denizaksoy · 1 year
"So it needs to be at least a little comfortable. I know, I know - fashion and comfort don't always go hand in hand, but you'll be outside for a long time," she tapped on her chin, trying to put together an outfit in her head. "Are you feeling more like a dress or?" Her attention was entirely focused on figuring out what Ley should wear for the. It's been a while since she's been able to focus on anything else beside her long list of cases she's been researching for her podcasts. "Aw, come on, you know it's the truth," she gave her a smile when she pulled away from the hug. Deniz was always ready to hype up her friends, because they deserve to hear it and know it. "Um — does work fit under 'someone I'm interested in', because that's really all I've been doing and thinking about."
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"Yeah. Yeah, you're right," Aleyna said, nodding her head as she showed Deniz a small smile. She'd only ever been in two relationships in her entire life and while the first one had ended well, she needed to remember just how much the second's ending had hurt her. How secretly shattered her self-esteem had been for a long while afterwards because she didn't understand how someone could cheat on her and how she didn't even talk to her best friends about it that much because she had been embarrassed, feeling like she hadn't been enough, so she really couldn't and shouldn't let Garrett in her head again. "I will, I will, I promise. Honestly, I'm not sure yet. I dragged Noah shopping with me but I don't know if I'm wearing that dress to the date," Aleyna said with a laugh. "Probably not, but I still have time to figure it out. You got any suggestions for me?" She asked before a wide smile formed on her lips at hearing her best friend compliment her, her heart warming at it all. "You're so sweet to me," Aleyna said, a light laugh escaping past her lips as she pulled Deniz into a quick, tight hug. "Thank you," she softly added, as she pulled away. "Guess it takes one amazing person to know one, huh?" Aleyna said, her tone playful, even though she meant it with her whole heart. "What about you? Anyone you're interested in so far?"
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denizaksoy · 1 year
"Okay, it is a little funny, especially because I only got to hear about it." She could only imagine people's reactions when they realized what was happening on that bull. When they arrived at Mama's, Deniz was quick to order a burger paired with a strawberry milkshake. "So beside the free show everyone got, did something fun worth sharing happen?"
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"I guess you have a good point, but still, the bull thing was a little funny, no?" She loved Eve to pieces, but even after being sober enough to think about what her friend did, she couldn't help but feel like it was a little bizarre. "Great!" she adds with a grin, taking her own bag and pulling out her phone to check the time. Her appetite wasn't really all that much, but Mei figured eating something like a burger would keep her fed.
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denizaksoy · 1 year
"It is a best case scenario, because it means neither of you end up doing something stupid." All she could do was hope this won't go any further, but with June's words she couldn't see that happening. "Oh, no. There's no way you think I'm going to help you do something to get back at Fey. I don't support this and I won't take part of it. Besides you'll probably be one of the first people she thinks of when something happens."
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"That's not even - in range of being the best case scenario. That's not even a fucking - scenario at all." Because she knew that neither of them would give up - both determined to ruin each others' lives; though Fey had money - and more opportunity. The cogs churning in June's head might've well been visible, the way she sat there and nibbled on another croissant - eyes narrowed into space. "I have to be fucking - smart about it. It can't be traced back to me, like - evidence wise. You're - versed in this shit, right?"
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denizaksoy · 1 year
"There's a lot more to the story than we know. There's always more to every story." Nobody except the people who've done it know exactly why or how. There were a ton of questions left unanswered, and Deniz wanted to be the one to unravel it, but this was different. It was about people she had known almost her entire life and working on cases like that wasn't easy. "Or maybe he's as innocent as he says which means there's somebody out there who was working with Adee, and what if they decide to come back to continue her work?"
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"Yeah, for a job they truly had no hand in." The entire time everything was happening the police did nothing more than sit on their asses up until the engagement party. That's when they decide to turn everyone in there into a target for some crazy loones to play with. "Which makes perfect sense if Adee was the one really out there doing the killing, but I don't trust him for a second. You're going to tell me that this woman was able to attack multiple people at once, kill them all, and hide or take body parts away and yet he was able to overpower her? But no one else could? Not even the men bigger then he? It all seems a little too convenient." she said then shrugged. "But you're definitely right there. He can't be legally tried with no evidence. Kind of makes you wonder why they still got him locked up if they really believed it to be self defense. I think you might be onto something with this story."
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denizaksoy · 1 year
Even after what she experienced in Nightrest, Deniz can't give up on all the mystery. It was the only thing she had left that she actively shared with her parents. "I will be fine, don't worry." She was sure she can go back to that house, or maybe pay someone to take pictures. "I have a few stories recorded and ready to go so I'm covered for three weeks while I figure out if I should — talk about what happened here. I know it might upset a lot of people, but I don't do it to earn money on their suffering. People deserve to know their names, you know? So many good people lost their lives here."
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"I used to enjoy a mystery, but not after... you know, the past few months. It all hits too close to house now," she notes. "And you're putting yourself in trouble," she reminds her, trying to redirect the topic back rather than focus on the atrocities they've experienced. "What's your next story going to be about? Do you have any plans?" she wonders. "Deniz. They might check the place out more regularly now because they caught you there."
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denizaksoy · 1 year
"It doesn't shock me. They got their murderer and she was already dead. All the cases get closed and they give themselves a pat on the back for a job well done." Years ago she didn't have a set opinion on the topic, but when she lost her parents and saw how the only way some justice was served was by bringing outsiders' eyes on their case left a bitter taste in her mouth. And every cold case she covered only showed how they couldn't be trusted. "There's nothing that puts him on scene with the victims. No DNA, no witnesses - nothing. Even if he is involved, it's his word against a dead girl's."
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"See that's something that has stuck with me too," Apple said in agreement, "They had all this evidence that there were not just one, but two killers and just ignored all of that the moment that they caught one?" She didn't for a second believe that Jacob was innocent in any of this. It was way too convenient, despite the potential truth in why he may have killed the Adee. "They are like one of the founders on the town right? I don't know too much about the history, but I remember seeing that somewhere... Do you think he might have been involved somehow?"
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denizaksoy · 1 year
"Hey, we are in Nightrest, knowing half the town any theme would have gone off the rails." Deniz laughed, she'd gone to her fair share to know how quickly these parties go from normal to extreme. "That's perfect, I've been craving their milkshakes." The thought got her mouth-watering. "My car's right outside. If we go now we'll make it right before rush hour." She added, grabbing her purse and keys.
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"I guess you're right. Honestly, I didn't think too much about the theme! If I knew about how crazy it would get, I would've just kept my mouth shut," Mei adds with a grin, remembering how she'd really only mentioned she'd like the idea of a themed party before it snowballed into an entire event. "You're too nice, let's get Mama's or something? I have a bit of a hangover still, and a burger sounds really good right now."
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denizaksoy · 1 year
Deniz shook her head, worry evident on her face, a feature she wore a little too often when it came to June. The last thing she wanted was to see this feud between the two escalate because one had a much higher chance of getting in trouble. "So how does this end?" she questioned, resting her chin on the palm of her hand. "Best case scenario, one of you eventually gives up?" And knowing both of them, the chances of either waving a white flag were close to zero.
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God - this was so much better than her emergency instant noodle supply - which was consistently missing from beneath her bed. Fucking roommates. "I'm not dead - so I'd say its fucking... fine." She sounded - rough, but not aggressive, just a little on the defense. A part of her subconscious told her not to be mean to one of her few friends - one of her even fewer best friends, at that. "She decided to fucking - play god and get my bike impounded during the fucking, yeehaw night. 'Cos she thinks she can do fucking - whatever she wants without consequence," June threw her hands up - almost lost a pastry in the process, "Well you know what? I'm going to key her fucking car. I'm going to fucking - put sugar in the tank. I'm going to make her regret fucking with me."
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denizaksoy · 1 year
Deniz chuckled as she watched June go straight for the food. "That doesn't look fine." she replied, still trying to get a closer look though it was pointless. Deniz sat down, taking a piece from one of the pastries. "So why did the two of you decide to fight it out?"
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It only took the mention of pastries to rise Juniper from her self-pity moping (laying facedown into her mattress like a dead man) in the other room and lure her out. "You got those Danish cheese ones?" She asked, peering over Deniz' shoulder as she batted her away dismissively. "I'm fine, Christ - which coffee is yours?" It didn't matter - because June took to stuffing her face and downing it with whichever cup her hands found first as soon as she got in front of the table. "Fuffing - Feyha." She said between chews, wiping a dribble of coffee from her chin.
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denizaksoy · 1 year
Deniz's eyes softened, she didn't want to watch her dwell over someone who showed he doesn't deserve it. "I think it's normal what you're feeling. You were in a relationship, you trusted him and he ruined that. Seeing somebody after getting betrayed is hard. But at the end of the day he chose to hurt you, there's a way out of a relationship without doing that and he should know that." She knew what heartbreak was, and it wasn't easy to move on and when you come close to it the universe has a funny way of ruining it by facing you with that person. "A festival date? That's nice, I want pictures — and maybe live updates every now and then. What are you wearing?" She grinned, glad to hear Aleyna was going through with the date. "Not interested? Have you looked in a mirror recently? And on top of your looks, you are just an amazing person in general. If someone can't see that then they seriously lack taste and judgement." Deniz was always ready to be Ley's personal hype-woman, and she was ready to fight anyone who says otherwise. "I promise I won't miss out on the next party."
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"Yeah. I wasn't expecting that either," Aleyna said with a frown. She bit down on her lower lip as she listened to her best friend, nodding her head at the other's words. People that love you don't cheat. It felt like she needed to remind herself of that every time because Garrett consistently made her doubt what even happened. Even now, she felt confused by it all, but she merely forced a smile to show her best friend that she was hearing her. "You're right. I shouldn't even be thinking of him right now," Aleyna added, just as a blush formed on her cheeks. She didn't sleep around, barely even kissed people, so to have all of that happen in one night felt slightly overwhelming. "Saturday. It's to a music festival, which is going to be pretty cool," Aleyna said before letting out a laugh at Deniz's facial expression. "I... Honestly, I don't know who's the best kisser. All of them were pretty amazing, once I got over the shock," she admitted, her face growing hotter. "I mean.... yeah, but I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I really... I just didn't expect it. At all. I thought he'd get mad that I was using him just to prove a point, but instead, he went all in. Helped me out. Same with Jae, you know? I've been friends with both of them for years, and yeah, they're both really cute, and I always thought we were just friends because I get along with them really well, could talk to them for hours, and I didn't really think they were interested, but I'm just-- I don't regret it. Not one bit, and honestly, I'm just really happy that it happened. Kind of opened my eyes to what I've been missing this entire time," Aleyna admitted with a soft sigh. "Next time there's a party, you better be there."
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denizaksoy · 1 year
Deniz was full of ideas on how to approach everything. She knew she has to be careful, possibly try to ask her way around without showing her true motive. "Law enforcement feels like a good start. They determined it was two people who did it, but then there's only one and she's six feet under." It piqued her curious mind and she wanted to find out more. "It's hard to miss that family in Nightrest, but we didn't really know each other. There's nothing wrong with trying."
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Apple nodded understanding exactly what she meant. She was more happy at having had the opportunity to meet her after listening to her podcast for so long. "Ohh, treat lightly." she said with a smile, but meant it. "I absolutely agree that this is the perfect time to do it, while it's still so fresh, but just be sure you're ready for the mixed opinions and emotions from the locals." she paused for a moment at the name, looking up at her, "Do you think he'd see you? Did you know him?" She had many questions, but held back.
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denizaksoy · 1 year
"Yeah, yeah I know," Deniz waves a hand dismissively, she wasn't too concerned about the potential consequences. "It's less of a hassle that's for sure, but you know I love a good mystery. Besides I don't do it for every story, otherwise I'd have to spread out air dates." Even if she wanted to, it was unrealistic when you think about it. "Off-limits makes it sound even more intriguing, don't you think? I might try again in a couple of days. I might get lucky and leave before anyone else shows up."
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"Well, at least it was just a warning and nothing worse... Though you do have to be careful for next time," she warns softly, because while she got off with a simple warning this time, next time the police might not be this easy going. "I'd rather just talk about it and watch some video about it rather than see it live." She shakes her head, scrunching her nose a little. "It's an off-limits abandoned house," she adds, smiling. "Are you going to try and go again?"
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denizaksoy · 1 year
CLOSED — @rctributions
"I have coffee, refreshers and a bunch of yummy pastries. You better get your hands on them right now." She placed everything on the table before she turned around to grin at June when she heard footsteps only for it to fall. "What happened?" She moved closer to June, her eyes narrowing while she inspected the bruising. "I miss one party, one!"
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denizaksoy · 1 year
"But it was celebrating you in one way or another," she quirks an eyebrow, "besides Fey agreeing on a theme suggested by Rory? I doubt she would have done it if you didn't like it." It was obvious those two didn't like each other and without Mei's influence the disastrous party might have never happened. "Well, I never got you anything for your birthday, at least let me take you out to lunch or something."
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"It wasn't really a birthday party," Mei adds shaking her head. She was sure that it was just Fey wanting to make her feel better, because her birthday had long passed since. "It was okay, I drank a lot, and there was this mechanical bull that got a lot of attention, so I guess everyone had a lot of fun," she answers. "What do you mean? You don't have anything to make up to me, Deniz."
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denizaksoy · 1 year
"There's nothing like adding a professional's opinion. Makes it feel even more real, you know?" She's been doing this long enough to know what adds on to the story and what can bring views. She's read files after files, but it wasn't her place to try to diagnose someone. "I've been thinking about what happened here. It's still so fresh in everyone's minds though, which is also the best time to do it. Hmm, maybe I should visit Jake, but I don't think he'd be up for an interview."
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"Aww, you didn't have to. Thank you." Apple smiled and reached to grab the basket and took a peek inside. "Don't for a second believe that to be true! But it has most definitely been fun. Got any new ideas for your next episode?"
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denizaksoy · 1 year
"They weren't too happy to see me there, but I got off with a warning in the end." One of these days she won't be able to leave the station with a warning, but she'll worry about that when it happens. "I don't do it too often, but it's fun. It's scary as hell, but talking about something you've seen just adds a sense of reality to the story. That's the thing - I didn't get to see much of it before the police showed up. It's an abandoned house, it's not like I'm about to rob the place or something."
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"Wait, the cops came to the house? What happened? I hope you didn't get into trouble," she says, her eyes widening slightly. "I can't believe you even went to an abandoned house! Did you find anything there?" See the idea of it made her nosy, but you wouldn't find Gracia actually going there in a million years.
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denizaksoy · 1 year
CLOSED — @meizhous
location — the daily dose
"How'd you like your birthday party? Heard it was a blast, but there's only one opinion that matters - yours." She takes a careful sip from her hot coffee before she leans back in her seat. "I'm sorry I didn't make it, but I'll make up for it somehow."
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