dentistindelhi1 · 5 years
Private Meeting Rooms/ Cabins & Training Room (upto 30 people) available: Call 9999060619 https://dentistindelhi.co.in/
Add: 1A Ring Road, Kilokri (Opp Maharani Bagh), New Delhi-110014.
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dentistindelhi1 · 5 years
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Exclusive Festive Offer:
1. Package Rs.1500 – Dental consultation + teeth cleaning + polishing
2. Package Rs. 1700 – Dental consultation + 1xray + 1tooth coloured filling (small)
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dentistindelhi1 · 5 years
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Dental problem can be a cause of worry for everyone; from a kid to an older adult at some point in their life. Now-a-days many children are affected with dental problems. Primary teeth are equally important to children as permanent teeth are to adults. If the dental problem is untreated, the infection can spread to the developing permanent tooth and cause problems.
Untreated dental problems can affect the teeth, gums or other parts of the oral cavity as well as lead to toothache. In more severe cases it can cause inability to chew, smile or speak properly. Top Dentists for children in New Delhi and other cities in India are successfully addressing such issues and striving to bring a smile on the faces of these children.
Dental problems can be a tooth cavity, bleeding from gums or loss of tooth prematurely. There could be situations where the permanent tooth is not present beneath the primary tooth leading to mal-alignment and requiring treatment using braces. Problems like premature loss of baby tooth, swollen and tenderness of gums while teething must be addressed by a dentist as neglecting them can lead to uncomfortable and painful situations for the children.
Parents who are still giving their children milk bottles before they sleep should give some plain water at the end. Additionally, stopping the use of the bottle as early as possible reduces the chances of getting ‘baby bottle caries’. Children with thumb sucking, nail biting or tongue thrusting habit may require habit breaking appliances if the habit does not stop beyond a certain age.
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Parents should encourage their kids to brush twice daily; morning and at night and rinse their mouth in-between meals. Dentists recommend changing the toothbrush once every three months and to use an extra-soft or soft toothbrush. Preventive dentistry for children is also very essential and includes treatments like sealants to reduce the chances of developing cavities, fluoride treatment and visiting a dentist every six months.
32 Smile Stone, a Best dentist in New Delhi is a state-of-the-art dental office offering multiple treatment options for children depending upon their condition of teeth and clinical consultation by the dentist. Some dental procedures include metal and ceramic braces, dental fillings, sealants, teeth cleaning, root canal treatment and tooth removal. Visit dentist for children in New Delhi at 32 Smile Stone for kid’s dentistry and braces treatment.
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dentistindelhi1 · 5 years
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dentistindelhi1 · 5 years
Finding the Best Dental Clinic in New Delhi: Important Points to Consider
Maintaining a good oral health is very significant for all of us. Good dental hygiene can help avoid gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath. Though, in maintaining a healthy set of teeth, it is a must to find for the best dental clinic near you. It is well-known that searching a most reliable clinic can assure you of high quality dental care services. Before you make a selection, there are important things you must know.
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The Most Important Points to Consider
Reputation of the Dental Clinic does matter a Lot: As we all are aware that a dental hospital has a good reputation if many people have recommended the same dental hospital or clinic. Word of mouth is very powerful and it is also a best way to get information about a clinic if it is reliable enough to fulfil all your requirements and expectations. A reputed dental clinic hired highly-skilled dentists or doctors who know the importance of quality dental treatment services very well.
The Dental care services they offer: A clinic or hospital is not just about tooth cleaning and extraction. When looking for a clinic, one must check the dental services it offers. There are several dentists that expertise in cosmetic dentistry. One must choose a clinic which provides a huge variety of modern dentistry which range from tooth extraction to laser teeth whitening or dental implants.
Facilities and techniques are crucial: Always keep in mind before choosing a clinic that the dental care centre must have the required facilities. Modern and advanced techniques can assure you of a satisfying dental service. In addition, a clinic must be strict when it comes to hygiene and sterilization all the time.
Cost-effective & quality services: You may find a several dental hospitals in the area you are living in. Though, the prices of their services may vary clinic to clinic. With this, always go for the best choices. When you talk about the best choices, it means quality services at a price you can afford.
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How to Find a Reputed Dental Clinic?
As you start searching, you may find various dental clinics near you. However, finding the best option can be a tedious task. One of the best things you can do is to visit their clinic personally and communicate with them. You can take help of your friends or relatives in case you are not able to find a right dental care centre. You must go for their recommendations.
Perform a complete check if the dentist uses the modern and latest equipments for dental treatments. It's accepted that you would never like to visit a dentist who uses outdated accessories.
Meanwhile, when you searched for a best dental clinic in Delhi, never be afraid to resolve your queries and ask questions regarding the history, certification and hygiene standards of the clinic. You can also ask if the clinic is a licensed one. Cost of the dental services is probably one of the concerned things. You can also include this in your questions.
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dentistindelhi1 · 5 years
Best Dental Clinic in New Delhi
If you are looking for a qualified dentist in New Delhi, then ‘32 Smile Stone Dental Clinic’ can be a good option, as it is one of the best dental clinics in New Delhi. It offers a variety of dental treatments performed by experienced dental professionals and utilizing the latest technologies in dentistry.
The clinic offers a wide range of world class dental treatments such as dental implants, root canal treatment, cosmetic gum treatment, teeth whitening, crowns and bridges, dentures, dental fillings, scaling and deep cleaning, wisdom tooth extraction and braces. We continuously strive to deliver its best services to all its patients.
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‘32 Smile Stone Dental Clinic’, is one of the best dental clinic in New Delhi and treats many patients from India and other countries. Kindly review our patient testimonials to decide which dental clinic is best suitable for your dental needs. Dr. Shivani Gupta is a recommended dentist for the American Embassy School, New Delhi and the American Embassy in New Delhi.
Dental Facilities Include:
·         comprehensive dental lab
·         digital x-rays
·         intra-oral camera
·         personalized chair monitors
·         one hour zoom advanced teeth whitening
·         use of fiber-optic hand-pieces
·         use of fiber-optic ultrasonic scalers for teeth cleaning
·         use of rotary instruments for root canal treatment
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dentistindelhi1 · 7 years
Best 9 Ways to Prevent Bad Breath | Top Dentists in New Delhi
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Nobody likes bad breath, and although it can sometimes be complicated to tell if you have it, it is always better to practice good oral health than risk having a smelly mouth. There are many ways to reduce or eliminate bad breath, some are definitely more effective and longer lasting than others. It's easy to improve your breath and keep your teeth and gums healthy at the same time. Try these simple steps to make your mouth feel fresh and clean.
Brush teeth twice a day.Brush your teeth 2-3 minutes at least twice a day to remove plaque and food debris. It’s very important to brush your teeth before going to bed.
Floss RegularlyYou know brushing twice a day is important. But do you floss? And no, flossing twice a month doesn’t count. Here’s why you shouldn’t write off this essential step.See, flossing reduces the plaque and bacteria found in areas of your mouth that a toothbrush simply can't reach, and in turn it rids your mouth of the smell associated with those bacteria. While flossing may not eliminate bad breath on its own, if you do it along with other health oral hygiene habits like brushing, then you may just develop a fresher smelling mouth.
Rinse your mouth out Besides freshening your breath, a mouthwash adds extra protection by getting rid of bacteria. A fresh minty taste can make you feel excellent. But be sure the mouthwash you choose kills the germs that cause bad breath. Don't just cover up the smell. Rinse daily with a good mouthwash and stop bad breath at its source.
Get Your Glorious Vitamin C Not just for colds anymore! Eating a diet rich in vitamin C (or even taking a vitamin C supplement) is a great and healthy way to ward off bad breath. Vitamin C naturally inhibits the production of oral bacteria. Bonus for vitamin C foods that pack a fibrous crunch, as eating these will help remove food particles that could otherwise begin to break down in the teeth and smell
Keep your gums healthy Gum disease causes bad breath. Bacteria gather in pockets at the base of teeth, which creates afoul odor. If you have gum disease, your dentist may suggest you see a periodontist, who specializes in treating it.
Drink This, Not That One of the biggest causes of bad breath is dry mouth. As logic would then suggest, keeping the mouth moist is a key to bad breath prevention. The best way to do this is by staying hydrated. Water – increases saliva production, which defends the mouth against the production of bad breath molecules. Green and black teas – contain polyphenols, which wipe out sulphur compounds and reduce bacteria in the mouth.
Moderate Your MedicationAt the first seasonal sniffle, do you reach for an antihistamine? What about a pain reliever at the first throb of a headache? Over 400 medications, both over-the-counter and prescribed, can give you bad breath by drying out the mouth. Cut back on over-the-counter meds where you can, and talk to your doctor about dry mouth/bad breath concerns regarding your prescribed medications.
See your doctorIf your bad breath continues despite your best efforts, make an appointment with your doctor. He'll check to see if your problems are related to a medical condition.
Visit our
top dentists in New Delhi
today and help us regain your oral hygiene back quickly!
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dentistindelhi1 · 7 years
Root Canal Treatment in New Delhi
What happens during root canal treatment? Learn more about this dental treatment which can relieve you of your pain and save your natural tooth.  Root canal therapy involves removal of the nerve chamber of a tooth and the bacterial infection inside it. You may require Root canal treatment in a wide range of dental conditions including deep tooth decay, trauma or infected tooth.
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Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is needed when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth (known as pulp)is infected through decay or injury. There’s no need to be worried if your dentist or endodontist prescribes a root canal procedure to treat a damaged or diseased tooth. Millions of teeth are treated and saved this way each year, relieving toothache and saving the natural tooth.Getting a root canal is relatively painless and extremely effective. You’ll be back to smiling, biting and chewing with ease in no time.
Advantages of Root Canal Treatment.
Root canal treatment in New Delhi saves your natural tooth. The pain associated with it subsides and there will be no need to continue using pain relievers.
It helps stop abscess and pus formation.
Foul taste in the mouth with pus drainage
You can chew and bite normally a few days after the procedure and once the crown is placed over it.We at
Dental Hospital in Delhi
provide complete dental solutions, including root canal therapy. Our experienced and well-qualified dentists can complete the procedure in a comfortable and painless manner. Book an appointment with our top dentists in New Delhi today.
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dentistindelhi1 · 7 years
Dental Braces in New Delhi NCR, Cost of Dental Braces Delhi
When is the right time for braces? 
Patients with orthodontic problems can benefit from dental treatment at nearly any age. An ideal time for placement of braces is between 10 and 14 years of age, when the jaws and mouth are still growing and the bone is softer. Parents should discuss and explain the treatment with their children before braces are applied. Braces aren't just for kids, more and more adults are also wearing braces to correct dental problems and to improve their smile.
 For consultation on dental braces in New Delhi NCR, book an appointment today.
 What kind of braces will I have to wear? 
Your dentist will know which appliance is best for your particular problem, but you often have a choice. Braces generally come in three varieties: metal, ceramic or lingual. Ceramic brackets are typically clear or tooth-colored and are far less noticeable than metal brackets. Lingual or concealed braces are brackets that attach to the inside of the teeth and so the least noticeable. All types of braces use wires to move the teeth to the desired position.
 A new alternative to traditional braces is a series of clear, customized and removable appliance called aligners. Not only are these braces invisible but also removable; hence they do not trap food and plaque between the teeth like traditional braces. Each aligner is worn for about two weeks and is only to be removed while brushing and flossing. This may be an option for adults with mild spacing problems and is case selective. Invisible aligners are not appropriate for children and adolescents with mixed dentition. For queries on cost of dental braces in New Delhi, book an appointment at “32 Smile Stone Dental Clinic.”
How long will I have to wear braces?
This depends upon your treatment plan and is different for each case. Usually is it related to the severity of mal-occlusion, bite, spacing or crowding of teeth and if any skeletal deformities are involved. Age also plays a significant role in the time required for treatment. Most patients wear braces for about 12-24 months followed by the wearing of a retainer to prevent relapse.
Will treatment be uncomfortable?
 The inter-connecting wires of traditional braces are tightened at each dental visit, applying mild pressure on the brackets or bands to shift the teeth gradually into the desired position. Your teeth and jaws may feel slightly sore after each visit but the typically the discomfort is brief. In some cases teeth may need to be extracted for proper jaw alignment. For patients with aligners there may be some soreness briefly as your mouth adjusts to each new plastic tray. Do I have to avoid any foods or change personal habits?
Yes. Cut down on sweets, chips and soda. Sugary and starchy foods generate acids which can cause tooth decay and promote gum disease. Cut hard foods like carrots or apples into smaller pieces. Sticky, chewy sweets like caramel can cause wire damage and loosen brackets. Avoid hard and crunchy snacks that can break brackets including popcorn, nuts and hard candy.
More don'ts: ice cube chewing, thumb sucking, excessive mouth breathing, lip biting and pushing your tongue against your teeth.
 Who will provide my orthodontic treatment?
 Your general dentist is responsible for co-ordinating your dental treatment. This encompasses any orthodontic treatment plan including diagnosis, examinations and some orthodontic procedures. Your dentist will co-ordinate each visit with the treating orthodontist. An orthodontist is a specialist trained in correcting irregularities of the teeth, bite and jaw abnormalities.
Metal Braces / Traditional Braces
Metal braces are the most common type of braces for orthodontic patients. Today’s metal braces are much smaller, flatter, and more comfortable than in the past. Patients of all ages choose metal braces to help them achieve straight, beautiful smiles.
Pros: Least expensive type, coloured bands give kids a chance to express themselves.
Cons: Most noticeable type of braces.
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Ceramic Braces
Ceramic braces are similar to the metal braces, except that they have tooth-coloured or clear brackets that blend in to teeth. Some even use tooth coloured wires to make it even less noticeable.
 Pros: Less noticeable than metal braces.
Cons: More expensive than metal braces, brackets can stain easily with certain foodstuff.
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Lingual Braces
Lingual braces are the same as traditional metal braces, except that the brackets and wires are placed on the inside of teeth.
 Pros: Invisible from outside.
Cons: Difficult to clean, more expensive, case selective. Can be more uncomfortable at first; regular adjustments take longer and are more difficult than with traditional braces.
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Clear Teeth Aligners
 Clear Teeth Aligners consists of a series of many custom-made sets. These aligners are removable and are replaced every two weeks.
 Pros: Almost invisible; Patients can eat and drink whatever they want 
Cons: case selection important, only available for adults and not children. They are more expensive, can be easily lost and costly to replace; patient compliance is important.
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dentistindelhi1 · 7 years
Dental Implants in New Delhi, Cost of dental implants in New Delhi
Missing teeth can cause huge problems in terms of self-confidence as well as making it difficult to eat properly. In some cases this can lead to speech issues with the remaining teeth shifting to fill open gaps. Dental Implants in New Delhi offer a modern and lasting solution that will allow you to recover your beautiful smile. This is a tried and trusted process that our dentists in New Delhi carry out to give you a naturallooking smile.
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Stages to the Dental Implant Procedure
·         Firstly, a tiny titanium screw is implanted into the jawbone to provide a solid foundation. This is a surgical process that is painless and comfortable for the patient when carried out professionally by our top implantologists in New Delhi.
·         After some time, the bone around the implant heals around it and holds it in place perfectly. In fact, you can expect the implant to settle in so well that you soon forget that it is there.
·         Finally, a customized crown or a bridge is placed over it which is designed to blend it with our remaining natural teeth. For cost of dental implants in New Delhi, kindly book a consultation appointment.
 Benefits of Dental Implants
·         Fixed option for replacing missing teeth.
·         Restores proper chewing, allowing a better diet and improved health.
·         Improves speech and confidence.
·         Increases comfort with less irritation of gum tissue.
·         Ends the inconvenience of denture adhesives.
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 Dental Implant FAQ’s
Q: Is the implant placement painful? A: No, it is done under local anaesthesia in the dental office.
Q: How much pain will I feel after implant placement? A: The discomfort you may feel should be minor. Follow the dentist’s prescription for pain and infection control.
Q: How long does it take to place dental implants? A: Usually one hour depending on the location and the number of implants. Initial consultation and planning is important.
Q: What can I eat after having an implant placed? A: We will recommend a diet for the next few days including some soft foods.
Q: How long does placement, healing and construction of the replacement teeth take? A: The entire process usually takes from 6-9 months depending on your treatment plan.
Q: How do I care for my implant? A: Home care for your implants consists of brushing and flossing. Regular dental visits are required for long term health and success.
Q: How long does an implant last? A: If your body accepts the implant, it should last many years if cared for properly.
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dentistindelhi1 · 7 years
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dentistindelhi1 · 7 years
Best Dental Implants I Teeth Implants in New Delhi
When you lose a tooth you may wonder how to replace it or even think why to replace it after all? Our highly qualified and proficient dentists at 32 Smile Stone Dental Clinichave in-depth knowledge about best dental implantsthat are widely used today in the field of dentistry.
 Missing teeth can cause difficulty in eating, speaking or even modify your facial profile.Dental Implants are typically used in dentistry to replace a missing tooth or several teeth. Once the implant is osseo-integrated into the bone, crowns and bridgesare placed over it whichfunction like natural teeth. Our oral surgeons and periodontists are specialized in placing implants and finding a permanent and fixed solution to replace teeth.
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Advantages of Dental Implants
· Increased comfort: dental implants eliminate the pain and discomfort of removable full or partial dentures.
· Improved speech: replacing teeth with implants allow you to speak with confidence in a relaxed and natural tone.
· Improved appearance: when teeth are lost, ongoing shrinkage of the jawbone occurs making the face look older. Dental implants can slow or stop this process. Implants look and feel like your natural teeth.
·  Improved self-esteem: implants can improve your self-esteem and make you feel better about yourself. You can regain nearly all the capabilities that most people have with natural teeth giving you renewed confidence.
·  Protect your remaining natural teeth: implants are often more appropriate than a bridge for the replacement of one or more adjacent teeth. With conventional bridges, the adjacent teeth need to be cut and made smaller. With implants there is no need to modify the adjacent teeth resulting in a conservative approach.
 Success of Dental Implants
Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime. In fact, dental implant treatment is the tooth replacement option with the highest documented success rates. Clinical studies over the past 40 to 50 years indicate that dental implant treatment has a success rate well over 95%. If you’re looking for Dental Implant treatment in New Delhi, then visit ‘32 Smile Stone Dental Clinic.'
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dentistindelhi1 · 7 years
Top Dentists in India | Dentist in New Delhi
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32 Smile Stone Dental Clinic is one of the most preferred dental clinics in New Delhi. 32 Smile Stone (Dentist in Delhi) is a multi-specialty dental care centre in Delhi, India providing quality dental treatment at modest treatment costs.
Our un-matched dental treatment, well trained support staff, latest equipment make us differ from other dental clinics in New Delhi and NCR region. We provide all types of dental treatments including check-ups, implants, gums treatment, replacement of missing teeth, children dentistry, cosmetic dental procedures and orthodontic treatment. Our clinic has experienced dentists who work with passion to deliver quality dental treatment.
Cosmetic dentistry is generally used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance and function of a person’s teeth and gums. Some of the reasons for which people opt for this includes:
Discolored teeth
Too large or small teeth
Gaps between teeth
Crooked or crowded teeth
Gummy Smile
Broken or decayed teeth
Discolored fillings
32 Smile Stone Dental Clinic is centrally locatedin New Delhi. If you have any query regarding your dental problem, call+91-9810303387 and our team of top dentists in Delhi will be happy to answer your questions.
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dentistindelhi1 · 7 years
Dental Clinic in New Delhi, India - Dentist in Delhi
32 Smile Stone Dental Clinic in New Delhi is a professional and a well reputed dental office located in the heart of the city. It was established in the year 2000 with the goal to provide comfortable and painless dental care to all its patients. It is a multi-specialty Dental Clinic in Delhi providing quality dental treatment at modest treatment costs. It provides complete dental treatment with 100% patient satisfaction. Patients are treated with great care and compassion by experienced dentists in New Delhi, India.
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All of us are familiar with this quote “smile and the world will smile back at you.” When someone smiles the first thing that you notice are the teeth. Maintaining a beautiful smile is becoming increasingly difficult due to unhealthy eating habits and irregular daily routine. Sometimes people take their dental health for granted and delay their visit to a dentist for regular dental check-ups. As a result they suffer from various types of dental problems like gum disease, tooth loss, bad breath, cavities, tooth discoloration. Having your teeth fixed in a timely manner will really enhance your confidence and appearance.
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32 Smile Stone Dental Clinic is one of the best dental clinics in New Delhi, India. It is a leading dental care clinic offering world class dental treatment and promoting dental tourism in New Delhi. For more information or to book appointments, kindly email us with any queries.
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dentistindelhi1 · 7 years
Dental Clinic in New Delhi, India
32 Smile Stone Dental Clinic in New Delhi is a professional and a well reputed dental office located in the heart of the city. It was established in the year 2000 with the goal to provide comfortable and painless dental care to all its patients.It is a multi-specialty dental centre in South Delhi providing quality dental treatment at modest treatment costs. It provides complete dental treatment with 100% patient satisfaction. Patientsaretreated with great care and compassion by experienced dentists in New Delhi, India.
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All of us are familiar with this quote “smile and the world will smile back at you.” When someone smiles the first thing that you notice are the teeth. Maintaining a beautiful smile is becoming increasingly difficult due to unhealthy eating habits and irregular daily routine. Sometimes people take their dental health for granted and delay their visit to a dentist for regular dental check-ups. As a result they suffer from various types of dental problems like gum disease, tooth loss, bad breath, cavities, tooth discoloration. Having your teeth fixed in a timely manner will really enhance your confidence and appearance.
32 Smile Stone Dental Clinic is one of the best dental clinics in New Delhi, India. It is a leading dental care clinic offering world class dental treatment and promoting dental tourism in New Delhi. For more information or to book appointments, kindly email us with any queries.
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dentistindelhi1 · 8 years
Teeth Braces in New Delhi, dental braces for children
Dental braces also called as orthodontic braces are used in orthodontics to align teeth and their position with regard to a person's bite. The purpose of dental bracesalso addresseschildren’s issues related to speech development, persistent habits of thumb sucking, tongue thrusting and nail biting. Braces correct mal-aligned, crowded or spaced out teeth. In some cases your teeth may be straight, but your upper and lower jaws may not meet properly.A healthy & beautiful smile can improve self-respect and confidence. If you feel your teeth are not aligned properly, then choose teeth braces services in Delhi.
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Adults can also orthodontic treatment. Untreated childhood issues related to teeth and jaws can create developmental problems in adulthood. Other times adults may have received orthodontic treatment as children but not worn the prescribed retainers to hold the new position of their teeth. As a result the teeth may have once again moved to their original position. Healthy teeth can be moved at any age and orthodontic treatment can help create and restore good function. Regardless of age, orthodontics is a wonderful solution for adults who want their smile to shine. Teeth that work better usually look better too.
32 Smile Stone Dental Clinic is a leading cosmetic and orthodontic dental centre that has been successfully providing orthodontic treatment to both children and adults since 1998.We provide complete solutions to all your dental problems and offer the best dental treatments services in Delhi NCR.
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dentistindelhi1 · 8 years
Top Dental Clinic in New Delhi, Best Dentists in New Delhi
Being one of the top dental clinics in New Delhi,32 Smile Stone Dental Clinicprovides complete dental treatmentat cost effective prices. Our dental clinic in Indiais renowned for its quality of service, experienced dental specialists, patient satisfaction, state-of-the-art equipment and materials. Our dental hospital in Delhihas received many international accreditations and is also an ISO certified multi-specialty clinic.
Being one of the most popular and recognized dental offices for expats, diplomats, NRI’s and travelers, patientsexploringDental Tourism in New Delhienjoy an excellent international experience. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable dental experience in New Delhi, we also offer in-house ‘Bed and Breakfast’ hotel facility to our patients.Customized dental treatment plans, prior appointments and the duration of stay are planned using our ‘online consultation form’ to maximize your time in India.
32 Smile Stone Dental Clinicis a family dental practice for all age groups. We offer comprehensive dental treatments at affordable prices. Our dental treatments include dental implants, crown & bridges, dental veneers, smile designing and makeovers, root canal treatment, dental fillings, gum treatment, teeth bleaching whitening and tooth extractions.
Teeth are one of the most precious assets to an individual’s personality and confidence. We aim to provide a custom-made, cost-effective dental treatment plan to suit each patient’s needs. We strive towards providing the best dental treatment with complete satisfaction to our patients. For more details visit ‘32 Smile Stone Dental Clinic’ atwww.dentistindelhi.co.inor call +91-9810303387 for appointments.
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