defundtheprisons · 4 years
Prison Wedding - Behind the glass...
This is written by my husband LeVar Aikens #532829 - he is currently being held at a prison in Bonne Terre, Missouri. 
On 9/3/20, I was supposed to experience one of the two most joyous days of my life. Here's what happened on my wedding day at E.R.D.C.C.
1. Staff told the Pastor on 9/2/20, the marriage would be contact, or face to face, but when my family and the Pastor came in on 9/3/20, they were told it was behind the glass/no contact.
2. Some staff wore masks - some didn’t. So staff don't have to wear masks, but everyone else has to--even though staff brought/bring COVID-19 into the prison. So staff put my family's and the pastor's health at risk--which I believe is a lawsuit.
3. I did not wear my state-issued face covering (I was in a separate room behind the glass). The staff that was present in the area where the wedding was held chose to not wear their masks - or wore it incorrectly. Several staff spoke to me without a mask on--I was not instructed/required to wear one. But why would they since they don't wear theirs?
4. At the end of the wedding ceremony, we took photos. At that point a staff member told my family to take off their masks for the photos. This staff member did not wear their face covering correctly, and there was no social distancing.  Again, staff put my family's health at risk, since staff are the COVID-19 carriers here.
5. The camera man lives in the same wing as me and was allowed to take pictures of the other wedding, so he was allowed in the visiting room with visitors/wedding guests, but I was forced to be behind the glass/no contact. Note: The visiting room porter lives in the same housing unit as me.
6. My wife and daughter had copies of their negative COVID-19 test results. I also tested negative for COVID-19. We should have been able to hug, kiss, and touch.
7. After the visit, some staff--who weren't wearing masks or gloves--shook my hand and/or patted my shoulder. I wasn't wearing a mask either, but it's not my JOB! So staff can touch me/us and not wear masks, but our kids and families can't hug us, kiss us, see us and are forced to wear masks. Again, this is our wedding, and not a visit. So no, I did not get to hug, kiss, or touch my wife or my 5 year old daughter on our wedding day---I wasn't even allowed to put the ring on her finger, or take pictures in the same room as them.
8. Staff cannot use the excuse of they aren't allowing people into the prison, because outside of all the other people they allow in here, they just did weddings.
9.COVID-19 positive prisoners are isolated and don't receive visits, so staff can't use that as an excuse.
10. We haven't been allowed any visits, yet E.R.D.C.C.,(and other prisons) have had multiple outbreaks. So clearly, visits aren't responsible for the outbreaks. Staff are responsible for the outbreaks. This is another reason there is no excuse to not let us hug our kids and families---Our kids and families aren't the problem when it comes to COVID-19, the Staff are the problem. Also, our kids are the least likely to have the virus.
Now that we know people are allowed into the prison, here is the solution to visits that shows the prisoners understand the situation:
1. 2 visits per month, per prisoner. Visits must be scheduled. 2. 2 visitors per prisoner. Many of us have kids who visit with our significant other, and many of us have elderly family members who need someone to drive them up here and visit with them. Kids are least likely to have the virus. 3. Allow hugs when the visit begins and ends. And if the visitors have copies of negative COVID-19 test results, then allow a kiss---after which, masks are put back on. 4. All staff entering the visit room must wear masks. 5. Allow prisoners and family members to decide whether they wish to have contact, or non-contact visits----as some will have different preferences. 6. No COVID-19 positive prisoners who are under isolation may be allowed visits.
Hugs from loved ones reduce stress, boost the immune system, and improve all facets of mental and emotional health, which is another valuable tool to fight COVID-19 and all it's effects. In other words, Family and Love are the most important things right now, and the closest thing to a vaccine as we can get right now. Science, common sense, the CDC, and health departments around the world have stated this. So why is the department of corrections the only ones going against it?
This is beyond reasonable, and it is humane. And the simple fact remains, this visit process is way safer than how staff conduct themselves when they come to work, or how they run the prison.
God Bless, LeVar Aikens, founder of the #Speak Up movement, and cofounder of APlace4All.com.
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