derrickcha-blog · 10 years
so i need some plots for derrick so hit me up at you know kik @ himabun 
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
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Uh Mr. Fu said that it should be around ten to fifteen minutes  So I guess we can play around with that. ( ' he muttered as he scratched the back of his head, a little worried that he perhaps bitten off more than he could chew when agreeing to this prompt ' )  It's going to be our final project so I have time I guess to work everything out but I'm worried about finding students to act in it - I don't know. Maybe I bit off more than I could chew.
butterflies— w.najeong
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Yeah… This would be a good chance for you to step out of your comfort zone. Your topic is already something out of the norm for you, so… Might as well go all out. If that makes sense. (/ she brings her hands up to her mouth, tempted to chew on her nails out of nervous habit before she stops herself. ) Okay… Okay. Um, how long does it have to be? That’ll determine how much you’re able to show. You might have time to show, um, a bit about the person’s home life. How much that would affect their need for interactions in school. Unless that makes it too complex. I don’t know.
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
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" yeah, well it's not that bad i mean i need to branch out from just those i guess - even if i feel hella awkward around most people." though derrick wasn't so sure if the other male would believe him seeing as the wallflower just literally spoke to him as if they already knew one another a few minutes before. " oh that's pretty cool — my godfather is really into artsy stuff so yeah i used to go to a lot of galleries and things like that." derrick said with a shrug, as he pushed his hand into his pockets looking for the few coins he had from earlier. stuffing them into the vending machine.  " thailand ? that's pretty cool, the only places is probably china and south korea, well and new york." the wallflower whistled impressed at the idea of attending school in paris." that's cool i guess — following your own path is cool, thankfully my parents don't expect much from me."
"ah, I get that." sungjin’s nodded, as he continued to examine the contents of the machine. typically, the hipster wasn’t so particular but the school seemed to have switched out a few items and his mind swam with the possibilities. "yeah, san francisco was pretty cool— my mom did some gallery show over there so i got to hang out for a while. there was this one bakery i visited with one of my cousins and thought it was pretty awesome." his voice was distant but sungjin was still paying attention to the derrick. pulling his wallet out of his pocket, the boy pulled out a few bills and began to feed it into the machine before pushing in the code for the hazelnut filled wafers. "i went to thailand over the winter break- it was just cool. i’d like to go back for the full moon festival, honestly." sungjin carefully ripped open the pack and had just taken a bite when derrick asked his own question. taking a moment to chew and swallow, he replied: "yeah. mostly by choice— my grandmother had this grand plan to send me off to paris to attend boarding school, but i’m not really one to be forced to do things." he laughed lightly before taking another bite. 
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
Hi I'm auditioning for ban woo seok and I'll be singing goldigger by kanye west.
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
"there’s nothing wrong with having older friend." honestly, it was a bit strange to hear derrick refer to him as his friend — they had only just met— but like the the other’s action with his arm, sungjin did not do anything to distance himself. while sungjin did have a few friends, he was still the type to not mind his own solitude and didn’t actively go in search for companions. the fact that he invited the other boy along with him seemed more like a fluke on his own part but c’est la vie. "really? where about?" some genuine interest floated in the second year’s eyes. "i mean, i like new york as much as the next but i really dig the beach, sometimes, you know?" sungjin easily detached himself for the taller male and made to have a look inside the machine. "oh. right, right. i’ve heard of that guy— never had him though." his voice seemed a bit distant even to his own ears as he tried to locate something worth buying. "you wanna make movies some day?"
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" there isn't it's just — they're gonna be graduating soon so y'know sucks." derrick decided to cut it there, he felt like he was speaking too personally for someone he met like five minutes.  " oh, i lived in the bay area  — san francisco is my home it's really nice there, but southern cali is okay  in my biased opinion. " the water polo player said, a  smile on his lips as he continued speaking on about his home town. " oh woah yeah the beach is pretty great, i haven't really been to the beach since i moved to korea, i missed it but oh well." he said with a slight shrug — he had planned to go to busan that summer but his family canceled it due to issues and he was rather disappointed. " have you lived in seoul most of your life ?" he questioned  as he looked over the choices in the vending machine. " aw they ran out of choco pies, damn i wanted some."
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
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( ' derrick took the older's advice to heart, nodding his head eagerly as she continued to tal') Oh i did't think of that, that could be way better ha, Mr.Fu did say I have a habit of falling into Cliches, so yeah i should try not to fall back into them (' shakes his hand, as well as his hand as if dismaying his friend's doubt' ) Don't worry about it seriously, it's better to have someone to help fliter out my ideas from the bad and to the good, honestly you're helping me a lot.
butterflies— w.najeong
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(/ najeong sighed quietly, glad that her worries about him hating the idea were just irrational, as usual. she nodded her head softly while she listened, scrunching her nose up as she thought. ) Maybe not black and white… It’s kind of cliche. But if you make the colors muted— um, desaturate it some, that can give the same effect. If you were to have the whole short like that. (/ she quickly shut herself up pnce she felt that maybe she was speaking too much, and clasped her hands together tight. ) Or um, I don’t know. It is your project, so… Just uh, shut me up if you don’t like it. I won’t be offended, I’m out of my bounds anyway.
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
junglunareplied to your post:
U ever have the urge to write drabbles but ur like...
@ me. I do them when I’m bored and never post.
i'll post mine if u post yours loll
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
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" sweet. all my friends are third years so..i was seriously fucked when i realized that i have like one friend who's in the same grade as me..now I have like two great. " he said with a slight pout, perhaps he was a bit too dependent on kangjin when he thought about it. " dude! " derrick suddenly broke in to a large grin when his homestate was mention, pride beaming from his face." California's my state man, you're right the east coast is lame as fuck, but California's one of a kind."  derrick hummed softly as the continued their way to the vending machines thinking to himself what he would buy once he got there, sure he had just came from buying some juice but some chips would be pretty satisfying to the water polo player right about now." teacher assistant from the film teacher right now, chinese was actually my first class." he answered, not worried at all about actually returning to mr.fu's class anytime soon.
"yeah, i am." the grin on the hipster’s face seemed to pull a bit more. the use of honorifics were emblazoned into everyday life, and yet, sungjin found it the practice tedious at times. "the states? ah. that’s cool. i’ve been there a few times with my parents but never for long— i liked california a lot more than the east coast, to be honest," sungjin commented, turning in the direction of the vending machines. the weight of the other boy’s arm around his shoulder was unexpected and caused him to pause for a moment but he didn’t push him off. he only shrugged slightly before continuing down to hall. "so what class are you supposed to be in again? chinese?"
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
Woo seok voice : " so you like drake "
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
U ever have the urge to write drabbles but ur like wtf what if I don't do this character justice and ur like no I just...love drabbles in always in the mood to write them
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
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" i live off of helping the little people y' know." it was obvious that derrick had a flair of being dramatic probably a by-pass of being into film who knows, but soon enough after acting rather proud of himself the male calmed down, his features returning to a more tranquil state. " oh ? are you a second year too ? right that's cool, didn't care much for the whole sunbae and hyung type of issues, being born in the states and all." he said coolly, his grin only growing when the other began to walk off."  food ? i'm always in." the water polo player said cheerfully as he caught up with his new found acquaintance throwing an arm around the other male   —  he was a touchy person he couldn't really help it, hopefully sungjin wouldn't be too caught off guard by it. "lead the way my friend, lead the way."
"from a man getting over such hard times, i commend you for thinking of a little person like myself." sungjin reached up and put his hand over his heart and closed his eyes in a momentary attempt to show heartache and how much he appreciated derrick’s lunch offer. his eyebrows sloped even further downwards in the process, almost reaching a point before the junior relaxed. "you don’t have to be formal with me— unless youre a freshman." the boy waved off she honorific as if it were smoke. "Is that so?" for some reason or another the information amused sungjin and pushed himself off the wall completely. "well then, so am i. common, derrick, you’re making me hungry." 
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
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" right i was totally shock too." he said, light hearted in his tone as he gave another laugh. "honestly, so cruel  my mom wouldn't buy me the newest jordans it really hurt man it really did." the water polo player said as he dramatically put  a hand over his chest and gave the other male beside him a look of exaggerated despair on his face. " it's fine to be honest. i hardly pay attention to what i'm saying when i'm on air, but hey i can tell you the lunch specials on friday." derrick gave a small bow of his own, giving the other a cheerful smile as he introduced himself. " now that you know my name you can't forget it okay sungjin-ssi, oh yeah foreign language sucks my chinese class is my least favortie to be honest. " the teen took another sip of his juice before answering the other's question. " i'm a teacher's aid for the film teacher and he didn't need help today so he just let me roam the halls for the bit."
"you don’t say. I say, my mind is completely known— who would have known that those with superior physical ability, compared to myself, take shits just like me. i don’t think my mind will ever be the same." the sarcastic attempt at wonder was not meant to attack the other boy, however, despite how much he wanted to give off a serious tone, sungjin’s amusement was hard to hide. a lopsided grin accompanied almost every word despite himself. "what a crude society we live in." irony lay under the boy’s words, vaguely aware of how the world he and many of his peers lived in was far better than that of the average korean. "uh, it’s eric, right?— sorry I honestly, don’t pay attention to morning announcements." smiling in a slightly apologetic manner, sungjin ran his hair through his long parted hair and dipped his head in a shallow bow. "i’m chae sungjin. i should be in japanese right now, but i didn’t really feel like going to class. honestly, i don’t even know why i’m in the class. what about you? you don’t seem like a hall monitory, so why are you here?"
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
yxxjin said: is it bcos ur not one of the cool kids
it's because I haven't been there since like 1992 all the younger kids took over smh
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
Tfw When u and ur boyfriend are the only one in the youth group not go to the lunar New year's festival
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derrickcha-blog · 10 years
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"breaking news, a lot of them are pretty normal they eat and sleep just like you and me, not all of them just bask in their own glory and do push ups. actually a lot do that, but eh they're cool to hang with sometimes." the wallflower gave a sheepish smile at the other words, he heard it before that he was rather loud for being apart of a clique that was known for being mostly observers, but he didn't take offense to the other male's words. " i was too awkward and quirky for the jock cliques." derrick said, probably explaining the whole ordeal on why he was a wallflower and not apart of any other clique would take much more time and he wasn't in the mood. "another way for the patriarchy to control us." he bluntly stated as he took a swing from his juice. " ha. it's actually an inside joke i'm pretty sure have the student body makes fun of the fact i do wear shorts way too often." the wallflower glanced down at his phone when there was a lull in the  conversation, surprise to see that class was suppose to start already eh Mr/Fu would be fine. " so you have a free period too or you just ditching uh ..i didn't catch your name. oh and uh i'm derrick by the way, in case if you haven't heard me state that 100s of time during announcements."
"is that so? It must be an honor to have the low down on such a colorful group” sungjin leaned against the the window and laughed lightly. “truthfully, i typically could care less about what other groups do but i won’t deny i’m surprised— i expected a wallflower to be more, you know, shy.” from what he understood, he wouldn’t imagine someone in that clique to be skipping class, let alone approach him so easily, but then again, it only aided sungjin’s opinion said cliques.”but then again, labels are arbitrary things, created to make it easy to place people into categorize.” the fact that sungjin was often referred to as a hipster echoed in his mind for a moment, only be driven away by the other boy’s words. “maybe you should as the administration if they’ll allow you to wear short-shorts.”
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