demoreelrewound · 7 days
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Say what you want about “Demo Reel”, but Rebecca Stone as a character was brilliant and so was this entire scene.
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demoreelrewound · 8 days
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I think that putting random quotes on CA screenshots may become my new hobby.
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demoreelrewound · 8 days
Episode 1 excerpt: Company Trailer
The screen shows TRAILER - DEMO REEL PRODUCTION STUDIO. The classic countdown plays.
Important sounding music starts- the logo moves as it does in the show intro, then match-cuts to a live-action clapperboard closing then revealing DONNIE DUPRÉ. He reads the contents of a folder in his director chair with an obviously arranged set of '"tools of the trade" on shelves behind him - some in boxes, some loose. There's an identical clapperboard to the one just used on the table beside DONNIE.
DONNIE looks up from the folder on his lap and smiles, at once charming and staged.
DONNIE: Oh, hello! My name is Donnie Dupré, and you've reached the official website for my production company, Demo Reel.
Now you may be asking, "what is Demo Reel?" Well, I'm glad you asked! We are a group of like-minded creatives ---
Shot fades as he continues. A selection of soundless clips play, showing low budget recreations of various films gradually zoom in, beginning with a scene of DONNIE laughing directly at the camera (laughing at the viewer).
These scenes include one or two clever shots hampered by very obvious set dressing, as well as cheap digital effects and actors who only stuck around for one film - this is made clear with two of them of the exact same build and ethnicity playing characters originally played by the same actor. (Likely a Black actor to call forward episode 2's focus.)
DONNIE (voiceover throughout): -- dedicated to crafting high-quality homages to some of your favourite movies, all in the name of furthering your appreciation of them. As you can see, we opt for a home-made, minimalistic style, so all the focus can go on what's most important, recreating memorable moments for a new audience...
The montage ends by going full view on a scene of Braveheart also including REBECCA STONE trying her best with the material she's got.
[Blogger note: I've not seen Braveheart so I've no idea which scene would be best here, but the parody is clearly in the self-referential style of Channel Awesome and HISHE-era YouTube parodies, only with slightly better production value. They're in a real woodland but the sky has been cut out as much as possible and changed to sunset with greenscreen. A flat orange filter has been put over the actors in post-production.]
The clip ends and we cut back to Donnie in the chair smiling proudly and nodding once.
DONNIE (wryly): Felt just like the real thing, didn't it?
The shot switches to that of another camera - this one has a tighter shot of DONNIE'S head and shoulders but you can see the very edge of the previous camera.
DONNIE: With the help of my talented crew of both local and international talent --
Beat. He realises his redundancy then shakes his head.
DONNIE: (regains confident mask) I hope to eventually take the Demo Reel Production Studio beyond the Internet and into the real world. And who knows, maybe even Hollywood!
The shot lingers just a bit longer than it's supposed to with his face still on the last syllable before it switches to a screen grab of a basic looking website.
DONNIE (voiceover): Here on our official website, you can access our trailers, contact information, and the opportunity to become a part of the Demo Reel VIP club, featuring a newsletter, exclusive behind-the-scenes content and previews for our upcoming releases.
The things said appear on screen. As well as DONNIE and REBECCA, one of the candid shots catches KARL COPENHAGEN in profile, intently working on repairs to his camera - he's turned his head away sharply enough to blur his face. Another shows TACOMA NEWELL smiling in surprise with a pen in his hand, having been going over a typed-out script to edit. One image shows all four, implying a fifth person, but it's followed up with a close up of a gross-looking microwave meal.
DONNIE: We hope you enjoy your stay on our little corner of the web, and experience the magic of movies all over again.
Demo Reel: we don't make films, we remake them.
DONNIE lifts the spare clapperboard.
DONNIE: Aaand cut!
It claps shut and the video ends.
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
Episode one notes:
Disclaimer: I'm not sure there's enough room in the alt text to note down everything on the pages, in which case I'll try to figure something out.
Also, apologies if there's something you can't read- I was getting tired by the end.
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
Favourite behind-the-scene screenshots pt. 1
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
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(818): I will not fuck this loser. I will not fuck this loser. I will not fuck this loser.
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
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A collection of cute faces for Demo Reel’s birthday.
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
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(972): it’s not my fault I help girls realize they’re lesbians.
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
Submitted by theycallmesonic1: This is my latest Demo Reel AMV (this time with no Nostalgia Critic). I edited the audio for brevity’s sake. This one uses the song “Roar” by Katy Perry. Enjoy! =) 
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
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So Demo Reel is really important and so is Rebecca Stoné.
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
On the ~Antagonist(s)~!
Episode 1:
Right at the end - a letter
Dear Donnie Dupré
We represent Swede filmmakers everywhere [...] we saw Be Kind Rewind first [...] we will make you pay [...]
P.S. If our demands are not met, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur!
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Episode 2:
Messages on the answering machine.
Mr Dupré, my name is Tom Collins, I represent SWAG.
In case you are wondering, SWAG is the Swede Actors' Guild.
Needless to say, we are pretty awesome! ^_^
But you my friend, are not!
I'm going to assume you received our little letter, and I'm going to assume you've ignored it - well you can't ignore me.
I'm assuming you deleted my other message, here's the continuation: YOU CANNOT IGNORE ME!
You may have fooled those two buffoons you call actors, but we know better.
Mark my words, there will be no happy ending for you so long as your movie remakes continue - this will be your final warning!
Hey baby, just letting you know I got the milk and -- crap, did I just f*cking redial?
Ahem, ahem, just ignore that -- THIS WILL BE YOUR FINAL WARNING!
Episode 3:
No mention.
Episode 4:
First silhouette appearance.
"I have a secret report from within the Guild. Four people have come to our attention regarding a plot that can jeopardise the Swede Actors' Guild. Donnie Dupré and his team have refused our orders to halt their production company, Demo Reel.
While they are still small and unaware of their talent, our analysis indicates there is a danger.
I recommend sending several Guild agents to their location, to stop them, by any means necessary.
The cheap must flow.
Phone call to Tacoma:
Mr Narrows?
Do you like remaking movies?
Are you at home?
And Miss Stone, where is she?
That's all I needed to know...
A car following Tacoma - two masked figures who jump him and pelt him with Swedish pancakes.
Phone call to Rebecca:
Go to the window.
Do you like remaking movies?
Well not for long~! Ooh, is that your spine starting to shiver?
Shit! Just a second. Yo, hey! I got a handicap sticker!
*points gun at Donnie, unclicks safety*
Episode 5:
Silhouette scene
Tom: Donnie Dupré will no longer be a nuisance to us. After my associates picked him up at gunpoint from the airport, they dropped him off in the middle of the woods, where nobody can find him. Let's just say that the troubling nature of Demo Reel, and Donnie Dupré, will no longer be on our radars. *evil laugh*
♤: dude, what's wrong with you?!
Tom: what?
♡: you kidnapped a man at gunpoint and left him to die? That's fucking messed up!
Tom: he, he was threatening our operation :-(
♤: guy, we're Swede filmmakers, we remake films badly, we're not the goddamn mafia!
♡: what are you, a psycho?
Tom: but -- but --
♤: dude, I don't even wanna look at you - the less I'm associated with this, the better
♡: yeah, I'm off to be an Internet reviewer - they're mentally stable
Tom: wait! Wait! Where are you going?! *beat* Does this mean you won't be at the Christmas party?! ;_;
Someone moving in a dark doorway unnoticed by Tacoma who walks past. (After he accidentally insults Rebecca)
Episode 6:
In-person appearance of Tom Collins five minutes before the ending.
I'll be taking that!
I am *fumbles with taking his mask off* Tom Collins, grand leader-master of SWAG! And I believe this is mine!
*draws gun*
*unclicks safety*
"This is your last chance: give up Demo Reel, or face the consequences!"
"Really? Why don't you ask your friend Donnie how crazy I am?"
"Oh he's fine... maybe. -- actually, really don't know where he is -- do you?!"
"You're right, I can't kill anybody -- but there's something I can kill!"
*points gun at SD card in his hand while Quinn just stands there like a lemon*
"Then give up DEMO REEL!"
"You leave me no choice..."
*shoots SD card*
*laughs evilly*
*shuts right up when Fabrizio interrupts*
"What the hell do these people do here..? *shakes thought away* Anyway -- wait. Wasn't there another person?"
*whimpers and cries in pain as Reba whales on him*
"No! Get off, get off!"
"BACK! Get back you girly little bitch!" *gun at Tacoma* "You too!" *gun at Rebecca*
*gun at camer-- I mean Quinn* "You three!"
"Get back! You may have won this round, but the battle is far from over you hear me? The battle's---"
*jumps back once he notices Donnie*
*gets punched, groans on the floor*
*gets up and tries to run away, whimpers, gets pushed back by an emerging Karl*
"Oh god!" (I think? Maybe?)
*whimpers and groans as Karl kicks his ass, and as he is able to get up and Karl takes his gun, and as he gives him one last kick*
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