Reclaim Your Life
Realizing that you or your loved one needs help due to their substance use disorder is an incredibly difficult thing to come to grips with. At the same time, coming to an understanding is the very thing that makes recovery possible.
Accepting that you need a change from the substance misuse and addiction that has slowly taken over all aspects of your life is exactly what can save your life. Often the decision for a change and the first step of the journey to recovery is met with seemingly impossible decisions to make about recovery. That can end.
Thousands of organizations, individuals, and facilities have come into the market of helping those struggling with substance use. This has only become denser in the age of the opioid epidemic.
Entering treatment can be made easier if you look for something specific in your treatment. If you are looking for treatment that is focused on a healthy and beautiful environment surrounding you, the decision is right in front of you with Denver Recovery Center.
There Is Life After Addiction
Denver Recovery is designed to provide clients with a place to relax and rejuvenate while they begin their recovery journey, because we understand that overcoming addiction and mental health struggles are made easier when given a comfortable and welcoming space.
Build Your Life Skills
Using the following treatment services, you will gain a better understanding of yourself and your addiction.
• CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): A type of psychological intervention that improves mental health by challenging and changing destructive or self-defeating cognitive distortions, emotions, and behaviors.
• DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy): An evidence-based form of therapy that is used to treat mood disorders and behavioral pattern issues, especially those involving self-harm and suicidal ideation.
• EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): An innovative type of therapy where the patient is asked to recall certain mental images while looking at lights or sensing touch on both sides of the body. This procedure is often used for victims of trauma, which is a common precursor to substance use.
• Experiential Therapy: A therapeutic technique that uses activities such as listening to music, going on adventures, creating art, or role-playing to recreate or re-enact an experience that is tied to the emotional responses related to addiction.
• Outdoor Therapy: A brand of holistic treatments which utilize the natural healing powers of Mother Earth through a variety of observations and activities such as meditation, hiking, or biking.
• Family Therapy: A variety of therapy that involves working with members of your family or close friends to foster change and personal growth as well as group development.
• Group Therapy: A kind of therapeutic technique in which a group of individuals gathers to discuss problems, experiences, and achievements under the guidance of a licensed therapist.
• Individual Counseling: A goal-oriented, psychological treatment method that aims to change a person’s behavior or perception of reality using various individualized techniques.
• Life Skills Training: An instructive program designed to help individuals become more independent through the enhancement of positive or adaptive behaviors.
A Serene Escape in a Secure Environment
Located in the middle of the beauty that is Denver, Colorado, we offer a perfect environment and atmosphere for you or your loved one to reclaim their life. Attending the best rehab centers in Colorado, such as Denver Recovery Center, gives you the chance to take your life back from your addiction while being among the scenic plots and breathtaking views of the state.
On top of the scenery, within the walls of Denver Recovery Center, you will not be faced with the typical uncomfortable hospital beds and awkward group meetings. Instead, you will be treated in a luxurious facility that offers rooms with fireplaces, pool tables, large bathtubs and more. All the while, you will be receiving the top level of holistic care possible.
Call Denver Recovery Center Today
A great, healthy life is yours for the taking. It is not easy to begin the journey to recovery from addiction, but it is a fulfilling one. By entering treatment, you are setting yourself up for many years of happiness and success by living a life in long-term recovery. A great place to start the journey is with us in beautiful Denver, Colorado. Take the first step today by calling us or reaching out on our website denverrecoverycenter.com.
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