Episode 1 gives me an idea, but it’s not enough to inspire a rewrite this big on its own
I’ve been having some ideas ever since I stopped updating this blog
If the next Supercute Adventures season has something interesting enough to inspire it, I’ll try to remaster this AU
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I’ve been having some ideas ever since I stopped updating this blog
If the next Supercute Adventures season has something interesting enough to inspire it, I’ll try to remaster this AU
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Ran outta motivation to post right as we were getting to the good part
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Brief story-explanatory intermission (PART 1):
Before Kuromi and Minischief enter the Kuromi Base, My Melody will tell them to go on ahead and that her and Wish Me Mell will catch up in a bit
My Melody will then say something about calling Kuromi’s phone. HYMN will be barred from moving around after this happens. They will then go into the Key ITEMs and use My Melody’s phone. Trying to call any number but Kuromi’s will result in the same wrong number dialogue from the demo
After calling it, Clack will say that they’ll be down in a minute, before a pleasent surprise: The Bad Bats make their final appearance in this area! And one of their most important ones. Big Bat is panickedly trying not to drop Clack & Co. Even for someone with his strength, all three of them at once are surprisingly heavy and fall out of place surprisingly easily
It would be revealed to the player at this time that 1. The Bad Bats are part of the resistance, and 2. My Melody and Wish Me Mell’s role in the plan was to help Clack & Co. sneak onto the Kuromi Base. Clack, being as small as she is, can go into their Key ITEMs, but Muffet, Roppap, and the Bad Bats will need to find their own hiding spots
As you sneak around the Kuromi Base, your journey will be full of cutscenes of Minischief and Cuddlight giving Kuromi a tour of the place (However Cuddlight doesn’t go to the bottom floor). Sometimes the scenes will show them simply entering the room. Sometimes as you pass by certain areas you’ll hear their conversations, with them asking if Kuromi remembers certain rooms, reminiscing about the little of Kuromi’s past that they know of, all the fun they’re gonna have now that they’re together at last, talking about some events that’ve taken place in certain rooms as smaller talk… Kuromi can’t bring herself to contribute much to these conversations, but she will ask about the purpose of rooms that weren’t in the original Kuromi Base. Sometimes there will be tense moments where they’re about to re-enter the room you’re in, and sometimes you have to find a hiding spot quickly while their backs are turned
Cuddlight essentially acts as the place’s butler, so Muffet and Roppap will be positioned in the living room to make sure he doesn’t get in the way, Little Bat will be in the Artifact Area on the bottom floor, and Big Bat will be where the Marshions sleep (on the same floor)
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041. Sweet Perfection
The song that plays in the Kuromi Base
The motif comes from this scene’s BGM
There’s not much to say about the place itself. It’s an exact recreation of the Kuromi Base from Kuromi’s Pretty Journey, except with some Castle Town elements like different rooms for everyone that lives there (Minischief, Cuddlight, and Kuromi doesn’t live there but there’s a room for her too)
Though you don’t get to see what goes where in KPJ, so a brief run-down of the map:
Top Floor
Middle Floor
-Living room
Bottom Floor
-Artifact Area
-Main Control Area
-Treadmill That Powers The Place
-Where The Marshions Sleep
Bottom Bottom Floor
—Conveniently-Placed Final Boss Arena
-Escape Pods
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042. Super Cute Adventure Show
There’s a big flatscreen TV attached to the wall in front of the sofa. For some reason, there’s a single splotch of black paint somewhere on the screen. When interacting with the remote, it will begin to cycle through a selection of shows
One of these shows is a bitcrushed 3-aecond clip of Supercute Adventures’ intro
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043. Maddie & Happie Show
There’s a big flatscreen TV attached to the wall in front of the sofa. For some reason, there’s a single splotch of black paint somewhere on the screen. When interacting with the remote, it will begin to cycle through a selection of shows
One of these shows is a comedy starring two ghost cousins of opposite colors and personalities
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044. Kuromi Explains It All
There’s a big flatscreen TV attached to the wall in front of the sofa. For some reason, there’s a single splotch of black paint somewhere on the screen. When interacting with the remote, it will begin to cycle through a selection of shows
One of these shows is a black and white still frame of that one time Kuromi, My Melody, Badtz, and Keroppi went looking for aliens in the old train tunnel. Except here there’s an additional someone standing on her shoulder. Thanks to the paint splotch, they’re barely recognizable
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045. The Super Duper Show
There’s a big flatscreen TV attached to the wall in front of the sofa. For some reason, there’s a single splotch of black paint somewhere on the screen. When interacting with the remote, it will begin to cycle through a selection of shows
One of these shows is the end credits of an episode of The Adventures of Captain Botz
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046. Wait, This Isn’t A Show!
There’s a big flatscreen TV attached to the wall in front of the sofa. For some reason, there’s a single splotch of black paint somewhere on the screen. When interacting with the remote, it will begin to cycle through a selection of shows
One of these shows is a clip from the Sugar Sweethearts Forever movie
This isn’t even a show??? Who put this here?????
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047. The Halloween Hacking Show
There’s a big flatscreen TV attached to the wall in front of the sofa. For some reason, there’s a single splotch of black paint somewhere on the screen. When interacting with the remote, it will begin to cycle through a selection of shows
One of these shows is a clip from a playthrough of the Earthbound Halloween Hack
This isn’t a show either…
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048. The Technical Difficulties Song!
There’s a big flatscreen TV attached to the wall in front of the sofa. For some reason, there’s a single splotch of black paint somewhere on the screen. When interacting with the remote, it will begin to cycle through a selection of shows
One of these shows seems to be cancelled. There’s nothing on the screen but static
Clack will tell you that this was one of her favorite shows back in the day. But sadly it disappeared a while back, accompanied by the mysterious disappearance of its director
Hopefully the theater is still doing well enough on its own. She’d love to visit someday
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Brief story-explanatory intermission:
After the Bed Bugs are defeated, the Bad Bats will get another call and tell you they have some important business to attend to, before flying away
Minischief will thank you for helping fight off the bed bugs, before telling her guys to make sure to clean the place up so it can be spotless when Kuromi comes back
Suddenly, the area is filled with cartoony dust clouds, and Kuromi walks in looking very confused as to what’s going on
My Melody excitedly runs up and nearly tackles her in a hug, talking about how she was so worried and is so glad she’s okay and the like, before asking where she was, to which Kuromi would reply that some weirdos took her to this creepy abandoned building and she beat them up and left; Most of the time she was away was spent trying to find her way back here
Kuromi asks where the Bad Bats are, and Wish Me Mell tells her they had something important to do. She’s kinda disappointed at that, but guesses it’s fine as long as they plan to come back at some point
Minischief comes over to see what’s going on snd is surprised to see that Kuromi is back so soon. After Kuromi tells her what happened, Minischief says it must’ve been the resistance’s doing and they were probably planning to use her for some evil plan of theirs, theorizing that they probably took her to a place that her minions wouldn’t be monitoring so they could have time to catch up to her if she escaped
Kuromi frowns and looks away upon hearing that. Seeing that, Minischief assumes this must be a touchy subject for her, considering she DID just get kidnapped by “some weirdos”, so she changes the subject by instead talking about how now they can continue their tour of the Nightlight Sector, which is perfect because she has one more place to show her that she just knows she’s gonna love
Kuromi asks for some time alone first, however, asks if My Melody and Wish Me Mell have a room, and takes them back in there to tell them what she learned about Minischief
She explains to them the plan to take her down and restore Clack’s rule over the Nightlight Sector, which they immediately agree to help with
They then meet back up with Minischief and they all leave
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040. Bed Bugs Bite!
Kraken of The Sea
This would play in the Nightnight Hotel, after My Melody and Wish Me Mell are woken up by shouting coming from the lobby
Rushing over there, they find that the hotel is under an attack from giant PNGs of bed bugs
There’s not really much to explain. Minischief says her guys need a little help fighting them, and you team up with the Bad Bats to battle against giant photorealistic bugs while a buncha smaller ones fly all over the screen
The song would play both in and outside of battles, like Pandora Palace and CORE too
To be honest, in hindsight I don’t actually know why I included this segment. But I’m glad I did because it fittingly sounds like something out of a Kuromi’s Pretty Journey episode
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Brief story-explanatory intermission:
After hearing this, Kuromi wouldn’t be exactly sure what to think or how to feel, but does know one thing for sure: Minischief is secretly evil snd tried to rope her into it. And nobody tries to rope Kuromi into their evil schemes and gets away with it
Clack tells Kuromi that he was hoping she’d say that, which is why he prepared another video explaining a plan to take Minischief down:
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039. Welcome To The Internet
The Vibe says all
Which is good, because the part of this that I’m more excited to tell whoever’s reading this about is the story significance
This would play during a cutscene of Kuromi watching a small video explaining Clack’s backstory. In it would be explained the history of the Nightlight Sector. tl;dr: Out of all the Darkner ls in the Nightlight Sector he was always able to grab Kuromi’s attention for the longest. She always seemed to be using him every second of the day, and even when she wasn’t, he was still on her mind. This strong bond between them imbued his Screen Protector with the Hope of a Lightner’s Dream, which gave him incredible power that he would use to build a kingdom that people know today as the Nightlight Sector, which he would rule over for a long time. until one day, Minischief, a mysterious forgotten bear who would always hang out by the Great Mirror, now turned green with envy for his bond with Kuromi, snuck in while he was asleep and ripped off his Screen Protector, using the power it held to overpower Clack and all of his followers, forcing them to go into hiding as she and her newfound goons began to take control of the Nightlight Sector
But in the coming months she would learn that somehow, this still wasn’t enough to get Kuromi’s attention off of Clack. And with that discovery Minischief realized that it didn’t matter how powerful or influential he was. As long as he was alive, she would continue to use him. And she’s been hunting him down ever since
How Muffet and Roppap met him wouldn’t be explained at this time
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039. Deep Web
The song itself doesn’t need much explanation. You’ll probably come up with something better than I have anyway
This is the song that would play when you enter Clack & Co.’s base of operations. I really never planned out what exactly it would look like, other than how it was supposed to be in some dark, abandoned run-down place, the vibe of which was supposed to contrast with all the state-of-the-art technology within it. And there was supposed to be internet-themed graffiti plastered over every surface
And they had an insignia but I forgot what it was
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I love how that fight scene was just 100% written on the spot
None of that was in the original script. I just randomly decided I wanted Kuromi to wreck shit
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041. Night On The Down-Load
This is the song that plays when Kuromi and Clack & Co. are sneaking through Nightnight Town on the way to their base of operations
The Vibe says everything you need to know about the song itself (Pssst. Sneaking)
This segment is actually really interesting because it’d be like playing through a Kuromi’s Pretty Journey episode
I never planned much for it but I do know that Clack would be the narrator and you’d have to use everyone in the party’s unique skills to get past all the roadblocks they’d come across, which would include a lotta funny banter and a lotta cartoony humor
Though entering a battle would be an instant game over so there’s that too
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038. Sleep Tight
This would play in the Nightnight Hotel
There’s really not much more I can say to describe the song or the area
But story-wise, what happens here is that My Melody is starting to get kinda tired from all this walking around and sightseeing. And it’s not like they can proceed until Kuromi is found anyway, so she and Wish Me Mell decide to get a room and take a little break here
But while lying down in the bed, My Melody ends up falling asleep and dreaming about what Kuromi might be doing right now
* (Close your eyes?)
The screen will then fade in on a mostly empty, run-down building, with Clack standing on a table in the middle of it with his back turmed
Someone walks in, holding Kuromi, who, even now, is still ferociously squirming around. They tell Clack that they got Kuromi like she asked
He turns around, and asks Muffet if she really couldn’t resist tying someone up just this once. And of course, she couldn’t
Clack asks her to untie Kuromi. She does
Which was very unwise of her. Kuromi subdues Muffet with ease, wrapping her up in her own webs for good measure, before jumping at Clack
Luckily, however, Clack remains unharmed, as a stream of paint comes from Kuromi’s left, followed by Roppap coming out of the shadows. Kuromi avoids all her attacks effortlessly, bur after a few grazes, the paint begins to soak into her fur and slow her down. Knowing that Roppap landing one good hit would probably be enough to immobilize her completely at this point, she pulls her guitar out of her Multi-Tool, and casts RAVE WAVE
Bunny ears are more sensitive, so it would definitely be more effective on them. But unluckily for Roppap, Kuromi is an earless bunny, so her Hearing Holes™️ are always covered by her hood
Roppap covers her ears and staggers backwards
Meanwhile, that whole time, Muffet was busy breaking out of her bindings. She manages to free one of her arms, and shoots a thick, snare-like web at Kuromi, just as she grabs a hold of Roppap. But instead of simply intimidating her like she initially planned, she holds her in front of Muffet’s web, before throwing her at Muffet when she gets caught in it, and their webs fuse together. And, somehow, end up getting in their mouths, preventing them from saying anything as well
How would that even happen? Who knows, but in a fight with Kuromi, whatever makes her look badass goes
Kuromi then turns her attention back towards Clack, who backs away slightly
Kuromi jumps at him, slamming the Melody Key down on the table he was on and breaking it in half
Luckily Clack had lept from the table beforehand. Kuromi attempts to catch her tail, but he zips over to the wall before she can. Unfortunately, however, when you have the ability to zap yourself over to nearby places via small glitchy lightning bolts, you’re not very hard to keep track of
Knowing he can’t subdue Kuromi or reason with her in her current laser-focused state, Clack simply banks on being able to chew through her teammates’ bindings before Kuromi catches up to him, but after rounding the room enough times, Kuromi begins to adapt to his speed, and smacks him out of the air, catching his tail when she bounces off of the ground
She pulls him up to eye-level, just to be sure he can see her raise the Melody Key as a final warning
Seeing no other way out of this, Clack decides that reasoning with her might be worth a shot. Maybe the time she spent beating the heck out of them helped her blow off some steam... And she does have a tendancy to switch up on things pretty quickly... Mostly when she’s not in full survival-of-the-fittest mode, but, again, what other choice does he have?
Clack tells Kuromi that this is all just a big misunderstanding. They didn’t bring her here to hurt her. Actually quite the opposite
She sweats profusely, awaiting Kuromi’s response, before she tells him to go on. Clack lets out a sigh of relief, and zips over to one of the ends of the broken table
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039. Right Click
Clack’s overworld theme
Not really sure what to say for the vibe of this theme
Imagine like. Wandering Makers' Tenna
Not the song itself but just the vibes, and then project that onto these motifs
First of all, introductions. He tells Kuromi that his name is Clack, and as she’s already seen the other two tied up over there are her friends, Muffet and Roppap
He would ask for her name but it’s kinda hard not to know who Kuromi is in the Nightlight Sector
After a bit of awkward silence, she explains to Kuromi that first of all they only brought her here because they knew people would be searching for her, and it’d be stupid to have Muffet take her straight to their base of operations, but more importantly, TL;DR: They’re the resistance Minischief was talking about, and were trying to get her away from her because SHE was going to hurt her. Eventually
There’s a lot about Minischief and her crew that she doesn’t know, y’see
He knows it probably seems a little sketchy that he can’t just explain everything right here, but he probably wouldn’t have left all their flash cards and video tapes back at home if she knew that SOMEONE was planning to turn their most important potential ally into a cocoon
Kuromi isn’t sure how to feel about being told by a buncha strangers that another one of her plushies wants to kill her, but to be fair she doesn’t know Minischief that well either
She lets Clack go, and agrees to follow them to this “Base of operations” of theirs. But it better not turn out they’re lying about all this when they get there
“Perfect! You won’t regret this-” With all that out of the way, Clack zips over to Muffet & Roppap, and chews through their bindings, before zipping onto Kuromi’s shoulder
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Writer’s Instinct took over for a sec
This next post will take a little longer than usual
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All Nightnight Town’s special locations, which will be shown off in this post, are references to the things that can be seen in Kuromi’s room whenever she, Hello Kitty, and My Melody hang out. Like in the following screenshots
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034. House of Cards
There’s not much I could say here that you aren’t already thinking of
This song would play in the Hands-On Deck, a small mini-casino (akin to the one you can find under the Skelebros’s sink in the Xbox version of Undertale), where you play Uno instead of Poker. Which is run by the first returning characters from the original Deltarune
Spade King & Lancer!
Because this building’s Light World equivalent is the box that those cards Hello Kitty, My Melody, and Kuromi play with in My Melody’s Bad Day (PART 1) came from
You pay 25 G to play, and if you win you get your money back + a free Lancer Cookie
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I unfortunately never ended up getting anything solid for the game’s music, but I wanted it to sound something like Roll The Credits! from Chapter 1 of Longprose
(Funnily enough I actually conceptualized this song before Longprose was even a thing. That one just happens to sound similar to what I had in mind)
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036. Snack-O-Lantern
The song for a jack-o-lantern shaped shop with the entire upper half shaved off of it (Because it’s Light World equivalent is a snack bowl)
Which would be run by Napstablook
Never fully knew what I was doing with this song, but the motif is Old But Gold from Refractale
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037. Wish & Tell
I couldn’t tell you what “mus_sneaky” or “mus_tension” were supposed to be if I tried. Hopefully I’ll remember to update this if I find out
This title is an obvious allusion to Wish Me Mell’s name, but the reason for that is because of how this game is played
tl;dr: The game would take place in the battle screen, except instead of party members on one side and enemies on the other it’d just be a stage
Wish Me Mell would be on this stage (Since it’d be a lot harder for her to cheat since she can’t talk)
The one running the game (Who I never ended up deciding) would pick a shape of a certain color, and you could ask Wish Me Mell yes-or-no questions about it to try to guess what it is before the time runs out
The game’s Light World equivalent I think was one of the boardgames from Kuromi’s Sleepover. But I don’t remember which one
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033. Night On The Town
Nightnight Town’s area theme
The song itself is supposed to be like
Imagine the background music from this clip (from Episode 1 of Kuromi’s Pretty Journey), except after the first like 16 seconds My Funky Town’s intro starts playing over it and the song just keeps going from there
To be honest I didn’t really have a lot planned for Nightnight Town as an area. I just wanted it to have that #KuromifyTheWorld aesthetic
And star-shaped teal-colored streetlights
In terms of story though, when everyone gets off the train Minischief would leave to go lead the search for Kuromi and the Bad Bats will have something else to do, leaving My Melody and Wish Me Mell to explore the town together
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032. Mystery Train
A song that would play the first time you ride the Conductor’s train
And a recreation and extension of the BGM of this scene from My Melody’s Mystery Train
The first time you meet the Conductor is at their train station at the end of the Nightlight Ring, which is how you get from the Nightlight Ring to the second area of the Nightlight Sector: Nightnight Town. And a story-important scene happens between your departure and arrival which allows you to actually see the train
The inside of the train is, as you can guess, a copy of the train from My Melody’s Mystery Train
There are a few NPCs you can interact with that I didn’t really think too hard on, and the distinct lack of any cupcake trays in the middle of the room that Harry would comment on, but the scene would only trigger after you interact with Kuromi and Minischief, who would be talking a bit about her plans for when they arrive in Nightnight Town
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033. Misconduct
Then suddenly the lights would cut off, some sound effects would play of something busting through the roof, coming down on some kinda string, and pulling something back up with it, and when the lights flickered back on Kuromi would be gone
Minischief would freak out, telling all her buddies over in Nightnight Town about how “Clack kidnapped Kuromi” and they need to find hher and get her back ASAP, snapping at the Bad Bats for being so calm about this, and telling the Conductor to go full speed ahead
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