"Maleficent Got Mad Because She Wasn't Invited to a Baby Christening"
Okay this is something that has been bugging me for a while so sit back and listen for a minute.
I want you all to think for a minute about when and where the story of Sleeping Beauty takes place. Fourteenth century England, Also, consider who the main character (Aurora) is socially and politically.
Aurora is a princess. Her parents decree her Christening (baby shower, however you want to refer to it) as a holiday throughout their entire kingdom. That meant that everyone, young or old, rich or poor, “Royalty, nobility, gentility” as Maleficent says, were invited to the celebration and given the day off from their normal work. Every. Person. In. The. Kingdom. Was. Invited. This was a huge deal in feudal England - if you weren’t invited to a royal event like this, it was an enormous social and personal insult. It was like a world leader not being invited to a global summit. The French president not being invited to the state dinner at the White House. You get the idea.
Now, you could look at that as, okay all the humans of their world were invited, and Maleficent wasn’t as she’s a magical creature. EXCEPT - King Stefan and Queen Leah invited the three good fairies Flora, Fauna and Merryweather. By extending the invitation to the these fairies, they opened up the invitation to all fairies. Not only that, they purposely chose the good fairies, instead of inviting Maleficent as well. This meant aligning themselves with the good fairies in the power struggle that was obviously going on in the magical world between them and Maleficent.
Maleficent coming to the party and throwing a “what’s good” at them was her way of inviting the King and Queen to correct their grievous (and frankly stupid) error in judgement. She literally gave them multiple chances to say “oh gosh your invitation must have gotten lost in the mail” “of course we invited you!” “come right in, have some wine and cake” “celebrate with us” etc. Instead, they further snubbed and insulted her publicly.
Honestly, I’m not saying that cursing an infant to death to retaliate for a public insult from her parents is the best strategy, but let’s be honest here you decided to snub the “mistress of all evil” at the biggest party of the year and then refused to apologize.
You kind of had it coming, dummies.
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Is Breathing Gay?
I mean your just breathing in dick paricles.
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