dentalspecialties · 1 year
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dentalspecialties · 3 years
What Is Periodontal Surgery?
Occasionally, Periodontal Surgery may be required to treat certain gum diseases and conditions, such as gingivitis or periodontitis. This type of surgery is commonly known as gum surgery. The purpose of this procedure is to treat gum disease and any damage caused by it: Regrowing damaged bones and tissues Preventing tooth loss Reducing gum gaps between teeth, known as black triangles Reshaping the jaw hone to lower the risk for bacterial growth in bone crevices Eliminating bacteria and infection If you have a severe gum infection, known as periodontal disease, your dentist may recommend surgery. Who Is A Good Candidate? People with severe or advanced diseases around their gums and the tissue supporting their teeth are usually candidates for periodontal surgery. If you have gum disease, your symptoms may include....(more)
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dentalspecialties · 3 years
Osseous Surgery is a part of an effective treatment plan against periodontal disease. Beyond removing cavities and pulling damaged teeth, gum pocket reduction surgery removes debris from the cracks that form as a result of gum disease. Cutting the infected tissue keeps your mouth and the rest of the body healthy. Once the gums are pulled back and the tartar buildup is removed, the tooth is smoothed to reduce the spots where bacteria prefer to hide. Ossis surgery is usually performed under local surgery by a board-certified periodontist as part of a surgical procedure.
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dentalspecialties · 3 years
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dentalspecialties · 3 years
Clarus Dental Specialties is the leading dental clinic in Pune. We do not have a general dentist who does all treatments, rather, a team of dental specialists who provide you expertise in every aspect.
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dentalspecialties · 3 years
What Is The Purpose Of Dental Surgery?
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Dental surgery is one of several medical procedures, which involves artificially modifying teeth, in other words, teeth and jaw surgery. Teeth are a very important part of the body. We use them basically to grind and chew our foods. Simple brushing and flossing is the first step for proper dental care. However, there are instances when cleaning and brushing are not enough to address the more serious issues about our teeth and this is when we leave for dental surgery and the best dentists and dental surgeons in India Let’s look for services. There are many reasons.....(more)
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dentalspecialties · 4 years
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Your teeth and gums can be affected by a pregnancy, just like other areas of your body. Most commonly, pregnant women can develop gingivitis, or pregnancy gingivitis, beginning in the second or third month and can increase in severity through the eighth month of pregnancy. During this time, some women notice swelling, bleeding, redness, or tenderness in the gum tissue. In some cases, gums swollen by pregnancy gingivitis can react strongly to local irritants and form a large lump. These growths, called pregnancy tumors, are not cancerous and are generally painless. They usually disappear after pregnancy, but some may require removal by a dental professional, such as a periodontist.
The best way to avoid…(more)
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dentalspecialties · 4 years
What is Periodontal disease and how is it linked to Diabetes?
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Periodontal disease is an inflammatory response to a bacterial infection that, if left untreated, may cause damage to the tissues and bone surrounding the teeth and may even lead to tooth loss. People with diabetes are three to four times more likely to develop periodontal disease, which, like any other infection in the body, can impair their ability to process and/or utilize insulin. Additionally....(more)
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