dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Humana dental investments, people are calling it VR AR winter right now. I saw another company, its name escapes me went out of business this week but nobody's really executed on the money. The big companies may keep (mumbles) on 'cause if Apple's doing it, Google has to do it and Facebook
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Humana dental investments, people are calling it VR AR winter right now. I saw another company, its name escapes me went out of business this week but nobody's really executed on the money. The big companies may keep (mumbles) on 'cause if Apple's doing it, Google has to do it and Facebook
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Humana dental can enable. But there are four major problems that are preventing the mass adaptation of VR and AR. And one is the headset or whether it's telepathic or contact lens or an implant, or the one thing that's acceptable to wear in your face. And this really has to be this form factor, not a shoe box,
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Humana dental mortgage and my house and all the, it was like oh great. Yeah, for me it’s better and more entrepreneurial. I’m more of a street fighter and that’s also like, so googly and I don���t know, I tried. But it’s okay, it’s okay if you’re entrepreneurial. I like it when the big
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Humana dental ,how we got through it. It was very good for face. And then I realized whoa, this is a great way to get people and this is to answer the question, to debug your idea on paper. It's so much easier. Everybody says build something first, deploy
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Humana dental know you're not supposed to say it but huge, and the Chairman wanted to see me so I flew over and saw the Chairman and walked into this room. He was flanked by four EVPs on one
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Dental insurance for veterans soccer here, by the way, that deal, can we do this and stuff? It had to be in a minute, handshake and like, now I know all the executives, the good part about is I know the executives all over Asia and how to renegotiate fast because just a handshake at that point, because they're not gonna
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Dental insurance for veterans soccer here, by the way, that deal, can we do this and stuff? It had to be in a minute, handshake and like, now I know all the executives, the good part about is I know the executives all over Asia and how to renegotiate fast because just a handshake at that point, because they're not gonna
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Dental insurance for veterans soccer here, by the way, that deal, can we do this and stuff? It had to be in a minute, handshake and like, now I know all the executives, the good part about is I know the executives all over Asia and how to renegotiate fast because just a handshake at that point, because they're not gonna
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Dental insurance for veterans was the fabs that make the LCD screens were running at negative % margin. There were multi billion dollar fines for price fixing. The CEOs were going to jails in
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Dental insurance for veterans was this respectful MIT professor, she's like, "Why are you leaving?" And I just felt I needed to do it. So I had to give up MIT to do it which was hard because I really wanted to, I loved MIT, I wanted to be at MIT as well. But it's much more risky when you put all of your savings,
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
ever recorded and transformed Dental insurance for veterans the lives collectively, between us and the for-profit companies of million children in the world. And I was definitely, I’m just like well, there are not enough MIT professors sleeping on the factory floors of the world. I grew up in a
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Ameritas dental in my s. I'm fine. I finished my PhD afterwards and done all this stuff. So the sense, but there's a stigma, I just really had a brain tumor or you start smart or not and I have to take pills every hours since or I die. So I care a lot about getting good health insurance. So that was a risk for
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Ameritas dental in my s. I'm fine. I finished my PhD afterwards and done all this stuff. So the sense, but there's a stigma, I just really had a brain tumor or you start smart or not and I have to take pills every hours since or I die. So I care a lot about getting good health insurance. So that was a risk for
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Ameritas dental in my s. I'm fine. I finished my PhD afterwards and done all this stuff. So the sense, but there's a stigma, I just really had a brain tumor or you start smart or not and I have to take pills every hours since or I die. So I care a lot about getting good health insurance. So that was a risk for
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Ameritas dental founded One Laptop Per Child, you actually were at the MIT Media Lab. Can you tell us a bit about what it was like to found
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dentalhelps-blog · 5 years
Ameritas dental was doing calculus in seventh grade, I was really good at it. But the idea of somebody deriving an equation on the board and the students shouting out the SIGNs of plus or minus, I didn't understand why that
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