[Demetrio is actually running around outdoors, it's gonna storm oh wait there's reason for this scene. There's a corgi puppy at his heel. He's living the dream.]
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Well then, let’s get out of here. Should we look at shoes or clothes first?
[curious as to why everyone is poking him, did he miss the memo] [pokes her back]
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[oh he could has plenty in his contacts] I’ve always wanted it to be you. [he’s looking away now and turns his body slightly]
[he’s so confused] What you do with the real, Leon? 
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I actually want to be kissed all over [there’s other things he wants to say but that’s just the main one]
[he’s so confused] What you do with the real, Leon? 
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[he’s just twiddling his thumbs now] No, it’s just you’re just doing things that you normally don’t do. So, I’m a bit thrown off by it. I actually [he turns and looks away, why can’t he just openly say it.]
[he’s so confused] What you do with the real, Leon? 
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I can see you’re healthy [he’s just flushed now] Are you drunk or something? This isn’t like you to just showering me with kisses [why is he complaining this is what he wanted but it feels so weird and out of place maybe that’s why]
[he’s so confused] What you do with the real, Leon? 
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You’re acting different [he touches his forehead] Are you running a fever? [normally he’d be all into all the attention but Leon giving others affection, that’s weird.] I’m personally not used to seeing you so...so affectionate on your own. I usually have to ask. [stares at him] Did you hit your head?
[he’s so confused] What you do with the real, Leon? 
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[he’s so confused] What you do with the real, Leon? 
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[just when he thinks he’s done he gets another urge] [feet dangling, he adjusts himself only to have himself slip and kind of fall] [now he’s screaming] Help! [he jinxed himself] Leon!
Why has God forsaken me.
It could’ve been worse [crosses his arms]
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[mumbles as he walks away] Yeah, thanks Leon. [probably should’ve just peed on the other or something] I’ll try not to fall in
Why has God forsaken me.
It could’ve been worse [crosses his arms]
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[shrugs] Lovino is the one that takes care of all the movies. [he was about to make himself comfortable on the couch but getting up there is a really struggle] Okay we can go out to a movie but the second a small demon thing touches me. I wanna go home.
[pats his shoulder]
[really starting to believe he’s going to be stuck in this form for awhile now][he turns around at the feeling of the pat] Ciao Antonio, did Lovi and Leon call you to take care of me [sighs]
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[waves and signs] Funny meeting you here.
Yeah, you’re right it is a bit funny. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you around.
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So, Katy. Did you want to go shopping or something?
[curious as to why everyone is poking him, did he miss the memo] [pokes her back]
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I guess you’re right [takes a pastry] But he sees something special with in you. [nods] I just hope I don’t go a bit overboard seeing as I haven’t had it in so long [takes a drink from the sippy cup] Sure we can watch a movie, but which one?
[pats his shoulder]
[really starting to believe he’s going to be stuck in this form for awhile now][he turns around at the feeling of the pat] Ciao Antonio, did Lovi and Leon call you to take care of me [sighs]
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I might be tiny but I still have the mind of an adult. You might have to help me though I don’t think I can reach into the actual toilet.
Why has God forsaken me.
It could’ve been worse [crosses his arms]
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[stands holding onto the railing] I was sleeping good until I had the urge to go [ holds his arms out towards him] I have to go please let me out
Why has God forsaken me.
It could’ve been worse [crosses his arms]
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“That’s why I don’t dance in public or at all...”
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