dentalprod · 3 years
What Is The Role Of Temporary Filling Material For Teeth?
Cavities, also known as tooth decay, are caused by a diet high in sugary foods and beverages, a lack of regular brushing and flossing, and an abundance of germs in the mouth. A dental filling can restore a damaged tooth's function while also preventing additional decay. Although fillings are normally permanent, your dentist may first use a temporary filling material for teeth to address tooth decay.
When do temporary fillings come into play?
Temporary fillings are used by dentists in certain situations. Placing a temporary filling can be faster than placing a permanent filling. You can have a temporary filling as an emergency therapy if you have a cavity that causes significant, sharp pain and your dentist doesn't have time to put in a permanent filling.
Dental crowns with a temporary cap
If a deep cavity necessitates a dental crown, your dentist may additionally place a temporary cap (cap placed over the tooth). Until the crown is finished, the filling preserves your tooth.
After a root canal, a temporary seal is applied.
A poorly decayed tooth may also need a root canal to remove bacteria from the inside and save the tooth. A temporary filling can be used to close a hole in a tooth following a root canal. This keeps food and bacteria out of the hole, which could lead to more dental issues. Your dentist will replace the temporary filling material for teeth with a permanent one once the root canal has healed.
To calm sensitive nerves, a temporary medicated filling was used.
If your tooth is really sensitive, your dentist may recommend a temporary medicated filling. This will calm the nerve and give the tooth time to heal before a more permanent filling can be inserted.
At a later session, your dentist will examine the tooth to ensure that your pain has subsided and that you don't require any additional treatment, such as a root canal.
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dentalprod · 3 years
Tooth Jewellery Online India – Add Shine To Your Smile & Personality!
Nowadays, people are crazy about adding new-new things to their body and the addition of tooth jewellery is one of them. If you are also looking forward to learning about body art and cosmetic dental treatments to avail yourself of the looks that you always want, then this small guide is perfect for you. This will make it easy for you to invest in Tooth jewelry online in India.
Types Of Tooth Jewellery:
Have an idea of the basic type of tooth jewellery in which you can invest!
·        Tooth gems:
In this type of tooth jewellery, you can add crystal glass mounted on a thin foil of aluminum on your tooth to get the best look. This category involves jewellery items in the form of crystals and the most popular one comes in 3 different colors crystal clear, sapphire blue and ruby red. Along with that, you get two sizes - 1.8mm and 2.6mm. If you don’t want to invest much in tooth jewellery, then Rainbow crystal is the perfect pick for you as it is cheap. These are perfect as short-term attachments.
·        Twinkles:
Next in this category are the Twinkles. These come in pure gold and precious stones like diamonds, sapphires, and rubies. Comparing to tooth gems, twinkles are available in different shapes like diamond, star, triangle, heart shape, and more.
Procedure & Bonding Instructions:
Using a fluoride-free polishing paste, the tooth is cleaned properly. Wait till it gets dry. After that, the tooth is etched with 37% orthophosphoric acid for few seconds. Then by using water, rinse the surface and make it dry. Then apply the light-curing bonding agent and leave it like that for a few seconds. Then you need to apply flow composite. Use a jewel handler that can easily support a jewel item. Press it to the center and you are done.
Hopefully, this small guide can help you learn some essential facts related to tooth jewellery. Select a leading dealer to buy tooth jewellery online in India.
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dentalprod · 3 years
Looking for the best platforms to buy root canal material online! If yes, then DentalProd is the platform to connect with. We offer implants, bone grafts, filling instruments, and other dental products. We will be happy to help you at any time!
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dentalprod · 3 years
Make it easy to buy hand files in endodontics online at DentalProd. We deal in large quantities of high-quality dental equipment and surgical supplies at the best possible prices. Providing our customers the best products is our priority.
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dentalprod · 3 years
Common Misconceptions With Buying Dental Products In India!
Want to buy dental products in India! There are many things to keep in mind. From quality to price to variety, you have to make a prominent selection depending on the needs. Despite a number of benefits, there are many misconceptions related to this topic also. But some of the doubts are needed to be clarified on time. Here in this small guide, you will get to know about the same.
Myth 1:
Have plans to buy dental products in India! It is a big risk. This is the most common myth. There are successful platforms like Amazon and eBay that deal with quality products only. Moreover, you will get the review section to learn about buyer’s experiences.
Myth 2:
The more high-end the equipment is, the better will be the performance. It is seen that people invest a lot in sophisticated dental instruments with the intention that these will perform well. But it is not true in every case. Sometimes, cheaper instruments can also be better as they meet all the Dental Industry standards.
Myth 3:
Utilising used dental equipment and supplies is not a great investment. This is the third myth and the majority of people have this opinion that buying second-hand or refurbished dental equipment is wrong. This is not true at all. You can easily use refurbished dental equipment. All you need is to make sure that these are from a reputable company or dealer that follows all the health safety guidelines.
Myth 4:
The next myth is that you won’t get quality products at cheaper rates. This is totally wrong. Many online reputed companies offer you a range of quality products along with amazing discounts on bulk shopping. In this way, you can save more. Just check out the column of customer’s review before buying any product.
Summing up, these are some of the myths that are linked to buying dental products. Hopefully, this small guide will help you in some way or the other.
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