demintria · 2 days
wikipedia begging us to donate money when the page for jeremy jordan (lovely broadway performer) looks like this when it comes to his judaism is
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say the words "He is Jewish".
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demintria · 2 days
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demintria · 3 days
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They match. 🥕
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demintria · 3 days
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demintria · 5 days
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demintria · 5 days
Whenever someone praises "boy in the striped pajamas" i get so angry that I combust. I HATE YOUR STUPID FUCKING WHITE SAVIOR, HISTORICALLY INNACURATE, HOLOCAUST FANFICTION. "Oh it was so sad when the German boy went into the gas chamber" was it not sad when the millions of jews went into the gas chambers??? You only felt that way for the German boy???
*turns you into a fish who has neither fins nor scales and is therefore not kosher and thus will never get the mitzvah of being blessed before eating*
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demintria · 5 days
i’m really upset by the amount of goyim that have the desire to convert but are ardently ‘antizionist’ to the point of excluding any perceived zionists.
i love when people convert. member of the tribe! many of my irl friends and mutuals are jews that converted!!
but it breaks my heart that there are people out there that want to cherry pick their own idea of my religion and people.
i didn’t get to choose. i was born into jewishness with family already in israel. israel as a concept is intertwined with my literal existence, every prayer i learned from birth is in hebrew, the shema begins with a call for israel, my uncle is an israeli rabbi, and i go by my hebrew name with a lot of my family and shul.
at this point in time, zionism is agreeing that the jewish people have a right to self determination in their ancestral land. which is israel. it is still the very same israel my family has been yearning for since before it was ever renamed to Palestine.
please don’t expect to come into my home, decide it’s also yours, then pretend like i don’t exist because i don’t fit your idea of it.
if you refuse to listen to all jews, you will never be one of us.
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demintria · 5 days
This is so fucked
I don’t know about you, but deliberately, obtusely misunderstanding the mechanisms of antisemitism for the sake of making a goyische audience laugh makes me deeply uncomfortable. No man, we didn’t decide that those ugly stereotypes apply to us. They were ascribed to Jews by centuries of antisemitism. But I’m glad you made your culturally Christian white friends cry with laughter, all the while fuelling their belief that antisemitism is overblown and not such a big deal. Because then what do you get? You get comments like these:
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Haha. Isn’t antisemitism funny. Aren’t Jews such silly little people with their silly fears of persecution.
Seriously what is up with this generation of Jewish American comedians being so willing to sell out their people for a cheap laugh.
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demintria · 6 days
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the ways in which the wikipedia article on zionism has become biased towards anti-zionism with loads of bogus information and subtle comments is really upsetting to me. “zionists wanted to create a jewish state in palestine with as much land, as many jews, and as few palestinian arabs as zionism as possible.” is such an unreal statement to have on the wikipedia page and the fact nobody has gotten rid of this yet is fucking insane. i cant do this anymore it’s unbelievable to me that goyim feel they can take a word they know nothing about and then change the meaning of it to equate to “racist, genocidal colonist”
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demintria · 6 days
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Today I learned that Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove is canonically Jewish in the spinoff series.
Here's the link to the whole challah recipe, before anyone asks: https://twitter.com/disney/status/1411022232445464585
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demintria · 20 days
I've said this *so very many* times but with the news that Hamas executed 6 hostages in cold blood because they were so close to being rescued, I'm here again:
The lauding and fandomisation of terrorists who have displayed an inhuman disregard for life, who have subjected innocent human beings to unimaginable brutality, and the absolute dehumanisation of these human beings by so-called "human rights activists" would be laughable if it wasn't one of the most monstrously evil things I've ever witnessed.
Every single person who has excused, justified, or even praised Hamas, every single person who has happily contributed to the climate of dehumanisation of Israelis, every single person who has spread antisemitic conspiracies online, every single person who has stood at "protests" cheering on terrorists who rape and murder and kidnap - I hope every single one of you carry that shame for the rest of your lives.
Fuck you all sincerely. You are beneath contempt.
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demintria · 20 days
What the goyische left has subjected the hostages’ families to is, quite simply, unforgivable and cruel beyond the limits of human comprehension. Can you imagine if your loved ones—your wife, your husband, your mother and father, your siblings—were kidnapped by a genocidal terrorist organization that wants to kill all of who you are and who they are… and the world cheered it on?
Like, if your family was being constantly harassed as genocidal liars and sadists? It’s as if Sandy Hook deniers were worldwide and numbered in the millions. Seeing your loved ones go from your loved ones to either a completely forgotten footnote or their kidnapping being held up accomplishment, a victory and a major step towards a “free Palestine.” All the while, you still don’t know if they’ll ever come back… or what unspeakable brutalities they’ve been subjected to during their captivity, what kind of doomsday level PTSD they might have if they come back. And this goes on… for eleven months… and counting.
What the goyim have subjected Jews worldwide to is already disgusting and shameful, but what they’ve done to the families of the hostages so uniquely twisted and sadistic it genuinely boggles the mind. Anyone who has ever defended, denied, or excused Hamas or the kidnapping of the hostages is so unworthy of basic friendship, so low and utterly disgraceful, I couldn’t even look at them without wanting to vomit.
Hamas perpetrated the second deadliest terrorist attack in the history of the human race. And every day, it continues. October 7th has not ended, not for hundreds of families who want their loved ones to come back home.
Bring them home now!
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demintria · 23 days
just saying if i can replace any instance of “zionist” in your post with “jew” and it sounds antisemitic, your post is antisemitic
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demintria · 23 days
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available as sticker on patreon
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demintria · 23 days
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by minnie_3.22
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demintria · 23 days
Most people don't know that the reason we have Jewish hospitals in Canada is because they were established at a time when hospitals would not hire jewish doctors because they were Jewish. Jewish General Hospital in Montreal was established after a Jewish doctor was hired at a goyishe hospital and ALL OF THE INTERNS WALKED OFF THE JOB IN PROTEST. Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto was established because there wasn't a single hospital in the city where Jewish doctors would be hired to practice.
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demintria · 23 days
כן אבל רק ופל כחול! האדומים מגעילים
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זה מותג הוופלים הכי מוצלח ולא תוכלו לשנות את דעתי
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