delinquentleader-blog · 11 years
Rodimus waves a servo as he purses his lips slightly into a funny looking grin "Mistaken identity, though I'm Rodimus I'm probably not the Rodimus you're thinking of." he extends a servo with a full grin this time "But yeah I'm Rodimus and you are?"
Delinquentleader has stepped in
“Rodimus, I am pleased to see you!”  Drift smiles politely, but then stops a bit short as he takes a closer look at the other, realizing that he appears to be of a separate strand of the multi-verse.  Still, surely the mech is just as noble and admirable as the Rodimus he’s familiar with. 
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
Self appointed as in. Being seperated from Optimus Prime and his crew and myself leading a considerable number of mechs I appointed myself as Prime for that time. 
I have a very good taste in frames thank you very much. Even if the Seekers are skinny in my universe at least they look aerodynamic. Not like you all blocky and squares and no streamline figure.
delinquentleader has found you
Not in this Universe, idiot. Self appointed Prime more like it.
And they picked me because obviously I’m the perfect pick for a Prime, not you.
Rodimus, and yes I have heard of alternate universes.
Never thought I would find one where everyone looks like a stupid blocky scrapheap.
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
So, just curious. How do you 'remember Magnus'? Like, what was he like?
Well for one he didn't have a pole in his ass all the time.
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
Well he did have to command a couple rough housing wreckers and was a big commander in the war. Maybe it's just hard for him? Maybe he just needs a nice, long, frag.
Maybe he does. But he's not going to find that 'nice long frag' with me.He can go find one of the other little buddies he's befriended to frag.
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
Don't be so cranky with him. :( He's just doing his job Roddy
Too bad. Not my fault he's such an aft and maybe he should learn to loosen up a bit. As I remember him to act like, not this.
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
Pstttttt. You and Mags should just have angry makeup sex. Push him him up against a wall or something when you reach the base.
Psst, how about no. It seems like he's already doing that job all on his own; you know with the pole shoved up his aft and all.
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
Greetings, I don't think we've met.
No, I haven't seen you around before.
Who're you and are you a 'Bot or 'Con?
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
A sparkling.. 
Greaaaaaat, and who are you supposed to be then hmm?
delinquentleader has discovered you!
Looks like a autobot.
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
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polite-drift replied to your post: To people that like my posts/follow me/reblog my...
((The same is happening to me, but I thought it could just be a glitch related to having just made this blog today… Hopefully it will clear itself up and work as it should!))
I made mine yesterday as well so that's all I can guess it to be.
The newer blogs having this kind of glitch? idk 
It sucks though because I miss a lot of things.
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
To people that like my posts/follow me/reblog my posts
I actually can't see ANY notifications of this at all; so i have to manually track down everythng if I want to find your reply 
So I'm sorry if this is why I'm taking so long to reply :c
If I haven't replied to something then just send me an ask because I seriously can't see anything.
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
He keeps going fast; engine whining as he changes gears and he speeds up further, frame jolting up as he hits a bump but he doesn't slow. 
Especially with the other ordering him around. So he continued speeding up; brakes hitting hard only when he wanted to turn; having seen in an opening between two plateaus in which he shot down iwthout a care.
As he listens to the words that pour from Magnus’s mouth he sneers and clenches one of his servos into a fist. He was this close, this close to swinging out and punching the officer but he decided against it.
For now at least.
“Yeah well frag you too.” he just replies with; frame shifting and he transforms back into his alt mode, tires screeching as he kicks up dirt and showers Magnus in it before speeding off. Not exactly caring that he might not be going in the direction of the base.
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
Not in this Universe, idiot. Self appointed Prime more like it.
And they picked me because obviously I'm the perfect pick for a Prime, not you.
Rodimus, and yes I have heard of alternate universes.
Never thought I would find one where everyone looks like a stupid blocky scrapheap.
delinquentleader has found you
Hot Rod? *TC scrunches his optic ridges* Is that you? You look different…even for being in a different universe.
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
Rodimus, a 'bot. Not a 'con like you.
Should be asking what you're doing in these parts?
delinquentleader caught you~
“Well, hello there~” Skywarp nodded to the other mech. “Who are you? What are you doing in these parts? I’m Skywarp, by the way!”
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
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que estilo de carros 
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
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Ford GT (by Tim Ohlerking)
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delinquentleader-blog · 12 years
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respectisinorder replied to your post: respectisinorder replied to your post: Here let me...
For your information, my emotional core is in place as usual. Sorry for ruining your next sarcastic remark I am sure.
Really now? 
Sorry it didn't seem like it with the giant pole shoved up your aft.
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