desertroyalty · 5 years
“What a day, what a day.”
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desertroyalty · 5 years
Hope may hurt but it's a better hurt than despair.
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desertroyalty · 5 years
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desertroyalty · 5 years
She had to admit, she’s found herself waking up in better situations. Her eyes cracked open, then immediately screw shut to block out the blinding sun. Her head and body ached something fierce, her back especially. With a low grunt, she moved to stand, eyes finally opening as she got to her knees at the least. Taking a moment to apprise her situation, it looked as if she had taken a long fall down a deep ravine, which explained the aches. Walls of jagged stone on either side of her, and a straight shot path of sand before her. 
She looked down at her dress, and let out an exhale. No tears, at least none she could see nor feel, something she counted her blessings for. She looked down, and raised a brow, before letting out another exhale, this time of exasperation. 
Her camel had fallen with her, and it proved to not be as lucky as she, lying dead not a few feet away. She’d stroll to it’s side, kneeling by it to put her hand on it’s neck, confirming what she already knew. 
This was most unfortunate.
Still, no point taking time to mope about it. She began removing her things from it’s satchel, everything she could carry that wouldn’t weigh her down. Skinning knife, water pouch, flint, and steel. All light enough to fit into a small bag. Shouldering her lightweight traveling gear, she started making her way through the ravine, the walls being too unsafe to scale back up.
What a wonderful way to start the morning, she would muse to herself. But, she’s woken up to worse.
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desertroyalty · 5 years
Her fingers moved as she kept a cautious eye trained on the sands, ears straining to hear that familiar rumble. The mercenary was perched carefully atop a rocky outcropping, patiently waiting by the route she had studied so well. Her lips split into a smile, a brief mumble under her breath, “Right on time…” Empress’ eyes fell upon the noticeable fin-like protrusion of what could only be a sandswimmer. If only she knew how to tame one herself to skip the need to wait to hitch a ride.
Some day.
The large creature moved through the sand at a decent speed, certainly earning it’s namesake as it moved in her direction. She moved to stand, before coiling her legs. Count the timing. It wasn’t moving at top speed. Thirty seconds. She had done this thousands of times. This time would be no different. Her lips peeled into a grin as sweat beaded her temples. Twenty. Her fingers to the rocky surface, her muscles prepared to spring. Ten. A bit of insurance, a small, eerie glow to her eyes as she mumbled under her breath. A small bit of help to her grip. She took in a deep breath. Four. Three. Two. One. 
She kicked off of the rock as the large beast passed her by, feet landing squarely on her back, hands pressing flat against the fin, her grip secured as tiny, golden sparks fly from her fingertips. Her confident grin grew a bit to reveal teeth, head low to avoid any flying sand as she hitched a ride.
She really needed to figure out how to tame one of these. Their convenience was unparalleled. 
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desertroyalty · 5 years
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desertroyalty · 5 years
oh right this place existed.
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desertroyalty · 5 years
League of Legends Champion Quotes pt. 1
“I am like a demon, but more edgy, right?” “Uh, nice world you have here. I intend to destroy it, you know, FYI.” “I will find a way to tear down the heavens and reveal you as fiends! Not today obviously…” “Do I resemble you, abomination? Your form isn’t my destiny… is it? You don’t know how to talk, do you? Shit…” “I must congratulate you, obviously your parents never had reason to.” “Somehow, I doubt you’ve mastered self-esteem.” “Am I the abyss? Or did I gaze into it?” “The only peace I seek… is death!” “This cursed form… This crude decaying flesh! I loathe it!” “Play time’s over.” “If you’d like to play with me, you’d better be sure you know the game.” “Should I make your pulse rise? Or… STOP?” “No one will stand in my way.” “You’re scared, good to know.” “Oh look, someone’s got a deathwish.” “I can make this fast, or really fast. Choice is yours.” “You really want those to be your last words?” “I admire your spirit. Your attitude, not so much.” “The only rule that matters is that your enemies don’t walk away.” “Take time to reflect.” “Take a good look; it’s the last you’ll get.” “Keep staring… just don’t look behind you.” “Do not confuse mercy for weakness.” “The world is a desert. I am the oasis.” “What is the desert, but the ashes of my enemies?” “You need not follow, but you must witness.” “Those who follow me follow destiny.” “We are the authors of history.” “Fired up and ready to serve.” “This place tastes like many emotions. Excitement, anger, joy and… salty? Is salty a feeling?” “I am normal! Everything’s normal. Nothing is suspicious.” “I am being me and doing… me things. Not suspicious.” “Hello, nature! Nature here looks funny.” “Pretty! For a boy. Too pretty…” “Same luck next try.” “So many bad guys, so little time.” “Want another shot? I wouldn’t want to leave things up in the air.” “I do not tolerate cowardice.” “Don’t turn your back, or expose your neck.”
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desertroyalty · 5 years
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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desertroyalty · 5 years
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The Exit - by Jorge Castillo  “I did not know which was more drained, The strength from my legs, or the wits from my brain; And yet when I beheld that lofty gate, I thought rest could still yet wait.” —Vagabird
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desertroyalty · 5 years
Admittedly, she was more extremely curious about the Ball than unnerved, her head tilting as she observed the floating machine. Her gaze refocused on the young woman, offering her a smile in return as she pulls her instrument away from herself, propping it up against her seat to let it rest.
“Please, you don’t need to be so formal. You’ll make me feel old,” she would tease, lifting a hand to her mouth as she laughed lightheartedly. “What’s your name dear, if you don’t mind me asking for an introduction. Many who know me refer to me as Empress, you may as well if you wish.”
This seemed a quiet place, Empress mused, seating herself on a small wooden chair propped up against the wall. No visible audience, but something told her someone was near. Still, her fingers began to glide across her instrument. She cleared her throat as she crossed her legs at the ankles, and began to sing, "Lately I've been wondering what's been going on, I've been here before but I don't remember when. And every time we get to where we're enterin', I feel my beliefs and hopes surrenderin'."
“Every day I’ve been wondering what’s been going on, I’ve passed here before a dream or two ago. And every time I get to entering, my courage fills like open sails. And we go, and we go, and we go…”
The voice, clear and crystalline, is coming from inside the attic, pouring out from a hole that had been opened up. It sounds like a sailor’s song, a returning line as if part of a game. Something rolls forward to the opening, cold and metallic, peering with its eye at the lady.
“Oh? Oh!” Something scrambles from inside the roof, fingers clamping onto the edge of the gap. Ori leans out, upside down, keeping herself held up by just her arm strength as she looks at the other, upside down. She hoped she hadn’t interrupted something very private, one hand coming off the edge as she waves, still completely upside down.
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desertroyalty · 5 years
Oh good, this wasn’t going to turn into a fight. Yet, anyway. She brushed her dress off, then rolled her shoulders, a satisfied hum leaving her for a brief moment. Almost as if she wasn’t truly worried about the fact that she was stabbed, nor that these ‘Mageseekers’ would be after her. 
“Now THAT, my dear, is a good start. We’re already becoming the fastest of friends. Well. In theory.” Empress’ smirk would widen, and she’d make a sweeping motion with her hands as she gave a slight bow. A slight pause, and then she would step forwards, offering her hand.
“If she’s willing, then I’ve the coin to pay her. Since we’re starting over and I’m approaching you from the front this time, let me introduce myself. My name is Iimbiratura. Empress, if you would like a translating. Since I’ll need your guidance to your mother’s shop, might I ask your name, and that you lead me there?”
“You stabbed me!”
“ You shouldn’t sneak up on someone like that then! ” the woman shouted back… it wasn’t that deep of a jab, it’s not like she impaled the stranged with the full length of her lance or anything!
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desertroyalty · 5 years
sb: hey i ship our muses!
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desertroyalty · 5 years
Clearly, the Shuriman either didn’t know the consequences of what she was doing, or she didn’t care as she held up a finger to tell the lancer that had gored her to wait. The wound completely sealed now, she moved to adjust her garb. She couldn’t do anything for the blood, but that will settle for now. “What’re you gonna do, stab me again?” she commented off-handedly, turning back to face the armored woman with a raised brow. She cracked her knuckles, then gently placed a finger on the lance’s tip, moving to cautiously push it away. She wasn’t much a fan of that thing after recent events. “I mean, I’m sure you’d love to given you’ve got practice with that thing, but I’m not really a fan of bleeding all over my clothing. Again. Maybe we should start from the top, you know, before the jabbing and the stabbing and the bleeding.”
“You stabbed me!”
“ You shouldn’t sneak up on someone like that then! ” the woman shouted back… it wasn’t that deep of a jab, it’s not like she impaled the stranged with the full length of her lance or anything!
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desertroyalty · 5 years
“Wh- if I was trying to sneak up on you, don’t you think I’d be more inclined to be trying to kill you than complaining about you stabbing me? I’m not even armed!” As if to prove her point, she pulled her hands away from the wounds, holding them up, palms towards the warrior in clear view. Sans the blood staining her hands, they were clearly empty. She began to grumble, taking a step back as she pressed her hand against the wound once more. “Gah, it’s going to cost me an arm to get this thing re-sewn,” she would complain aloud, an eerie, light blue glow erupting at her fingertips as she used them to hold the wound closed. A useful little spell, and one she likely shouldn’t be using in present company. “This is why I hate coming to Demacia. Everyone’s so damned stabby.”
“You stabbed me!”
“ You shouldn’t sneak up on someone like that then! ” the woman shouted back… it wasn’t that deep of a jab, it’s not like she impaled the stranged with the full length of her lance or anything!
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desertroyalty · 5 years
Send 👋 to catch my muse’s hand before they fall!
Add 🔁 for my muse to catch yours!
BONUS: for more dramatic threads, include 💦 for the muse’s hand to slip!
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desertroyalty · 5 years
natures-mimic replied to your post: “It is still not healed, but it is getting there.”
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