departedcrown ยท 6 days
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departedcrown ยท 1 month
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ANGER. ย  ย  jaw clenching, ย  hands balling into fists, ย  teeth grinding, ย  yelling, ย  going non verbal, ย  stuttering speech, ย  rushed speech, ย  slow concise speech, ย  rambling, ย  quiet, ย  arms crossing, ย  shaking head, ย  tearing up, ย  animated, ย  expressionless, ย  projects, ย  internalizes, ย  vents, ย  withdraws, ย  passive aggressive, ย  direct, ย  physical outbursts, ย verbal outbursts.
JOY. ย  ย  ย  ย easy smiles, ย  fighting back grins, ย  suppressed laughter, ย  loud laughter, ย  giggles, ย  chuckling, ย  smirks, ย  whole body laughs, ย  covers mouth when laughing / giggling, ย  throws head back when laughing, ย  slaps leg, ย  touches people around them when laughing, ย  looks down when laughing, ย  looks for eye contact when laughing, ย  sparkling eyes, ย  bubbly happiness, ย  quiet subtle happiness, ย  obnoxious happiness, ย  wants to spread joy, ย  quietly savours joy.
SADNESS. ย  crying, ย  bottling it up, ย  seeks distractions, ย  wallows, ย  meditates, ย trains and processes, ย  avoidance, ย  seeks out comfort, ย  withdraws, ย talks it out, ย  internalizes it, ย  ย sad smiles, ย  depression naps, ย  uses alcohol, ย  uses drugs, ย  seeks out sources of joy, ย  fidgets with sentimental item, ย  sits in silence, ย  broods, ย  gets moody, ย wants someone to share the misery, tries to hide negative emotions, ย  nurtures others to make themselves feel better.
EMBARRASSMENT / SHAME. ย  ย  ย  ย  blushing, ย  looking away, ย  rubbing at back of head, ย  covering face, ย  laughing nervously, ย  laughs it off, ย  overthinks, ย  lets it go, ย  self deprecating humor, ย  deflects, ย  gets irritated, ย  smiles, ย  withdraws, ย  crossing arms over stomach, ย  crossing arms over chest, ย  hands in pockets, ย  shoulders sinking, ย shrugs, ย  falling into silence until comfortable again, ย  talking a lot to compensate.
GUILT. ย  ย  ย  ย  avoiding eye contact, ย  shoulders sinking low, ย  head hanging down, ย  crying, ย  chest aches, ย  lashes out, ย  internalizes, ย  apologizes, ย  deflects, ย  communicates, ย  withdraws, ย  grand gestures for forgiveness, ย  accepts fault easily, ย  punishes themselves, ย  martyrdom, ย  victim complex, ย  guilt complex, ย  healthy conscience, ย  internalizes even after forgiveness, ย  seeking redemption, ย  moves on easily, ย  denial, ย  lack of guilt / conscience, ย sorry they got caught more than caused harm, ย canโ€™t handle knowing they hurt others.
FEAR / ANXIETY. ย  ย  trembling, ย  crying, ย  sarcasm / sass to cope, ย  rambles, ย  goes silent, ย  gets angry, ย  fidgeting, ย  clenching jaw, ย  picking at nails, ย  chewing at lip, ย  pulling at clothes, ย  adjusting jewelry / clothing, ย  swallowing thickly, ย  eyes widening, ย  over-reacts, ย  under-reacts, ย  calm, ย  logical, ย  panic, ย  irrational, ย  overthinks, ย  carefully analyzes, ย  talks to themselves, ย  breathing exercises, ย  flight, ย  fight, ย  withdraw, ย  fawn.
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TAGGED BY : @thcrmr TAGGING : idk who is even active anymore but have at it.
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departedcrown ยท 6 months
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
every time someone makes fun of luna for not "just calling noctis on the phone" my blood boils and i instantly age ten years.
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
tulip :ย  ย how does your muse view people in general ?ย ย 
violet :ย  ย how does your muse respond to betrayal ?
peony & pansy!
( botanical headcanons / accepting !! )
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tulip :ย  ย how does your muse view people in general ?ย 
Aulea is in the unique position of having lived the best of both worlds. There is her life before becoming Queen, living merely as the daughter of a noble household, and then there is her life after becoming Queen. Because of this, she is afforded a unique perspective on people's personalities, motivations, morality, and intentions. While she definitely comes from a place of privilege regardless of her social standing, the way she is seen and treated as a member of a noble household is different than how she is seen and treated as a monarch.
Like many youths, Aulea in her younger years was very open and trusting of others. She had a rose-coloured worldview growing up, as being young, inexperienced, and a daughter meant that she wasn't privy to a lot of the darker aspects of her household's relationship to the rest of Insomnia, and certainly did not entirely understand, until much later, the nature of her household's relationship with the royal family. In my worldbuilding on Aulea's family and their relationship to the royal family, I mention that the noble houses of Insomnia work very much like the Yakuza, with a social hierarchy based on a patriarchal inheritance. Aulea, as a daughter, would normally have never found herself directly involved in the political goings-on of Insomnia. She was meant to be a lady first and foremost; raised in the art of ceremonial tea-making, given a proper education which included academics as well as etiquette and become prepared to one day marry โ€” hopefully โ€” into another noble household.
However, Adrianus, her brother and the heir, died when Aulea was just twelve years old and suddenly Aulea found herself thrust into a position she wasn't prepared for. Because she had no other siblings, it fell on Aulea now to take up the mantle of inheriting the role of the Deiphobus household in relation to the royal family. That is, she โ€” like her father before her, and what Adrianus would have been โ€” would become the next king's ( Regis, in this case ) military strategist. Her education changed accordingly, and she was given adequate combat training for the next four years from her father up until he, too, died tragically.
By this point, her worldview has turned on its head. No longer is Aulea sheltered from the mire of Insomnia's underbelly โ€” she is forced to adapt and change, and her perceptions of those around her adapt as well. She becomes much like a chameleon; certainly always polite and warm, as is her way, but always looking at the intentions of others through a critical lens. This only intensifies when she and Regis begin dating, and then eventually marry.
As Queen, Aulea is in a special position to act as Regis' eyes and ears, to act almost as a second shield. Not unlike Chess ( and an analogy I'm very fond of ) โ€” the Queen is able to move freely across the board. This doesn't always have to equate to a battlefield. Meetings and social functions are as much a process of navigation as anything else expected of a monarch. She often observes others, tucking bits of information away for later, following up on threads of gossip or flutterings of discontent. At the end of the day, Aulea is trusting to a fault with people; yet is astute enough to be smart about what information she knows, what she shares, and what she wields as a weapon.
violet : how does your muse respond to betrayal ?
Not well. Aulea is, at her heart, an empathetic person. A romantic, perhaps. For all the above points I made about her worldview upending and being guarded towards others, she does still feel quite a lot for them. Betrayal, even in its most simplistic and seemingly inconsequential form, cuts her deeply. The easiest example of this that comes to mind is - in circumstances where she lives - discovering what fate awaits Noctis.
Not that this is an inconsequential betrayal by any stretch of the word. It is a betrayal that cuts so deep, it seems bottomless in its intensity. The Astrals she has worshipped, the kami she has prayed to โ€” what good had any of it been, if this is the future that will unfold? If, once again, she will lose someone important to her? The most important person in her life; her heart of hearts?
The betrayal becomes double-edged if she learns of the prophecy well after Regis โ€” that he would keep it from her, even if he was trying to do good by shielding her from it โ€” would tear her heart in two.
pansy: does your muse often reflect on their own actions ?ย  ย do they ever think a lot about the past ,ย  ย and what they could have done differently ?
I think Aulea would certainly go through phases of having wanted to do things differently โ€” say more, do more, hold her loved ones closer had she the foresight to know she would lose them โ€”but ultimately these thoughts are a lesson in futility. She cannot change the past, but she can forge a better future with the time she's given and though she may not live to see the fruits of her labour, she could be peaceful in the knowledge that she did everything she could to pave a way, whether its for Noctis or Insomnia as a whole.
peony : what would a โ€˜ happy life โ€™ look like in your museโ€™s eyes ?
A happy life for Aulea would be one where there are no titles or expectations. This isn't to say she regrets marrying Regis by any means. She loves him with her whole heart. It is simply that, had fate played them a different hand, she would have liked the idea of just being a family. Those brief hours after Noctis was first born were probably as close to her 'happiest life' that she'd ever get to see, because for just that little sliver of time, it was just she, Regis and Noctis as a family without any of the burden or responsibility of a crown.
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
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๐๐”๐„๐„๐ ๐€๐”๐‹๐„๐€ ๐‹๐”๐‚๐ˆ๐’ ๐‚๐€๐„๐‹๐”๐Œ , do not reblog . ยฉ
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
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โ€” ๐™ฐ๐™ฝ ๐š„๐™ฝ๐™ณ๐™พ๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ถ ๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ต๐™ป๐š„๐™ด๐™ฝ๐™ฒ๐™ด .
Can someone tell you what to do? You have been carrying so much love within you for so long it is starting to turn into anger (why does it matter, all you see is red anyways) and you have been dragging this body through each day and every night you are split open on your bed and it is so so so lonely. If someone were to walk in while you were on your bed that way and they stitched you back in a new way, lining the seams with their love and kisses, youโ€™d probably find this dreary world a little more bearable. You want someone to turn you over and over until you look in the mirror and see yourself looking back at yourself with a gentleness which has been lacking in you since forever.
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tagged by : no one. i stole it. tagging : whoever wants to do this!
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
good morning y'all and happy Black History Month did y'all know there were themes for Black History Month because I didn't this year is African Americans and the Arts
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
What percentage does your muse start charging their phone at?ย 
Do they drive? What kind of car do they have?
What difficulty mode does your muse play video games on?
Whatโ€™s their go-to drunk / high snack?
How many pillows and blankets do they sleep with?
What the majority of their camera roll ( pets, selfies, screenshots, memes, food )?
Whatโ€™s their texting style like?
If your muse is pretty chill, whatโ€™s something theyโ€™re weirdly high-strung about?
If your muse is pretty high-strung, whatโ€™s something theyโ€™re weirdly chill about?
Do they prefer to write with pen or pencil, or something else?
Whatโ€™s their Sims play style?
Whatโ€™s that one story their parents always tell about their childhood?
If thereโ€™s a tornado warning, do they get to safety or do they go stand on the porch?
How often do they do their laundry?
If they had to have a side hustle, what would it be?
Do they still have a baby blanket or childhood stuffed animal?
How does your muse think theyโ€™ll die?
Does your muse dream at night? What about and do they remember?
How often do they actually think about texting their ex?
Have they ever gotten in trouble at work? What was the reason?
Do they have a favorite vine or tiktok sound?
If they could pick a superpower, which one would they pick?
Whatโ€™s scarier to them: the ocean or space?
What does your muse call pill bugs ( roly polies, potato bugs, doodle bugs, etc ).
Are they allergic to anything? If so, do they still eat it / keep it around?
What do they call their grandparents?
Do they like ice in their drinks? Crushed or cubed?
How often to they wash their hair?
What is their preferred streaming service?
Could they eat a person if they would starve to death otherwise?
They get three wishes โ€“โ€“ what are they? All typical rules apply.
Whatโ€™s a weird food combo your muse swears by?
What is something they wish they could do appearance-wise but donโ€™t have the confidence or ability to ( piercings, haircut, clothing style, etc )?
If they have pets, which one is their favorite?
Whatโ€™s their favorite form of media to consume?
Do they crack their knuckles?
Have they been diagnosed with any diseases / illnesses?
How old is your muse and how much younger and older are they willing to date?
How do they eat oreos?
Whatโ€™s a show everyoneโ€™s seen but they havenโ€™t yet?
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
my favourite useless fact about xv is that regis wrecked the regalia almost immediately after leaving the crown city on his own boys roadtrip and also that he grand theft autoโ€™d it to the hospital when aulea went into labour. LMAO
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
hey siri, how do you delete your existence from the internet
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
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REIGN (2013 โ€” 2017)ย I'll pressure you, and listen to you, and argue with you and love you until the day I die. Together, we'll decide what is right, as husband and wife.
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
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๐–๐„๐‹๐‚๐Ž๐Œ๐„ ๐“๐Ž ๐…๐ˆ๐๐€๐‹ ๐…๐€๐๐“๐”๐’๐’๐˜ ๐—๐•, the official Discord server for the Final Fantasy XV RPC. The game may be old, but the brainrot sure is real. If you are part of the FFXV roleplay community and this sounds like something fun and interesting to you, feel free to join us!
Duplicates, multimuses featuring FFXV muses in their roster, non-FFXV muses ( OCs included ) with FFXV verses, and FFXV OCs are all welcome. โ™ก
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
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๐ง๐จ, ๐ข ๐ฐ๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ฆ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž ๐›๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ˆ'๐‹๐‹ ๐’๐‡๐Ž๐– ๐˜๐Ž๐” ๐Œ๐˜ ๐“๐„๐„๐“๐‡.
independent & highly selective aranea of ffxv. lovingly penned by valkyrie.
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
fun dash question: xv writers, if you didn't write your current muse, which character from the game would you write?
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
with tumblr often glitching and unfollowing people on accident, reblog this if it is okay for (former) mutuals to message you if they notice you suddenly unfollowed them out of nowhere, asking if it was a mistake โ€” granted if it wasn't, the person remains respectful of your decision and leaves it at that once they get an answer.
everyone can reblog this, but i figure this is especially good for those of us who use the (soft) blocking feature if we decide to unfollow someone instead of just unfollowing. this way, we can be alerted if tumblr has unfollowed a friend of ours without us noticing, as well as the other mutual not having to have anxiety about you suddenly hating them or worrying that you'll get upset for them asking if it was a mistake or not.
this, of course, does not mean that you are okay with people pushing to continue conversations with you if you say you unfollowed them. let's all be adults here.
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departedcrown ยท 8 months
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๐–๐„๐‹๐‚๐Ž๐Œ๐„ ๐“๐Ž ๐…๐ˆ๐๐€๐‹ ๐…๐€๐๐“๐”๐’๐’๐˜ ๐—๐•, the official Discord server for the Final Fantasy XV RPC. The game may be old, but the brainrot sure is real. If you are part of the FFXV roleplay community and this sounds like something fun and interesting to you, feel free to join us!
Duplicates, multimuses featuring FFXV muses in their roster, non-FFXV muses ( OCs included ) with FFXV verses, and FFXV OCs are all welcome. โ™ก
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