delicateheartd · 4 years
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#me before making a decision
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delicateheartd · 4 years
( @incognitvs )
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delicateheartd · 4 years
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          THE  BOY  SHRUGS .  ❛  at  least  now  she  knows  better  and  won’t  have  to  call  911  every  date  she  goes .  ❜  the  way  he  sees ,  she’s  learned  a  valuable  lesson .  ❛  not  nearly  as  fun  as  if  you  could  read  my  mind .  ❜  because  that  was  a  place  far  more  entertaining  than  the  real  world  —  though  it  could  also  be  scarier  at  times  — ,  but  only  for  his  eyes .  leo  rolls  his  eyes ,  it’s  too  hard  for  him  to  imagine  duty  coming  before  pleasure .  unless  it  was  the  duty  and  loyalty  he  had  toward  his  family ,  of  course .  ❛  emts  are  like  almost  firefighters ,  will .  that’s  what  sex  dreams  are  made  of ,  ❜  he  jokes .  ❛  don’t  worry ,  i  will  film  it  and  then  talk  some  sense  into  you .  ❜
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“ i think she’d get sick of seeing emts, unless she’s not someone that frequently dates.” willa has to admit she knew she would. but maybe the woman would like the attention, even if that couldn’t have been a fun ordeal.“ i’m not sure i’d want to read your mind, even if it seems like an interesting place to be.” it’s a compliment for sure, and it’s spoken as such.“ oh my god. you’re probably the only one who thinks so but thank you. or that it’s hot at all, i’m not sure how i feel about that.” the smile alone reveals more than enough. “ finally ! see i knew i liked you for a reason.”
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delicateheartd · 4 years
“it’s what uncles-slash-best-friends do.” he cannot help but smile, taking another look at the obnoxiously large teddy bear. the very mention of the dog is ensued by a short bout of laughter. “there’s a reason all archie’s toys are not made of fabric.” lysander notes, remembering vivid scenes of toy stuffing all around his living room floor. “count me in.”
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“ at this rate you’re going to be peanut’s favorite uncle, i don’t even know what to say.” vera has to laugh, not that she minded at all in fact she thought it was sweet. “ it’s probably a good idea.” she moves away from the door, pulling it open to invite lysander inside. “ come on in ! i always have time for you. how have you been ? “
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delicateheartd · 4 years
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          HOW  DOES  HE  make  any  clearer  that  he  doesn’t  care  to  get  to  know  her ?  vera  is  just  a  woman  that  has  come  and  will  be  gone  soon  enough  —  and  she  doesn’t  even  entertain  him  so  why  should  he  care ?  ❛  ok ,  let’s  start  with  an  easy  one .  what  the  fuck  are  you  doing  here ?  ❜  he  knows  the  basic  of  it ,  of  course,  his  dad  is  one  of  the  richest  men  in  the  country .  ❛  what’s  your  angle ?  do  you  think  he  will  marry  you ?  then  you  can  get  all  the  money  that  isn’t  fucking  yours  before  you  fuck  off ?  ❜  
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“ because i love your dad. if he asked me to leave i would.” vera’s tone is nothing sheer of complete honesty. it’s hard being pregnant then putting up with the blacklash.“ i don’t want or need money, my family comes from money.” it’s mostly true aside from the fact they don’t talk to her. “ there’s truly no angle being played here, if you don’t believe me you can ask anyone in town-- even ask lysander. that just isn’t me.”
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delicateheartd · 4 years
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          ❛  I’LL  ALWAYS  TAKE  what  you  say  the  good  way ,  nessa .  ❜  and  he  means  that ,  the  girl  has  always  held  a  nice  demeanor .  ❛  ripley ,  definitely  ripley .  han  solo  is  awesome ,  but  ripley  is  ripley .  that  woman  is  too  badass ,  she  deserves  the  homage .  ❜
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“ that’s good to know.” nessa means it too. it’s nice to know even though she’d likely always have a friendly and nice demeanor. just a part of who she is. “ i couldn’t agree more, that woman is so badass and cool. everything anyone should inspire to be, and ripley it is then. thank you for the help.”
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delicateheartd · 4 years
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          ❛  YES ,  ❜  HE  REPLIES  and  nods .  ❛  she’s  my  publicist .  we’ve  been  friends  for  a  while  now .   ❜  it’s  so  hard  for  him  to  think  about  his  life  without  sam  that  it  sounds  too  bizarre  to  meet  someone  who  wouldn’t  even  classify  the  pair  as  friends .  ❛  and  here  i  was  worried  i  was  stealing  her  from  you  kids  too  often ,  ❜  he  jokes . 
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“ my aunt is pretty cool, huh? “ katie had merely been kidding, she occasionally liked to pull people’s legs so to speak. just to hear what they’d say. “ oh no ! we appreciate it or at least i do. aunt sam deserves to have some away time from us, so we don’t drive her too crazy.”
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delicateheartd · 4 years
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          ❛  NO  ONE  BECAUSE  i  don’t  deserve  that ,  ❜  he  retorts  with  the  same  outrage  of  his  earlier  words .  ❛  well ,  kathleen ,  so  did  i ,  but  here  we  are .  you  are  breaking  my  hear  and  laughing  about  it .  ❜  he  holds  back  any  laughter  that  wants  to  burst  out   and  there’s  only  a  twitch  of  his  lips  during  his  whole  tirade .  ❛  you  literally  picked  the  game ,  katie .  have  you  never  played  it  before?  ❜  
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“ we all need that. someone to set us straight.” katie points out with her index finger for added measure. “ gross i’m no kathleen. it’s katie. kathleen sounds so prissy, doesn’t it ? i do it because i like you. if i didn’t then i wouldn’t.” it’s spoken simply, but it was kind of just how she rolled. “ i can’t tell you that ! there’s just no fun in that.”
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delicateheartd · 4 years
“hmm…what do you want if you let me win?”eyebrow raised slightly and she shook her head. “CLEARLY you’ve been taking blind pills or something because you, miss donovan do light up the room when you walk in.”she commented, poking the others nose playfully.
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“ you to let me take you out on a date, a real date.” katie grins from ear to ear, thinking she’s smooth but that’s just how she is. “ i think it’s sweet that’s how you see me, but i don’t think anyone else does.” at being poked on the nose she laughs, but it only further makes her grin widen.
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delicateheartd · 4 years
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delicateheartd · 4 years
she was glad she could get all three things from her sister. her head still trying to get her head around why anyone would want to spill her secret. it made you question everyone you ever met. she smiled lightly as she started to pet chanel, a small comfort from her. “hey, chanel would get bored with me in a day and want you.”arya commented, a soft smile on her lips. “chanel loves her momma and we all know it.”
there was a slight relief when she heard that her sister didn’t have anything to say about this whole situation. it was only a small relief. listening to her sisters words, she nodded her head. she could see where she was coming from, she should of told her. “i know, i know. i just hadn’t…hadn’t told anyone. i was so wrapped up in my own thoughts and worries of what everyone would think of me, i never got round to..telling anyone. PLUS i didn’t want to worru anyone either.”she commented. her head leaning against willa’s shoulder. “you know that os why you’re the best sister anyone could ever have. and me and the sprout are okay.”
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willa could truly only imagine what was going through her sister’s head, this only further convinced her that she too would have to tell her family ( about what she was hiding ) the mere thought made her palms all clammy and sweaty. how was it even possible that someone knew so much ? “ you think ? it’s me that’s supposed to making you feel better.” a gentle laugh sounds from her.
“ there is nothing you could do that would ever make me think any differently of you.” the brunette reassures it completely and utterly true.“ it worries me more that you didn’t think you could come to me. i would have been there if you needed me.” everything else ? wasn’t nearly as important as her family and friends.“ i’m not, i’m so busy all the time.. and that’s all i needed to hear. i’m excited you know that i’m going to be an aunt.” an arm wraps around arya in return as she gives the other’s shoulder a squeeze.“ if anyone says anything badly about you, not that i think they will. but i’ll set them straight. they’ll have to go through me first.”
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delicateheartd · 4 years
“no, no, you’ve to let me win.”she complained slightly, a deep red blush forming on her cheeks as she felt the other tuck some of her hair behind her ear. “stop, i’m not all of those things. but you are. whenever you walk into a room you LIGHT it up and only very very cute and adorable people can do that.”
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“ i don’t know.. what do i get for letting you win ? “ katie makes a tsking noise, merely teasing with josie.“ are you sure you’re just not talking about yourself ? i’m pretty sure i’ve never lit a room up in my life. but out of the two of us ? you’re definitely way cuter.”
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delicateheartd · 4 years
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“ yeah they are. safest options, i wouldn’t go red, it’s literally a bitch to come out.  ”  he laughs, because’s talking from experience. he smiles, because his hair hasn’t been shorter in a while. “ short is a breeze, i like it most of the time. i just haven’t gotten around to cutting mine yet, but i know it’s not as long as yours. “ he laughs again. 
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“ oh i have read horror stories online about red hair, that and about at home bleaching.” katie is quick to shake her head, there’s truly nothing you couldn’t learn from a quick search online. “ it certainly is and i’ve been wanting to go shorter. but i think i’ve done enough changes for now. the blue is already going to take some time getting used to.”
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delicateheartd · 4 years
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“ i’m so thankful sometimes that i’m a kindergarten teacher, and not a teacher to older kids.” not that vera particularly minded she liked all kids, but at least she didn’t have to worry about that. she had been in the mood for that bar in particular’s non-alcoholic peach tea and some food.“ appreciation day i usually get apples and a card from the whole class.”
“so it’s teacher appreciation week, and i love to see what weird shit my students give me. this year my harry potter lit class gave me a coupon for the strip club.” the professor chuckled softly. elias didn’t know who he was speaking to in the bar. he just thought, why not share some silly thing that happened to himself to anyone who would listen.
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delicateheartd · 4 years
now it all made sense, why all the prying questions and wanting to know her and her motives for the whole wanting to know everything. “that must be nice, although i could not put up with running and screaming kids. you must have patiences of a saint.”
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“ it’s not as awful as it may sound, the kids are wonderful.” vera says honestly, but then again she did like kids; so it wasn’t a hassle to her.“ some may say that, but i don’t know about that. but thank you.”
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delicateheartd · 4 years
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“ sorry i guess ? “ katie gives a half-shrug of her shoulders, it probably the first time in her life anyone has ever said that. “ i think that’s a first for me, me have a zest for life ? think you’ve got the wrong person.”
“listen, I love your zest for life and all, but could you keep it down? you’re giving me a migraine”
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delicateheartd · 4 years
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‘i’d like to keep the fantasy that i’m not that old, but it was still flattering nonetheless, a definite needed confidence boost. ’ in truth, lark felt a lot older than she was, something inherited from her father no doubt, years of dinners and banquets forced into perfect posture with no room for mistakes can do that to a person. ‘ who knows, maybe the cashier was just trying to flirt with the both of us by carding us,’ she laughs lightly, teeth catching her bottom lip. 
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“ believe me i get it, i like to think i’m not that old either. but other days ? i feel a hundred.” especially after a long day, willa only laughs though as she beams. “ you think ? there’s a better way to flirt with us though, like a compliment. can never go wrong with that.”
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