delivcrance-blog · 6 years
‘ are you changing your fc again’ ye p
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
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“   THE  NIGHT  has  a  thousand  eyes ,  and  the  day  BUT  ONE ;  yet  the  light  of  the  BRIGHT  WORLD  dies  with  the  dying  sun .   THE  MIND  has  a  thousand  eyes ,  and  the  heart  BUT  ONE ;  yet  the  light  of  a  WHOLE  LIFE  dies  when  love  is  done .   " 
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
now that it actually ,,, let me @ my blog ,,,
im on mobile & i’ll get more stuff going on it tomorrow but uhhhh i’m a goblin who is now also @sniickets
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
im on mobile & i’ll get more stuff going on it tomorrow but uhhhh i’m a goblin who is now also @sniickets
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
Reblog if Tumblr is eating your activity dash notifications more than usually.
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
SEASONS OF LOVE. ‘  let’s celebrate and remember a year in the life of friends.  ’ ‘  remember the love.  ’
RENT. ‘  real life is getting more like fiction each day.  ’ ‘  where is the power?  ’ ‘  we’re hungry and frozen.  ’ ‘  some life that we’ve chosen.  ’ ‘  how can you generate heat when you can’t feel your feet and they’re turning blue.  ’ ‘  on every street it’s ‘trick or treat’ and tonight it’s ‘trick.’  ’ ‘  welcome back to town.  ’ ‘  oh, i should lie down.  ’ ‘  everything is brown and uh-oh, i feel sick.  ’ ‘  we’re not gonna pay rent.  ’
YOU’LL SEE. ‘  hey, you bum. get your ass off that range rover.  ’ ‘  what happened to (name)? what happened to their heart and the ideals he once pursued?  ’ ‘  you’re wasting your time.  ’ ‘  you broke your word – this is absurd.  ’ ‘  that boy could use some prozac.  ’
LIGHT MY CANDLE. ‘  what’d you forget?  ’ ‘  got a light?  ’ ‘  you’re shivering.  ’ ‘  they turned off my heat.  ’ ‘  i’m just a little weak on my feet.  ’ ‘  would you light my candle?  ’ ‘  what are you staring at?  ’ ‘  i always remind people of – who is she?  ’ ‘  i think that i dropped my stash.  ’ ‘  i know i’ve seen you out and about when i used to go out.  ’ ‘  they say that i have the best ass below 14th street. is it true?  ’ ‘  i didn’t recognize you without the handcuffs.  ’ ‘  i’m just born to be bad.  ’ ‘  our eyes will adjust. thank god for the moon.  ’
TODAY 4 U. ‘  today for you – tomorrow for me.  ’ ‘  you earned this on the street?  ’ ‘  darling, be a dear, i haven’t slept for a year.  ’ ‘  i need your help to make my neighbor’s yappy dog disappear.  ’ ‘  but sure as i am here that dog is now in doggy hell.  ’
TANGO: MAUREEN. ‘  this is weird.  ’ ‘  fuckin’ weird.  ’ ‘  i’m so mad that i don’t know what to do.  ’ ‘  feel like going insane? got a fire in your brain and you’re thinking of drinking gasoline?  ’ ‘  honey, i know this act.  ’ ‘  it’s a dark, dizzy merry-go-round.  ’ ‘  as she keeps you dangling, your heart she is mangling.  ’ ‘  it’s different with me.  ’ ‘  her cold eyes can burn.  ’ ‘  has she ever pouted her lips and called you pookie?  ’ ‘  have you ever doubted a kiss or two?  ’ ‘  this is spooky.  ’ ‘  did you swoon when she walked through the door?  ’ ‘  where’d you learn to tango?  ’ ‘  you pretend to believe her cause in the end you can’t leave her.  ’
LIFE SUPPORT. ‘  i find some of what you teach suspect because i’m used to relying on intellect.  ’ ‘  i try to open up to what i don’t know.  ’ ‘  reason says i should have died three years ago.  ’ ‘  there’s only us. there’s only this.  ’ ‘  forget regret or life is yours to miss.  ’ ‘  no other road, no other way. no day but today.  ’
OUT TONIGHT. ‘  it’s gotta be close to midnight.  ’ ‘  my body’s talking to me, it says ‘time for danger.’  ’ ‘  i wanna commit a crime, wanna be the cause of a fight.  ’ ‘  i wanna put on a tight skirt and flirt with a stranger.  ’ ‘  i’ve had a knack from way back at breaking the rules once a i learn the game.  ’ ‘  we don’t need any money. i always get in for free.  ’ ‘  let’s go out tonight.  ’ ‘  in the evening, i’ve got to roam.  ’ ‘  let’s find a bar, so dark we forget how we are and all the scars from nevers and maybes die.  ’
ANOTHER DAY. ‘  who do you think you are?  ’ ‘  little girl, the door is that way.  ’ ‘  your sweet whisper, i just can’t handle.  ’ ‘  i should tell you, i should tell you – no!  ’ ‘  another time, another place, our temperature would rise, there’d be a warm in brace.  ’ ‘  looking for romance? come back another day.  ’ ‘  the heart may freeze or it can burn.  ’ ‘  the pain will ease if i could learn.  ’ ‘  there is no future. there is no past. i live in this moment as my last.  ’ ‘  excuse me if i’m off track.  ’ ‘  if your so wise then tell me, why do you need smack?  ’ ‘  long ago, you might’ve lit up my heart, but the fire’s dead – ain’t ever gonna start.  ’
I’LL COVER YOU. ‘  live in my house, i’ll be your shelter.  ’ ‘  just pay me back with a thousand kisses.  ’ ‘  be my lover and i’ll cover you.  ’ ‘  don’t got much baggage to lay at your feet, but sweet kisses i’ve got to spare.  ’ ‘  i think they meant it when they said you can’t buy love.  ’ ‘  you are my love, on life. be my life.  ’ ‘  you’ll be my king and i’ll be your castle.  ’ ‘  you’ll be my queen and i’ll be your moat.  ’ ‘  a new lease you are my love on life, all my life.  ’ ‘  i’ve longed to discover something as true as this.  ’ ‘  with a thousand kisses, i’ll cover you.  ’
OVER THE MOON. ‘  out of the abyss walked a cow, elsie. i asked if she had anything to drink, she said, ‘i’m forbidden to produce milk. in cyberland, we only drink diet coke.’  ’ ‘  the only thing to do is jump over the moon.  ’ ‘  they’ve closed everything real down.  ’ ‘  i gotta get out of here!  ’ ‘  i gotta get out of here! it’s like being tied to the hood of a yellow rental truck, being packed in with fertilizer and fuel oil, pushed over a cliff by a suicidal mickey mouse.  ’ ‘  and although he once had principals, he abandoned them.  ’ ‘  maybe it’s a… female thing.  ’ ‘  moo with me!  ’
LA VIE BOHEME. ‘  what am i? just a blur?  ’ ‘  go to hell.  ’ ‘  i’m surprised a bright and charming girl like you hangs out with these slackers.  ’ ‘  do you really want a neighborhood where people piss on your stoop every night?  ’ ‘  dearly beloved, we gather here to say our goodbyes.  ’ ‘  to being an us for once, instead of a them.  ’ ‘  hey mister, she’s my sister.  ’ ‘  dorothy and toto went over the rainbow to blow off auntie em.  ’
I SHOULD TELL YOU. ‘  i should tell you i’m a disaster.  ’ ‘  let’s just make this part go faster – i have yet to be in it.  ’ ‘  i should tell you i blew the candle out just to get back in.  ’ ‘  i’d forgotten how to smile until your candle burned my skin.  ’
TAKE ME OR LEAVE ME. ‘  you were flirting with the woman in rubber!  ’ ‘  there will always be women in rubber flirting with me. give me a break!  ’ ‘  every single day i walk down the street, i hear people say ‘baby, so sweet.’  ’ ‘  ever since puberty everybody stares at me. boys, girls – i can’t help it, baby.  ’ ‘  be kind and don’t lose your mind.  ’ ‘  just remember that i’m your baby.  ’ ‘  take me for what i am, who i was meant to be.  ’ ‘  take me baby, or leave me.  ’ ‘  this diva needs her stage!  ’ ‘  baby, let’s have fun.  ’ ‘  you are the one i choose. folks will kill to fill your shoes.  ’ ‘  so be mine, but don’t waste my time.  ’ ‘  oh honey bear, are you still my baby?  ’ ‘  no way can i be what i’m not, but hey, don’t you want your girl hot?!  ’ ‘  don’t fight, don’t lose your head.  ’ ‘  every night, who’s in your bed?  ’ ‘  kiss pookie.  ’ ‘  it won’t work!  ’ ‘  i hate mess, but i love you.  ’ ‘  so be wise cause this girl satisfies.  ’ ‘  you’re one lucky baby.  ’ ‘  take me for what i am.  ’ ‘  that’s it – the straw that breaks my back.  ’ ‘  i quit unless you take it back.  ’ ‘  women, what is it about them? can’t live with them or without them.  ’ ‘  guess i’m leaving. i’m gone.  ’
WITHOUT YOU. ‘  i die without you.  ’ ‘  but i know blue, only blue, lonely blue, within me blue.  ’ ‘  the mind churns, the heart yearns.  ’ ‘  life goes on, but i’m gone.  ’
GOODBYE LOVE. ‘  it’s true your with this yuppy scum?  ’ ‘  you said you’d never speak to him again.  ’ ‘  who said you have any say in who she says things to at all?  ’ ‘  who said you should stick your nose in other people’s business?  ’ ‘  who said i was talking to you?  ’ ‘  we used to have this fight each night – she’d never admit i existed.  ’ ‘  he was always run away, hit the road, don’t commit. you’re full of shit!  ’ ‘  your full of shit!  ’ ‘  you gave an inch when i gave a mile  ’ ‘  c’mon guys, chill!  ’ ‘  i’d be happy to die for a taste of what they had: someone to live for, unafraid to say i love you.  ’ ‘  all your words are nice, but love’s not a three-way street.  ’ ‘  love’s not a three-way street.  ’ ‘  you’ll never share real love until you love yourself.  ’ ‘  you said you’d be cool today, so please, for my sake…  ’ ‘  i can’t believe this is goodbye.  ’ ‘  how could you let her go?  ’ ‘  are you insane? there’s so much to care about.  ’ ‘  who are you to tell me what i know?  ’ ‘  you hid in your work from facing your failure, facing your loneliness, facing the fact you live a lie.  ’ ‘  you’re always preaching not to be numb when that’s how you thrive.  ’ ‘  you pretend to create and observe when you really detach from being alive.  ’ ‘  are you really jealous?  ’ ‘  she’s running out of time and you’re running out the door.  ’ ‘  for someone who’s always been let down, who’s heading out of town?  ’ ‘  i’ll call.  ’ ‘  i hate the fall.  ’ ‘  you heard?  ’ ‘  you don’t want baggage without life time guarantees. you don’t wanna see me die?  ’ ‘  i just came to say goodbye love.  ’ ‘  please don’t touch me, understand i’m scared.  ’
YOUR EYES ‘  your eyes as we said our goodbyes – i can’t get them out of my mind.  ’ ‘  i find i can’t hide from your eyes, the ones that took me by surprise, the night you came into my life.  ’ ‘  there’s moonlight i see in your eyes.  ’ ‘  how’d i let you slip away when i’m longing so to hold you?  ’ ‘  now i’d die for one more day ‘cause there’s something i should have told you.  ’ ‘  why does distance make us wise?  ’ ‘  i should tell you i have always loved you.  ’ ‘  i should tell you i have always loved you. you can see it in my eyes.  ’
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
Reblog if I'm allowed to send you in character asks even if we have never talked before.
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
The song that plays during Brandon & Callie’s final scene in 2x12. It is absolutely beautiful and I can’t stop listening to it.
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
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❝ you look tense,  let me rub your shoulders. ❞ ❝ will you draw on my back? ❞ ❝ i love it when you sing to me ❞ ❝ i drew a bath for you,  let me make you some tea. ❞ ❝ do you want to just stay in bed today? ❞ ❝ come back to bed,  it’s barely sunrise. ❞ ❝ should i get out some candles? ❞ ❝ i picked up your favourite wine. ❞ ❝ will you play with my hair? ❞ ❝ i can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. ❞ ❝ i think you look beautiful. ❞ ❝ i love you even when you have morning breath. ❞ ❝ i cooked dinner for you. ❞ ❝ i brought you dinner. ❞ ❝ can you just hold me for a while? ❞ ❝ i’m just gonna hold you for a while. ❞ ❝ sing me to sleep? ❞ ❝ i’m going to treat you like a  ( queen/king ). ❞ ❝ you’re my whole world. ❞ ❝ a foot rub would be nice. ❞ ❝ are you going to join me? ❞ ❝ may i have this dance? ❞ ❝ shut up and kiss me. ❞
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
Send my muse a kink and they'll rate it based on interest
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
ghost quartet sentence starters, part two.    lyrics taken from the songs “any kind of dead person” through “the telescope” from the musical ghost quartet, described as “a haunted song cycle about love, death and whisky,“ written and composed by dave malloy. as per usual, feel free to adjust lines to fit dialect, pronouns, speech patterns of your muse, etc. this stands as the second part in a series of ask memes.
if you could be a bird, what kind of bird would you be?
if you could be a cat, what kind of cat would you be?
if you could be a dead guy, what kind of dead guy would you be?
i’d be a ghost.
i don’t go to church much, but when i do, i stand and sing loud.
i am filled with wonder from the stars.
i never saw anything i couldn’t blame on my mind, so i don’t believe in ghosts.
there’s a shock, there’s a stillness.
i wish that i could sing like that, but i don’t practice enough.
i’m confused by the notion that somebody loves me.
a clairvoyant told me once i’ve got an old soul.
if that’s how long it takes, i’m afraid i just haven’t got the time.
i’ll go home, pour some whiskey, and i’ll sigh.
when it’s time to go to bed, i’ll keep the nightlight on.
_____, honey, can you come here in a minute?
it’s time to grow up.
maybe that’d be sad for you, but maybe it’d be great for me.
so, why don’t you just shut up! why don’t you just have another fucking drink and shut the fuck up!
you dirty-faced, scruffy-kneed boy.
i got plenty of money.
that doesn’t mean i don’t love you.
i like to lose my mind, get blurry, sloppy, boozy, and blind.
you dignified, righteous young man.
i don’t care much for god.
i love a good rebellion.
you sweet little temptress, you.
there’s a forest burning somewhere and the moon is red as blood. 
i’m under your spell, in a wishing well. i’m lost and i don’t care at all.
let me drink tonight. don’t bother me.
you all can go away and just the bottle can stay.
i’m never really happy and i’m never really sad.
i’m a pretty bad lover and i’d probably be a deadbeat dad.
pack your bags and flee and never look back.
if anyone pushes me, i’m gonna push them back.
the stones are alive. the decaying trees, the moss on the wall, the condensation on the window. it is all alive. 
where is my brother/sister?
why did you have to die? i forgive you.
look into my telescope, tell me what you see. 
i see fire in the darkness, rage against the void. i see every time man cried out and raised his sword against god.
everything is lost. all is gone.
i love the way you see the world.
i love the way your soul sings.
i wish that i could sing like you.
i wish that i could feel things.
never take the stars away from me.
the younger is in love, was in love, but the lover is in love with the older, not the younger.
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
“‘prompts: 1) things you said at 1 am 2) things you said through your teeth 3) things you said too quietly 4) things you said over the phone 5) things you didn’t say at all 6) things you said under the stars and in the grass 7) things you said while we were driving 8) things you said when you were crying 9) things you said when I was crying 10) things you said that made me feel like shit 11) things you said when you were drunk 12) things you said when you thought I was asleep 13) things you said at the kitchen table 14)things you said after you kissed me 15) things you said with too many miles between us 16) things you said with no space between us 17) things you said that I wish you hadn’t 18) things you said when you were scared 19) things you said when we were the happiest we ever were 20) things you said that I wasn’t meant to hear 21) things you said when we were on top of the world 22) things you said after it was over 23) things you said on the streetcar at 1 am 24) things you said with clenched fists 25) things you said in the back seat of a cab 26) things you said sitting still 27) things you said on the phone at 4 am 28) things you said but not out loud 29) things you said in the backyard at night 30) things you said on the highway 31) things you said while I cried in your arms 32) things you said I wouldn’t understand 33) things you said at the back of the theatre 34) things you said in your sleep 35) things you said that made me feel real 36) things you said you’ll never forget 37) things you said with the tv on mute 38)things you said while holding my hand’ 39) things you said when we first met 40) things you said when you met my parents 41) things you said you loved about me 42) things you said when you asked me to marry you 43) things you said in our vows 44) things you said before you kissed me 45) things you said on new year’s eve 46) things you said when you kissed me goodnight 47) things you said in a hotel room 48) things you said on our honeymoon 49) things you said when we were 18 50) things you said when we were 70 51) things you said as we danced in our socks 52) things you said with my lips on your neck 53) things you said in the dark 54) things you always meant to say but never got the chance 55) things you said under your breath 56) things you said in the spur of the moment 57) things you said when no one else was around 58) things you were afraid to say 59) things you said after we fell in love 60) things you said [make your own]”
the ones with single quotes aren’t mine, but the rest are. great story and fic prompts
reblog if you want your followers to send you a number and pairing to write a fic about
(via starmvn)
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
feel free to change pronouns, etc.
“ there’s a river that winds on forever; i’m gonna see where it leads. ” “ there’s a mountain that no man has mounted; i’m gonna stand on the peak. “ out there’s a land that time don’t command; i wanna be the first to arrive. ” “ no time for pondering why i’ve been wandering. ” “ not while we’re both still alive. ” “ to the ends of the earth, would you follow me? ” “ there’s a world that was meant for our eyes to see. ” “ there’s an island where all things are silent. ” “ i’m gonna whistle a tune. ” “ there’s a desert that’s size can’t be measured; i’m gonna count all the dunes. ” “ out there’s a world that calls for me, girl. ” “ i’m heading out into the unknown. ” “ please don’t say i’m going alone. ” “ i was ready to die for you, baby. ” “ that doesn’t mean i’m ready to stay. ” “ i was ready to die for you, baby: that doesn’t mean i’m ready to stay. ” “ what good is living the life you’ve been given if all you do is stay in one place? ” “ i’m on a river that winds on forever. ” “ i’ll follow till i get where i’m going. ” “ maybe i’m heading to die, but i’m still going to try. ” “ i guess i’m going alone. ”
Keep reading
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
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     cue  the  loud  GASP,   as  blue  eyes  light  up  clearer  than  the  sunny  sky.       ❛ percy,   that  is  SO  CORAL,   we’re  like  in  this  SUPER  AWESOME  CLUB!     the ALLITERATIVE  ALIASES  CLUB!  ❜
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       ‘   YES !   ’      percy  lets  out  a  gasp  of  her  own ,  spongebob’s  enthusiasm  fueling  her  own .      ‘   oh ,  spongebob ,  that’s  such  a  GOOD  name !   ooh ,  ooh ,  we  should  have  a  SECRET  HANDSHAKE !   ’
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
name    :    puck nickname    :    percy gender    :    female pronouns    :     she / her zodiac    :    leo birthday    :    august 18 sexuality    :     pansexual! country    :     usa religion    :    agnostic hogwarts house    :    slytherin MBTI    :     enfp
about me.
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
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i’m so LUCKY, got nothin’ to do!               i could spend five minutes just bein’ with YOU! every flower, every grain of sand,                   is REACHIN’ OUT TO SHAKE MY HAND!
                             IT’S THE BEST DAY EVER!
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delivcrance-blog · 6 years
“and in return, jesus is gonna help me keep my 4.0” “i mean we’re an institution based around the idea of nailing a guy to something” “you could also substitute mohammad or buddha here, i just put jesus because jesus christ is one of my personal heros” “and if i ever forget to do that, you should just come up here and slap me” “____ ? did you mean my personal lord and savior?” “yas, jesus, i love him!” “god? is that you?” “personally i’m a big fan of the loudspeaker outside the chapel that plays either gregorian chant or carly rae jepsen at two in the morning, but to each his own i guess.” “god has all the ideas.” “god doesn’t make me hallucinate a different chair than the chair in god’s mind.” “the world is like a giant tupperware container, and we’re all tossed in it like old LEGOs” “that one philosopher said it.  you know, dumbfuck mcgee.” “let’s play my favorite game.  i call it ‘find the crucifix’.” “did someone really throw a water balloon and ruin the speakers?” “i heard someone hit the wizard in the face with something and they stopped after that, so i have no idea.” “____ set their hair on fire on purpose, like, what the fuck is today?” “i wrote like two sentences about eryximachus because i hate him.” “guys i don’t think i know how to write.” “what’s an academic way of saying ‘freaks out’?” “i’ve bullshitted every. single. class discussion.” “this would be easier if i actually uhhhh understood philosophy.” “i’m gonna have like 5 emotional breakdowns but it’s chill.” “if they’re all bad maybe she’ll give us a curve.”
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