How to stay healthy
The busy scheduled lifestyle moving at a very fast pace has become a major concern for the occurrence of severe health issues in us. Stress and tensions have become a part of our lives. It disturbs the balance of mind and body. In our busiest schedule, we don’t have time to take care of ourselves. This carelessness toward our health makes us unfit and the reservoir of several diseases.
We forget to live a healthy routine life. Mobile phones are also a means of major distraction. Many of us skip our meals, exercise, etc., and are busy in our mobile world. The habit of eating unhealthy food is also an invitation to different types of diseases in our body. The habit of smoking, drinking, and drug abuse is rapidly rising in the youth of this generation and it is a serious issue for generating various health issues in the younger generation.
Essential Ways to Remain Healthy
Our body becomes unfit due to our negligence towards our health. Many times we realize this after we are suffering from various health issues. The immunity is lowered and thus we become more perceptible to any disease. It requires much patience and effort to recover our body and make it a fit one but not impossible. We must be more conscious of our health and therefore follow several strategies to stay healthy. Here are some of the tips described below for staying healthy:
Eat Nutritious Food - Healthy food must be involved in our diet for a healthy body. Our food must include leafy green vegetables, cereals, pulses, fruits, etc. These food items are rich in constituents like vitamins, protein, minerals, and other vital elements needed for our growth and development. We should avoid eating junk food and soft drinks as are not nutritious. These food items just add a taste but are unhealthy for the body. They are the main reasons for the problem of obesity by which most people are suffering nowadays. During Covid-19 it has already been advised to take nutritious food and raise your immunity. It can only keep us safe from this deadly pandemic disease.
Perform Daily Workout - We must take out some time from our busy schedule for exercising our body. A workout of 20-30 minutes daily and fast walking keeps us away from any kind of illness or health issue. It helps in building up our stamina and strengthening muscles and bones. It also helps in managing our stress and induces good sleep. Yoga and meditation also help in making our body fit and energetic.
Plenty of Water Intake - We must develop the habit of drinking plenty of water regularly. The regular intake of water helps in flushing out the toxic and waste materials from our body. Drinking plenty of water is also a part of a healthy lifestyle. Less water intake daily can also lead to several health issues.
Wake up early in the Morning - It is always advised that- "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise". We must develop a habit of rising up early in the morning. Morning walks or jogging enriches our body with fresh oxygenated air. Rising early makes us feel more active and full of energy. We can complete our different work on time hence avoiding unnecessary stress of being late. A sound sleep that gives rest to our mind and body is also important for a healthy body.
Chew your Food Properly - Most of us eat our food in a hurry without chewing the food properly. It is much necessary to chew properly and eat our food. The properly chewed food is easy to digest by the body and provides nutrition and energy. The food not chewed properly does not provide nutrition to the body. If we eat the food without chewing it properly it may lead to several digestion issues, bloating in the stomach, and weight gain.
Hygienic living - Good hygiene is necessary for keeping ourselves free from various diseases. Unhygienic living condition many times becomes the reason of severe diseases. We must develop a good habit of bathing, washing our hands before eating, and keeping our environment clean. Maintaining good hygiene is one of the essential parts of a healthy lifestyle.
Limit the use of Mobile Phones - Mobile phones have become a reason for carelessness and lazy schedule. Many times we do not skip their use on the dining table. We must limit the use of mobile phones so that we can concentrate on our body and its requirements. This will enable us to do several things on time.
Is Good Health Preferred Over Richness?
People usually pay more heed to earn money and run after success. They work very hard without taking care of their body and health. In this way, the desire never ends and health is always neglected at that point. These days we can see most people suffering from several severe health disorders like obesity, diabetes, cancers, lung problems, asthma, hypertension, depression, etc. It is because of the changed and busy lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits.
I think there is no use in earning money in such a way that denies our health. Money is not important than health as it cannot return health and fitness back once we are ill. Thus health is always preferred over money as good health keeps us happy and free from various health issues. If we are healthy we can earn whole life but can’t earn if the health gets deteriorated.
A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body. Positive thinking also fosters our health as it is useful in getting rid of negativities and unwanted stress in the mind and body. It is necessary to go for routine check-ups to get informed regularly about the health status of the body.
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History of American revolution war
For the better part of the 17th and 18th centuries, the relationship between Great Britain and her North American colonies was firm, robust, and peaceable. The colonies enjoyed a period of “salutary neglect”; meaning that the colonial governments were more or less able to self-govern without intervention from Parliament. This laissez-faire approach allowed the colonies to flourish financially, which in turn proved profitable for the mother country as well. However, this period of tranquility and prosperity would not last.
Great Britain had amassed an enormous debt following the French and Indian War; so, as a means to help alleviate at least some of the financial burden, they expected the American colonies to shoulder their share. Beginning in 1763, Great Britain instituted a series of parliamentary acts for taxing the American colonies. Though seemingly a reasonable course of action – considering the British had come to the defense of the colonies in the French and Indian War – many colonials were livid at the levying of taxes. From 1763 to 1776, Parliament, King George III, royal governors, and colonists clashed over regulations of trade, representation, and taxation. Despite the growing unrest, many Americans perceived war and independence as a last resort. By 1775, however, tensions reached a boiling point. Both sides prepared for war as negotiations continued to falter. Fighting began outside of Boston in the spring of 1775 during a British raid to seize munitions at Lexington and Concord. British regulars arrived on the Lexington Green early on the morning of April 19 and discovered the town’s militia awaiting their arrival. The “minutemen” intended only a show of force, and were dispersing, when a shot rang out. The American War of Independence had officially begun.
The militia harassed the British all the way from Concord to Boston, and then surrounded the city. In an attempt to drive the colonials away from the city, British forces attacked the Americans at Breed’s Hill on June 17th, resulting in heavy casualties for the redcoats in the war’s first major battle. George Washington arrived that July to assume command of the American forces, organized as the Continental Army. Washington then forced 11,000 British soldiers to evacuate Boston the following March, when Henry Knoxsuccessfully led 12 artillery pieces from Fort Ticonderoga to Dorchester Heights overlooking the city below.
By the early spring of 1776, the war had expanded to other regions. At Moore’s Creek in North Carolina and Sullivan’s Island at Charleston, American forces stopped British invasions. After initial successes, particularly the capture of Fort Ticonderoga in upstate New York, an American invasion of Canada stalled and ended in failure at the end of the year. As 1775 rolled into 1776, the British rapidly built up forces in New York and Canada to strike back.
After a series of five consecutive defeats for Washington’s army at Long Island, Harlem Heights, White Plains, Fort Lee, and Fort Washington, the British captured New York City in the summer of 1776. Following the capture of the city, the British drove Washington’s army across New Jersey, winning several additional battles along their advance. That winter, however, Washington revived the American cause by winning spirited victories at Trenton and Princeton, New Jersey.
In 1777, the British launched two major offensives. In September, General William Howecaptured Philadelphia, winning battles at Brandywine and Germantown. Despite the losses, the inexperienced soldiers of the Continental Army performed well and gained a measure of confidence, believing that they could very well stand up to the British. Then, in October, British General John Burgoyne invaded upstate New York via Canada, winning several initial victories. Later, however, his army became bogged down thanks in part to efforts of American militia units at Oriskany, Fort Stanwix, and Bennington. Then, after a stunning defeat in an open battle, Burgoyne surrendered his entire field army at Saratoga, New York.
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