delirialsoul · 5 months
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delirialsoul · 5 months
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When I was in India, they'd talk about reincarnation. There's a poem I… I read by Kipling…
DEAD BOY DETECTIVES 01.01 | The Case of Crystal Palace
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delirialsoul · 6 months
~ Mars conjunct Jupiter, Mars square Jupiter, Mars trine Jupiter, Mars sextile Jupiter, Mars opposite Jupiter~ People born with aspects between Mars and Jupiter in the birth chart demonstrate a fiery, enlivening, impassioned valour for life and the opportunities that come their way. These individuals are fortuitous in the sense of knowing how to strike when the iron is hot and betting on their own successes against all odds. Mars-Jupiter combinations will express a strong desire to win, or at least be recognised in some form such as by displaying the rarest talent or coming from behind to take the win. They have fight in them. Its stand and conquer rather than flight. It's 'i've seen this all before and I did it then and I can do it again', it's 'well nobody else is going to do it so looks like it's going to be me'
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delirialsoul · 6 months
How would Venus conjunct ASC affect appearance?
People with this aspect are BEAUTIFUL ! 
They are very attractive and charming and they probably have a lot of admirers, they’re basically heather. They usually have a good sense of fashion and they are so elegant, they move in a very graceful way. The sign of the risng and venus indicates the type of beauty these people have, for example if it’s a conjunction in Scorpio then they are SO magnetic and have a vampire-like type of beauty. They usually have a gorgeous smile that can make anyone’s heart melt, they also usually have an oval or heart shaped face.
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delirialsoul · 6 months
The sign of your Venus & aspects to Venus are not taken into consideration in this post.
How to attract the Venus signs
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Venus in the 1st house
These people attract a lot of luck in their lives because of how likeable they are. Everything from friends, partners, jobs just seems to come naturally to these people. Other people are envious of their lives because they seem to just have it all. No matter how jealous they make people they wont be hated because their haters can sense that everyone will be on the venusian persons side. Social and charming. They make sure to not butt heads with the wrong people. They know how important it is to be well liked and what gifts it will bring them. Physically these people have symmetric faces and very good looking bodies. The fat on their bodies is evenly distributed making them look good. The facial features just seem to melt together perfectly creating a look that everyone will find attractive. They usually fit the beauty standard of the country they live in. Whatever they lack physically will be made up for with the right makeup and clothes. They have a friendly look to the face making them very approachable which adds to their popularity and gives them huge ammounts of social connections. The outer corners of their lips are usually upturned making them look like they are always smiling. They usually have dimples either on their cheeks, or lower back to show a proof of symmetry for potential mates that says ”Look i have good genes, procreate with me Im balanced and make symmetric babies!” The dark side of this placement is that there can be an almost obsessive need to be well liked by people. These people can be the first one you call when you need help with something because they will say yes, especially when it comes to people who can help them look good or are well connected. Remember that Venus wasnt that innocent.
Venus in the 2nd house
People with this placement can have a very sweet and seductive voice that can be almost hypnotizing. Some of these people also have the habit of making their voices softer than it already is on purpose because Venus is how we charm and how we get away with stuff. People with Venus in the 2nd house knows how to seduce by using their magic hands and their magic voices, especially when they are being confronted. This is a very sensual house and people with Venus here loves to indulge. They value everything that feels, looks and smells good. They love stuff like jewelry, expensive restaurants, expensive parfumes, spas, 5 star hotels, art and they have excellent taste in all of those things. 2nd house is also the house of finances and Venus will definitely bless these people here. This placement is very common among child actors, politicians and royalty. So basically its common in the charts of people who never even experienced poverty and who comes from a bloodline of rich people. Its a typical ”old money” placement. North West for example got this placement and she was born to two extremely rich parents. Physically this gives a stunning face, especially the eyes, lips and chin will be gorgeous. Look at for example Olivia Hussey, Jessica Biel and Kelly Rowland who all 3 got Venus in the 2nd house and their faces really stand out. This is a fixed house and also the house of moral values so these people have very strong sense of moral values that they wont go against. They are extremely loyal and will leave instantly if betrayed because these people dont play when it comes to their self worth. You will have to treat them just as good as they treat themselves or they will leave.
Venus in the 3rd house
These people are really good at giving compliments and showing their appreciation which is why they are so well liked. There can be a fixation with talking here. Like the people with this placement can feel a need to ALWAYS have some kind of communication going on, they could be on the phone 24/7 or just message people about random stuff to have some kind of interaction going on. Mental stimulation is very important here. They love using fancy words and they are very tactful. They can find it hard to talk back aggressively so they prefer to say something witty back instead of screaming. Britney Spears have this placement and even when she was screaming at paparazzi who stalked her she was being nice. In a lot of the worst paparazzi videos on Britney she says stuff like ”Leave me alone sir” which shows that no matter how angry she is politeness is still important. These people have their own signature way of talking they might for example have a unique little laugh that always comes out after they said something. They are good at writing because they have such an amazing imagination. Very good at presenting themselves, especially in professional settings since they are so good at small talk. They are so good at mingling.They looove to come up with nicknames for people or call their partner stuff like ”honeyboo” and ”cutie”. They are usually well known and very well liked in the neighborhood they grew up in. The girl next door. The popular girl at school. Their siblings are well known and probably good looking. This placement is common in that cocky kid at school who everyone wants to beat up but they cant because everyone know who his big brother is. The negative side of this aspect is that less kind people around them notice how much these people dislike to be rude and talk back which leads to bitter people taking out their anger on them. If this placement is badly aspected it can lead to obsessive gossiping and obsessive communication that can become very annoying for people close to them. These people usually have gorgeous naturally wellshaped arms and beautiful hands.
Venus in the 4th house
These people have a very beautiful relationship to their mothers. The mother is usually beautiful and kind. This aspect is common in people who are the first child who was the family blessing but its also common in the youngest child who becomes the family sweetheart. Anyways these people have a special role in the family. These people can be the first one to do something good for the family. For example they could be the first one to get an education or the first to move from the country. The first one to break a generational curse. Kamala Harris got this placement and she is the first female vice president which will definitely be good for her children and grandchildren. This will bless her family for generations to come. These people usually come from a bloodline of beautiful women. Their bloodline could even be royal. King Charles the 3rd have this placement and he is the longest-serving heir apparent in British history. These people value their home a lot and its important for them to have a beautiful home. They are prepared to spend a little extra on beautiful furniture. Their homes are beautiful and luxurious with a lot of scented candles and cozy blankets. People with this placement have a warm motherly aura surrounding them. Children are very drawn to them. These people might be kind, nurturing and willing to do anything to help a friend in trouble but dont betray them or mess with their family because they are protectors. The negative side of this placement is that there is a risk here to value tradition and culture a little too much. A lot of patriots have this placement. You know the kind of annoying people whos whole personality revolve around them being from a certain country/area, yeah those people are likely to have this placement.
Venus in the 5th house
These people have an aura around them that screams STAR. These are people who have that IT image. People cant help but admire these people just look at Naomi Campbell, Megan Fox, Eva Longoria, Janet Jackson, Alexa Demie, Megan Fox who all have this placement. The list of influential people with this placement is sooo long. These people have a unique sense of fantasy and style and thats what makes them the best artists in the world. Everything from the way they talk to the way they walk screams confidence and pride. These people if they have children will have a lot of them. These are the kind of people who have like 10 children. They usually have a very good relationships to their children. The first child is almost always a Venusian. And if one of your parents have this placement then lucky you because then you are probably gorgeous. Ive noticed that a lot of men with this placement get babytrapped by women they are not interested in (their own fault tho, nobody forced them to sleep around) and have a lot of different babymamas. These people are usually very much into music and art. They want everything around them to be attention grabbing. They have the most expensive car in the neighbourhood, the hottest partner, the most expensive watch. They need to show whos the king of the jungle. They need a good looking partner, this is the house of Leo afterall. They find confidence extremely attractive and they love a partner with beautiful hair/beard. One downside to this placement is that these people come off as way more flirtatious than they really are which can make a lot of people think that the Venus 5th house person is interested in them which leads to a lot of drama and conflict between them and their current partner.
Venus in the 6th house
These people are very ambitious and dedicated. Not because they want luxury or status but because they want to have a comfortable daily life. These people usually live very comfortable lifes too. They are very well liked by bosses and colleagues. People with Venus in the 6th house are very health orienten and into fitness. They really do treat their body as their temple. The way their body look is very important for them and if badly aspected they could go so far as to get plastic surfery. Lollo Ferrari the woman with the lagrets breasts in the world have this placement. Most of them dont go that far tho because these people want to be natural. They work out and eat well. There is a natural and glowy beauty to them. There is a beauty and sophistication with these people that is incredibly attractive and makes people feel like these people are very important but it can also make them come across as arrogant.They look really good without doing much and their bodies are gorgeous and so captivating. These people also look incredible in any kind of uniform. They are very interested in nutrition, gym, yoga and diets. A lot of vegetarians and vegans have this placement and so do a lot of athletes. They need to feel productive which is why they always got some kind of project going on. This is the house of Virgo so these people can be kinda judgmental but not in a mean way. This is because they see instantly what needs to be fixed. They need to understand that most people wont appreciate their advice. These people can be very picky with everything from food to clothes, they need perfection.
Venus in the 7th house
These people are incredibly socially aware and possess social skills that will charm anyone. This is something that just comes naturally for them they dont even have to fake it. They are usually very popular and have a lot of contacts. This is the kind of person who everybody in their hometown knows who they are. This can sometimes become too much for them. They love to connect with people and they take good care of their relationship but sometimes this ”fame” and having to constantly be on their best behaviour can become too much. They know that they are expected to be the kind one, the one who solves and doesnt get angry and this puts pressure on them. This is why its common for these people to actually move from their hometown at some point. These people will get the person they want because they are seen as wifey/husband material. People around them can get shocked over how easy these people attract partnerships, they were just going to the store to buy some milk and comes back with 5 new contacts in their phone. These people prefer to be in a relationship. They feel like they need their other half. They prefer to do stuff with company than doing it alone. These people love everything beautiful especially clothes, art and homedecor. They want to be surrounding by beauty. They also want a goodlooking partner but not to show off but because beauty makes them feel comfortable. If Venus is aspected in this house it can make the person very vain and judgmental tho. The downside to this placement is that they value peace and harmony so much that they might have a hard time standing up for themselves. This can lead to them holding grudges over stuff they never confronted their partner for. Physically these people are almost always attractive and if they arent people wont notice anyways because thats the kind of charm they possess. Just like with Venus in the 1st house they seem to always be smiling.
Venus in the 8th house
This placement can bring great insecurities to the person because they dont see their own beauty and charm, its like the 8th house is hiding it from them and making it visible only to everybody else. They notice how mesmerized people are by them but they just cant see it themselves. A lot of these peoples insecurities comes from envious people who have been making mean comments trying to humle them. Remember that the 8th house shows obsession so people are completely taken by these peoples appearances. Someone close to the family, a relative or even a parent was probably obsessed with the way they look when they were just a child. This placement is common in children who had parents who got them into childmodeling or beauty pageants. Other people noticed your appearance before you did and you never stood a chance against the envy and hate thrown at you. There is a depth to their personality and they have a deep understanding for others. These people were often hurt early in life by someone they loved which made them feel an obsession with control. The 8th house is the house of others people money and these people are incredibly lucky here. They attract A LOT from others. It doesnt have to be cash it can be gifts, rides, meals anything expensive. People want to give them stuff. There is a huge chance or of getting an inheritance from a husband or from someone in their family. They attract rich and successful people. Physically there is something very mysterious about the face here, especially the eyes and the lips will be so seductive that people cant help but stare in awe. They possess a magic sex appeal and they put a spell on everyone they meet. The dark side to this placement is that they attract a lot of secret admirers and attention from the wrong people. Most people with this placement have had a stalker at some point in their life. The stalking seems to most times be sexually motivated. They also attract people who envy them and wants to take from them.
Venus in the 9th house
These people are very interested in art, fashion and movies from other cultures than their own. We can see this placement in for example the chart of Kim Kardashian who have been appropriating other cultures for years. Ofc not everyone with Venus in the 9th house will be like this but it can happen if Venus is afflicted. They love to travel and they love adventure. This love for adventure can sometimes put them in risky situations because these people can be very reckless when it comes to having fun. These people can feel a strong need to move away from their hometown or even from their homecountry. They are not afraid of change at all infact they are the opposite, they want change and excitement. These people love to learn and a lot of them are very well educated. They take great pride in their intelligence. They have strong opinions that they are not afraid to share. Sometimes when they share these opinions they can sound very preachy and arrogant. They are drawn to religion and history. This is a common placement in people who at some point convert to a different religion. These people have an incredible sense of humour since this is the house of Jupiter. They are naturally funny without even trying and can be very clumsy. They are easy to be around because they dont take themselves too seriosuly and they are super down to earth. One downside to this placement is that other people can make way to much of a deal about their cultural background and they might be fetishized. Jessica Alba got this placement and she talks in a lot of interviews about how they wanted her to play a stereotype of latinas and that for years she was only seen as ”the latina” and was fetishized by men in Hollywood. She was also told that she couldnt be the main star in a lot of movies because that role was for someone whos more european looking.
Venus in the 10th house
These people are seen as very professional and respectable. No matter what they actually do behind the scenes there is something about them that makes people think highly of them. Usually very well connected. You just cant help but envy them because they seem to have it all, they make sure to be seen this way too. These people take their reputation very seriously. If you talk badly about them or make them look bad infront of others you will have to pay. These people need to look good even going to the neighborhood store because they want to always be seen at their best. The annoying part of this placement is that other people are so invested in their relationships. These people are picky and want people with a good reputation just like them which leads to them most times dating someone well known in their community or just someone whos very good looking. Because of this they attract a lot of attention. People can be obsessed or even fixated with these peoples relationships. Their relationship drama have a tendency to become very public. Look at for example Johnny Depp, Kanye West and Victoria Beckham they all have this placement and they all date well known good looking people but it comes with a price. The downside to this placement is that their life can become too much about reputation, work and material gain that they forget to enjoy life. This also happens in their relationships, they look for a partner that makes them LOOK good instead of going for someone that makes them FEEL good which they regret when they get older. There is also a tendency here to think that people are watching every step and therefore they are deadly afraid of doing something embarrassing. Physically these people usually have gorgeous hair, skin and gorgeous bone structure. Their bodies are usually blessed by Venus too.
Venus in the 11th house
This aspect is really good for people who are a part of anything organized and that involves a lot of people. Its a good aspect for criminals since this guarantees a high position in the gang and loyal members. For example Pablo Escobar who was the leader of the Medellin Cartel which is considered the first major drug cartel. He easily became reapected and seen as a leader. This is a typical ”Regina George” aspect. These people are incredibly talented when it comes to all subjects that are considered taboo or odd for example Astrologer Liz Greene. These people are incredibly intelligent and good at thinking outside of the box. Friendships is very important for them and they want their relationships to feel a like a friendship too, to be romantically involved with these people they will want you to be their friend first of all. The 11th house also rules social media and these people can quickly become very popular here. These are the kind of people who reach overnight success or go viral because of some video they posted. Its a perfect influencer placement, especially since they are so good at coming up with new ideas and knows how to be steps ahead of the rest of society when it comes to fashion. These people value originality and this can be seen by how they dress. They usually have their own style because expressing themselves is so important for these people. The downside of this placement is that being unique can become almost like an obsession. These people have a very logical mind and they detach emotionally easily when needed. They need space and freedom and they wont be with someone whos too clingy. These people are usually humanitarian and fight hard to change the world for the better. A lot of protestors have this placement. These people are extremely needed in society.
Venus in the 12th house
These people are very well behaved and socially appropriate. They behave like angels and they look like angels too. There is a glowy and magical aura surrounding them almost like a halo. The eyes are usually glossy and the skin got a dewy look. They are super cute. There is a sense of mystery to the way they dress and look that makes them hard to read and figure out. These people have so much feelings and can be oversensitive because they feel the feelings of everyone around them. They are very good at putting themselves in other peoples shoes. There is humbleness about them that is incredibly attractive. This is unfortunately why they attract a lot of bad people tho. They attract people who need their healing touch but doesnt want to give anything back. These people give and give until they have nothing left. They forgive too easily. People want all this glory and goodness for themselves. Everyone can see that they are kind and naive, its written all over their face. These people have the habit of getting involved in secret relationships with unreliable people who could even use them. They have psychic abilities and are drawn to spirituality, tarot and astrology. They also use their psychic powers in their relationships. These people can feel what their partner wants and need. For example they see a hot person that they have never seen before and they intuitively know how to act to attract This person. This can be seen by others as them being deeply manipulative but they just can help themselves, they are chameleons. Their partners can also become disappointed when they find out the Venus 12th house person were not liked they seemed.
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delirialsoul · 6 months
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“sometimes, i feel like an emotional sponge 🧽, just soaking up everyone else’s pain..☁️”
☄️ these individuals are very sensitive to the subtle emotions around them. they have an innate ability to understand and deeply feel other people’s needs and emotions. they possess strong intuition and are gifted with artistic abilities
🌙 they are attentive to subtle cues, like changes in someone’s tone of voice. if they notice a slight change, they are the types to ask about what might be bothering the other person, or they will just overthink and dwell about it.
☄️ notably empathetic, they readily offer help to those around them, demonstrating selflessness. however, they may struggle with setting boundaries and often feel burdened by carrying others’ problems, leading to a sense of emotional exhaustion.
🌙 minor inconveniences easily overwhelm them, resulting in them constantly retreating to their safe place. their heightened sensitivity often leads them to take things personally or feel overly connected to events, even when they might not directly involve them. due to this, they prefer a peaceful and quiet environment and are highly sensitive to unpleasant situations.
☄️ the person’s emotional well-being was greatly affected by their mother’s possible abuse or addiction. intuitively sensing the mother’s sufferings, they internalized these emotions as their own. their needs may not have been consistently met due to the emotional or physical absence of one of the parents.
🌙 these people are highly imaginative and often turn to art and daydreaming for comfort. in more extreme cases, some might resort to alcohol or other substances to escape.
☄️ they tend to get lost in daydreams, creating imaginary worlds to make themselves feel better. however, this absorption in their imagination can lead them to ignore responsibilities, making them feel depressed or sad.
🌙 dealing with confusion, they struggle to express or understand their emotions, especially with the hard aspects. this difficulty can stem from picking up others’ emotions as their own. people may also have a hard time understanding them, which leads them to feel left out.
☄️ their strong intuition and sensitivity likely grants them psychic abilities and prophetic dreams, allowing them to perceive or sense the future. they may also experience unexplained sights or sounds.
🌙 they can appear physically and emotionally weak, emitting a soft and delicate aura. because of this, they need to look out against those who take advantage or harbor hidden motives.
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delirialsoul · 6 months
Zuko is Autistic
Since I made a post a while ago claiming that Zuko was autistic, some people have been asking for the “proof.” It seems fitting for me to provide said proof now, since it’s autism acceptance month. I’m going to try to be as comprehensive as I can, but if anyone has anything to add, feel free to do so! That said, please do not come on here to tell me that Zuko is not autistic. This is my headcanon, and these are all the things about Zuko that I relate to as an autistic person. 
Alright, buckle up, kids, because Zuko is autistic af and I’m coming with all the receipts - and there are a lot of them.
Let’s start from the beginning. A lot of austistic people develop tactics early on that help us to ‘pass’ as allistic. When unsure of how to act in certain social situations, Zuko tends to mirror Azula. When he was younger, he was shown copying her sense of humor. 
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He threw a rock at a baby turtle duck and laughed, saying that this is how Azula feeds turtle ducks. Because Azula thought it was funny, he assumed his mom would think it was funny, too. It wasn’t until Ursa asked, “Why would you do that?” that Zuko even considered it might not be universally funny. 
Zuko is shown laughing at things Azula thinks are funny more than once as a child. If Azula is not laughing directly at Zuko, he usually joins in on the laughter, even if he doesn’t understand the joke. 
Another time Zuko tried to copy Azula was after she demonstrated her skills to their grandfather, Fire Lord Azulon. Zuko immediately attempted to demonstrate his own skills, even though he was not prepared. 
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Another thing that some autistic people struggle with is fine motor skills. When Zuko tried to prove to his grandfather that he was as skilled as Azula, he tripped both times he attempted to fire bend. He has obviously improved since that moment, but it took him a long time to do that. 
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“You have yet to master your basics. Drill it again.”
Zuko was at sea for three years with Iroh, seemingly doing nothing but training to get strong enough to capture the avatar. After three years, he was still working on his basics, as Iroh points out. Other benders have been shown to become masters much quicker than Zuko. Katara became a waterbending master after one episode. Aang mastered all four elements in the span of about a year. By the age of 12, Toph was already an earthbending master, and she taught herself. Zuko has had to work a lot harder than them to properly control his fine motor skills. It isn’t until he’s mastered his basics that he is able to progress as a bender. 
Since Ozai was obviously not the most supportive parent, Zuko may have had to figure out other ways to hide his autism. 
Another tactic he used was to practice social interactions before they happened. In this scene, he is shown giving a practice performance to a frog:
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“The thing is, I have a lot of fire bending experience, and I’m considered to be pretty good at it. Well, you’ve seen me. You know, when I was attacking you?” 
Obviously, this practice session was necessary, because Zuko said plenty of things here that could have easily further escalated the situation. 
Even while using tools like mirroring or practicing social interaction, we all have moments where things might just feel a little off to allistic people. 
A lot of autistic people feel empathy differently than allistic people. Some of us might not feel empathy, some might experience hyper empathy, and some might just have a hard time expressing empathy. I suspect Zuko is leaning towards low empathy, or has trouble expressing empathy. 
Exhibit A: 
“My first girlfriend turned into the moon.”
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“That’s rough, buddy.” 
Notice how Zuko found it easier to talk about himself. He answered Sokka’s questions about Mai, and the conversation was moving along smoothly. It wasn’t until Sokka shared personal information about himself that Zuko seemed to be out of words. 
Exhibit B:
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Toph just told Zuko that her parents gave her everything she ever asked for, but not the one thing she really wanted: their love. 
Zuko spends half of this conversation looking the other way. When he does look at her, notice his expression. He probably has no idea why she is telling him this, so he doesn’t know how to respond. And on top of that, he was under the impression that they were supposed to be looking for Aang. 
A lot of autistic people have what you might call a one track mind (which I’ll get more into later). It’s hard for us to switch focus from one thing to another. 
Toph wanted to partner with Zuko because she wanted a life changing field trip, but Zuko just wanted to find Aang. He was able to have ‘life changing field trips’ with Aang, Katara, and Sokka because he was actively focused on helping them with their specific problems. He had time to mentally prepare to help them. There was careful planning involved in each of those missions. He can’t help Toph in this moment, because her problem is conflicting with the problem they already have: finding Aang.
In both of the examples above, Zuko acknowledges the hardships that Sokka and Toph went through. “That’s rough buddy” and “I know you had a rough childhood.” This may be his way of trying to show compassion, even though it might come across as cold. 
Zuko takes things at face value
Catching things like sarcasm, body language, metaphors, and ‘reading between the lines’ can be difficult for autistic people. This also gives us a reputation for being gullible, because it can be difficult to tell when someone is lying without being able to read the cues. 
The first and most obvious example of this is what Zuko’s entire arc revolves around: 
Capturing the Avatar
Ozai had just fought his own son, a 13 year old, in an Agni Kai. He burned Zuko’s face, intentionally causing permanent damage, and then banished him. All of this because Zuko spoke out of turn. At the time that Zuko was banished, the Avatar hadn’t been spotted for over 100 years. 
Knowing all of that, it seems likely to me that Ozai was being cruel and sarcastic when he said that Zuko could come back after capturing the Avatar. It would be like saying “when pigs fly,” since at that point the Avatar was thought to have been gone forever. 
Iroh, of course, knows this. That’s why in the beginning of the series, he kept reminding Zuko that the Avatar had not been seen in 100 years. He didn’t want Zuko to get his hopes up. Zuko, however, spends every minute for three years training to fight the avatar, and the second he sees something out of the ordinary, he automatically assumes that it is the the avatar’s doing. It’s kind of a miracle that he was right.
Capturing the Avatar = restoring honor. This is an example of both taking what his father told him as fact, and seeing things as black and white, which is also commonly associated with autism. Ozai told Zuko that capturing the avatar would restore his honor, so Zuko became obsessed with finding and capturing Aang. He truly believed that doing so was the only way to restore his honor and return home. It took Zuko years to realize that he could restore his honor in a different way than what his father told him. 
He automatically believes Azula when she says he can come home
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“Father regrets?”
It had been three years since he’d seen Azula, and he immediately took what she said at face value. He is excited to be going home, and he is frustrated with Iroh for being skeptical. When Iroh points out that he has never known Ozai to regret anything, Zuko says “did you even listen to Azula?” 
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Zuko takes what Azula says as fact, just like he has always done. This is why, as a child, he had to constantly tell himself, “Azula always lies,” because she probably had a habit of fooling Zuko. But now that it has been so long, without the constant reminder that Azula always lies, she takes advantage of the fact that Zuko trusts her so easily, and he falls for her lies once again.
He doesn’t catch on to Jin’s body language
In the episode ‘The Tales of Ba Sing Se,’ Zuko meets a girl named Jin. He immediately is threatened by her, because she keeps looking at him (eye contact is another thing that can be a challenge for autistic people). He assumes she knows they are fire nation. Despite the fact that he has seen her constantly smiling at him, he is completely surprised when he finds out she has a crush on him.
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When Jin asks Zuko on a date, he shows up looking like this:
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I think most people would catch on that this is Not A Good Look. But when Jin messes up his hair, Zuko gets frustrated. He says, “It took my uncle ten minutes to do my hair!” 
So, Iroh told him this was a good hairstyle, and Zuko trusts Iroh, so he took his word as truth, and went along with it. 
Later on in the date, Jin tries to kiss Zuko. Just before their lips touch, he holds a coupon in front of her face, exclaiming that he brought her a gift.
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Zuko likes Jin. He risked a lot to light up the fountain for her. We know he wanted to kiss her, because when she kissed him later, he let her, and he even kissed her back for a moment before he bolted. But in this moment here, he missed the signs that said she was about to kiss him (the hand holding, Jin closing her eyes, leaning forward, etc), so he moved the conversation along in a way that he felt was natural, by giving her a gift. 
He doesn’t realize that Sokka and Suki want time alone
Zuko runs into Suki when he’s about to go into Sokka’s tent. She’s clearly embarrassed, but Zuko doesn’t catch on.
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“Sorry, do you need to talk to Sokka, too?”
Suki says no, so Zuko enters Sokka’s tent, to find Sokka like this:
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There are roses everywhere, candles are lit, Sokka’s hair is down, he’s posing. Sokka was waiting for Suki to arrive, not Zuko. 
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But Zuko doesn’t catch on to that, either, so he sits right down and asks Sokka for advice, totally oblivious to what was supposed to be going down. 
He can’t explain what is ‘off’ about Azula
A lot of autistic people have trouble recognizing patterns. Zuko has known Azula his whole life. He knows what her hair usually looks like. He knows what her makeup usually looks like. She doesn’t usually have dark circles under her eyes. She usually has better posture. I could go on. 
Azula challenged Zuko to an Agni Kai looking like this:
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“I can’t explain it, but there’s something off about her.”
This is something I struggle with, too. If my mom dyes her hair, I can tell something is different, but it may take me a few days to figure out exactly what has changed. I think this is what was going on with Zuko here. He knows something is up, but he can’t immediately recognize that Azula has cut her own hair poorly, or that her makeup is different because she did it herself, or that she has dark circles under her eyes, or weird posture, etc. 
Sensory issues 
Sensory issues are also associated with autism. This can manifest in sensory overload and strong reactions to physical contact, among other things.
One way I’ve learned to avoid or come down from sensory overload is to self-isolate and meditate, which is something Zuko does very often. This can also be a way to recharge spoons or mentally prepare for something that might be exhausting.  
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This explains why Zuko would react so strongly when someone interrupts his alone time. He needs that time to prepare for every other moment in the day. When this time is interrupted, he lashes out, and has trouble containing his emotions.
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Physical contact
Zuko doesn’t always seem to know how to react to physical contact and affection. He reacts negatively if he isn’t prepared, or if he isn’t comfortable with the person. Even if he genuinely likes the person who is touching him (Jin, Iroh, Toph, Katara, etc), he still doesn’t seem to know what to do. 
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If Zuko is comfortable with the person who hugs him, he allows them to do so, but he still almost always looks flustered. He doesn’t always hug back, and when he does, it sometimes takes him a moment to process that he’s being hugged before he is able to return the gesture.
Difficulty Changing Plans
As I mentioned before, autistic people sometimes have a one-track mind. We may have difficulty changing plans, and may tend to see things as black and white, with no gray areas. All of these things describe Zuko to a T. 
Zuko tends to get frustrated over any change of plans, but there’s one example I’d like to focus on.
Let’s talk about that angst coma. You know, that time Zuko got physically ill after he did something that completely altered the course of his life? 
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That’s the one. The thing is, change is hard. And it can be especially hard for autistic people. Zuko spent the last few years working towards one thing, and one thing only: capturing the avatar. Then, in one day, everything changed. He made a decision to free Appa, which was completely counter to what he has been working towards this entire time. 
I’ve had “angst comas” before, and I know other autistic people who have had similar experiences. Sometimes you really do just need a few days in bed to recuperate and adjust to big changes. 
some side notes that are worth mentioning:
Zuko takes Iroh’s metaphors literally
He repeats Iroh’s metaphors without understanding them, and they come across differently
It took him a minute to realize when Aang insulted him, because the insult was dressed up like a complement. “Hey, that was actually pretty smart of you.” Zuko’s first reaction is to smile proudly at the praise. 
That scene when Aang wants to sit by Katara (bc he likes her) and Zuko is all, “I don’t get it, what’s the big deal? Just sit next to me.”
He saved Iroh’s smelly sandal when he was separated from him
He has a special interest in dao swords
Inaccurate self image (in his imagination he pictured himself without his scar)
He replays memories in his head of times when he thinks he may have said the wrong thing
He has meltdowns when things don’t go as he plans. 
He sometimes messes up jokes when he’s trying to be funny
He paces back and forth a lot, perhaps as a way to stim
In conclusion Zuko is autistic af. I rest my case.
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delirialsoul · 9 months
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GEN V S01E03 | #ThinkBrink
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delirialsoul · 1 year
Astro Observations #6
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Photo by Rakicevic Nenad
🫧 If there ever were a placement to indicate a Momma's Boy...It's definitely a Cancer Moon man. A 4th House stellium can also manifest this way.
🫧 Cancer Rising cuties are really sweet and nurturing people, but they can be very critical and judgmental of others with Virgo ruling their 3rd House of Communication. Often this is just a projection of their own emotional insecurities deriving from the 1st House of Self.
🫧 Also, Cancer placements...especially Sun, Moon & Mars...stop automatically assuming someone moved your sh¡t or touched your stuff LOL. It's just misplaced and will show up. I'm not saying someone didn't do it, but that someone could be you 😉 (I'm a Cancer Sun/Mercury so don't shoot the messenger!)
🫧 People with Taurus in the 12th end up dedicating a lot of work into their spirituality. Because the 12th House indicates isolation and seclusion, and Taurus is ruled by Venus, these individuals often decorate their homes with lots of spiritual things that bring them comfort.
🫧 On the same note...the 12th House Taurus is a Gemini Rising with a Virgo 4th House and may actually enjoy and prefer being alone so the home is a place they value very much. These folk's homes are usually a combination of some sort of organized mess (Virgo/Pisces axis). Like, they usually know where everything is, because everything has a place (Virgo 4H), but there is a bit of chaos that goes with that, such as organized piles of clothes (clean vs dirty), stacks of books in a corner instead of on a bookshelf, etc.
🫧 Pluto in the 12th house people can come across very intense or intimidating even. They often don't see themselves this way because energy gets buried in the 12th House, but it is very recognizable by others.
🫧 Leo North Node natives are here to create something that brings them well deserved attention. This can be anything from a career in acting, a famous child, or some sort of art or historical development.
🫧 I attributed dimples to Libra placements in a previous post, but recently have observed that this also includes a dimpled chin, known as a cleft-chin...or butt chin.
🫧 A shadow trait of Aquarius Moons is their need to be noticed (Leo/Aquarius axis). Part of what gives them emotional fulfillment is being recognized for their uniqueness. And while they are usually very logical with their approach to emotional expression, when an Aqua Moon's feelings get the best of them, they may become very emotional.
🫧 People with Scorpio in the 6th House should be very mindful of the people they sleep with. Scorpio in the house of health makes them more susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases.
🫧 Fire Mars (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) people will try anything once! Especially in their younger years and even more so if you pair it with a Fire Sun or Moon. These folks love to have fun and won't really enjoy doing anything that doesn't spark their passion(s).
🫧 I can always pick up on Water Mercuries (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) by how they express opinion based questions/statements.
Cancer Mercury = "I feel like..." = Emotion/Insecurity based
Scorpio Mercury = "Something tells me..." = Intuition/Suspicion based
Pisces Mercury = "Have you ever wondered...?" = Abstract/Ideal based
These are my observations and opinions. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Thanks for reading!
-So.Kosmic 👽 💜 💫
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delirialsoul · 1 year
Astrology observations Part-2 🦋
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🦋Capricorn sun / Capricorn rising, Virgo sun / Virgo rising are the real fashionistas of astrology. They are classic, timeless, effortless elegance. They might like light and dark academia, of course, old money aesthetic. The earth signs always look put together.
🦋The gaze of the Scorpio moon is intense, hypnotic and haunting. My god they see through you, they are human lie detectors. Trust me, they know when you are lying, they are just playing along. They constantly test their friends to check their loyalty.
🦋The rebellious Lilith is subtle in earth and water signs and intense in fire and air signs. A Virgo Lilith in the first house may like to flaunt her sexuality but also struggles to keep her image pristine and clean in front of others.
🦋Lilith in 2H is obsessed with their money and has the finest luxurious taste. They might struggle with eating too much or too little. Self-image can be a little foggy. Lilith in 1H has a sexy body and Lilith in 2H has a sexy face.
🦋Pluto in 12H gets visions and constant deja vu. If someone with Pluto in 12h tells me that I should be careful and that she saw me in her dreams. I would listen to her.
🦋Men with Libra moon are proper gentleman. Their manners and etiquette is on point. The way they express themselves is mature and precise. They are real crowd pleaser. Very well groomed.
🦋I believe Leo moon is a great indicator of fame. Because their innate desire is admiration and recognition. I kid you not, so many celebrities who are worldwide famous have Leo Moon. They can also be great writers and poets because they have the ability to express their deepest darkest feelings and turn them into art that others love.
🦋0 degree placement in your natal chart is powerful, It means you are the master of your own destiny and you write your own story. 0 degree Jupiter means you can decide how to create your own fortune.
🦋Neptune in 11H is so adorable. People are magnetised by them. They are the type of friend who frequently disappears and reappears but are always there for you when you need them.
🦋Cancer Rising has the potential to become chef.
🦋Scorpio or Aries Mars is a great indication of raw sex appeal. I feel this is pretty self-explanatory. Scorpio mars has that magnetic mystery and Aries mars are pretty dominant and fearless.
🦋 18-degree placement in your Sun is of great controversy. The reason is that some astrologers would say this is a hard placement because this indicates hardships in early life, Karma. Others would say this indicates immense power to get what they want and strong willpower. I think both are true statements. They face hardships in the early part of their life and they truly shine in the later part of their life.
🦋Venus in 8H may attract doomed relationships. They also attract partners who cheat on them. They derive happiness from their love life. Lots of emotional turmoil. But I have also seen people with this aspect who are in a happy and healthy relationship. They had a past of shitty relationships. These natives are seductive and sensual and hardly single. Maybe being single for a while would help them to understand people. They too are interested in the occult. Highly creative.
🦋Venus square ascendant are so attractive but they don’t see themselves as attractive. It's like they are unaware of their beauty. May lack confidence but I believe confidence is something that can be built with practice. Squares aren’t all bad. It leads you to sexual appeal.
🦋Venus conjuncts both Mars and Mercury. We get it. You have it all. Beauty + Brains + Charisma. The only reason people don’t like them is because they are jealous duh. These natives are a bit cocky. After all, they are the whole package.
🦋Jupiter in 5H can find success and make a fortune as writers. Highly creative. Communication skills are amazing. Harness your talent.
Disclaimer: Take what resonates with you. Personal observations are biased.
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delirialsoul · 1 year
> Ascendant Aspects < How you Appear to be, and how your treated based off your appearances > why you look like a clown without makeup
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Ascendant aspecting Sun - I like your smile. Did you put it on for me, or for yourself? yes your charismatic, yes we noticed why your so confident, yes your literally the greatest person do you really need us to shower you in affection all the fkn time? your extra but too many toppings ruin a good pizza. your the embodiment of the cheesy smile from that cat in alice in wonderland. main character energy for sure you get the attention and you know how to use it Ascendant Aspecting moon - 🌚 < dont they look like that.? idk but you guys look like someone you want to grab the cheeks of and treat like a baby, your like a sugar glider. but we know your emotional so we have to be careful with how we grab your cheeks 👀 please stop crying its just a joke > also; big ass eyes. you are so sweet that everyone just wants to take you home and feed you till you become so obese you cant leave Ascendant Aspecting Mercury - the most devilish and cheeky smile all at once. they look like a kid about to do something bad, or have just been caught doing something bad and are now trying to explain why they had to do that dumbassery. but no matter how much you explain yourself, we will still question you because its funny watching you come up with explanations. you give me the vibe of any character from cartoon network or nickledoen - timmy turner, southpark, phineas and ferb, ed edd and eddy, or fkn bart simpson, you act like a cartoon yes.
Ascendant Aspecting Venus - I dont normally do this but whats ur number? is what your used to hearing presumably. and its not necessarily because your attractive... okay you are, you can stop pouting now. but its because you know how to get attention and you clearly love getting it. but they act so superficial, and oblivious sometimes... like they purposrfully look away just so its easier for you to look at them, 💀 then they look back playfully and it gets you in the feels. remind me of doctor who's bitches (any of them) they all act the same idc what you say
Ascendant Aspecting Mars - so pissed off lol but its hot. they are fierce > if they want something they are going to get it, and even the mere consideration of negotiating what they want will just get them more mad. which makes them more attractive? idk people love their ferocity, and as much as people say they don't like aggressive types, they don't ever get in their way when they pissed off (ik because im hot head) your basically a hornet > and no one gonna fight a hornet without the proper precautions Ascendant aspecting Jupiter - Yall are excellent at impressions and being impressionable, idk how you do it so well. You just act normal but then pull off this funny shit and return back to normal like its nothing. you guys perfected just being, and this energy makes people want to be around you. Your like a firework, the explosion is awesome, but when it goes away your like damn that was awesome wish it stayed; but thats what makes it so good, because we never know when its coming, and when its gone we want it back lol Ascendant Aspecting Saturn - batman without the mask sucks. thats you. batman without the mask.... why so serious???? > "because life shouldnt be taking for granted and fuckery aint apart of my Repertoire" - is some whack ass shit yall would say. you have great dignity, but people get insecure around you because your on top of your shit. oh and you tell people to get on top of their shit all the fkn time lol. > your like a crow, you look like one and act like one. - Side note- one time i had a stand off with a crow: I was chilling at home and i was on top of these tile blocks, then this crow came along. I tried to scare him, by like staunching him just a bit. but he responded by gripping the tree branch he was perched on, by twisting his claw foot; and he did it with so much ferocity it made this bone cracking noise (from the strength of his grip gripping the tree) and suddenly i was intimated.... by a fkn crow. okay moving on
Ascendant Aspecting Uranus - how did you even become like that. no one really understands why you act the way you do, you do some really eccentric things which are eye grabbing but also disturbing the more you think about it. your like a sword fish. theres probably more effective ways to kill fish, but i mean a sword works, we are just wondering how you attached a sword to your face. also try to calm down, you doing so much and acting so bizarre that im actually more worried about you, even though im laughing my ass off. Ascendant Aspecting Neptune - your like a mirror of all that i ever could want in a person, and this mysterious allure you so easily pull off is truly enchanting. its like being around you makes it feel as if reality can so easily be readjusted into what i would like it to be. but this quality of urs is addicting, and no wonder people project onto you. but you cant even blame them, you literally shapeshift into whatever you want, and typically you like to show it off. your like a chameleon. or a axolotl Ascendant Aspecting Pluto - you scare people easily lol. your a spider. but spiders are sexy.... look at the BUNDA. okay but those teeth yeesh, have you ever seen a spider like lick its lips, bro its fkn scary. theres a reason arachnophobia is the most popular phobia and its because spiders are fucked. and yall are fucked. you move like a spider, and i swear to god you smile like one too lol. but people low key wanna be eaten by a spider..... so go ahead choose yo prey you fkn creepy crawler
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delirialsoul · 1 year
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“Opal’s Day Off” - Steven Universe #8
Now that things have calmed down a little after the Stevenbomb, here is my 4th guest comic for the Steven Universe comic from boomstudios!  This one definitely has to be my favorite out of the guest comics I’ve drawn.  I had a lot of fun with it from start to finish and I’m still thrilled I got to make an official comic featuring Opal!
I also had fun adding some extra little details to this comic, so see if you can spot them all!
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delirialsoul · 2 years
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the threshold
THE SANDMAN 1.06 | The Sound of Her Wings
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delirialsoul · 4 years
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You should talk to somebody else. Like a professional. Ugh, I don’t like therapists. They’re never any fun. What I need to find is a support group for first-time lesbians who’ve been abandoned by Christian law enforcement officers. I don’t know if they have any groups that specific- SANTA CLARITA DIET - 3x04 - “More of a Cat Person”
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delirialsoul · 4 years
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delirialsoul · 4 years
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delirialsoul · 4 years
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