delilahhartwell · 1 month
"Every now and then... I can deal with that, I guess," Lila grinned, glad she'd be able to share in those moments he chose to show her. "Yes, with the ex," the blonde clarified, "We're best friends so it's not like, that weird? You can judge me though, I can take it." She already knew of others who were judging her for that decision, but it technically was fair to do that. She'd certainly done it before. "It does but sadly not every girl is into girls," Lila frowned. "And while I could enlighten them to the lesbian way, kind of want a semi-professional if you get me."
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"Alright I suppose I can share every now and again then," he gave in with a grin, his ego definitely getting the best of him in regards to this. Mateo was never shy to brag, especially about something like this. "With the ex?" he pulled a slight face, "Should I be judging you or is this an okay thing? Ex is usually something people frown upon so I wanna know how to take that," if they were gonna gossip more with one another he wanted to have some context. "Well that certainly leaves a pretty open playing field," Mateo snorted. "Shouldn't be too hard then."
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delilahhartwell · 1 month
"So your idea is to get you both drunk so you don't have to be good at flirting?" Lila laughed at the situation. "I kinda love your flirting though, it worked on me back then and works on me now too," she sighed with a smile before waving down the bartender. "Four shots of tequila for me and this lovely lady here, please!"
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"Okay, but I have to at least have a shot before I go flirt, half the time my flirting ends up being just ramblings, and maybe I also need to get a shot for whoever I'm going to be talking to."
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delilahhartwell · 2 months
"You know I am always down for a trip to the muggle world, Tuck," Lila grinned as she popped another nugget in her mouth. "So many people here don't know the wonders of a maccies, we'd really be doing them a solid by putting one in Hogsmeade." It would be absolutely terrible for her bank balance but that wasn't a thought she had to worry about right now. "I am pissed that you decided to go at night though. I didn't realise how much I'd been craving their hash browns until I smelt the sweet smell of the building."
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"Thank you for indulging me. The second I got the craving I genuinely couldn't think of anything else," Tucker told the other as he scooped up another spoonful of his McFlurry. "It's genuinely a crime that we don't have any of these in the wizarding world. Could you imagine a McDonald's opening up in Hogsmeade? They'd have incredible business."
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delilahhartwell · 2 months
"And I'm gonna trust you guys to not abuse the system," Lila nodded. Then again it was free candy that they were technically stealing but it was only going to be thrown out at the end of the day anyway. She was helping the environment.. right? "You'd be so fun to marry, don't get me wrong. We'd have a house full of dogs and sugary treats. I just don't see myself being in a sexless marriage," the blonde shrugged.
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"I was gonna say, I can't keep this from Axel but anyone else..." Mason made a zipping motion across his lips to indicate his silence. "Besides I would never do anything to lose your trust." He added a moment later. He liked Lila a lot and he also knew the girl could hold a grudge if given reason to and he really didn't want to be on the receiving end of that one. Not that he'd admit it to her out loud, but the blonde could be seriously scary. "So the only reason you'd marry me is for tax purposes, not because I'd be fun to be married to or you know, because I'd actually make the best husband? Now that hurts."
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delilahhartwell · 2 months
"You're a part of the team and we're like a family in some ways," Lila told him. "And I don't want to be in a family where I can't bug them about their personal lives. You know about me but that's because I'm an oversharer, I just want you to be able to tell me stuff too," she shrugged. Lila knew he probably didn't view her in the same way as she did, an older brother figure since she lacked that in her life now. "In that case, yeah. A little jealous. But I do have backup plans with my ex so not all is lost," she said. "I'm not fussy, honestly. Just someone that'll put up with me and has boobs."
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"And why are you poking your nose in my business anyways?" he arched a brow at her, but the smile on his lips showed that he wasn't all that bothered. "I just meant that I was getting some anyways," Mateo snorted in reply. "Sure thing. There's a lot of beautiful women here tonight so I'm sure we can find some that'll be to your liking," he said, scanning already to try and pick some options for Lila.
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delilahhartwell · 2 months
Lila sneered at the other as he exaggerated his feelings. "Good to know," she nodded, knowing it probably wouldn't be the last time this topic came up. "Are we technically supernatural? I learnt about witches and vampires in the same context as a kid," the blonde added, leaving out that she was taught they were demons sent from hell to tempt them. "Funnily enough I haven't seen the ass on that guy, no. Interesting that you'd bang him though," she raised an eyebrow at him. "I don't know where your allegiance lies, in the vampire type or sea monster type of creatures. Thought it was best to put them both out there."
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"You did? Well now I have an overwhelming sense of pride and warmth in me." Max commented, one hand over his heart whilst the other lifted to his face, wiping away a fake tear as he let out an exaggerated sniff. "I'm going to be real with you right now, it's always going to apply to your life when you talk to me because it's a cult passion of mine. Anything supernatural really." He shrugged, practically feeling his shadow roll his eyes at him at those words. "I'm sorry, wrong choice? Have you seen the ass on that man? It's incredible and his abs, not even ashamed to admit that I'd bang him." He spoke, getting a little carried away with himself until he picked up on her words. "Ah, gotcha. Not into men. Also how dare you insinuate that my mind would go to the Twilight cursed child before going to Loch Ness."
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delilahhartwell · 2 months
"It would be– it always is. Doesn't make it feel any less wrong," Lila huffed, clearly at some sort of war in her head about the situation. "Fine. Yes. But just because we've got that plan doesn't mean we shouldn't go and flirt with the girls in here too."
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"Come on, it's Valentine's Day, it would still be fun," Kota said with a smirk. "Okay, okay, we're both wearing red bracelets. We'll just be each other's back up plans again, yeah?"
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delilahhartwell · 2 months
"I brought you here for free candy," she grinned. "But you're not gonna tell anyone else about this because I'm pretty sure we're like, the only two people who know about it–... okay well maybe I'll let you tell Axel but that's it," Lila further added, knowing what he was like. "I'm glad you know you have no chance, Mase," the blonde laughed softly. "But I'll keep that in mind for if I'm like, fifty and need a husband for tax purposes."
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When Lila explained where she'd taken him, his eyes widened in wonder before a grin drew across his features. "Seriously??? Like, seriously?" He spoke in excitement. "You brought me for free candy? I would ask for your hand in marriage right now if I thought I had any chance cause you are perfect Lila." He complimented enthusiastically.
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delilahhartwell · 2 months
"Duh. You don't ever tell me about your personal life so I have to resort to... other means to find out shit about you," she smirked though it dropped once he spoke. "Jealous you're getting dicked down? Fuck no," Lila huffed in response. "But as you're offering me help I'd be stupid not to take it at this point since you're clearly doing well on your own."
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"Nosy, aren't you?" Mateo teased when Lila brought up his past interaction at the New Years party. "If I didn't know any better... you sound a little jealous there, Lils," his smug grin only growing. "Need me to play wingman for you tonight? I've got my plans all set for later so I can help you out right now."
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delilahhartwell · 4 months
"Surprised you've not got a pink band on given what I saw at New Years," Lila winked with a grin on her face. "I've not seen someone that far down someone's throat in a long ass time. Must have been a good night– or maybe not since you're looking for something else," she teased.
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delilahhartwell · 4 months
"I came here to meet new people but here you are dressed in that and looking gorgeous and it's actually not fair," Lila grumbled, reaching for the other's hand. "But I am not ending up in your bed tonight, got it? Nope, nada, non."
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delilahhartwell · 4 months
"I actually went home and looked it up after your costume at Halloween and never thought it would apply to my life again, but here we are," Lila furrowed her brow, but decided to play along. She had nothing better to do, anyways. "But no, wrong choice. I would never go on a date with anything that identifies as a man, even if he is part moth," she explained to the other. "I would say a yeti but something tells me that they'd be boring as fuck, at least you've got that going for you with mothy," she pondered. "Maybe Nessie? And not like, the half human-half vampire from Twilight. The Loch Ness monster. I feel like she'd have some stories to tell."
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"Look, I'm not saying that I would actually do it." Max defended himself, holding his hands up slightly as he spoke. "But hypothetically, if I had to choose one cryptid to go on a date with, it'd be Mothman. He's a clear winner when you look at them all, you can't tell me you wouldn't make the same choice."
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delilahhartwell · 4 months
"I was honestly about to suggest going to get white bands for us to pretend like we're dating, but you know what? I don't think that would get rid of the creeps either somehow," the blonde grimaced. "But you're right. We're sexy blondes with a lot to offer, surely there must be someone normal out there who'll take what we're giving," she told her, immediately taking a sip of the drink as soon as it landed on the bar. "Also if you're going home single tonight, please make sure you take me with you if you see me flirting with Kota. Too many times has that ended up with me in her bed and I can't do it again. At least for a little while."
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"I always forget just how many creeps come to things like this," Stella groaned as they had just worked together to get rid of another unsettling stranger, giving them a little sarcastic wave before turning to order herself and Lila a new round of drinks. "We should probably get out there and do more flirting because clearly the sitting around technique just brings in the weird ones."
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delilahhartwell · 4 months
"Always? Even when you have a wife that isn't me?" Lila teased. "I dunno. Maybe they just get out there more than we do. I mean, you're a teacher and I'm a coach of a top of the league quidditch team. We don't have the easiest of jobs to fit dating around," the blonde shrugged.
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"I'm always down to give you a good smooch at midnight, you know that," Dakota replied. "I feel like everyone's taken, like there's some secret midnight kiss dating app out there and we didn't get the invite."
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delilahhartwell · 4 months
"Piss off, no I'm not," Lila grumbled at his comparison. "Please take it easy and be careful. I don't want you off the field for any longer than you already have to be," she warned, though she hoped it would come across as caring. "What else do I need to say? It's not going to harm anyone and is only a fun little escapade for the night."
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"I know you're going to hate to hear me say it, but you're sounding a lot like Rory right now with your concern." He teased her. "But I was upset that I missed Halloween, I didn't want to miss out on New Years as well. So I wanted to come, but I'm taking it easy. Might not make it through the whole night, but I'm just happy to be here and out the house." Liam glared at her for a brief moment, "You having to declare that it's all legal does not fill me with the confidence that you were hoping for."
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delilahhartwell · 6 months
"That couldn't be further from the truth, Tuck," she shook her head at the other. "I just think you don't want to since I'll show you up in like, every way possible." Lila pretended to think for a moment for what he could do to make it up to her, "you could get me one of those donuts over there, I ran out of money two cocktails ago but flirting with men and then running away is a great way to solve that."
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"You're just intimidated by my incredible moves. It's okay. I know not everyone can handle them," he joked in response to her. When she crossed her arms with a pout, Tucker pretended to be deeply offended by that, "Is that so? Is there any way for me to possibly change your mind or is it too late?"
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delilahhartwell · 6 months
"Oof that was a pick up line and a half," Lila said, tilting her head at the other. "But I am so painfully single that I'm gonna play along with whatever it is you're doing and pose one back– how long do you have? Until you have to be back in heaven?" she wiggled her brows at the other.
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Willow walked up to the blonde that Roman had pointed out, going over the approach in her head as she began flashing a charming grin. "Sorry but... are you an artist?" she asked once she was close enough to the woman. "I mean you must be with how easily you just drew me in."
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