Just a quick reminder for everyone:
You are allowed to like villains. 
You are allowed to like characters who have done bad things. 
You are allowed to like characters who are mean, manipulative, abusive, coercive, murderous, or just plain evil. 
Liking a “bad” character is not the same thing as condoning their actions. Villains are fun. It’s genuinely okay to like them! It doesn’t mean you want to be a villain, or that you are a bad person, or that you don’t recognize the issues with what they’re doing. 
There’s this really huge trend in fandom to try to redeem villains, or excuse their behaviors, or make them into woobies who aren’t really doing anything wrong–all for the purpose of being allowed to like them. I think it’s honestly part of the whole ‘purity’ culture (tied in closely with the anti culture)–this idea that you aren’t permitted to be a fan of, write about, or enjoy reading about anything that isn’t 100% ethically sound, and that if you do, you are inherently condoning it.
And like…that’s just bullshit? You don’t have to redeem a character to be allowed to like them. Don’t get me wrong, you absolutely can if you want to, because sympathetic redemption arcs are super fun too, but I just want to throw out the reminder that you really don’t have to. 
You are allowed to like villains as-is. 
You do not have to make excuses for liking villains. You do not have to defend your own moral stances in order to like a villain. You do not have to make up reasons or justify why you like them, or reconcile your own beliefs with your appreciation of them. You do not have to defend yourself against anyone who would try to attack you or your ethical stances just because you like a villain, because you are not doing anything wrong. 
You are allowed to like villains. 
Honestly, the only thing you owe anyone else vis-à-vis liking a villain is to respect the fact that some people don’t, and that is also okay. It is not your responsibility or your place to try to change their mind–but it is also not their responsibility or place to try to change yours, because neither of you is doing anything wrong. 
So, my villain-loving friends, go. Freaking. Nuts. Enjoy the heck out of those maniacal bastards. 
And have fun, everyone. Because that’s what fandom is supposed to be about.
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Some people are just born to fight, I think. It’s not that they’re born brave. It’s not that they’re born strong. It’s just that the universe has decided that this one, this one will have grit and fire and steel in their blood. And it’ll be tested, this cosmic mettle of theirs. They’ll face trial after trial, be broken and damaged in countless ways. But this one was born to fight. Maybe it’s not the life they would have chosen. Maybe they’d love to lay down their arms. But they were born to fight. It’s what they know. It’s what they do best. It’s all they can do.
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Peter Parker, part of gen z, understanding how bad this country is: god I hate America
Steve Rodgers, literally “Captain America”: god me too
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If I don’t talk to you for a while, but we’re mutuals, just know I see you on my dash and think “yay! My friend is having fun!”
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i present the formula for creating excellent/strange insults:
adjective + curse word + noun
no one asked for your opinion, you abominable shit goblin
i fail to understand how you’ve become such a reprehensible fuck waffle
get out of my way, you sorry excuse for an intolerable ass pastry
i cannot believe that such an illiterate twat truck could ever be remotely polite
maybe if you weren’t such a troublesome goddamn elbow, we could get some things done around here
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i literally hate everything about this thanks grandayy
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All you anti milkers are fools. Imagine a milkless world. No cakes nor pies. What are you putting in your coffee to cool it down? Water? Appley juice? I hate all of you.
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To my sad mutuals…..CATCH!
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hi can we normalize the idea of choosing not to drink
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🌻MILES MORALES🌻 . This sunflower boy was just the best! I enjoyed him so much and I loved drawing him! Probably will try to do the whole spider gang if I can and maybe some comics here and there heheheh His character was a lot like myself and he was just a blast to watch ❤
For those who want me to continue the venom stuff, for now I’m taking a break from it. I won’t be abandoning it so don’t worry about the Venom babies 😉
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“Better never means better for everyone. It always means worse for some.”
— Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale (via the-book-diaries)
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Follow for recipes
Is this how you roll?
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This is BS and I love it
Some silliness which took place on FB today.
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And this crap is still going XD!!!!
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one of the hardest things to learn as a depressed former Gifted Kid™ is that half-assed is better than nothing. take the 50%, 40%, even 20% job. scrubbing your face is better than not taking a shower at all. picking up your clothes is better than never cleaning. nibbling on some bread is better than starving.
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