depressos-world ¡ 2 years
|Special day|
Today was a special day and you’ve been waiting for this day for what feels like forever! Today was Yoongis birthday and you’ve been planning for this day for months now you wanted everything to be perfect for him since it was his day. You woke up early to get everything ready, you went to the store to get all of of the things you needed..Yoongi was at the studio so that gave you plenty of time to get things done; you started with the cleaning the place up a little bit
After you were done cleaning you decided to start on baking the cake. Now you weren’t great at baking but you decided to give it a try and hoped for the best. Just as long it was edible..you looked at the time and cussed under you breath you had few hours until Yoongi got home from the studio. You quickly finished up what needed for the cake and threw it on the oven you set a timer and started making dinner.
2 hours has went and dinner is done and the cake has been frosted to the best of your ability and the table was set now all you had to do was shower and get dressed before Yoongi comes home which gives you an hour. You quickly ran upstairs to take a shower and get dressed before Yoongi came home
While you were you in the shower you had a last minute thought to set up a blanket fort in the living room so you guys can watch a movie. After you were done getting ready you went to the closet and grabbed some extra blankets and pillows for the fort you quickly ran down the stairs and started to set up the fort.
You stepped back and smiled at the fort you just made..it was perfect. “Now all I gotta do is wait for the birthday boy” as soon as you finished your sentence you saw headlight peaking through the window.”oh wow perfect timing” you turned off the lights and ran to the kitchen to light up the candles
Yoongi unlocked the door and walked in “(y/n?)” he says confusingly as he walked further into the house “why is it dark in here?” Yoongi asked confusingly as he walked towards the kitchen since it was the only room that had some type of light so he assumed you were in there.
Yoongi smiled when he saw the lit candles on the table and the food on the table and the best of all the one thing that made him smile his signature gummy smile was seeing you all dolled up lighting up the poorly decorated birthday cake “aww jagi you shouldn’t have” you started singing happy birthday when you were done lighting the cake Yoongi walked to the counter and waited for you to finish singing happy birthday “make a wish” Yoongi closed his eyes and blew out the candles. Yoongi opened his eyes and smiled at you he pulled you in by your waist and gives you a quick peck on the lips
“Thank you jagi you didn’t have to do all of this” Yoongi can only think about how lucky he is to have someone who will go through all of the troubles to do something special for his birthday. “Well of course I did silly it’s you’re birthday. And I also made your favorite and I also made a fort in the living so later we can watch a movie”
“Oh?” Yoongi smirked and started pulling you towards the living room “w-what are you doing?” You asked confusingly “I wanna try out the fort” Yoongi said as he was pulling you closer to the fort “but what about dinner?” You knew what Yoongi was planning to do with the fort but you also didn’t want dinner to go to waste.
“Dinner can wait” you couldn’t argue with him because you wanted him just as much. “Okay” you said while smiling and let’s just say dinner didn’t get eaten that night ;)
{a/n}: I know this is late but I wanted to do something for yoongis birthday so I hope you guys really enjoy it! :)💖✨
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depressos-world ¡ 2 years
Hey guys sorry for not posting in awhile! It’s been a really busy month and on top of that I’ve had writers block but I am just starting taehyungs scenarios so hopefully I will have that up sometime soon. And thanks again for taking the time to read my stuff :) 💜✨
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depressos-world ¡ 2 years
He says something hurtful during an argument
you and jin have been together for quite awhile now and you couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. jin was always so patient with you and he treated you like a princess him being a idol and you guys secretly dating has been stressful but being with him was worth it all. lately jin has been coming home exhausted and you felt bad for him so you wanted to do something special for him to show him how thankful you were and just wanted to show him how much you loved him.
when jin left for work you cleaned up the house and went shopping tp get all the things you needed for the special dinner that you were making tonight when you got home you immediately started on dinner and setting up the table. when you were done you quickly took a shower and put on a nice looking outfit and did your makeup. you heard the front door open and you quickly ran to the living room to greet jin before you could greet him like you normally do and show him the surprise that you made for him jin had already walked past you and straight into the bedroom.
you stood in the living room confused and kind of hurt by his action he didn't even acknowledge the way you looked. He didn't even smile at you he just walked to the bedroom. you figured it was probably because he really tired but you really wanted to spoil him tonight so you went into the bedroom and saw jin was laying down on his back with his arms over his eyes. you sat down next to him "jin are you okay?" you asked worriedly just hummed as a response "I made a special dinner for you, are you gonna come and eat" you waited for jin to respond it was silent for a moment then finally jin answered "im not hungry" you were hurt by his response you worked so on the meal that you made for him you really wanted this night to be special.
"oh." was all you could muster out you fiddled with your hands trying to think of something to say. "did you eat with the guys" jin sighed "yeah we ate ramen a few hours ago" you turned to look at jin he still had his arms over his eyes and then you had an idea even though dinner go as planned doesn't mean you guys can't do things together "well do you want to watch a movie? we can watch any movie you want" you said hoping he would agree to it "(y/n) can't you see that I want to be alone" jin said annoyingly. you were taken aback by his response, you felt like jin was annoyed by your presence
"jin is everything okay you don't seem like you" jin shot up and started yelling until he was red in the face "no I am not okay! I came to get some peace and quiet but you followed me in here!" you quickly stood up from the bed and started yelling back "I came in here to see if you were fucking okay! you just walked past me and didn't even acknowledge me and I know how hard you have been working so I wanted make you something special for you but apparently I did that for nothing!" jin scoffed at your response "nobody fucking asked you to make me anything it is not my fault that dinner went waste, I can't catch a break all you want to do is jump on me as soon as I get here you are the most annoying girlfriend that I ever had"
It was silent for a good minute you tried to find anything to say but you couldn't you were to hurt by what he said you tried your hardest to hold back your tears but you couldn't eventually all jin heard was a whimper coming from you and tears started coming down jin expression softened "shit (y/n)..." before he could say anything else you started sobbing "I just wanted to do something special for to show how much I appreciated you" you said in between sobs. jin pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head "I know jagi, i'm so sorry for being a huge dick I love that you were trying to do something special for but I ruined it all because I was tired" you calmed down as soon jin pulled you into a hug you just felt secure whenever you are in his arms "you were a huge dick" jin smiled at your response.
"I know jagi and I promise I will make it up to you in the morning. do you forgive me" you looked at jin and smiled "I forgive you"
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depressos-world ¡ 2 years
He says something hurtful during an argument
you went to the studio to bring your boyfriend home. you knew that jimin was overworking himself due to the big comeback and you tried to talk to him about it and how you were worried about him but he would just brush you off and tell you that he is fine and you have nothing to worry about and you tried your best to not nag him so much and give him his space but it just kept getting worse each day to the point where he was coming home extremely late and He would only get a few hours of sleep. you drew the line when the members contacted you asking you to talk some sense into jimin and informing you how concerned they were due to the fact that he was barley eating.
when you arrived to the studio you went straight to the dance room. your palms were sweaty and your heart was racing you knew that jimin has a temper especially when he is upset and you didn't want to start an argument but you just want to get him home so he can eat properly and get some rest. when you got to the studio door you could hear music playing you took a deep breath and opened the door. when you saw jimin dancing your heart ached he looks so worn out and he had gotten smaller.
you yelled jimins name multiple times but he just kept dancing. you sighed getting aggravated you were just ready to go home and lay down. "Jimin!" you yelled again but he still didn't hear you. you finally had enough and went to the radio and turned it off. jimin turned to look at in your direction confused. "what are you doing here?" he asked frustrated "I'm here to bring you home jimin, you can come back and practice later you need to rest" jimin sighed annoyingly he didn't want to have this conversation again. you know he has this big comeback so he couldn't understand why you are interrupting him while he was trying to practice
"(y/n) I told you that I have get ready for the big comeback. Go home I'll be there soon" jimin said as he was walking towards the radio to turn the music back on but you stood in front of the radio preventing him to do so and you just stared at him with a soft and concern expression hoping that he would was just change his mind. "can you please move so I can continue what I was doing" you wanted to scream at him and tell him to stop being so stubborn and come home but that would only make the situation worse.
"no jimin it's time to come home. you look exhausted and you also have gotten smaller it's getting to the point where the members have to contact me to bring you home" you had to pause for a second to prevent yourself from breaking down in front of jimin you didn’t want him to see what he was doing to himself effected you badly. You opened your mouth to continue what you were saying but jimin stopped you.
“For fuck sakes I am tired of having this conversation with you! You have no idea what it is like to have so much pressure all you do is stay home all damn day and tell me what I should be doing god if I knew dating you would be this irritating I would just have chose someone else!” What jimin said hurt you but noting compares to the last part he said. It was silent for a moment the anger washed away from him when he saw the look of hurt on your face “jagi” before he can say something else you broke down you didn’t walk away, you didn’t scream how much you hate him because you didn’t you just stayed glued to the spot where you standing sobbing.
Jimin quickly took you into his arms cursing himself for hurting you he didn’t mean to say the things he said he was stressed, tired, and upset but that’s no excuse for what he said especially the last part it shocked him when those words came out of his mouth because he didn’t mean it he couldn’t see himself with anyone else. “I’m so so sorry (y/n), I didn’t mean any of the things I said. Jimins grip tightened around you like he was afraid you were gonna run away and he would never see you again.
“Especially the last part I don’t want anyone else you mean the world to me jagi please forgive me” jimin held your cheeks in his hands and wiped the tears with his thumbs you guys looked at each other for a moment. You didn’t have the energy to say anything and hearing him say he didn’t mean what he said made you feel a little better and you were just ready to go home. You sniffled and nod jimin sighed in relief and kissed you gently. “Come on let’s go home” jimin said. He knows it’s gonna take a lot to fix things but he is okay with just as long he still has you.
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depressos-world ¡ 2 years
Hello everyone just wanted to let you guys know that I am still working on jimins story and will most likely will be posted sometime tomorrow! thank you for taking the time read them. I know they aren't the best but hopefully as time goes by I will get better at writing them. But please let me know what you think of them :)..I am off to bed now :3
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depressos-world ¡ 2 years
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bts for lotte smile winter
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depressos-world ¡ 2 years
He says something hurtful during an argument
It started off as a normal day you woke up next to your loving boyfriend. You guys got ready and ate breakfast together he went off to studio to start on his project and you stayed home did some cleaning and also went out shopping for a little bit. Nothing could go wrong or at least that’s what you thought.
As soon as namjoon walked through the door you went to give him a hug but instead of him hugging you back. He just mumbled a ‘hi’ and walked past you. He sat on the couch and let out a frustrated sigh. "joon what's wrong?" you asked worriedly as you sat next to him. namjoon didn't say anything he just looked down at his hands which worried you more. you moved closer to him to try and comfort him but namjoon just scooted away from you. You felt a pain in your chest you didn’t understand why namjoon was acting this way, everything was fine this morning “did something happen to upset you” namjoon still didn’t answer you which made you worry even more. You scooted closer to him again and put your hand on his shoulder and as you were about to say something namjoon quickly got up and snapped. “Oh my god will you just leave me the hell alone!” You stared at him shocked. You wanted to cry right then and there but you held it together “joon what is going on why are acting this way” namjoon sighed and ran his hands through his hair “you are the problem (y/n)! The moment I walked into the door there you are just in my face it's tiring I would love to come home and just have some space for at least a minute but no it seems like I can't fucking get that!"
you just stared at him as he was going on about how you never give him space and that you are the reason for his frustration. you were to stunned to speak you didn't know what to say every word that he was saying just felt like a knife cutting into you. when namjoon was finally done saying how he felt you stood up from the couch and took a deep break "if that's how you feel then fine I will give you your space" you said as tears started form you quickly turned away and walked into the bedroom before namjoon could say anything you slammed the door and sat on the bed letting the tears finally fall .you covered your mouth so you could muffle your sobs so namjoon couldn't hear you but namjoon was already standing by the door and he could hear you crying. He cursed himself for hurting you he didn't mean to upset you he was just frustrated at himself because he didn't get anything done at work today and it just made him irritable and he just took it out on you.
"(y/n)" namjoon called softly through the door but there was no response. "(y/n) I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you can we please talk about this" namjoon waited for your response but there was still nothing. namjoon sighed and opened the door he saw you laying down on the bed he walked to your side of the bed and saw that you were already asleep and you had tears stained on your face. Namjoon heart broke at the of you crying yourself to sleep because of him.
Namjoon went to his side of the bed and laid next to you and wrapped his arms around you kissing the back of your head "I'm so sorry jagi I promise to make it up to you in the morning"
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depressos-world ¡ 2 years
He says something hurtful during an argument
you looked up from your book to look at the clock it read 1:30 am and your boyfriend still wasn't home. you knew he was overworking himself again you sighed as you closed your book and picked up your phone to call jungkook and tell him it was time to come home. you were to hit the call button when you heard the door open you got up from the couch and turned to see your boyfriend walking into the living room.
"what are you doing up?" he asked annoyed, you were taken aback by the tone of his voice but you let it slide "it's 1 in the morning kook where have you been?" jungkook sighed at your question . "I told you I had practice with the guys" you rolled your eyes at his statement "that was hours ago and I'm pretty sure the guys left as soon practice was over" jungkook was getting upset all he wants to do is go to sleep with you next to him. "I stayed later to practice some more but I'm home now can we just go to bed" you scoffed at his response "no we need to talk about this kook you are over working yourself again!" you didn't mean to raise your voice but you were just tired of having this conversation with him. you understood that he needs to get ready for their big come back but at the same time he also needs to rest and take care of himself so why couldn't he understand that.
jungkook tried to bite his tongue but with him being exhausted and stressed about the big comeback and now to you nagging him over and over he just couldn't hold it in any longer. "oh my god will you just shut up! you don't even know what is like to have this much pressure on you and have to train for hours to the point you are fucking exhausted and hurting and then come home to someone nagging you as soon you walk into the damn door it's irritating" what he said hurt you but held back the tears "I'm just worried about you" before you could say anything else jungkook scoffed at your response "then stop worrying! I am okay! so what is there to worry about I don't need your fucking pity. you are so fucking obsessive it is annoying! God for once I would like to fucking breath and not feel suffocated" you couldn't believe what you were hearing. you thought you were being a good girlfriend but instead you were just making jungkook miserable and making him feel suffocated. you tried to hold back the tears but you just couldn't.
The anger in jungkook immediately went away when he saw the tears rolling down face. He didn't mean any of the things he said he was just tired and frustrated he loved that you cared for him so he doesn't know why he said such horrible things to you. "(y/n)" jungkook tried to think of things to say to make up for the things he had said to you but his mind is blank. you turned to walk to the bedroom but jungkook grabbed you before you could go any any further. "jagi please, I'm so sorry I didn't mean any of the things I said" jungkook pulled you closer to him and tighten his arms around you so you couldn't go anywhere. "if you didn't mean it then why did you say it" you said in between sobs. you tried to control the tears but they wouldn't stop.
junkooks heart ached hearing you cry because of him "I didn't mean any of it I swear, I love you jagi I was just frustrated. I know that's no excuse for me to say the things I said but I really do love that care for me and you're right I should take it easy and not overwork myself" It was silent for a minute jungkook was waiting for you to say something but you couldn't think of anything to say you were drained and tired you were just ready to go to bed. "can we just go bed and talk about this in the morning" you said looking up at him jungkook nodded at your request "yeah of course" you turned to walk to the bedroom and jungkook followed behind you "and you owe a lot of cuddles" you said. jungkook smiled at your demands for cuddles "you can have all of the cuddles you want jagi"
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depressos-world ¡ 2 years
He says something hurtful during an argument
It all happened so fast you don’t even know what you guys were arguing about. Everything was fine and then somehow it turned into a screaming match in the living room. You guys have been arguing for so long that old problems were brought up. “Why the hell are you bringing up old problems” you yelled. You were so tired and drained from yelling so much you just wanted it to be over and just go back to normal but yoongi wasn’t having it. He was red in the face from yelling so much and the thing is yoongi has never yelled at you not even a little so seeing him this angry scared you “why do you always have something to complain about?!" yoongi yelled "there is never a day where you don’t complain it’s fucking annoying!” What he said hurts but you wasn’t gonna let him win this fight so you held back your tears. as you were about to open your mouth to say something back yoongi had already beat you to it "you are so annoying! you are to clingy and you never give me any space I can't even think straight it's suffocating" yoongi kept going on about the things you did that annoyed him. Every word that was coming out of his mouth hurt like hell but you continued to hold back your tears as yoongi continued to say so many hurtful things. "(E/N) would have never made me feel this frustrated" your heart shattered into pieces you stood there just staring at yoongi tryng to hold back your tears but you couldn't what he said really hurt you. The person you love so much really compared you to his ex and with what he said it seemed like she was better than you. "well if that's how feel then why don't you go back to her" yoongi just stared at you and shrugged his shoulders "maybe I will" and with that you just nodded and walked to your bedroom and shut the door. you laid down on the bed and started sobbing until you passed out.
yoongi was standing in the living room staring at the bedroom door. He knew what he said really hurt you and he didn't mean any of it especially the part about his ex. He didn't know why he said it he was just blinded by his own anger and all he could think of was saying something so horrible to hurt you. yoongi loves you so much so seeing you cry really hurt but not as much hearing you cry yourself to sleep because of him. that made his heart hurt even more It took everything in him not to go into the room to apologies and hold you and tell you he didn't mean anything he said. yoongi knows he has a lot of making up to do in the morning.
If you had the choice you would stay in bed for the whole day but unfortunately your bladder was screaming for you to release. you sat up thinking about last nights event your heart started to hurt you dreaded going to the bathroom because you know you will have to face yoongi or worse he won't be at y'alls shared apartment and he actually left to go back to his ex either way you just wanted to disappear.
you got out of bed and opened the door and there was no sight of yoongi but you smelled food so that meant he was in the kitchen. you tiptoed into the bathroom so he wouldn't hear you. you sat on the toilet and did your business after you washed your hands you looked at the door and sighed praying that he won't be standing there. you opened the door and there was yoongi standing in front the door.
"good morning I made breakfast" he said smiling nervously he knows it's gonna take a lot of work and he's okay with that as long he doesn't lose you. you stared at him you don't know what to say you were afraid that another argument would start up like last night and you didn't have the energy to go through that so you walked towards the bedroom but yoongi grabbed your wrist to stop you from walking any further. "(y/n) please..we have to talk about this" you bit your lip trying to hold back tears "there's nothing to talk about yoongi you made it clear that (e/n) doesn't make you miserable like I do so just go back to her" yoongis heart broke hearing that so he hugged you from behind "but I don't want to go back to her I want you I didn't mean any of the stuff that I said last night" A couple of tears had slipped and you tried to hold the sniffles so yoongi couldn't hear you but he heard them and hugged you tighter "I'm sorry for what I said I was so angry that the only thing I could think of was saying something so horrible to hurt you I love you so much and I don't wanna lose you so please give me another chance you are the best thing that happened to me" you sighed and turned to face him "it's gonna a lot more than sorry to fix it yoongi" he stares at you and nods "I know jagi I am willing to do anything to make this work "
you nod in agreement. yoongi smiles and pecks you on the lips "I love you" you smiled slightly wrapping your arms around his neck "I love you too"
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{A/N: Hello! I hope you guys enjoyed it...this is my first time doing these so please let me know how you think of it! I am currently working on the other members :)}
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