“I am not trying to undermine your statements, Avenger, however… If you are wasting your energy here, you are tempting yourself to further fall into the circle’s trap.”
Stern, firm, it was just her nature to be. 
“After all, the sins are somehow connected together in its core, no?”
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Moving with him was easier when he calmed down, though she was not sure what it was that made it simpler - her insistence and stubbornness, or the gaze she used on him. 
As he provided his explanation, she nodded. 
“These were never so abundant back then, all I remember were battlefields, and ruining these resources that provides for others,” a snicker fell from her lips, albeit weak. 
“Anyhow, you are wiser than I in regards to these locations, we should move forward.”
As she made her steps she noticed that animals did exist in Hell, though for what? With no conscience, there would be no reason for such beings to be sent here, only to live another life of being slaughtered for others’ enjoyment. 
“Come to think of it, did these animals live a sinful life on Earth? Or are they animals sent to live in Hell than Earth, simply to provide for the temptations that exist here? 
“For a Hell, this place seems more lavish than it is for suffering, so far that I’ve seen of it,” she pondered. 
Someone not accustomed to faith such as her may find certain traits of the place as puzzling, and considering that there was no war to be fought here, her attention was focused elsewhere as they walked to put the circle behind them. 
“Or the lavishness is meant to drive everyone to commit more sins, and thus not find salvation because they are too content with indulging in all that is wrong?”
“Oh, I do not believe those are animals, Selvaria. At least, not when they arrived.”
He allowed the words to sink in for a moment, his gaze a mix between disgust and resignation. Perhaps there were some “natural” beasts in there, but he strongly doubted it. With so much food to offer, how did one continue to make the resources for it? If you weren’t capable of such blatant acts of creation, all you could do was make due with what you had...
He would not allow either of them to befall that fate, of that he swore.
“Evil is not inherently foul by appearance. Often, it takes the guise of something seductive to lure in the untested and unprepared. Such as what we’ve been facing. Gluttony, in itself, is a trap, for how could something that fills us with such joy be sinful? In moderation, it is not, but when the desire to consume never ends, you find yourself doing terrible things to appease it. Due course will always have its say...”
Even as he spoke this, he could spot out of the corner of his eye, a small group of lost souls. They seemed to move with a purpose, slowly trekking closer to the factory held past the idyllic farmland. Perhaps they were searching for more food, or maybe they felt a higher calling to attempt and break this farce to an end. Either way, when they entered within, the Avenger expected the worst.
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“...As those individuals will soon discover.”
It's teatime in the Gluttony ride;
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As much as she hated to, the former soldier made her way to the man and as soon as he gripped the unknowing chef by the collar, she too, had to firmly pull him away. 
“Please excuse me, he’s been rather irritable since his last meal was… years ago,” she said to the chef, before turning to Avenger.
There was a hesitation in her voice, and she could not tell if it was the weakness of wanting to eat, or simply her being unsure of her boundaries. 
“The chef is only doing his job, and you are being irresponsible for not being able to control yourself.”
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A tinge of seriousness laced her tone, though she knew she would not be able to hold it up for too long – for she too, was ailed by the attributes of the circle, so she attempted to maintain an expression enough to let him know she was serious. 
“If you do not plan to eat what somebody has prepared for you, you should just leave him be, Avenger. Come.”
… What was she, a mother? Was this also the effect of the circle on her?
She pulled the man by linking their arms together and sought for a place where they would no longer be tempted by the scents of food surrounding them. 
Sure, there would be all sorts of miserable sights on the way, but at the very least – perhaps there is a place to collect their thoughts, and they could be on their merry way to another circle.
If there were seven, and he was already this irritated by the second…
A fear struck her in knowing Wrath could do so much more. Not just in him, but in her too.
Further ahead of them, stood a barn, and long gone were the scents of the attractive food to indulge in, but the stench of animals. 
“What could that be?”
“Don’t let his merry guise fool you, Selvaria! He’s clearly an agent of this place, trying to lure us into depravity! I would burn this whole damnable place to the ground if I could, and you can send that message to your Lor-Oi?!”
And he was being ignored, in lieu of her trying to keep some sort of peace. What a laughable effort considering the literal Hell they stood in. While it seemed as though he would argue, more violent instincts wanting to take hold, he caught her gaze and remembered. This wasn’t his journey, it was hers. Proving to be an obstacle to her course was not something he needed to be. So, with a nod, he forced himself to calm down.
He lowered the brim of his hat to keep his gaze from any more appetizing treats, and even began to breath through his mouth to try and keep the scents from catching his attention. Momentary though this passage may be, it was having a much stronger toll on him than he planned. This revival of human senses for a primarily inhuman creature such as himself left him in a terrible position.
However, as they passed away from the main scene and came across a different set of sights and smells altogether, he couldn’t say he was comforted. If anything, he was more concerned than before.
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“Hm. Seems we’ve found the place where they tend to the resources.”
A farm was an acceptable term, but Edmond had a feeling Slaughterhouse was likely much more fitting. The frown on his face did carry the same manic anger it did before, the stern focus slowly returning to him. There was a definite danger here, he could feel it. But, perhaps his senses weren’t at their best, especially considering all that had occurred. 
“I’d rather not tarry here. We should move on.”
It's teatime in the Gluttony ride;
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“Ah, you were a sailor before? That sounds intriguing, I’m rather curious about what do you get to see during your time on the waters,” there was a delight in learning another piece of her company in Hell.
There would always be reasons why these ties outside of military and war somehow set ablaze the traces of joy in her. 
Though there was something about the deep hunger in her that made it difficult to move on, she felt it was just about simple – if she just focused on Avenger’s words, and was that a stumble she heard from him?
“You seem rather irritated, is this–”
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When she realised that he had cut himself off, as if there was something that caught his… sense of smell. 
Tailing her instincts, she sniffed the air to seek the scent he was trying to catch, and all she could catch was a hint of roasted sesame… seeds? Of all things, this would definitely not fall under his favourites, if he enjoyed . 
“I… All I smell is sesame seeds. It is a survivor crop, more prevalent where there are deserts, which is not what I would say the most tempting…”
A pause, before her cheeks flush.
“… Though I have to say, I do like it. Foods with subtle flavours and scents are definitely among the few things that I enjoy consuming. After all, I had to eat consistently certain foods to maintain my physique as a soldier, which in turn led to me having grown fond of them,” she said.
Not realising that speaking about food could very well pull the two into the traps of the circle, she ended up focused in her thoughts, reminiscing a few things that happened in life.
Perhaps such thing could help them crawl out of the place, however, as she spoke, her eyes trailed elsewhere, and a sight caught her eyes – see, there was a charm in her favourites – and it was always how colourful their presentations were. 
“I have misunderstood this place, truly. One would have thought that they only serve the most flashy foods, but they do have… salad…”
“Well yes, I became the Count of Monte Cristo after my imprisonment, but before then I was a merchant sailor on the ship, the Pharaon. It was a fairly interesting- we are getting very easily distracted, this must stop!”
How was it possible that this was going worse than the Circle of Lust?! At least there they could focus! But now that they’ve arrived in this place, they were completely sapped of energy and there seemed to be no way to get back on track!
Her response drew a triumphant look to his face.
“Yes, I knew it! The smells in this place play to one’s senses! They’re picking at our favorite meals so that we’re lured into a trap! Don’t pay attention to it, Selvaria! It’s all a trick! There’s no possible-”
Then she spotted it, the plate of food she most appealing. A small table set off to the side, with a portly man in a chef’s attire standing behind it. He would wave at the two wanderers, and then motion to the plates in front of him. Apparently, Selvaria’s favored dish was greenery, but to each their own. Such things were important to a healthy lifestyle, but considering they were both dead, such things weren’t really important anymore. But if her meal was prepared, than that meant-
The chef gestured toward the second dish, and Edmond was already at the table before he could realize he had moved. It was pristine, from the perfectly cooked shanks of veal, to the intoxicating aroma, peppered with white wine so fine that you could almost taste it. His hand reached out to the cook, gripping him by the collar.
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The Chef would only smile.
It's teatime in the Gluttony ride;
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She listened as he gave her an answer to her question, and it was a condition she .. might take some time to understand. 
In a way, Avenger himself was not human. Yet he was a part of human, this she understood as much. Yet to completely comprehend and think of him as such, might take her some time. 
After all, though she was not exactly considered human herself, she shared their needs. 
“You remind me that there are things I still don’t quite understand in life and death, but I would have to agree – who is actually fond of hunger, truly?”
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“The only explanation to that is … this. People are fond of indulgence than they are in filling the necessity,” she sighed, as she spoke, she could feel her own stomach grumble a little more by the second. 
There was fear in at least feeding herself, fear that they might fall into the circle’s trap just as they did in Lust. 
The miserable sight that greeted her eyes only made it even more maddening – there were food on the ground, wasted as more food were produced. Perhaps that was a sin of her life, too, though unnoticed. 
“Back then… Perhaps the Imperial was also guilty for not feeding those who truly needed the resources we had.”
Guilt began to lace her words, as her cheeks grew flushed at both the shame and the wish to turn back and fix the things she could have done. 
Being ever-reflecting, Selvaria was always one to realise such things though she refused to speak of them so openly. After all, who was there to listen? All that was within her abilities was to carry out orders bestowed by His Grace. 
“I suppose… the most profound sin would be the most self-aware.”
There was fear in her voice, that someday she would have to face it. Having carried out her orders, ever so loyally, perhaps she was most guilty of Pride. Oh, and the times she preached about having someone… Someone to support… Someone to make wielding her powers much easier…
“Do you wish to take a moment and consume something, Avenger? After all, it has been a really, really long time since your last meal.”
A tone of jest accompanied her words, though being straight-laced, such things were never obvious.
“There is a comfort in satisfying one’s needs, and greater comfort in doing so in a way that matched their desires. To satisfy the need but in the ‘best’ way possible. For example, as the Count my favorite meals were often exotic Pesce dishes, which came from my days as a sailor. So, in this level, I would need to avoid it, lest its embrace lead me into gluttonous actions.”
A nigh audible groan from his stomach at the mention of food, as though in protest. A shake of his head to try and clear it. Oh what he would give for a bit of focus back. It’s not as though the mental ability to do so disappeared, but the empowered ability he had gained did. A guide through hell, preaching about it as he was, and yet he could still fall victim to it. What a joke. 
“Do not blame yourself for the sins of the many. Such is a lake that is quite easy to drown in.”
Perhaps she regarded herself as something of a protector to her people, but such figureheads cast large shadows for scum to hide in. Right now, she needed to focus on herself. The acceptance of her wrongs would free her. Hopefully.
At her joke, an indignant huff, much more exaggerated than it needed due to the newfound stress.
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“I’m quite alright, thank you! The sooner we depart from this abominable scene, the bett-.”
That’s when it hit him, a scent so innately tied to the pleasure center of his mind, that he almost forgot where he was. It was a scent of a dish that he had not partaken in for quite some time, one of his absolute favorite meals as the Count. Part of his mind screamed out that it was impossible for such a thing to be here, but the scent was so strong that he just...needed to...
No wait, this could have been an all too obvious trap. Quickly, he wheeled about and faced her.
“Selvaria! What is that you smell?”
It's teatime in the Gluttony ride;
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No, there hadn’t been a festival where she lived, not one filled with so many people, crowds simply gathering without a social purpose. They were simply there to eat. 
The problem is when they are eating, and she wishes to join. It was strange, for she as a soldier has had plenty of food, and here she was – wondering if such humanly needs were necessary in the Afterlife, or if it was just a trick of the place. 
“You… do not care for it at all?” 
She was puzzled by his statement – there was a hint of an oddity in his statement as he walked past the temptations that laid next to them as the path stretched before them. 
How did hunger work for a man like he, anyway?
“Avenger, how long do you exactly mean by ‘some time’?”
Though as she walked, she was stopped by a miserable sight, hidden but visible if one were to pay attention – one more befitting of the Hell Avenger has spoken of to her.
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It wasn’t long before she noticed past the luxurious offerings: there were beings to the sides of the pathway, either filled, wasted or even had enough – though foods were all strewn next to them. 
They grew in numbers as the pair moved forth, and it puzzled the lady more than any of the man’s antics. 
“Is… this the true face of Gluttony? Of wastage and having more than you truly need?”
A genuinely good question from the Valkyrur. He mulled over the details while they walked, as he tried to ignore the impetuous hunger.
“Well, let me try to explain this. As the Avenger, I’m not much more than a violent Revenant, yes? I’ve sustained myself on negativity and my own grudge for most of my natural life. I haven’t felt hunger since the last days of being whole as part of the Count.”
“In short, an excessively long time. And I was not fond of it.”
He knows how it feels to starve, to wonder whether or not he would get the meal to sustain his life long enough for the next dawn. Looking past the gaudy and superfluous world around him, he could see the price of such opulence. It struck him to the core, and deeply angered him. But, there was victory in that anger, so he immediately focused on her inquiry. 
“Yes, precisely! To over indulge in extravagance to the point of endangering others for what you’ve taken. Consuming more than what you need because it pleases you! Till all you know is that consumption makes you happy, thus you must consume!That is the essence of Gluttony! Curiously similar to Lust, but from a different perspective. As I’m sure you’ve begun to notice, while each circle is different in the nature of the Sin, there’s shades of similarity between them. Such a connection leads into a vicious cycle, a descent into deeper and more profound sin! Kuhahaha!” 
An extended little lesson punctuated by an excited laugh, but it was all unprompted and unnecessary. Even he realized it, and his lips drew into a line of annoyance.
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“I’ll be frank, this hunger is a nuisance. I find it difficult to focus, and that bothers me deeply.”
It's teatime in the Gluttony ride;
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〔 EDMOND DANTES 〕 @demonofmontecristo // the homes ; limbo.
—✕ █ ▌Fingers WEAVE over tall grasses, roughed blades tickling the leather of his gloves. He’ll have to devise a plan to keep his lawn to be cut short; it isn’t as if there’s an abundance of shears in the landscape of Hell, nor in the grey nothingness of Limbo. He doesn’t keep his hopes up, not about the location, not about ANYTHING, but for once he can pretend this is normal, healthy even.
Cautious eyes take in every PASSING individual as if searching for weakness or perhaps, more accurately, a knife through the dark to stab him in the back. The Warden leans over the warped wood of a fence — his fence, if there’s not a soul to swipe this house from him. The home is nice, as nice as he’s LIKELY going to get; it would be a shame for him to settle for less.
❝Do you live in the neighborhood?❞ He questions a man who LINGERS perhaps a fraction too long to go unnoticed. Loghain balances his palms upon the wood, not at all threatening, though with a rigid stance and bright eyes. He’s not here to let squatters walk all over him. ❝Hell is rather LOVELY this time of year.❞
Stale buildings and parched landscapes, nothing here held any sign of hospitality. Yet for the wandering souls who crossed this land, this was their home for the time being. Even the damned needed a place to call home, and Limbo was the only place that could offer such a service. Unfortunately.
The Demon passed through land, golden eyes jumping from location to location, soul to soul, examining the environment through all elements. That’s when he was greeted by a stranger, a man whose face spoke of great experience, both cruel and fair. A smile flashed onto the Avenger’s face. He wasn’t expecting conversation, that was for sure - most of the residents were quite sullen for obvious reasons.
“Yes it is certainly a lovely shade of grey today. It bring out the grey in the grass and the buildings and the stagnant air.” 
A sarcastic response, but clearly more of a jest than mockery. Holding his ground, the man in green would fold his arms as he faced the other directly.
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“Not yet, but that will likely change. I am merely taking in the real estate. Looking to purchase property here for me and my companion, considering our extended stay. By the look of it, you’re a new tenant as well.”
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“I’m late!”, said the rabbit.
It chased thin air as it attempted to race for the 6pm teatime with the Hatter.
Little did the rabbit know, a curious girl followed its bobbing round tail, seeking new sights and a land to explore.
The land quickly became more strange than full of wonders, fear-inducing, more than it was supposed to be welcoming for the adventurous.
But in the midst of it all, only upon the sight of food would one realise that they have been walking for so long and that they had forgotten the primal instinct of men – hunger.
Before her was a hallway of eatery, lined up with restaurants serving their specialties and what-nots.
A stomach grumbled, but not only that, there was an apparent want in eating the food served by the crowds of Hell. Something that screamed more than the human’s mere hunger, but also the desire to indulge in more and more of luxury.
She covered her tummy with an arm, hoping that the sound earlier was not too audible.
“I… hadn’t realised that hunger was possible in Hell,” she said, concern having washed over her expression of eagerness as she turned to her guide.
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When juxtaposed to the tale of a curious girl, Avenger and Selvaria resembled two characters, though their roles did not quite match the characters they resembled.
“I guess we’ve arrived at the Circle of Gluttony, if I can feel it like this. I do not believe the feeling of hunger will remain for too long, but… will you be alright?”
The Hatter followed after the woman, the path ahead clear for the time being. There was a great joy in being free of the Circle of Lust, but he knew it would be a temporary fix at best. A new problem would arise in its place, but it couldn’t be so much worse that Lust, correct? Wrath was likely to be much further down...
Past the gates they strode, and it struck him like a blow to the face.
“That would be an apt guess.”
This wasn’t just simple hunger; this was a ravenous need for food. In the context of a being such as himself, Avengers constantly refueled their own personal mana. He never required such an energy since his true life. Even then, he had learned to ignore such pangs due to his unnatural focus. With both of those instances gone, this was...
“I haven’t felt hunger in quite some time, especially not like this.”
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“I do not care for it at all!”
An oddly excitable response, but for the most part, he was managing to keep his composure. It had been some time since he had felt hunger this extreme, the days of his imprisonment before he became the Count to be certain. The memories associated with such a feeling were not pleasant. 
“Lets carry on!”
And forward he strode, eyes set onward and nowhere else as far as he could manage.
It's teatime in the Gluttony ride;
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“Seven virtues for seven sins… Though I must also question who gets to decide what the certain sins are, I will ask you or find out another day.”
There was a satisfaction in knowing there was dialogue and debate somewhere, while most records in Europa had been fossilised, perhaps due to current state of affairs with war. 
Still, history was always being recorded, there was just a lack of discussion in regards to religion, of which she wondered why. Then again, in a life where people tested on other beings that seemed at least slightly different, she doubted many believed in God, or gods.
“There will always be a sin that makes you reflect, just as I do. I will be wary, and I trust that you will be too for when I have to face mine,” there was a smile on her face, the unrelenting faith and trust that a charismatic leader would have in their allies is a trait that Selvaria has trained herself to have. 
Losses in war never passed her so easily. She was always concerned for them all, and hated to lose even one soul. 
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At one look, the two may remind others of a certain tale, with a bit of a twist, for Hell was far from a wonderland.
Selvaria, the wide-eyed lady, and Dantes, the hatter. 
“The one who fell first guards… That is a rather interesting choice for a guardian. I would have never thought of it so.”
There was a little moment she spent on pondering, there was a semblance to the history she was familiar with, though it is difficult to pinpoint. At this time, they might be better off moving to learn and study Hell further.
 “Very well, let us make our move. You are correct about the noise and stench of this place, it is… rather pungent.”
Her faith lightened his spirit a bit, and a smile was drawn on his lips. He couldn’t help it. Of all the things he expected to find in Hell, a companion like her was certainly not one of them. For one of such notoriously bad luck like him, such good fortune wasn’t something he ever expected. There was only one response that came naturally from this.
Her valor, her belief, her seemingly endless drive to continue on, it was seemingly contagious. While drained perhaps from the earlier endeavor, there was still no doubt that he wanted to walk down this road with her. Whether it be his own natural desire to see her free of this place, or the feelings she inspired within him, he would not abandon her.
He rose from his seat, and moved over to her side. Extending an arm outward, with a smile to her, as though enjoying all of this, he removed his hat with his free hand and bowed in a formal fashion. For a second, the line between Avenger and Count seemed almost impossible to distinguish. But only for a second.
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“Let us continue on then, my Lady.”
Shady Respite
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There was a moment that she took when he covered his expression with his hat, and smiled. Though he hid his face she felt a sense of gratitude from his words, to which she could only nod to. 
After all, they were both grateful to each other for their own reasons. 
“I insist that you communicate then, I will be able to cover for you when you need me to do so,” and if someone would look into her eyes, she was beaming with joy, though it doesn’t show on her lips. 
She had always been enthusiastic about being very cooperative with her fellow partners. 
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“Lust is its own challenge, while I am of the opinion that the rest will not be as intoxicating. If the circles represent their sins, they will not all be as… inviting, or painfully indulgent in desire as Lust.”
Placing her fingers against her chin, she began to think. 
“Though you must let me know, what the other sins may be called.”
There was a whisper from him, something about wrath, that maybe she could agree with. There would always be anger in everyone, though for her wrath is made of sadness more than it is rage. 
Without thinking any further, she brushed a hand against his. 
“If any of the circles pose difficulties for you, I will be there when you need a hand. You may insist I leave you as you did earlier, but I will remain steadfast to my words. I’m a soldier.”
Somewhere in his personality sits a selfish man, one who refused to face things with people by his side. There was a sense of solitude within him, that she saw in the Prince, but at the same time was unlike Him. 
Avenger was a man of his own, and he has had to fight wars only he could face. Selvaria would never know.
“Very well. I see no harm in knowing what the other sins are, though I agree that proper rest is not possible in Hell. 
“Entertain me just one more thing, Avenger, is the Higher Being that created Hell ever-listening?”
Her force was strange. She seemed more enthused than before, and he wasn’t quite sure why. How was she viewing all of this? Probably with a fair bit more hope than he was. There was no question of what would occur to him at journey’s end. She still had a chance, and he would work to make that chance a reality.
“There’s always been some debate on what is considered a sin, but there are at least Seven we know for certain: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Sloth, Envy and Pride. Others potentially include Heresy, Fraud, Violence and Treachery. Accordingly, there are at least seven virtues that oppose the base seven: Chastity, Abstinence, Liberality, Patience, Diligence, Kindness, and Humility.”
It was a simple recounting of what he knew, but then came the touch and sincere concern. There was a long sigh...
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“I can only imagine what awaits in the Circle of Wrath, but as I am an embodiment of Vengeance, I cannot imagine the results will be kind. Lust is a difficult trial, but Wrath is my greatest sin, without a question. Be wary.”
He let it drop at that and immediately moved on to her final inquiry. She was perceptive for one who was still acclimatizing to this land. For if there was a Lord in Heaven, there must be a Lord in Hell too.
“That is not something I know. There are very different accounts as to the nature of the Lord of Hell. If I were to follow the story I know best, he is the first and grandest prisoner of all, trapped within the center of the last Circle, where he shall remain for all eternity, torturing those who have sinned of an equivalent nature. He is the Fallen Angel, the one who had betrayed the Father of Creation, Lucifer.”
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There was no need for her to wait, for he had spoken all the things that would have remained unspoken if she had not arrived in Hell for all that she has committed to. 
At present, there was both comfort and displease knowing that there were so much more that could have turned out better, yet all the things she did in life were required to happen. 
So with all that he said, even if they were borderline making light of how she felt –
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“Thank you, Edmond Dantes. I understand you don’t use that name, not as much as you do Avenger, but I feel you have been speaking as him, rather than the part that seeks vengeance.”
She paused, forgetting that there were etiquettes to things. 
“Would… it be alright for me to use your name and Avenger interchangeably?”
Though she knew he no longer used that name, she knew that it was not so binary that he was not Dantes himself. There is a part of him that was once human. 
“You were more human than I ever was, I feel, especially considering your knowledge regarding virtue and vice and how you’re more than willing to help those you believe are deserving.”
As she said these words, she realised that there would be other times when they are required to get to know each other more, the more they explore Hell. In fact, some things would even be easily forced out of them by the attributes of the Circles, if they are all as forceful as Lust had been. 
There was also the matter of her lost powers. She may have been a Valkyrur in life, but did that mean her powers would be stripped from her entirely as soon as she walked into Hell?
… What was she thinking, of course ragnites do not exist in this world. 
“Where do we head to next? Of.. course, only when you are ready. I hope to not tire you out.”
That was not what he was expecting. What he feared would be insulting, if not likely to distress her in someway, somehow managed to obtain a very thankful response. While he was, of course, happy about not insulting his one sole comrade, the forward reaction caught him off guard for once and all he could do was try to backpedal into his comfort zone.
“You may believe whatever you wish. I won’t stop you.”
As she asked about his name, he retrieved the hat from the table, placing it atop his head if just to cover up his odd state of fluster. As she continued on, he was at a loss, the brim of his hat covering his gaze as the one defense he had. She truly did remind him of her. 
Such a concerning comparison.
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“Kuheheh. You may do as you please. Unfortunately, until my strength returns, I find myself a liability in most situations. However, I do wonder what other levels are available to us. Whilst some sins are far more prominent within me than others, I do hope that perhaps we can avoid similar outcomes as we did when we entered the Circle of Lust.”
“Though I imagine the Circle of Wrath will be far worse...”
An adjustment of his hat, and he faced her directly again.
“The only weariness I feel is of the stench and noises of this place. Further descent would be wise. Though, we should consider it will become more and more difficult to return to Limbo, if we desire a proper rest, the further we descend.”
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There was not much she could speak of, besides the painting of hers. Outside of His plans to conquer Gallia – she knew not much of Him but in how He treated her and their soldiers. 
“I believe that He saved me from humans, though His Majesty is also human… His care for me has brought me far.”
Then there was the irregularity in her showing Valkyrur’s distinctive traits so young, while there were many other girls who were of the same race but their white hair and red eyes did not show. 
Perhaps for her it changed at the facility during her time. 
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“I… Never thought that it would be understandable to want to spend more time with Him. I simply thought that erring in emotion when I had already known my place would be something despicable.”
She leaned in her seat, and pondered upon his words. 
“Loyalty being a virtue makes it all the more complex, doesn’t it? If I were to change my mind in battle, and cried, would I not be acting outside Loyalty, for if I were to be loyal, I’d have known and have my heart fully understand the notion behind my acts for Him rather than place my own heart as my priority.”
This is where she sighed. There were a lot of things to think of, but there was also a feeling of… bareness as she spoke with Avenger about His Majesty and her feelings. 
Though there was something that he could he may have been hinting at.
“Are you trying to say that if He didn’t save me, I wouldn’t have been led down the path of a soldier and killed many people?”
“If anything the fact that even though your heart desired more and you still went through with the deed, means your loyalty trumped even your own emotions. Most mortals are slaves to their hearts, one way or another. But you knew what you fought for, and though you held regrets, they didn’t stop you. It is not the inability to feel something that defines the action, whether it be fear, regret or love, but rather the ability to feel it, and decide to act regardless.”
Such was easy to state. The question that followed, however, gave him pause. This was almost certainly not an answer she wanted to hear, but he was not one to beat around the bush. His gaze offered her something of a warning, as though she would soon have to deal with something unpleasant.
“Though the outcome of that life may have not been preferable to what you have now, it is entirely possible you would have never even seen battle had the Prince not saved you. Your life could have been absurdly different, for better or worse. Despite the good he did, you cannot deny the path your Majesty lead you on was blood soaked and damning. Therefore, had you never met the Prince, you may have found a more virtuous life and avoided this road altogether. And what’s more, it’s likely he was aware of it too. That he saw your loyalty, your strength, and worked it to your breaking point.”
“Simply put, the Prince used your greatest virtue for his own agenda, and the result sent you to Hell.”
It was the cold honest truth and there was no way around it. Though his own perception of that individual would likely remain uncertain, it’s likely that they weren’t necessarily evil or good. War was never so black and white, and foul deeds are needed to prevail. If nothing else, the Avenger only hoped it was worth it, for Selvaria’s sake.
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“But what’s past is past. There’s no point in lingering on it. We live and die by the hand we’re dealt. It makes us who we are. Selvaria Bles is a Valkryur, in the service of a Prince, a terrifying and efficient foe who perished in a glorious blaze, ending her own life in the process. That is the cross you bear here, the sins you carry and will have to redeem yourself for.”
“Rejoice, it could be so much worse.”
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“Thank you for at least allowing me to understand, and even if I wish to do things my way, your opinion is never disregarded as a mere gust of wind to me. Especially if you are my guide to this place.”
There was confidence in her voice as she spoke, such is the voice of a general to her subordinates in military.
Yet one could see the enthusiasm whittle away as she shifted her gaze away, when Avenger asked about His Majesty.
“Forgive me, but this will be… lengthier than often.”
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Usually there was no need to explain herself. She was merely His soldier, a saber to be drawn when needed. No one would question their relationship, though she would often wonder about her feelings.
However, she believed there was another reason to her fluster – that they shared a vision and she admitted the a moment of disloyalty as His direct subordinate in war and conquest.
“I would be what they called a monster in life. No, I wouldn’t say a monster that they considered  less than humans, but a monster to have her skin burrowed with needles and tested with drugs that I could not pronounce. The part that infuriated them the most was that the cuts and holes they have tried to make healed as soon as the needles were taken out.
“This all came to end when He came to save me from the research facility. From what I understand, the facility is the Empire’s own, but the Prince was fascinated by Valkyrurs – a race that was best in wars, classified by their distinctive white hair and red eyes – that he gave a gander and found me.”
She paused, taking a deep breath from recalling the memories of being the child, whose home was stripped away from her and was seen less than what was human.
“To me, He gave me everything: education, training, and a family, feeling like I could finally belong once again. We met periodically as I was growing up and He gave me words of encouragement when I needed them. He was the only one that I had as I grew to become a general by His side for the Empire,” she met his gaze once again, with a broken smile.
“This is why I believe I fell to Hell because of me, Avenger. When the moment came for me to use my final flame and destroy a fortress for the Empire, I cried because I wanted more time with him.”
Valkyrurs? That name sounded distinctly familiar to him, reminding him of perhaps other heroes from the Throne.  Unfortunately for him, in his current state, he was less a servant and more just a general lost soul in Hell. Consulting the information from the Throne of Heroes was difficult for him now, without proper catalyst, so it was better to leave it for now.
He listened with a stoic expression on his face, attentive but actively working to keep his features calm. So, he had been right before in assuming that she was something more than human. To the reckless curiosity of man, that promised new avenues of growth, and thus she was taken advantage of. And then this Prince would arrive, her savior, and save her from a miserable life.
“I see. Quite the tale.”
He leaned backward in his seat for a moment, removing his hat to set it upon the table, mulling over what he had learned. Prior to this, he had held her Majesty in rather low regard, but now, it was a bit more difficult to say. while he did not doubt the truthfulness of her words, the memories were painted with bias, with her perspective alone. There was truly no chance of discovering who this Prince truly was himself, sadly, which would give him the final opinion he needed. But, here and now, he understood what she thought of him.
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“The act of violence against others and oneself are considered grave sins. However...I do not believe that what you felt was what brought you here. He was a good man to you. It’s understandable that you desired more of the kindness he offered. From all that you spoke to me and how you’ve spoken to me about, what you felt toward the Prince is not a sin. If nothing else, it’s a virtue, the epitome of Loyalty.”
Shady Respite
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Listening as he spoke, she realised that there was an entirely different world from where she came from. Though Valkyrurs were a thing of legend in hers, none of the past lived again as a fragment of what was. The Valkyrurs were, actually, a true race that existed and she was one of the few, which made the concept of the word different in their worlds. 
“Then you’d be the Count of Monte Cristo who was exacting his revenge, but not the Count of Monte Cristo in complete,” she concluded. 
It was still a way of thinking that was ways away from understanding the concept for what it was entirely, but she could definitely take her time. After all, it appears they would be spending more time together in Hell. 
“You fight against evil, by becoming evil. I see, I understand that much. Fire with fire is a concept not alien to war and conquest.”
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He further elaborated on his perception of her soul, being someone who knew just about what Hell is… something did not quite sit right with having her being judged.
While in life His Majesty often said that her worth is for His to say, she… why was it so much easier to listen to him than someone who was telling her that she was a good person to the core?
“In retrospect… I was merely a warrior. I cannot truly tell if I was a warrior of justice.”
There came the sullen smile again. 
“However, had I not met Him, I wouldn’t be sure if I had lived life at all. So at the very least… even if you hold such strong beliefs about me, Avenger, allow me to seek salvation rightfully here.”
The images of her dead comrades were followed by her victims in her mind, though she only winced at the memories. Unfortunately, she was told to get used to such things. 
“I don’t expect you to turn away from me, it is…”
Actually, was that statement meant to make her somewhat embarrassed again?
She cleared her throat.
“I am not asking you to turn away from me. All I ask is that even if you know so, please let me do what I have to, to get to where I deserve.”
“Yes, that is about as simple as I can make it.”
It truly was, god forbid he get into the semantics of the Holy Grail War and servant classes. That would require one hell of a lecture, and even he wasn’t clear on all the details.
Her response to his view of her were rather predictable, so much so that he would have laughed if he felt it was appropriate. Though she likely did not know of them, she had exhibited more than her fair share of virtues now. Perhaps it might be worth educating her on those later.
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“Of course. I am no judge here, so my opinion means about as much as a gust of wind in the scheme of things here. The answers lie ahead, and it’s very likely they won’t be pleasant. But consider my aid a given from this point on. So long as you would have my company, I will do my best to guide you.”
Such a definitive statement, yet the Avenger spoke it so casually, without a hint of doubt or ulterior motive. Though he was a man of evil endeavors, there was no questioning of his trustworthy nature. He was an individual who valued a straightforward nature, so of course, to those he trusted, he showed the same.
But now, it was his turn to approach her about something potentially sensitive. The exchange of character and history had been a tad one sided, and he aimed to rectify it.
“Selvaria, if I may be so bold as to ask, who was the one you served, the one you call your Majesty? And why did you follow him so loyally?”
Shady Respite
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She cleared a throat, almost flustered at his laughter, though hardly from embarrassment, but feeling slightly discontent with his… seeming disregard to how serious she considered the situation was. 
“Let me correct myself, you were the Count.”
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“The juxtaposition is … I wouldn’t dismiss it as hilarious, if you ask for my sincere opinion.”
She pondered as he spoke, narrated his life, or former life. The concept was difficult to grasp, but to a certain extent there was an understanding she could reach. 
“If what you say is true, you would then be a part, or a fragment of him, conceptually speaking. However, I do not understand how you could be separate from the real person itself,” she mused on the thought, alien to her knowledge.
Was it another thing in relation to the existence of Heaven and Hell that she was unaware of?
While of course, if in that hallucination, the one she met was the Count, then to a certain extent, Avenger would carry the knowledge. It would not make the man any less than the person he was, not quite literally. He was more of an amplification of a part of the man. 
“You are speaking as though you were only the mind behind the body, but not the soul of the Count in that vision.”
It was clear that she was trying to connect the dots, understand the existence of the man, for he had spoken of his being some sort of a vessel for vengeance. After all, the name he adopted also screamed as much. 
“I am rather pleased that you were happy, and if…”
Ah, there came the fluster. 
“… If we had met in life, I am sure that I would have been just as pleased to complete a dance with you. If you’d like, I’m sure the floor can make some space.”
There was a sense of jest in her voice, but she was not sure if that truly came off as she intended. 
“What I mean to say is that your company… Though I don’t quite understand the concept of your existence completely, is that there is still a man who extends an olive branch.”
She hated to say it.
“You remind me of His Majesty.”
The Avenger kept a smile on his face as she struggled to grasp what he had told her. Perspective was everything, and as he had long since come to terms with such details, it was simple to him. But to her? This must have been some esoteric nonsense. Mulling it over a tad, he tried a slightly different approach.
“You’re not wrong. I am the Legend he left behind. His story was that of vengeance, told and retold again and again. In my world above, he was infamous for it, one of the most well known revenge stories ever uttered. I am the embodiment of that story, of the anger against wrong doing, against the evils of mankind. For many, they saw Edmond as ‘one who fought against injustice’ rather than what he truly was. That is what I am, the perception of an eternal Avenger.”
“Edmond Dantes and I are...the same but from different views. He is the man, the true and complete history of Edmond, the real Count. I am the story of his revenge, and his acts against evil, nothing more. I am the Count of Monte Cristo, but only in the sense that I am he from the tale, rather than the true man himself. It’s...difficult to explain properly, and for that I apologize. But that is why I am here, in Hell, while I imagine Edmond himself has long since been at peace.”
The Avenger shook his head, not sure if he was satisfied in how he explained it, but imagining she at least got a basis of it. Moving on was likely a better idea. However, her flustered nature gave him pause and a smile. The final sentiment she spoke quieted him for a moment or two. His thoughts on “Her Majesty” were not in a good light, but he could understand the weight of what she said. 
“I am he who strikes out against all Evil, aiming to undo it, one way or another, even if it requires me to become evil as well. That said...”
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“I do not believe you are evil. In fact, I believe your soul to be of the greatest purity, loyal and strong, committed to your beliefs to the very end, a beautiful woman through and through. In a different life, you could have been a devout saint, or a warrior for justice. It was circumstance that brought you low, brought you here. I am not content with that fact. And so, I have made it my mission to aid you, to help you find the salvation I believe you deserve. For if I hate evil, then the opposite must be true as well, in which that I am...fond of the good. And so, how could I turn away from the good such as you?”
Shady Respite
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She easily swayed past the performance on the stage where they showed everything, down to the bones and understood just what kind of a place this was. Older men often went to see them – strippers. 
The music did not seem to bother her as she moved past the crowds and tables, with anonymous figures even throwing whatever money existed in Hell at her, harassing for a show, hardly fazed her. 
At this rate, this place was understandably lust-filled. 
She simply tailed Dantes’ lead when the waitress showed them their booth, too understanding very well just what she (mis-)interpreted from their decision to find a quiet place.
As soon as they were seated, she looked down. 
And it wasn’t like she didn’t notice the little wink the waitress left them.
It was as though all of the sudden, she had become very self-conscious on that table only occupied by two.
She only looked up to make eye contact with him when he said that he was not expecting such a seat.
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“Y-yes. I wouldn’t have expected that we receive a private booth like this either,” she said. 
Her eyes scanned their surroundings before she sighed, and interlaced her fingers on the table, unsure how to begin, though she was confident much earlier, but the quietness – or rather – the privacy was a bit more overwhelming than she thought she could handle.
“… Forgive me. I feel like I may have breached your privacy… Which might be why I feel more self-conscious about being here. And I am aware we wanted to sit here and rest, I’m afraid of initiating this conversation because it might be more emotionally… exhausting than it is to keep quiet but…”
She paused. 
“Edmond Dantes, to think that you… could be a Count.”
The Avenger watched her scramble over her words, never having seen her at a loss for how to speak. All this back tracking, covering her steps, it was terribly amusing. He nearly flinched at the name, but in return, the statement following had him nearly howling with laughter.
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“Kuhahaha! Yes, I suppose that would be very jarring! The juxtaposition between the man you see before you and the true Edmond Dantes is quite hilarious!”
After his little laughing spell, he managed to calm himself a tad,
“As I said before, it’s incorrect to consider me in the same vein of that man, that Edmond Dantes. I am only a facet of him, the grudge he bore to those who wrongly imprisoned him, those who stole away his life. When he succeeded in his revenge, he moved on to a happy ending with the love of his life, and I remained behind. So you see, while I am somewhat Edmond Dantes, I am not the true Count. A shadow would be more accurate, the nemesis he left behind.”
The smile on his face was calm now, but even with all the noise, Selvaria could feel the bitterness there. Especially now, here in Hell, he was here accounting for the sins of a man he couldn’t even say he was. 
“I often have dreams as the true count - unless you could say, those are his dreams and I’m simply viewing them. I can play the part, but I’m not the character. Though, if I will be frank, I was happy to do so last time. You’re quite beautiful, Selvaria, and, removing Hell from the equation, your company is splendid. If there was one thing I wish, it was that we had time to finish that dance.” 
Shady Respite
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As expected of Hell, there would always be a thing of value to be paid for something that is… desired, in a form that is decadent, if anything at all.
She could hear it in his voice. For a guide, he seemed rather… surprised by his own discovery. 
It was amusing. 
“Unfortunately, it appears that beggars don’t have the luxury of choice. And we are the beggars of this place,” a sigh could be heard from her lips as she folded her arms. 
It would be a lie if the danger they had experienced earlier did not contribute to her sense of fear. 
Even for a soldier, that was something she knew, though it had always received the backseat treatment because her loyalty was found, and she had no reason to fear while the Prince was safe by her blade. 
If one looked closely, there was a hint of a shiver as she looked in the distance from whence they ran from.
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When he turned to her, she could feel that there was a need to address her loyalty and faith, and also what she had seen earlier in her dreamlike trance.
“I understand this place may not provide us a wholesome rest, but a rest is a rest. We will be driven to madness if we keep facing the tests of Hell.”
She walked towards the door and turned to initiate an eye contact with Avenger, before she stepped into the loud ocean of music and lights, with a smirk on her face. 
“Though I admit I must say, it isn’t so bad with you.”
A smile was offered in return to her, followed by a nod. He doubted he would have made it even this far without her, for even his knowledge of the Circles of Hell was only so useful. There was a question of whether or not she was helping him more than he was helping her. At this junction, he was believing she was more a boon than he was. 
But there would be time for that later. Now it was time to see what exactly they were walking into now...
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...There was plenty of sin to go around.
This place was horribly indecent, the number of denizens clad in absolutely nothing at all most perplexing. The blaring lights, the obnoxiously sensual music, the scent of sex in the air, it was so disgustingly lascivious. Avenger wasn’t an individual of such base desires, but he could understand why others would be. The freedom of the flesh was something that even the origin of mankind held in high regard, if one believed such things. Considering where they were though, it was hard not to.
With a shake of his head, and a lowering of the brim of his hat, he followed behind Selvaria with something of a grimace on his face. There was something deeply unsettling about this to him, but perhaps it was old age mentality catching up to him. A scantily clad waitress would pass by and Dantes motioned to catch her attention, having to almost yell to be heard.
“Is there a space to sit down?”
“Of course, honey! Would you like a dancer to keep you company?”
“No. Just private.”
“Oh, I see, no worries there, darling~”
There was a pregnant pause as he contemplated what the other believed they were up to, but he decided not to mull over it too long. With a nod to his companion, they followed after their host into a curtained booth. The woman gave them both a wink, and two were left alone, the Avenger left to sit opposite to Selvaria.
“Not exactly what I had in mind.”
Shady Respite
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Shady Respite
...What in the hells was he looking at?
It was an establishment of some sort, though clearly not one of any reputable origins, considering its location and clientele. A bright and gaudy sign reading “Beyond the Veil” flickered above them, giving them enough illumination to see the souls gathered in front of it. Most seemed to pass by with ease, but some groaned and anguished over their denial within.
Part of him wondered why he was even surprised such a place existed given the danger they had escaped from. But there was such a disturbing dissonance from that grove to where they stood now and it was so jarring, he was almost at a loss at how to handle it. 
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“There are many other places I would have chosen to rest.”
A snide little comment to try and ease the tension in the air. Even if they had not just raced away from such abominable danger, there was still the air of unrest that now stood between them. The hallucination they had gone through together had changed the dynamic of the two quite a bit, at least from his perspective. It was something that merited discussion, but finding the time to breach the subject was tricky.
He turned to face Selvaria properly now, the first time since before they had begun to fall under the lull of the delusions from the forest. There were many things he wished to say to her, they could wait. Weary as they both were, rest was a necessity.
“I’m not certain what we’re going to find in there, but it must be at least better than out here. shall we?”
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