Part 2:
12th Doctor: *trying his best act* Look, Donna, So I am with monks now, I don't care about the Earth or your people...
Donna: You know I can tell the type of breakfast you had today from looking into your eyes at this point , right?
Donna: So wrap your acting up, we have an afternoon tea arranged at Jupiter after we get this monks out of the Planet.
12th Doctor: Can't you just play along for once...
12th Doctor: I can't tell Donna that I am blind! She will fuss over me!
Nardole: You need to tell her! How can you hide it?
12th Doctor: Trust me, she will not notice one single thing.
Donna: *the second she walks into TARDIS* You are still blind, aren't you?
12th Doctor: Oh for Time's sake...
11th Doctor: So, River is Amy and Rory's daughter and she is also my wife as well... Does that mean Amy is my in law?!
Donna: She can berate you Like a child at any time. Living my dream for real
Donna: ...
12th Doctor: Not another word-
Donna: WORLD PRESIDENT LOL *bursts out laughing while pointing at him*
12th Doctor: Oh hell.. *puts his head on his hands*
War Doctor: We are surrounded by knights, we need to do something to escape!
11th Doctor: Oh there is no need to espace. Watch. Donna?
Knights: *run away in true terror*
10th Doctor: It's like we never left...
12th Doctor: *after turning up on the coffee shop Donna's relaxing* So, remember Davros?
Donna: ... Of course I do.
12th Doctor: *laughing nervously while thinking how he fucked up* So Guess what...
10th Doctor: *getting married to Queen Elizabeth*
Donna and 11th whispering aggressively behind* : - I cannot believe you did not mention you were married to QUEEN ELIZABETH! -.OBVIOUSLY i diDN'T KNOW!-
12th Doctor: So this is Gallifrey!
Donna: I thought it was Space Eden or something from the way you described it, this is just red sand. Like literal Azirona has more eccentric places than here.
12th Doctor: ...i sincerely want to believe I will be able to impress you one day because this is killing me.
Donna: So...
12th Doctor: ...
Donna: Why did you kidnap the president's wife?
12th Doctor: Oh, Heaven, you had a conversation with Missy, didn't you?
Donna: I literally have enough material in my hand to embarrase you for at least one regeneration, yeah.
Missy: She is my favorite.
13th Doctor: *steals Donna's coats every once in a while and does not give the clothes back*
Donna: *rants to her about that but secretly loves it*
12th Doctor: Clara, please be rational and give the TARDIS keys to me.
Donna: *whispers to Doctor* Not to interrupt an emotional moment but she does know you can just snap your fingers and get into TARDIS doesn't she?
12th Doctor: *shakes his head slightly*
Donna: Also that I have an extra key...
Donna: In fact I have a bowl of them because you like the noise the keys make when you drop it in there
Donna: But I guess this is what we are doing because you like to see people in angst. Okay.
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definetlynormal · 5 months
Theta: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?
Koschei: AS ENEMIES?!
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definetlynormal · 5 months
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did you know theta and koschei used to braid each other's hair??
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definetlynormal · 6 months
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Oh, is that who I am now? Well, it was never that far from the surface, mate.
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definetlynormal · 6 months
Shaun Temple is a fucking real one actually. You meet a woman who has allegedly just had a mental breakdown so severe she's lost a year of her memory. She's loud and brash and is NOT taking your name and you are like ohhh I can't not marry her. You two have a kid, the most amazing daughter in the world. Your wife has a hole in her heart aching for something that she can't identify and your daughter feels like she's from another planet and both of them have dreams they can't explain and you probably chalk that up to them being extraordinary but in an ordinary way where their hearts are too big and their minds are too brilliant to not carry some grief. And then it turns out that oh your wife has a best friend who's a ????? years old Alien that's the last of their species and also your daughter IS part alien bc technically your wife genetically is also part alien but also maybe not now? And then your wife is like. The happiest you've ever seen her and she fucks off for two days but and the world literally starts to end but she fixes it and she brings back her ???? years old alien best friend forever and is like WE'RE KEEPING HIM AND ALSO THIS WOMAN THAT I MET LIKE TEN HOURS AGO and now he's calling you his brother-in-law and is definitely co-parenting now you're like. Just cool with all of that. Not a single hint of jealousy or nothin. Honestly king shit.
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definetlynormal · 8 months
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Goodbye, Doctor.
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definetlynormal · 8 months
i love that the crew was like 'oh we TOTALLY RAGE' to archie and to prove that they held a floral themed, 1940s drag cabaret
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definetlynormal · 8 months
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Doctor Who | 2.02 - "Tooth and Claw"
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definetlynormal · 8 months
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definetlynormal · 8 months
wait but can we talk about how jarring it is to read official news releases ab this show after marinating for months in the good omens fandom on tumblr?? like, i'll read a piece from an actual news site that goes something like,,, "Good Omens explores the dynamic between two unlikely friends--one angelic, one demonic--as they navigate their lives on Earth in the aftermath of a failed attempt to enact Armageddon. Throughout the course of the second season's six-episode run, Crowley (as played by Dr. Who's David Tennant) and Aziraphale (played by the delightful Michael Sheen of Prodigal Son) must face down power-hungry demons, unexpected visitors, and new job prospects, all while playing matchmaker for a couple of shopkeepers in the area. In the wake of an overwhelmingly positive reception from fans, there's discussion of an upcoming season 3."
and it's like,,, I-- WHAT??? is this how non-brainrotted individuals approach the story? did we even watch the same show???
cause meanwhile, for the past three months, we've all collectively been like,,,
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we really truly are living in the eye of the hyperfixation hurricane, huh?
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definetlynormal · 8 months
The Good Omens fandom on tumblr is so special to me because one post will essentially be a poetic, philosophical analysis of a 5-second shot and the very next post would read as “do you think Aziraphale would say grace before giving Crowley head?”
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definetlynormal · 8 months
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Hello Tumblr! First post ever. I’m an illustrator living in the Chicago western suburbs who is currently suffering from a severe case of Good Omens obsession. So I’ll be sharing my artwork here!
“Not This Time”
Fanfic art of how I imagine the “second coming”!
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definetlynormal · 8 months
Mental health is bad again! I am faking happiness and it’s working too well! They all think I’m doing great!
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definetlynormal · 10 months
LMAO this having no notes is the exact same feeling
When you make a really funny joke in the group chat and keep checking every few minutes for a reaction, but all your friends are busy
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