derek-fang · 3 years
Photo Manipulation Assignment
Explain what you did and why you made the changes.  Do you think your edited images could confuse or misguide the audience if they can't see the originals? Please explain.
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Original Image
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Original Image
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Original Image
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Edited Image
For the first image of manipulation of photograph I have chosen to create a small montage of world-renowned chef, chef Gordon Ramsay and a few images clicked by myself. I have always been amazed by Chef Ramsay’s culinary excellence but have always wondered how would it be to see him out of the kitchen in a completely different atmosphere. The reason I have specifically chosen these three is to show how three images from completely different situation and place can be brought together and compliment each other. The art of being able to incorporate different elements into one and create something which can narrate a story is a form of true photography.
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Original Image
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Original Image
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Edited Image
The second image also includes Chef Gordon Ramsay again as he has always been my idol. But this time along with him I have included an image of another reputed and respected chef, Chef Marco Pierre White. For those who may not be aware, chef Marco is also a Michellin starred chef and at one point in the past was Chef Ramay’s mentor during his early days in the culinary industry. Although Chef Ramsay was taught by Chef Marco, in recent times both have been well known for not being able to see eye to eye. The reason why I have chosen these images is to create an idea on how it would look if both top chefs would look if they were to face each other in their prime. According to me, the outcome would be fascinating and unimaginable.
Definitely, if used in the right or wrong way both images could very well be used to misguide the eye of the public. Depending on how they would be represented and with what captions are included. The medium as well as the narrator could play a huge role in influencing the way in which the images are perceived by the audience.
The Code of Ethics (NPPA) explains how photographic images can speak to and influence people in several ways. They can expose all the misleading facts and clear misconceptions by revealing the honest truth about a situation. Along with revealing the truth they also have the power to create awareness in society, connect with the people and inspire them through the process of visual representation. As one of the great saying goes, “believe in what you see”.
 Can your edited or unedited images be used as press photographs? Please elaborate why you think they can or can't be used by news media?
Both the edited as well as the unedited images can be used as press photographs. As I have mentioned earlier that it all depends on the narrator on how he/she expresses the work and also by attaching what kind of captions to it. Almost like filming a movie for the audience. Just as we know that anything and everything happening in a movie is not true and is just a story of the film maker’s imagination. Even being aware of that we somehow tend to get lost in the world and the story which the film maker is trying to narrate and for those few hours we begin to believe in everything that happens in that film. In the same way depending on the way they are used images can very well be used for the purpose of press photography.
According (NPPA 2021), any image that is edited should help to provide the truth about the story with complete clarity and honesty withouht hindering the purity and integrity of the image. Photographic images should never be edited and used for personal gain by creating false influence or mislead public in any way.
 For example, the second image which includes chef Marco and Chef Ramsay could easily be used by press to mislead the public and to stir up a controversy between the two top chefs and gain viewers attention towards their publication. Another thing that can play a major role in press photography is if the images used have any kind of back story to them that could be used to amplify the narrator’s story and help justify the story to be true. In this case the history and bad blood between the two chefs could easily be used by press to create controversial story.
 What are the main differences between art and press photography? 
Art photography as well as press photography are used to narrate a story or convey a message to the audience. Despite its similarities there is a very thin line between the two that seperates them from one another. Art photography is used by an artist to express their inner thoughts and emotions. An art photographer is connected to their work. In art photography the image is the clear depiction of the artist’s imagination that means it can said that the work of the artist is just a pictorial representation of himself. On the other hand, press photography is created in order to simply bring out or create a vision to the audience which may or may not contain any truth in them. The sole purpose of press photography is to create more audience and gain the viewers attention. Also in press photography the work and the phtotographer does not have any emotional connection with each other. Art photography is the image of the artist’s personal imagination and emotions but press photography usually includes images and story of a third individual or group of individuals which the phtography wants to convey to the audience. Another major difference between art photography and press photography is that, art photography goes beyond reality and into the limitless world of imagination. On the other hand press photography is based on hard facts and is considered to be an image of truth or at the least that is the belief of the photographer.
 ·        "Gordon Ramsay - Bing". Bing.Com, 2021,
·        "Marco Pierre White | Foto Bob Carlos Clarke | Chef, Gastronomia, Ritratti". Pinterest, 2021,
·       "Gordon Ramsey Savagely Reviews Peoples Meals On Twitter". Noteabley, 2021, https://www.noteabley.com/chefs/gordon-ramsay-reviews-fb/.
Staff. February 24, 2016. A Brief History of Photojournalism. Retrieved from  https://www.photography-schools.com/photojournalismhistory.htm
Gordana S. Icevska. 2021. HOW PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE MEDIA BETRAY US. Retrieved from  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yxRcnaDQuvHXMyk15IYqIBNjYwbpHM-J/view
NPPA. 2021. Code of Ethics. Retrieved from https://nppa.org/code-ethics
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derek-fang · 4 years
Diets and Dietary ristrictions
Choice of Diet
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The diet which I have chosen for this project is the South Beach diet.
The diet originated in the mid-1990s. This method of diet was founded by a Florida-based cardiologist named, Dr. Arthur Agatston.
Dr. Agatston was in search of a diet which gave diabetic, prediabetic and overweight individuals the ability to lose weight and at the same time lower the risk of potential heart diseases. This led him to create a diet which is rich in low-glycemic-index carbs, lean proteins and unsaturated fats. This was known as the South Beach diet.
Allergens are certain types of food which once consumed, inhaled or even if brought into contact with the skin may negatively affect the human body and may also cause an allergic reaction. Some of the most common types of allergens are gluten, soya, diary, eggs, shellfish, mustard, nuts and seeds.
Since I personally have an issue and am allergic to tree nuts, I have made sure to maintain and design my diet accordingly as to avoid any recipes or ingredients which may include them.
 Types of Daily Menu
In this diet the types of menu and dishes mainly depends on its phases. Different phases require different guidelines regarding meal consumption. It initiates with 3 different phases and after the 3rd phase it is mostly consistency and maintaining the on going routine.
Phase 1: This phase last for the first 14 days. It is considered to be a tough and strict phase as it excludes consumption of fruits, grains and high-carb foods. During this time the individual consumes 3 meals each day consisting mostly of lean protein, non-starchy vegetables and minimum amount of healthy fats and legumes. The main purpose of this phase is to control blood sugar and insulin levels, stabilize hunger and reduce cravings, which are some of the main reasons behind excessive weight gain.
Example: lean beef, lamb or pork, skinless chicken breast, egg whites, beets, carrots, lentils, split peas, decaffeinated coffee, tomato juice, etc.
 Phase 2: Unlike the first phase, phase 2 does not have any specific duration. It begins from day 15 of the diet and lasts for as long as it takes for the individual to reach their desired weight.
The meals in this phase are the same as the first phase, with an addition of limited portions of fruits and good carbs such as grains and certain kinds of alcohol.
Example: Phase 1 meals plus sweet potatoes, yams, whole grain breads, quinoa, brown and wild rice, light beer, dry red or white wine, etc.
 Phase 3: This phase begins once the individual has reached the desired or goal weight. In this phase everything which is in the second phase is allowed along with “occasional” treats. There are absolutely no restrictions to the type of foods that can be consumed in this stage. Although Dr. Agatston strongly recommends that if the occasional indulgence may lead to weight gain then one should return to phase 1 for a couple of weeks before returning back to phase 3.
 Along with the 3 phases of diet Dr. Agatston also recommends a moderate amount of regular physical exercise is required.
 Recipe Creation
Keeping in mind todays fast paced busy life, I have chosen to prepare a recipe which would be healthy, tasty and also very easy.
Quinoa Crepe
·        1 cup of Quinoa flour
·       1 cup of Almond milk
·       2 whole eggs
·       2teaspoon of organic honey (for batter & garnish)
·       1 pinch of sea salt
·       4tablespoon of melted butter
·       1 banana for garnish
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·       In a bowl slowly incorporate almond milk into the quinoa flour, sea salt, 1 teaspoon honey and butter while whisking into a smooth batter consistency.
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 ·       Pour ¼ cup of batter into a non-stick pan and approximately 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden brown.
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 ·       When ready serve with a garnish of sliced banana and drizzled organic honey.
 7-day Diet Log
Although the South Beach diet requires at the least 2 months to achieve progress, in order to meet the requirements of maintaining a 7day log for this assignment I adjusted the same 3 phases into a 7day period. This included Phase 1 which was for the initial 3days, Phase 2 which was the 4th and 5th day and finally Phase 3 which included the 6th and 7th day.
 Phase 1 (Days 1, 2 & 3):
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Breakfast- Egg white omelette with Black Coffee
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Lunch- Steamed Fish with Black bean
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 Dinner- Stir fried green beans and chicken
 Phase 2 (Days 4 & 5):
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Breakfast – Chickpeas and lentil salad spiced with turmeric
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 Lunch – Steamed Chicken mince with edamame and pickled mustard greens
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 Dinner- Sauted Chinese mustard greens with garlic
 Phase 3 (Days 6 & 7):
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Breakfast - Oatmeal cereal and Aloe vera juice
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 Lunch- Stir fried chicken breast with zucchini and black fungus
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 Dinner- Baby pok-choy and fish ball soup
 Reflecting on the experience
Now that I look back into these past 7 days, the experience has given me a lot of insight towards my health and habits not only as a chef but also as a food lover. Yes, it is not wrong to love and enjoy every kind of food which is available to us. But we also need to keep in mind when and where the line needs to be drawn. This experience has made me gain more confidence in myself both physically and psychologically and has made me realise the importance of a fit body and a healthy mind.
 Ideas to help maintain the Dietary choice
In order to maintain the diet I have decided to create a fixed dietary plan for an entire week which I would follow regularly. To avoid much confusion and to make it more interesting, just like I had done for this assignment I would be creating a set menu or meal plan for 7 days which would change the following week. Since from phase 3 we are allowed occasional treats, I will assign one specific day during the week in which I will include it in between or during one of the meals. Along with that I have decided to include at least half an hour of exercise in my daily routine and will try to maintain a fixed time for it which would most probably be in the morning before breakfast.
 Would I continue this choice?
After experiencing the confidence and positivity it has boosted in me, I will surely try my best and continue this choice further in life. I understand this time it might be more challenging since it would not be just for 7 days but for a much longer duration but that would only make it more interesting.
  Work Cited:
 ·        "The South Beach Diet: A Beginner's Guide". 
                Healthline, 2020,
 ·        "Do Overs | Celebrity Goo Game | Funeratic". 
   Funeratic.Com, 2020,
  ·       "▷ Dieta South Beach - Análisis A Fondo - ¿Funciona?".
      Dietamania.Es, 2020,
   ·         "The South Beach Diet: What To Know About The Popular Weight-Loss Plan | Everyday Health". 
    Everydayhealth.Com, 2020,
  ·        "South Beach Diet Phase 1 – Glycemic Edge". 
    Glycemicedge.Com, 2020,
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derek-fang · 4 years
Innovation that inspired me:
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  Innovation is something which has always caught our attention. No matter how big or small, an innovation has always been a constant in the number of efforts made by man. Some may face criticism and some may receive the appreciation needed and reach great heights of success.
The particular innovation which I have chosen and which has grabbed my attention is of Dehydrated Food.
The first idea of mechanical dehydrator was presented in the 1800s by French pioneers and inventors Chollet and Masson.
These old school foodies invented a system through which vegetables were warmed and dried in a machine at a temperature of 104degree Fahrenheit and then straightened into squares.
Historical or background and accomplishment:
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If looked into the process of dehydrating food then there is no exact date which can be traced as to when it actually started. But the earliest signs of dehydrating vegetables by humans showed up in the 1200s mostly in Asia and the Middle East. The ancient Egyptians dehydrated their food by laying them out in the sun to dry.
The actual draft a modern mechanical dehydrator which see today did not come up until the 1900s. During the Second World War, the soldiers diet mostly consisted of dried and dehydrated food as it was light and the best way to receive nutrients into their body during those situations.
The first fake dehydrator was made in France in the year 1795 and then much later after that the electrical version of the dehydrator was built for commercial purpose. For example, the Electric prune dehydrator by Mr. L.N. Mill who was an operator in Eugene. Later on the L.N. Mill operator Dehydrator Company was set up in 1920. By 1937 Wring Corporation, National Enameling and Stamping Company, The Meta ware Corporation and North-Western steel and Iron Works presented the world’s first Electrical Nourishment Blender.
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  Large companies like Excalibur, began making nourishment dehydrators for family use in 1973. Then in 1980s the Alternative Pioneering Corporation Inc. which transformed into American Harvest Inc. began putting together the licensed stackable nourishment dehydrator.
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  The most recent and modern form of dehydrating food is Freeze drying. In this process the food substance is first frozen and then dehydrated in a very short period of time. The moisture in the food is removed through a process called sublimation in which the ice changes directly to water vapor without turning into water. It is executed under a vacuum at temperature as low as -50 degree Fahrenheit ( -45 degree Celsius). Due to this the food retains its structure and flavor when it is rehydrated.
  Why it is important:
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Dehydrated food are one of the most popular and successful method towards creating a sustainable environment.
In todays world with the increasing demand and consumption of food, resources and supplies are gradually falling short and very soon might turn scares. To top it off is our careless attitude towards mishandling and wastage of food. In such times of crisis, dehydrating food would serve as a major aid and back up towards conserving our resources.
Instead of worrying about our food getting bad or us having to throw out more and more food every time, dehydrating food would help us to increase their shelf-life for a longer period of time.
How it has affected me?":
  At first my only knowledge about dehydrated foods were of dried fruits such as dates and raisins. I did know they were dry but never made an effort towards knowing how they were dried and what positive or negative effects they have. It was only very recently when one of our professor in one of her classes introduced us to the process of freeze drying and how it helped in preserving the food for a longer period of time. It made me realize what a big impact such a small change could make towards saving and conserving our resources and our environment. In future I have decided to practice and spread awareness about the advantages of dehydrating food and educate others as much as possible.
Work cited:
   Accessed 21 Feb 2020.,
  Garden, Home et al.
   "How Dehydrated Food Works".
    Howstuffworks, 2020,
  Recipes, Food. "Food Dehydrator Recipes - Cook For Health -How To Dehyrade Food At Home".
    Cook For Health, 2020,
  Quittner, Ella. "Sustainable Farming: 10 Tips From The Brooklyn Grange - Gardenista". Gardenista,
  "FD600 Freeze Dryer - Cuddon Freeze Dry".
       Cuddon Freeze Dry, 2020,
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derek-fang · 4 years
Purchasing Meat and Game
Chosen animal and cut
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Since I have always been a big fan of beef, the animal which I have chosen for this assignment is the Black Angus and the specific part or cut which I will be talking about is the Chuck Short rib.
As I have mentioned that I am a true beef lover but my knowledge about the product has always been limited to just burgers and steak. It was only after I came to Canada that I learnt about the broad characteristics of the protein.
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In general, cattle are segregated depending on their age, gender and weight.
·       Bull – A male cattle between the age of 3 to 10 years and weigh from 1100 to 2000 pounds. Instead of being used for its meat, bulls are used mainly for the purpose of breeding.
·       Steer – Male cattle between the age of 1 ½ to 2 ½ years and weigh from 1000 to 1250 pounds. Steers are used for slaughter and commercial purpose.
·       Heifer – Are basically young female cattle which have already reproduced. Heifers are used largely for milk production.
·       Heiferette – Are young females that have not yet reproduced.
·       Cow – Adult females between the age of 3 – 10 years.
 While being slaughtered the Steer is divided into 9 basic portions. These initial cuts are known has primal cut. Primal cuts consist of:
·       Chuck – which is the area from the upper chest right around the shoulder blade.
·       Fore Shank/ Shank – the front leg.
·       Brisket – the breast portion.
·       Plate – the portion from the lower chest till the stomach.
·       Flank – the abdominal part of the cattle.
·       Hip/Round – refers to the thigh portion or the hind of the cattle.
·       Ribs – bone cage of the upper back which connect to the loin.
·       Loin – tender muscle which runs down the spine till the hip.
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The cut which I have chosen is the chuck short ribs. As the name suggest this cut is made from the chuck of the beef. It is cut out of the rib cage closer towards the chest on the inner side of the chuck.
Price and Productivity
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For the purchase of the short ribs I had visited the St. Lawrence market. The specific cut of chuck short ribs was being sold for $ 14.99 per pound.
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There was also another stall at which the same cut was being sold for a cheaper price which was at $ 12.99. After analysing it came to my notice that the reason for such difference in price for the same cut of beef being sold at the very same market was the quality of the product. The one which was listed at $ 14.99 had comparably lesser fat than that listed at $ 12.99. Generally, it would seem pointless for many to spend $ 2 dollars extra for the same cut of beef. But if we keep in consideration the quality of the product then the one which was listed at a cheaper price but contained more fat percentage would affect the quality of the dish if it was to be used for making clear stocks or jus. In order to get the final product it would require more time and work. Which means to get that perfect clear product it would require more skimming and longer time to get that result.
The short rib is one of the few parts of the beef which can have multiple uses. For example, along with the meat it can be used for making dishes such as braised short rib or barbequed ribs. Apart from that they can also be used for creating beef stock or even a flavourful jus.
Two of the most common methods of preparing short rib are braising (searing it to create the maillard reaction and then braising it in its stock and juices over medium heat for a long period of time), and stewing (adding liquid to any dish, bringing it to a boil and then cooking it on low simmer for long time).
Apart from these two basic methods, short ribs can also be prepared in several other ways. For example,
·       Smoking – oiled and marinated ribs smoked in a smoker at 225 degree Fahrenheit for at least 3 hours.
·       Steaming – this was a method which was used at Chinoiserie Chinese restaurant where I worked previously. In this method any tough protein (mostly red meat) was marinated with salt, crushed black pepper and baking soda and then cooked in a steamer on high steam for at least 1 ½ - 2 hours.
These methods are perfectly suitable for cooking short ribs as these are all slow cooking methods. Slow cooking methods take longer time and therefore, helps in tenderizing tough cuts of meat such as the short ribs.
·       Beef short ribs – 250 grams
·       Baking powder – 1 tablespoon
·       All purpose flour – 1 cup
·       Garlic minced – 2 cloves
·       Fresh red chilly (finely chopped) – 10 grams
·       Green onion leaf (chopped) – 20 grams
·       Light soya sauce – 1 tablespoon
·       Sesame oil – 1 teaspoon
·       Salt – ½ teaspoon
·       Crushed black pepper – a pinch
·       Cilantro(finely chopped) – 2 sprigs
·       Marinate the short ribs with flour and baking powder for 20 minutes.
·       After 20 minutes wash off the flour and baking powder from the ribs and drain of excessive water.
·       Add garlic, red chillies, green onions, light soya sauce, sesame oil, salt and crushed black pepper to the short ribs and marinate well.
·       Place short ribs into a deep dish or plate and transfer into a steamer.
·       Steam on high steam for at least 1 ½ - 2 hours.
·       Garnish with shopped cilantro and serve hot.
 Work cited:
·       Eatingrichly.com.
               N.p., 2020. Web.
               1 Feb. 2020.
·       "Smoked Beef Short Ribs -- The Ultimate Comfort Food."
                Vindulge. N.p., 2020.
                 Web. 1 Feb. 2020.
 ·       "Stewing." TheFreeDictionary.com.
                   N.p., 2020.
                   Web. 1 Feb. 2020.
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derek-fang · 5 years
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(Image source - reed.co.uk)
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derek-fang · 5 years
Nutrition in general, plays a very important role in our daily life. The necessity of having a healthy and wholesome meal which contains sufficient nutritional value, is something quite a number of us often neglect. Definitely the exact amount of “what should be eaten” and “how much should be eaten” cannot be measured. But based on general assumption we can and should moderate the required amount of nutrition we should include in our daily diet.
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derek-fang · 5 years
A topic in nutrition which interests me :
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derek-fang · 5 years
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(Image source - Home care plus)
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derek-fang · 5 years
According to me, a particular topic in health and nutrition which I would really like to learn more about is Diabetes. Having to lose a close family member to its effects, made me realise the importance of awareness towards such issues existing in the world today. I strongly believe that by learning more and by taking necessary precautions people can avoid the chances of such life-threatening diseases. The best way in which we can avoid and treat any health issue is by monitoring our diet and eating the right food. I wish to gain sufficient knowledge, so that I can the least educate others about its dangers and help them to avoid or to treat themselves of such epidemic.
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derek-fang · 5 years
Will nutrition play a more important role in the Culinary Industry ?
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derek-fang · 5 years
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(Image source - Alimentarium)
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derek-fang · 5 years
The world of food is constantly evolving. Importance of the nutritional value of our diet is something we often neglect. Unaware of its future consequences and health issues which we may have to face. Especially in todays fast paced world, not many have the time to stop for a minute to actually analyse their dietary requirements. For the few who are actually aware of the importance of nutrition in their life, often resource to specific lifestyles or food habits. Following particular dietary lifestyles helps us to replenish the required amount of nutrients which we tend to lack or lose out on. I strongly believe that even in the future, nutrition will play a major and important role in the culinary world. As days are passing, people are becoming more and more aware and selective in terms of what they are consuming. In order to keep up with that pace, the culinary industry is also constantly adapting to such situations in order to cater to the requirements of the public.
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derek-fang · 5 years
A website which I found credible :
A particular website which I have found credible is, “ The Canadian Diabetes Association” ( now named Diabetes Canada) https://www.diabetes.ca/
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derek-fang · 5 years
Reasons for its crediblility :
It was founded by Charles Best in the late 1940s. Charles Best (the founder) was also the co-discoverer of the pancreatic hormone insulin and has also won 18 honorary degrees around the world.
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derek-fang · 5 years
A non credible website :
A website which I found not so credible was, “Integrative Nutrition”. https://www.integrativenutrition.com
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derek-fang · 5 years
Reasons for non credibility:
It seems like a website for a nutrition school rather than being just a nutrition website. No accurate or certified research is provided.
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