denisstravelblog · 1 month
African Camelot
In this picture, I have the Camelot of Africa. This is a fortress that was built in Gondor. This was built by the emperor Fasilides in 1636.  The Gondor is known for it's richness and decorations that the churches has. It became the center of attention of the kingdom of Logres and Arthurian legend. This place believed it contained 150 knights.  During this holiday their tradition is to celebrate the baptism of Jesus by John who is a Baptist in the river Jordan.
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denisstravelblog · 1 month
Pontecost in Africa
In this picture as you can see Christian Africans are celebrating the Pentecost. This tradition is really important to Africans because it's the breakage of the western missionary control. The traditions during this holiday is they use clots to do prayer cloths. They do this tradition 50 days after easter. I noticed that on this day in the church woman are prohibited from wearing slack, makeup and jewelry.  The Pentecost is on a Sunday. So, all the families are forced to wear red on this day to the Pentecost church service. I also learned that Pentecostal rules are that they don't drink, smoke, or be a part of any crime or thieve. 
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denisstravelblog · 1 month
Kwanzaa Africa Christianity 
Kwanzaa is also celebrated by African Christianity.  During my experience I had no idea what Kwanzaa was I have never heard of it before. Kwanzaa is known as a "secular" holiday. A secular holiday means that this holiday is not religious in nature unlike other holidays and traditions that. This holiday is known as an idol worship. During this holiday their tradition is to honor all of their ancestors. Since Kwanzaa is a non religious holiday, all of African non religious also come together to celebrate and honor their African American ancestors. 
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denisstravelblog · 1 month
Christmas in Africa Christianity
During the holiday christmas, african christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. African christians forget about the snow, cozy weather, the christmas tree, mistletoes, etc they really care for these things during this special holiday for them. On christmas, they admire their sunny days and their festivals during this hot weather. They get together with their families and friends and celebrate with enjoying the outdoor festivities and parades in the outdoor streets. They also go all together with friends and families to church. In africa they celebrate their christmas like we do but only difference is that we do more inside activites and we are used to the snow unlike them. They enjoy their sunny outdoor festivities during this time of the year. 
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denisstravelblog · 1 month
Easter in Africa Christianity
In this picture, I experienced a day in a life of their easter day holiday/tradition. I noticed that on easter they have to be well dressed. As an wearing attire fitted clothing is really important for them on this day as their tradition for easter. They start their day by going to their church services. After their church service is done,  they will decorate their church with tradition clothes. These tradition clothes are known as "Vintage" for them. These vintage clothes have lots of different flowers and butterfly patterns. During their church services, they pray, read versus from the bible, sing and they dance as well. But most importantly is they have to be attire dressed for this holiday/tradition. 
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