Smokey Eye | kdunnemakeup
Smokey Eye | kdunnemakeup
some pictures from todays look tutorial still up on my instagram story | kdunnemakeup x
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Makeup Throwback i have come so far in my makeup journey in just 5 months, practice really makes perfect! Thank you all so much for 700 instagram followers means so much to me Love always, katie x
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Orange eye with bold liner!
Orange eye with bold liner!
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Pink & Blue Halo Eye
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Burnt Oranges
Have product list up on my instagram x
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Eating Disorders aren’t always obvious.
*Trigger warning: eating disorders, disordered eating and vomit* 
It’s not an embarrassing topic and along with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues, it’s something we should be talking about more. Because eating disorders are just that, a mental health t’s not an embarrassing topic and along with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues, it’s a condition. Not all health…
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"By Grace Through Faith"
“By Grace Through Faith”
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so i have definitely been holding back from doing this post because of peoples opinions and thoughts. I’ve been really drawn to this quote lately and I’m really trying to think about this on a daily basis.
First hand i know A LOT of people don’t believe in God, Chrisianity whatever and i definitely don’t believe or agree with everything but i do have huge faith in Our Lady of Lourdes and God and…
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Mallorca 2017
Just found some pictures from Mallorca this year thought id share them xx
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Stressing over JC
So if you dont live in Ireland you more than likely dont know what Junior Cert is (JC) and your lucky. I suppise its like GCSE’s in the UK. Its a state exam so its kind of a big deal.
I am only 14 and right now my anxiety and stress levels are going through the roof. I’ve asked people who have done theirs already what its like and any advice, and all ive basicallly heard is
“dont bother stressing…
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End of the year goals
I decided the other day that i want to set myself a few goals to have done before 2017 ends. I never really follow along with my new years resolutions but im gonna try this year😂 so far this year has been amazing i have met so many new people and been new places that ive always wanted to go, like Greece.
Singing. I have a major fear of singing infront of people. I can do it for like two people…
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Dealing with hate and breakups | Q&A
I havent done a Q&A in so long and a lot of people have been requesting one for a while now so here it is😂😘
What is your favourite makeup brand to buy brushes from?
Probably Real Technquies or Blank Canvas
What advice can you give to someone who is going through a breakup?
That everyone goes through it at some point and its important to remember life goes on and enjoy being single if you are. You…
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Women's Equality <3
Women’s Equality
I didn’t realise how much history there is behind this and the amount of information about it. I inserted the information from Wikipedia incase any of you were interested. (NOT MY OWN, ALL OF THIS BELONGS TO WIKIPEDIA I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THIS INFORMATION)
The date was chosen to commemorate the day in 1920 when Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby …
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Mallorca 2017
I found a few pictures from when i was in Mallorca a few weeks ago and thought id show em 🙂  Some of the views were just amazing, i was in Cala D’or for anyone wondering.
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July & August Favourites
July & August Favourites
So I decided to put July and August together for this one because, well i just did 🙂 My previous post got a lot of views but i didn’t get much feedback which was what i needed. Please check it out and share your opinion. I have quite a mix of products in this post I’ll try and link as many as I can down below. *Previous Post*
Fury DVD
Bath salts and body lotion (couldn’t find exact ones)
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I want to try something new.
I want to try something new.
Today. I got really inspired. YouTube was something that i wanted to try for a really long time and i still do. For years i always said to myself “start a blog, see how things go and then maybe YouTube will just come to you. It’s been 3 years now. I don’t feel like blogging has done much for me and i feel like i am failing myself. Losing a huge chunk of followers after stopping for nearly 10…
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Be Who You Want To Be
Be Who You Want To Be
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The world that we live in can be a scary place for girls growing up. In this age of technology, it can be hard to get away from the media, which can be a negative place full of worrying pressures for girls growing up. Obviously I try to make to make my little corner of the internet a happy and positive place to be.  Do I do everything for me? Is every decision I make for me? Let alone when you…
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