deflvwered-a · 2 years
the time has come, this blog is now archived and exists over at @thvnkpink !!!
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
“I don’t think there’s any doubt about that”
“Well to tell you the truth, (name), that was the only reason I showed up in the first place”
“I always cry at weddings”
“I really loved the skillful way you beat the other girls to the bride’s bouqet”
“So please don’t tell me to can it”
“Dammit, (name)! I love you”
“Life’s pretty cheap to that type”
“Oh but then where did that motorcyclist come from?”
“Where will you go? We’re in the middle of nowhere“
“There’s no sense in both of us getting wet“
“You’re wet…“
“What kind of place is this?“
“You’ve arrived on a rather special night“
“You’re lucky, he’s lucky, I’m lucky, we’re all lucky!“
“The blackness would hit me and the void would be calling“
“(pronoun) had a pick-up truck and the devil’s eyes“
“Do any of you guys know how to madison?“
“I see you’ve met my faithful handyman“
“Don’t get strung out by the way I look“
“Come up to lab and see what’s on the slab“
“Oh slowly, slowly. It’s too nice a job to rush!“
“Such a perfect specimen of manhood“
“The Sword of Damocles is hanging over my head“
“It don’t seem the same since cosmic light came into my life and I thought I was divine“
“Don’t be upset. It was a mercy killing!“
“I’ve tasted blood and I want more“
“I made you and I can break you just as easily“
“From the day (pronouns) was born he was trouble“
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
“Blood is, of course, one of the greatest fashion statements“
“Real gods require blood”
“They made me a killer”
“Go on, bare your teeth at me. I’ll pull them out one by one”
“Choke them on the ashes of the dreams they burned”
“I’ve fallen in love with an angel and I’m a fucking demon“
“I’ll do this my way”
“You don’t deserve any of my sympathy”
“I think killing people should be legal cause it’s funny”
“Even if I can’t kiss you anymore, we can still fuck”
“My life is ruled by a vicious cycle of demonic possession and daddy issues“
“I am my mother’s child”
“Curiosity did not kill this cat”
“I know I’m not alone”
“If we go down then we go down together”
“It’s always time for horror!“
“This city is disgusting”
“( name ) will be held accountable for their fucking actions”
“Good people disobey bad laws”
“The ocean says you’re a nerd”
“I wish I was kissing you”
“Wars makes murderers of us all”
“It’s you, it’s always been you”
“My life will end and so will yours, so just kiss me anytime”
“I broke my rules for you”
“Cracks do not mean you are broken”
“Come in peace or leave in pieces”
“You don’t seem to realize this yet but I will find you sooner or later”
“Your emotions control you more than you control them”
“If I’m lost then how can I find myself?”
“It’s no big surprise you turned out this way”
“I’d be ( pronoun ) if ( pronoun ) asked”
“Don’t tell me to smile”
“I’m a monster, you know, one of the dangerous ones”
“If I’ve killed one person, I’ve killed two”
“All power demands pain and sacrifice”
“You took everything from me”
“I think you’re a smarty pants who likes kissing”
“80s music brings me back to good times – like when I wasn’t alive”
“Whoa, look at the moon!”
“How and where do I begin?”
“What are we gonna do?”
“It comes and goes in waves”
“I gave wrong people the right pieces of me”
“Don’t do that to yourself”
“Am I so hard to love?”
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
“What’s in the fucking box!?“
“Eve was weak! Say it!”
“No tears, please – it’s a waste of good suffering”
“It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again”
“We all float down here”
“Death! I’ve just seen death!“
“Them! Them!”
“God, it knows I’m here…”
“They’re coming to get you”
“They’re here”
“Here’s Johnny!“
“Hell is behind that door!”
“You’re going to meet death now, the living death!”
“We belong dead”
“The power of Christ compels you!”
“My family’s always been in meat“
“Get out!”
“Once upon a time, there was a girl and the girl had a shadow”
“You are far from innocent but they will say you were”
“Okay…show me”
“There’s something out there waiting for us…and it ain’t no man“
“Come out, come out, wherever you are!”
“I will tell you where you are, you are about to enter hell”
“Everything was true, God’s an astronaut, Oz is over the rainbow – and you came to die”
“You are all going to die tonight”
“I’m everything you ever were afraid of“
“That’s what I’m going to do to you now; tear the skin from your body! Slowly, bit by bit!”
“The blood of human sacrifice must come”
“Kill (pronoun), mommy! Kill (pronoun)! Don’t let (pronoun) get away, mommy! Don’t let (pronoun) live!”
“It’s a problem that I’m working on, father…all this…bleeding”
“(name), be my bloody valentine!“
“I got something planned for your family that they ain’t never going to forget! And neither will you”
“How do you know my name?”
“You hang up on me and you’ll die just your like ( family member )”
“As they watch while I rip and cut and mutilate the innocent!”
“We’ll tear your soul apart!“
“If you die first, I am definitely going to eat you”
“Because I love you, you’ve got to let me eat your brain”
“Remarkable boy! I do admire your courage – I think I’ll eat your heart”
“In death, there are no coincidences, no mishaps, and no escapes”
“Your suffering will be legendary!“
“I want to play a game”
“Don’t you blame the movies! Movies don’t create psychos, movies make psychos more creative!”
“Welcome to prime time, bitch!”
“If you see her in your dreams, be sure you never ever scream”
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
“You’ve got to! I’m a monster!”
“Only ( name ) will notice because no one else cares about me!”
“I thought violence would be the answer”
“What do you know about my mom!? I didn’t even get to know my mom!”
“It’s gonna be okay, I’m gonna be just fine–”
“I wasn’t strong enough to protect you…I’m not strong enough to do anything”
“Ever since then I can’t get the thought out of my head that you’re a good person”
“Is that just your way of saying I could’ve been anyone?”
“I’m sorry! I can’t do anything right!“
“I know you worked hard! But sometimes…you just got to know when to bail“
“Do you ever get lonely even when you’re around people?“
“Take care of them, ( name )“
“I was right! Now…I’m gonna die“
“We’re bad at this“
“I see so many things that can hurt you, I never should’ve let one of them be me“
“I’m not gonna stand here and let you remind me of everything I hate about myself!“
“I never asked to be made!“
“I wanna be friends with you, I really do! But I can’t let you keep doing this to me!“
“What would she think if she could see me now?“
“The truth is…we’re scared“
“Say it to my face! Say you don’t wanna be friends anymore!“
“You shouldn’t be anywhere near the fight! You’re too important!“
“Why won’t you just let me do this for you, ( name )!“
“It’s our one chance to feel…stronger!“
“No wonder you think I don’t care…“
“No matter how hard I try, I’m just a ___“
“I just thought for once I’d get to do things my way!“
“For a moment…I really thoughts things were different“
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
i've got 17 drafts on the new blog so far to reply to would you like to guess who they're all from???? ( spoiler; it's rissa )@percentstardust
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
“You wanna know what happens to teen angst when you turn 20? They finally diagnose it as anxiety”
“I can’t stop thinking about the time that the dentist said I was brushing my teeth too hard; so (pronouns) held my hand and brushed my teeth for me. Do you think (pronouns) was in love with me?”
“Long story short, I’m no longer allowed within the city of Tampa”
“It’s so easy to lie on the internet”
“I wasn’t expecting to be a pennacle to health this evening when I got ‘joe’s world famous mountain of nachos’”
“I actually don’t know what either of those words mean and please don’t tell me what they mean, I don’t care”
“I’m not sure who lost their litwick but it’s here at the pool”
“Let’s eat some pinecones”
“I’m here! There’s grass! I’m touching it! Um– it’s not enough, I need a lobotomy I think”
“I like it because I like when awkward encounters happen that I’m not apart of”
“I realized how much I enjoy that men are bad at a lot of things”
“Shh, no thoughts…pirate shirt!”
“There’s a fire…there’s a FIRE!”
“No one wants to play mermaids with me”
“Am I ashamed? Absolutely! Am I too ashamed to post it on the internet? We all know the answer to that question”
“It’s mother’s day so if there’s any milfs out there that wanna kiss me…”
“Not a fan of the paranormal but feeling a little bit emboldened and confrontational to be honest with you ‘cause I’m tired of being scared in my own apartment”
“Is this not a regular response? If you like something you put it on your wall”
“Something about British people making fun of Americans brings out the 1776 patriot within me”
“Did you know there was a fire in the house today?”
“I’m getting annoyed by how fucking hot and sexy I look”
“I may not be funny but at least I don’t know what a mortgage is”
“This is either gonna be funny or it’s gonna hurt my feelings”
“It’s funny AND it hurts my feelings!”
“Mirror mirror on the wall, am I hotter than my (child’s pronouns)?”
“If (pronouns) has more than three squishmallows, (pronouns) is mentally unwell”
“Haha, you’re a toxic gay!”
“Shouldn’t have been in my goddamn house in the first place, now you a pet!”
“I’m not 100% sure I know how to make coffee”
“If someone were mean to me I’d steal all their shoelaces”
“I’d like to control water, stop the ocean for like just a minute to see what happens”
“If you’re ever injured on an alien planet, remember, don’t ask for a doctor; ask for a vet!”
“It’s giving I don’t care about my job”
“You can upload feet pics too!”
“My horse had beefs with the other horses the whole trip and decided to throw hooves”
“It’s okay, I’m American”
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
“How’s that even possible? I know right?“
“I can’t believe we have to do this”
“At least we have each other”
“Does the bunny rabbit need some tissues?”
“There are two boys yelling behind me and I’m terrified”
“Trying to ignore it is fucking boring”
“No one’s watching us”
“Don’t be a dick and babysit, c’mon, just pass it over here”
“It’s so much better up here”
“Should we land this thing?”
“Liberty and justice for all? That’s bullshit”
“What even was that?” “Scary?”
“I fell in love with him but he wasn’t in my life”
“(pronouns) was kissing (name), I got jelly”
“I wanted to be in (pronouns) shoes for one day”
“I’m trying to follow your voice”
“How do they expect us to sleep in there?”
“I got that thrown at my head”
“Who drew this?”
“I think (pronouns) trying to like rip my head off or something”
“You got to defend yourself”
“I can’t defend myself! I don’t know how to fight…”
“We are capable of doing whatever we want, remember?”
“I can’t! It’s cheating!”
“Do you really think we’d have these abilities if we weren’t supposed to use them?”
“Honestly, I don’t even think (pronouns) would pick up”
“Should I give (pronouns) away or feel this bad?”
“No, no, no! Don’t you choke!”
“Go for the throat”
“Did you see what (pronouns) was wearing?”
“I was trying to be helpful!”
“Don’t interrupt me!”
“(pronouns) face was fucked up and my hands were bloody…”
“My one true love called me a monster”
“You have really done it this time!”
“I shouldn’t have lost control like that, (pronouns) not bad a person (pronouns) is just projecting (pronouns) insecurities onto me”
“(pronouns) didn’t even leave a mark on me! I broke skin!”
“Thats’s fucking disgusting!”
“What if I had told your mother her (son/daughter/child) was a cruel mother-fucker!”
“You come and hurt us just so you can get your money”
“All you want is cash and hype”
“and that’s not right!”
“Fuck all of your rules and guidelines”
“Can’t you see that we’re all hurting?”
“Tell me you love but you treat me like I’m never there”
“I’m on display for all you fuckers to see”
“I’m tired of wishing I was ditchin’”
“This bitch behind me is cutting my hair!”
“Why are you leaving us here?”
“You’ve had many bodies before this and will continue to have more”
“You’re immortal” “But we’re exhausted”
“Everyone’s so sensitive”
“I never signed up for your drama”
“Do you even have a brain?”
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
Send a ☀️ for my muse to talk about thier mother.
If you can't send the emoji simply send "sun"
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
*: ・゚✧   peaky blinders season one episode two.
feel free to change pronouns, wording, etc. as needed!
“ i thought you said we were going to [location].”
“ come on. bring your wits.”
“ how the hell are you?”
“ all the better for getting the city smoke out of my lungs.”
“ i thought you became a bit too grand for us.”
“ i’ve been busy.”
“ myself, i’d rather live among pigs.”
“ of course we’re not swapping it. that would be mad.”
“ we’re going to play two-up.”
“ i knew it. i knew it! [name], you bloody idiot!”
“ shut up, i won.”
“ i asked you a question.”
“ if it was them, they wouldn’t knock.”
“ come on. if the cops find me, we’re screwed.”
“ you have to jump. i’ll catch you.”
“ i need that favor.”
“ me? i’m gonna have to leave town for a bit.”
“ a gentleman would take off his hat.”
“ is it them you’re lighting candles for?”
“ you’ve heard of me. i’ve heard of you.”
“ sorry, i misunderstood your intention when you pushed me against the wall.”
“ now, what the bloody hell’s been going on around here?”
“ make sure people think we were in on it.”
“ so let me tell you the odds.”
“ i wouldn’t bet on that.”
“ no. you don’t parley when you’re on the back foot. we’ll strike a blow back first.”
“ we’re having a fire.”
“ i hope to god you know what you’re doing.”
“ you said i would be protected.”
“ may i ask you, in what capacity do you speak?”
“ i’m an ordinary man.”
“ it’s almost midnight!”
“ ah, but i’m afraid it has troubled me.”
“ where have you been all day?”
“ couldn’t sleep. then i couldn’t wake up.”
“ i’ve never seen you read the paper, i’ve only ever seen you make fires with them.”
“ keep bloody walking. if anybody sees us here, they’ll know.”
“ just come home and we’ll talk about it.”
“ you get off me or i’ll scream it. i swear.”
“ i’m just passing it on. a declaration of war.”
“ you mind how you speak to me.”
“ it’s [name] against the whole bloody world, right?”
“ in [location] we used to say: it’s just the music hall band turning up. it’s just trombones and tubas that’s all. it’s just noise. shh, shh. it’s just noise. you get used to it.”
“ it’s just noise. you get used to it..”
“ some pain, there, eh?”
“ i’m [name], by the way.”
“ you have something to say to me?”
“ i think it would be good for everyone.”
“ do you like horses?”
“ how do you fancy earning some extra money?”
“ how’s the leg?”
“ that’s what i like to hear.”
“ tell me the man’s name.”
“ get out! all of you! go on! now!”
“ i said, tell me his fucking name.”
“ yeah, your best mate since school. the man who saved your life!”
“ so go on! cut him. cut him up and chuck him in the cut!”
“ buy your popularity back.”
“ obviously, didn’t teach you well enough. rule one: you don’t punch above your weight.”
“ says who? [name] and his parliament of one?”
“ i learnt some things, such as, you strike when your enemy is weak.”
“ i thought you came here to talk family business.”
“ i’ll deal with it. you’re too busy taking over the world.”
“ if it’s about [name], i need to know.”
“ he deserves an opportunity to do the right thing.”
“ i say we give them a chance.”
“ for a woman who’s had a hard time with men, you’re still full of romance, eh?”
“ what is it you really don’t like about [name]?”
“ she’ll have no life with a man on the run.”
“ if you can’t see that, you can’t see much.”
“ damn them for what they did to you!”
“ the truth is you would have hit me with that thing, if it weren’t for the fact that you know i’m right!”
“ i thought i heard someone knocking.”
“ the longer you leave it, the worse it gets.”
“ and i didn’t dare tell anyone.”
“ in the end, i did it myself. i did it to myself, and almost died.”
“ i chose this place because it is outside both of our jurisdictions.”
“ do you want tea?”
“ i responded to your invitation because i want us to understand each other.”
“ so we are on the same side?”
“ how can we be on the same side when i see things like this?”
“ i do not share their fantasy.”
“ i’ve already dealt with the situation.”
“ i will make it part of our deal.”
“ forgive me. i don’t seem to have a pen to write down this rather long list of demands.”
“ and what do i get in return?”
“ i have what you’re looking for.”
“ i’m not here to play games.”
“ wait, wait-”
“ well, it’s me that has them.”
“ that was just a taster.”
“ you’ll be a hero. you’ll probably get a medal.”
“ i’m a fair man. it’s a fair offer. do we have a deal?”
“ i need an answer. right now.”
“ very well. but i would prefer if we don’t shake hands on it.”
“ now why would i shake the hand of a man who didn’t even fight for his country?”
“ so what shall i do?”
“ you underestimate me in every way.”
“ and i wish to god circumstance hadn’t chosen you.”
“ it’s what i’m trained for.”
“ my heart is with you.”
“ [name]! [name]! you better come quick!”
“ it’s a curse.”
“ seen curses like this twice! can’t take them back.”
“ just get me a drink.”
“ shall i leave you alone?”
“ i came here for company.”
“ i just put a bullet in its head.”
“ he looked at me the wrong way. it’s not a good idea to look at me the wrong way.”
“ what a waste.”
“ i got used to seeing men die.”
“ i got used to seeing men die. never got used to seeing horses die. they die badly.”
“ they die badly.”
“ that’s part of the deal now too.”
“ so don’t lie to me.”
“ i asked around about that place you said you used to work in. i have friends over there. no one has heard of you.”
“ it looks like it matters to you.”
“ you won’t tell anyone my secret?”
“ do you think i tell people things?”
“ okay. but i warn you. it will break your heart.”
“ maybe you’ve got half a heart after all.”
“ anywhere but here’s okay.”
“ we’re not going anywhere.”
“ why no whiskey? are you expecting trouble.”
“ it’s like they’re strangling cats out there.”
“ what made you change your mind, though?”
“ you stay the way you are, [name].”
“ i said, go home.”
“ i’ve never heard of you. but then i did hear of you.”
“ i thought to myself ‘so what’?”
“ but then you fucked me over, so now you have my undivided attention.”
“ i want to know what you want.”
“ you need help.”
“ together, we can beat them. divided, maybe not.”
“ i admire you. it would be an honor, to work with you.”
“ nobody works with me, people work for me.”
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
Munday This or That
Send a number (or numbers) for the mun to answer about which they’d rather! 👀
Winning the lottery or finding your soulmate?
Glass half full or glass half empty?
Ketchup or ranch?
Crunchy peanut butter or smooth peanut butter?
Air guitar or air drums?
Robots or dinosaurs?
Guacamole or salsa?
Comedian in serious film or serious actor in comedy film?
Passwords or secret handshakes?
Loud neighbors or nosey neighbors?
Vacation or staycation?
Netflix or Hulu?
Night or morning?
Art museum or history museum?
Owe money or owe a favor?
Be embarrassed or be afraid?
Wine or Beer?
Roommates or live alone?
Attend a party or host a party?
Fiction or nonfiction?
Hot coffee or iced coffee?
Reality shows or documentaries?
Board games or video games?
Social media message or text message?
Group hangout or one-on-one hangout?
French fries or onion rings?
Share food or don’t share food?
Instagram or Twitter?
Tattoos or piercings?
Books or movies?
Android or iPhone?
Animals or people?
Day or night?
English or Math?
Pen or pencil?
Physical planners or digital planners?
Spelling bee or math bee?
Poem or story?
Start work late or leave work early?
Work from the office or work from home?
Free lunch or free dessert?
Win the lottery or land your dream job?
Emails or conversations?
Introvert or extrovert?
Smartest person in the world or richest person in the world?
Save 100 strangers or one loved one?
See the future or change the past?
Money or love?
Success or happiness?
Skill or popularity?
Poor and happy or rich and miserable?
Intense pain for ten minutes or dull pain for one day?
Overly optimistic or overly pessimistic?
Massive success by accident or modest success on purpose?
Underestimated or overestimated?
No company or bad company?
Painful truth or comforting lie?
Pause time or rewind time?
Free travel for one year or free lodging for five years?
Second chance at love or second chance for your career?
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
“Did you really call the police?” “My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me!” “You’ve seen one too many movies!” “Movies don’t create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative!” “No, please don’t kill me, Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel!” “Should I let the machine get it?” “Are you alone in the house?” “You bitch, where the fuck are you?” “Not so fast, we’re going to play a little game.” “Guess who just called the police and reported your sorry motherfucking ass!” “I think I’m dying here, man!” “I’m going to rip you up, bitch!” “What’s your favorite scary movie?” “I’m gettin’ another beer, you want one?” “I’ll be right back!” “Do you like scary movies?” “No, you listen to me you little bitch! You hang up on me again and I’ll gut you like a fish!” “Mmmm… corn syrup. Same stuff they used for pig’s blood in ‘Carrie.’ ” “Oh, my God. I thought you were dead.” “I never thought I’d be so happy to be a virgin.” “Who’s there?” “You tricked me.” “I wanna see breasts.” “We all go a little mad sometimes.” “The police are always off track with this shit! If they’d watch Prom Night, they’d save time! There’s a formula to it. A very simple formula!” “EVERYBODY’S A SUSPECT!” “If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath - would you be standing in the horror section?” “She was never attacked. I think she made it all up.” “The girl has some serious issues.” “What if she did it? What if she killed them?” “Maybe she’s a slut, just like her mother.” “Teen suicide is out this year and homicide is a much healthier, therapeutic expression.” “Where do you get this shit?” “But this is life. This isn’t a movie.” “It’s all a movie. It’s all one great big movie. Only you can pick your genre.” “If I’m right about this, I could save a man’s life.” “How do you - gut someone?” “It’s called tact, you fuck-rag.” “It’s the millennium. Motives are incidental.” “Well I don’t really believe in motives. I mean, did Norman Bates have a motive?” “See, it’s a lot more scarier when there’s no motive.” “You’re not a virgin. Now you got to die. Those are the rules.” “This game is like a scary movie. How do you think it’s going to end?” “What’s the matter? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” “Fairness would be to rip your insides out and hang you from a tree so we can expose you for the heartless, desensitized little shits that you are!” “I will totally protect you. Yo, I am so buff, I got you covered, girl.” “There’s always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend.” “That is so sexist. The killer could easily be female. Basic Instinct.” “Why are you doing this?” “It’s all part of the game. It’s called, GUESS HOW I’M GONNA DIE?” “Who am I? The beer wench?” “Looks like we’ve got a serial killer on our hands!�� “ ‘Serial Killer’ is not really accurate. Gotta knock off a couple more to get that title.” “If I may say so, you are much prettier in person.” “I didn’t kill anybody.” “You still haven’t told me your name.” “I want to know who I’m looking at.” “I thought she was dead.” “How does it feel to be almost brutally butchered? People want to know. They have a right to know! How does it feel?” “I am two seconds away from calling the police!” “They’ll never make it in time.” “Wait, I thought we were going to go out.” “Don’t hang up on me.” “I told you not to hang up on me.” “Why can’t I be a Meg Ryan movie? Or even a good porno.” “You’re not supposed to be here.” “Why don’t you wanna talk to me?” “Well, you’re not going to be alone any more, right? If you pee, I pee. Is that clear?” “It’s called subtlety. You should look it up.” “Just think - if they make a movie about you, who’s gonna play you?” “It’s so sad. Her mom and dad found her hanging from a tree limb, her insides on the outside.” “I always had a thing for ya, [NAME]!” “Cut Casper, that’s a wrap!” “What do I have to do to prove to you that I’m not a killer?” “Can you see me right now?” “You make me so sick. Your entire havoc-inducing, thieving, whoring generation disgusts me.” “Don’t freak yourself out, okay? We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
unrelated but related; how would you all feel if i queued up a tiny meme spam so i can hoarde all the asks and answer everything on my new blog???
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
me thinking the number of muses im going to put on the new blog will be smaller cause i dropped so many and instead it grew;
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse.
if you can’t see the symbol send ‘kiss mark emoji’.
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
What would y'all do if I smooched you on the forehead HUH what THEN?
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
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pov you're friends with me
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