Authority. Blergh. Claire shuddered in discomfort as she absent-mindedly smoothed her hands down the creases of her pants as she waited, fully aware of the tears that were long past fashionable. She needed new clothes, had thought about buying a few here in Salome before she came here– but the storm hit and it wasn’t like anyone was doing pop-up-shops in Purgatory, not with fire raining down from the heavens. Hm, another business idea, she thought to herself as she leaned against the wall fixing the aid’s helpless eyes with a cool stare– she wasn’t interested in waiting, per se, but there were several things the woman had learned in her ten years in this place and a minimal amount of patience was certainly one of them (Shei would be shocked; back when she was still alive, Claire could barely stomach waiting longer than a minute for her coffee to cool down; the very tip of her tongue was still numb from when she had burned it real bad).
While Delphine and Claire had met (it was not particularly unusual for the brunette to drag criminals back into Salome and Goliath or to deliver messages if so needed), she couldn’t particularly claim she had warmed up to the Mayor– to none of them, if one was being precise. Authority always rubbed her off the wrong way, just like it had back in the force when higher-ups insisted they knew what was best when Claire would have sworn on everything she owned that their approach was wrong.
Still, the way the world worked here was different– it was raining fire, for fuck’s sake. “Mayor Pelletier is not available–,” the aid repeated with a stammer that Claire could only interpret as fear– what on earth did these people think she did outside? Sure, she had no place to call home and spent more time out in the desert than she did anywhere else, but it seemed as though rumors about her made the rounds like a really bad flu. “Just ask, Jesus Christ. I’m not asking for a private audience, I’m asking for like five minutes. We’re all kinda trapped here, dude. ‘S not like I got anywhere else to go. I can wait.”
That seemed to do the trick, as the young man hurried down the hallway to see whether the Mayor was available– and surely enough, within a minute the brunette was lead into the office; The gun on her hip was met with a scared look from the aid as he rushed out to give them privacy, but Claire knew that in this situation, nobody was going to give up their weapons– Hell, she had her own bag stashed away in one of the rooms to make sure nobody stole it, her money stuffed in her bra to keep it close to her body. “Madam Mayor. ‘S been a while,” she greeted with no a small nod– Claire wasn’t a fan, not really. God knew, that woman reminded her of her own mother more than anything– and that wasn’t a compliment. “I’m sure you’re busy, so I’ll get to the point. I came to Salome right before this mess started, passed a group o’ bandits along the way. A big one– a dozen, more like two dozen, much more organized than the few pricks y’had to deal with so far, prepared for what’s ‘bout to go down. Now I’m not sure whether they’ll ride to Salome over Goliath, but I’d be prepared for something. We’re all sitting ducks in this place, Ma’am, all it’s gonna take is some strategically placed gunshots and we’re fucked– I figured you’re the kinda lady who prefers to be safe rather than sorry, so just… take this info and run with it, I guess.”
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Despite her efforts to outwardly compose herself, Delphine’s mind caught up a touch more slowly. With so many worries buzzing around her skull like gnats, it was difficult to swat all of them away at once. As such, when Claire entered, it took her a few seconds to recognize the courier. On the occasions when the government of Salome was forced to put out bounties, Claire was a familiar name on the list of those receiving notice. Delphine much preferred her handiwork to some of the other hunters they reached out to. Brennan down south didn’t usually care about the difference of price between ‘dead’ or ‘alive’; he just defaulted to dead. And there were some who insisted on keeping trophies, or tried to con their way into a bounty by presenting someone so beaten up that it was hard to tell exactly who it was. But Claire had never tried any such thing, and she was always professional, so she earned a solid pass in Delphine’s book.
“Mademoiselle Morgan,” she started, forcing her smile to be just a touch brighter. Professional courtesy was the backbone of a good working relationship after all, and though she had a few less than positive opinions on the manner in which Claire chose to life her second life, she would be damned again if she gave a hint of it to her. “It has been a while, too long in my mind. I’m glad to see that we could offer you a safe harbor during this abominable storm.” One good thing that might come of this dreadful business (which the council had discussed at length before opening the town halls doors to the public) was the opportunity the storm presented to convince some of the more nomadic residents to stay in Salome permanently. Delphine liked the idea that they might be able to build the town’s numbers up further, especially given that this hellish typhoon had a way of decimating the population. But their success in this matter would be determined by their careful handling of those individuals who believed they could survive long term without a town to protect them.
So she put on her best listening ears and most attentive expression while Claire shared her news. The future from which Claire had joined Purgatory after death was certainly a different one, if young ladies were allowed the freedom to speak as they pleased in the way she did. She was polite enough, but there was a distinct... lack of restriction in her tone. She didn’t seem to have ever been as closely policed on her phrasing or tone the way Delphine’s mother had policed her. What she would have given to see such a future...
She pondered the news Claire brought carefully, hands clasped and pressed to her lips in a pensive manner. “Thank you for telling me, Miss Morgan,” she said after a brief pause. “That is indeed worrying. With the weather barreling down on us like this, I’m surprised they’re so quick to try raid, but they must be confident in whatever scheme they’ve hatched.” She looked up at Claire, one eyebrow slightly more raised than the other. “Did you happen to recognize any of their number? If this is a new group, they’ll be hard to predict and harder to prepare for, though any familiar faces among them might help us plan. If it’s Freitas’s gang...” Delphine grimaced. It would be just like that bloody pirate to try something as crazy as a full attack during a time like this. He wouldn’t come himself, like as not, but he’d have no qualms sending a sizable host through fire and snow to pillage and murder for him.
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☼ from arthur
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
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👀+ "What's your deal with sanctuary anyways? I don't understand why yall'd've had such an issue over it, and you could be a tad politer now at least."
“I have no intention of being polite about such a wanton waste of time and energy. It’s a pointless establishment built by a whining child who understands little of life beyond her own pathetic dreams of rebellion and the infamy that comes with it, professing to offer peace and safety when it still falls prey to bandits and outlaws just as frequently as the towns. And it asks its people to needlessly risk life and limb trying to make their way there. How many poor souls have perished in the desert for thirst or an attack of some kind for some vain hope of Mlle. Granger’s promised haven? More than I can count, to be sure. The towns are by far better equipped to handle the needs of their populations, although Salome is naturally better suited to the task and in fact does a better job of maintaining peace than that sad little camp. And that is merely the impracticality of the Sanctuary. I have personal reasons for disliking Mlle. Granger and her con, including vile betrayals which do not bear mentioning and for the which I’m certain those responsible will pay dearly.”
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[Vera] ☼
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave rely on your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
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There was far too much noise out in the public rooms and corridors. Back here in the Council’s private chambers, or her office or private living quarters on the top floor, seemed to be one of the only havens where Delphine could get any peace and quiet. It would be a bad show to vanish entirely when so many people were trapped under the Town Hall’s roof. They needed solid leadership at a time like this, when it seemed as though the plagues of Egypt were engulfing them. What with fire raining down from the heavens and tornadoes bulldozing through the desert towards them, her town was only as strong as its leaders, and she had every intent of being more hearty and indestructible than the fiercest dust devil.
But that would only last if she had time to recover from the endless stream of questions, complaints, and fearful babbling. It would be a worse show for the mayor to explode on some hapless person merely seeking comfort. They should seek it somewhere else, she thought as she rubbed her temples, like Marcy. I have a Public Relations official for a reason, do I not? She kept her eyelids closed to the gas lighting and the red glow from the burning building next door, the darkness helping to sooth her mind and mood. They weren’t going to have much of a town after this infernal weather. She would have to hire a new Development & Public Works chair to deal with this. They’d gotten by without Reggie for a while, after his sticky fingers had taken more than his share of the treasury with him, but the council wouldn’t be able to take care of all the expected damage without someo—
“Madam Mayor?” The aid’s voice was timid, clearly full of dread at finding Delphine in a less than happy mood. “There’s someone inquiring after you.... I-I told them you were indisposed, but—”
“It’s fine,” she said, not raising her head. “Show them in.” Before the aid could return with the individual, she smoothed a few strands of hair out of her face and sat up straight. Nothing less than composed before her people. When they entered, she offered a smile that only barely reached her eyes. “Yes?”
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6 notes · View notes
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for from you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me within reason |
2 notes · View notes
👀 + Biggest fear?
“Besides this? The daily loneliness that comes with occupying a position of power so far removed from others. But I face it daily nonetheless, and refuse to be overcome.”
2 notes · View notes
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for from you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
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☼ + gideon
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
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👀 + What are your honest thoughts on Gideon Hendrix?
“That he, like all his little band of would-be martyrs and failed saints in that pathetic Sanctuary, is a coward and an imbecile. His temper is impressive, but I suspect he’s cultivated it to make up for several other failings.”
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👀 + Who do you wish would leave town for good from a mayor's perspective? From a personal perspective?
“As mayor, there are several reprobates sitting in our jail right now who would do well to either shape up or leave upon release. I’d be happy to make arrangements for the latter if they so choose.
“From a personal perspective… I wouldn’t be at all unhappy if a certain cowboy left us alone for good. He doesn’t live here, but he causes more than his fair share of trouble for us. And then there’s that boy, the shifty one. I thought he might be of use, but I’m starting to have my doubts. And I my doubts usually turn out to be correct.”
0 notes
👀 + "What is it you fear the most?"
“To be left at the mercy of another. To lose my independence, my security, and be forced into servitude again.”
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👀 + Do you dislike me as you claim you do?
“’Dislike’ is not strong enough. Loathing would be more appropriate. And other emotions besides. But in short, yes. You repel me.”
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Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
100K notes · View notes
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave want request desire? think I deserve your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
2 notes · View notes
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
1 note · View note
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
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